Everything GREAT About Barbie!

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there's an extended version of this video up on nebula right now as well as a commentary for Clear and Present Danger because why not sign up with my like and get 40% [Music] [Applause] off pink Barbie style WB logo there have been dolls Dame Helen Mir and opening this movie with the 2001 of Space Odyssey parody what more could you ask for Mid JK you have to be literally insane to pretend like Margo Robbie is anything other than stunning and it's still the least interesting thing about her thank you Elise Myers for the Mantra goodness this little girl nailed her expression you were probably wondering what the tool omach was going to be and if you weren't you should probably go watch 2001 quick and there's something Pitch Perfect about the bone to spaceship transition swapped for the magenta title card cuz both movies completely change genres at this point just in opposite directions but as untone as that is have you seen the shot lineups the monolith one sticks out but I'm Blown Away now that I've started lining them up yep all these outfits are legit from architect to to Captain to tennis player there aren't any stairs smile this song eases us into the fact that the music is diagetic and actually created in world I can't believe the care that went into the craftsmanship of these sets they're clearly functional but also blown up versions of the toys look at that latch never sad K Co never sad as a defining feature of pink also as we learn later k can stand for pretty much anything nobody bothers to walk them down the stairs and out the door Etc they're toys but also sensient but also move as if someone is playing with them it's a lot but also who cares have fun while Barbie driving without her hands is very dangerous and hilarious the win is for The Wizard of Oz in the background there cuz you know Barbie leaves Kansas well how come you're so amazing no comment Barbie seriously no comment this the first time I'm hearing the whisper black Barbie president black Barbie president Barbie I work very hard so I deserve it dang that's good glor is going to expound on why that simple line is a big deal later but knowing your value is something we can all strive for Barbie has a great day every day but Ken only has a great day if Barbie looks at him Ken becomes one of the main antagonists but he's still a sympathetic character in that he's both a simp and pathetic hey yo I kid I kid in all seriousness his yearning to be cool is immensely relatable that little subtle float like she's being placed on the beach again there are no multiples of Alan he's just Alan yeah I'm confused about that Allan is responding to the narrator and therefore breaking the fourth wall in his intro which means Alan is special I think we all agree that we must protect Alan gosh that little look of approval is so perfect it's everything we need to know about Ken he's a little kid all he wants is for Barbie to watch him and pay attention to him Gosling really has the looks and hand waves down to a te all right Ken you're on let's Beach off be be nobody's going to beach anyone off but Alan is the only one who understands what's actually going on I know it's just for fun and like metaphor but there's also something nightmarish about Barbie land that puts me on edge and it's not all the pretty people that magenta wheelchair is fire mastering the aggressive but still non-threatening approach dance is added to my skill lists to acquire I just think Julia would enjoy it oh hi hi hi Barbie really is the personification of the inner child of lots of us you can't do a clip like that Ken what after the nice guys I don't know why I'm always surprised but here we are do you guys ever think about dying I'm just dying to dance both the blurting out of the deeply personal question and the recovery are so relatable oh I crossed the line JK now I shall hide myself the fat sad dancing with a Grimace the harder you try the better ooh that was a three-way transition from floor to disco ball to Moon tight wow the no touch kiss better than what we all did with Barbie and Ken smashing their heads together you can hear the plastic blinking sound in your head right now I know you can I thought I might stay over tonight why cuz we're girlfriend boyfriend to do what I'm actually not sure and of course he doesn't the child playing with him has no clue either he knows he should want to sleep over at her place but who could say why I've had crushes on girl since as long as I can remember and someday I hope to learn why as well K death even though they already set the precedent of the K not needing a word with K in it I was not expecting that the subtle fart sound uh-oh Tarantino must have snuck into the editing Bay that's okay let me see f har nef is Dr Barbie which makes the gag so much more brutal this really did spice up Barbie's life so perfect song choice I like that even weird Barbie is kind of grossed out by the flat feet weird Barbie is weird because kids draw in her face cut her hair and always put her in the splits but her feet are still Barbie feet you can go back to your regular life or you can know the truth about the universe the first one the high heel getting some Cipher eating a steak Vibes I just gave you a choice so you could feel some sense of control also a better explanation of Matrix Resurrection