Everything GREAT About Grand Theft Auto 5!

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this video is sponsored by hellofresh [Music] well we finally made it covering the final gta game that we'll ever play in our lifetime this is actually my first time ever playing gta 5 like so many other titles i've covered so far so let's go rockstar esteem to have learned from the slow intro of gta 4 that going back to gta 3's high action opening is much better for grabbing our attention in there sit tight i'll handle the plastic don't blow yourself up this is common throughout the entire game but i still love even when they're robbing and hurting people they still carry on with their lovely friendly banter the phone from nine years ago isn't some smartphone attention to detail i kind of missed these older brick phones everyone had a different model and it was fun comparing them now it's all just skinny glass anyone remember the cool kids were the ones that had the sliding full keyboard man after the crazy heists we going later this take of 178 000 just feels like pocket change you forget a thousand things every day how about you make sure this is one of them every morally great protagonist has to have their action hero line and right away we introduced the mechanic that blew my mind back in 2013. being able to swap between all of our characters seamlessly was like black magic on the ps3 [Music] you didn't have to do that right from the start we're showing one of the biggest contrasts between michael and trevor traits that we see influence heavily what they become over the next nine years there'll be time for grieving later yeah you got that right some foreshadowing to trevor's grief about michael's death made even better having michael bitingly say yeah you got that right to trevor if i'm gonna die i'm gonna die breathing right trevor may be insane but more often than not i swear he's got his head more squarely on his shoulders about what really matters more than any of our other principal characters [ __ ] with that his face against the glass do you see that yeah you're a real stout michael doesn't take pleasure in this work he does at least not the violence oy sure does love his money though stephen og is such a treasure loved him here and loved him in the walking dead all three of our leads are great in their own ways but none of them hold a candle to just how entertaining everything that comes from trevor's mouth come on let's get to the chopper was that low hanging fruit absolutely but i enjoyed it all right brad's gonna be fine we gotta get the [ __ ] out of here even upon re-watching this i barely noticed it was our boy davey shooting and that this was all set up for michael to get out of the game and notice that davey takes care to hit mike and brad in the same place i better get out of here i'm gonna leave you my king who would have expected crazy trevor to be the most loyal of the bunch frank's got a case but you know a good kid he sits on his ass all day smoking dope and jerking off while he plays that [ __ ] game if that's our standard for goodness no wonder this country's screwed i'm sure the irony of the statement isn't lost on anyone as this is coming from the murdering bank heist man and it's coming from michael the man who played directly into the american dream gta has always parodied and commented on american culture and i feel gta 5 does more so than in previous titles mostly due to the fact of social media and technology become ubiquitous during this game's development they had a lot to chew on by this virtue and having three characters from vast walks of life makes gta 5 story a lot more relatable to many more people dan hauser vice president of rockstar even said himself in an interview that with each new title they want to try and reach a new audience well you can't tell me this man doesn't look like walter psychiatrists from breaking bad season 2. overriding futility is a vital part of the process kind of wish i heard that when i was going therapy is a weird thing for sure but everyone should 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to 16 free meals plus three surprise gifts gifts includes free appetizers free desserts and free premium recipes across six hello fresh boxes plus free shipping there's only so many hours in the day and we all gotta eat [Music] oh baby rockstar never misses with their intro music that baseline is too damn groovy this legit business legit oh yeah i forgot huh 401ks tax returns and all franklin from start to finish has always been looking for a way out so to speak this wasn't some brand new idea of his when he found out he could make it big with mike this opening drive through los santos is a great way to show off this incredible world rockstar has created but you'll also notice we drive through some of the main locations we fought around at in the game chief among them the depository which at the start franklin does not want to mess with whatever i'll let something flow through your ass dog i ain't too sure that joke works dawg what are you calling the [ __ ] no no i'm not calling nobody wait what the [ __ ] lamar is right up there with trevor for me for some of the funniest reactions this is the best part watch this when he really mean he gonna get all his