Everything GREAT About Far Cry 5!

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hey everyone before we get started i'd like  to announce my new podcast i'll be hosting   i don't have a name for yet but it's just me  unscripted talking about my experience with   the following week's game you can listen to them  all for just one dollar a month over on patreon   so if you want to sneak peek into my thoughts  and not just the positive ones go check it out   you can also find all original music produced  for the channel such as the outro songs or even   the song that i wrote your support means  everything and i hope you enjoy the video montana something you can never take away from  far cry are the varied settings it gives us   africa a tropical island totally not cuba and  now american montana and going to a setting more   recognizable and relatable to a higher percentage  of the player base is a good way to grab interest   in your new title and raise awareness about cults  today is that giving them too much credit i just   call it home if you're subscribed you would  have seen my post that i did not like this game   on that note if you're not subscribed to this  cult of positivity i'm so clever then what are   you doing my issue i have with far cry 5 is that  there is a complete lack of character development   outside of the main four baddies this opening  cutscene is the best and deepest characterization   we get for these guys but my job is to give games  a fair shake and look beyond what i want for my   games to figure out what makes them great so here  we go they started buying up every farm for miles   then the radio station not long after that they  even had the cops with that said about the story   lacking if you dig and care to see there's a lot  of research and care that went into creating the   cult from the very start here the taxes used for  eden's gate are historically accurate within cults   that still exist today the most poignant one  being flds or fundamentalist church of jesus   christ of latter-day saints for long run by a man  named warren jeffs hilldale utah and colorado city   arizona as of this video are still under flds  influence because of visitation laws jeff still   leads up to ten thousand people from behind bars  yusuf talked to the most respected name in cult   research and fighting cults rick ross no not that  rick ross rick allen ross there we go which was a   major guiding hand in degrading eden's gate did  i bring him up just to make that rick ross joke   damn right i did people don't want to believe  groups like this exist ubisoft picked montana   because now we can't shy away from the fact  that these cults exist today put their story   on some island or way up in the mountains there's  a separation that keeps the game well a game but   with far cry 5 we are forced to see the true  horrors of cults in america today ross is on   record stating that eden's gate is not some over  exaggerated cult blown up to be entertaining for   a video game to beat the dead horse this is real  [ __ ] going on in this game which makes joseph   the most terrifying villain in all of far cry  for me and ross has been under direct personal   attack from these cults he attempts to squash  from civil suits to pi's following him to his   name popping up in murder lists ross is directly  in the firing line to take down cults for us   so here's to you mr rick ross no not that one but  i'm not the history channel so back to the game   whether they want to be saved or not people don't  want to believe groups like this exist let's talk   about the critique many offered that this game  is scared to say anything meaningful and real   about religious radicalism gun violence and white  america yes at the time this game was released   and everything surrounding it it did seem like it  was going to have something to say regarding those   themes and that ubisoft cowards for not attacking  these things but not too long after playing it   you realize that this isn't a game about any  of that it's a game about cults what they do   how they indoctrinate people the tactics used  and the reality behind the fiction we find here   you can change the setting religion used with  any it wouldn't have to change a thing about   the story because it's a cult about surviving  and rejecting modern capitalism to form a new   world after the old one falls some will wish  to destroy all that we have built here together   some will betray us and when you're building a  story especially one that you want to resonate   with as many people as possible you don't want  your themes to get into the specifics yes there   is a time and place for those stories  to be told and we need those stories but   come on it's a billion dollar company that  needs to make a return let's get real we   will never have a ubisoft game that tackles  the issues regarding modern day racism and   rural religious white supremacy just not  gonna happen so instead of being angry   that it didn't i'm gonna have a blast paying  attention to the things that actually wanted   to say and the fun choice of choosing a silent  protagonist more on this in a bit some betrayals okay let's take a breather from all that together greg burke is so menacing with his  performance one look from him and   i've got brown pants i have no  faith but i will make them see you get it the irony he's poking  out his eyes make him see get it hallelujah if you know you know yeah well we  have laws for a reason sheriff and joseph seeds   this is just conjecture like most of  my channel but i think marshall is so   adamant about taking down joseph  because he himself is religious   and sees him as a stain on his beliefs  this is a bad idea last chance marshall we're going in so each of our main protagonists  are representations of the four horsemen