2022 Mercedes-Benz EQS | Jay Leno's Garage

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If I had nothing but money sitting around, I'd probably order one loaded for the sake of having a top representation of the tech, which It sure appears to be. I'd say Mercedes did it right

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/dcisive1 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’ve really like Mercedes recent stylings but damn that’s fugly.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ForAPorpoiseUnknown 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

The EQS is pretty amazing. I only had the chance to watch the first half of this video, as it’s like 45 minutes long. Jay is a long time EV owner and has plenty of experience with similar EVs. So I’m excited to get to the end and hear his take.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/kaisenls1 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

S-Class is Mercedes' top-tier class. The design always reflected that. There always was something in their design that showed superiority over the normal models. One knew with one look if the Mercedes sedan was a normal family one, the S class. Just like you can always spot the Maybach when put together with a bunch of Mercs.

Look: I'm all for "Form follows function" but there are limits man...

TL;DR: Mercedes EQS does not look like a Mercedes and especially not like an S-Class. Booo!!

Disclaimer: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jambo2011 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
you know it's hard to make a car aerodynamic and attractive now because what we think of as aerodynamic is not aerodynamic at all i've but we've talked about this like the countach it looks aerodynamic that wedge but it's actually a brick it actually hinders the car this is true aerodynamics in a sort of jelly bean bullet shape and it but it's a good looking car welcome to another episode of jay leno's garage very exciting today we have a mercedes-benz it's an s-class the difference is it is all-electric this is the eqs this is a 2022 model i've been driving it for a few days they were kind enough to ship it over here and let me use it and uh it's very impressive uh it's everything you'd expect in an s-class mercedes but electric you've got approximately 400 mile range and uh you know i drove it hard and i didn't find the range you know a lot of times you get electric cars they tell you one thing and then you drive it normally or give it a little more gas a little more gas a little more power than you normally would in the range drops that it wasn't a problem here uh it seemed to be pretty consistent every con conceivable luxury item is on this car i mean you have the the hot shoe shoulder massage you've got it just every conceivable thing the screen is incredible i'll show you that in in a minute uh it's pretty pretty amazing place to be and it has the lowest coefficient of drag of any car you know back during the sort of golden age of streamlining in the 30s you had the tatra and you had all these cars that really weren't concerned with downforce or high speed and this beats all of them you'll find out what it is i think it's uh 0.20 or 0.22 i'll find out in just a second but i'm going to bring in a gentleman who is an expert on this he is the vice president of design for mercedes-benz north america he had an integral part in this car someone come on in good to see you my friend thanks for bringing me whenever i have something brand new like this i don't know all the ins and outs and i always want to get my facts right so that's why he's here beautiful job on this car congratulations thank you so much we're happy to uh to hear that you like it now what is the coffin is it point two zero point two zero it's almost impossible to get even much lower than that but that's i'm sure somebody will at some point but not probably in the near future pretty amazing the goal has always been the aerodynamic galaxy and it still looks like a mercedes i mean it doesn't it's not a radical shape where people are stunned by it i mean it has all the mercedes cues yet incredibly well aerodynamic i knew when i go down the road in this thing on the freeway you know you have regen braking you can put it in increased regen normal regen or none and when i put it in what would be quote neutral on a normal car i mean the speed doesn't drop at all you're literally just cutting through tell me about these wheel covers those are going to be controversial i'm sure interesting those are actually small mercedes stars aren't they exactly that's our mercedes-benz star pattern right and um i mean whatever we do and as you said of course we want to make this car as aerodynamically efficient as possible but we also wanted to create this luxury feeling this and aerodynamic wheels and perfectly aerodynamic optimized wheels they're also supposed to be like jewelry pieces right so we added these these little details these stars to make it just beautiful to look at and have this great luxury experience there as well now let's let's do some of the mechanicals here this is the dual engine model but there is a rear wheel drive engine model also that would be the least expensive this is the top-of-the-line s-class exactly the price has not been official yet but it's actually a lot less than i thought it's where s-class is now basically a lot of manufacturers shot just ridiculous premium for the electric but that doesn't seem to be the case here so i found that uh refreshing how many how many horsepower is the top of the line model here so