Everything GREAT About Far Cry 6!

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[Music] right from the get-go ubisoft reminds us that the setting for this game is not cuba but what i love about this setting is the frozen in time bit because of that fact we get to use weapons of the past such as the ppsh mp40 and rpd my true yarns giancarlo esposito could spit my mouth and i would thank him that's my rather crude way of saying that i love this man he was born to play captivating nuanced villains and his performance as anton castillo does not disappoint far cry has always been about the films and ubisoft recognizes this and when you really think about it giancarlo puts this game on his back and sold it every bit of marketing the trailers the foe interviews was all of giancarlo's anton talk about having star power the most effective treatment for cancer the world has ever seen grown within our precious tobacco modified with the purest fertilizer viviro is the key to rebuild paradise oh i get it i get it he bad dictator because he plays lies for the media seriously though it's some solid juxtaposition with what he's saying and what's on screen and so with renewed focus i must extend the draft to paradise it's really interesting that castillo uses the word draft as here in the us we have a draft of our own it's horrible what is happening in europe but it's a very skillful use of language that castillo uses we hear him drafting anyone into working to provide a beautiful future for yara and it's an easier pill to swallow because it's something that we are accustomed to most waiting drinks in mako dinner in miami i swear that ubisoft created far cry 6 with female danny in mind i've played both and there's just a certain x factor about the writing and the super relatable performance of nisa conducts that makes her stand out much more than sean raised in not to discredit his performance of course but i just love you know that marco always making new friends this is the first time in a long time that ubisoft went out of their way to create a complete protagonist that has understandable motivations and a personality that's more than one dimension far cry 5 didn't even have the character speak having danny being this fleshed out makes her interactions when they happen with castillo 10 times better it's why we love jason because he was falling down the same rabbit hole as vos and got to talk with voss about it all the time and then and then and then far cry 6 uses third person cut scenes i believe for the first time in the franchise this does a lot of the heavy lifting as we get to see our player character what ticks her what makes her smile her pain it helps us connect to her so much more i find it funny that far cry is a franchise built on the backs of the villains they casted the crazy goody on carlo and then moved him to second place to make room for the first shot at creating a three-dimensional protagonist and that's not me complaining because i freaking loved it as you'll realize throughout this video he gave up his ticket for his family check that out without even knowing it denny has been helping diego escape survive and protect him in a typical far cry fashion we come face to face with our villain right from the start it's about the challenge except when he caught a big fat juicy marlin he was too proud god damn giancarlo was a master at his craft able to weave in that laugh and not have castile be any less intimidating if anything it makes him more human which in turn makes him more scary some great direction here simple but effective castillo doesn't move at the approach or flinch of the gunshot stone wall they can work make vivido truth or lies truth or lies is my favorite game that castillo likes to play he could paint the pretty picture of diego luntz but what's the point if castillo is willing to tell the hard truth i believe it's a subtle manipulation to make the horrors he speaks more digestible since you're the one that elected to hear it and it just sounds cool truth or lies it might just be me but if far crowds have a symbol representing it it'd be a machete so it stands to reason that danny donning it would be our segue into our far cry title garden if you notice from the opening danny has had this blue stripe behind her ear she's always been libertad she just couldn't see it yet i see far cry 6 went to the borderlands school of introducing their characters lita also said he wanted a [ __ ] proving a point they just had to name the mission juan of a kind juan is my mentor he's also unstable and an alcoholic sounds like my kind of people today we drink in the worst cantina or is in colombia or is it cuba what do you think gave it away weapon don't you mean loki proving us the old man still got it drawing quicker and using the book as a silencer hey what boys say love with you it may be a human leg but this is guapo's way of showing you love the horse is out of the barn and now the cocaine is all over the kids daddy that's one way to say the cat's out of the bag why is he following me guapo goes with those who need him most guapo is just an alligator jack sparrow compass like those therapy dogs in your precious america hey don't disrespect chorizo like that damn making sure is addictive it can be is ubisoft planting the seed to get us psychologically hooked with playing the game to unlock and craft everything that exists or am i just thinking about it too hard [Music] bringing far cry back to basics fun music and burning