Everything To Know About The New Mercedes-Benz EQS

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Kyles thoughts about the new EQS are pretty interesting. He seems very optimistic about the road trip / range capabilities. Looking forward to see how it eventually compares to the ICE S-class.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/realdippah 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Really like this version of the interior. Nice fluid and futuristic feel. Contoured screens and passenger screens are going to become standard, IMO.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/grokmachine 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to another out of spec reviews video in this video we are going to dive deep into everything that we know about the mercedes eqs now i have to say a huge thank you to daimler mercedes-benz for providing interviews and behind the scenes content and tons of information that they were able to share for this video it's really nice of them to get us everything and now we can make in everything we know about the eqs before we're able to drive it so let's go through everything we know about the electric s-class everyone knows the mercedes s-class has been the benchmark luxury sedan for years and now there is an electric version but the combustion car is going to stay on its own path the s-class of suvs the gls will go down its own path and now the eqs the electric s will go down its own path so we'll have three different cars in the s-class segment from mercedes-benz the regular s-class the gls and of course the eqs that is the one we're focusing here eq denotes an electric version of the vehicle or i should say an electric ground-up design from mercedes the eqs is built on a ground-up modular architecture that basically can be scaled battery pack size as well as vehicle architecture to match eqc eqe eqs electric suv versions can all be built on this chassis and it's really going to be paving the way for the future of mercedes evs so it's very important that we dive into the design ethos build quality uh targets for battery charging motors things like this as well as the car hitting all of the s-class marks you would expect a comfortable interior class leading technology pushing the limits as far as design goes this is going to be pretty interesting it's going to be a long video i'll have it broken up into modules so you'll see in the pinned comment chapters that you can scroll to as well as uh if you're watching natively on youtube you can just scroll through the individual chapters uh this is everything we know currently it's not everything you will be able to know about the car but we do have quite a bit of information but of course there's still plenty to learn about this car i'm going to be seeing it in person we're going to be driving it but all of this is to come down the line in the future i'm excited for this car it's coming fall 2021 to the us and uh the range looks really good everything looks good so let's get into it can't wait we're gonna start with the battery pack to dive deep the eqs has a lithium-ion battery concept that is modular efficient and innovative the battery system can be flexibly equipped with pouch or hard case cells and depending on the variant enables a range of up to 770 kilometers the in-house developed battery software enables technological over-the-air updates in this way the energy management of the eqs will also remain up-to-date in the future let's talk about the battery first off so battery pack is 107.8 kilowatt hours usable really sizeable battery pack installed capacities around 113 kilowatt hours so there's a nice buffer there but really not too much and we'll see if mercedes has a guidance as to how deep they want us to charge every day if it's an 80 limit 90 percent limit um and we'll we'll definitely look into that when we get to play around with the car in person but it's a 400 volt system architecture that's totally modular again the eqs is the longest car on this chassis so with smaller iterations and different battery pack sizes they can basically just add or subtract bricks kind of a neat idea and i think it works well for this modular uh chassis which will be able to span tons of future evs uh into the future for mercedes-benz so that's pretty neat interestingly as well the battery management system is all developed in-house which gives mercedes total control over the battery pack and it's also able to be updated over the air so if you wanted to change your charging curve if you wanted to increase usable capacity later on in the vehicle's life if there are certain thermal conditions where they're able to open it up for example allow the battery pack to regen or charge faster under colder temperatures these can all be updated over the air over time which is really neat and uh will be really useful if you're thinking about buying a car if you think about keeping car long time over the year updates to almost every module on the vehicles very important for an ev because most automakers are very conservative at launch and then they'll open things up as it goes and they have more data from the field cool idea lithium-ion pack of course eight part nickel one part manganese one part cobalt so 10 of the active materials cobalt which is really low considering modern standards we'll see future battery pack technology come with probably even less cobalt even down to cobalt free battery packs but this will come down the road i think as far as everything going on today this is fairly good the battery packs are produced just on the other side of stuttgart don't ask me how to pronounce the name of the city they're pronounced but everything comes together in factory 56 that we talked about and everything's produced in the same area from battery pack and final assembly which is pretty neat in terms of charging things get pretty interesting 200 kilowatt peak charging and i spoke to one of the engineers and he said that pretty much stays flat all the way to 80 percent he said it may come off 200 180 close to 80 percent but at least the initial reports sound like the charging curve is going to be fantastic so the peak charging rate 200 kilowatts awesome really good number i think that that's a super great target uh but for from from what percentage because the curve also matters so this is obviously from down low and then when does it appreciably pull off 200 kilowatts is around 30 or 40 percent or how how long does it hold where we address or aim at between 20 and 80. so in a really very long window or a very large window of the um battery of course that depends on temperature and stuff like that but we want to have that not only as a short peak because that's only worth something on the paper but really sure um to have that very constantly in terms of charging on ac power it's 40 amp or 9.6 kilowatts again this could be for the european versions we'll see what the us cars come with but 9.6 kilowatts on a car this big with that big of a battery pack is about what 12 hours for a full charge from zero on ac i think this really needs closer to 80 amp on board charging if it's gonna truly be the s-class of evs it needs a you know a 19 kilowatt on-board charger or something like this so we'll see the vehicle is also plug-and-charge capable so when you plug into an electrify america charge point station you get the car hooked up for the first time all the apps are connected on the back end ideally