Everything Wrong With Game of Thrones - Season 6

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so we're all the Jon Snow loyalists conveniently inside during the mutiny not to mention a howling of a wolf was enough to bring them outside to investigate yet a torch lit stabbing ceremony consisting of a couple dozen people didn't so much as stir them no I mean this isn't exactly the first time your fire visions have been proven faulty you all know why Jon Snow is dead Oh killed him I did well if everyone knows why they're here why must you read inform them also what was everyone arguing about if the fact that Jon Snow was killed by fawn and the other senior officers is new information to them Jon Snow was going to destroy the Nights Watch he let the wildlings through our gates as no Lord Commander has ever done before what do you mean he was going to destroy the watch if letting the wildlings pass the wall was the thing that would seal the Watchers fate then it would have made far more sense to kill Jon and or assumed command of the watch before the wildlings were past the wall killing Jon when you did accomplishes nothing against the perceived threat of the wild things in fact it would and now has antagonize the wildlings the killing was clearly done in spite of what John had done not because it was in the best interest of the Nights Watch always for the helpless you're not the only ones who are we our lives - Jon Snow the door don't want anyone in I'll be back as soon as I can maybe you should have double-checked that you're on the same page you know just in case ed started running off after someone completely different also how is ed meant to escape Castle black even if there aren't people directly watching the door I'll still have men watching the walls the gate and the stables he'll likely have to nab a horse from what could I do to her that those it's quite a lot I'd imagine especially when you consider that you later described them as loyal beasts who would never hurt their owner well it's not like she exactly suffered she landed headfirst and was killed or at least knocked out instantly a thousand times zero is still zero do you think that burning wagons in the night and mowing down tired at numbered Baratheon's is the same as facing a prepared and provisioned Lannister army sure is anything is possible with 20 good man with that sense that you won't be able to produce an heir and without an heir well of course he could produce an heir he'd just have to remarry in fact why was it so important to remarry Sansar in the first place why not just kill her like you were doing him with the rest of the Starks walking her down in wedlock is all good at all until she escapes and starts rallying the north against you which is exactly what she's about to do just see No these guys have been running for over a day now and that's at the very least you see they escaped in daylight then the scene after where Meryn trant's and later Jon Snow died and then brought in happened at night and then the earlier scenes with Thorne and Edward during the day again they've been running for over 24 hours in the snow with no food water or warmth in clothes not designed in any way for prolong time in the cold all while being chased by hounds this way is better [Music] that River went from Coldwater Rapids to still as glass within ten seconds physics well they should be dead within a few minutes as if that would ever work ramsey almost certainly cares more about recapturing sansa than he does recapturing Theon so would have given something of Sciences to the house to pick up on her scent specifically shouldn't these guys be freezing their balls off from having to wade through that freezing cold river as well if you're close enough to the person charging at you on horseback in full armor with their sword raised in a striking position to discern their gender then you should also be close enough to see that there is a person charging at you on horseback in full armor with their sword raised in a striking position and you should instinctively duck or prepare to parry the strike also for those just tuning in each episode that features Podrick will earn the series 10 extra sins that being until his secrets are revealed okay children let's count how many bottom boys died here one two three four five ah but wait there were six before them he's one of them either disappeared into thin air or is on his way back to Winterfell to inform Ramsay of mission failure and reinforcements will be arriving shortly bear keep moving as soon as the guys stop holding the hounds and start fighting Brienne and Podrick wouldn't the hounds immediately mole Sansa to death Oh grace I'm sorry to disturb you ship from Dorner sails into the harbor you'd think Jamie and or trystane would have ordered the ship to dock at the nearest port perhaps to sound the ship for any possible perpetrators source the relevant stuff to prepare Marcela's body so it doesn't decay too much on the several week-long sail from dawn to King's Landing and perhaps also to send Ravens to inform the appropriate people as to what's happened to avoid the thing that is about to happen mother well I can think about when she died was what would happen to her now every day every night what does my mother like now she started to bloat as her skin turned black her lips peel back from her teeth I know Tywin wasn't exactly the nicest father but I sort of doubt that you would allow his children to watch their mother's body decay or give a vivid description of said decay you told me yourself when father died you said we had to stay together he said people would try to tear us apart take what's ours it was a prophecy - I didn't listen to you and everything you say Kay - what was that a prophecy that's just Jamie using his common sense tom was a very rich man and had been the head of House Lannister for a very long time and when the rich man dies people typically scramble for his wealth they scream in agony and their shame is so great they do not feel the flames they scream in agony but don't feel the flames considering that we were forced to suffer through the lousy excuse that was the dawn subplot last season I feel compelled to our tensions due to its continuation into this season if you have any objections to this please contact me at screw the dawn subplot at gmail.com seriously a big beefy guy wearing full battle dress is killed instantly by dagger in the rack even though we've seen several instances of the same or similar injuries and the person can still fight on you don't know your own people their disgust for you okay there's some serious mental gymnastics going on here you're telling me that the Dornish people were horrified by the deaths of Elia and Oberyn fair enough they must really respect house Martell then so what do they do about it they butcher another two members of house Martell I think this logic warrants the addition of another 10 sins if you have any objections to this please contact me at screw the daughter subplot at gmail.com I told you I'm not hungry we're not here to feed you we're here to explain how we managed to make it onto this ship even though everyone would have been on extremely high alert following the death of princess Marcella disk and Pinocchio is to steal from people like you and that as a boy it's a good thing you're not a boy anymore because you have no [ __ ] what does that even mean other than a not so subtle way of reminding the audience that virus is indeed a eunuch our queen is not as popular in Marina she used to be the sons of the harpy very possibly gnash Targaryen took away the most valuable property told them human beings weren't even property to begin with wait the turn just implied that the Masters were behind the sons of the harpy information which will not be found out for another couple of episodes we won't be sailing to Westeros any [Music] quickly don't let the 20 good men escape again I don't know anything else gonna melt a ram's horn on the right path that really Jorah and Daario are deep into the Dothraki sea at this point what are the odds that they ended up wandering in the exact right direction to track dragons meals hey Jorah why do you keep randomly stopping to pull back your sleeve what's so interesting about the back of your arm where are all these slaves before you know when they were charging through the hills at speeds that no human on legs could hope to keep up with why do they seem so shocked that the random woman they found in the Dothraki sea speaks Dothraki Yallah Targaryen attack mahaki so on my oh sorry sack Khaleesi Marigny police Amanda Amanda Ranieri maitake Holly Samara Vashi Jeff or severe Barak I just realized something regarding the titles of the king or queen of Westeros they only say that they are the king queen of the Andals the first man and the Rhoyne er aka the Dornish and they usually don't even mention the Reuter what about the Ironborn what about the North men no wonder they're constantly declaring their independence so from what I'm gathering after the faceless men blinded ire they stripped her naked gave her a rag to wear instead and left her on the streets to beg but they also had the curtsy to row her back over to the main city of Braavos so she could beg more effectively I can't see that's your problem I wouldn't mind this subplot and it's painfully slow pace so much if it actually served to make the faceless men mysterious like how they did with Jack ins character in season 2 but no his agent of the faceless men is literally just fighting aya in the streets as if they were just common thugs this support is not only completely butchered Jack ins character but ruined the entire mystique of the faceless men see you tomorrow Wow I'm glad we spent so much time on that pointless scene oh [ __ ] is Bobby be back from the dead he's pretty depressed II see he lost his hammer to the ball and the wine is of pretty poor quality up at the wall they want you to come in they're gonna come in I didn't realize that Captain Obvious was a member of the Knights March you haven't even do what I'm scheana do producer vagina monster after gestating it for several months only for it to kill a single person before vanishing into thin air I can't undress unless I'm watching myself undress in a mirror narcissistic much oh good lord also I just looked it up on the wiki and the red woman is supposedly over 400 years old so if the magic that is keeping her young is no longer doing so sudden she pretty much is keel over and die of old age as soon as the magic was gone so what have they been eating for the past year or so cook Jojen freshly exploded by magic flaming ball but he had his shield up didn't he also I haven't once seen someone in this show engage in a fight with sword and shield shouldn't you be teaching them how to parry with swords I've seen her statue in the crypt thanks narrator I mean bran barring you gonna spy with the Nexus after the airing I don't know what about the master-at-arms who is standing three feet away from you I thought that hotel wasn't always Hodor his real name is Willis and he could talk and fight fight the three-eyed Raven says there's a war coming and we're going to fight it in there wasn't it your [ __ ] idea to come all the way up here to do exactly that I'm sure if I looked up bran mirror fanfiction that'll be the opening quote for every single one how did they have John sort he certainly didn't carry it outside with him when he was stabbed okay you're telling me that Alliser Thorne her man who killed his Lord Commander to protect the Nights Watch from the wildlings in the dead of night neglected to have any guards watching the wall for a wildling attack that guy should have gone for the head and expects the wildling to know where the Castle black cells are for some reason and so how do they know exactly who stabbed Jon Snow and therefore who to throw into the cells Jaime Lannister's half an inning [Applause] I swear to the gods she nips her knee discount everything got you meet in the schoolyard she's in the mountain be my I don't know guarding sir see instead of stalking around random courtyards in the depths of the King's Landing sprawl I think this qualifies as a fetish supposed to be the protector of the realm I can't even protect my own wife my own good to be fair your mother told you that if you marched on the set the sparrows would kill Margaery and Cersei after she too was imprisoned I guess if he followed her words you were protecting them in the best way you could every one of us is poor and powerless and yet together we can overthrow an empire hmm why hasn't that happen before then oh yeah because said Empire usually possesses a far better trained and well-equipped army to counter such revolts well so you do have some power namely those big pointy sticks in your hands provided by the good loving grace of Cersei King Lannister I should have executed all of them I should have pulled down the Sept onto the high Sparrow his head before I let them do that you she would have me would she know I thought so she feared that if they marsh on the set then the sparrows would hold their valuable prisoners at knifepoint whether or not they actually would there's another question you raised me to be strong nah I'm pretty sure she raised Joffrey to be strong she would have raised you to marry some highborn lady later in life to grow house baratheon influence or something okay first step become a soulless narcissist who cares about nothing but his immediate family and will do anything to improve the stance of yourself and your family even if it comes at the cost of lives for others or the stability of the ground its backers and possibly the entire realm as a whole what do you say so the fleet it's been burned yep definitely the work of 20 good men asked for and young Kai have stopped asking us for aid perhaps they can tell us the secret the masters have retaken both cities outside of marine the whole of slavers Bay has returned to the slavers how is this new information if I recall correctly Jorah told an heiress the exact same thing all the way back in season fall from Yong time without the unsullied to enforce your rule the wise masters have retaken control of the city they've reinstate the freedmen who stayed behind and sworn to take revenge against you and in Astapor the council you installed to rule over the city has been overthrown by a butcher named Cleon who's declared himself his Imperial Majesty how do you know this that's what I do I drink and I know things I'm pretty sure 90% of the most quotable lines in this show came from Tyrion gotta love this guy dragons are intelligent more intelligent than men according to some masters that's why they tried to kill their mother last season more intelligent than humans my ass they're happy when they have well-fed and free to fly and they're cranky when they're not do you think that maybe the dragons are also upset because they're living in constant pitch blackness one and a half minutes of approaching dragons in the darkness for like the third time in this show unless those collars are made out of some kind of magic metal that grows in size over time and someone has been regularly going in there and replacing the colors so that with larger ones as Ray guile and Viserion grew from the size they were in season four to the size they are now next time I have an idea like that but they're still in captivity aren't they I don't believe that I don't get it is this meant to secretly be a part of Aya's training or is this just the wife who is supposed to be a faceless man who has no emotion bullying I up because she enjoys it I can't wait till we see the faceless men teleportation lesson he came upon the bodies are nowhere here are four dozen men your best hunters they obviously had help why not just send more good hunting dogs can pick up scent trails which are several days old Jon Snow's a bursts are not a Stoke so his eye father your hold on the North will never be secured as long as a star can walk through that door yes this was