than almost anything said in that movie Barbie singing Closer To Fine is a top 10 moment of the film and the Indigo Girls are always a win could they maybe have snuck in a Dar Williams song of course and am I a little mad that Fast Car by Tracy Chapman is bizarrely absent you bet ding you can't make me look uncool in front of Ken Ken's not cool he is to me I love the little glimpses into Ken's motivations we think it's all about him being into Barbie but he also is just insecure and wants to look cool uh same my dude same and obviously a canon Barbie travel montage is the fastest way to get a bunch of awesome outfits in like 40 seconds also T and paa's journey to the real world put us back on track musically Barbie wow and there's no undertone of violence mine very much has an undertone of violence the truth can be funny sometimes but I'm picking up on some sort of anandra which appears to be double the saddest part of this movie is that before the real world Barbie had no need for the phrases double on Tandra or self-conscious why was Ken scream so muffled no idea but a woman defending herself from being inappropriately touched and she gets arrested too real Barbie movie too real Ken just loves me attention can I go that way yes don't go far okay I'm not entirely sure we deserve Ryan Gosling excuse me sir thanks man it's a little funny that because Society has moved in a positive direction even his Midnight Cowboy Vibe doesn't stop rand's on the street calling him man and treating him with General respect which plays further into the unveiling of patriarchy to him also as Ken is seen the dudes being guys we keep getting horn Rifts from also sprock zerra since this is Ken's very literal dawn of man there's so much to unpack here but I'd like to know who Travolta bribed to have gree shown as evidence of a man's [Music] world love in a movie sneaks in a piece of the big theme or song from the soundtrack montages like this slowly introduced The Melody to us and by the time the actual song shows up it's familiar enough that it hits that much harder a keep good you try explaining to a kid why you're crying it's something that isn't technically sad and a masterfully timed tear if you hadn't before start putting some respect on Margot being mid wouldn't actually even diminish how brightly she shines Robbie's name you're so beautiful I know it God I love that I don't give a flying squirrel who you are Aron what are you like an intern no I'm he says no but his poster disagrees but Adam is a horse trainer thank you very much feels like a good time to point out that Eric mave and Adam all have impressive American accents considering how dang British they all are also dang it this shot there's always so much going on but the perfect Symmetry and alignment of the cubicles you might think they're in the same space until you see people try to walk through the split screen I'm going all the way up no one goes all the way up I have to the button actually says all the way up I love that Gerwig and bombach just come right out and show us Gloria is doing it all Barbie is wearing this outfit and she's singing closer to fine but it's still not clear what her actual role is or that it's not Sasha causing Barbie's crisis is Barbie land like an alternate reality or is it like a place where uh your imagination might be the best lampshade ever everyone is asking and that's a definitive answer right from Matel everyone really likes me and thinks I'm cool and pretty relatable like I have fear with no specific object what is that anxiety it really is becoming human so I can can I move to Barbie land no anxiety or self Consciousness I'll give up the double on chandras without a second thought okay just don't get in trouble I won't Gosling is again cracking me up but did you notice that every single person in the background is looking at Ken the book surrounding the book he pulls are even better what section is this dude stuff didn't Barbie tell me about patriarchy which to my understanding is where men and horses run everything if I'm being honest there's patriarchy and then there's the coddling that hbos get and this interaction at least is that oh he's so sweet and pretty dumb but what a cutie pie you'll need at least an NBA this isn't being a man enough actually right now it's kind of the opposite you guys are clearly not doing patriarchy very well we're doing it well yeah we just uh hide it better now that's it right there it's all summed up it's hard to be a dude but also not really LOL wink win nudge nudge and I'm just saying that's what he's saying in the movie saying get off my back people in the comments and I need a clicky pen and a white coat and a sharp thing I appreciate how quickest transformation is he really is like a little kid also the look on Gosling's face tells me this was really fun and maybe too much fun mom there's the theme again I'm not used to that having anything in it both Barbie and Ken are so Earnest it makes them both immensely entertaining but also very sympathetic I always have to wonder if directors who've never worked with will before have to constantly tell them to relax and then he doesn't and It ultimately works out even if he refuses to not steal scenes Ken isn't something we're worried about ever are they not worried because Barbie is a bestseller and Ken is just Ken and that's enough I'm a man with no power does that make me