Everything Onion Dip - Super Bowl Dip Special - Food Wishes

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I am definitely making this sometime. It looks insanely good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PM_ME_UR_DIET_TIPS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really thought this was going to be an everything bagel seasoning and onion dip. Now I’m kinda disappointed it’s not and I feel like adding some sesame and poppy seeds would be great in this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sadams90 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This recipe absolutely hits, made it for Super Bowl Sunday and was very pleased.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hawkeytown30 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hello this is chef john from foodwishes.com with everything onion dip that's right we are not just calling this everything onion dip because we're using everything onion to make it with we're also calling it that because it's everything you've ever wanted in an onion dip and a few things you didn't even know you wanted and now that i've covered everything we can go ahead and get started with a little segment i like to call meet the onions and in addition to some chives and green onions we'll also be using some yellow onion and some red onion as well as something that kind of looks like a red onion but it's not and that would be the relatively easy to find these days shall it which i think is one of the keys here so try to find those if you can and then we can do an onion dip recipe without reviewing how to dice an onion which as you might know starts by cutting off both ends after which we will place it cut side down and then divide it evenly into right in the middle and then of course we will remove the skin and by the way as you're doing this if a couple pieces come apart just put it back together and keep moving right this kind of stuff happens all the time in the kitchen and we can't let it get us down but anyway we'll go ahead and remove the skin and then please note an onion comes already divided into all these layers which means it's basically already half cut for us so all we have left to do is slice down like this maybe about every quarter inch or so and then once we've safely made those cuts straight down we will simply turn the onion and start slicing across like this and believe it or not that's it and there are certain recipes where we want to take our time and be very precise but this is not really one of them where as long as all these pieces are roughly the same size we're going to be good but one thing i will add you can control the size of the dice by how close together your cuts are all right both the cuts going straight down and when we slice across to finish the dice so for a smaller dice make your cuts closer together and then for a larger dice make them farther apart right that's for you to dial in depending on what you're going for i mean you are after all the mike tyson of your onion dyson so you decide on the size but once you do stick with it so everything's fairly consistent and then once we've given those the initial dice if we do want them a little bit smaller we can always give them the whole chopped chopper to break them down a little more and then what we'll do once our yellow onion is exactly how we want is we'll head to the stove where we have a large skillet set over high heat in which we have a couple tablespoons of olive oil and we'll go ahead and we'll transfer in our yellow onion along with a generous amount of salt and what we'll do here is saute these onions until they're nicely browned and because we're using high heat those onions are going to take on a nice deep brown color but they're not going to have time to get super soft like caramelized onions which as you might know we do at a lower heat so this is more of like a fast searing and after about seven or eight minutes you should have some nice color on these and if you're into multitasking while those were sauteing you should have been dicing up your shallots and red onion because once our yellow onions look like this that's what we're going to toss in and then we'll go ahead and lower our heat down to medium and we'll give it a stir and then saute all this together for about three or four minutes more okay so we wanted to give the yellow onions a head start so those will get a little bit browner and a little bit sweeter and then what we'll do with the shallots and the red onions is basically just take off the raw edge and get them to the point where they start to soften and sweeten but just barely and that way hopefully we're going to get some different types of onion flavor but wait there's more once those are set we'll turn off the heat then we'll add some granulated garlic which is not garlic salt it's just dried garlic as well as a nice big spoon of minced dried onions and with our heat off we'll go ahead and stir those in and if you're wondering with all these onions why do we need to put dry in here and technically we don't but if you want it to taste like the french onion dip of your childhood whether that was store bought or someone made it with a dried onion soup mix if you want it to taste like that make sure you add the dried onions so to me that's one of the key ingredients and i think personally absolutely necessary and that's it once that's been stirred in we will let that onion mixture cool down completely before we add it to our dip which will start with some mayonnaise followed by at least twice the amount of sour cream and please try to get the thickest firmest sour cream you can find which reminds me you can just do this with all sour cream if you want but i think it is better with a little bit of mayonnaise since that adds some extra fat and then to that we will add some freshly ground black pepper as well as a few shakes of cayenne and then last but not least assuming it's completely cooled we will transfer in our onion mixture which somehow as a sac got even more beautiful and that's it we'll go ahead and give this a very thorough mix and no we didn't forget our green onions and chives okay if we're going to be using fresh uncooked onions we always want to put those in right at the last minute since if we add those here and then put that in the fridge for a few hours or overnight the amount of that sharp raw onion flavor can actually increase and depending on the amount it can actually overwhelm the dish and i really do think this dips a lot better if we let it sit in the fridge for like four or five hours at least and overnight's even better to let all those beautiful cooked onion flavors develop and then what we'll do before we serve it is go ahead and take it out and unwrap it and that's when we will add our green onions in our chives so we will go ahead and stir those in and other than giving this a taste for seasoning since it might need another pinch of salt but other than adjusting the seasonings our dip is officially done and we can transfer that into a little nicer looking bowl and maybe depending on our mood we can garnish the top with a few sliced green onions and a little extra pinch of chives and that's it our everything onion dip is ready to enjoy with everything and anything but if you had a pick and could only serve it with one thing that thing should be potato chips and please have some respect for this dip and go top shelf when it comes to the chips okay we don't want to defile this with some flimsy thin chips crumbling into it okay so use something nice and that my friends is the best onion dip i think you will ever taste just a tremendous amount of onion flavor but all different types right those sweet brown yellow onions and then those slightly less well done red onions and always delicious and savory shallots and of course the nostalgic magic of those dried onions all balanced perfectly with those fresh raw green onions and chives we stirred in at the end oh and before i forget a little message to those people i call dipscapers you know the people instead of just taking their chip and dipping it in they have to like smooth over the surface and landscape it first before they dip all right that's a bad look just dip your chip and get out oh and you didn't hear this from me but if you end up with some leftover dip which you won't this stuff makes the best baked potato topping ever invented oh yes it's almost worth making just for that but anyway whether you end up with leftovers or not and you won't i really do hope you give this a try soon so please follow the links below for the ingredient amounts a printable written recipe and much more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 258,873
Rating: 4.9703283 out of 5
Keywords: Onion, Dip, recipe, best, easy, party, chips, appetizer, snack, super bowl, chef, john, food, wishes, cooking
Id: AtEoWggY-0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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