established literally years ago or have you guys just completely forgotten that you sent your master arms to join the watch for the sole purpose of assassinating Jon and finding out the location of bran and Rickon Castle black isn't defended on the southern side and the few men left a valley man at all farm boys and thieves with a small force it could storm the castle kill Jon Snow murdered the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch you'd unite every house in the north against us to be fair if the north men are truly honourable they would see Jon as a member of the watch and therefore under normal circumstances he'll now eligible to rally behind and inherit the lordship of House Stark due to the vows he swore also he is literally Lord Commander so clearly he takes his role in the watch very seriously also also if you really aren't desperate to the pose of Jon Snow then why not just send another assassin guy to kill him why do you need to send an army we don't need every house in the north the umbers the mandala sand the Karstarks command more soldiers than all the other houses combined the mandalas why would they support house Bolton wasn't there air to house mandala killed during the red wedding of which the Bolton's were the primary instigators off again I think poetry so that they ride every stanza kind of rhymes with the last one hopefully it'll work I know she's probably not the brightest spark but Jesus Christ how does she not know what's about to happen you're making that relationship out to sound like something that it wasn't well at least I hope it wasn't also you know exactly who that man was why are you not bothering to tell her holy [ __ ] is Theon secretly a Slav you shouldn't be lighting fires so safe he wants the pointing us he's right you should be moving as quickly as possible as well as waiting through every other stream for good measure taken for the horses are you good hmm well it's several hundred miles to the west coast of Westeros from here where you'll most likely need to hunt food and build or find your own shelters all in Siberian conditions also assuming that you make it there you need to find someone who will actually believe who you say you are and give you a lift to the Iron Islands but will never hold lands and castles against mainland armies not've our captains defy my orders abandon their posts and sacrifice our men on foolish mission I won't apologize for trying to rescue Theo to be fair yeah Yara's post appeared to be somewhere on the Iron Islands anyway and it doesn't seem like anywhere on the Iron Islands has come under attack let alone fall into a mainland Army and she lost what ten men at most we took those castles because the northerners marched off to war that war is over the last time we provoked them too far I watched from that window as they breached our walls and knocked down our towers so what you thought they would be at war forever what did you think would happen when the Northman's were done with their war they would happily accept the Ironborn holding all their coastal castles and keeps such a mouth on a bay or I will make another heir who will air I thought the kings were voted in with Kings moods in the Iron Islands I feel like it would be appropriate for Euron to start wrapping at this point perhaps your win perhaps you'll be the first woman in history to rule the Ironborn and perhaps not I'd hedge my bets on the latter Balin Greyjoy was a terrible King while I am born in their right mind would vote for his closest advisor can it be done I thought you said the red priests / priestesses have absolutely no power whatsoever you just ask the red God honey complies as he wills plums been dead for at least several days at this point and in a fairly cold environment so I'd imagine the rigor mortis would give him a hard time moving around after he comes back to life what's with the snake tongue can't you just do it in plain English the other guy did and the hair-washing why doesn't this all of a sudden require such a convoluted procedure I see Kit Harington went to the school of sharp breathing when you wake up after falling unconscious in the fight also was there really any tension here we all knew the second that the red woman was brought in that this was going to happen [Applause] is my dick still there speaking of which in the last episode there was a piece of cloth that was covering said area which has since vanished after they stabbed you after you died where did you go what did you see Dorothy statement on religion I don't know how to do that why did I fail and how exactly did you fail didn't you get the wildlings south of the wall exactly what you set out to do I mean you didn't bring all of them but I'd hardly call what you've managed a failure or is this just another case of saying things because they sound good I know you didn't shut the [ __ ] up Sam it's called looking at the horizon you should try it sometime also judging from how little those lanterns are moving it hardly seems like the ship is swaying anywhere near enough to make someone sick yourself with a baby or no money wait you're telling me Jon gave you money to pay for the boat trip to Old Town but neither him nor Sam thought far enough ahead to realize they would need to pay for some basic living expenses for Gilly and little Sam were they to go with him to become a master so I can help Jon when the time comes I'll be safe than everyone else in the world I don't care about them whatever I do well in that case you should probably just go live on an island somewhere if the White Walkers are the main things you're worried about threatening the safety of Gilly and little Sam I shouldn't find that funny but I do cool [Music] maybe expecting me to send the era of clear sky in one shot and overcast in the next and fine I will but I mean we're flashing back to a time when Robert Baratheon was alive and the King holy [ __ ] I looked for you on the Trident we won't your friend the user would lie beneath the ground if we had been extra doubt also how did these guys find out that Robert Baratheon was now the king Rhaegar definitely wouldn't been able to tell them about his coronation when you considered he was six feet under at the time excessive screaming holy Sh why is the show bothering to attempt to build any tension it's not like we known that stock survives this as he's basically the main character in the first season of this show not at all [Music] he set them in the back more Brown writing so has Howland Reed got regeneration powers and was he just being a [ __ ] [Music] in time travel moreover why would hearing father even elicit a reaction from Ned at this time in his life Rob probably was born by this point well I don't believe Ned would know as I'm pretty sure he hadn't traveled back to Winterfell since Robert's rebellion started [Music] give me a goddamn break seriously wasn't the statue like 10 meters high in season one and if the Dothraki can build something this big grand well engineered something that rivals the Titan of Braavos then why are they only capable of building basic dome and Wasel houses at best I should probably send Daenerys is observed speed and gang dressed but then again Emilia Clarke has probably had a lot of practice at redressing during your time on this show hmm also why would it be her mistake Kalmar oh or whatever he's called brought you here pretty much against your will not the random - Colleen woman [Music] wait so if a widowed Khaleesi goes out into the world instead of returning to Vaes Dothrak and they're not immediately granted the title of - Colleen and all the things that come along with it because Cowell Maura was prepared to the tits of Daenerys until he heard yet he was Khal Drogo's wife yeah if Daenerys was not eligible to the protections of the doc Colleen then there wouldn't have been anything stopping Col Maura from doing what he liked with her that's all right I know who you are and what you've done apparently viruses little birds managed to find out this woman is connected to the power structure of the sons of the harpy something that would most likely require spying on verbal conversations in the process they failed to actually find out who the people were which will most likely be extremely [ __ ] obvious more so than it already is and you've helped the sons of the harpy murder the unsullied and the second son's he unsullied and the second sons are foreign soldiers are they our people from neighboring cities considered foreign now I've already booked passage for a woman and her young son I'll even throw in a bag of silver to help you start again though I'm afraid we'll have to ask one of our leather clad friends back in to carry it far too heavy for me yes because that certainly won't attract the attention of the sons of the harpy it's all that's good that's very good but that's a report I was thinking more of a conversation well the thing is informative statements such as reports usually tangent off into conversations in fact that's how most conversations start yeah that's a start only the girls don't know no no not that of course not bad games fun games drinking games drinking games are innocent also I know a good one take a drink whenever someone refers to themselves in the third person in the Bravo subplot you'll be admitted to hospital with alcohol poisoning by episode 4 learning who funds the sons of the harpy some things you can't rush he found out the good masters of a stupor and the wise masters of yunkai with help from their friends in volantis khmer it took them twelve and a half episodes to work that out you may be right so you would fight them possibly possibly sorry I couldn't resist fairies never come back I don't think so you miss him he was nice he called us is this or birds he gave a sweet Wow why has no one else thought to hire children as spies with the only payment necessary being sweet oh that's right because kids are dumb [ __ ] idiots who would constantly spill their secrets to people they're not supposed to what did you do to him exactly I've been able to get a clear answer Oh another translation the writers wanted a near unkillable juggernaut Darth Vader type character on the show and stuff this is he one little birds in Dorne in Highgarden in the north I thought kybun had already taken control of irises birds which cover pretty much all of Westeros is it an organized Network thing or did virus literally have to constantly travel to all these places to bribe little kids I for one think it will be in our best interest to have the beast district fart jokes do you consider the murder of your own blood a troublesome issue the same women who murdered miss Ella have overthrown house Martell and taken control of dawn we've got a lot to discuss all of us together I'm sure he considered the deaths of his sons a troublesome issue yet the Karstarks will let off the hook because they abandoned Robb Stark but the shoes on the other foot when it's your own children hey Cersei how did you even get in here without bloodshed last time Tommen approached the sets while the high Sparrow was praying he was stopped at the door three minutes of indoctrination who were you before you came here I stuck Jesus Christ oh you should have approximately two teeth left by the end of this season with perhaps some brain damage as well and four brothers wait what that's true isn't it as as far as she knows three brothers well and a half brother oh of course prefix Nancy and where are they now they may be dead for Willa Carlos that's a lie you know that at least one of them are dead for sure drugs funny little sassy Lannister Greg Olga gained Walder Frey that's a short list that can't be everyone you want to kill well there's the red woman beric Dondarrion thora Samir Ilyn Payne and since she has no way of knowing that he's died Tywin Lannister if a girl is truly no one she has nothing to fear well then a girl should die as soon as she takes a sip from the cup oh of course water father was a good and that's why you killed him I might have done the same to my father if you hadn't have done me the favor of dying on his own apparently he died with no screen time for several seasons lightest I hear they've only just managed to save Gendry from the same fate you think a horde of wildlings can take Winterfell you forget Jon Snow leading to maybe he knows this place better than we ever will why does everyone keep saying that the Starks would have such an advantage during a battle for Winterfell walls of Winterfell completely rebuilt after Ramsay torched it in season two if so wouldn't that work against Jon Snow or any other Starks who choose to attack Winterfell how do I know that three ghosts are because having a direwolf head instantly proves that the random kid you brought here is a stark I thought died walls were now appearing south of the wall anyway you were the fourth that given the nature of the Nights Watch they would have a far more standardized method of executing people not some thrown together a rickety short drop and Sons stopped contraption considering how central Olly is surrounding Jon Snow's death there's no one find it strange that they didn't give him a single line this season no one okay you so black [Music] oh yes instead of saying that to his face I'll say it while walking away you'll feel more epic how can you leave us now I did everything I could you swore a vow I I pledged my life to the Nights Watch I gave my all nights ago killed me add my own brothers that's a pretty weak argument if you ask me the brothers who killed you are dead Watchmen who commit mutiny usually received the same punishment and John is not so naive to think that everyone who joins the watch thinks of it as a band of brothers and considers their peers as such but seriously John's literally got no rivals in Castle black he can now run the watch our level of efficiency and effectiveness that he's never been able to before he knows the wall is the best chance they have to fend off the walkers why the [ __ ] would he leave oh that's right because the rights I mean the gods foresee something something Battle of Winterfell something something also hasn't this gate been destroyed by one one random stark soldier uniform hey John I got raped daily by a sadistic lunatic for the skinning fetish yeah well I got killed Sansa you know for as much as I give this show for it's dumb plot contrivance is some fanfiction style of writing this moment felt hard-earned and it's worth a good few sins off blue should we tell the bones to pack up and leave we'll take it back from them I don't have an army you don't need an army all you need is 20 good men I've fought and I lost Jesus Christ please stop using that stupid quote it's not even a good quote nevermind doesn't make any [ __ ] sense we don't take back the north we'll never be safe you know it would be nice if John had realized this before he sent his best chance of securing the north to Winterfell to die he'll know he's the prince that was promised why because he came back to life if that's the thing that made you decide that John is this prince that was promised then what about Bertrand Aryan that has been resurrected like seven times I'm sure inna what happened to the princess I saw what happened it would be nice if characters could use their superhuman hearing for things other than eavesdropping on random conversations so they can join in this you might enjoy better luck with Amy your bow if you weren't wearing such baggy clothing you told me you were taking Sansa Stark home with you to the fingers indeed I was and yet not long ago we received reports that she has been married to Ramsay Bolton in Winterfell on our way to the fingers we were set upon by a large force of Bolton men seem to know exactly when we were travelling and exactly whom we were transporting Jamie for a fool I believe he does because traveling between rune stone and the fingers would require following the east coast of the Vale and that should be virtually impossible for any sizable foreign military force to get that