Everything and the kitchen sink at them : Rimworld Anomaly

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and we're back with some more room world right now everyone's busy busy busy well except for pette she's uh getting in on her beauty death rest uh she needs it she was running very very low Victor here is going to be our Backup backup Builder uh smirk right now is well kind of getting roped into the mining we want mining so we can get more steel so Victor I'm trying to train up here and one of the best things I find for training it is building an ideogram these things cost 50 steel and that's it like 5050 steel and there's about 400 plus work that goes in into it it takes ages to build one of those and then you just cancel it before it's finished and you can lose some of the resources I mean okay it's a waste of Steel but we're finally getting to the point where okay once pet wakes up we're going to start getting into the mechor tech and that's going to require a lot of even more steel also I want to replace all the beds with steel I think as well couple of notes from the comments uh one I had not noticed this got walled or this got roofed over I have since removed the roof yes I had noticed that got roofed in two other people were wondering could we use or could we age up dumb [ __ ] fluffy dumb [ __ ] from 15 years of age to hire using some rituals unfortunately no this Chrono fasy thing doesn't actually show you the ghouls so you can't do anything with the ghouls however you should be able to infinitely age up a vampire that would be interesting I wonder how many years you could drain out of one of them for example if we put in pret as the target here it will allow us to drain yours out of her uh wait the invoker will become minus one year younger and the target will become 11 years older wow you can actually do that on kids okay but yeah it does work oh my God we could revert smirk to 14 years of age but we're not going to do that another thing that came up is why I was seeing our colony was shy of the recommended number of people and they're wondering how I guesstimate that well not really when you're on moderate difficulty or not moders when you're on moderate wealth you need 10 participants to get a maximum quality industrial fair this thing is one of the lantern festivals so you need at least a minimum of 10 people if you don't have 10 people at moderate wealth you're probably not staying on point oh according to the game or for example if you try and do a nashing ceremony the blinding ceremony it wants you to have 10 participants to get the maximum quality in fact you should probably have 12 people because the cutter and the target don't count as participants so if you take those out you'll see it goes up to nine but the moment you put them into the cutter and Target positions they all lose their uh application so there should be at least 12 colonists excluding people who can't do stuff like your uh ghouls so we should really have a couple more people in The Colony right now Brett's down so she's not counting on those numbers just yet this is a bit of a this is one of the problems when you go with a themed playthrough where you you have to get Psychopathic or blood lust limiting ourselves to those to is what's kind of really cripp well okay at that and we're on a cold desert tile minimal amounts of vegetation around the place uh also we're limiting oursel to the type of people we can hire which means that our miners are absolute trash like normally you'd hire people based on say their crafting skill or their mining skill or their passions we don't have that we just have to hire whoever we can get and hopefully fill in the uh the things we need ooh another statue from Philip what is it poor how how are you seriously man you're at eight you're at eight Artistry you should be a little bit better than this fine fine we'll install that over here what is this Burks idil's codex this this sculpture Bears an image of baby Burke idril Wilkinson turning the pages on the chronicles of beat face absorbing the knowledge within with a cup of tea by his side there is a sense that some secrets are yet to be uncovered the works seem to symbolize contemplation okay uh good good for you Burke Animal disig plague yeah problem solved we just sliced them up those cows joined us so did something else I can't remember I think it was an ostrich or something or an emu I get those two confused all right but the plan today uh plan today is to basically strip mine out this area of Steel get ourselves a mechat up and running and use them for a lot of hauling cleaning and doing crops that should free up an awful lot of Labor and because it'll be specialized that we won't have to worry about it also looking at the map we have a lot of desert area that can be toxified so let's just dump all our toxic waste I'm not even going to try bother disposing it this place is going to become um yeah pretty vile pretty vile is about where it's going to go we can clean it up later if we need to we do have to deal with a quick too deep infestation it's fairly handy this is basically just free shooting experience everyone yep the great thing about having these dumb shits up front is they just you know that no matter how badly they get hurt they'll just regenerate in about half a day uh problem solved and you can feed them on the insect meat in fact we will uh take those mega spiders into custody and by custody