a woman can I laugh at that I don't feel like I should but it gets a win for being devastatingly brutal women are the freaking Foundation of this very long phallic building well gets it sometimes we don't realize how ridiculous things are until someone says it out loud some of my best friends are Jewish although he should have heard how ridiculous that one was in his head the ties in the back are such a great detail don't you dare push that button let me push it also is the overall commentary here that all men are basically Ken we're all just kids who want to press the button and see people smash big chunks of ice in the driveway quicker to go over the cule it's quicker or is this just Dale doak's best friend and step brother Brennan Huff you can just slightly hear a whistly 50s radio Orchestra rendition of the Billy eish song again how did this even happen I don't know how are you here you're like an idea a great idea through all the turmoil Barbie still has confidence I think there's a lesson in there but I have twoo much impostor syndrome to understand it are you shining with a real Barbie no I mean maybe like a little yes A Plus dialogue as humans we'll take any connection even the ones that make us a dull boy girl Barbie can't just leave him he'll be fine America ferrera's actual real life real lucky husband fun fact the closest I've ever been to fame is being friends and business partners with America ferrera's husband's College roommates he even went to their wedding I know I know I'll be signing autographs after the video did giant hands come in and play with you no that's crazy it's a valid question that's the One Republic's I ain't worried is a better track for a scene like this still solid top gon reference where do the Ken St I don't know moments like this slowly build the smaller but still important point the movie is making that Barbie entirely ignores Ken's feelings honestly she ignores everything about him so actually toxic masculinity is women's fault again solved it this shall henceforth be known as Ken's Mojo Dojo Kasa house I both love it because it's so stupid but also kind of think it's awesome I know I hate me too but I'm Lee and that's enough no you failed me this break from the goofy machismo stuff to his honest rage is really something one lady she even asked me for the time no way way the pause and then watch reveal is award worthy John Bender could never have I mentioned Ken I mean Bryant Gosling's workout routine can't just undo it in a day literally and figuratively watch me how's that feel it is not fun is it I mean he's sucks but good line and even better delivery dang and I always thought blade was the coolest guy with Shades double sunnies it's time to run out and get the new depression Barbie she spent 7 hours today on Instagram looking at her estranged best friend's engagement photos this whole thing is genius especially the Instagram engagement photos bit but honestly the Cuda was the BBC's Pride and Prejudice while eating a family-sized bag of Starbursts and now her jaw is killing her and dang that jaw thing is true but also the cut of tongue and burning roof of your mouth from all the sugar we interrupt this broadcast to bring you our new radio station only playing kin's favorite song No but see yeah he's on to something there I'm no Matchbox 20 stand but this song jams all of in syn Allan yes even him okay sure obviously uh-huh I see it but this guy I'm sorry he's so clearly a Ken Scott Pilgrim he's back careful last time you headbutted a guy he turned to coins I can't make anything better I'm the one who ruined Barbie land with my stupid drawings in the first place they're not stupid they're amazing you like my drawings I can tell you firsthand that compl from your kids are the biggest dopamine serotonin and oxytocin Rush you'll ever experience think about the coolest celebrity you've ever seen complimenting you and now multiply that by 100 and you'll have some idea back to Allen wrecking fools how did people not like this movie I am in the splits I have a funky haircut and I smell like basement oh my God I had a weird Barbie Julia's response to this was all my Barbies were weird Barbies and I can attest I've seen them they've had multiple haircuts and surgeries and they do indeed smell of moist cement floors we love them all no no no I'm not a sugar daddy this is sugar and I'm her daddy bizarre but incredible Rob brighten Cameo what you're so pretty I'm Not stereotypical Barbie pretty note to the filmmakers margar Robbie is the wrong person to cast if you want to make this point self-awareness also I'm out of ways to say it's stupid to call Margo Robbie mid so don't be stupid stupid I've never flown a plane I'm not the president no one in the Supreme Court is me I'm not good enough for anything I know what's coming next is the real gut punch monologue but this moment gets overlooked because because it's caught somewhere between being a hyperbolic joke and a self-pitying winefest but that's just it it is ridiculous to think you failed because you're not on the Supreme Court but that is the level of pressure that Barbie and as Gloria will get into lots of women feel and it's 100% real for her it is literally impossible to be a woman and this speech is good it's good and I'm going to do that thing where I try to soften some hearts so bear with me there is 100% a list of things similar but different