drugs and the song that's playing is bella ciao which was originally an anti-slavery song made by rice paddy workers in italy it then morphed to be anti-fascists around the rise of the nazis and it basically became the anthem for anti-fascism what a my history channel god [Music] burning [ __ ] with a flamethrower familiar ubisoft knew what they were doing you're building bridges for me it's your gift more than you know as it's kind of the only thing we do for the entire game [Music] and now danny's humming bella ciao it's now my head canyon that the song is actually playing out of some radio they brought with him remember rule number nine right for the right job rule number 10 shut the [ __ ] up i need danny to write more rules i'm sad that i couldn't find this track in the ost but i felt like a superhero running around fighting on this ship with that score blasting my use easily my favorite track of the whole ost maybe content id will help me find it and if a dog refuses to break like julio here like clara garcia like libertad jesus christ giancarlo is so menacing listen to some interviews of what he actually sounds like he's a happy bubbly man and then he could do this it's amazing but when you achieve our vision i promise you there will be no more steps if there's anything we learned about playing are you a dictator in far cry 4 it's that many dictators run off the ideal of the ends justifying the means fine then enjoy the show i mean it's not the worst way to parent no be there to support your child through something difficult but don't chastise them if they fail but remembering not to be so soft to not show them what repercussions that can ensue no i'm just kidding this is terribly manipulative and nothing you should put your child through i keep my promises danny give me a promise and i didn't put in the secret ending because we all know about them now if you want to know my opinions on far cry secret endings i talk about that at my far cry 4 welcome to libertad danny i can leave anytime what's the rush cute excuses we know it's danny's bloody libertad we take esperanza so there's a lot of people that feel the far cry 6 map is just big for big sick first it's ubisoft so what did you expect and second narrative director naveed kavari said that they wanted to try creating an entire country from border to border they had to shrink it to an island size but yara from that lens i appreciate the vision so much more it's ambitious to try and create a living breathing land mass of this size in just four years with yubi of all companies breathing down your neck to do that i need you to recruit three group zenyatta to fight with libertad each is waging war across yara with a different piece of castillo's empire far cry 6 takes the three regions formula of far cry 5 and proves to us that ubisoft knows how to do it right this is the perfect formula to experience what far cry has to offer if you don't craft each section as if it's a color by numbers book each location has a full cast of memorable characters and moments with missions that actually matter and have a stake in the story and plot not just missions that can be done in any order and all serve the goal of filling a meter to trigger the actual story missions i send a squad to these groups i'm an invader i send the scout then i'm not serious with you they get my best career without politics and [ __ ] yody locks right libertad takes the capital we slit anton's throat maybe drink his blood etc etc look at that cheeky little smile danny brandishes the accent clara hides it best she can but she was born rich from a family of true yaran she left behind but she can't hide the stink of the upper class what's that have to do with me i understand juan's position but doesn't it speak volumes of clara's decision that she'd forgo all that to come lead down in the trenches with the irons can we just toss on some wins for the rest of their weapons and far cry 6. i've only played mainline entries but from my experience far cry 6 is having the most fun with this arsenal between sopranos and resolvers and i apologize in advance if i awkwardly roll my r's or say something strange with my super white american accent it just kind of happens i don't know what to tell you and check this out first foray into cinematography and they have some fun with it every now and then the camera is a beautiful language of its own and i'll always appreciate seeing the smallest things such as this you just say maximus matanzas the most blessed [ __ ] group in yada well i would have done it myself personally but you know i couldn't stop crying why is that me you want to die before we get to america and look at that see how fast he disarms and neutralizes that pistol philo's definitely ex-military too we were libertad before libertar who do you think dragged clara to her first protest when she wanted to live in a [ __ ] library i don't care and that's why i loved him not worried about what was and just wanted to change what is don't worry italia is full of [ __ ] and so are you welcome to cap maximus how welcoming and i know if i shoot you paolo's death disappears see that's what i'm talking about [Music] i love bicho every time he's on screen he just brings me joy your safety's on but i painted the loco everywhere no i painted them and stole a [ __ ] zebra and killed for that local priest no [ __ ] you're doing the show and this is why i love danny again put these missions into far cry 5 then bicho would have said that without