you'll plug in and it'll just vin recognition and charge and then charge your account which is neat uh mercedes has a service called mercedes me charge and i'm trying to figure out if this is for the european market or for the u.s market as well but it comes included for two years and honestly i tried to read through everything and ask around i don't know if this car will come with free two years of charging but at least based on the material i'm reading it shows that that's the case so we'll definitely see and i'll update you over time there's also eco charging functionality that will reduce the load of charging as a setting to slow down the aging process of the battery pack which is natural of course all batteries will degrade and you can also schedule your charging to happen during certain hours of the day to take advantage of cheaper electricity rates battery seems pretty good you know i think the mercedes is taking a huge focus on thermal management as well as charge rate so they want you to really spend the least amount of time at the charger possible if you look at wltp efficiency rating this car can add 300 kilometers of range in 15 minutes which is really interesting i don't think you're going to get 470 miles on a charge in the epa cycle so we'll take a look it's to see you know how many miles it adds in rated miles per minute and how well this car does and its efficiency during our own 70 mile per hour highway testing that i run every ev through but at least everything's looking really good here and have to say this is really awesome guys mercedes i think is doing a great job with this battery pack design this modular architecture while i believe the module the the modules do take up space and complexity for ground up evs specific for their chassis daimler really has tons of different models that they need to make evs for and this is probably the correct approach to break the batteries into modules and then have the bms all controlling everything so pretty neat let's talk about range and how the car gets that range so 770 kilometers or 478 miles on the wltp cycle this is aided by the .20 coefficient of drag which is just insanely low and we'll get into styling in a little bit but the the drag of the vehicle has so much to play into the range so cd value of 0.20 this is achieved with the 19-inch amg wheel and tire combo and only in sport driving mode and sport driving mode lowers the car all the way down of course and the 19 inch wheels i believe are the smallest wheels you can get at least the most aero designed ones there's other things that go into styling that we'll get into but it has seamless door door handles which is really neat and then you know just huge steps to reduce wind noise nvh all throughout the car and this is all a benefit of course of a lower cd is the car's going to be really quiet because it's slippery so you have a flat windscreen this one bow design that goes across a really smooth underbody you have a lower cooling requirement for an for an ev especially while just cruising so the louvers on the front can remain closed so the car can have the air deflected around as much as possible which is really neat and uh for the first time ever there are six side windows in a mercedes but everything is just super super flat so we'll get into more of the nvh later on but the cd value really leads to an amazing highway range i suspect now what's powering this vehicle is hugely important the eqs drives pleasantly quietly this is made possible by the intelligent design and construction of the electric drivetrain the arrangement of the elastomer bearings and support frames as well as the sound insulation of the electric powertrain the drive noises and vibrations are optimally isolated silence as luxury becomes the guiding principle of the new eqs [Music] the four-wheel drive with two e-engines are harmoniously coordinated depending on the driving requirements both drive modules are intelligently combined for optimal performance and efficiency the result long range with strong performance the enhanced developed eco-assistant detects the route and supports the driver with intelligent recuperation whenever the situation allows the system changes to sailing mode thus the eqs drives almost without any energy usage the eco assistant analyzes traffic situations gradients vehicles ahead and speed limitations and supports the driver in anticipatory driving thanks to the intelligent recuperation strategy the eqs relieves the driver from braking and depending on the situation stops automatically when vehicles ahead are detected so you can have up to 385 kilowatts of power which is 516 horsepower you can have as low as 329 horsepower if you opt for just the rear wheel drive version now i imagine there will be a performance version with well over 516 horsepower coming down the road but we don't have any details on that so i believe they're calling this the eqs 400 or 450 somewhere around there i don't know the exact naming yet but i think it's the eqs 450 is what they're calling this one again rear wheel drive is standard 4matic all-wheel drive optional and 130 mile an hour top speed which is quite low given tycon can do 167. i i would have expected a higher top speed from the germans on something like this again being an eqs an s-class level vehicle there has to be almost no compromise and the 130 mile per hour top speed especially for the germans might be a pretty big compromise i'm curious as to why that's the case they did not want to go with the two-speed transmission in this vehicle like porsche has done so maybe that has something to do with it you have two permanent magnet motors and they have pull in stator windings for a really strong magnetic field the it also has an interesting stator tilt function that has windings that are not totally coherent basically they all go in different directions and this helps reduce motor cogging at low speed the rear motor is also a little bit more powerful because it operates in a six phase operation which is two windings with three phases each reducing cogging and of course increasing performance while also decreasing waste heat which is really neat they have a really sophisticated thermal concept for high load capacity and multiple accelerations with the consistency basically so you can just wide open throttle this thing over and over and over and mercedes claims that they will keep it cool and so how are they keeping it cool they have a water lance in the shaft of the rotor that cools the rotor the stator has ribs all around it which is super neat it has a needle shaped pin fin structure on the inverter the transmission has a separate oil cooler which helps keep the transmission fluid for the single gear reduction at a good temperature it also helps for warming up the gear oil in cold weather operation of course evs are still less efficient in the cold and that's because there's fluids and things that need to come up to temperature of course you need to burn heat the 4matic system features a torque shift function function that will distribute uh torque and power front to rear axle uh individually we'll monitor this 10 000 times per minute and of course mercedes will use this to optimize to have the most efficient motor in the given scenario so for example i don't know what the gear ratios are front and rear but let's just say the front motor is optimized for highway efficiency it will prioritize torque to that motor for highway cruising