Everything we know about Hazbin Hotel!

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TheLoadongCrew does an amazing job explaining the lore of HH and HB without any unnecessary or possibly inaccurate information. I'd highly recommend it if your new or curious.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheroryGuy1 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
howdy friend knows my name is Stewart and this video is gonna be a little bit different today see originally I wanted to do an alignment video on Alistair from the series but my patrons and other fans have pointed out that it would be a very short video and probably wouldn't be super fun so instead I have decided to show everyone what has been released about the lore and characters of both has been hotel and hell of a boss and lay it out for anyone who was curious now normally in these videos I tend to avoid giving my direct opinion but if you saw my alignment video on ray and kylo you know that I dropped a lot of hot opinion bombs over the place so let's get this out of the way real fast here is my honest opinion about what many people are calling the most problematic show that came out this year I [ __ ] love this [ __ ] ya know this [ __ ] is my goddamn jam and every character we've been introduced to I absolutely loved I loved the setting the premise everything about this just screams awaiting potential I genuinely can't wait to get a hold of the next thing that visi pop throws at us however before we get to that let's go ahead and take a closer look at the universe that has been presented to us the following information I'm about to present has been gathered from interviews trailers and other tidbits of information given to us by the creators of Hasbun hotel however as with most creative process things are subject to change and nothing should be taken as absolute canon until it has been put into animation things have been changed before so I'll be clear as I can when presenting information and be sure to cite my sources when it all possible however there is a chance that I will make mistakes if I make mistakes please be sure to kindly leave a correction in the comments below and I will try to highlight and/or love them with that let's begin [Music] hell is the main setting of Hasbun hotel and it is a supernatural realm where the souls of sinners and the Damned are sent after they die it is ruled by Lucifer and Lilith the father and mother of our main character charlie respectively each year angels descend from heaven and hold an extermination to eliminate the overpopulation of Hell hell currently has two cities that we have seen pentagram city has seen in Hasbun hotel and imp city has seen in a hell of a boss different sections of Hell are controlled by overlords and a presumably feudal like system overlords or demons that are so powerful they can simply threatened or browbeat other demons into serving them the current overlords of Hell are Valentino the head of the porn industry and angel dust boss not much is known about him other than he is a mobster that has various dealings all over hell's underworld in the prequel comic he has shown to abuse angel dust and keeps him as a porn actor and reluctant prostitute discreetly I can't let it get out I'm offering my services to randos on the street it was a quick cash break presumably Valentino has a positive relationship with another overlord named Vox the TV headed demon who is said to have had an antagonistic relationship with Aleister it has been said by visi pop that Vox will be one of the series bigger antagonists evidently he is said to be a TV from the 50s but otherwise no information has been given on him Rosie is a female Overlord that we briefly see as a cameo at the beginning of the series post extermination she has seemed to own an Emporium with a former associate named Franklin who was killed in said extermination it is suspected that she is some affiliation with Aleister as well but this is conjecture based on what we have seen from some concept and promotional material evidently they have a relationship similar to Mary and Jack from Mary Poppins returns stole this is the overlord scene in hell of a boss fun fact his design is based on the great Prince of Hell stole us from the Lesser Key of Solomon not much is known about him other than he is married has a daughter named Natasha and likes choking on red presumably he is skilled in magic since he possessed a grimoire that blitz stole that allowed him to go into the living world next we have Lilith mother of Charlie this character originates from Jewish folklore where she was Adams first wife and mother of the succubi and incubi assuming this is still the case that would like Charlie a succubus but it's likely that visi isn't going off this lure but various interviews and one-to-one questions point out there might be a connection between her and the Adam and Eve family especially considering the Apple motif we see on Lucifer what we do know is that she must be a performer of some kind considering in the background of always chasing rainbows we see a poster of a group called resist she is always busy and I can tell you for certain that being a content creator really fills your schedule her husband Lucifer is the ruler of hell and father of Charlie and despite not being seen on screen we actually know quite about him thanks to visi pop we know that Lucifer is a talented musician and a lover of polka music of all things he has been described as goofy like Willy Wonka and he and Alistair have a mutual respect for each other it is implied that he is disappointed in Charlie and her ideas with the hotel considering what she says and some visual shorthand that we see in the always chasing rainbows sequence otherwise it is not clear on how close to Jewish or Christian folklore he will be we don't know if he is a true demon or fallen angel and the Bible Satan and Lucifer are technically different entities and according to the wiki Satan is a different character in the Hasbun universe finally we get to the last overlord and god damn I can't get enough of this guy friggin alistair might be my most favorite character in all of fiction he is visi pops baby and a character that she's had since middle school and completely steals the show once he is introduced Alistair is a former radio host when he was alive he was a serial killer in New Orleans Louisiana he lived through the early 1900's witnessed the stock market crash of 1929 and died in 1933 Aleister is extremely narcissistic and it is said that he smiles because it is the best way to show power and dominance it has also said that Aleister is one of the few overlords in hell with a moral code according to visi Pape he does not chase fleeing victims and would never harm a child it has also said that he would actually care for one if he came across one abandoned until it had a mind of its own leading me personally to believe that this is his connection to Nifty the amount of interesting information that is out there about Aleister could fill a whole video but the one thing we're going to focus on today is the infirm that value feeds to us decades ago Alistair manifested health seemingly overnight he began to topple overlords who had been dominant for centuries many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to world's most ancient and destructive evils with this story there is so much more to unpack what's interesting is that vagi specified