about 516 516 okay so it is incredibly fast but it's not meant to be the fastest car it's meant to be a luxury mercedes-benz and that's certainly about as fast as a normal s-class but with just well now the expense of gasoline obviously and here in california it's approaching five dollars a gallon and uh a range of almost 400 miles so it's pretty impressive how long did it take to design this and what were some of the things you had to overcome that to because people think you just sit down and you sketch something you throw in the wind tunnel but it's hugely complicated isn't it definitely definitely and i think this this design the design story of this car actually goes goes even further back than um the project eqs itself i think the whole design story starts even with a show card that we presented in 2015. in the context of electric mobility um what could be the a whole new interpretation of a future um luxury sedan for mercedes-benz and we did it actually a little bit differently to uh what you just mentioned what you expect from a designer and what a designer usually loves to do just sitting down creating a beautiful sketch and then and then see or going from there but we actually went back and said what are the opportunities that we have and how can we really create something new beautiful and stunning and unique so we introduced uh with this show car back in 2015 we introduced this very pure shape and we called it the bow design so we had really one silhouette starting from the front all the way to the right almost like a like a bow and you see that reflected in this car actually today of course this is a production car and we had to work in a different way with this theme but the overall gesture and the feeling and the generosity of shape and this beautiful seamless object that's very much reflecting the original ideas and i want to emphasize that this is not an s-class that's been converted to electricity this is a whole fresh piece of paper from the ground up fully electric car that it's not let's take a nice glass chassis and figure out how to put electric motor in it's totally its own isn't it it's a pure uh original exactly that's our first purpose built yeah full electric uh um uh mercedes-benz limousine and um and that actually was um what gave us this freedom to create this new stunning shape and creating a limousine which besides the s-class uh gives you a completely new interpretation of what a limousine for mercedes can be it's funny you say limousine because here we just limousine in america we tend to think of a chauffeur-driven type of car i suppose you could be because there's enough room but obviously it's an owner-driver car that's something that started back in the 30s duesenberg did that they built a car that had a divider window but also enough luxury in the front that the owner could drive it himself because it was fast and it was high powered and all that type of thing and that's sort of the same thing here this is something well i mean well you'll see the back seat you'll see how much leg room there is that's what i mean i think sitting in the back seat you could clearly imagine this car also being chauffeur driven right but as you said i think it's also fun to drive and uh like a great experience to drive because it's like a completely new way of driving as well now something like this mirror for example um obviously if you're an aerodynamicist this drives you crazy because you have this clean shape and then you gotta stick this thing on here because the government says you have to have it how much how many pieces of paper how many interpretations do you go till you find the perfect shape does it take a really long time or is it pretty we really put a lot of emphasis to make this car and basically all of our cars as efficient as possible right and we don't we don't want to sacrifice just a little bit of beauty uh in order to do that so this is the hardest challenge of course to create both an incredibly beautiful object but at the same time a super efficient object as you mentioned at the beginning basically so this car is um should first of all just be a beautiful piece of art right and on top of that it's very aerodynamic and to achieve that as you said that's a that's a very long process of engineering aerodynamics design very closely working together to achieve this goal and where does eqs come from i assume the e is for electric so basically eq is the name of our sub brand uh the eq like all the electric cars right um the s stands for s class s class okay the old days used to be so easy sel 6.3 okay that's as a long wheelbase 6.3 and you could just tell what it was now it's eqs okay eq yeah the s-class of eqs yeah what aspect of this as the designer are you most proud of when you get together with design buddies and they go hey look tell me what's what's the one area which which stands out to you as a designer probably what's super super interesting or what i'm very proud of is that we really created something like the whole the whole object um which represents mercedes in a in a completely new way in a way that we didn't imagine before like very radical very progressive completely new but at the same time as you said clearly a mercedes clearly an s-class but in a way that you didn't expect before that's one aspect another aspect that i really love on this car is actually the front the new interpretation of this um eq mask grille that's one of my favorite parts actually because it carries for the first time this mercedes-benz star pattern right and that just elevates it to new luxury experience it really