which could be interesting mercedes has done a ton of testing millions of miles of testing on e-drive test benches at two separate facilities around the world they've also done vehicle testing globally you know the germans are obsessive about testing their vehicles so s-class has been on probably every continent or close to it and they've done special hot and cold weather testing for the power electronics just because you have to imagine this is an entirely new chassis for the germans for for daimler and so everything is new so everything needs to be retested it's not like they can harvest this module and this wiring harness from the combustion s-class this is new ground up so everything needs testing and it's really tough to get all this done and done correctly we wouldn't be evaluating an ev if we didn't talk about the regeneration and the relationship between the accelerator pedal and the brake pedals so sounds like there will be three different regen strength settings and these are controlled with steering wheel paddles on the back of the steering wheel uh it will also be situational optimized with the help of eco assistance so you i assume there'll be an auto mode where it will coast downhills if you're trying to extend your range or if the car in front of you is slowing down it will increase regen uh neat in in d auto mode now i haven't played around with the car i don't know all of the modes but it will give you 0.5 g of off throttle deceleration that's a lot but 0.31 g of that is made up from region and 0.22 g of that is friction breaking now those don't quite add up it's because i converted them from feet per second squared into g to make it hopefully easier for you to understand but basically what this is saying is tons of regen off the accelerator pedal and it can even come all the way to a stop using this one pedal driving mode i did mention though 290 kilowatt peak regen that's awesome now i spoke to one of the engineers in a video that we just put up on inside ev's youtube channel he claimed 200 kilowatts of regen the technical material claims 290. not sure who to believe i'm going to go with the technical material though because that that's a huge number if that's the case that's the most amount of regen to any car that we've heard about so far the second closest regen would be 265 kilowatt regen from a ticon mercedes also claims that you can do this with the rear wheel drive version but your traction limited so basically you'll just use all of that rear axle for regen and probably never even use the friction brakes on the back that's pretty wild so sounds like they're going to optimize all of the region to have a coasting setting a mild setting an automatic setting and of course a really strong off throttle blended regen and friction braking i'm going to assume that the brake pedal will also blend friction brakes in after regen so we'll have to test that brake pedal calibration when we have a chance to drive this car but i think they're taking a good approach the europeans really love this blended braking on the brake pedal actually almost everyone does but tesla i still think tesla has the correct approach which is give you all the regen off the accelerator pedal and keep the braking system a hydraulic system it feels the most natural it's the least complicated uh and and i think it's probably the the best solution really but i understand where they have a lot of buyers that are going to be first time ev owners that won't necessarily like the feeling of regen off the accelerator pedal and in the case of a tesla if you have the car in in region on low hitting the brake pedal doesn't increase the recuperation forces so this is probably their best compromise for efficiency and i understand why they took this approach you know what powers the car you know what charging the car but how does this all come together on a road trip which arguably is the most important part i think to ev ownership and that's purely because the one time you may go on a trip the car needs to be really good so uh let's uh let's dive into what it's like to road trip an eqs the cloud-based navigation with electric intelligence calculates proactively and continuously the energy requirements in order to determine the optimal route the topography route surrounding temperature speed and the charging infrastructure are constantly being analyzed if the driver wants additional reserves at the planned charging stations he can set this individually he does not need to worry about the range the charging system of the eqs is designed for all common charging options from the household socket to the quick charging station with plug and charge charging is possible almost anywhere through mercedes me charge mercedes eq customers have direct access to more than 500 000 charging points worldwide bi-directional charging makes it possible for the first time to pass the energy from the battery onto other consumers this turns the car into an electricity supplier for example for your own house mercedes calls this navigation system navigation with electric intelligence so it means they're really putting a big emphasis on correct and accurate ev route planning not much can be said about this other than tesla really i've tested almost every ev the tycon comes close uh but but this uh navigation with electric intelligence sounds like it takes it even a step farther so it will plan routes uh including charging stops and here's everything that it calculates elevation ambient temperature speed heating cooling demands traffic on planned route and charging stations based on charging speed and payment function so for example if you have two separate 350 kilowatt locations in the same spot it will prioritize the one that can use plug and charge functionality really neat actually the system will respond dynamically to traffic changes or your driving style or if you crank the heater to high it'll say okay maybe we'll pull you in a stop early if you change or if you start to drive more efficiently maybe it can extend you farther to the next charging stop so that's really neat so many evs will calculate your trip plan at the start of the trip and then it just tries to stick with that for the entire thing but it's a dynamic situation going on a long stretch that could be over a thousand miles in some cases so i really like this all of the calculations done in the cloud and on board so even if you don't have cell service it will work but it sounds like it will be optimized better if you have a cell connectivity so that's pretty neat and it also allows the user to individually edit the route for example if it chooses a charging station you don't like you can say no remove that one go to another one that's really cool and it will also allow you to choose the battery power reserve at the charger and the final destination so if you're going to go on a trip that's you know across the country you can say i want to pull into chargers at 10 or 5 percent state of charge and when we get a chance to road trip the eqs of course we're going to you know look at the charging curve and figure out what the exact best way to road trip the car is but i love that you can adjust it and it's all done through this giant hyper screen that we'll talk about as well so another neat thing is if you you can select in the car that you have charging at the end destination for example you're staying at a hotel with a destination charger or your end destination is home