Everything GREAT About Thor!

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[Music] Natalie Portman can make even the most vague direction look good all right Natalie now do generic sciency stuff and look smart 17 currencies have been predictable - yeah Jane why wouldn't you call Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton oh I made myself sad we miss you Bill Paxton that was definitely the start driving before closing door Grand Theft Auto animation that they were not alone in this universe you know since I created a bunch of hosts to do whatever where the frost giant could be worse last time we saw the night king he was and and you all thought I'd spoil Game of Thrones the rest of you know what I'm talking about moving right along in this set-up cold-open attempted manslaughter on Thor and then we jump to a Song of Ice and Fire I mean a war of Ice and Fire also some quick visual exposition on how Odin lost and I clearly we don't need lower carbon emissions we just need some help from Odin it's not like a brief fake out to the comic fans that know Asgard is golden crystals what is this the fortress of solitude or is this Mount Olympus like under a skirt I know Asgard isn't spherical like Earth but someone with more Thor Lord knowledge than have to enlighten me absolutely stunning either way also more Thor lore only one of you can ascend to the throne both of you were born to be kings there's really no reason to be surprised when Loki tries to take over all the worlds mostly something we take for granted in this franchise at this point but the costumes and helmets and all the expertly designed weapons are really impressive and blend with the mostly CGI environments amazingly so are we saying there are two gauntlets since they know has the other one table come up it's you can do with defying father no no no no no no Thor may be strong of body but you have to admire how Loki just played him like a three-year-old beautiful beard win and it's hairy too shabby either I do prove to wrong old who sculpted the idea that a young maiden could be one of the fiercest warriors this realm has ever known I did true but I supported you helpfulness they really didn't hold back on the gorgeous imagery showing off Asgard every chance they got fifteen minutes in and Thor is prettier than most of the films the MCU and the background visuals are inspired like their world seems to be on the cusp of touching different sections of outer space at any moment I can't seem to escape a dress Elba he's been an eighth of the 94 movies I've done wonder if that means anything he's always amazing I just I hate Charles miners so much let me think about it never has an enemy slipped my watch into a fist and I'm not convinced they did anything extra to his booming voice ignorant for effect if your return threatens the safety of Asgard Bifrost will remain closed I mean he may have just delivered these lines so monotone while still carrying weight and emotion Thor gets into it a little more later but I do love that while it's still beyond our understanding the Bifrost seems a very mechanical and scientific I know magic comes to the MCU eventually but for now just some smart tech but the teleportation effects are beautiful they're downright well magical I knew I recognized him it's the Lord Marshal from The Chronicles of Riddick he really takes this super thin OneNote character and makes him work I imagine that's why brain is constantly getting so close to his face and why he's not CGI oh hang your brother taunting roar I know he's like the god of mischief or trickery or whatever but man does he lean into it Loki's no warrior but he is a smarty pants red shirt cooker cooker combo alright even though most of the Frost rants are just sort of my hammer fodder the Beast has a presence that won't be denied you can actually feel his weight on the ice [Music] a little Thor's lightning is always good for you gravity isn't a theory I subscribe to thank you very much oh that's brutal some attention to detail with Odin's different armor for battle really gold wouldn't be the best protecting you even if it's just gold-plated why scratch it up they don't have the same helmets as earth do they I'm sticking to it saving your dumb kids and their friends [Music] narrative Lee they've done a great job of creating Thor's unlikable personality from the second he's on screen slay them all risky and bold way to introduce us to our main protagonists as a self-important war-loving pompous brat but it makes his growth and change by the end all the more satisfying if he was hurt him taking pride in your work it's really pushing that unlikable Ness where's dr. strange when you need him yes you're not the true king of England stick to writing J michael Straczynski yeah he's one of the guys who wrote the Thor comic serves you right Stan shouldn't use that chain made of enth metal I mean Batman SIA I mean vibranium bar are we Chris Hemsworth workout routine X so technically comic Jane didn't originally know the Donald Blake was actually throwing this guy's so that actually fits in continuity thus wise photo ID matches Odin's crazy powers alluded to in the retelling of Loki's adoption there I guess kidnapping he must have cast a spell to keep Loki looking icier that only fails if he comes into contact with Vice giant stuff you took me for a purpose what was it Tom Hiddleston can never get enough credit for his role he would be a really hard scene to find that line between over-the-top emotion and not enough emotion for the gravity of the news that you're actually a frost giant man it clearly has an effect on Odin as well draining his power and forcing him into odinsleep like this different cultures you know normal human smiling all the answers you seek will be yours once every clean yeah flirting I knew this scientist pioneer in gamma radiation shield showed up and um he wasn't heard from again it was weird though I did see him again in New York but he looked way less Fight