you know it's this this little this this this little second reed jewelry pieces embedded into this beautiful surface and that just gives us a super distinctive look and it creates a great face for the cars now was it tough convincing the guys upstairs the old school guy listen we're going to get rid of the three-pointed star on the front i mean did that just the three-pointed start is still there no but you're on me but i mean but the idea okay the standing start yeah um i mean we do have a lot of cars that that don't carry the the standing start anymore and for this car it was just it it just came very natural the overall look it just worked perfectly fine and i think this this the openness for this progressive approach in this front um is is was really great to see this made me smile that's awesome i tell people i tell when people what kind of cars i go if you tell me what this is i will buy you dinner nobody they all starve to death nobody can figure out what that is and that is to fill the windshield washer that just made me laugh i did not see that coming i thought is it some kind of weird electrical plug because this part doesn't you have a huge trunk yeah if you think about it but this doesn't open so you you pour it in here and that's that's your windshield i don't know why that makes me laugh like nobody nobody could guess what the most ardent car guys it's something to do with the no no no that's wrong no that's wrong nobody got it so it's just something to fool your car friends good bar bet when you go to bar and you tell people okay uh obviously got regenerated brakes and all that type of thing definitely um does it you've got the pedals at the right um at the steering wheel to to do you know i love the paddles because because a lot of a lot of big electrics don't have the paddle and i use those instead of the brakes a it makes your brakes last a lot longer your brakes can see me last the life of the car because when i'm coming down the hill i put it on increased regen it slows you right down to a stop and then it's so you never have to touch the brakes obviously if if it's not slowing you down fast enough then you put your foot on the brake but you can double triple quadruple the life of your brakes your pads will last because that's a problem with even the regular s-class in the old days you go through front brake pads fairly quickly especially if you're a spirited driver you know it's a two-ton vehicle and it's got power and you're riding it driving it fast so i think that's that's pretty cool plus you have the good feeling of getting power back right yeah i like the idea that like there's a hill i go down this cold water canyon and i pick up about a mile and a half or two miles extra so i feel like i paid hundreds of thousands for the car but ooh i gained an extra 50 cents by coming up it just it just makes you it just but there's something to it it's this little reward that you get well you know something years ago i think and it was probably 2010 i had a jaguar the big sedan the big four-door center with a big supercharged v8 it was costing me 80 bucks a week in gasoline it was just crazy because on the highway it wasn't bad probably in the 20s somewhere but around town oh my god it was just what again honey you want to go out to dinner or fill the car we can't do both i mean so that was and that was when gas prices were just in the threes out here in california okay so let's let's go along what else we oh it comes in either rear wheel drive only or four-wheel drive correct exactly okay and you can outfit them any way you want uh you can get the full battery packs because a lot of times you buy an electric you don't get the full battery pack with the two wheel drive but here you get the you get the big battery two wheel drive or the all-wheel drive if you like same come with the same battery pack exactly and there are so many luxury options on this thing you have the massage seats hot and cold seats all of that the screen well this is fascinating let me see here open this door see it opens on its own all right so what's really cool about it is you can actually train your car so that once you approach it the door automatically opens you can step in you put your foot on the brake pedal and the door closes automatically so you don't even have to touch it necessarily and then when you're going to just touch this good day mr bond well i was to touch a door what a horrible thing i might imagine touching the door gets away but i just wonder how many valets are going to get hey my arm broken no but obviously it stops yeah that that's pretty cool i mean all these sort of mercedes you know i've got a mercedes 600 from the very early 70s and that has a refrigerator in the center it has a rear seat that you could adjust and people just went crazy that i thought that was unbelievable you know just this am am fm radio a little refrigerator an air conditioner for the back which seemed just the height of luxury back in the day whereas this has every conceivable option you've got two screens for the rear and you've got rear air conditioning all kinds of leg room and the rear seats adjust and have the massage feature so you can have four people getting massages at the same time as you're going down the road this is hilarious plus what's very nice actually is they're both foldable so you can have the like the the the storage space if you need it okay i didn't know that and they're adjustable so that's that's a great combination actually because you know what happens is the trucking company drops here you go hey is there a book is there any