where you have a level two charging station you can just say pull in dead and uh that'll just you know optimize the amount of time that you are driving on the road and not over charging for any reason so i really love that the car will also provide visualization and graphics to show if the battery or i should say if your range is sufficient to get to your destination and then back so it will factor in multi-stop basically back to your starting point which is really nice uh you can of course have your favorite charging stations preferred along the route all of this can be uh chosen and then if for whatever reason that you're not able to make it to the charger let's say you get a ton of headwind or you start driving quickly the car will suggest for you to switch to eco driving mode and we'll even give you tips as to how to make it to the charger or find you backup options i think that's really a great great solution and something i think is neat that we're going to have to try out is it's going to calculate the charging costs based on your route plan so it sounds like the car is really going to do a ton to help with road trips and this could be the first integrated route planner in a production electric vehicle that's not from tesla that actually works and i'm very much looking forward to trying this out and i love that mercedes is making this such a huge deal putting it at the top of press releases talking about their intelligent navigation with electric intelligence is what it what it's called because it tells me that they get it they understand the handheld holding process that many people need on a road trip finding stations telling them how long you need to charge at that individual station guiding them as to which stations to use and when so all seems pretty neat so just to wrap up all of the ev side you know i really approach cars in a few different ways but one of the pillars i've dig deep into with evs is how is it as an electric car so you need to think about battery charging rate you need to think about regen rate you need to think about usable capacity versus installed capacity over-the-air updatable to every module on the vehicle things that would make a really good electric car really good and gotta say it sounds like the eqs really has nailed it at least on the specs i think nothing extraordinary here in terms of charge rate 200 kilowatts isn't crazy but it sounds like the charging curve is going to be really good and that may make this one of the best and ultimate ev road trippers so i'm very much looking forward to trying this car out on the ev side but now it's time to dive into the touch points how is this as a car rather than just an electric car and man does it have a lot to live up to because it has an s in the name this needs to be the ultimate electric sedan luxury sedan that happens to be electric and so what have the germans done to make it look the part feel the part and have the technology to back up everything s-class has stood for over the years let's dive into it now the eqs in its full exterior form has not been released yet that's really the last thing we have yet to see from the new eqs is the finalized exterior design but we have some words we have some b-roll we have some photos we can get a general idea of what this car is going to look like through the camouflage and you have to keep in mind the eqs is a close relative to the full combustion s-class however it is built on an entirely ground-up all-electric architecture so it's very different you have to think of this as the s-class of electric cars not necessarily an electrified s-class so totally new design concept here and and the biggest one is a a one bow design uh that is uh just amazing because what this is is it's essentially a singular curvature from almost the hood all the way down to a sloping fastback design so this one bow design also stretching out the cabin means you have a cab forward design also a very curved roof and it kind of looks like this it looks like a magic mouse and my friend ben made this comparison he's like alright you can have this one it's pretty good actually the eqs also has the lowest coefficient of drag of any series production vehicle in history you have to imagine this is a big luxury set with quite a large frontal area but it has a .20 drag coefficient which is insane now this is only achieved in sport mode with the 19 19-inch amg wheels in particular but it sounds like the rest of the versions will be relatively slippery depending on the spec they all will be pretty good in terms of overall design we're going to have to wait till we see it truly in person to come up with final impressions and assumptions with the camouflage all removed but overall it's a very curvy vehicle you can see the hood slats are curved down so there's very few panel gaps that are actually visible this required a whole new technology in stamping uh the entire clamshell bonnet which is really neat it also has really only one curvature line and that's the rear shoulder it has a z shape so when the light hits it you can have a really nice reflection but the rest of this car is really swoopy and orbee type type of look i had the chance to speak to robert lesnick who's head of exterior design and they followed the process of progressive luxury this was their tagline to build the entire vehicle off of the eqs is quite a tall vehicle so he was saying the one bow design really helps lower the actual visual look of the eqs even though it's quite high up there are star patterns throughout the vehicle not just here on the camouflage and uh it's kind of neat i look personally i'm going to wait till i see it in person to reserve final judgment but i'd love to hear what you guys think it's a huge departure from mercedes in the past there's almost no crease lines on this entire vehicle it's very aero focused and personally it doesn't excite me but again i haven't seen it in person and i'm looking forward to it now take a look at those rear tail lights just there you can see they're a helix shape in 3d the headlights as well have really nice daytime running lights the final production version will have three dots connected with a really nice light signature really nice it's a enormous wheelbase on this car wheels pushed all the way to the edges maximizing the interior volume it's a little bit shorter than the combustion s-class but retains more interior space which is really nice so overall looking forward to hearing what you guys think about the exterior let's dive into what we know though and that is the interior the interior of the eqs is where the car needs to truly shine uh needs to basically display that it's a car of superior quality to anything else on the road regardless if it's electric or not mercedes-benz approached this with the theory of embodiment of progressive luxury of course the sensual purity beauty and extraordinary mindsets that we talked about from the exterior design carry forwards but it needs to be modern and come feel like it's coming from the future but also harken back to the past with really nice touch points high quality leather and wood materials if you don't want that giant hyper screen which you don't have to get quite a bit to go through here and it's really going to be quite interesting the biggest shock to me or i think to anyone looking at the interior of the eqs is the hyper screen now we're going to go in depth on just that screen in a little bit but the first thing