from this list about what it takes to be a man in society Gloria isn't saying that there isn't she also doesn't mention what it is to be a black woman or a disabled woman in our society it's is just not what this particular monologue or movie are about and I know that a man explaining or arguing with or even really agreeing with any of this is kind of playing it to the point of the speech so I'll try to refrain other than to say if you thought to yourself that's silly or lame or exaggerated or even not true just listen to what women are saying about it and if your response is well women do most of that stuff to each other first nah and second but so what if they do they also live in this society and even as they try to navigate their way through it and even fix it they end up contributing to it we all do honestly blaming women for the oppression of women is part of why we need to be reminded of Gloria's words Sasha casually dropped a line about internalized misogyny earlier women hate women and men hate women it's the one thing we can all agree on that true it's complicated hate is a strong word up that's not like fun for them or even a choice it's part of the way a patriarchal society keeps them down and again men down shaming guys for crying isn't something we're born doing it's learned not only are you doing everything wrong but also everything is your fault see Gloria gets it this feels weird after all that sincerity toxic masculinity isn't women's fault just going to state that fact it's like I've been in a dream where I was somehow really invested in the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League well it does have Jared Leto and if you've watched our clear and present danger commentary you know how we feel about that he tries for so long you don't have Brenan Huff skill you have to be their mommies but not remind them of their mommy dang that one Cuts deep especially the use of mommy but this is what I'm talking about why blaming women is ridiculous because I'm guilty of letting Julia do all the domestic labor at times and fall into the rut of letting her mother me and I know it's not the way it should be and I fight against it but it still happens sometimes oh my God you've never seen The Godfather can you start the movie over and just talk through the whole thing did I did we just get burned is the channel over after that because if you say yes to them you're a tra but if you say no to them you're a pro okay I know I said I wouldn't interject my personal takes but I'm a man what do you expect this one should be the easiest sell because the double standard is banana balls but no matter how much we all know it we can't seem to change it I know that all I have to say is Key and Lock analogy and 90% of you know what I'm talking about and that's stupid that's really stupid even the far end of malign a man can receive which is getting mocked for being a virgin does not compare to what a woman's body count will be interpreted as by most of society just quickly tally up as many derogatory names as you can think of for women regarding their sex lives got it now try to think of three for men can't do it did you think of pimp and then realize that's actually a negative one that we turned positive same same there now we can see your beautiful face I know that this is like the bad thing but dang imagine being complimented by Ryan won need to serial Gosling right to your pretty face well we just took patriarchy and you know made a patriarchy it's so easy anyone can do it I'm ready to be your girlfriend if you'll still have me you just hold on for one sec Sublime what's so great about this joke is that we all know he's going to go celebrate or cry or something but yelling Sublime is nothing anyone would guess and also the funniest possibility fun fact Ryan actually covered the whole song for the soundtrack and I won't spoil anything other than to say it is hilarious and it rules yeah honestly this would totally work I feel like I didn't mention Ryan Gosling's workout routine and that's a silly oversight for me Ryan Gosling's workout routine the other Kens are entering the battle in self-imposed slow-mo normally I'd think this wouldn't really hurt a Ken because Ken dolls don't have nipples but after hours of staring at Gosling at the start of this song for research it appears Ken's can in fact be milked fuer wait did I forget to say Ryan Gosling's workout routine shuni Ken messing fools up feels pretty unfair I'll allow it how does this movie keep getting better I take back what I said about grease this is the most manly thing I think I've ever seen in my entire life I mean they Cougar roar at each [Music] other incredible line seriously fun fact this song was written to maybe be on the soundtrack but Ryan Gosling liked it so much he asked Greta Gerwig to put it in the film and she ended up making some major changes to the script so it would work handh holding Brotherhood Ken Hood really this is how it is we can't play it cool we don't know how to act like we've been there it's brutal out there also hugging that's because their dream hous is Mother logo censoring empathetic Allen is the best I'm a liberated man I know crying's not weak there we go so matter of fact to be honest when I found out the patriarchy wasn't about horses I lost interest anyway a line that's been Meed to death and yet is still hilarious I'm really sorry