of the   apocalypse coming in to usher end the end times  for eden's gate as we go i'll tell you who i   believe is to start though i think the martial  is war you tie a ride and walk up to the church   he's gung-ho about taking down youtube's gate  the first to kill a pegi and him escaping the   compound is the first full battle we have with  eden's gate what the hell is elon musk doing   there line of fire unrelated but joseph seed is  my workout goals we will not let their greed or   their immorality or their depravity hurt us  anymore see what i'm talking about with this   cult being filled by modern capitalism we knew  this moment would come we've prepared for it go go god will not let them take me voss was very aggro  and off the cuff pagan very polite and hospitable   and quite doesn't even count what they  do with joseph here is a great way to   set him apart and make him memorable to us  he approaches every situation with calm and   empathy he truly believes himself this world  savior and protected by his divine right   burke brings this haunting calmness to  life perfectly constantly juxtaposing   how we'd expect the bad guy to  act in situations such as this first seal and i heard as it were the  noise of thunder one of the four beasts   say come and see step forward and i saw and behold it was white horse joseph is quoting  the book of revelation the opening of the seals   marks the beginning of the apocalypse like  i mentioned earlier this group is the end   times for eden's gate and you notice that  joseph looks at the sheriff and says white   horse white horse is his surname and he is  representative of the horsemen pestilence   or conquest whichever you want to subscribe  to both work for the sheriff as he prefers   strategy over marshall's gung-ho attitude  and pestilence works as he brings with him   the plague that will wipe eden's  gate clean it was a white horse and hell followed with him and he looks at the  player on that line hell referring to hades   referring to the horsemen death riding their pale  horse and it is quite apparent that we the player   is death as we kill our way through hope county  to destroy the peggy empire to touch on the   name edensgate the whole goal of the cult is to  survive the inevitable apocalypse and have joseph   usher in eden after the dust has settled hence  the name being he'd escaped the cult themselves   building up a way to enter into eden and also  being the ones who decides who can enter rookie   cuff this son of a [ __ ] and here we  get the choice of the secret quick ending   if we do nothing joseph will call back what the  sheriff said in the helicopter sometimes it's best   to leave well enough alone and this line prompts  the sheriff to be like let's get the [ __ ] out   of here because joseph quoting that can only  mean that he was listening in on the radio cops the score of amazing grace being outnumbered by  peggy seeing their unrest and the level being   phased in this beautiful moonlight this has got  to be the most atmospheric far cry opening to date oh that's brutal you might have missed it that  peggy on the front got shredded in the rotors see what i'm talking about with joseph's  serenity juxtaposing situations this could be   for a multitude of reasons most likely providence  and his will to be stalwart in front of the cult   i told you that god wouldn't let you take me gosh  burke is amazing this entire time joseph is just   staring into our souls he doesn't even blink once  until the very end everything is just fine here   i don't need to call anyone that's scary but the people of hope county  did warn us that they had infiltrated the   [ __ ] cops no one is to save you bone chilling  wow i did not expect to have so much to say   about this game in the first 15 minutes but i'll  say this the story missions overall are lacking   hard but the stuff they do with the seed specific  missions are brilliant and those will be my main   focus of this video honestly those story missions  are just side quests that have no true impact on   the plot and story i don't know what the love for  the shovel in this game is about and at this point   i'm too afraid to ask i know what you're thinking  and no i ain't gonna have you climbing towers   all over the county for me so don't worry  that's ibiza talking directly to us you me even the father knows good god that music for this  cliche-ass promotional video is on point i must   be redeemed ew there is a lot of hints to john  being a sick sadist so uh character con nudies   setting up his weird fetishes i guess and  you will be offered atonement don't worry   you don't have to do anything we'll come  for you see after that we shouldn't be   surprised and upset that they capture us eight  separate times and now our heroes are godless   weak feeble diseased so i think that pratt is  the embodiment of the black horse famine as this   entire process of brainwashing is meant to slowly  break down into visuals this horseman is depicted   with weighing skills often and we see pratt being  caught between weighing his allegiances between   rook and jacob and when you don't have food your  body breaks down and your mind follows we let   the weak dictate to the powerful and then we are  shocked to find ourselves adrift eden's gate is   all about surviving the apocalypse and creating  a new jacob seems to be the one in charge of   keeping new members strong this ties perfectly  into him having a wolf pack at his command the   alpha of a pack is always the strongest leads  attacks and teaches their new members just   like jon is here john's military history is  what most likely afforded them the position the song here is only you and talks about a one  being the one to guide the singer properly but   also a very poignant line is when you hold my  hand i understand