I mean the fridge in fact I may have too much stuff in the fridge uh I should probably chop up those biped corpses and dump the rest of these it's just we've got plenty of meat to keep them going probably through the winter at this rate I take it back canceling the ideogram gives you back all 50 steel okay I mean okay you're wasting the colonist time doing nothing but uh busy work but it definitely does grind up their construction skill pretty fast ah Philip you finally gave us a good statue uh tune with misery ah of course you did the sculpture Bears the representation representation of a crook holding a revolver okay uh good good job Philip I suppose well stick that just uh in fact we'll probably just demolish one of your old statues and replace it I don't think these poor ones are going to be kept right now we are upgrading all of our sleeping to Steel beds uh well steel slab beds thing is you make these things out of stone you get poor rest Effectiveness I didn't actually realize that when I started I thought slab beds were just slab beds but it turns out a steel slab bed is much more rest effective than a stone one who knew for example here is a stone slab bed 103% rest Effectiveness steel slab bed 114% rest Effectiveness I don't know maybe it's just it's softer or something who knows right well pret is our best at constructing stuff and we are going to make sure that she does all of these and we're going to wait until we've got every single one of them to exent there's actually a mod you can get where you can set the quality of a bed and or set the quality of an item you want constructed and then the game will keep deconstructing the bed or the item until it hits the prerequisite quality level and they'll just keep doing it again and again until they hit what you ask I'm just going to do with the painful manual way because I really only care for the beds because that's very essential which reminds me these two can actually go um in fact since we have at least yeah two Accents in a Masterwork the first three beds can get removed and we'll upgrade them done every single bed is of excellent quality well some there's a couple of Masterworks in there but excellent all around for everyone how about a few Z accelerators make everyone nice and super duper happy wait am I doing that the right way had made one mistake I moved a Brandon simp out of their private room they need that they've got it greedy they need to have a bedroom otherwise they get a mood negative excellent I think that should keep everyone going and you'll get a plus three actually stud here should already have yeah plus three for use the Steep accelerator they're expensive these things are what five components yeah five components and 50 steel we're going to need a lot more components but yeah always need a lot more components one thing we desperately need to do is secure a extended source of luciferium well at least as far as pseudonyms here is concerned they've got six of the tablets left uh I mean that'll last quite a while each one will last 5 days so they've got half a year Supply but I'd like more I don't think we're going to get up to the distress signal I still like to get around to those but right now needs must and all that and our must needs are we need to start clearing out some ancient dangers I'd also like to get the uh points to improve our religion as well so let's go in there's the door there let's not go in the door let's go in here remember doors are for dummies unless you break into the wrong room and we did not break into the wrong room Perfect all right let's get everyone in here and start exploring real quick I don't like doors that lead to other doors it's no that's why I don't like doors that lead to other doors uh let's not go in there doors that lead to other doors confuse me why can't they just have normal regular doors all right someone described this like a game of Mind sweeper oh God yep there's a mine yep there we go yep just to make sure no one accidentally wanders into any of those rooms jeez okay that's what two Scorchers a Pikeman three mters yeah we're sneaking we're sneaking we're not getting involved in this please don't be any more monsters okay good stuff let's keep going Randy we're going to let everyone grab a quick snack I managed to max out their Recreation and their sleep before they left but their food was not uh quite up to snuff but it's fine it's fine and what do we got here we got a noo room that is a noo room in fact second I know how we'll do this we'll just do this the traditional way we'll prep it for later but we're not going to take it with a straight away uh what we do is we smash out the door uh we shoot it at then we shoot at this thing and we see that it is a book The Diaries of blur huh I do a Dar a music band would be so good okay artists no actually we don't even care about that book do we never mind then let's not worry about that one in fact let's seal that off uh in fact we're going to have to seal off this entire area to make sure we don't accidentally go in there right continue onwards shall we well a quick look around the place we found ourselves explosion room uh more mechanoids uh we picked up basically two Advanced components some silver and a whole bunch of chem fuel yeah so not really that much going on right there I was really hoping for some Lucy we might actually go in the front door I know that sounds craziness but we can't gain access