I took you for granted thank you for saying that a look our little guys growing up and accepting the apology and immediately ruining the moment classic men but it's Barbie and Ken I think one of the best things this movie does is tell an ultra specific story about dolls that can still have a broader lesson for us I ribbed Ken for shooting his shot but I get why he's where he's at and it's not just about being manufactured as an accessory to Barbie we including everyone across the gender Spectrum often create lives around other people and when it doesn't pan out knowing what to do next or even who you are is tricky and terrifying but even within healthy relationships we all need our own identities this isn't the answer he's he's really trying look so stupid cool you look so cool encouragement from the boys all the things that you thought made you you aren't really you and see this is what I'm talking about it's all of us Barbie didn't even realize it was about her until she started giving the advice to Ken I don't even care about being Ken anymore I just miss my friend Barbie that's cool a you know they're IRL friends no Barbie or Ken should be living in the shadows or Allan Justice for Allan would you like a job in my cabinet may I please have sanitation cuz of the dog poop it's cuz of the dog poop huh one day the Kens will have as much power and influence in Barbie Lan as women have in the real world n they got us she just has a flattering top and she wants to get through the day feeling kind of good about herself I mean honestly I'd settle for that for like me personally that's the goal which I guess is her point so you're Ruth Handler inventor of Barbie har nef's response appropriate reaction yes they actually make those and yes they are awesome we mothers stand still so our daughters can look back to see how far they've come well that concept will wreck you I'm not a mother or a daughter and that level of sacrificial love moves this liberated man to dears I used too now I sometimes songs created for movies miss the mark and then there's this song it's perfect I mean that it is a perfect song for this moment and for this movie and it's sung by a star who grew up in front of the world and had all manner of stuff said about her and her body and how she presents herself people claiming to understand her who have never met her people making assumptions about what she was made for at a time when she was still still figuring that out hell I'm still figuring that out so I expect 100 more reinventions from Billy except that it's always been her she doesn't need our permission any more than any individual does it makes the whole moment even more beautiful and tragic I but I was for also that's the stuff that made Ruth say this I can't in good conscience let you take this leap without you knowing what it means to be fair happy memories actually do make being a human hard it's just the passage of time if anyone had told me I'd miss Jude who's six now at 4 2 1 I'd have thought they were insane and yet I I don't know what to tell you is it Billy yes is it the random footage of happy women and girls also yes it makes us feel stuff even though I've never been any of these people I don't even know any of these people yes but still yeah these are reasons to be human that's a political statement it is roughly translated to yes we can but it also means if possible appropriation T it's got to be weird to play a parent with your IRL wife to a kid that isn't yours and like I said I would know since Ryan America and I are tight Aon if you if you see them just let them know I'm not a weirdo and have no intention of stalking them anymore ah she switched to Burks over the heels but they're pink I'm here to see my gynecologist What A Perfect Ending you get the vibe she's going to a job interview or fulfilling one of the several check boxes that we assigned to Being Human and apart from the most typical ending for a heroin settling down for Happy Ever After with Prince Charming the next best option is generally that she chose a career and she's going to really strap in and make patriarchy and capitalism her bit but no she's just going for a routine medical Well Visit signifying the one thing humans mostly have in common genitals genitals really do be bringing us together he get it you get it I used an anandra and it is indeed double I've always been a little partial to Homegrown classic Pop Punk cover but Nicki Minaj and Ice spice remix an aqua version count me a fan I think the Barbie movie's biggest strength that I mentioned earlier is also a reason it stumbles a little bit towards the end everything said and done applies to Barbie and can but it can work for any human if you interpret it all figuratively it gets muddy because well anyone trying to learn from this message is already human and has already dealt with the things that Ruth warns barve about unless you're like a princess held in a high tower with your every need cared for at all times but even privileged actors know what it is to be human none of us really have a choice the passage of time will happen regardless and maybe that's the point maybe it's that simple that even knowing how hard feeling can be it's still worth it to be human who am I data but it also works as a Coming of Age story Barbie like a lot of us is terrified of change you can go back to your regular life and forget any of this