Everything GREAT About Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2!

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foreign [Music] so who doesn't remember Modern Warfare 2 right being in the trenches of an online match having the most vitriolic thing set at you for missing a shot never ever has my mother slept with more men never ever have I sucked more dicks or been strangely labeled as a bundle of sticks in my entire life and I wouldn't change it for the world and without a doubt never have I ever had so much fun in a Cod Community than I did with this title and I was nine-ish years old so your boy was one of those squeakers that you hated in your lobbies this is also the one and only game I've ever gotten the platinum trophy for and we'll probably never 100 a game again just to keep Modern Warfare 2 in this high regard for myself multiplayer side model for two is doing trigger warnings far before trigger warnings were cool good on you Infinity Ward lucky for me when I played this campaign for the first time I was way too young to be playing it and to actually understand the gravity of what I was seeing and doing especially in a certain Mission pertaining a certain particular o mission of a certain language that was certainly spoken by our Lord and savory Rasputin long maze Wang hanging infamy let's not forget one of the best Cod trailers to have been released was with this game and with that trailer this game is a step into the more action movie type Cod campaigns and even with that monofer 2 has a very focused theme on Legacy and heroism which you might not expect from your average down military action adventure and this theme ties perfectly into the end of modern warfare where the men are not known as Heroes and their legacy never to be remembered who live to be okay with that which expertly contrasts Shepard who is desperate to go down in the history books foreign music is Iconic or maybe I'm just nostalgic either way the music here really gives a sense of urgency to the story we thought we won just like Shepard but like always with war here we go again this game is titled Modern Warfare and was set seven years in the future from its release date with that said seeing these tendrils of information or technological signals remind us that war has changed another theme that permeates the modern warfare games Nikolai is in hell right now we're gonna walk him out we take care of our friends we get a nice little recap of the first game with very pertinent dialogue to combat Shepherd's ideology retreated once again to satellite imagery of our pre-mission briefings which are very important to the scale of the conflicts that happen in the game world now butts and allies can come from anywhere now and in this modern world they've got to keep a beat on all of it kind of like what Shepard said what happens over here matters over there to an extent and it's on display visually in these briefings the more things change the more they stay the same what a line to open this game with well I was just talking about previously confirms the statement by Shepherd though this war is now modern it still comes down to the same things that people have fought Wars over since mankind existed EGO power control patriotism nationalism Helen of Troy you get the picture history is written by the Victor and here I am thinking we'd won there's so much going on here that just bleeds efficient storytelling first we get a great display of show don't tell I'm revealing that zacchaev has become a martyr then the state of the US and Russia post Modern Warfare 1 and finally we get a view inside Shepard's mind and it immediately sets up his character and what he's going to be about throughout Private Island show them what I'm talking about from being the FNG to teaching the fngs I like the mix-up Infinity Ward knows we've already been through training once and offers us the opportunity to flex on these guys you've got to pick your targets by aiming deliberately down your sights from a stable stance never noticed before that there's a translator for these recruits remember switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading a line that unlocked the core memory inside nine-year-old me two tickets to join the prima donna Squad if that's your thing any of you who saw me run the course of Modern Warfare 1 knows for damn sure I would never be offered a position to Primadonna Squad I would like to say that I improved a bit wait Sean cut cut cut cut shot cut shot every fight is our flight because what happens over here matters over there we don't get to sit one out Shepard really drank the Kool-Aid on nothing USA is and should be the World Police learning to use the tools of Modern Warfare he said the time no sure it matters who's got the biggest stick but it matters a hell of a lot more who's swinging it the way Shepard speaks it doesn't surprise me that he garnered a loyal Squad of soldiers was written the blank check for Makarov and given control of the entire U.S military he seems to know his history and put his own spin on wisdom on it that sounds damn near like we could read it out of a textbook one day this is a time for Heroes a time for Legends history is written by The Victors hopefully for him he said that off the Record because I can't see that