that i noticed that i think our viewership will want to know is it's not a giant screen it's got three screens behind it so you have one for the passenger one for the center of the car and one for the driver and it's huge it's really neat we'll talk about how they design the glass the processing power behind the screen but it is not one giant screen it's one giant piece of glass that then has multiple screens behind so that can be kind of interesting the outer vents are turbine blades that feed the air right to you and i think it's such a great contrast between those blades and this giant glass panel because being a mercedes being an s-class it can't all be techy we you know part of what i want to see in a car personally are these really fine high craftsmanship details and uh you know those air vents are are perfect now in terms of interior space the entire car is a little bit shorter than s-class but has more interior volume part of that's just because of they were able to have that cab forward design of course having everything pushed to the edges but you're going to have no transmission tunnel which means you'll have tons of extra storage throughout the vehicle of course you'll have flowing leather surfaces and intricate seam patterns to really bring together that classical design that we really look for there's two seats that you can choose from in this car the comfort seats or the sport seats the comfort seats come with the electric art design and equipment line i'm not sure if this is for the u.s spec cars sometimes the german spec vehicles and the u.s spec cars have different lines but for example like you can get a c-class avant-garde line in germany but we just have like the the comfort or the sport so we'll see what comes through but i'm pretty sure we'll have an amg line interior regardless and that comes with the sport seat the comfort seats are basically just one big flat slab of seat very simplistic but they have uh wrap around surfaces and they provide good body support which is nice 12 different maybe 10 different massage profiles in this seat you can do hot stone massage as well really nice gotta love that the sport seats are slim and monolithic in shape and they are designed in such a way to give the impression of draped on leather blankets yeah you see i i just look i just want the seats to feel good and hold me in and will be kind of neat you know they have really neat perforations and highly uh deliberate graphic patterns uh throughout the seat so who knows maybe it looks good we'll play around with it i think it's a gorgeous looking interior i think the coolest part about this interior is the ambient lighting so you can have uh we'll get into it but you can have lights all around the seats which are really nice like the speaker grilles are outlined at when it's dark out this back lighting really is just absolutely amazing and there's some new materials as well there's something called neotex which is uh basically it looks like nubuck leather um but but it sort of feels like high-tech neoprene and this will be across the dash the new land rover defender has a similar material i thought it was really high quality every mercedes eq will also have a rose gold accent line going across the dashboard which i think looks great and that's regardless of color and it's supposed to be derived and evolved from the electric coil [Laughter] okay well there's eight color combinations you can get inside they're all coordinated between a mix of warm and cool tones so you'll have for example the sable brown neva gray and then the space gray macchiato beige combinations as contrasting those are two examples of course kind of neat you can get wood trim or you can get like this futuristic trim stuff honestly just play around with the configurator i think when it goes live and figure out what you like every single piece has a story about how it was crafted and designed and came up with and it's all really neat they put a lot of work into it i have a hard time explaining uh touch and feel points of course when i haven't sat in the car so we'll play around with it but we can get as much as we want now what we can talk about are the graphics and displays that will be coming in so the color themes for the displays are a new color world of blue and orange throughout all of the display so this is a new uh style for mercedes-benz take a look at this video that i'm playing right now you can kind of see how when you hit the acceleration pedal you get this wave that comes out on the power and then you get this g-meter puck in the middle this is the sporty display it's a three-dimensional performance bar so you can see the drive acceleration and charge of course you can see that g-force puck but there's three different main modes you can have the understated the sporty and the classic and the one we're looking at here of course is the sporty so i don't know what the other ones look like but i'm hoping pretty interesting there's three modes within those three themes that you can have or three display styles and that's navigation assistance or service i would probably have it in uh assistance which will basically show you cars around you lane markings uh things like this and other road users and it will distinguish between cars motorcycles and trucks and pedestrians of course which is neat you can get two different sizes of head-up display ranging from pretty large to absolutely massive and i'm pretty sure it's 77 inches yes 77 inches diagonal heads up display 3d i mean if that's like fills up the entire windshield that's incredible i can't wait to try that out it is the uh i believe the largest augmented head-up display uh in any automotive world so the from a display perspective i want to dig a little bit deeper into the hyper screen but in terms of the information that's going to be displayed to you you have the driver instrument cluster you have the heads-up display projecting that massive image again that's for the largest heads-up display i don't know the cross-sectional size of the smaller head-up display you have the center navigational map that will be just to the right of you you can see that now in a video clip i'm playing and then you'll have a separate passenger display all the way on the right that you can put on a picture and i'm not sure what else you can do over there but i know there's a user programmable modes that you can do things with on that side so all seems pretty neat from a display technology what you're going to be seeing but mercedes is really focused on sound as well so of course you can have a visual uh you know we went through the touch you know which is the seating the materials stuff that i don't know how to explain to you until i feel it we went through what the interior is going to be displaying to you and then of course you need to see the auditory experience and this is going to be quite interesting because they've gone to great lengths to reduce nvh in this car there's a special foam mount foam mat excuse me around all of the motors which is really interesting they also use nvh optimized arrangement of magnets inside of the rotors known as a sheet metal cut it reduces the use of rare earth materials at the same time which is quite interesting the inverter cover is made of a three metal and plastic layer so you have a really thick inverter cover and so you don't get that high-pitched squealing noise that quite a lot of electric cars have they've put in acoustic foam