a hitch but dany is fighting for the bertha and doesn't put up with nobles see how cuter man is got bars and check out the camera the instance you start singing everything gets turned on its head [Music] i'm right [ __ ] you castillo this isn't my war when this is over i'm still gonna have to fight to live here it's like you forget that i'm trans in yadah i think storytelling as a whole is maturing really well not using a character's sex race or gender identity as the linchpin that makes them interesting and entirely focused on that each of those are just one thing that makes us us and i appreciate focusing the hole rather than pandering and shoving wokeness down our throats for the sake of it but with that said representation of any kind is almost universally a good thing a real man doesn't run holy [Music] having talia say something like that really shows how much she cares for yar and libra because that's not an okay thing to say you spend a lot of time with your father he is a great teacher and your mother class we don't know this till later but anton rejects the question because he knows if he answers he loses so much credibility because maria is diego's mother he is a great teacher and your mother maria americano let's talk viviro she understood them like a good journalist and moved on is vaviro produced with slave labor truth or lies the truth of course yada did not write the playbook slavery was your first corporation 1800 to 1860. cotton was your number one export grown by whom just a second slaves four million americans worth 3.5 billion dollars the number one asset in your economy was people who look like me what is that called a history lesson a head start truth or lies comes back and with the ambiguity of that statement concerning castile and yara he could have said that response to either and it would have lined up children it's not right but still seems to understand exactly how to play the american media inmates pennies america is not alone correct children so are close sweatshops build our phones and bibiro saves millions of lives do you think that those lives care where it comes from i was not expecting castile to drop the mic like that far cry villains have always been created to be understood and to a certain degree right and it's scary that this video game dictator coming from ubisoft self-educated might have a point at least a little bit you were imprisoned at the age of 13 the same age as diego now that is some brilliant writing the journalism perspective she is just talking strictly about age but for us the subtext is telling us that diego's imprisoned at this very moment just like his father was many years ago speaking to the horror anton is putting on to his son but also sheds light on why anton is the man he turned into pruning tobacco i hear you still have the blade [Music] when yara becomes paradise when i give my vibro to america my methods your questions no one will care we're done here take a look at that anton is threatened and feels the need to stand up to try and dominate the reporter and she just stands her ground and looks him dead in the eye for her father and that's how anton has kept the media quiet for so long about what's really going on cherry picking the reporters he lets in so he can give them a vero why is it every time i see statues taken down of a dictator i think handsome jack missions an opportunity [ __ ] get your liver ready we're gonna put that little guy through the ringer every friday night am i sharing too much about my drinking habits there's nothing more far crying than murdering bad guys just to get some booze kanye leave it to far cry to dedicate a whole mission to getting plastered and calling it a bottle episode i mean hey people were complaining about every mission being go here kill bad guys pressy on something so here you go i love that the quest descriptions are written from danny's view vicho where are you you little pineapple hair i'm gonna spray every billboard yara okay that's every single one she works fast how many did you do like at least a hundred nice drink danny is my kind of drinking partner you know before liberta i had two best friends just like you i know she's probably talking about talia and paolo but i'm taking it as her called bicho my best friend lita used to joke we were nothing but numbers to the rest of yara when lita died she called me the lucky one like an idiot i thought still just a number tani and nobody i am not a number i am not a gun i'm a geria just like you then he says later that she's not great at the whole speech thing but look at this she's inadvertently inspiring the hell out of bicho and i'm tempted to add uh this is why i love danny but i'll spare you but i'll say ubi has it in the right greatness it's a shame when publication dates and greed gets in the way when it comes to far cry 6 though i'm loving having the developed protagonist the silent type just doesn't really fit far cry i use this and you use that foe i love danny counter going up the more paid attention the more the cinematography jumps out of me bicho has a deep-rooted issue of feeling purposeful taking the camera out wide to make him feel small with addressing danny isn't contemplates the more i analyze this game the more i love how much narratively it actually pushes far cry forwards but i could be a cool [ __ ] gun too if that's not the most perfect use of beethoven's i've seen in recent times it subverts what he's truly going through but it's completely in line with