aging well to history but seriously a man talking like this throws some unease onto us as this much ambition not tempered will lead to things like this is okay of airport won't be speaking too much through Master here but I like the added context of how Alan got into the position of staring at Shepard's big sexy I mean stick that's not better big Magnum no this isn't going well weapon of choice in the background we're seeing the equipment in our briefing being put to use get up Private Island Rangers lead the way move the leave it to Shepherd or just throw his men into a firefight with no concern for cover or the enemy chocolate bar guy is gone in the remastered and possibly the most catastrophic blow to this game I love chocolate bar guy which building is it sir is that tall one at one o'clock hey which building the 101 o'clock hey Dave which one is it is it the one on the left or the right the one on the left these little bits are the best reminding us that these guys are just people still taking the piss even amongst all this Carnage isn't this danger close for the task force come on since when does Shepherd care about things when he's trying to set up his eventual takeover of the US military also some setup for the end of the game a detail very potent in Modern Warfare 2 is civilians in a lot of missions on one hand it's to show or remind us of the Everyman in situations like this and straight from the devs on the other is to make us feel like a badass for some reason to see these people cowering while we stay frosty and head into the lion's den is supposed to make us feel badass and Powerful at least that's what they think this game doesn't focus on what the conflict does to civilians in their homes but having our first mission fighting through an elementary school is visually striking if not upsetting their feet wet imagine they're just about freezing right now it's got a bit of a sense of humor we're deeming qualities no no nothing about it was good hypocrite haven't asked on others Ultra nationalists when he himself is one the remaster is gorgeous though it doesn't feel as Monumental as Cod 4's remaster as there was a lot more there to uplift but it's so much better where it counts the lighting and character models are brought straight up to the modern day standards and the best part of the remaster is it never change the feel or Vibe of the game playing through today on this remaster is actually how I remember playing it way back in 2009 and when I look back at footage from when it was released I'm Amazed by how much it didn't look like this long story long soap is Sexy And I like the fur on his coat breaks over roach let's go man oh man similar in energy to how we trained the fngs the man we played as and made badass in the first game is now our badass new captain making us feel badass by association and erases questions where is Captain Price I'll See You In The Far Side my man's soap isn't slipping today another core memory that little head knot yeah all the little animation touches aren't unnoticed in the remaster either [Applause] you have our stealth Mission but like the mix-up of our two main ones using the snow as our cupboard y'all remember how hard you'd get framed for using a heartbeat sensor in multiplayer how else am I supposed to 1v3 Revenge 1595 hmm you're the one that already got ass blasted by a guy named Stephanie lime zero I missed freezing post game lobbies that's the soap I know and love and attention to detail soap is yanked to the side with the momentum of the soldier we went from Super serious discussions about a man's morality when placed into war in the previous game too fun little jewelry rides on a snowmobile Cod really is a series that has its cake and eats it too almost there Buffalo keep going this music has seared into my brain for the amount of times I ran the spec ops level going for that platinum trophy two took down an entire base I asked much more from you now oh [ __ ] talk about raising the stakes fun lines are history uniforms are relics the war rages everywhere things have really changed since the first world war if you're curious what I mean check out what the french did I believe with their uniforms this man Makarov is fighting his own war and he has no rules No Boundaries he doesn't Flinch at torture oh [ __ ] me sideways and call me Sally did Infinity War just speed run on make a villain headable I'll forgive it because we've got the real villain of this story Shepherd that's much more nuanced in his goals and actions he trades blood for money not the only one in this story that trades blood right Shepard translates to goddess with us which is interesting considering the narrative posed during the Cold War and if you want to know more on what I mean by that check out my cold war video and also horrify knowing what was about to happen no Russian a line that has gone down in history no context no idea what is about to happen no clues just follow makarov's lead and then one of the most controversial scenes in gaming history when I played no Russian I was a kid and didn't even think twice about shooting just did it because people in front of me pull trigger it was until I was older and replayed this that I physically felt myself react to this and actually feel sick deep inside me I've killed