Club and a lot more 13 going on 30 has fallen into the odinsleep do you think Loki and Thor go into Odin's son sleep occasionally so I'm about halfway through and goodness there's a lot of Dutch tilt in this film but here's a time it's used correctly as Loki declares he's king you're King so there's one think this covers frost giants know I guess we care more about myths optimism you know horses just dogs cats birds they give me one of those large enough to ride and in discrimination good strange or bad strange or doctor strange like an einstein-rosen bridge some say it's the hardest to cross and falling off the edge is far too easy when you're on a go-kart it's like Thor doesn't even know who Sam Fisher or Solid Snake is I guess presumes God powers make you not worry about that stuff okay I did exactly what he told me not to I'm sorry honesty like you'd even reach for the gun though I guess Coulson did specifically request one I need eyes up high with a gun oh is this like the quickest goofiest origin for hawkeye so I thought to myself yeah physica bow kind of Knight will someone please just shoot Sitwell we have previously established and Jack Reacher that final fights in the rain are a win this isn't exactly a final fight but I'll let it slide especially since an end in a dropkick [Music] sort of expectations of version with a swelling score even cap budged it Thor you must really not be worthy well laughs II and Loki may not use the correct nomenclature ask God inspires God but the book does I'm talking about science not magic well magics just science that we don't understand yet you know like my husband's lightsaber my man some of the most highly trained professionals in the world look like a bunch of minimum-wage mall cops that's hurtful girl said always with the direct honesty father is dead mother has forbidden your return she is Loki don't hold any punches or anything did his pet wolf run away too no excalibur moment for you either Loki the father and I've taught at university together yeah one time I got this real troubled kid pawned off on me good at math likes apples you love him so you're the one who showed us the way into Asgard is a bit of fun right and II gotta give it up to Tommy Boy again he kind of always know he's up to something but he's so polite and coy now he turns on the Sinister I turned my gaze upon you in Jotunheim but could neither see you nor hear you or perhaps someone has found a way to hide that which he does not wish me to see and this is one of those details that screenwriters often just ignore and then you'd have every Marvel subber dat blowing up about why I'm Dale couldn't see him instead they brought it up and work it into the story your ancestors called it magic and you call it science well I come from a place where they're one and the same thing so that's a dr. strange yeah three strange jokes for egg Nurik what okay I just found this quote from Idris Elba and it settles something for me Thor has a hammer that flies to him when he clicks his fingers that's okay but the color of my skin is wrong just cast the best actor for the part Idris Elba is always a win man seven movies locking that ranking hope he comes up again I don't know maybe New Mexico people would be a little nervous but most places they just say hey cosplayers and then start gathering around them assuming a show is a minute oh that's terrible and racist like my level of joke which isn't a compliment for a blockbuster movie but I love that he ignores Ragnar lothbrok there since this is the home of the Vikings oh the intensity of still moving the source of Loki's throat as he's being frozen in the land of escalating comic-book confrontations where huge landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge and the White House are targets for the scale of destruction it's actually refreshing that it's just some podunk New Mexico town 7-eleven getting blown up teamwork I'll take your teamwork and raise you a t-1000 reverse my body movement if you're wondering how this poor in Mexico town recovered after the horrible events of this film fear not they actually built an entire town just to destroy it Mozgov loci such a great turning point for Thor he's only ever used his power and might and hammer twin battles he never had to try anything different but now he uses his brain and recognizes the only way for him to win is to lose but these people are innocent taking their lives will gain you nothing so take mine self-sacrifice and if you want to talk about a petulant child Loki does the fake-out nah it's fine and then instead of a quick incineration death backhands Thor that's pretty satisfying phoenix down hammer and for kind of a ho-hum lead-up to this finale i'll give them some spectacle points for this battle so is this how you normally look more or less it's a good luck compliments no good son of coal coal son thor odin's son a good step you return the items you have taken from Jane stolen hard semantics yep also determination love that you didn't think he'd be feeling sympathetic for some mean old frost giants in the end of the Thor movie did Jeff okay this is madness it madness is it or is it sparta Loki be thor fight ends up being more evenly matched and entertaining than expected non-lethal restraint not exactly self-sacrifice more like a personal sacrifice potentially giving up seeing Jane again to stop some well genocide Odin to the rescue well that's it Loki's dead guess we'll never see him again someday perhaps I shall make you proud you've already made me proud can't not win a sweet father/son moment of approval and some Spacey credits to keep us entertained while waiting for stinger I was thinking taking me down here to Chile you never know what fury might be up to I guess that's what well I guess that's worth a look oh this got me excited for the Avengers setting up the MacGuffin and the extent of the main villains not yet explored power even after Thanos does it himself I think Loki may go down as the