his character conflict to say something like this it also perfectly sets up what he's about to do next maximus matanzas is too far don't give up on them you're called danny this is why danny takes over in the end she's not willing to give up the most important part of this interaction is that clara actually defers to danny's ruling i'm coming up to maria's tv station anything you can tell me even in more time you got to keep a sense of humor no stuff so we don't get shot let's change these clothes bicho is there for liberta but not a front lineman wait aren't you sylvia balboa garden city urban garden can we move this along maria's waiting quick on the draw these two often if you're just decisive and confident you can move through like this and i mean a good disguise helps too the castillo administration's pride and joy hey look the reporter from earlier is here placebo for the inside tour you really make the reporter feel special castillo is a master at how he manipulates the media i hate to win it but someone's got game like that it's hard to deny it he found a compound that actually slows cancer cell division practically to a halt i love the angle they attempted to tackle to make the player feel great about their actions its premise is effective who is right where do we draw the line on when the ends justify the means as much as i'd prefer a game to be more gray in its two sides i still appreciate the idea at heart here and think it's a great base to build a narrative upon explain a part of my opinions of this but at that point we'd be reaching podcast style content that's something that a lot of you would be interested let me know down below because i could talk about this thing for hours there are rumors that farmers exposed to 240 are actually developing cancer from it rumors spread by fools and belief by idiots is not true illusory comebacks exist and i love this reporter for trying to dig at the truth [ __ ] i can't find this character's name anywhere what happened out of here revolution is not cut and clean it could be dirty sometimes maybe i'm misinterpreting the gravitas of maria's death but to me at the end of the day it felt unnecessary and an upsetting scar tainting the brita which helps fuel the realism ubisoft is going for in this revolution this is the scene i've heard many point to castillo being one dimensional and a mustache twirling bad guy i'll admit in my far cry 4 video i subscribed to that idea as well until i took the time to look deeper this man is cold because of his upbringing not because yubi wanted him to be the bad guy all castile is is a reflection of his father diego is trying his hardest to break the cycle most often when you boil it down we're all just products of our childhood castillo displays this in stride [Music] that's a bomb exaggerated by the reporter's question earlier castilla's upbringing he is a man raised pragmatically to not feel emotion and this is bleeding over to how he raised his son he's cold because he believes he has to be has to be strong for son his nation and himself as his ego demands him to be stalwart it's giancarlo mostly but also the animators that make sure his performance is maintained and keeps that beautiful nuance that only reaches giancarlo's eyes in the scene for me it's red that he truly cared for maria and because of his upbringing this is how he copes as much as i'm annoyed that we mostly only get anton independent of danny most of the time he's clearly a treat that ubisoft labored over for four years there was something in me oh god he put something in me guess what i'm gonna say this is why i love danny she's just dying by poison and still tells the pair to flee and forget about her you don't give a [ __ ] about libertad or castillo you just like shooting guns lita no this isn't real and finally we have it of trademarked far cry drug trip experience no danny they were coming for you i should have been with clara but i came to the city to say goodbye to you how was i supposed to know it's cheap but it doesn't change how effective it is on relaying danny's internal conflict about everything listen to me danny drop the knife danny's a hard [ __ ] dare i say this is why i love that no you're no killer look at you shaking you're a frightened little rat a pest a parasite yes you take and give nothing back he's a garbage man pero tango cake las palotas don't forget you're a piece of [ __ ] at least i don't lie to my friends this reaction from danny gets me really interested benbe said tough little kid danny seems to be second guessing inspiring bicho for acting so abrasively when this is her name to five it's a point in contention because we have to weigh the likely positive side of bembe's death versus what it do to bicho to kill him there's always going to be a bambe paolo but there aren't many beaches out there when bicho gets back maybe tell him how you feel yeah he could use it right now are we a bunch of bichos forgive me but i'd say yes and that's not a bad thing [Music] nobody told me this was a party check this out clara and juana made a point to come look after the new possible libertas squad somebody call it save your face mclaren but i call it caring about our people weren't you running to america found your cojones a little late brilliant i love that palo was always shown to be strong and capable even against someone like juan where the [ __ ] is el doctor the vivero processing center building 13. oh damn paolo is not around he's got his information and he