deep into the Vale completely unnoticed should we throw it through the moon door I think this might be the third case of Littlefinger II I'm I have even removed a sin if the premise that he framed Lord Royce on wasn't so dumb our Lord has spoken gather the knight of the Vale the time has come to join the fray you know it actually woulda made far more sense of little pink egg gathered the Knights of the Vale to support Stannis in the Battle of Winterfell Littlefinger married Sansa's Ramsey on the pretense that she wouldn't have to remain married to him for long as Stannis would have taken Winterfell and executed the Bolton's not only would Stannis be in a favourable position to gain the Iron Throne allowing Littlefinger to grow his power and influence extensively but he would probably start a far better chance of getting into Santa's pants or whatever he wants to do you invite the enemy into our city I did I wonder what the conversation sounded like that led Tyrion to bring down grey Worman missandei to the docks with absolutely no idea why they were going until they saw the ship sailing in as the clever man once told me we make peace with our enemies not our friends oh I have no doubt Littlefinger is a clever man I'm sure you said that to Ned Stark not Tyrion make peace with the Lannisters you see the people who tried to murder my boy we only make peace with our enemies my lord that's why it's called making peace our queen tried to make peace with brasses and they tried to murder her she tried to make peace with the Masters of yunkai not the martyrs of aster Paul or volantis but does that mean instead of abolishing slavery overnight we will give you seven years to end the practice oh come on seven years is way too excessive it's not like changing from a system of slavery to a more capitalist system would require years long infrastructure projects to be built especially considering that these are city-states not huge empires the changes that would need to be implemented will pretty much be limited to policies and organization at least three not going to get their own rooms or are they happy to off their prostitutes in the same room we saw Begum gemo see John Begum oh my god it's not funny anymore we get it Tyrion can't speak Valyrian because our queen chose me as her advisor until she returns from her traveling does she soon you have my word of course soon could mean millennia on the geological timescale I think Tyrion should market half-life 3 they're trustworthy if they're convinced that working with me is in their self-interest you don't know them you don't understand them we are not human in their eyes that bears no relevance against trusting their self-interests the slavers clearly like money war costs money so you can trust that they will probably keep the peace I don't have to gain if I win and the took Hilde an old man if I lose and it was killed by an old man an old man who killed Karl drogas bloodrider as well as the champion of marine in single combat that's got to mean something there's a hundred thousand down there we can't fight our way out we wait till dark and then we'll find out why wait till dark the streets seem far less crowded in the day than in the night you know if you're actively sneaking through the back streets of Astaroth rack instead of blending in in plain sight then why not bring your weapons people are bound to not buy the merchants explanation if you're snooping around several miles from the markets that should mean enough to alert everyone in the street or at least turn some heads to see a guy gang his neck snapped hang on so you're telling me that violence and murder are completely fine and accepted in Vaes Dothrak but if the violence and murder is inflicted with weapons you deserve to be executed by getting scolded to death with molten gold Wow so did this girl also fall victim to Stockholm Syndrome with a car and then realize that cars were so charismatic and commanding at the same time we will never get out of a Star Trek alive you've basically already escaped I'm surprised Margery hasn't lost her mind she's been in solitary confinement in an empty cell for the better part of a year and the only human contact in that time has been with an abusive nun who beats her while reciting religious texts of course but for you that means seeking out money finery how seeking out your family means seeking out sin how is power a sin don't most religious texts promote a more structured lifestyle and people need to have power to enforce a structure story I was telling myself about who I was a collection of lies that would disappear in the light the people I was trying to climb away from the beggars in the street the poor they were closer to the truth than I ever was so basically what the high Sparrow is saying people who keep themselves busy by attempting to build themselves up and contribute to the economy and society don't leave time to think about the gods so they're bad but the people who beg on the streets have time to think about the gods so they're good seems legit discount reek you are strong you are the future of our house the future of our family well now that Loris has basically been publicly shamed for his bedroom Affairs I wouldn't count on that whole future of house Tyrell think he has to be careful not to antagonize he has Marjorie we can't put her at risk he's dangerous look at me what did they do to me - the king's own mother yeah but didn't you advise Tommen against attacking the sparrows last season oh yeah but now that you've had a taste of their medicine you want them all dead you're really making it transparent to your son just how vain and selfish you are the high Sparrow has no respect for kings or Queens no respect for anything in this world he has no use for the things of this world he wants to knock them down and replace them with what with fantasies it beggars in the street oh hi Sparrow does not need to do anything to put beggars on the street in a few days he'll have a trial for me but before that Queen Margaery will make her walk of atonement wait since when did Marjorie confess she hadn't confessed before the scene where she talked to Loras yet Cersei supposedly got the information from Tommen who saw the high Sparrow before Margaery could have confessed you've got the second largest army in Westeros you'll bring them into the city stop queen martyrs humiliation before it starts and take it back into crown custody what makes you think that Margaery would be any safer if you made a move against the sparrows just before her walk of atonement also aren't you forgetting about Loras who still in Sparrow custody and making a move against them we'll put his safety at risk as well if it doesn't go as planned the sparrows have many friends in this city we'll have civil war many will die many will die no matter what we do [Music] better them than us yeah but the whole point of this is to bring justice to Margaery Cersei and Loras for the humiliation and to reinforce the Crown's superiority if it doesn't go as planned Margaery and Loras could die the whole city will be consumed by war the Crown's authority wouldn't extend beyond the walls of the Red Keep and House Lannister in House Tyrell will be painted as violent tyrants in the eyes of the public he dropped me he broke me into a thousand pieces I know you don't know he sent us one of those pieces then why were you so surprised when Theon had turned into a beat dog given that the culture of the Ironborn revolves around breathing and raping for an unborn man to lose his dick must put a real downer on his morale you think any Ironborn once used to be king after what you've done evidently so as during the kings moon next episode Theon has to make a speech to the Ironborn renouncing his claim to the throne and why Yara should be queen I should have listened to you you're the only that doesn't matter anymore stop crying if it doesn't matter then why did you spend two minutes berating him for it also Theon should be able to rationalize this in his head if he escaped the dreadfort with Yara then he wouldn't have stayed around long enough to allow Sansa to escape so because sansar escaped she will soon convince John to attack and ultimately take Winterfell eradicating house Bolton and avenging all the Ironborn killed and mutilated by Ramsay during the War of the five kings okay I think the trope of sadistic character smiling when sadistic thoughts come into their minds has been well and truly exhausted on Ramsay you may as well just give him a 12 almost - at this point I can give you what you hunt and you're sure you know what that is same thing men always want men like Loras Tyrell you tell me everything all about the stark boys who helped them escape and how she didn't wait what Theon never found out that OSHA helps bran and Rickon escaped for all he could know she could have just turned tail and fled Winterfell alone the night she slept with him and he certainly had no way of knowing exactly how she did it sad it seems they couldn't cure ashes no screen time for several seasons itis in time so tragic just know please just know Lord of Winterfell and warden of the north his father's dead Ramsay killed him you seem really sure about that it's faint news Roose Bolton was poisoned by his enemies and now he has written we don't know that yes we do because Ramsay is known for always telling the truth I mean I know most of the stuff in this letter is true but why are they taking everything in this letter at face value even though the point of Ramsay sending the letter was to try and coerce them into attacking Winterfell only do you have that can margin fight mm but for more than 5,000 wildlings were saved from hardhome how can over half the population be children and old people especially when you consider that the modeling way of life is centered around survival of the fittest meaning that most of the people who would have been able to make it onto those boats will be the same kind of people who will be able to march and fight I thought Daario stabbed the guy through the chest so if they then proceeded to smash the guy's head in why didn't they still see the stab wound and realize that he was actually killed by a knife by soft OSHA Colin was for that Eva who was my Erdos Colin but every week over am i what is up with Cal Morro one second he's insisting that Daenerys is unconditionally a member of the - Colleen and the next he threatening Daenerys with the prospect of not being granted - Colleen speaking of which why couldn't the Cal such as chamorro have been more supportive of Daenerys similar to Drogo it would be far more believable if the Dothraki rallied behind an actual Dothraki Carl who's lived in the culture for his entire life sort of what actually happens said throw glasses coin Madrid where she said as you know really because this building looks absolutely nothing like the building where that stuff happens in season one it - theater Han okay stand s right boy elegy Kasim I'm a Vijay's really not my hey Daenerys you know your beloved Drogo yeah he also raided villagers raped women and threatened cities for the resources physics thermodynamics that's not our fireworks so last night's Daario and Jorah we're nearly caught by the Dothraki when they were actively avoiding them by sneaking through the back alleys now you're telling me that they can suddenly walk up to the temple of the - Colleen which is in the middle of an open clearing in the middle of the city killed two guys with no weapons by the door then walk back to cover or without being spotted this is [ __ ] of the highest order also several men strong enough to be Carl's pulling against the door should easily be enough to break that tree branch barring it is there some kind of prophecy that states if someone is immune to fire then every Dothraki is sworn to serve them because if not when the strongest of the Carl's blood riders simply declare themselves as Carl's themselves and the rest of the Dothraki would be absorbed into these new calles ours just like what happened to Drogo's khalasar when he died to quote Jorah Mormont himself this isn't Westeros where men honor blood here they only honor strength also why are people behind the temple bowing down they have no idea what they're even bowing down to talking to yourself hold on why is moles town still in ruins if John's got five thousand people who he needs to house and feed surely the best place to allow them to settle would be the pre-existing empty settlements just a couple miles south of Castle black Road north of the Knights of the Vale to come to your aid there encountered note Cailin as we speak and this happened without Ramsay even knowing did you know about Ramsay if you didn't know you're an idiot if you didn't know you're my enemy well seeing as you yourself didn't know are you calling yourself an idiot what do you mean his network of spies never extended beyond the walls of King's Landing and even if they did Ramsay had only been made a lord and therefore a relevant token for spying on a few weeks or so before Littlefinger planned on marrying you to Sansa go back to meet Kenan my brother and I will take back the north on our own and I never want to see you again okay now science is just being a cat literally hundreds if not thousands of people and now we're going to die because she was too but her to accept Littlefinger support you know they don't call Brendon the blackfish who's gathered what remains of the Tully forces and retaken Riverrun you might consider seeking him out the time may come when you need an army loyal to you I have an army your brother's army half brother okay why are you implying just because the wildling army is loyal to Jon Snow it's not as effective an army for Sansa to use the Tully Army's loyal to the blackfish and the Knights of the Vale are loyal to Robin Arryn there are very few fighting men left in Westeros that hold direct loyalty to House Stark and by extension Sansa in direct royalty is the best she can get at the moment [Music] you're not ready because fighting with Pike's is the most defining skill of a faceless man it's not like an effective assassin would prioritize stealthy methods of killing as opposed to single combat hmm the stabbing maneuver seems pretty ineffective for a blunt weapon such as a wooden pole yeah aya does it three times failing every time to realize the massive advantage it gives to her opponent again has been given a second chance there will not be a third hang on if Jacqueline can override the wife's judgment on if ie is ready for a second chance it would imply that jack knows of a higher standing within the ranks of the faceless men which would imply that there's some kind of power structure which goes against the entire philosophy of the faceless man Donald Baratheon what are you saying that King Robert's crippling alcohol addictions wasn't something to be kept behind closed doors also it's kind of ironic to this play which is meant to be a satire slash comedy on the previous events of the show doesn't even contain the worst dialog and unbelievable plot contrivance as in this season alone that should be worth a couple of sins by itself okay this is probably an unfair thing to point out but Tyrion shouldn't have the his scar at this point these events being betrayed are before the Battle of the Blackwater show mercy show the people what a good king should be good people you may all relax my father's friends shall be spared they're all right no it doesn't matter what bullet the propaganda that Joffrey pushed out about what truly happened during Ned Stark's execution there were literally thousands of people there to witness Joffrey proclaimed Ned Stark a traitor and calling for his head yeah as if people would buy their explanation oh but I would have have married Sansa and overturned Tywin's order but Tyrion slapped me nan prosthetic dick who may I in here or more importantly this is a group of traveling actors who would likely know everyone in their group or at least recognize an unfamiliar face do to do better