that kind of raw power had never been harnessed by mortal so before meaning that Alistair must be the first human overlord which is a great segue into our next topic [Music] now what's really interesting about Hell is that there are more than just demons in fact when you start breaking down who is here and who is not it gets sort of tragic seemingly the most populous inhabitants of Hell seem to be lost souls called sinners sinners are pretty basic through one reason or another they have been condemned to hell through their sins on earth brief tangent this also seems to be aware a great deal of the criticism of the show comes from most of our main characters don't seem to have conducted a great deal of bad things especially from a character like vagi or angel dust Maggie seems to be a perfectly reasonable gal who was just overprotective of her girlfriend while angel dust is simply a drug-addicted sex worker leading a lot of people to believe that they were condemned for being homosexual and I think that's the point if you look at the angels we see in the introductions and the trailer for Hasbun hotel you see that angels don't seem to be the good wholesome individuals that a lot of people believe they are they seem to take great pleasure and glee from killing demons they in fact make the same face characters like Alistair or other demons take when being sadistic monsters now this is my own personal theory but it is my guess that one of two things is happening here possibility number one visi pop is doing a commentary on Christian theology and pointing out that many people are condemned to hell for unfair reasons being homosexual a sex worker or a drug addict does not make you a bad person and if that gets you sent to hell it's [ __ ] and it's showing that God is evil possibility number two well Christ on a stick I guess there is a God did you guys hear that let's see it again well Christ on a stick I guess there is a God this suggests that God is absent in the Hasbun universe and the Angels have taken it upon themselves to determine who is worthy of the life and the afterlife this is the stance that supernatural took and frankly it is kind of the safe route to do so we actually do see heaven for a split second at the end of the pilot and it looks like a moon or planet in the sky it could be that heaven is just as full as hell and so the Angels made extremely strict requirements so as to not let many people in which also might be the reason that overpopulation in Hell is such a problem in turn this also explain why Lucifer has no faith in Charlie's plan if he is indeed a fallen angel he would know better than anyone how hopeless the situation is now this is just a theory so taking it with a grain of salt but if matpat drops a video on this be sure to let him know that I said it first tange it over there are also two other types of people in Hell the first one are the original demons any being born or created in Hell is considered an original demon charlie is the only main character who we know of who might be one of these but there's also fan theories that blitz might be one due to some stuff we see in the background and whatever child stole this had the third Dinesen of Hell at this moment has no name that I can find the big example that I can find right now is Molly the fraternal twin sister to angel dust according to the wiki Molly is not a demon but instead a monstrous humanoid specifically a spider we have no clarification as to what this means but this does cast some light as to who gets into Hell then again this could be a bait and switch Molly might have gotten into heaven but it is unlikely by the way my wife and I sell angel dust and Molly dakimakura on our website link in the description however speaking of angels heaven plays a big part in the Hasbun universe as mentioned before we do briefly see it in the night sky at the end of the pilot this is a part of the universe that visi pop has kept extremely secret all that she has said is that heaven is very interesting and she is excited to get to it later in the show we do know that it is kind of an exclusive club only souls who are considered to be redeemed are permitted at the moment we know that angels and exterminators are permitted the exterminators are a special class of angel that descends into Hell once per year to cull the overpopulation problem exterminators appear vaguely robotic and use special tools to kill sometimes their tools are discarded and then collected by other demons to be used and sold later on black markets otherwise as far as we know it is impossible to permanently kill another entity which is why Serpentis didn't die to allister's attack at the end of the pilot if a soul is killed by using these tools they then cease to exist otherwise not much is known except it appears that much of the theology and Hasbun universe is identical to our own this is confirmed in hell of a boss when the immediate murder professionals appear in a Christian Church and the OSU demon directly refers to the state of Ohio oh I live there should I be worried it is unknown whether or not the frequent dimension-hopping of iymp or the other demon has any sort of effect on earth but it is confirmed that they can at least see and interact with the demons there isn't much more information available to you other than some various fan theories out there and I don't want to leave this video with much speculation so instead of dumping a bunch of that on you he is the alignment of all the characters in the show and my reasonings Charlie the princess of Hell who loves her people and wants to redeem as many souls as possible and to get them into heaven waffle good Maggie short-tempered fiery individual who cares more about her girlfriend than anyone else saving souls is important but Charlie comes first chaotic good angel dust [ __ ] kidding chaotic neutral Alistar overlord whose main powers include deal-making and has a strict moral code lawful evil nifty we don't actually know anything about her other than she's polite energetic and as a total neat freak she seems to be helpful but this could be anywhere between neutral chaotic neutral or anything I'm just gonna say neutral husker likely neutral evil considering his standoffish attitude and his self-proclaimed inability to love blitz ooh he owns a contract killing business but he also went out of his way to help a kid who got caught in his crossfire lawful evil moxie weapons expert and seems to care more about his friends than the others he seems to have a conscious so neutral but this one's also really hard to pin Millie Millie loves killing she's completely loyal to her husband and is very friendly to her colleagues I'm gonna say neutral evil but this one is also kind of up in the air Luna the absolute worst abusive to everyone and completely selfish chaotic evil oh and just because she is my wife's favorite character Katie killjoy I stuck-up and crude [ __ ] who anchors in hell won't touch the gays chaotic evil and if you want to see me label more character alignments check out my video on Rey and kylo from Star Wars catch you next time
Channel: TheLoadingCrew
Views: 912,975
Rating: 4.9528461 out of 5
Keywords: hazbin hotel, hazbin hotel lore, hazbin hotel theory, hazbin hotel thories, helluva boss, helluva boss lore, helluva boss theories, helluva boss theory
Id: Bk0csAGCthA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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