full money was it even when frank is trying to make an honest living he's just helping rip people off in another way don't hate me because i'm beautiful maybe you got rid of that old yee ass haircut you got you get some [ __ ] on your dick oh better yet maybe tanisha call your dog ass if she ever stop [ __ ] with that brain surgeon the lawyer she [ __ ] with and the best meme to ever come out of this game was born but what makes this even better is how at a loss for words frank is what yeah i wouldn't have anything smart to say either after being demolished like that oh good to see you so good hold me simeon's just like all of our grandmas but i got to move forward in my life it seemed like all i do is let people tell me what to do and i do it and nothing changes that's why death wish is the best in my opinion canon ending for the game franklin finally completing his arc of taking control for once my boy you tell me exactly what you want and i will very carefully explain to you why it cannot be what who am i kidding everyone is killing it in the acting department every time sean fontenot said what had me wrong bar doing this big dog big nuts when names is on the [ __ ] board i want to see my name at the top of that [ __ ] next to it it needs to say winner i could listen to mar just raw at the top all day almost everything he says is gold we invest beauty beach the insane amount of renaming of all the la landmarks never receives entertaining vespucci instead of venice vinewood hollywood but the best one has got to be life invader for facebook and weasel news instead of fox news sometimes being on the nose is exactly what we need i can't help but wonder just how long michael was laying under that blanket and what he told his family hey i'm just gonna go take a nap of jimmy's new car i look like a [ __ ] joke to you i mean let me play a couple missions in your family life and you might not like it the answer michael's so interesting he plugs in don't care anymore by phil collins which perfectly sums up his character looking on the surface it seems like he is just done and ignoring his family but i think it's a great juxtaposition since he's really lying to himself he does really care but has become so jaded over the years of living this meaningless life it's also such a fun nod to his love of all things 80s michael is constantly living and longing for the past and look who shows up to give him the perfect excuse to get back into the game thinks that imported palm trees are a good substitute for not really knowing what the [ __ ] you're doing on this earth take it from michael and take it from me materialism doesn't help the adage money doesn't buy happiness is thrown around so much we started not believing it or it's not but it's hardly your fault i i mean i just want to impress you jimmy can see what michael wants out of a son hence mike printing so hard on franklin franklin did you do me a bear give this kid a ride home after they fix this thing and michael just seems to not be able to stop outsourcing this problem who does that remind you of come on man let's trick this whip homie uh trying to relate here hey you play rachel slaughter nah not since the first couple okay a little okay i feel you jimmy i mean i i hope so cause my mom was kind of a skank back in the day back in the day you in get i'm in let's roll let's get this [ __ ] hell yeah get you a ride or die like frank whatever i told you i caught the session bud silver linings you know but sometimes it's gotta get worse to get better you can apply that to the entire story of this game and now my wife are you freaking kidding me i'm gonna stick up my hand and say that was uncool bud my bad hey you know at least he apologized now maybe give him a little of a background man mr madrazzo man you know a bad guy's got pole when he makes your protagonist explain how big his dick is i'm gonna have to give an old friend a call lester we were all expecting him to say trevor and with the fact that he's been nowhere to be seen builds anticipation for seeing him and what the heck happened after michael faked his death thank you lester you gonna let me in or what in two seconds we were showing everything we needed to know about where they stand with each other and i love it it's how me and my friends greet each other all the time that [ __ ] is a lying bastard i've read his emails he's a [ __ ] cheat well now it's payback time you lying turd after those f-bombs the best you can come up with is flying turd never change lester take this uh fashionably retro weird for a 45 year old man but i cannot let go of the 1980s bag and dress yourself up like a billionaire math genius with low level asperger's maybe i gotta head myself everyone has their moment of just popping off and letting every single adjective that they have in their little noggin fly and it never gets old yeah all the porn is funny and all and poking fun at the possible incompetence of people who run facebook is cool but the mouse putting up a middle finger is the cherry on top for me a room when norris announces it at the keynote minds are gonna blow just some foreshadowing to what almost feels like terrorism but does it count if it's against a shape-shifting space lizard like the zuck everything inside the studio is