innocence all the time in other games without a second thought or even with a laugh but here the entire presentation hits too close to home and is too real to not feel anything about it easily among the best crafted scenes in COD history you can only slowly walk having to soak up every moment of what you're doing just makes it even harder to watch at least the elevators work as stupid as it is logically for our country to use their own arms for an attack like this it's a neat detail to add on to the pile of dead evidence that is America's sweetheart Allen in such a fast mission in under 10 minutes one man ended the lives of hundreds and started World War III it's so compelling because it's just too real the Russians aren't gonna let this massacre go unanswered It's Gonna Get Bloody dude like me now in the eyes of the world they're the victims you think it's part of the mission to have a silky sexy voice to join task force one for one am I just growing up is it about framing I don't know I used to never blink at torture and now when I watched that my boys are about to do some I'm like but I thought we were the good guys whirls kind of go to the way the dinosaurs or world war three is on the horizon I guess this chasing is great through all the radio chatter bullets flying and explosions the anxieties had an all-time high trying to catch raws you know I gotta win the sauce come on ready for dust off send the chopper coordinates to [ __ ] bollocks the skies are clear send the chopper now Shepherd tying up Loose Ends getting Roz and the boys to not make it out of Brazil but actually it's just set up for The Invasion on the U.S come the hell did they get through that's totally nonsensical as it is for Russia to one sneak over to U.S soil and two even have a stake in the boots and on the ground Invasion due to geography alone it makes for some really great level scenarios for those of us who live in the states the name of this mission is in reference to what the American resistance force calls himself in the movie Red Dawn which came out in 1984 about Russia invading the U.S [Music] the music seems to cry for the states but I see it as a lament for both sides as this war was to never happen it was brought on because of one man's ego and resentment oh yeah Burger Town baby whoa whole ass animation for moving a turret this one remastered instead of just shooting lanes and rooms Wolverines opens up real big compared to its predecessors giving us time to really acquaint ourselves in the area we are defending this section of the game is directly lifted from its real-life counterpart in Vancouver having the buildings in the same locations and parodies at the restaurant stairs such as Burgerville being Burger Town it looks like a storm is over there but when we turn around it's decently clear day with the sun shining through the bog of War really does turn the world into hell today was your lucky day we're gonna go save their lives yeah I'll love Sergeant Foley the way he says that I would follow him anywhere this con's the bait to catch that psychopath let's hang him from a tree if only he knew who he was talking about said let's go what about Rojas the streets will take care of him works for me nothing better than seeing a unit all on the same page Till I Collapse oh too soon I guess you only get one soap can't let him take this corner just point it out on the map sir they won't take it the confidence oh pretty neat that we go and fight through the plane we watched ground just moments earlier I don't have a fear of the ocean but something about this presentation gives me the heebies reaching will never not make you feel like a badass don't you open the wrong door I don't know if that was meant to be funny or not oh baby's the right Shield one of the more inventive things to add into a Cod game before specialist abilities blew the top off price was already on his way out didn't even need you and for most of us who played this game back in the day price this belongs to you sir oh they're so cute I mean I made it with the Serb giving him back his pistol that he slid to soap in the first game who's so love that some reasons soap stopped going by his name also fun that a lot of one for one men's names have something to do with survival and of whom always die roach being hard to kill self being slippery spoilers ghost can't kill a ghost and we don't talk about meat whatever you're gonna do son do it fast after three years in the gulag love that price still toxic soap like no time has passed this is the sound of nightmares a sound I hope to never actually hear this pre-mission brief is so effective in setting up the next mission just showing us the cold text and forcing us to confront our feelings with everything and seeing Washington DC Under Siege preceding the EAS makes the whole situation feel so hopeless there I see a massive foot mobiles converging on your position negative negative I have eyes on enemy enemy on Southwest remember this Origins Foley is the man totally could have just followed orders and disengaged but stayed in the fight to help his boys remaster added in Ramirez looking at his hands no way would he have gone down in this thing scot-free take this should take your own advice desperate last stands like this will always be exhilarating back from