Bianca dear must do I had two lines there are no small parts no small parts I just saw one 20 seconds ago also are these people or family or are they just really close work colleagues all be fine with clothing being optional if a girl could use one of the faces from the home how would that even help well unless you've got the face of Nicolas Cage or Kevin Bacon in there he wants her dead but doesn't it matter the price was paid the younger actress she's jealous because lady crane is better a girl must decide if she wants to serve the many-faced God a girl has decided you know it's actually quite hilarious that's taking aya this long to realize oh wait all the faceless men do is take assassination orders from butthurt scumbags while beating each other with sticks and smoking weed and the whole reason I came here was to gain the ability to kill people who are actually bad people and have wronged me my family or innocent people so didn't jack and say in season 2 that aya could offer the names on her list to the many-faced God names to offer up to the red God she could offer them all what but all of a sudden the faceless men have changed their business strategy by just offering their services to the highest bidder discount Stonehenge bran and the three-eyed Raven always seem to be able to instantly teleport from ridges or balconies to the spots which would take a minute or two to reach on foot granted it is a vision so the regular rules don't apply but they always end up teleporting too far away from the point of interest and end up needing to walk some more you need to give the guys legs a break he's several millennia old [Applause] wait wha dragonglass daggers can turn regular humans into white walkers why does the night king need to kidnap babies then why doesn't he just kidnap wildlings and shove something that resembles a coca-cola ice Popp into his heart and hey presto you've got yourself a fully grown white Walker in a matter of seconds I wonder if White Walkers go through puberty is the drowned God priests guy not going to stop this guy from butting in what's the point in having the Kings moot being mediated if he's not gonna do any mediating Greyjoy I throw and you're on salt throne will presumably be made out of the salt of the book readers tears after watching this poor excuse for a Kingsmoot seem urgent managed to things rise into the ground capture the castle you couldn't keep wait I thought capturing a castle that you couldn't keep was a rite of passage for an Ironborn I'm pretty sure everyone that this Kings moots lost at least one castle in their careers now I know what my first act is Queen will be you execute the man who killed my father I did I killed him what the actual [ __ ] you're seriously telling me the Ironborn risks or even gave their lives to attempt to rescue Theon from the dreadfort but don't even bat an eye at the notion of keen slaying I apologize for not killing him years ago so is there just no law against regicide because even in a democratic system like this there are still going to be people living under a ruler who they didn't vote for so there would need to be some kind of punishment for king killing or every king of the Iron Islands would enjoy a glorious five seconds of raining until the salt he runner-up throws a knife into his chest rinse and repeat I'm going to build that fleet and I'm going to galavant right over and give it to Daenerys Targaryen along with my big [ __ ] translation the writers realized they still need ships to bring Daenerys and her army over to Westeros for season seven they consulted their list of big guys with big ships and guess what we were at the top of it what the [ __ ] did I just witness the Ironborn elected a king slang dishonorable t as opposed to someone who has lived there for her entire life and sailed above many of them because what he gave a slightly different speech I guess this truly indicates why the Ironborn lose so many Wars and choose their leader based on the biggest [ __ ] it's quite convenient that no one noticed Yara Theon and half of the Ironborn attending the Kingsmoot who were interestingly the half who voted for Yara mysteriously disappear off instead of attending the coronation of their rightfully elected king where are my niece and nephew let's go burden I shouldn't have to say anything here go back to your homes shut down every tree you can find core assault attempt I'd start building I want every man bending planks when every woman spinning flax for sales build me a thousand ships and I will give you this world because that's how shipbuilding works i banished you twice you came back twice and you saved my life twice do not walk away from your queen Jorah the Andal Wow even Daenerys is calling Joran and all he's not an and I'll he's a Northman and you should know that considering you want to take the continent of Westeros and roll it in the last fortnight since our pact with the Masters how many killings have been carried out by the sons of the harpy and how many masters have been butchered by the freemen since then nothing why would the free men stop attacking the Masters if anything the pact with the Masters would have just aggregated the hate the freemen have against the Masters enough marine to have peace they need to know Daenerys is responsible for it even though everyone in the city already knows it was you guys who made the pact someone they know cannot be bought or influenced sounds like quite the hero where will we find him who said anything about him yeah Hikari Kimbrough yacht eglee evoke to him Ghibli orful Antico driven pets Silvia on you Doha read o le o ax your own use it discounted Eris also why can't a red priestess be influenced Melisandre was influenced to believe that Stannis Baratheon was the prince who was promised yet she now believes that to be Jon Snow who for all we know could also be wrong ideally we'd avoid purifying too many non-believers the mother of dragons has followers of many different faiths you for some reason you're only recruiting red priests meaning that this propaganda tactic is only going to be effective against a fraction of the population your parts in the fire you heard a voice call out from the flames do you remember discount Brown stock also if this red priestess is truly omniscient then why didn't she and her red priestesses see that marine was in trouble and preemptively come to spread the words prevent Civil War why did Tyrion have to send word to them to come to marine hang on in this scene the spiral of stones barely seems to extend beyond the branches of the tree yet in this scene earlier in the episode the stones extend out much further away from the weirwood not to mention all the terrain has changed in the surrounding area what happened to the ridge that Brown was standing on in the last flashback also the army of the Dead are standing where a river was in the last flashback he knows you're here and come for you he can't get it you can now his mark is on you you must leave all of you and by leave I mean generally gather your stuff together and wait until the army of the Dead are here before making your escape isn't it convenient the Nights Watch had all of these tactics board pieces just lying around there are more than three other houses in the North Glover Mormon Kerwin Mason hornwood two dozen more together they equal all the others we can start small and build why does everyone keep forgetting about house Manderley they're supposed to be on par with house umber and house Karstark and the heir to house mandaleet died at the red wedding yeah apparently they don't think that there will be a good enough reason to even attempt to convince the manderlys to fight alongside them against the Bolton's and they're also the Tully's they're not northern but they will back us against the Bolton's without question I didn't know that Ali's still had an army well uncle the blackfish has reformed it and retaken Riverrun how'd you know that Ramsay received a raven before I escaped Winterfell why would Ramsay of all people receive a raven in four him that the Tully's have retaken Riverrun the volson's are essentially in open rebellion against the crown since they married Sansa into their family so it's not like anyone south of the neck was of San Juan Devils and the red woman helped a man murder his own brother with blood magic and when Stannis paid for his crime where were they already out looking for a leader with better prospects says the one who immediately swore herself to Catelyn the day after Renly died Sean isn't tormund John isn't Davos for the red woman or Stannis for that matter John is John he's my brother he'll keep me safe I trust him then why did you lie to him when he asked you how you learned about Riverrun maybe because Davos the red woman and tormund were in the same room you dress myself to like it so not only does the Nights Watch have a bunch of tactics board pieces lying around but they also have full sewing and embroidery kits stocked with multicolored sequins [Music] should we close the gate Lord Commander I'm not the Lord command well he isn't really easy don't they need to elect a new one now [Music] why did none of the children go back inside the cave to warm mirror and Hodor that the army were approaching seeing as they would have been easily visible for about a mile or so [Music] completely pointless move that has never been seen before and is never seen again why are none of the children lobbing those dragonglass throwing spears at the walkers that are a mere 30 feet away well nevermind then they are awful shots in season four they were able to perfectly nail running targets yet now they can't even manage to hit one of the main four walkers that are gingerly walking twenty [ __ ] feet away also seeing how explosive these magic balls are these twigs should have been completely obliterated when they attempted to light them and try to start a fight yes Father but if you have to fight when is it really necessary for bran to see all of this why is the three-eyed Raven keeping bran in a catatonic state if his life is in serious danger I believe this is now the fifth direwolf ex machina of the series for some reason the whites keep going for the people who are armed instead of the guys sat in the corner who is completely defenseless like I should have dodged the whole reason for this tunnels existence is so people can have fast paced chase scenes down it hold on before the whites couldn't touch fire to the point where they felt the need to enter the cave through the roof but now they're perfectly fine walking over flaming roots that 10 seconds ago was the site of a huge fiery explosion I'm sorry for saying this but even an absolute unit like Hodor wouldn't be able to hold the door against hundreds of whites pushing against it especially when you consider that he's standing on snow surely this should have happened when bran initially walked into Hodor back when they were still in the cave that being said [Music] [Applause] [Music] Brown and Mira have made it way too far considering that Hodel was about to fall when there were no more than 200 feet away from the door and now they've got hundreds of thousands of Wyatts chasing them down while they flee it's lower than walking speed brand's eyes are gonna freeze over if he stays like this for much longer why would anyone bring a torch into a room with wildfire isn't the Iron Throne meant to be filled with dragon skulls at this point also Jaime Lannister in his late teens apparently looked the same as Jaime Lannister in his 40s why don't you just go around why are you trying to pull it over the roots for tree half-dead horsemen ex machina hang on if this white was completely disintegrated after being knocked into a tree then how did all the whites survive throwing themselves off a cliff at hardhome and again here what's the matter with these whites did the night King put them back together with pret stick instead of flex glue is salmon Gilly only arriving at horn Hill just now they sell from the war last season they must have been travelling for six months or something when King Robert's party travelled south from Winterfell to King's Landing in season one it took no longer than a month granted it's a somewhat shorter distance but it was also party of several hundred traveling exclusively by Road because now that summer's over just don't see in the autumn colors computer coming in summer ended over four and a half years ago and the maesters are going to declare that it's winter any day now also I don't think I've seen any trees with autumn colours other than where woods didn't think I'd ever come back here after my father made me renounce my title and inheritance threatened to kill me if I didn't the person just doesn't feel welcome at that point I'm a server didn't expect to be introducing into my family so you know what to tell them but at the same time if they say he's Sam's baby then that means he's openly admitting to breaking his Night's Watch vows giving randyll Tarly another reason to kill Sam well might not be the best idea either these guys should have brought some lighter clothing or any additional change of clothing for that matter considering they've been traveling for six [ __ ] months that's the first thing that you say to your brother after you haven't seen him for over five years you have a curious mind I can tell you'll be a schooner yeah I'm sure he'll be a scholar a knight an explorer and an architect considering how slow he ages you should have played science master all those within his life and still leave room for a decent retirement seems very dangerous she'll be protected the entire way the faith militant are very stern with those who overstep their bounds and yet to look at the state that Circe was in after her atonement no no you don't you could never you're right he's not he's a lot more he is how can anyone say this with a straight face Mari should have gone into acting I'm just telling him about your devotion to the poor ah yes hovels and I fed them soup and I made sure I was seen doing it I never gave them what they really needed though what do you mean you offered to feed clothe and house children from an overcrowded orphanage I think Tom and has sat on that bench more often than he sat on the iron throne at this point wait so he gave Gilly an elegant evening gown to wear to dinner while sons forced to wear the same sweaty clothes that he's been wearing for the past six months probably because it was made for a girl about a foot shorter than you wrote it down 270 yards one shot that's oddly precise I guess it will be pathetic of house Tarly but do you think they would really measure the distance of long shot kills oh yes yes and a good amount north of the wall you don't hunt you don't eat apart from when you stopped at Craster's keep then you get to go on the hunt for other things if you know what I mean wink mostly do as elk as well rabbits sometimes of squirrels if rabbits and squirrels are the only kind of game north of the wall and game is the only source of food north of the wall then how come hundreds of thousands of wallings have lived up there for thousands of years you'd think they would have all died of scurvy that's alone starvation not that enough already because eating a four-course meal won't make you fat but eating a four-course meal plus an additional loaf of bread will condemn you to a life of obesity also I probably should have brought this up earlier but how come Sam hasn't lost any weight since his time at the wall given that he was subject to far more physical exercise and far less available food than he would have had here at horn Hill I thought the Nights Watch might make a man of young something resembling a man in Easter why would you think that don't you know that the watch has three branches only one of which does the incredibly manly things take a wild [ __ ] guess as to which branch Sam didn't end up in can wield a sword he killed and killed a white Walker which were killed by a crossbow and a dagger respectively the dagger into