that's built into the body in white which is crazy and then the tailgate itself because it's quite large is going to have two acoustic dividers to reduce the level of booming noise that is also common with hatchbacks and quite large tailgates and electric cars so it's a real big focus here on quieting down the car however then they kind of said well maybe it's a little bit too quiet so they've added something called the acoustic experience the sound experiences so you have a sound system in the car of course which is a burmester uh 15 speaker 750 watt system burmester is one of the leading names in high-end audio from an automotive source i used to own a porsche with a burmester sound system in it and it was truly incredible uh but that had almost twice the output power as this car did so you know with with less exterior road noise means you need less amplifier power to push into the car so we'll see how that plays through and what it sounds like when we're able to drive it but essentially you'll have multiple soundscapes that you can choose from and soundscapes will be sort of the theme for what everything sounds like so you'll have something called waves and vivid flux and vivid flux is like aimed at the ev enthusiast it makes like cool sword noises and jetson's noises and all this stuff i don't know personally i would turn all this off but maybe it's actually pretty good you know we'll have to try it before i say anything you know that that's really too bad i think it's a little gimmicky but it is uh implemented in a way where it doesn't seem too intrusive take a listen to the vivid flux uh when fabion here floors it in the eqs you see in the instrument cluster a subtle supporting sound of um the torque of the power coming from the motors so the sound is an algorithm that was created by the 250 sound engineers inside of mercedes uh it's rendered in 3d so the sound thro flows through the entire cabin you won't really be able to pinpoint a speaker within the cabin that it's coming from so i think that's kind of neat we'll have to see how true that is but i know they spent a lot of time basically designing these sound algorithms in-house to make it all happen it's a dsp concept audio weaver are the tools they use to make these algorithms work and the pedestrian warning sound is unchanged from eqc however there are other sounds produced on the outside of the car and this is a basic aura first off when you lock and unlock the car you're acoustically approached with you know a couple noises i don't know what they sound like but you get this aura when you are around the exterior of the eqs and and what i can i don't know how to explain it because i don't know what it sounds like but it's supposed to give you this this feeling when you're just standing around the car because it's just humming away at you i guess i have no idea so that'll be kind of neat and uh yeah i don't know what do you guys think do you think these eevee sounds are silly do you think they're not silly if they're implemented very well this isn't just like a jaguar i-pace or tycon like sound generator when you floor it this is like so much goes into this uh 12 different sensors adjust the sound based on the driving experience to make it feel more comfortable and more i guess not weird to be driving navy i don't know apparently they'll be able to design more of these and you can download them over time to have more fun so what do you think do you want your sound designs inside the eqs or do you want the pure quiet driving experience the good news is you can turn all this off i think they spent a lot of time on this though so i'm looking forward to trying it out and seeing if it's something i actually like generally i'm a purist and if the car's a v8 i want to hear the noises the engine makes don't pipe in fake sound and if it's an electric car i want to hear the electric wine if there is no electric wine i don't want to hear anything so you know i drive a an i3 we have one in the garage and it is the quietest electric car i've ever driven you really can't hear any electric noise on the inside and it's quite nice so maybe that will be the case for the s-class maybe you just kick it on when you want to go shred up a back road in that i don't know fancy mode that makes it seem like you're driving on volcanoes and yeah seems pretty neat however now we need to get into the interior's party piece for safety and also health which is the hepa air filtration system now not to ignore tesla who's done bio-weapon defense mode and hepa filters i owned a model s with that filter that was really cool and you really do notice the difference and uh the eqs is pretty similar here but it but i think they take it even a step farther now i'll have to wait for some of the air quality engineers to comment i'd love for you to reach out to me directly i can send you some of the technical material i have on this hepa filter i'm going to hit you with quite a bit here but it sounds like mercedes went so far into making sure that the interior remains clean like this is insane so take take a listen to all of this stuff you need to get the energizing air control plus package again the the german spec packages are going to be different from the u.s spec packages that will be all up to the u.s product planners to say what they want from germany from the main production line and then they can package the cars accordingly but it is the first vehicle i think that bears the ofi quality seal zg 250-1 in the area of viruses and bacteria protection now to me as just the person off the street i have no idea what that means but again i'm sharing this because i think it's really interesting you also get in the mbux whether it's the hyper screen or just the main screen that that's mercedes-benz user experience is what that stands for you get particulate levels displayed in real time which is so neat and this will display particulate levels inside the vehicle and outside and that's something i would be really curious to see because when you drive through a really dirty city i'm always like how bad truly is the air so here you'd be able to know at least you can also pre-clean the interior air before getting into the vehicle by pre-conditioning it also adjust the temperature of course and the hepa filters dimension which is underneath the front hood are 23 inches by 16 inches by 1.6 and its volume is almost three gallons and so you have three filters including this hepa filter that run through the entire car you have a coarse pre-filter that retains leaves and snow and sand and traps larger particulates and then you have a synthetic membrane and this is a microfiber layer traps fine dust and the so-called class pm 2.5 to pm 0.3 so these particles are trapped that are smaller than 2.5 micrometers and over 99.65 percent of all particles of all sizes are removed according to the filters efficiency which are certified pursuant to the din en 1822 this must be what people hear when they hear me talk about electric battery stuff because i don't all i'm hearing is this must be a really clean interior but hey look i really want to share this info with you and it's something i'm curious about learning more too is is air quality and things like this so basically what this all boils down to is the interior is going to have the the reduction the reduction of pollutants comparable to that in clean rooms and operating rooms which i think is is really neat there's a third and final