is done i'm all of mercy and significant trauma to this goal i'm speechless but matthias is a win is this a second drug-induced far cry moment i'm winning i mean they simply want chaos and now the curtain is taking off anton we get to see his illness covered up and his speech is in a preliminary phase these things can be first read as his rule isn't as strong as we expected but i like to view it as a man whose position is flawed tainted and heartbreaking showing humanity of castile was a number one goal for far cry 6 and sure it's all absent from the pc but it doesn't detract from the honest to goodness writing the case when i am dead and yara is burning what exactly is your plan hold hands sing songs around the fire who told you you called me wonderful a beautiful showcase of anton's composure cracking under the growing arm of libertad start the camera i ready to speak to my people and anton's ego can't stand being attacked so he feels he needs to posture in front of all of y'all truly showing how weak of a man he is at heart [Music] if anyone is deserving of the borderlands intro tell t ray what the hell you're trapped that is staring you in the face what do you do i've been kicked in the cohorts a thousand times i haven't felt them since 72 keeping appearances until the audience is gone who are you well morale and our land our land our medicine you practice a little speech yeah candor yeah she's gonna kick my ass if i don't come back with something well clara's gonna try to kick mine if i don't bring these to the legend clara's gonna try danny don't take no sh welcome humility i took pictures of that place when the wrong was talking about you sway to the left helping the old guy [Music] we wish to stay at the end our business is our own we should be out there drinking and [ __ ] and skipping school not morale or my kind of people also young ron is a blessing admiral benitez walked into my classroom with a gun she called on your name you came to the front alvarez carrillo jimenez pena now that's a damn effective way to rally your people wise words young la morale taking new members i don't know why el tigre's entrance here may be laughed so hard if you take me welcome to the world viejo perfect the melding of two generations with this handshake yeah the criminals of la libertad will be stopped there are few we are money you hear that libertared jesus mccaig just did a speed run on how fast can you make an audience hate no before every mission i find that if i imagine myself accomplishing it i will accomplish it i swear to god that manifesting actually works goodbye just want to screenshot that moment real quick i am speechless he's been through all this once before lorenzo is cool with i love a little banter in the heat of battle you know the superhero last moment charge was cool and all but i'm more impressed that she rolled with the supremo in her bag without being in me pain fun that's not a smart move you should cut her down you are not fieri do not become him there's something about third world prisons they make me hard so there i am barbecue sauce on my titties i mean just casually reviewing footage and writing the script and then mckay says then i out loud went what the [ __ ] guapo's the homie for not holding this against me i still appreciate missions like this no stakes no shitty shooting just hanging out with the characters and celebrating it's nice check out the top left i got it elena jonron lorenzo me and all of la morale will go after castillo danny you kill mcgay that doesn't make sense it makes perfect sense you're a one-woman army yes oh i was getting tired of talking check out tigre too old to be bothered here for a good time not a long time here for a good time not for a long time but in a minor key more will die and nobody is safe not an old legend or a new one i'm straight up crying in the club right now you kids look like you could use a little luck the theme of luck surrounding danny's oh interesting i've been bracking my brain trying to think exactly what it means what is your interpretation of this every modern country in the history of the world has dark days only difference now is that everybody can film it and stream it and try to get the world pissed off about it even in my country canada go look up what they did to the indigenous folks and the fracking jesus murphy but hey nobody is perfect it's amazing what links people will go through to justify their actions leave him alone and head back to the port i'm on my way there now it's time to celebrate we won i wake up they say we won they didn't say what we lost so to make sure these people don't lose something there you go we fight we don't follow i like this one that's two of us sione esperanza compromise oh there he is the real star of the show i freaking guess so who the [ __ ] are you and that's an honest response to someone who just applauded a thrown knife i feel like i should write this down humor is always a good way to get out of a bad situation you want chorizo to go out and blow up leave shorty so out of this he would make the perfect trojan horse who could say no to petting the little guy come on jodies save it for dessert come on okay one more win for chorizo we can't keep reacting to jose it's not working we need to try new things be agile stay one step ahead of that little iho so do what napoleon did during the napoleonic wars [Music] now that was pretty fancy god damn one sweeney to cap that gator and you would rather die than ask for help