the magic that you do and this   handholding and magic is about the conditioning  jacob is doing and rook being the only one   able to kill eli so this is going to be the most  interesting and innovative thing that ubisoft does   at far cry 5. and it's the classical conditioning  that jacob does to the player and i do mean the   player not rook more on this in a bit we go  through this level one after another learning   exact enemy placements the best weapons to use the  fastest round to get through and the clock at the   start get lower and lower but it doesn't matter  because we basically speed run at the end more on   this in a second the word at the end of the hall  changes every time we do this level and this first   one is train right now we are just training  getting our bearings in the level and jacob   is seeing how we are taking to the conditioning  we don't even get to go all the way through the   level this first time someone shot that music  off christ it's silly when did they get him   it's never stated but i think it's okay to infer  that we are the ones that killed these men check   out what's on the wall it's like jacob is telling  us that we are the one white tail's got you now   we're bringing them back to the wolfstein i like  the irony that the whitetail malicious hq is in a   place called the wolves den with jacob's affinity  for them you'd think they'd pick a name like   rabbit's retreat or something we've been in  that room for god knows how long i've seen   what it does to people you haven't you can't  trust this one for those paying good attention   throughout the entirety of jacob's missions there  are enough hints to piece together the eventual   murder that we do to eli i took my fingers  in that little plastic tooth that was taped   her angelic face and i pinched  it shut after that legs if we weren't certain about him being insane  beforehand we sure as hell are now it's scary   how cold and heartless he is telling the story  he shows so much empathy for others but he's got   none for himself or his daughter and it's scarier  knowing that things like this actually happen all   the time if you want to know about a horrible cult  real life just go look up the people's temple cult   founded by jim jones now the word is hunt we've  got a good idea about the level itself physically   and now it's time to learn exactly who we want to  kill in what order to get through with the fastest now that we've shown promise to the conditioning  and have gotten in cahoots with the white tails   we're able to finish the entire mission again we  are surrounded by dead bodies and it can only be   us that did it that's the ultimate [ __ ] you to  someone that you've broken reeks got a knife to   his throat and can't kill him and by the eighth  day the wolves were closing in miller's sacrifice   wasn't about me walking out of that  desert it was about bringing me here the weak have their purpose now we understand  jacob's connection with wolves and using the weak   the wall now says kill meaning  you know your targets your route   now just kill kill kill get through this   i'm gonna get you out of here okay if we're gonna  get out of here okay only you only you notice how   he repeated only you he's been brainwashed  like no other but he's trying to fight it trials see he's got it all planned out here's the big  hint thrown at us to figure out his plan   before it happens one two three one two three  one two three one two three then he's got you   it becomes second nature  routine he gets in your head and you don't even realize it what jacob is  doing to us is called classical conditioning   and brad is right we don't realize or know what  he's intended or that this shooting gallery even   has an effect on the game world more on this in  a second you guys are loving me right now sorry pratt knows what rook has been conditioned to do  and is either trying to kill rook or knock them   out to not have them go through the  plan i told you you're not a hero   you are a tool and you know your purpose i  love this this is one of those things that   only a video game can do only a video game could  condition the actual person experiencing the   media to do something like accidentally killed  eli it's far cry 5 is greatest strength since   they went for the silent protagonist a lot  of the themes are centered around the way   the player is forced to interact with the game  and that we do it without question there is no   pluto narrative dissonance and that's something  i've always applauded in all far cry games   we murder hundreds if not thousands of people  throughout each of these titles and they address   it and here at the last one is sacrifice sacrifice  eli to end the conditioning sacrifice yourself and   kill eli we only start with 15 seconds like  it matters because we are pros of this now if you pay attention everyone after the  slide isn't turning into smoke they are   spraying blood and dying more hints to what's  really going on we're in the wolves dead see they got my ass i shot the hell out of  eli what jacob is doing is called classical   conditioning like i mentioned and the trigger for  rook is the song and for us it's the same goddamn   shooting gallery over and over again by the time  the fourth one hits we know how to go through it   with speed and not caring because there are  no consequences and that's how they got us   the player to kill eli we know we were supposed  to turn that corner and pull the trigger and   we are conditioned to do it without question  jacob got into our heads you're alone   and you're weak and we know  what happens to the weak   used us just like he used miller i don't know if  he talks to god that doesn't matter he was right humanity is once again in crisis  another big theme in far cry 5 is   the cyclical nature of