filter as well that is going to filter out sulfur dioxide nitrogen oxides and unpleasant odors and this is going to have special activated charcoals in the hepa filter and cabin filter and you have about 21 ounces of activated charcoal with an absorption area i think it's adsorption area equivalent to 150 football fields which just seems like a lot and the activated charcoal is produced from coconut shells which are a byproduct of the cosmetics industry which so that's kind of neat so you're able to reuse stuff that's left over love that again the package is called energizing air control plus and the uh if you have it on recirculating air the air-conditioned recirculating air is filtered several several times and then flushed with uh fresh air at uh regular intervals which i think is quite nice and then on top of all that clean air you can of course use any of the existing mercedes-benz fragrances i have somewhere maybe ben has it my friend ben who i was talking about we have a fragrance sample kit of the mercedes-benz fragrances available however they developed an entirely new fragrance for the eqs that is purchasable and it's part of the air balance package again it might come standard in the us i'm not sure how the cars will be optioned but it's called number six mood linen and the reason that it's called number six is it's the first electric cars added to the mercedes-benz model range were in 1906 and they used electric in-wheel hub motors powered by a battery of course they were available as passenger cars trucks buses ambulances and fire trucks and a wide variety of designs that's so neat love the little bit of history the smell is supposed to give you the slight impression of a fig tree standing at a high elevation surrounded by fresh cool air i think these people have a lot more time on their hands than they know what to do with honestly but this is just the case of car design in germany it's extremely over engineered and look personally i love it i love all these little touches and you need an hour long video if not more just to get through half of the stuff in the technical briefing that they gave me trust me i'm leaving out a whole bunch as well but i'm trying to hit the high points this is super neat let's jump into energizing comfort if you spec the energizing package which again packages will be different you get something called energizing comfort and this isn't unique to eqs but it is included it's also on the current s-class and i'm trying to think i just tested a new e-class that i think had it tuned it's kind of interesting it's more like a funny thing to me i don't know i i when you really spend a lot of time in the cars i think is where you'll really notice this but there's a new uh three new energizing nature programs so you have something called forest glades sound of the sea and summer rain and these are calming sounds uh in consultation created in consultation with the acoustic ecologist gordon hempton and essentially these are to create lighting moods pictures on the dash uh you know changes the the ambient lighting to i guess make you feel like you're in the middle of a forest or in the sea or in a summer rain i don't know i'll read you one of these things from the press briefing because it's pretty funny forest glade can help you escape the noise the noisy daily routine and boost concentration bird sounds rustling leaves and a gentle breeze create a feel-good ambiance the program is rounded off by warm music soundscapes and subtle fragrance so you can see it ties together air conditioning systems to blow at waves you know we were playing around with this actually today i have a bmw 5 series on loan and it has a similar thing but but aside from this this is all kind of kind of silly i think um they're arranged in the 10 minute like experiences for each one of these things but one of them i find pretty interesting is called power nap and whether the system will automatically suggest for you to take a power nap or you suggest the system that you want to take a nap basically you pull over to a charging station or a service area and then the car will bring you through three phases of a sleep now i'm not sure how long it keeps you asleep for but if you have like a wearable like a garmin wearable or a mercedes-benz watch it actually displays your heart rate and sleep status all on the screen and it uses like body algorithm stuff i don't understand to control how you sleep i don't know pretty interesting anyway what it'll do is it'll put the seat all the way back close all the sun shades and it works in three different modes you have a falling asleep mode a staying asleep mode and a waking up mode and it will keep the conditioned the interior condition longer than the combustion vehicles will of course and the eqs ensures a sleep promoting atmosphere by moving the driver's seat of course into the resting position closing the side windows and roller blinds activating the ionization of the fresh and recirculating air and adjusting the ambient light accordingly you can do this for the front driver seat or passenger seat which is pretty neat and waking up is accompanied by a pleasantly activating soundscape appropriate fragrance as well as a briefly active subtle massage in seat ventilation just to get you waking up see these this is just the stuff the germans do this is so neat i love all these things and and for me personally like there's so much i don't even know how to cover all of this in a review i mean you need to be like auto fool and do two hour long reviews on these cars and maybe more but uh at least our audience will learn about them here with this video which is kind of interesting the the smartwatch integration where it can monitor pulse rate stress level and sleep quality and then adjust the programs in the car using the artificial intelligence system to make sure that you are prepared or or handled correctly i think that's really actually kind of neat let me know what you think and welcome to the final module everything you wanted to know about the mbux hyperscreen now uh this is crazy okay so this is basically a 56 inch wide piece of glass that had to be formed at 1202 degrees fahrenheit uh to create this like visually stunning solid piece across the card now what i originally thought was that the this is one giant display it's not it's three displays one for the driver one central display and one passenger display i'll give you the this is an in-depth video so the driver display is 12.3 inches that's an lcd screen and that is wet bonded to the glass the central display is 17.7 inches which is massive and that is dry bonded and that's oled and the front passenger display is 12.3 inches again oled now um some some things that are pretty interesting are that there you can have force feedback as well as haptic touch so there are 12 vibration motors underneath the screen eight of them are in the central display four of them are in the passenger display and you basically give this mechanical switch impression when you touch the screen most of you have experienced haptic feedback by now but crazy that they could implement it on something this big you can also have forced feedback which is basically done by a metallized foam that's integrated into the device as a force sensor you can have different levels of pressure on the glass that will change the response of the system so if you want to dig deeper into a menu you just push harder should be really neat i'm excited