just great especially these white boards super subtly exposing fa i i mean life invader a-hole drank my effing hem milk there was a totally non-passive-aggressive note on it e-bag time my friend lester did you hear me are you playing that game hate's on jimmy but let's slide for lester yeah lester's helping you out but it's your son god damn it i guess uh your tongue full on weapons grade red alert world domination i was losing my mind at this keynote this is satire done right hello the hints went completely over my head that this is where it was going and i jumped it audibly gasped you could say um it blew my mind we hit a bank in a stick so we do a store which do you like well we'll get around to both eventually so moses ironically he found jesus uh damn it lester you took my win for me there was a an eastern european guy making moves in liberty city but yeah he went quiet eco nod but also like sad ah nice to see the methods ever changed ah michael enjoying the one thing that hasn't gone the way of big tech you can guess the pay will be awful and the risk will be high but you might learn something if you're interested some straight-laced honesty with a good silver lining tim's hey don't be talking about your auntie man she got i mean she cool as a mug man come on yo i mean compliments now i don't care if you is pregnant that ain't mine you gotta love all the offhanded comments you hear in this game just walking around i gotta say of all the abilities each character has franklin is hands down the best especially driving on mouse and keyboard baby this came in handy and on that note their abilities suit their characters perfectly frank knows his way around the wheel with him always being the getaway trevor's crazy man so he could just tank bullets and deal more damage and michael is always the brains of the operation requiring his focus hence his bullet time nightclub singer with a broken heart i just want you to do something besides sit there eating if it wasn't obvious by now michael's entire home life is a ball of hypocrisy getting mad at jimmy for sitting on his ass while he's downstairs doing the same thing the yacht's called dignity which is exactly what both michael has and tracy's gonna lose look who's bizarre oh no no damn left i'm hanging safe to say frank is a cool stretch we all big homies but he bigger right exactly man that's some [ __ ] pyramid skin bush we constantly hear franklin talking about pyramid schemes in relation to business lomar is bringing in frank and him i've been busting moves for years and have nothing to show for it because they've always been working under someone else frank's always been the realist in the group and after catching a whiff of michael's game he's leveling up so to speak also he gets into some dirty insider trading with lester later so franklin kind of knows his stuff you get what you give fool you've been getting but you ain't giving it huh super clever funny biting way of calling stretch the top of the pyramid thanks for being a part of our little operation we're all professionals we all know the score i love the juxtaposition between having the previous mission go to complete because of trust and people trying to pull one on each other straight to this one it's harder for the player to see exactly what franklin was trying to relate to lamar about growing up in the game one extreme pressure applied to the staff the customers are to be calmly subdued notice how michael still keeps that little soft spot i mentioned at the start of the game a crew will only work only work when there's trust trevor knows this hence breaking it off after finding out michael used brad to escape watching michael operate we can see his professionalism at every turn such as here when he's about to hit the security card but notice he's complying completely and there's no need you know i have to say the heist ain't no payday 2 but whenever is there a full-blown chase scene after a job in that game so besides i didn't have nothing to do with it whatever the hell it is you're talking about god i love frank just appreciating a pro going to work even though davey 100 knows rockstar's got some balls waiting to bring in their most entertaining character for a few hours in a way that feels oh so natural too i don't mean nothing biomass i just i know i know cowboy it's okay man man what a way to show him what paul trevor's got getting away with taking this man's girl and making him apologize his name is michael townley michael townley to de santa even his name after dying got a facelift the aztecas it's just a name is he illuminati as well anna wacky i'm one of the lizard people i don't know ask jay norris oh wait our enterprise ain't just about math it's about guns too diversifying income streams we see just how smart trevor really is even considering his current company and employment if i say something is going to happen it's going to maybe not today or tomorrow not today not tomorrow but i'm gonna kill you you need some seat belts back here or straps or something i only keep things in the back i don't mind losing ah poor wade i was getting the short end of the stick from trevor is wrong with him interesting that trevor works with a bunch of meth heads but isn't willing to work with mr chang nice right you