best MCU villain I think we were all pretty surprised by Thor when it wasn't terrible the god of thunder after you showed us how grounded Iron Man was supposed to be sure I'll buy a guy messing with gamma radiation and turning green but Thor are you crazy and then it was actually pretty great and to say that the Thor movies are at the bottom of most people's MCU ranking is barely a slight it's like being the worst piece of printed currency when your choices are a hundred dollar bill a fifty dollar bill in a twenty dollar bill it's still money I still like money I only bring it up because barring something really terrible I have a feeling that Ragnarok is going to shoot to the top of a lot of fans rankings it's perfectly timed with this retro feel it's at least partially adapting Planet Hulk to live-action and Thor's new haircut what else could you ask for I probably liked thorne at sequel more than most harshali because my wife will really enjoyed the movie in theaters and I say I'm easily swayed by her valuations here dear folks the real genius optimist is the woman behind the man still it might be fair to say this film holds up a little less than some of the others in the MCU doomed Dutch angles every few seconds didn't help anything I can almost hear Brandi yelling at the cameraman no tilt no tilt it tilt it more angle it better thank you it's one of those things you can't unsee once you see it so sorry for that but from a story standpoint it's still a worthy addition to the MCU Thor is pretty simply another straightforward hero's journey Thor loses something of value to him and on his quest to recover it gained something much more valuable it can feel a little overdone but when done well it's a story I don't think I'll ever stop appreciating a man-god alien whatever who has everything he could ever want his only real trials have been in battle and that shaped him into the arrogant greedy child he is it isn't until his power stripped that he learns the value of life relationships and selflessness his character arc is fairly uncomplicated especially when contrasted with Loki the schemer Loki is equally as self-serving but hasn't had everything handed to him in the same way that Thor has though he's always been wonderful mischief so he learns connive and trick to get his way I really love Loki in this film you genuinely don't know what he'll do next or what he's already done and he's mostly a sympathetic character who feels like he has no true family just wants his father's approval and admiration the story was great but you can't deny to CGI especially the environments everything about Asgard is breathtakingly beautiful different color palettes are used to distinguish main locations from each other in an identifiable way as guard as bright and shiny Jotunheim is dark blue and cold and earth is well pretty much earth in the American Southwest but it's deliberately the only place we feel at home making Thor stand out is inhuman and I've only been to the southwest a handful of times so don't tell me was foreign to you Antarctica pne's while I praised Wonder Woman for making a definitive statement about Greek gods in the DC EU I also still appreciate the interpretation of Norse gods as aliens what's the difference really like Jane and Thor say your ancestors called it magic and you call it science well I come from a place where they're one in the same thing as guardian or icier level vulnerability mortality and strength are never really quantifiably established and I like that air of mystery the case can be easily made that Ares Diana Zeus and the Amazons are also just alien beings the properties that we don't or can't comprehend as humans I don't think that's what they're saying but it doesn't bother me kind of like ds9 is wormhole alien products whoa easy with the Star Trek references there champ moving along Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston obviously carry this movie the latter of which really really impressed me Loki has some of the best moments in the film but the casting of Captain Kirk's dad for a minute paid off for sure Natalie Portman is an amazing actress even when she's in bad movies unfortunately she's not given a whole lot to do in this film it's all sort of filler stuff her character is still set up pretty well and even if there isn't a whole ton of relationship building between Thor and Jane their chemistry is still pretty great maybe it's just because they're both so pretty stellan skarsgÄrd is another actor who just never disappoints and rounds out the cast really well Rene Russo was way underused but it seems like Kenneth Branagh was able to pull a bunch of actors in regardless of the roles they'd have although Anthony Hopkins may have lowered his standards a tad since this film I've been hard on Brandon I need to say I think he's a fine and at times great director and actor and I'm really looking forward to Murder on the Orient Express Thor was a great intro for these characters especially Loki being the first villain for the Avengers and if he couldn't tell I'm stoked for Ragnarok some good news and bad news for next week good news is next week is my anniversary bad news is no time for a new video but good news is that I'm gonna re-edit and re-upload Kung Fu Panda on the short time I have since it bizarrely got blocked after a year and a half so it's a bad news sandwich but that makes it sound bad it's just because the good news is the bread it's uh it's a good news lasagna anyway Kung Fu Panda we'll be back alright I'm out [Music] I'm sorry my friend what happened we drank we fought you made his ancestors proud [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 1,449,020
Rating: 4.9478493 out of 5
Keywords: Thor, Ragnarok, EWW Ragnarok, EWW Ragnarock, Thor Ragnarok, Everything Wrong With Thor, EGA, CinemaWins, Cinema Wins, Film Wins, Movie Wins, EGA Thor
Id: -GN_2JCWml0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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