humanity we start from  nothing build up by every time the end comes   we cause the destructions ourselves  either intentionally or inadvertently   and we see this on display with eden's gate their  actions drew rook to hope county and rook is the   downfall of edensgate oh kinda not really you'll  see you did everything you said you would do you didn't even know it and this conditioning  angle branches out farther than just jacob's   section it's this game being in tune with  its little narrative dissonance we run around   hope county killing outposts animals and  everything in between joseph knew through   god or just being around the block  enough to know exactly what we do   this angle comes up best at the end and  i'll finish my thoughts about that there and now they are weak and the weak must be cold well looks like  jacob's conditioning hasn't left him but   at least now he's just going against  eden's gate he fought the government he fought me wow that little laugh is  just so human seeing him talk after   each of the family's deaths is  always a treat jacob's death will not be in vain gary burke's joseph seed could totally be a  lead villain in a horror game every scene he   is in is so haunting faith's region is called  henbane and the henbane flower in real life   has hallucinogenic qualities to it and was an  inspiration for the bliss she was all alone she wanted to die and then she met the father this  story is obviously her personal story and it just   goes to show how powerful cult leaders could be  this story tries to blur the lines and show the   good that colts can provide rachel i mean faith  was being abused and doing coke and heroin and   through whatever joseph did got her off of it i  mean that's no easy feat and after something like   that you could kind of understand why people are  drawn to someone like him if you look at faith's   left arm you can see the chemical formula for  cocaine and scopolamine tattooed just like with   the other seeds her sins have been pushed onto  her body you'll notice that faith is never once   shown wearing shoes i'm gonna chalk this up to her  hippie days before she switched to the hard stuff   the path to eden is clear to those who have  faith faith isn't her name faith is a title   bestowed upon those that pick up the mantle of  this responsibility for eden's gate her actual   name is rachel there have been about three or  four other faiths before and here's a win for   ubisoft still sticking to their guns with weird  drug trip sequences for their far cry games   definitely a little assassin's creed knob hey  look it's a cute little jackalope if you weren't   certain that what's happening is not real people  say that i'm crazy i'm using every fiber of my   being not to put in the clip of the joker saying  that he's not crazy from the dark knight this this is the world we built for our children the  cult is all about the failings of everyone our   failings and a villain done right is when  they kind of have a point and make sense   joseph's got a case this world we've built isn't  perfect and we've [ __ ] up a lot along the way   and hearing him makes us want to look at the  mirror and do some self-reflection and we are   hurtling towards our destruction and no one is  willing to do anything about it i can see that you   can see i mean we're like one computer malfunction  or taiwan invasion away from it so he's not wrong it's been long enough i would be remiss not  to talk about the amazing score by dan ramona   because oh my god is it so goddamn good at  every turn have you heard we will rise again   he's got amazing original scores  original songs with lyrics and   cult-like interpretations of classic hymns there  was so much music made for this game and is   all stellar please go look it up and listen to it  i promise you it's worth it also you could be what   a hero and listen to that she's talking to us the  player we've killed our way through hope county to   try and save it to be the hero since that's we  expect to do and be in a far cry game and we're   being questioned as the player if it's all worth  it do you know what hubris is me breaking things   down on this channel arrogance before the gods  i was right if violence is the only language you   choose to speak i'll speak your language and i  love the trying to do but kind of falls flat a   little bit because we don't get a real choice to  not be violent we get that one choice at the start   how cool would it be if we could choose to do a  non-lethal run spare the seeds and actually arrest   them and not having that option be glaringly  obvious this would make their thesis that   we as gamers are violent and love killing video  games have a bit more merit as the gameplay offers   something else to engage in but at last that's  not a thing and still no game has tackled the   connection between player and player character  and game world and story as well as bioshock did   you know with how good a time sheriff seems  to be having i kind of want to try the bliss   what's the saying try everything  once and the good things twice   a slippery slope but he understands his  purpose and he'll join our family in eden and if you try to stop him damn janessa grant is so good at faith  so sweet innocent one moment a channel he   joseph's hauntedness the next you strike  but you cannot destroy what he created   i mean in the end she's right you think i wanted  this he planned me with drugs he threatened me   i was 17 i was just a child now this gets the  meat computer moving does she tell the truth   or is this just more manipulation i'm gonna go  with the former because joseph did what any cult   leader would do and he preyed on someone at their  most vulnerable and twisted their mind to do what   he wanted and with faith's position notes and  speculation can