the brain captain out of The Frying Pan is more like it this world looks more like hell than the one I just left prices one hard [ __ ] are you willing to do what is necessary to win always and he's not lying left his River of blood to win a war he started no time sir we need to end this war today not even days after leaving the gulag price is cooking up ideas to swing the war in their favor you've been in the gulag too long focus on taking out Makarov no time sir we need to end this war today I'm not asking your price I'll give Shepard this one though if the US sees an ICBM heading towards them if they can they will be sending missiles back price is absolutely correct for having this plan these Russian dogs are like Pussycats compared to the ones in pripyard a little jab at all the player base loving having to fight dogs in COD 4. this was absolutely my favorite mission to play in Spec Ops I would do it over and over again and at that rate the entire spec op section of the game was solid so much fun having all these different scenarios with different objectives other than should these guys tell you when I'm gone price literally does not give any [ __ ] General Shepard you warned us we should have listened Shepard could play the politics he didn't want this nuke to happen but it makes him look even better in the eyes of his men so why not take the credit the bright light that comes and we think is the hind about to light us up I'd like to Switcheroo Infinity Ward pulls on us having actually beat the blinding light of the new so who are the real heroes in this story price literally destroyed the ISS but Shepard forced his hand I started to throw the whole world and not do it I believe I just saw more peace private Sandler with the big dolphin dive and Sergeant Foley is just walking off that debris crashing Hunter 2-1 is just built different damn I was just about to say the quiet of DC right now is so unnerving I couldn't imagine how my ears would be feeling after the constant battle around a place normally held in such reverence just ran through like it's nothing special everything we hold in such high regard Falls away very quickly when it comes to things like war and seeing this is a reminder to not place too much value on objects or locations and instead put that into people and experiences it also puts on display how fragile everything we've built over the last few centuries really is in less than two minutes before they flashed the city foreign which you might recognize as the ranger Victory theme in multiplayer hammer down protocol is a reference to Cloverfield where the same operation was used to flatten New York oh it's so badass dropping all his weapons lighting as many flares as he can carry one desperate attempt to stop the fighters just all in for his country I'm feeling the patriotism dripping in this moment of the game and I love it I cannot help but think that this man is possibly Naruto running for his last moments on Earth aboard aboard we got a counter sign am I the only one that got goosebumps listening to all this military Chatters just so entertaining I knew there was nothing exactly that was going to be a win here but listen to the three minutes of them setting their plan because I was just drawn in and accidentally found by wind we could actually find all the plans to know Russian here at the estate that's one that's one who said all our hearts broke I gotta give to Roach trying to get after Shepherd though he knows it's over Shepherd only launched the attack on price after recovering the DSM so there was no way price could have worn the boys which makes you feel a little bit better but it still breaks very hard here I can try to warn them that betrayal took Modern Warfare 2 from a box standard World War III game to something to be remembered never forget the Great War quotes that we get every time we die Shepherd and I'll take care of the rest for times am I right now you know what it is God that's awesome just straight animosity towards each other but we gotta take out the big fish before we can focused on each other first price never misses with his one-liners we've got one good ump they've got a thousand we don't even know if macros entails any good Trace price because out of all our vast array of nightmares this is the one we choose for ourselves we go forward like a breath exhale from the earth with Vigor in our hearts and one goal inside poor so he's over here trying to think of a plan and price is figuring out that he's a protagonist in a video game needing to give a badass final speech before the final mission while soap just sits there like [Music] [Applause] this was a one-way flight mate uh and good luck my friend oh that's sigh aside that says Nikolai already knows price and soap have said this but doesn't want to subscribe to it but not like how you should subscribe to my YouTube channel gamingwins and here's a notification Bell ding ding ding just like old times getting to play as soap for our last and final mission disciple six we've lost all contact with Disciple five everyone in the shadow company is labeled as disciple which is perfect since all these men are fiercely loyal to Shepherd and have definitely drunk the Kool-Aid it's not possible we just cleared that area nobody's that good oxide at his