to see how the software does everything what i find interesting is there's so much information going on here on this giant display that mercedes needed to allow the passengers to do something do some things such as watching movies they didn't really say that but i imagine you can watch videos on here but they don't want the driver being distracted so there's a whole bunch of cameras and monitoring systems inside of the car that will determine if the driver is looking at the passenger display and then dim that display down so they can't see what's going on if the front passenger seat is not occupied the screen will then just display an image of your choosing the curved glass is made of scratch resistant aluminum silicate glass and is coated to make cleaning fingerprints easier with just a microfiber cloth to be expected there's multiple light sensors as well throughout the car to determine the brightness of the screen so you don't just have the screen adjusting and dimming like if you're going through a an area where the sun is hitting right on the sensor it brightens up the screen but it's actually dark outside or vice versa and so you won't have a scattered light fooling the the the light sensors and having a misim misinterpretation of the light and having the screens at the improper brightness which i just love that they spent the time on all of this stuff also uh oleds have age-related burn-in effects and so they thought about this and they monitor each individual pixel with an algorithm and they also rotate some of everything around imperceptibly so that you don't have crazy burn-in over time really wild as i mentioned the glass is formed at a process of up to 1200 to fahrenheit it's you know same process as camera lenses and smartphone glass covers it enables a distortion free view of the displays across the entire width of the vehicle all of the displays are transparently bonded to the cover of the glass to reduce reflections which of course uh you know we spoke a little bit about and the black areas between the screens are printed onto the cover glass from behind using a screen printing process specially adapted to the curvature for certain important warning lights like a check engine light or a suspension fault you can see the cutouts in this for the lights to come through which is pretty interesting in terms of crash safetiness the hyper screen is bolted directly onto the cockpit cross member it is a stabilizing magnesium support as the structural component of the mbux hyperscreen and the connection is made via aluminum brackets the honeycomb structure allows them to bend in a controlled manner in the event of a crash and there's also uh predetermined breaking points of the glass behind the side air vents if you have a severe side impact so pretty neat that they really thought about all of this now that's not the only system of course in the vehicle that you can choose from you can option a regular i believe it's a 12.8 inch display that's very similar to the combustion s-class that goes in from from mbux and the system functions as normally basically you're not going to lose functionality going without the hyper screen and you would also gain some beautiful wood texture where the hyper screen would be personally it might be what i go for the hyper screen doesn't excite me that much i think it's really neat but i might just go for the normal one save whatever that option cost is and get a really nice you know wood interior backing plate which i think could be quite interesting all of your menus everything is right up top and then you can also have suggestions that the car will make for example if you're pulling into a charging station that's enabled for plug and charge or or even manual charging the charging menu will just pop up if you call someone on tuesday on your way home from work it'll pull up their contact card on tuesday if you put your heated seat on it'll suggest for you to put your heated steering wheel on so many things that this system can suggest that aren't necessarily making you need to go deep into the menus it also has gps linked suspension which i think is pretty neat so when you get just the standard 12.8 inch display in the center of the car that comes equipped with a 12.3 inch driver display in portrait orientation of course so there's face recognition in the vehicle with cameras in the driver display and it's used for driver assistance and biometric authentication which i think is cool so you can do fingerprint scanning or face detection apparently it will also do use these cameras for fatigue warning and adjusting the exterior mirrors to match where your head is which i think is a really neat feature hey mercedes is also now able to recognize people by their voices and then automatically switch to their profile i imagine they can use the face recognition or fingerprint scanner to match to your profile as well if you are about to exit the vehicle there's cameras inside the car of course and it knows your hands going for the door handle it will warn you at that moment if someone's about to come up and say hey don't open the door so it uses the blind spot monitoring system to basically stop you from opening the door into a cyclist for example really really neat stuff and good integration all throughout i'm really excited to play around with this software in person i know this was a crazy long video i only have technical press materials to share with you guys so far but i know no one else is going to share all of this stuff so if you're interested in eqs i hope you stay tuned because we're going to be doing plenty more with the car i guarantee you and i'm so excited to get to see this car in person get to drive it get to go on a road trip and of course share everything we learn there's one thing talking about all of these features which is kind of neat to hear about and and share with you guys but it's going to be a whole nother thing to experience them and and it seems like the s-class the eqs is just going to have so many things in it that one it might be too confusing for most of the people who buy it uh i i'm gonna need more than a week with it just to figure it out that's for sure and um you know i i love this about the cars because now we're starting to get the best of the combustion vehicles mixed with really good uh hardware and technology from an electric vehicle all into one so it's sort of like my world's colliding you guys know i review all cars and uh part of me loves electric cars and part of me loves this crazy over engineering nerdiness with face recognition turning off the passenger screen when i look over there stuff that just hasn't even been heard of or in the realm of possibilities for people that are locked in the electric vehicle world i i just think it's really awesome that it's all coming together here in the eqs i'm very excited to spend some time with it thanks for watching another out of spec reviews video thanks for sticking around i know this was a long one and talk to you soon bye
Channel: Out of Spec Reviews
Views: 51,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Car, Review, Acceleration, Braking, POV, Handling, Test, VS, Comparison, Interior, Exterior, Supercar, Hypercar, Sedan, SUV, CUV, TFL, Redline Reviews, Motor1, sports car, EV, Electric, car
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 3sec (3723 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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