ever happened or you can know the truth about the universe the first one the high heel Gloria succinctly explains the human condition I've never wanted anything to change that's life it's all change and you don't have to be a do to know that's scary I actually have more personal thoughts about this in the nebula version if you're interested but most of us still choose change even though it can be painful and granted we are talking about a very specific first world life experience and you get what I'm saying all that to say I don't think this movie Nails all its points perfectly but the main one the female empowerment the lens on our patriarchal world the message we've heard a thousand times and we'll need to hear a thousand more that being who you are is enough that one went for Ken too but I love Barbie's ending because it's only her ending as Barbie it's her beginning as a human and Margo Robbie along with America Ferrera are the heart of the entire movie it doesn't work without both of them in my opinion and while stating upfront again that it is the least interesting thing about both of them they're both stunningly Attractive people in different ways which sort of dots the eyes and crosses the tease of Glorious speech because sure Ugly Betty had some extra struggles because of her perceived physical insufficiencies but her list of irreconcilable expectations that women feel pressured to be is fairly Universal I'm sure some are specific to the West women in the East have a whole other list of struggles but even the pretty girls deal with all this crap and America and Margo's Beauty add to the punch as they each exemplify a few things on the list and I just mean like beauty standards and Career Success people can have their opinions especially about attractiveness but you're not going to convince me that the Margo Robbie mid movement is just objectively judging Margo Robbie's face based on no outside factors this type of dismissal even the fact that her attractiveness feels fair game because she's famous would fit perfectly into Gloria speech and again I'm not saying you have to find Margo Robbie attractive but what but there is an entire other half of this movie and that's Ryan Gosling andan it's not like I hate him because he's good-looking chiseled like a Greek god and hilarious way that is neither necessary nor fair to the rest of us it's not like that at all but I do love watching him do his thing I think we're just going to keep seeing him take roles that he feels oddly cast for only to realize that no one else could do it like him so take your stupid praise gorgeous Adonis I think this movie is new enough in terms of a genre that I'm pretty willing to forgive any issues I had because I love to see creative people make new and different stuff a podcast hosted by two wise trees or a choir of 2,000 Young Fathers but all in all this movie succeeds at being ENT entertaining teaching some folks a few new things and pulling at the old heartstrings I'll take more please and that doesn't mean more Mattel Properties you absolute imbeciles so anyway around 5,000 of you great people signed up for the bundle with my link over the last few years and the bundle is breaking at the end of this year I also know a lot of you will have automatic renewal on the bundle coming up so it's time to unbundle and switch to a direct nebula subscription more of your support goes right to me which helps me keep doing this and I know that many of you only have the bundle for nebula anyway so click the link on bundle get 40% off and keep access to all of the originals and exclusives on nebula including all of my videos early sometimes a day sometimes a month in this case everything great about blade Trinity and our 2 and a half hour commentary for Clear and Present Danger where you'll get to know the real Le Cinema wins till the da offers him a deal you already has regular or extra crispy he was either referring to Fried Chicken or the electric chair good one way to explain your joke plus extended versions of my YouTube videos all ad free sponsor free early and and uncensored if that's your thing including this video with around 17 wins I cut for time as well as a little extra in the conclusion plus I know from my analytics that a lot of you watch TI zooo and bro has a brand new oh now they're telling me I I can't I know I can't promote it yet okay uh this is awkward I guess you'll just have to trust me there's a three of it it's killer but I mean everything patch touches is gold so go check that out by signing up with the unbundled link or my link and you'll get 40% off $3 for monthly or3 $ for a year there's classes and coconut movies and stage plays and all you could ever ask for in a streaming service built by us for [Music] you we got top president with the beer and the cheering Squad is the Supreme Court oh and also watch bluee Samurai it's on Netflix no particular reason there nothing to do with this teaser frame at all not even a little bit it does be warned though it is firmly an adult anime right
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 468,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barbie, Barbie Analysis, Everything Wrong With Barbie, EWW Barbie, Greta Gerwig, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: 6b8eh1m4XPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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