the Walker's heart back he's a greater worrier than either of you will ever be I don't know what's worse the stupidity of the thing that Gilly just said all the stupidity of Gilly herself that's nice tisn't Lord Randall basically unnamed Samwell has his son the day he forced him to join the watch if so then why is it taking this so personally isn't that a double bed why do you have to say goodbye now what about the king guards well he come for it he can bloody well try the last drink he shall ever take and vengeance shall be mine I always thought panty mines were for families yeah I don't think I've seen anyone in this audience who could pass as a child second born what about this guy I lost my first boy Beauty he was a fighter too wait they didn't include the best part of season 4 Oberyn versus the mountain I'd imagine the jeweled we well known by the general public whether the crown likes it or not [Music] [Applause] sweet lady Gregg assuming that Camello was the guy who played Ned Stark what about the actress who played Margaery Tyrell how come aya keeps on being allowed backstage without being apprehended even when you ignore the fact that everyone was standing still so would have been extremely difficult for aya to slip away from the crowd those two people she just walked past would have almost certainly seen higher in the crowd given that that she was stood in the front row what are you doing backing nothing I saw you the other day in the audience how many times have you seen this stupid play three times did you pay hold on why are you challenging her on not paying shouldn't you be challenging her on trespassing backstage first and foremost I remember when the players came to my village I didn't have any money so I snuck him just thank you so why is she called lady crane if she isn't actually a lady do you like pretending to be other people I was actually half expecting lady crane to pull back her face to reveal she's jacking at this point I loved her yes you are adored by people and I do what I can what I was thinking oh all think is know are we all to the kids with ideas why is this guy so salty because they liked a lady crane more than they liked him what's so bad about that you're still going to get paid aren't you and owing to how pacts the theater square seemed you'll probably get paid quite handsomely that one [Music] she wants you dead and this mr. Hagar is why you don't give paying jobs to first-time assassins who have a history of not killing the correct person so that guy on the left looks like discount James Corden so they just let anyone backstage here shame the girl had many gifts you promised me what about the whole a girl has no desires think random convenient uninhabited room in Braavos is very random and convenient holy [ __ ] Tenzin's off for mace Tyrells amazing armor why does the great Sept of Baelor keep shape-shifting from season to season in season 5 the main concourse was far narrower and the steps were multi-tiered and in season 1 well the clips speak for itself also not only has the Sept change shape but is also completely changed position now the main entrance faces towards the coast whereas before it faced towards the red key there will be no walk of atonement uh-huh but you promised we haven't seen Natalie Dormer naked since season 2 Queen Margaery has already atoned for her sins by bringing another into the true light of the seven [Music] did the high Sparrow know that something was going to happen with the walk of atonement because from what I'm seeing he told Tommen okay just stand next to the door with the King's Guard if anything goes wrong with Marjorie's atonement then slowly walk down the stairs like a badass also how did the new Kings Gollum I get Smith so quickly and why though discount Barristan Selmy I have to answer to the gods not when you're sitting in that chair why isn't Kevan Lannister speaking up as well doesn't he hate the sparrows just as much as Jaime and Cersei isn't the job of the hand of the king to counsel the king especially when said King is young and inexperienced I did lose the blackfish after the red wedding you had him right here in this hall and you let him leave and when I told you to hunt him down and kill him you couldn't find him thanks for telling the audience I mean Lothar black Walder something wish they should already know the Masters have risen against us and the black the Brotherhood without banners is rallying the commoners against us raiding our supply trains and camps Riverrun can withstand a siege for a year if I want excuses I'll put her in charge excuses those are some fairly religious matriz uns to not be able to take River I'm back if you ask me you'll never yield oh he'll yield I thought black Walder and Luther come in to inform Walder Frey that they lost Riverrun and this was the first that he had heard of it yeah apparently he had already organized for his guards to bring in Edmure Tully to give to them to use as a hostage in taking River and back apparently at Tully has not lost his mind after nearly three years in solitary confinement I'm going to get from the largest bag of gold anyone's ever seen Navin gathered the best killers he knows I'll check them to the set and I removed the high sparrows head and every other Sparrow head I can find you can't if you kill the high Sparrow you won't neither cept alive and without you this is all for nothing didn't Jamie just say that he was going to get Bronn to do it given how much of a murder boner the knight King has against bran I'm surprised that they have the balls to not only stop and make camp but light of campfire to stop the walkers measured from Turkey an old same way they made the walkers in the first place yourself dragonglass because of course it does what else can dragonglass do cure cancer achieve world peace lead Gendry back to shore also if dragonglass turns dying people into healthy people and turns healthy people into white walkers then that implies that white walkers are actually a higher form of existence why not just melt some snow why are you making him drink blood [Music] dragon sense in this scene the shadow is cast straight down meaning that it's midday yet in the previous scene the shadows being cast were long implying that it was either late afternoon or early morning yet you still end up with a small group of Dothraki who serve as your generals we interrupt tonight's showing of Game of Thrones to bring you living with the Amish also I assume these settlers are hoping to build a small village here if so then why they building a set first surely it will make far more sense to build a large community Hall first and foremost to put a roof over everyone's heads I know the hounds is quite the banth but is there really any need for him to carry tree trunks on his own he could easily do his back in and it's not like they're exactly short on manpower all time I've never seen a man act like that what he's swinging it completely normally communism now I reckon he died dozen more times over the next few days but you didn't what kept you going ate discount Anakin Skywalker gods aren't dummy you yeah I've heard that before man was talking about a different God though well maybe he was right I don't know much about the gods you're on the wrong line of work oh there's plenty of pious sons of [ __ ] who think they know the word of god or gods I don't I don't even know their real names maybe it is the seven or maybe it's the old gods well maybe it's the Lord of Light or maybe they're all the same thing wait so you don't know which gods you think are real yet you're wearing a seven-pointed star around your neck and you're getting dozens of people to build a Sept also why is the Hound acting so cynical about the gods when he has seen first hands the Lord of Light magic at work resurrecting beric Dondarrion as water rounds the stones smoothing what was jagged so does a woman's calm a man's brute nature a wife selves her husband's wounds a mother sings her son to sleep you learn quickly are you seriously telling me that Marjorie's fully converted to the faith now she didn't lose her mind or anything and still held a bad opinion of despair as when she was talking to Loras a couple of episodes ago even if this is a facade why isn't she making an effort to convert Tama back from his delusion of the faith in the crowd the King mentioned that since your reunion you haven't joined him in the marriage bed I know Tommen's a bit of an Ortiz MO but why would he feel the need to tell the High King Sparrow about that Congress does not require desire on the woman's part not required but highly recommended I'm sure I don't need to explain the logistics of why you marched against the high Sparrow against the faith we marched for you the gods could have punished you and father but they didn't how would the gods have punished them a bolt of lightning from the heavens never leave you you must why does Margaery feel the need to be all secretive with a Lenna why not just send septa unella away did the high Sparrow seriously make it a blicket or e-form artery to be ghosted by a sadistic nun why go to the effort of drawing a rose when you could have just put growing strong or I'm still serving our house law also despite this gesture of loyalty Margaery makes no further attempt to prevent the degradation of Loras and the downfall of her house to earn for him none of us would be here all of you would be meet in the night Kings army and I'd be a pile of charred bones just like men well actually if it wasn't for Jon Snow then the watch wouldn't have been able to organize itself after Sir Alliser fell during the Battle of Castle black and the wildlings probably would have won the battle and you all would have made it safely south of the wall well at least until Stannis arrived one one can suddenly speak English and unless there was an English giant language translator out of shot then he can also understand it he let's clever ladies we say we'll do something do it except when you don't you were here the day I was taken I'm the one who took you what of it Loras rots in a Cell because of you the highs Pharaoh rules this city because of you our two ancient houses face collapse because of you and your stupidity well you could make the argument that it was Tom and Marjorie's gullibility that allowed the high Sparrow to rule the city you could also argue that it was your fault for bringing Loras and Marjorie into the game of Thrones in the first place I wonder if you're the worst person I've ever met at a certain age it's hard to recall you know what I'm removing another five sins for Elena just because I can what do you do then you have no support not anymore your brother's gone the high Sparrow sort of that the rest of your family have abandoned you the people despise you it's not like she has had any support since well ever at least since she married King Robert Baratheon that is Jamie never really has had the ability to garner support since he's been in the Kingsguard and Tywin wasn't exactly a great father to her either in fact between the mountain Qyburn and the little birds she actually has quite a lot of support these days and what do you mean her family has abandoned her what about Kevin it appears that during the siege the blackfish took the opportunity to replace the tiles on half of the turrets from red tiles to blue tiles someone needs to teach her sad how to dig trenches someone certainly does oh no not me I'm just an OP cansel sort you're an annoyance at night that's quite a difference and it's a nights job to teach people how to dig ping trenches isn't that a generals job hey Jamie hang on in this shots I can only see one or two troops carrying Lannister banners yet in this shot every fourth row of troops is carrying them the weather turned from near total blue sky to overcast and foggy in less than a minute is Riverrun secretly in Great Britain gallows on wheels for all your portable execution arey needs phrase who gladly killed hundreds of men women and children under their own roof don't take the opportunity to snipe the blackfish while he's in plain view go on and cut his throat you expect them to be able to hear that and words of the blackfish I want to paly how's bran meant to get words of the blackfish I remember when you were born my lady you were named for my aunt Lyanna who said she was a great beauty I'm sure you will be too I doubt it my mother wasn't a great beauty or any other kind of beauty eleven-year-old girl getting defensive over compliments I served under your uncle at Castle black lady Liana he was also a great warrior and honorable man I was steward why are you telling her this now you're going to have to explain to her that you didn't break your vows and that you died in a mutiny and was brought back to life with devil magic as far as I understand your snow and Lady Sandra is a Bolton lady Sandra what you have to understand my lady is I understand that I'm responsible for Bear Island and all who live here so why should I sacrifice one more moment life is someone else's war because you swore an oath and you literally stated in ink and paper to ignore Stannis's request on the basis of upholding that oath and if it pleased with you did a versus breath just freeze half cold is it in here White Walkers perhaps okay Bing hell I'm taking another ten sins off a lady more wants badassery how many fighting men can we expect 62 there's only 62 men of fighting age on this island that's worrying I assume you're here to fulfill the vow you gave my niece I don't see Sansa and I have wasn't it Brienne who swore that vow Jamie was just a bargaining chip if I recall we have enough provisions for two years only two years aren't you surrounded by a river and virtually limitless source of food and water why did he come treat with me seed you too dull I wanted to see you in person get the measure of you have these two people both members of prominent noble houses who fought alongside each other during Robert's rebellion and the Greyjoy rebellion seriously never met in person the bulk of the forces made up of Ireland and the rumors are true rumors isn't it public knowledge and where was King Robb when the Ironborn attacked this castle when they threw my wife and children in prison and brutalized and killed our subjects taken up with a foreign [ __ ] getting himself and those who followed him killed actually he sends a detachment of Bolton's north to deal with the Ironborn Robb Stark wasn't a fantastic King granted he was actually pretty arrogant and hypocritical but are you saying that just because he didn't lead the charge into the Battle of Deepwood Motte that ask stark is no longer worthy of house Glover's support also seeing how you're so desperate for men while you're in the area you should probably pay a visit to the Foresters of ironrath who have seen their entire house collapse in recent years mainly due to the Bolton's and the Bolton's supported Whitehills Ethan Forrester the former Lord was stabbed in the neck in cold blood by Ramsay himself I'm sure they'll jump at the opportunity to return the favor why did we have to come here some of us don't like it yeah but there was no reason why Theon had to come this is the equivalent of presenting a man's favorite food to him but the man has had his tongue cut out you think of the eurozone too Jewish of course he is as long as we're alive were a threat a threat to what the salt throne that is rightfully his and everyone left on the Iron Islands agrees as such if you're so broken that there's no coming back take a knife and cut your wrists end it his wrists how will that end it I mean sure it will end it eventually after hours of pain and suffering what kind of sister is Yara now since it's my last night ashore for a long while I'm gonna go the tits of this one I think it would have been appropriate for the epic music to suddenly stop with a record scratch sound effect here done this comes here on his way to Winterfell that's a good thing Sansa's right what about the 20 good men mm wide leagues 200 words 143 