to this actually we might be able to gain access to here never mind we have a book on Advanced fabrication that will actually look pretty good in our library still no Lucy oh still no Lucy okay it's medicine I'm not going to complain too much but still all let's go uh I think that's everything we managed to get through that there wasn't even any security crates brette didn't get to flex her hacking skills all right we'll get off the map and that's that looks like we're going to have to do another one of those rituals get another one of these ancient dangers and find ourselves some luciferium great Victor comes back and the first thing he decides to do is pick a fight with Brandon well yeah Brandon's our crafter Victor's are backup crafter it's kind of a thing I suppose they also a backup Constructor and a bit of a backup medic that's one of the reasons why they're so good on the road uh what did you actually say to him though Victor stanoff savanov directly insulted Brandon's way of thinking this drove Brandon into a rage and she began a fight well a come on Brandon your intellectuals one so it's not like they're really oh yeah Victors is zero never mind beat the snot out of each other that's perfectly acceptable having a stupid person call you stupid when they're just as stupid as you no pointless absolutely pointless we've had our first plants start to die of the cold you know what that means emergency Harvest time if it's harvestable it's getting harvested smaria resting I'm afraid not buddy today is work day all day and do we have anything we can get to improve your Recreation or anything you know what oh you got a psychi tolerance already you know what that's unfortunate at not deep drilling what I would like to do do is put down the anomaly atmospheric heater requires eight components which we don't have we kind of spent them all on those sleep accelerators I know I know I was it was frivolous but we'll get around to that for next season hopefully if we've collected enough biof ferite H SM here is going to keep this up actually temperature stabilized it's going up I might be able to let him go back to sleep he can do this All when he wakes up it's just the temperature's actually gone to - 9 as opposed to - 10 where they start dying which means it's during the day it's going to get a little bit warmer yeah yeah perfect perfect and we've got some more steel where did that come from that is oh yeah miles away we're never going to harvest that so we have put in three mining drills to make sure there's all space available for our miners we've got a patch over there and there's another patch down here that's actually pretty close by uh this patch of course is incredibly close but we've got plenty of Steel to keep expanding and I'm thinking once everyone's got a bit of a rest we're going to do that Quest the mechan Ator Quest and done think we got every single yep we got the lot how many spuds we got for the winter 1 18800 uh yeah we'll be fine uh We've also got a war Merchant Merchant has shown up uh I think they're tribal are they yeah tribal stuff we don't really care I'll have a quick look herbal medicine is always nice uh what I'm really waiting for is a exotic Goods Trader to hopefully get our hands on some more shock glances Insanity lances that type of thing shock glances more importantly because we want to increase our recruitment numbers we'll sell off some of the junk weapons lying around the map and we'll just buy a little bit of herbal medicine never hurts uh we have do have a migration of whatever iguanas or something at the moment we don't care not even a little bit all right uh food's done that's done it's time to do another quick Quest I'm thinking actually even while they're here mechanoid wreck and let's accept it let's make sure everyone's inside the base before we check accept this Quest now we've just accepted the quest they should pop down shortly but uh some people always ask what day is it so the day at the moment is 150 it's 150 days into this at the moment Burke is what the right uh Burke is currently 12 Days 12 years 17 days old and they'll hit their next growth moment when they hit 13 so there we're well on track we're actually it's been kind of quiet I shouldn't have said that but yeah as you can see it was much slower when they were aging up from seven to well their current age before that because well lots of things kept happening and those lots of things slow stuff down especially when you get sucked into a labyrinth underground now what's the range on these yolks yeah you know what we should probably do something to kill those things I hate Tesla Rons there's nothing you can do about them they basically Pierce through Shields they set everyone on fire they've got decent range like you have to just kill them and take them out quick so I'm thinking we let these guys deal with it it will drive down their liking of us what's our current rating with these guys plus two neutral well it's going to be a little bit worse than a minute hold on while we go stir the hornet nest one pette with an assault rifle uh we shall put her right about there I'll just to do is draw their attention run oh no no no she doesn't like fire fire is bad probably should have used the sniper rifle yep they've drawn the attention of the tribals we will stay to the side people say why do I don't help out our allies when this stuff is going on it's because our Allies try to run in