fries damnedest Price's reputation precede him fire mission Target package Romeo danger close since when does Shepherd care about danger close ah there it is finally cares because he's a little ego driven baby boy and it's all about him is all you need to change the world is one good lion a river of blood damn card campaigns used to mean something hey they entered the water properly nice try and count for something right I lost 30 000 men in the blink of an eye and the world just [ __ ] watched that line really brings everything full circle Shepard's anger is solely directed at the enemy but to his countrymen as well hence his lack of empathy for their lives like the ones he sacrificed at the end of the game or even Alan brings back the line to what happens over there matters over here originally it seems that he was talking about the USA with the East they didn't wiping out 30 000 men should have been the Catalyst for him seeing people enlisting in droves caring about the conflict that the military is in he actually means the other way around what happens over in the East should and does matter to those back home and he wants to force their hand after the events of Modern Warfare a little callback to the ending of Modern Warfare 1. oh no price lost his head we know that's where most of his power comes from soap is one hard [ __ ] this moment in a couple other moments are far superior in the OG as the music takes much more prominent role in The Sound mixing so I'm talking from the point of view of the OG model Warfare 2. the music building while soap struggles to take the knife out on top of the super sexy knife flip makes for one of the most dense endings we've seen in the Cod campaign and yes I don't care if it's not really to flipping knife like he does in the OG it's cool you see Shepard expected the 1v1s to run brass but literally no soap was a final stance comeback soap is all ready to die but once he sees prices alive chooses to hang on a bit longer get yourself a friendship like these two you're gonna get so bad at you duh I know a place what a cliffhanger I remember anxiously awaiting the third game see what the heck was gonna happen after keeping in line with the theme of history and Legacy each mission is recreated in the museum to tell the public the history of World War III and what you'll notice is that there is no exhibit for the missions after Loose Ends though Shepard died he died similar to zacchaev and Martyr for the people and his history got bit four time Modern Warfare 2 is a certified classic doesn't matter when you start gaming if you game you know Modern Warfare 2 and it's like the scene hell if you don't game you've probably been infected by its Legacy I'm sure this is when the gamer Pro attitude of consoles really kicked off in full swing when the Doritos and Mountain Dew was being slung down Gamer's throats it was definitely a time to be alive when this game was at its peak I remember the community around this game more fondly than I remember playing the game itself it's still a great game but I don't think that any other CoD game other than Black Ops 2 is capture that magic that we've been clamoring to get back since Modern Warfare 2 showed us and maybe we won't ever get it back gaming has changed and we've all changed along with it whether it's for the better is yet to be seen But no matter how much we may want the old days of Call of Duty or gaming in general those days are behind us and we gotta find the enjoyment of what is being offered today while I was keep those memories of the good old days and when we reminisce the younger generation can tell us about how our Glory Days sound terrible now thanks for so much better now while they tuck us into bed and before they leave the room I for damn sure am going to pull them in and whisper in the ear actually knowing I just told my son some of the most vile [ __ ] thrown at me back in mono over too and he'll have no idea what I'm talking about anyway Modern Warfare two I love it you love it we all love it where's the multiplayer remaster don't [ __ ] no neither does Infinity Ward because they're making just a new uh game with the same title and so researching for this video was a nightmare because every time I typed in mono for two the new one was put up and uh anyway what'd you guys think about my Warfare 2 back in the day and what do you think about it now and how do you think his legacy holds up and do you think the history is written by The Victors like Shepard all right I'm done remember Drive the speed limit drink some water and love one another Pizza babies [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: GamingWins
Views: 348,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming wins, gamingwins, game wins, gamewin, game review, modern warfare 2 review, everything great about, everything great about modern warfare 2, everything great modern warfare 2, modern warfare 2 analysis, modern warfare 2 critique, modern warfare 2 gamingwins, modern warfare 2 gaming wins, gaming wins modern warfare 2, gamingwins modern warfare 2, modern warfare 2, everything great about modern warfare 2 gamingwins, everything great about cod modern warfare 2
Id: 5n1dPIWKvd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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