mazes 62 more months wait so within a single episode these guys traveled from the wall to bear island to Deepwood Motte to hoard wood to wherever the Masons are to the area where Stannis camped it's not enough we need more men there's no time if we went had to cast a coven I know that we'll be right with the army we have why has Jon all of a sudden decided that there's no time to build additional support for their cause and that they need to attack Winterfell right now when they established in a previous episode that they would need to start slow and build possibly having to ask upwards of two dozen minor houses also I feel dumb for keeping on having to say this broad about house Manderley House Manderley a [ __ ] white Harbor the only full-size city in the north house Manderley of white Harbor that lost its air at the red wedding at Bolton hands oh look Santa's doing that thing that she should have done three episodes ago maybe should actually tell your brother so he can actually incorporate those men into his battle plans so he's not sending thousands of men to die for no reason kill those young lot so they won't take up arms against it I'm your murderer mass murdering soldier who turns a new leaf to become a religious preacher now where if I heard that before stay safe and night is dark and full of terrors so is every member of the Brotherhood also a follower of the Lord of Light because they recruit random people like Gendry so does that mean they also need to convert to the Lord of Light religion to become a full member by the disease you don't cure disease by spreading it to more people no you cure it by stopping the violent people from spreading it to more people what kind of philosophy is that it's nothing lying man here's the line thickness Labour's BAE only Gandhi believed him you mean volantis right will you do it from presumably for Jacqueline's collection of offerings to the many-faced God sweet game [Music] she survives this also I thought the faceless men were meant to assassinate their targets in a creative way usually trying to make it look like an accident if possible not stabbing them on the middle of a crowded bridge in broad daylight instead of ensuring that she's dead the waif makes the classic villain mistake of wounding your adversary and leaving gravity to decide their fate also doesn't she need to recover her corpse anyway to salvage the face for the whole and such you do realize that canals in cities also double as sewers so if is somehow doesn't die of bleeding out she definitely should die from cholera or AIDS or something along those lines even if the septons a complete pacifist in all scenarios I doubt that everyone here would happily allow the three rogue members of the Brotherhood to kill them without putting up a fight they do have axes and hammers and such and four grown men armed with such who have just had their wives and children slaughtered against that with a sword probably is going to be weighed in favor of the former wait so not only did the three types have time to slaughter two dozen people also but they also had time to tie a noose and hang the septum and then flee all before the Hound made it back and given that he was in earshot of all of this that shouldn't have taken more than a couple of minutes and the false step Stannis wasn't dead at this point also I feel compelled to add five sins for someone referring to the one true king as the false stag fight me wait what people are actually crying over the death of a character they've been watching in a play for no more than five minutes you'd think that someone who had had their rum poisoned would perhaps make an effort to hide it especially since the person who wants her dead is still alive Eyre is still alive Bianca does Braavos just not have any laws and law enforcement to the point where people can freely disfigure someone's face stab someone on an open bridge and painfully murder a westerosi Kingsguard in a brothel feeling you'd be good at this sort of like and besides we need a new actress oh don't worry if you're replacing the actress who played Sansa then you only need to remember - oh and you need to flush your tits or something like that as well does lady crane realise that I is meant to only be sixteen here s what is east in Westeros is West that was west of Westeros discount America which has yet to be discovered by discount Columbus discount Britain will then found the discount thirteen colonies who will then have a discount American River Neri war please don't tell me this is something that's gonna happen in season 8 I just realize this is basically the same scene from season 1 with Robert Baratheon they even suffered similar injuries except Robert actually died because he didn't have 10 layers of plot armor on winter up tonight showing of Game of Thrones to bring you Friday the 13th there's the other one the one with the yellow cloak last words pew come on you can do it I don't know Q is not that bad as last words go Lord reac Posse very sickly Ottaviano teary jor-el ot say Pandora Vala Alvin Velma Lisa no ill The Guardian a successful gambit that might help quell the freedmen but I don't see how it's meant to stop the masters from getting riled up if anything it'll just contribute to it I'll walk the rest of the way myself I can't go off on a secret mission in the company of the most famous dwarf in the city virus decided to leave on his secret mission in the middle of the day while walking through the main market of murine die Septon commands you are you sure you want to refuse him I thought the faith in the crown were the twin pillars that hold up the world or something implying that they are equally important so why can the high Sparrow make demands of kings and queens is that guy on the Left he's brilliance of the role I guess [Laughter] in this shot you only see about 10 to 15 mounted nights at most around Jamie Lannister yeah in this shot all of a sudden a hundred or so foot soldiers have appeared surrounding them to be a square only yeah because someone needs to promote him to a night please don't not just as soon Sansa was dead why would you seem that in my experience girls like her don't live very long I don't think you know many girls like why aren't you telling him about Arya that's something that will really shock him let me try to persuade the blackfish to give up the castle why would he abandon his ancestral home because you allow him to lead the Tully forces safely north so Jamie who refuses to stop the siege because the Tully's are enemies of the crown for holding Riverrun will allow the Tully army to march north to bolster the stark army who are also enemies of the crown okay you gave it to me for a purpose I have achieved that purpose does Sansa and I are no longer need protecting especially with the former planning to attack an enemy held castle I don't know I don't know you and I will not surrender then why take any handwritten message at face value how many messages have you received when you know the person who wrote it the person's signature and the person who delivered it if you think I'm abandoning my family seat on the King says you're a bloody fool Riverrun cannot stand against the Lannisters and the phrase you can't stand longer than your one-handed friend thinks we can okay I think the blackfish is being a bit of a dick here he knows full well that Jamie will take Riverrun eventually and in doing so hundreds of men will die which may have been an honourable way to go if there was no other choice yet now he does have another option it's not like the phrase plan to raise the castle to the ground either if he could take it back before with no more than a few hundred men there's no reason why I can't do it again later speaking of which how did the blackfish invade with the force he raised and if the blackfish could have invaded Riverrun so easily then how come Jamie can't do the same with his literal thousands of men shouldn't the mountain be wearing the new faith of the seven suit of armor by now it's to be a royal announcement series I was informed well I doubt everyone in this room was personally informed that there will be a royal announcement so I think this is more a matter of you not paying attention to public announcements where are you going to stand on my son your place is in the gallery with the other leaders of the court why is Cersei acting all shocked and annoyed at this hasn't she been relegated to the gallery for literally years now trial by combat will be forbidden throughout the Seven Kingdoms the tradition is a brutish one a scheme devised by corrupt rulers in order to avoid true judgment from the gods Cersei Lannister Loras Tyrell will stand trial before seven septons as it was in the earliest days of the faith and the tradition of trial before seven septons is a scheme devised by corrupt septums to mould the world to their liking doesn't Thomond realise that judgment by the gods will always be delivered through some human medium and therefore this human medium can always be interpreted as being susceptible to corruption don't rue myrrh you told me about my little birds investigated and or something what do you mean is it just a rumor Tirion clearly proved its existence during the Battle of the Blackwater and sullied never date why not who's who made these rules your former masters Tyrion insinuating that it's a bad thing that their largest and most skilled army chooses to remain sober alecha have my own vineyard make my own wine the IMP delight don't you also plan on becoming the lord of House Lannister won't you be a bit preoccupied with that to be able to spend time cultivating a vine yard also two minutes of awkward joke-telling is three minutes too long do we already have the obligatory Tyrion grey worm is Sunday bonding stuff already well technically they're the Masters of yunkai a sport and volantis and therefore never owned any slaves from Maria okay use ray garland versary on you fools imagine yourself a decent person with my family Jaime had no part in the red wedding and Edmure full well knows this how do you tell yourself you're decent everything and what's that exactly killing an insane man who was about to kill half a million innocent men women and children hey that's a good story to tell him or do you only tell that story to naked women in the bath I loved Cersei you can love for that if you want you can steer doesn't matter she needs me I should get back to her I have to take aren't you barred from King's Landing my dude listen for your baby people and I'll launch you into better run with a catapult because you don't matter to me at all that your son doesn't matter to me the people in the castle don't matter to me we've got morally great characters again what is this 2011 lower the drawbridge and open the gate for me are you serious is everyone so blindly attached to their O's that they don't see this blatant trap Jesus Christ you would have thought that the blackfish would have made an effort to talk Edmure out of yielding the castle given that he was just right there come on all the forces within the castle to lay down their arms over the gates my lord your lord has given a command you know they always say rule zero of ruling is to keep the army happy and Muir is now forcing an army that risked everything to take this castle back from the phrase and have spent months holding it from the Lannisters and the phrase to yield meaning all their sacrifice and hardships are going to be completely in vain do you seriously think that people are just gonna shrug their shoulders and accept this find the blackfish put him in irons and hand him over the phrase with the weapons that you've just ordered them to throw down why are these two fleeing Riverrun when they could be upstairs securing the Tully army from Jaime they have yielded there's no reason why they can't traveled north to fight with Sansa also why was no one guarding this extremely decisive point of entry that could have very easily been exploited for a surprise invasion it takes Jaime several minutes of staring at the rivers for him to notice the boat rowing down it all right what should the army do we will not go to the beach if we go to the beach the Masters will take the pyramid the pyramid is the only place in the city we can defend we stay here and then we wait for them to come to us we fight them really isn't the whole point of the Masters invading marine to take the slaves back oh yeah my plan worked perfectly they didn't even bother attacking the pyramid or what sir they swept through the west of the city and placed our entire population into slavery oh my bad [Music] so that giant rocket was drogue on landing on the roof even though last season he did so without so much as a sound again the [ __ ] you doing here chasing them you hanging should you be burning them alive given the whole Lord of Light thing you've got going on also does that imply that someone survived the massacre or did someone see the massacre and decide to report it to the Brotherhood instead of I don't know the actual law enforcement with the Brotherhood planning on leaving the guys hanging there oh they're not butchers but they'll happily leave corpses hanging on a public road the Lord of Light gave you the power to defeat me why because they needed a reason for aya to hate the Brotherhood so she would run off you can still help a lot more than you've harmed Clegane it's not too late for you so you're implying that him helping it to build a holdfast was a non-productive and unhelpful the use of his time and energy I'm surprised he's not super pissed at you for not keeping your men under control to be honest random pointless disguise if you'd have done your job she would have died painlessly but death seemed pretty quick and painless as deaths go in many face gold was promised a name you must always receive what is his you can't change that I can't change that no one can and now he's been promised another name actually jaqen just told you to eat her for betraying the faceless men quit your [ __ ] about this being about the many-faced God okay so now I'm gonna start a brief bonus round of things that no one should be able to pull off after sustaining a life-threatening injury a Dale earlier I'll also include a bonus rounds of things that someone who works for a secretive cult of soulless assassins should refrain from doing if they wish to remain discreet [Music] because aya is now actually suffering from the drawbacks of her serious injury and is significantly slower the waif decided to pursue her slower because something something evil one-dimensional villain something something this is a cool moment at all but I as other sensors but only become so acute after weeks of deprivation from her sight now that she's had her sight back for a few months or so she's not immediately going to have her super hearing and super touch sensors restored from her days of being blind that's just not how it works in fact assuming that the wafer completed her training surely she would have also gone through the same blindness training not to mention she's completed every other aspect of faceless men training and also lacks a severe injury there's no way I have won that fight a girl is a stack of Winterfell and I'm going home a girl should also see serious medical attention for the open stab wounds on her stomach wait these are catapults from the looks of them last episode they were clearly trebuchet I'm sure there's an subreddit out there that will be extremely irate about the downgrade also after pressing the attack for what must be nearly 24 hours now marine hasn't burnt down completely the ships haven't run out of flaming balls and no one on either side has considered advancing towards the enemy it also seems that a cliff face has suddenly appeared behind where the ships approach from last episode monsters cannot Marine succeed because if marine succeeds a city without slavery without masters it proves that no one needs a master even though literally every city west of volantis has little to no slavery I