know what i'll have what he's having one of these [ __ ] is having a seizure or something that's me better than any in this story country hey the canadian finally comes out and trevor hey that's a mighty fine statue trap that was a mighty fine piece of plastic but there is no price for emotional attachment granted he's using this as a way to rip ron off but it speaks to what trevor and michael's world views have become since yankton i need to meditate or masturbate there are both meta bait well now we know trevor's cool because man they didn't have to do it but so many conversations are animated in the cars most of the time you're never even gonna see him attention to detail you keep this up you're not gonna get there at all can you tell me a story no wade let's play a game then these two are honestly kind of cute even beyond you know punching in death threats like a father and son in a weird way trevor seems to care more about wade and his crew than michael does for his family so this game is actually massive even by today's standards and rockstar finally got to create la the way they could when san andreas came out and though we really want gta 6 rockstar has stated that they only want to create the next one when they believe they actually have something new and innovative to offer i understand the annoyance with gta online being pushed so hard but it makes complete sense especially when they look at their bottom line i'd rather not have gta 6 if it's just a forced production to meet demand when there's no passion behind a project what's the point you know somebody say yoga that's a fun line to come in on michael with you know since yoga is meant to be meditative and clear the soul protecting your boy as i'm sure michael is 100 expecting retribution man look how cheap this fabian is around trevor anyone that treat a woman like he does is little when met with some reality good lord and is trevor talking about his peace get your girl from these [ __ ] you're not abandoning her like you did me and brad uncle trev stop you're gonna bring a tear to my eye you live in los santos a few hours away huh a few hours away like it isn't some five minute drive for us a cute little reminder that this world has been condensed for you know the sake of again but cannon distances still apply to our characters what are you guys doing here yeah what are you doing here okay i'm back man meow senate really sells a valley girl and that okay i'm back is honestly endearing also points for tracy and trevor's relationship i mean hey they're still gonna air the episode probably the most exciting thing to happen all day this is your daughter you should be wanting to rip the ponytail off the back of this guy's head ah he'll get there pants off judging by michael's reaction he's seen this go down once or twice before i'm going home how the [ __ ] did you do without me for nine years huh man you know you found a best friend when no matter how much time has passed you just pick up like nothing has changed stuff i can cop a plea get five years but you you you ungrateful prick you're really surprised by government workers after all you've been through remember when lester mentioned everything just being sequels now way i see it man the least i can do is help you it's a death sentence franklin part of me kind of wishes the end of the game left with all three of their leads dead so much of the game made it felt like death wish was for real i don't know for me it'd be cathartic to see our men finally come together at the end and also remind us that like hey this life only ends in one way but also that plays against the fantasy that gta is all about so super fun camera movement this whole scene is shot from michael's right shoulder and as haynes lays into them about their screw-up at the job and applies his power over them the camera slides to michael's other shoulder indicating that shift of power trevor phillips oh you're crazy i ain't calling him i thought you might say that so we had him picked up clever clever only asking him to pry about just to see exactly where michael stands with him as i'm sure they know about their little bonding moment over laszlo that's cute frank's kind of stunned about being the big leagues now probably never done work in a hilo what am i detecting some uh some sort of uh son i never had [ __ ] or mikey huh i love that trevor always calls it as he sees it that's trevor my best friend that's franklin the son i always wanted about time michael takes things as they are rather than they should be i'm getting some big operation skyhook vibes here for a protege yeah what are you gonna teach him to be old before his time yeah to never grow up some tight tight tight dialogue there michael caught between his two lives and traversing through it all you low-life whoremongering ass wipe did someone say yoga ha she calls him oh whereas fabian walks in around the corner did someone said bullsh threatening to molest your online buddies well what else are you supposed to say when the enemy team is all flesh and your friend chokes on the cleanup as much as this isn't how an sd trip goes maybe you could argue its dmt with the aliens but that's not the hero there because the point is psychedelics have a way of putting a mirror up to you and