hello so you kind of have to i'm going down the road what's that oh i didn't know that feature you know and the the screen is what do they call this screen it's it's the hyper screen hyper screen okay obviously i mean it's literally the entire it goes from the dashboard anymore i guess it's i would say it's more like a a digital or virtual experience sculpture that's what i would eat that's right it's a virtual experience sculpture honey get you it's a word i made up but you know like it's i think it's it's more than just a screen that's what i want to say you know right we could have implemented like three screens just in the dashboard yeah but we wanted to create this this this landscape of um of digital experience and so this is also this like coming from this seamless form language that we have um to make everything as seamless as possible and as pure as possible well this is where mercedes-benz always has the edge over a lot of other manufacturers they've been doing these interiors for a hundred years probably with some of the same suppliers the level of detail and all the options that you can get it's pretty it's pretty amazing it's pretty amazing let's take a look at the screen okay door opens there you are now when i hit the brake it'll shut is that correct definitely all right there you go all right so what do we do first hit start um yeah or yeah hit start okay screen lights up car wakes up so jason this is um our hyper screen it's a it's a huge uh display area sure and it's basically um 56 inch uh from side to side and it gives you all the functionalities that you could possibly think of in such a luxury vehicle and let me just show you some of those those features that are actually quite interesting and here's you've got navigation phone radio media interface and you've got tons more things you don't as well i go that way exactly yeah yeah there's all kinds of things there's so much to discover we've got um three displays integrated we've got a huge o led display in the center um where most of the functionality is happening but you also have one screen for your passenger entertainment so wherever it's allowed the passenger could have like entertainment watch a movie whatever uh and also have like a part of the functionalities that you've got on this screen to use for him or herself okay all right let's see now what do i want to do now um so i mean one thing that's actually quite interesting is you don't even only have that interface you can also switch if you long press the the home button to something we call the zero layer and that's actually something really new because usually you would have to go into the menu and find the functionalities that you wanna um that you wanna have but as you now said what do i want to do at a certain point if you keep on driving this car the car learns about your behavior learns about what you want to do right and these little tiles that you see here and up there more and more of them will pop up and at the certain point of time where for example you would have usually like a like a phone call with a specific person for example it will already offer you do you want to call this person at this point of time right okay and this all is assigned of course to your own personal profile so there can be uh seven different profiles saved on this car and it would recognize you once you step in through for example facial recognition recognition if you want that right you could also have like voice recognition you could have fingerprint or if you don't want any of that any of those you can also like type in a code and then you're signed in and the car basically offers you all the functionalities that are most likely for you interesting in that point of time and this is one of the concept drawings obviously this is this is the um the vision uh avtr right it's a show card that we presented um beginning of 2020 right um and that was in collaboration actually with uh the people that the makers of the avatar movie um oh and also the the the secretary james cameron john landau uh so we work closely with uh with this you can change that picture too if you want definitely you can you you have like this is like right now the screen saver so right as long as no one is sitting in there it's only the screen saver this this um this this this uh you can put a clock in there or a compass whatever you want you could have like a star pattern just a little animation a clock very very subtle but you can also have uh some nice uh graphics basically of course in here you got the traditional console that's a nice piece of wood and then you have yeah you know i i love mercedes fought cup holders for years you don't have to you should not be drinking while driving you don't need a cup but when they did they come out with those elaborate cup holders it made me laugh back in the day everybody else just had a hole and they were saying that thing comes over turns twists goes around this way grabs the cup hilarious yeah this is really something yeah i mean and as you said a nice piece of wood i mean that's what we always try to create you know like this this contrast of like this natural materials but also this digital so and that these two worlds it basically creates this tension that we want to achieve and then we have this here you can go economy comfort sport a sport plus exactly it's amazing how fast it is i mean let's not lie it's a big heavy car but through the magic of electronics it it's very light on its feet it's it's fascinating it really is uh yeah this it really is the future and this is what the future is when you realize