and the danny helps him with that carlos saying a word class act whoa master of disguise over here shut up and get in the back okay this is why i love that because she's already playing in the carlos's papa roll [Music] a lot you know i gotta throw a win in for my two favorite people being cute together so how you want to do this we kill soldiers until we find him and then and then we kill more soldiers simple i like it i was about to say that oh honey siblings all right if you look closely you'll see that carlos tries to throw the bomb but he wanted to be damn sure he got it away from alejandro i know you have heard of our great victory in the west carlos montero is dead is guerrillas on the run the tobacco feels secure say what you want about castillo there is still a loving father somewhere deep inside him i mean he's not even worried about work right now he just wants to focus on teaching his boy to shoot run what run these little quest intros are a cheap way for ubisoft to add a bit more personality to the quests as opposed to shooting 56 plus scenes just to intro the mission and is more interesting than just staring at an npc i never knew your pop-up but my family worked these lands for 50 years wow really interesting that she's willing to accept these soldiers into the monteros but not forgive her brother mistakes sting more when it comes from blood if only they see her i know i'm sorry you lost her philly she's a machine hero don't be weird what the [ __ ] little bird hell fire on the hope of the west holy one so you flown this no never i'm afraid of heights he doesn't even blink just so caught up in the moment [Applause] that's one hell of a way to go if teresa was making deliveries at a party put a little tip door on him because no one could say no to tip that little guy why are we here you never even liked jose why he was an [ __ ] why dad flips a script on the little game kids love to play me jesus he will always say jesus would make an amazing yan presidente me anton always remember jesus was both the lion and the lamb rule we strength but understand suffering your grandmother and i were left to survive alone she would always remind me of my father's obsession with that verse she hated it why because he had it all wrong be the lion and the lamb no she would say right here we get some background on castillo's backstory and how he became the man he is from what we're told it seems like anton's father genuinely wanted him to become a better man than he could ever be but after his murder and his grandmother's manipulation he ended up becoming the man we see in the game and anton unlike his father is trying his hardest to make sure that diego becomes exactly like him if not worse what says you want to know why we're here you are a lion and we eat the [ __ ] lambs giancarlo knows how to use his voice like i've never heard before time for my three favorite words trigger the explosives ptsd for everyone i feel really bad for laughing at that this way [ __ ] dictators can't be a super bad guy without a secret bookshelf thor oh that's got to be just as bad as blade is under the fingernails danny handles it like a trooper though i hope for clara but i got you oh baby they finally meet me this is the first time castillo jumps at a bullet going off around him let dany go i'm not a monster diego we will give them a chance well it's not much of a chance but it's still one also look at you be saving time on recording lines using day instead of him or her and juan let's leave clara out of it that's all she needs to know mutually assured destruction and now castillo wants to meet you're joking right i want to know what you think you've been face to face oh she knows clara is good it was to friara for all of us juan mentioned clara's accident's fake and i swear at this moment she somewhat dropped the accent with for all of us like she said she doesn't care about castillo but bringing together his people and theirs and her dropping that access to safe for all of us is just some grade a direction and it's also showing the amendment of trust clara has and danny even after not telling her what happened with the castillos and before we continue to the end can we just appreciate all the work that went to far cry 6 story after far cry 5 barely having one primal being well primal and new dawn being far cry 5 but somehow even more stripped down we'd be forgiven expecting another story not worth hearing or a story that wasn't even going to be there but damn did they care this time around i cared i actually remember characters this time around juan el tigre clara yanron i only remember one character from far cry 5 and that was jerome and i only remember him because the beijing canadian and the name brought me back to my childhood far cry 6 gives us the most fleshed out story and cast of colorful characters that's ever been in a far cry game story-wise i think far cry 6 is my favorite of all of them stop staring sit down sit down these are the scenes that i live for in video games two diametrically opposed foes just sitting down talking diego wasn't playing anton's now looking cute and so no lies for you i have acute leukemia here's a dick i was diagnosed but i'd rather take my [ __ ] he will see the vision through [Music] won't you truth or lies throwing it back in his face one no danny's straight up ready to die for diego you can't quit just like me oh danny basically just said you by not taking his hand like it or not you are libertas heffa so either walk