asking you to face yourself so they got that much right decided to move out for a while you promised me you'd change and you haven't changed a bit it's interesting that in a way this isn't all on michael she started cheating on him which made him understandably angry so he ripped the house down then had to make money back which got him entangled in the game he just wants to protect tracy from her very obvious poor decisions and jimmy literally drugged him to get some probable cause to move out like michael did drive them all to do those things through being an absentee father so i'm glad they go to family therapy later so you giving me a lecture about not being a good enough gang banger gangs is positive that's all we got that's our heritage in the context of the game it's really interesting that franklin being pulled by lamar wanting to in a way live in the past facing the same struggle as michael at every turn but and still tries to project it only to run his new game with michael which will ultimately land him in the same place it's a parallel story to how michael has been leaving his family behind also michael ran away from his family i.e trevor it's my favorite theme throughout the game about holding on to family and the little that we got and uh my mother's old dried up ass sister shut the [ __ ] up what the f trevor smart player though to get his family liking him i said something nice not expensive you want to be a greedy [ __ ] cow huh no now get out of here maybe i got a bit ahead of myself trevor did tell a story about him being discharged from mental instability after all about a taste no man we leaving i want a taste to the other side of the brick no you heard what your boy said you're leaving hey give me come here give me the [ __ ] just a quick little show don't tell about the experience level between these men man that's [ __ ] drywall we got some other [ __ ] bars remorse out here that's a fun way to call out your boys you um where did we meet nowhere pal yeah we did guessing trevor would never forget the face of the man that shot his two best buds ain't gonna let those g-man scumbags tell me what to do whichever sense of morality is all over the place we'll torture this man and maybe enjoy it some but doesn't want to outright kill him hilarious see no evil speak no evil hear no evil you know like turning a blind eye to evil to working with these corrupt weirdos oh yeah well you're like a sh exactly like a sh sometimes you don't need to be clever to get your point across you can say whatever you want about trevor but we got it done yep let's hope so michael knows what's up knows you're gonna have the right people to flip the score you know this is all very high-stakes stuff stealing a super weapon and all but i just can't take my eyes off lester's ass so you mean to tell me this [ __ ] was all for nothing man it's the hood all over again see what i meant earlier about ending up in the same place mouse defeat amigo tell me about it man i know he's kind of unstable and just stole a super weapon but look at those puppy dog guys i feel kind of bad for the little psycho national dog and at least we're not wearing clown outfits there's a plus oh trevor my sweet summer child real professional well you did ask frank to get them what'd you expect man i just like sitting around watching old movies oh there we go how about i hook you up with solomon richards it's always a carrot or a stick with these guys him and my son they want to put me out the pasture so they can turn this place into condos or a theme park or something once they get what they need from someone they'll just get rid of it or repurpose it take a look at devon asking franklin to kill mike sorry for the misunderstanding sir and you will always always appreciate the opportunity he's given you yeah that's not coming from some deep-rooted issues he's got with his son and this story is the best kind of art a simplistic cliche ridden pile of dross that you will turn into magic man was i really hoping that was gonna be the case here don't get me wrong the game was fun but it ain't no red bed when it comes to storytelling hence why the script may be a little sparse and we kind of flew through this game yes we'll find out yeah i'll guess we will homie frank never pipes up about any of the mocking he receives from every character talk about biting your tongue and hey the only person that never does it is michael well he does it once at the start but never once after that i'll give rockstar's mission design this the gta 5 what we're doing is much more varied than we find in red dead redemption which it normally is riding to a shootout and maybe hurting some cattle here we've got heists racing running a crane diving helps keep the missions from getting too stale gimme five five and five oh hey just kiss homie i swear to god that devon's on something all the time no one's this uppity and out of touch then again the world is full of [Music] to me surprises see your house i think this dude can take me places i don't know frank sounds like a pyramid scheme to me quick so we just go house to house not quite trevor's little crush on malia is kinda but he's never so over as to cross any lines put up your hands and stand where i can see you all right you got me homie this