think there are a bit late on the draw on stopping their slaves from seeing that a society can prosper without them set their fleets afire kill every last one of their soldiers and return their cities to the dirt what does Tyrion see in her again if every time she gets salty she starts talking of it's up to him to talk her down from it once before I offered you peace isn't the whole point of a parley to negotiate a surrender if so then why can i still hear and see the attack continuing the dragons beneath the great pyramid I should be questioning how he knew about the Dragons under the Great Pyramid but I'm more interested as to why he is ordering the great pyramid to be firebombed potentially releasing said dragon's psychic dragon it's funny how the Masters have absolutely no plan for what to do in case that things go wrong I know their arrogant bastards who couldn't fathom such a situation but why not at least order the men to lob a spear at her or something because remember this whole thing falls apart at the seams if she dies shouldn't ragel and Viserion still be pissed at Daenerys for leaving them to rot in her cell for the better part of two years Daenerys manages to do a full flyover of every part of murine despite flying straight towards the attacking ships nothing says breaker of chains more than burning a shipload of innocent slave soldiers I mean you could have at least gone for the main capsule ship that the Masters themselves travel on daddy the soldiers proceeded to run the several hundred miles to young Kai remind them what happened when Daenerys Stormborn and her dragons came to Meereen well if they felt compelled to attack after Daenerys executed hundreds of masters after taking marine they don't exactly see how her destroying a single ship is meant to deter them if anything they'll just use anti-air ballistas next time and no it's not new technology myrrh axis was brought down with one alongside Rainey's Targaryen nearly 300 years ago convenient snow melting just for this battle is very much convenient listen this the old way you against me are you seriously telling me that at any point in history and tyre full-scale battles were averted in favor of jewels do you see Sansa accepting defeat because the Jang lost to Ramsay do you see the Bolton ceding Winterfell because Ramsay was killed by John or in literally any other conflict do you see the losing side accepting defeat after their champion was killed well your men want to fight for you when they hear you he's good very good Ramsay admits that he wouldn't fight for his men who are currently fighting for him in fully a short of his own bannermen and guards that's gonna spread quickly and you're all fine-looking men my dogs are desperate to meet you yes because these men who are in full battle dress are piling on watching the battle from afar and wait for an outcome instead of participating in the battle and dying like the rest of their men also Ramsay being the sick bastard that he is fails to make any comment on Lyanna Mormont inside the walls of Winterfell and way to sell way he knows the north is watching if the other house has sense weakness on his part they'll stop fearing him you know this powers actually extremely well thought out and it's clear that a high level of planning and ingenuity has gone into it to make it reality however I must object to but a small issue what about the 20 good mitosis I know what the Knights can do to us it was like visitors no well that was more to do with the fact that he caught you off guard and unprepared give the army pikes and shields and you can easily stop any cavalry force right in its tracks never get him back recon is Ned Stark's trueborn son which makes him a greater threat to Ramsey than you a bastard or me a girl as long as he lives Ramsay's claim to Winterfell will be contested which means he won't it's Sansa listening to what she's saying was the point of this battle to retake Winterfell and restore your [ __ ] house to protect your King family also the whole reason that Jon even agreed to help you retake Winterfell was after you got the letter from Ramsay informing you that he had Rickon jesus [ __ ] christ Sansa we have a larger force we've pleaded with every house that will have us off you've done no such thing Sansa even said so last episode suggesting you go down to Castle Kerwin or something but you have made up your mind that there was no time says the one who would still be Ramsay's wife at Winterfell if it wasn't for certain someone's protecting you as leaders halt I've never seen this bowl of this fight and they've never seen the free folk fight but surely the umbers have seen the free folk fight in fact isn't that basically their job to stop the wildlings from getting too far south what do you have demons in the school whispering foul things you saw these themes what no it's a manner of speaking not actual demons even though Tom and often speaks in similes and metaphors double sneeze to explain this one will you love that Stannis and I loved the man he burned man's didn't have demons in his skull it didn't torture people or listen to him read which however he did condone the wildling tribes under him to engage in such acts including other delightful pastimes such as cannibalism hold on let me just patent that for my new laxative I'm ordering you not to bring me back I am NOT you're in my camp I'm the commander I served the Lord of Light I do and who ordered you to bring John back the first time because if I recall correctly it was Davos not the fireplace oh look it's a pile of wood in a place that I knew Stannis camp previously and any regular person would walk straight past without thinking twice of it but for some reason I feel the urge to scrutinize this particular pile because reasons how on earth did Shireen's wooden stag of all things survive being burnt most time we saw each other was at Winterfell yes you were making jokes about my height I seem to recall while at the same time you were musing at the over rebellious nature of the Ironborn as you were returning from a trip to the wall the sole purpose of which was to urinate off the edge of it our urine returned home after a long absence he murdered our Father you mean the salt throwing that wasn't even Yara's to begin with sure urine is a prick and Yara and Theon have every right to try and overthrow him but don't act like the throne is rightfully yours you own one the Kings moot fair and square we do and both murdered by the Mad King was killed by Jaime Lannister not Robert Baratheon also if Daenerys now knows the full extent of the absolute horrors the Aerys Targaryen committed during his reign then why is she still acting so salty over Robert's rebellion and referring to Robert Baratheon as nothing more than a Zopa what did she expect everyone to do put up with the Mad King if she has a scrap of morality in her then she would accept that Robert Ned and the other rebels were more than justified in doing what they did what if everyone starts demanding their independence Syrians right all that granting the independence of the Iron Islands is going to do is open up the political floodgates for everyone else to start asking then demanding their independence leaving groving raiding raping that's our way of life no more no more congratulations you've just lost the support of all your fighting men good thing job shouldn't these guys be entrenching themselves isn't their current tactic to allow Ramsey to charge it then why didn't they give woman one a weapon even something basic like a Boulder tied to a tree trunk will allow him to do some serious damage give him some [ __ ] armor as well and he could probably wipe out the entire Bolton army by himself was there any need for you to dismount your horse is it just me or has our Parkinson aged way too much to be passed off as an 11 year old boy I know this has been memed to oblivion but seriously what kind of idiot sees someone attempting to snipe them and runs in a straight line despite having his horse in a full gallop for over 30 seconds John's horse is still way back here for some reason okay at this point John and Rickon are clearly no more than about 100 to 150 meters apart with a horse in full gallop and Rickon literally running for his life it should take no more than about seven or eight seconds to close the distance max but somehow they keep this going for 25 seconds more given how far away Ramsey was at this point the arrow really should be invisible as it came arcing down from the sky oh and it should have entered his back at an angle not straight perpendicular as if it was fired at point-blank range I know rage can make a person do stupid things but Jesus Christ what was John hoping to achieve by charging into the Bolton army alone why not take Rick ons body back to your entrenchment position and allow Ramsey to charge at you like your plan dictated John you're an idiot mate when the Starks archers in front of their cavalry before John survives this I don't think I should have to go into the principles of kinetic energy to explain why knocking someone clean off their horse in that way shouldn't be possible that being said this single-shot holy Sh the number of bodies here does feel a little excessive given that only the cavalry forces are in play at the moment which only form a fraction of the forces on either side and that not everyone is dead also just how did everyone manage to die in those exact spots to the point that a literal wall of bodies has been formed do you think that as soon as the ground was no longer visible from the amount of bodies present there and that soldiers on both sides would choose to fight in a slightly less congested area [Music] I really should start keeping count on the number of times that someone has been about to lose a jewel and then someone else comes from behind to stab their adversary in the back but I can't really be asked to go back through fifty eight and a half episodes to find every single one no one not even one one makes an attempt to attack the bolt and shield men while they were getting into position even though they wouldn't really have any way of defending themselves other than their shield judging from this shot the area inside the shields is already at moshpit levels so I don't see how anyone can engage in any meaningful sword fight like is happening here in the spirit of earlier CGI shots where did these banners come from because in these shots none of the stark forces seem to be holding any up yet in these shots all the Sun there are dozens of stark horn woods and more mob banners flying also where the [ __ ] of the Masons do they even have a sigil why is everyone all of a sudden falling back now wasn't everyone already up to the wall of bodies John survives this Ramsey is pretty knowledgeable about military affairs isn't he doesn't he not remember that he's been in open rebellion against the crown ever since he married Sansa and if he had won this battle he would have had to have attempted to fend off the Lannister army after losing a good chunk of his army mostly to friendly fire okay goddammit I'm gonna have to remove some more sins for the beautiful child scene surely Robin Arryn would have made a point to show up he strikes me as the kind of person who would enjoy seeing his cavalry absolutely decimate an army Ramsay has forgotten about the several hundred Knights of the Vale that are clearly now a part of the stark army not one of these archers can manage to hit one one in the head also despite them all nearly being crushed to death and most likely dropping all their weapons in the process the original stock army managed to regroup rearm and arrive at the gates of Winterfell on foot less than 60 seconds after Ramsay arrived on horseback instead of shooting Jon Snow the architect of his downfall and basically his arch nemesis Ramsay decides to shoot the immobile giant who was probably going to die anyway from excessive arrow syndrome why the vacas answer here Winterfell was literally a war zone in less than a minute go the Bolton's decided to keep all the original stark banners around you know as memorabilia either that or there was some rapid off-screen sewing action that we missed out on Ned's buried in the crypt I know Tyrion gave Catelyn Ned's bones but how did they reach Winterfell before the castle fell to Theon Greyjoy's forces it's nice to see that Ramsay's dogs have the common courtesy to allow Sansa to finish her speech before devouring him I guess Ramsay was right he is a part of Sansa now she's even taking up the torture of the sadistic Bolton smile what is even on Tommen's medallion engravings of inbred lions I know Tommen is basically exactly that but once stags be more appropriate given his legal heritage I feel that it is appropriate to remove another sin for this beautiful yet terrifying soundtrack that has since made me research the basement structure of any grand halls that I plan on visiting given that neither of them are on trial and that they probably would have traveled here in big gilded boxes anyway you'd think that the king and queen would have coordinated to arrive at the great step together grand maester pycelle doesn't question why this little kid has been permitted to run around the halls of the red keep how does the system of trial even work here did they plan on bringing forth witnesses or were the seven septons just gonna request divine guidance and sentence Loras accordingly regardless of what he says I lay with other men including the traitor liberati judging from everyone's reaction to his statement the homosexuality was hardly something to scoff at were laying with the traitor Renly Baratheon that's just unforgivable in fact Margaery should be hung drawn and quartered for marrying him in the first place and guilty of depravity dishonesty profligacy and arrogance arrogance is an unholy than now sin well then I guess the fact that this building is about to go up in flames will be the gods enacting justice I take full responsibility for my many sins and unburden myself of my desires my only remaining wish is to devote my life to the seven may I be a living example of their grace for others to witness you understand fully what this means wait so Loras just confessed to his own crimes and also decided on his own punishment thanks seven septons you're [ __ ] useless I will never marry and I will never Father children I've just realized just how many celibate sin title renouncing orders and guilds there are in Westeros the order of the maesters the Kingsguard the Nights Watch are now the faith of the seven it's especially interesting because many would consider those restrictions as punished which is why being forced to join the latter too is a common sentence for crimes yet in doing so it results in a large demographic of the members of that organization being criminals and I was questioned by people especially in the case of the faith would want that didn't they literally need to tie people down into a table in order to do this before I'm just saying unless Loras can take pain like a saint then you're probably gonna end up making a mess of this also why does this need doing straight away when Lancel initially joined the sparrows he didn't receive his seven pointed star tattoo until sometime after and neatly Charlie if the mountain is blocking Tommen's path chi just call his Kingsguard to get them to remove him sure he's one tough [ __ ] but I imagined 10 well-trained Kings card should be able to take him down no problem if he is defying his king once the Queen Mother's trial is concluded rather Loras is frequently ahh honestly makes no sense for what reason would he have for keeping Loras the trials are completely separate and the crimes that Cersei is being tried for adultery incest and the regicide of King Robert all occurred long before the Tyrells arrived in King's Landing get the others I'm now going to follow this random kid for all I know may have just been interested as to why there were so many people inside the cept instead of doing what his high