without the complications of valves and exhausts and meeting smog emissions and bringing your car in and all that kind of stuff and i imagine emissions tests in germany are quite strict aren't they yeah definitely yeah definitely we put a lot of focus on that yeah if you have a car it's even a little bit out of tune oh my god it's going to cost you a lot of money so what you of course can do is you can change the overall light setup and the overall mood in the interior so you can go into light and you've got all kinds of interior lights um ambient lighting that you could that you could go through so these are all the colors available huh yeah basically you can have you can have all kinds of all kinds of colors that you want to have if you're going to go here you can just pick your favorite color but we also have um these multi-color lights that would eventually even even change the color and there's actually one one very interesting one which is um not not extremely spectacular as we're standing but it would react to the way that you're driving if you're accelerating there would be some light flashes going around so it even enhances your driving experience yeah that's right i guess the blue light behind you that that pay no attention to that just watch this flashing light that's not the one behind you yeah definitely very cool yeah let's go to comfort go let's show people the what you have in the seats that's this is amazing to me i mean i love that definitely um if you go to massage you have got all kinds of different so you got hot relaxing shoulders mobilizing massage active inside and classic massage you get intense or just regular i guess that it's pretty and it really works but it gives you a massage while you're driving it it's it's fantastic so the seat even heats up in some spots so you even have this feeling of a hot stone massage yes it's really nice and then you have a fragrance one as well where is that exactly um so there we go into um okay that's to direct your air then you get and then you go into air quality but that's and there you go fragrances exactly you can define the um the amount of fragrance that you get and so you got all kinds of fragrances that your car can have there's even like a new one right which is called a number six linen yeah and it's actually a reminiscent on the first um electric mercedes car from 1906 which was called the mercedes electric right and then it's a nice fresh uh combination basically with like linen linen scent and different different scents it's like a super nice super nice but you can you can have all different kinds of flavors and actually as a matter of fact you could all you can even create your own flavor or your own your own fragrance so yeah i mean there's just so many uh ionization you have that so what's actually um really nice in this car is um the hepa filter system i mean that's definitely something i want to um i want to show you um so that is uh we got it here air quality because the hepa filter is built in in the front right uh and this hipaa filter is so efficient or effective that it really is able to create an air inside here like in a surgical room right so so if you have like an algae season coming up just put the windows out and put that on and you're fine exactly and it's tracking the air quality basically on the exterior and on the interior right and so even if i don't know you're driving through a big metropolitan city i mean this car is a car for the whole world right and there are a lot of cities um sometimes even l.a where the air quality is not as good as you wish it would be one of those cities i think that's fair to say yeah and you would and you i mean there's of course like there's there's places on earth where it's like a really strong topic for everyday use and so you would see the air quality on the outside and you would see basically the great air that you've got inside through the hepa filter system that's amazing okay what else we have let's see here let's go to what everybody want to look at you watch so media we know what that is yeah i mean um regarding media what's very interesting is actually that the passenger and also the rear passengers and you you can all listen to different types of for example if you got your spotify account uh everybody can be logged in on his very own um profile and can listen through bluetooth headset um to his very own music right right and you can also share that that's actually very nice so there's no reason to talk to the other passengers it's fabulous yeah but you can also you can also like through sharing make it like a common experience if you've got something really nice that you want to share to everybody right you can you can send it actually to the front screen but the driver always has full control so you can accept or decline it so if your kids just want to listen to some music that you don't want to listen to you could say no way gotcha gotcha okay oh very impressive that's that's really uh one of the one of the nicest things i think to to have this common experience and then you can change this screen as well correct you can change this screen into different different modes what's also maybe quite interesting is the eq um the eq menu that's like specific of course to our eq cars because it shows you your a battery charge and it also lets you define basically the um the maximum charge that you want to um end up with right it really you can you can really define uh how much charge you want to have and at the end of your okay that's it yeah and so what you see here is the zero layer and the zero layer learns