is kind of cute the two with the least amount of history are finally becoming buds you know how to work that face recognition [ __ ] already i'll figure it out i mean honesty but if anyone could figure it out on the job it's trevor phillips mr clinton hey man dude you just gotta love the ai in this game really gives you the honest-to-goodness la driving experience man it's hard driving with you up there watching me dog i get self-conscious and [ __ ] it's kind of like pooping while someone's watching you know what i mean all right you know this beauty was a woman i'd have to break my 20 and under rule man yo what the [ __ ] man do they do a good job at making these guys seriously killable by the end but i can't say i didn't laugh in shock at the absurdity of the comment [Music] michael can't even be bothered anymore terrifying psychopath who tried to kill me exactly all the villains we face on one hand feel so blown out of proportion and cartoony but on the other there's an uncanny realness to the candle all these men carry on about being a piece of [ __ ] that's quite unnerving trevor looks back over shoulder and sure yeah maybe he only started white knighting her after kidnapping her but um foreshadowing to their future love the fancier the gun the bigger the [ __ ] who owns it who wouldn't want anyone owning a nuke to hear that that's like the epitome of fancy no are we talking like gold slides and such i don't know safe to say trevor's no [ __ ] and damn they weren't kidding when they labeled michael as the best shot i could barely even hit a clay pitching with a shotgun even with this game being almost 10 years old it's still rocking some of the most satisfying driving controls around bar and games you know 100 dedicating to driving of course seriously bro coming all the way out here we got gotta get paid don't worry michael they'll probably just end up blaming donald nogolos and not walter white if you know you know i mean really i don't answer question that delivery is just perfect what kind of [ __ ] animal do you take me for no i didn't kill him oh [ __ ] but i did kidnap his wife hey at least since now they're in the clear he's placing the misses up front opening the door carrying her and everything keep it classy trud oh baby i was just waiting until lamar would be getting tangled up in all this at his wife trevor's got a wife no no the mexican's wife what i don't know what to say about that one nothing i haven't mentioned it yet but the constant pull ins and outs all of the office have been great for giving us the feeling of being a fly on the wall during these cutscenes but sometimes the pushing is just comedy gold with the lines i appreciate your honesty you are a good man i can see that their relationship is whack but i'm sure compared to her husband trevor is like a rose garden position fan tastic let's go i'm in whoa no no not you sit down give you a ride or die like michael all right maybe not considering you know trevor is absolutely cracked out of his head man gta5 really makes you feel the weight of these planes in a way i was not expecting especially going from a little crop duster to this big boy in the wise worlds of uber hacks or nova this is what you call a gay text oh yeah well i'm not above ripping open your [ __ ] chest to see what's replaced your heart rip it open see what's there baby cause i'm ready lovely that these boys can go from this to this you are a hipster what you're a hipster i hate hipsters true best friends i hate hipsters classic hipster denial and a 17 year old me feel called out like a [ __ ] any of you relate i'm gonna break your [ __ ] fingers you don't knock that [ __ ] off well please all right you alleviate the boredom that's great vsauce minefield actually did an experiment and found out that humans would rather subject themselves to pain rather than be bored what took you so long i'm dead an eyelid that's probably not even human unless that gas station job jeff can i get a dlc about the gas station job daddy's been a bad boy you want to sniff steven uh once again is the treasury why does it need more things i don't care if it's a type cast i want stephen augur more thanks man mrs m really brought the place together i would say get yourself a lady like mrs m but that feels like i've been implying kidnapping and believe it or not i'm just not that into it i am so insane that i should open a [ __ ] mental health clinic okay dude even mrs m is enjoying herself i want these two to elope yeah now you're gonna stop being an [ __ ] i don't know but i'll try well that i'd like your honesty all these two finally able to joke about their life situations instead of you know good me and mt are gonna take the company chopper and meet you there company chopper yes michael it's a tax write-off appliance the picket fence sensibilities you franklin yes and thank you chop hey i like to imagine that frank put a little headset on chop [ __ ] if it was lies new age and arguments about how good life used to be i could've stayed my ass in los santos hello franklin what's up we can all get behind a simple big high-stakes shootout right especially when you throw in miniguns in the army nothing increases funding for fighting terrorism more than successful acts of terrorism man is rockstar just