holiness commanded which was to retrieve the Queen Mother from the red key to actually carry out this trial Lancel doesn't appear to make any serious effort to apprehend or even call out to this kid despite going out of his way to pursue him because reasons also why would anyone bring a torch into a room that they know is filled to the brim with caches of wildfire yeah but things you can get kids these days to do for sweets [Music] being stabbed in the bum is apparently enough to paralyze Lancel from the waist down even when the adrenaline is pumping because his life and the lives of thousands of people depend on him blowing out some candles assuming that this kid was the one to light the candles it means he literally has the second-highest kill account in all of Game of Thrones behind only brawn with his flaming arrow against Stannis's ships at the Blackwater think about that you know from what I can tell Lancel didn't have to go through any security checks to get from the streets of King's Landing to this room that is filled with barrels of wildfire I must question then how is the existence of wildfire under King's Landing still a disputed myth when any one person in a city of half a million people could have very easily gotten lost and stumbled upon this very room or the countless others like it wait why is Margaery trying to get everyone to leave if the Wildfire caches are just a rumor assuming that she doesn't know about them but still believes that Cersei plans on making a move against the Sept and the trial surely the safest option will be to stay inside the set instead of going out into the open streets [Music] Lancel had a full 10 seconds between stopping necks the candles and the candles igniting the wild fire that's more than enough time to blow all of them out medieval terrorism only on Game of Thrones also what's stopping this chain reaction of wildfire from spreading to every single couch with the stuff underneath King's Landing even if they were isolated from each other if the force of the explosion can break through solid foundations and bring down a structure the size of the great Sept of Baelor and what's stopping him from breaking through the walls of the underground tunnels and spreading to the other caches anyway what happened to Tommen's inbred line medallion did he just decide to kick back and relax after the mounts of bard emags of his chambers septa unella didn't accompany Margaery to the great Sept well they're paying one there being all that great if at all really I'm actually surprised Cersei in all of our sadistic nature didn't see to that hey that doesn't look like half boar Ullaeus bjornsen at all well maybe a little bit see the mountains disfigurements are so horrific that no one can gaze upon them for more than five seconds without screaming in terror and very sorry oh great very sorry on an unrelated note may I inquire why you asked me to open the window shutter and position an object underneath it to allow you to easily step onto the windowsill I guess that's why they call it King's Landing in case you forgot that these guys did a thing three seasons ago also given that Roose Bolton was the one who said that line wouldn't it be more indicative of the alliance between house lannister and house Bolton given that this girl turns out to be ayah in disguise you'd think she might make an effort to avoid drawing any attention to her perhaps avoiding one of the most powerful and influential people in the country would be a good start and Neos back in her cell though killing my son by law wouldn't be right the family a bad name barring the hypocrisy of Walder Frey's statement didn't Edna become a prisoner of house and Lannister at Jaime's command and then Jaime agreed to allow Edmure his son and his wife to live a comfortable life at Casterly Rock why would he agree to give em your back if you don't much fighting yourself walk free I'm a bit old for all that no but back in your day the purpose of fighting is defeating your enemies isn't it I've defeated mine Riverrun belongs to house Tully for a thousand years now it's mine what do you call that that in no way answers Jaime's question he gave you the Riverlands to hold the river Lance if we have to ride north and take them back for you every time you lose them why do we need you because you'll see within the next few days after all of House Frey is wiped out the Riverlands will devolve into anarchy without their leisure Lords also isn't that the whole point of a leisure Lord anyway so governing a peacetime not quell rebellions historically when the significant rebellion does arise houses from other kingdoms do get involved usually including the crown to me oh great there's no need show me after a fall from that height I'm surprised that there's even anything left resembling a human-shaped corpse also and this is a very big also what did Cersei expect was gonna happen regarding Tommen obviously she wasn't expecting him to commit suicide so what was her plan when Tommen inevitably confronted her over her murdering his wife his brother and father by law and his uncle along with thousands of innocent people she couldn't redirect the blame on someone else as she ordered the mountain to physically bar Tommen from leaving the Red Keep and who promptly left him once the deed was done did she just think that Tommen will be completely fine with it wasn't the whole point of doing this to remove her enemies and by extension any potential influences on Tommen when the very nature and shamelessness of the act would just completely destroy the relationship between her and her son this deserves a couple dozen sins at least what he thought concerning the Kings funeral as deceptive bail or is no longer an option perhaps a ceremony in the throne room burn him buries ashes where the Sept one stood but that doesn't answer his enquiry on where the funeral itself will take place do you want just burn him in here judging from the direction that salmon Gilley's horse-and-cart were coming from and the structure of Old Town they clearly rode straight past the entrance to the city and went out of their way to come to this cliff just to I guess look at the city when Sam is working against the clock to find the solution to the white Walker problem yay nice to even begin quite cool shortly after the election he since passed away which is why I'm here well then who was running all those messages for Stannis while he was garrison there surely whoever it was could have also informed the outside world that Castle black had a new Lord Commander and was in need of a new maester this is original I suppose that life is you please go commit not alive discount Great Library of Alexandria so if this place has the Astro loops from the title sequence then where's the giant map of the world it will make a lot of sense for it to be here of all places when we have feasts my family would wait is this the same room that you had the feast in season one Jesus Ramsey's been doing some renovation work here catch his thing I'm about to throw it you all so why does Davos wait this long to confront John and Melisandre over shereen's death when you consider how emotional and devastated he is over it it's clear it's been a while since the battle that Raven probably would have taken at least four or five days to travel from Old Town to Winterfell alone she was good she was kind a Gilda so did her father so did her mother Oh cough if you told solis Baratheon that the sky was Green she would have believed you without question and as for Stannis you managed to make him believe that it was gendry's blood that killed Robb Stark and Joffrey Baratheon which may hold a grain of truth but you still managed to string him along to believe that Baratheon blood was like unobtainium right self today if you return to the north I'll have your home this murder but why if you're sending her south she can't help you in the war against the night King in any way but at the same time you're robbing doubles of his justice against her literally no one is happy loving the lost chamber but bad for you yeah it's gonna take a bit we keep finding bloody knives onto the bed Ramsay had quite the collection should have told you about him about the Knights of the Vale yes Sansa you should have why are you only realizing this now we need to trust each other we can't fire a war amongst ourselves yes so many enemies now well more like two enemies albeit powerful ones but carry on you know how God saved the Queen changes to god save the king depending on the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom do you guys think that the start worth change from winter is coming - we've being told you so depending on the season since we are returning to dawn once again I'd be failing in my duties if I didn't add another 10 sins if you have any objections please contact me at screw the Dorne subplot at gmail.com the Lannisters have declared war on house Tyrell they have declared war on Dorne we must be allies no if we wish to survive wait you provoked the Lannister forces by killing Marcella nearly a year ago now well before the Lannister tyrol alliance fell apart yet you know full well that thorn can't stand against the full scale Lannister invasion and that you would need to form an alliance to stand a chance so why the [ __ ] did you declare war when you did fire and blood I traveled halfway across the known world to say three [ __ ] words life's good you're not going to Westeros you're staying here with the second son's there's finally peace in Mereen you will keep the peace while the people choose their own leaders that sounds like a terrible idea barring the fact that the second son's are sell sorts who are absolutely terrible at policing who's to say that Daria will be able to maintain his position as the leader of the second sons without your protection he could very easily be ousted by captains who are bored of playing the marine babysitter and things will fall apart very quickly from their specific orders will be left for you regarding the welfare and the bay of dragons they have dragons we can't call it slavers Bay anymore can we well you don't necessarily have to change the name of a geographic feature just because the government type of the surrounding settlements has changed there's plenty of examples in real life of such things keeping their traditional names but putting that aside think of the poor saw that the citadel who's going to have to go through every single [ __ ] map and change it and I felt nothing Wow Daenerys is becoming more of a daddy's girl every single day hopefully Tyrion can steer her away before she reaches the Wildfire phase it wasn't the first to love you and he won't be the last for both sexes shadowing everyone's always asking me to believe in things family gods kings myself it was often tempting until I saw where belief got people so I said no thank you to believe Tyrion literally just implied the people who believed in themselves end up worse off than people who don't tune in next week for more of these life lessons from tyrion tyrion lanister i named you honda the clean i know he was definitely going to accept the role but doesn't Daenerys technically have to offer the position instead of just thrusting upon someone similar to how Ned had the option to refuse Roberts offer in season one yeah my lord you know given how tough IRA is and how she clearly heard the story of the Nights Watch rat cook he would have thought she may have at least made some effort to allow Walder Frey to eat the pie made from his own sons [Music] it's at this moment that any Lord with half a brain cell would scream guards at the top of his lungs given how throat-slitting works in this world I was taking a serious role of the dice if she wanted to make Lord Walder Frey's suffer as people can sometimes take many minutes to die from having their throat slit whereas others like in catlins case died nearly instantly pray to be somewhere else really are we now also starting every King conversation with we used to do this and this back before she hit the fan a picture of me on the Iron Throne thank you by my side Littlefinger the king of subtlety but hey at least it's not pedophilia anymore Asian spells were carved into his foundations strong magic to protect men from what lies beyond well this does the dead cannot pass yeah but wasn't all of that magic rendered void when the night King touched bran great war is coming now still fight for the living I'll do what I can long as I can and by that I mean I'll stalk everyone who comes north of the wall but not actually help them until an opportunity for an epic rescue arises did it not occur to you to perhaps leave your horse what's Meera going to do carry bran [Music] apparently the most arduous and ultimate trial that any budding three-eyed Raven can endure is discovering that your half-brother who you haven't seen in over five years is in fact your cousin [Music] why would anyone to be so much of a prick to tell a depressed and dying Layana that war had engulfed the entire continent and the Targaryens have fallen to Robert Baratheon all because of her being kidnapped I had imagined the conversation between Ned and Robert when the former got back to King's Landing went something like this hey Ned it's great and all that you've got a bastard son now but you've only been gone for like a couple of weeks must have been some woman's to be able to gestate your baby within that time frame that being said I'm not gonna lie this scene is beautiful my father used to say we find our true friends on the battlefield that might not be the best choice of words given that most of the people in this room didn't fight alongside you against the Bolton's implying that they all aren't true friends and you lords Kerwin your father was skinned alive by Ramsay Bolton still you refused the court how about you climb back down off your high horse you were also prepared to break that oath if it wasn't thanks to Davis's speech 102 whole minutes of various Lord's apologizing profusely for not supporting Jon Snow even though he was definitely going to lose without the Knights of the Vale and should he have lost none of them would have felt an ounce of regret I feel like all this is doing is showing the northerners are just as flexible with their loyalties as everyone else in this country that fire is still going given that Kings learning is basically a discount London that fire should be rapidly turning into a discount Great Fire of London following Circe's antics with the Wildfire and surprise there's still enough lords and ladies left in King's Landing to fill an entire hall I now proclaim Cersei of the House Lannister first of her name queen of the Andals and the first men protector of the Seven Kingdoms so other titles given to the Westerosi monarch just completely superfluous because Jesus Christ people keep changing it and it's annoying within the space of less than two episodes Daenerys managed to retrofit all of the martyrs ships with giant gold dragon bigger heads and brand-new Targaryen sails ease Dothraki and not seasick baris traveled all the way to dawn and all the way back only to immediately turn around and sail for Westeros I hope has accumulated frequent sailor points could at least afford them an upgrade to business class now stand aside worthy adversary tis but a scratch a scratch your arms off
Channel: ZexCentral
Views: 1,225,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game of thrones, game, of, thrones, game of thrones funny, game of thrones parody, game of thrones season 6, season 6, game of thrones tv sins, tv sins, jon snow, kit harington, daenerys targaryen, emilia clarke, tyrion lannister, peter dinklage, cersei lannister, lena headey, jaime lannister, nikolaj coster-waldau, sansa stark, sophie turner, arya stark, maisie williams, margaery tyrell, natalie dormer
Id: OtvwL0tx-X4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 23sec (9023 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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