lead us to believe that if the   current faith isn't doing a good enough job joseph  will remove them and find a new better faith so at   this point everything rachel is doing is just for  survival in my mind makes her so much more tragic talk about a peaceful death  scene i put my faith inside her and she became angelic ugh maybe i'm  too jaded but that's got implications i   do not like and walk through his gate   so john's name is john and he's baptizing  people just like a certain john the baptist cleansing job do not let your sin prevent that john's big  sin is his weird sadism that we are getting   just a tiny little hint towards with his  face before he dunks us again and joseph   reminds him to love and remove his sin from  the equation despite all that you have done   you are not beyond salvation see this is the thing  i've killed two of his family and he's still like   we could do this joseph's a lot like pagan in a  way as he's never outwardly aggressive towards   the player and only seeks to help pay close  attention to that bible what horseman is hudson   well in terms of horsemen we are out of horsemen  so we're just gonna move on and not think about it   too hard i'm kidding if she had to be one she  would share famine with pratt as she's in the   agricultural region of john and the black horse's  appearance is the only one accompanied by a voice   and notice the irony of husband's mouth being  taped shut also also the person that hears this   vocalization is john check out who's in the room  my parents were the first ones to teach me about   the power of yes they threw me on ground and i  experienced pain after pain after pain after pain   and look at that we are all just products of  our childhood john is the sadistic man he is   now because of the abuse he receives from his  parents hold still it's supposed to say wrath not   rat when tattooing words you work from  the inside out attention to detail see i told you chekhov's bible gone what if joseph  is right did you ever stop to think about john c   dies at 32 just like john the baptist another  seal has been opened my family my brothers my   sisters they've been taken from me i love  love love seeing joseph finally crack under   all that's been done to him he can only stay  calm for so long by a snake there's a garden that's not is 100 real gary  burke got so into it that it just   came flying out and director dan  hay insisted that every bit of this   performance down to the snot stay  intact i thought i knew god's plan but i was wrong and am i feeling bad for joseph  that's what great acting and music can do to you   you took my family from me so that i could  have yours hey he warned us about blissing   all of our friends in the end bookends so in  defense to basically neutering eden's gate   and somehow at the end joseph gets control of  everyone i'm gonna say this is why joseph has   been so calm the entire game he knew he had the  bliss in his back pocket and he took a big liking   to try and save the player character that's  why we were never killed after being caught   joseph wants every chance to try and save rook  check that out it's every single side character   we've interacted with are you gonna realize that  every problem cannot be solved when ubisoft gives   me a choice the matter that offers meaningful  gameplay in the face of god i'm making you that   offer one last time you've killed his family  and he's still offering us the chance to leave   now that's a stand-up dude i know it's a hollow  choice because he's got contingencies but still take your friends my child and go i chose to walk  away while playing through this because i was just   so angry and upset about how much i didn't enjoy  this game i was like yeah [ __ ] it bad guy gets   to win because i should have walked away at the  start and never played this game but alas i don't   regret it because i've had a really good time  making this video about a game that i didn't   enjoy we're gonna get the national guard and we're  gonna bring the hammer down on that goddamn place   hey the sheriff's got a plan so far cry 5 it's  no secret that i did not like this game and after   going through it with a fine-tooth comb i have a  greater appreciation for it still don't like it   but i have appreciation for it there is a really  compelling story about a cult that's trying to   provide salvation from a world that is tearing  itself apart but it gets so lost and on the menial   [ __ ] tasks that you do between main missions  that i couldn't be bothered to care the game is   carried by the seeds because every other character  gets nothing to work with and are boring cut and   paste archetypes this was an interesting video  to make because i didn't touch on a lot of it   and i recognized that but i hope you still enjoyed  and understand at least to a degree why i didn't   even bother with the other story missions i don't  feel like they had enough meat and their bones to   talk about and i did enjoy personally playing  through it and i can only be objective for so   long before i go crazy so remember drive the speed  limit drink some water and love one another pizza you
Channel: GamingWins
Views: 198,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming wins, gamingwins, game wins, gamewin, game review, far cry 5 review, everything great about, everything great about far cry 5, everything great far cry 5, far cry 5 analysis, far cry 5 critique, far cry 5 gamingwins, far cry 5 gaming wins, gamingwins far cry 5, everything great about far cry 5 gamingwins, far cry 5 coop, far cry 5 multiplayer, far cry 5 villain, is far cry 5 good, everything great about far cry, joseph seed far cry 5, new dawn, far cry 5 new dawn
Id: -0rmODoVhCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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