going all in on the conspiracy theories when it comes to our government just as i was getting used to having the apocalypse in my pocket sounds like a fun action movie title which is kind of all gta 5 is for the most part and the dead bodies i'm lucky i'm not one of them come on let's go yo steve doing this for the job was actually kind of dope for maybe like half a second my opinion on him was changing until you know i've never been so happy it's so sad in my life you have a beautiful way with words man poor trevor michael always bringing heartache to him normal so good huh look debra floyd will you marry me i really can't tell if he's joking or really having a moment after losing patricia and just needs someone to love so you must know leon the old manager leon no yeah whatever man franklin's catching on so family ain't back yet huh what are you talking about they're sitting right next to him franklin he makes us multicultural lester makes it cyber we're like modern america we just get ourselves a gay friend bam i honestly may agree with trevor some companies really do just want to tick every box exactly who was buried in your place trevor honestly always seems the smartest of the group even if michael can plan a high swell this is it moment of truth i feel like trevor waits for one final moment to see if michael will just come out and tell him what he already knows dude i got more to lose than you never a truer word has been spoken brother now pull the trigger oh my god that's so heartbreaking trevor's just done now that he doesn't have michael he's got a cracked phone uh attention to lifestyle job home yeah scooch over here excuse me that crazy dude oh hell no that [ __ ] thank get up trevor flirting with absolutely everyone never gets old look let me be the first to tell you he ain't gonna fall in love with your ass now where the [ __ ] is my money franklin doesn't give two shits i love it we are women we are free we're bringing into the patriarchy look at auntie go from slightly complaining about running to leading the pack oh so what it's just me getting hurt is that funny no man oh [ __ ] you i'm gonna put you in the [ __ ] ground you laugh at me again in case you weren't sure about how he's handling the whole michael situation boy can't even laugh with the only other friend he's got it was fun all right i apologize i accept i'm a little hard-pressed to call this growth but i'll give it to him after what he just went through right gotcha oh no i'm not funny man am i really feeling for tea not knowing when to laugh with people how to make him laugh he just wants a friend why am i so sad right now my friend ron met these chinese [ __ ] they're from yangshan and china we had some problems trevor never wanted michael dead i mean hell he threw his gun at him while michael shot him and here he gives info to f for his rescue the more i think about the more i kind of understand the option to kill michael what was that what what was that uh nothing ah [Applause] man michael's being held by a chinese crew because of trev the irony isn't lost lester would be good at gaming wins hey sure you don't want to come in what your big empty ass house dawg i'm depressed enough already man i don't know what trevor or michael would do without frank always cutting through the bs to get things done i mean just look at the ending i got thug with zero artistic training and nothing interesting to say i would say you're overqualified so like prank channels and cringe tick tocks right welcome to show business nothing but make-believe will ever feel quite real again that is an interesting line ever since starting youtube about two years back and going full time it really does change things about your outlook i can't imagine showbiz at that davey where's your boyfriend steve he's on his way up has been hearing it so much he can't even be bothered to be upset about the comment or are they really secretly boyfriends i think i'm a liar a cheater some kind of a killer and a thief well i mean there's some uh yeah buy me a car i mean firstly of a fat [ __ ] that you ruined i guess uh self-awareness excuse me i'm trying to write a screenshot shush woman couldn't get more l.a if they wanted it to bobby end if only you knew that i've gone through character development and have learned to use my powers for good bro jim you fight the angstlinger sit on him i love this mission michael's finally seeing jimmy's weaknesses as strengths and there it is a character arc nearing completion through the wise words of uncle t look out that's always the most brutal way to go you're a real easy dude to identify with man poor me poor me man pour me a drink ain't that the best way to deal with those feelings my cuts go into the kids college fund if that's any consolation a couple more scores they're taken care of i ran this guy in every heist and he's straight up just a walter white feelings right agent sanchez apprehend the suspect agent sanchez you'll do no such thing well i'd say that davey pulling his gun out for michael is enough to call each other friends hey anyone's gonna kill you old friend it's gonna be me trevor to the rest and of course he's got the most ridiculous outfit on i'm telling you i didn't put him in that oh what's up playa hello franklin thank