your behavior your preferences and would uh come up with all the functionalities that you would find handy or that you would need in this specific moment of time so whatever you have and use right now if you have your massage if you have your spotify account if you got your your phone calls that you would have that certain point of time it would pop up so the information finds you and you don't necessarily need to go through the menu and search for it well let's take a look at the trunk all right and even this little spoiler back here design wise makes a big difference in the aerodynamics doesn't it definitely i mean uh as the air travels along the side with this perfect uh drop shape of this car uh you need uh like the the right angle of this little spoiler lip to create the right amount of drag and the right amount of like defined defined ending let's open the trunk here well obviously very good size i get quite a few suitcases in there and plus the rear seat falls down so it's a two-seater sports car there you go and you just you probably get skis in there if you want to yeah yeah definitely i mean you could even put a surfboard in it probably in length yeah so yeah i've got like for uh um for luxury sedan you've got a lot of uh a lot of real trunk space yeah this this could fold up oh i see it's basically for your charging cable for small small items got you very nice well i think it's time we uh take this thing for a ride and show you what i'm talking about well thank you very much boy that's it it's good to have an expert here especially the one who designed it so or one of the ones who designed it i know it's all a team effort so but thank you very much and we'll take her spin let's see what she does it was a pleasure thank you you know if you take nothing else away from this video because there's a bunch of features here i haven't even figured out yet it's a it's a mercedes-benz a it's perfect built it's not a parts bin car and three it's really fast and dries beautifully that's basically what it's all about i'm thinking this is probably the first all-electric top-of-the-line luxury car rolls-royce does not have an electric yet i don't think of tesla as a luxury car i think it was a a performance car it has luxury features but not as many as this i mean the seats are infinitely adjustable and you can have their air conditioning obviously blow up through the i mean a lot of play a lot of people have that now let's try that and see how that works there you go ah you just got so many choices with this thing any charging options i'm 75 charge these you got standard eco charging what else we got here gallery what's that let's see oh content only okay and you can turn the whole screen off altogether like that if you want it a lot of people like that just nothing to see just have it blank and this way you just got your speedometer and tack in front of you see down here i've got him on maximum uh regen i mean you have every conceivable type of adjustment in here i mean it boggles the mind i would have to spend a week with this car to figure it all out but i guess that makes it interesting and exciting i mean i've had it for about four or five days and i guess i've used it every day so obviously i like it now this is standard comfort let's put our foot down well as you can see that's pretty quick let's try dynamic best dynamic okay we're on sport now let's go to sport plus and see what that does wow i i you know it is impressive i mean you're moving a pretty heavy vehicle this thing makes all kinds of torque that goes to show you it's all torque and not horsepower but this is what luxury motoring is all about it's what it's been about for the last 100 years quiet smooth if you want a luxury vehicle it's quiet there's no vibration you can't beat this i mean there's not a gas car that compete with it for well obviously for missions but also for just ease of operation and smoothness no gears no shifting i i mean it's it's it's impressive they've really done an amazing job i like the way the screen is integrated it's not a big flat screen stuck in the middle of the dashboard i mean it's all integrated nicely [Music] the vintage equivalent of this car would probably be my mercedes 600 as i mentioned earlier and i love that thing it's wonderful to drive but in terms of ease of operation and power and every other that this is incredible i mean all four seats will give you a massage people can watch four different things on the screens i mean it's it's like driving around in your den it's hilarious and it's still zero to 60 in four seconds which is impressive that air filtering thing is pretty cool i mean if i grew up in new england i used to get allergies every springtime which you won't get with this climate let's see okay these backrests are hilarious they're actually pillows i mean these headrests it's almost as if you're watching a video of the outside world because none of the noise none of the pollution none of that reaches you when you're behind the wheel of this thing i'm not crazy about the white interior if someone is working on transmissions any meatball sandwiches this steering wheel will just be covered with transmission fluid and marinara sauce just just be it just be a huge mess i would probably get a dark color with a maybe the saddle tan interior which is very nice when all these switches are very touch sensitive you just sort of brush your hand by them and it turns on lights and does things like that and it is very fast you know to me the fun of having a fast car like this is you could bring three other people with you you know i