away right now or lead us to victory oh hell yeah for danny and it 100 works it's not like some games are at the end that just make you the boss for no reason this moment was earned through hours and hours of danny fighting on the front lines everyone and not giving orders and delegating we never talked about killing the kid we never talked about killing the kid wow niece's performance still blows me away danny is now in charge and that line goes from anger distaste to an upset leader at a member going behind her back i'm telling you machetes are far cry what i'm trying to say is we're going to win [Music] i promise you're really bad at this there are two types leaders the one who talks and the one who acts and dany is a leader by action a much more decisive way be the legend tomorrow you know i love me some center framing can you see it way can you see it let's take a look at the plus again something modernist as much as diego wants to test his father anton is still diego's dad it's still gotta hurt to watch him wither away like this anton's blood spilled over the model of his paradise shows that his blood will spill before he ever gets to see his dream yara and you hear that track that's being played as the revolution was truly getting started back in the boats it's come back to book in this final push for yard wow it doesn't make this moment so cathartic there's one thing in life that will always be true do you know what that is death in an ants on sick brain he probably believes offering his son the ultimate truth is somehow liberating for diego you will protect it from your friends from the monsters he'll be safe i promise you know this was shaping up to be a really heartfelt ending as there's always been a human deep down inside castile it could have been a beautiful message of the true yarns learning to accept and be among yarns castillo wanting to save his son from what he went through and trusting dany agaria to protect diego i mean she almost took a bullet for him before crisis has different messages they want to say about dictators which i still love he'll be safe i promise liar lies no the message is the real word isn't cut clean and wholesome in the end sometimes people can't change and dictators are nothing more than egotistical narcissists anton would rather kill himself and his son than face the truth and humiliation that he failed him and his family dictators in the end are pathetic cowards that impose their will on others to feel better about their ugly souls it's okay it's it's okay you were the lucky one what a callback to lita danny starts the game holding on to the last words of someone brimming with revolution and ends with someone who's a symbol of tyranny saying the same thing about her i guess here's where we find our holes meaning diego rejecting his father and at 13 lying bleeding out giving comfort to danny when tyranny is law revolution is order where are you going yada is yours don't [ __ ] it up danny is a gorilla at heart she played her part and now it's time to rest ah but not really rest we'll find out in just a second i can hear ain't no rest for the wicked playing my head like it's borderlands right now libertad thanks you for your support and i come bearing good news our riviera supply has tripled ah you know he's so sad about that castillo kid i mean what is papaditt wow that is crazy uh a tragedy well you know some people are just seeking the mind that man they're out of control same time next week oh you can bet your life on it they just had to make sure vos said the word crazy it's like his second favorite word after insanity now i know they're doing the be the villain dlc but like is this confirming that all far cry take place in the same universe and does that also mean that vos actually is alive i mean we never sell his dead body so it's entirely possible i really liked far cry sure it's more far cry but if you care to give the game a fair unbiased shot i think it's a good step for far cry they made a really great protagonist way better than jason who honestly didn't set the bar very hard but he's our best reference and still knocked their villain out of the park though he wasn't around much that in turn elevated every scene he was in i want a far cry 7 that finds the perfect bouncing act between hero and villain screen time and have their arc be as well tied as far cry 3s i think they're close and can find it ubisoft has put out some sneakers and they've definitely hurt the reputation with the shady game monetization practices and horrible developer conditions in the office but i'm gonna say and hope that it's not too late to turn the ship around for far cry and ubisoft as a whole well that's all i got for you today remember drive the speed limit drink some water nub one another pizza [Music] you
Channel: GamingWins
Views: 267,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming wins, gamingwins, game wins, gamewin, game review, far cry 6 review, everything great about, everything great about far cry 6, everything great far cry 6, far cry 6 analysis, far cry 6 critique, far cry 6 gamingwins, far cry 6 gaming wins, gaming wins far cry 6, gamingwins far cry 6, everything great about far cry 6 gamingwins, far cry 6 coop, far cry 6 multiplayer, far cry 6 villain, far cry 6 secret ending, is far cry 6 good
Id: SOStfxSUw58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 55sec (2575 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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