you davey for never talking all weird y'all want me to do kill the president [ __ ] his wife or something or invade some [ __ ] country sounds like each one is suited to franklin trevor and michael respectively i kind of want to call all of jimmy's gaming and smoking weed a chekhov's gun i'm not sure how about a win for tea bag and your dad states sure take what you can carry [Laughter] man the tension leading up to the bust is so well wound every word from pink tie feels like they made us but we just keep going man was this plan so satisfying to do and pull off it really makes me wonder how plausible doing something like this in reality is and i mean we just took the biggest score in the history of scores and you just want to moan my mama never loved me my friends never loved me i'm mad because i'm rich well it's obvious frank has yet to realize once you've got it all you're really hard-pressed to find out what makes you happy man you got a death wish or something am i supposed to kill you now death was shadowing then it's a weird choice to give the player as trevor's just kind of nuts and not exactly his fault for who he is michael is actually kind of the one and the dash which open is the only one that somewhat narratively is satisfying given how sparse the game's story really is but like i mentioned earlier death with is the best as all of our boys are finally able to come together and work not out of pure self-interest and money but because deep down they actually do care about each other [Music] you getting me all emotional now you might have to stop me from [ __ ] yo yo lamar's been spending way too much time with trevor where do you want me all right man you go over there franklin's gone from lowly getaway driver to setting up and running entire jobs i mean hell he goes to war with his boys right here he's ordering around these professionals and finally he's taking control of what he wants what's that well who's the uh the guy who set up lamar stretch we want to throw him in [ __ ] man that four hour trip of them bonding in the truck really must have brought tnl together any deviation will lead to confusion and probably failure we got one shot at this guys man i was actually expecting death wish to kill off everyone but actually having them all finally get the revenge is quite cathartic finally stop smoking since old boy has something to live for now there's two great evils that bedevil american capitalism the type that you practice number one is outsourcing oh number two offshoring your profits how poetic that devin dies by those two things by the hands of the men he outsourced and by being sent offshore ooh hypocrisy franklin civilization's greatest virtue jesus your therapist has a lot to answer for and yeah that was the masterpiece gta 5 that rockstar is still holding on to and beating its corpse coming off of gta 4 rdr1 and 2 i was actually quite disappointed in the story told here maybe i just had two high expectations but most of the games just felt like filler plot points while the actual story never really went anywhere that's not to say i didn't have fun playing through it and that's where gta is at strongest is the moment's moment gameplay and the sheer amount of things you could do in the open world there are some good moments in the story not to discredit it too much as with the parallels i mentioned earlier in frank and mike's work and michael's relationship with his family but never did i feel that they go far enough with any of it to really make me care about each of the leads trevor and michael's relationship surrounding brad is close but there's never really any growth they're always bickering almost the entire game and maybe that's the point is that they never really do come together like that and it's supposed to be a little bit more um anti-climax in a way but it was a weird story for sure when it comes to a breakdown but it was 100 an entertaining one and that's what really matters the performances from everyone out of the park and the moment-to-moment character wit always had me laughing playing through five excites me to go back to four and review it for the channel someday as i believe it's a much more focused story with only you know the one playable character and a much smaller list of antagonists what do you think of gta 5 the script skipped over a lot of stuff in the main story is i didn't feel it had significance it would be worth talking about but if you disagree leave some of your own wins down below i'd love to hear what you guys think anyway drive the speed limit drink some water and love one another pizza [Music] you
Channel: GamingWins
Views: 900,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming wins, gamingwins, game wins, gamewin, game review, minecraft review, everything great about, everything great about grand theft auto 5, grand theft auto 5 gamingwins, grand theft auto 5 gaming wins, gaming wins grand theft auto 5, gamingwins grand theft auto 5, grand theft auto 5, everything great about grand theft auto 5 gamingwins, grand theft auto 5 is great, everything great about gta 5, gta 5 gamingwins, gta 5 gaming wins, gta 5, everything great about gta
Id: CmtEmVYniPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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