remember i drove that uh with the bac mono while the single seller single seater rather i didn't like it i couldn't share it you couldn't take anybody with you you know it's like ask what fun is it unless you can share it with your friends and they can and that's what's fun about this you know you get three of your buddies and just go for a ride i mean just showing off all the features are going to take a half the afternoon i mean that coefficient of drag 0.2 what is it 0.20 0.2 out i mean that's oh my god that's like a bullet or an or an arrow it's so aerodynamic and when you figure all the things that come into play you know like like the side mirrors and all the other things that could uh i don't know how they do it but i want to show you let me put it into okay there's no regen at all and when i take my foot off you just you stay at the same speed i mean of course it'll slow down eventually but you feel the aerodynamics at work you know it's also i drove this in the rain last night and of course eventually i did use the wipers but it's so aerodynamic that the water just sort of beads off of it it just sort of hits the windshield and just dissipates so quickly when i put the window down i guess you get the normal amount of windows i guess but that's thick glass and it uh it really does insulate and seal well let me put my foot in and get away from the camera car watch this there you go look at that you know i i'm so stupid before i talk about dashboard so you guys phenomenal attack on but there's no tachometer it's not an internal combustion engine it's it's i guess it's a power meter is what you would call it you have a speedometer and a power meter it's not a not a tachometer but boy this is really a pleasant place to be it's just so nice oh i always thought mercedes had the edge at this level i like rolls royce they're nice but i don't believe they have the technical expertise that the mercedes-benz has and and obviously this is a a bit cheaper as well they make the mybach which is of course another level up i guess that's more competing with the rolls-royce but mercedes is just an error of quality and dignity about this which is just so classy how may i help you then it has this feature called hey mercedes watch this hey mercedes what time is it it is 11 52 a.m okay she must have been on break because that took about a couple of seconds longer than i thought but that's okay you know it's hard to make a car aerodynamic and attractive now because what we think of as aerodynamic is not aerodynamic at all but we've talked about this like the countach it looks aerodynamic that wedge but it's actually a brick it actually hinders the car this is true aerodynamics in a sort of jelly bean bullet shape and it uh but it's a good-looking car i mean it's just so different from what we normally do here but i like the fact that it's a mercedes-benz i like the fact that let's face it this is the future that's what cars will be in the next 10 to 15 years and the artificial intelligence is amazing you know i'm actually ahead of my time when i was in school all my teachers said my intelligence was artificial so i i think i i'm probably ahead of the game you know what's funny when it comes to cars like i've got this 64 dodge polaro with this 426 max wedge and it makes a lot of noise i like either a lot of noise or the total absence of noise i hate something it just sounds it sounds like it's droning all the time this is pleasant to drive because you just hear well all you hear is maybe the the air conditioning fan you know rolls royce used to have a commercial back in the 60s it said at 60 miles an hour all you hear is the ticking of the clock yeah cause that's cause a really loud clock uh with this you don't even hear that because clocks don't tick anymore it's all electronic you don't hear anything maybe the rumble of the tires a little bit but it's really really quite an accomplishment and as i said before i like the fact that it's a ground-up electric car it's not something that's been you know uh cobbled together from other things it's not a parts bin deal it's it's totally new well i want to thank mercedes-benz you know they sent this thing directly from germany to us and i really appreciated that uh because it's an impressive accomplishment um you know we don't realize how hard it is to design a car to make a car that can please all the people all the time and you can't please all the people all the time but you can't get much closer than this and it's fun to have this glimpse of the future because this is what the future's going to be whether you like it or not personally i like it you know i like to have my internal combustion engines i can work on them and play with them and i like to have something that i can just drive when i have to go somewhere you got to take your parents or people on a dinner date or something like that and this is just amazing you know there's no maintenance there's no fluids to change there's none of that it's uh it's pretty amazing but anyway mercedes-benz thank you very much and uh we'll see you guys next week with something else [Music] [Music] uh
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 564,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mercedes-Benz, EQS, Hyperscreen, S-Class, EV, electric, future, luxury, bespoke, massage seats, fragrance, design, MBUX, German cars, air ride suspension, car porn, car enthusiast
Id: bUm7s7VyyOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 17sec (2477 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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