front of our bullets and then we end up shooting our allies perfect one down uh-oh well then let's go get some of our friends involved in this shall we and we're going to have to wait around a corner somewhere and do some very very bad things to them when they come around that corner in the door and leave that door open all right we'll put the dumb shits there they can do some tanking oh bur no bold damn kids right Burke noad oh oh you guys decided to take that direction around that was an interesting choice we're going to say that was a very interesting choice uh we're going to say go there go there go there and then go there uh that because that's suicide otherwise yeah let's pull everyone back a bit b b okay where's the where's the Tes rounds okay the Tes RS are actually down here they're chasing those guys H in that case everybody out okay ah and this is working at not too horribly I mean okay it's been messy incredibly messy but on the bright side we got the contents of the trade Caravan oh damn it fleeing fire pet oh yeah I keep forgetting she's a vamp okay okay okay let's run them down I say why not we send in the dumb shits they draw fire and then we send everyone else get behind okay there you go go go go go go go go go go oh my God no no no why would you change targets I suppose they're evil now we're going to want all of you literally every single last one of you to Target that guy much better then Target that guy perfect uh get in there Kill Them All uh you I know you don't like fighting fire but i' like to save some things like those components and that Mort Barrel oh I think we got him oh awkward one moment where's the kids we got to get the kids safe and kids going to need you to come down here H is there anything worth saving around here slight change in plan pett is going to go over over here draw fire they're that uh Tesla Run's at the back going to have everyone come over here except for dumb [ __ ] crime uh they are going to go over here and put out those fires kids are going to hide outside actually damn it can't there's another one of those thingies behind us down here so they can't quite hide outside they're going to hide behind everyone else perfect perfect perfect uh you killed that thing everyone else we're going to have you go forward and get into range of St why is that guy facing the other direction it looks like he's going to kill something expensive over there you go have words with them perfect perfect and perfect some more all right then so all we got to do is kill that guy who's mostly dead already forette get over there and do a little bit of flanking yeah that should be good and you two come out here and help out dumbshit and the rest of you can probably go put out some fires might as well save this stuff while we can done that was horribly messy we get a mechor out of this though and this guy over here we can steal his Mech link and I'm thinking it was Brandon yes the greedy bloodlust guy they're going to be getting it because they're our best crafter oh hey look Philipe lost another finger left index finger right index finger wow they lost both their index fingers they're that's that's incredible the odds of that are so slim and them being the artist just perfect uh the joy of being a tortured artist people will just shoot your fingers off because you're unlucky I would be I can see why he's tortured we'll grab pret and have her come down here and extract the mech link I'm pretty sure these things can't degrade oh no they can H while you're here you might as well deconstruct this what is this thing made of good stuff excellent uh I might do a little Caravan trick here that way we could just grab all of this stuff and bring it back real quick that's a lot of components and the plast steel hell yeah oh and the steel as well yes please oh look it's a blight from Randy put it on all our heel route um it's minus 19 outside so yeah I think we'll be fine we'll just uh let those die I've been trying to clean up around here because it's just so horrifying that it's driving everyone kind of crazy to hang around the beauty levels are just so low but there's nothing really much you can do about it it's just it's so horrifying out there and the amount of time it takes to clean that all up like look at this we've got minus 60 minus 80 in places it's 110 how do you get minus 110 corpse bile blood smear blood of strange rice that's um that's a lot of negatives I'm going to Chuck down a quick Festival uh that way we can hopefully gain our hand or gain access to another one of those ancient dangers uh somewhere close by would be nice and then it's going to be time for Brandon to get their upgrade what what are you guys doing oh yeah there's no roof over that right yep okay go ahead go ahead a war machine looks so cute with that little mask on I mean in a sort of evil way because it's got teeth and stuff on it but all right what do we got give us a good one at least a good one beautiful festival and it gives us friendly visitors H right this also increases our religious gain we're up to seven of 12 we're going to be cranking more stuff on top of this in fact we should probably get on with the scaring right about now Brandon we left you the mech Link in here there you go all right installed Mech link she is now mechor this was introduced with the biotech DLC I believe the one same one that introduced the vampires so what are you going to get yeah yeah whatever jump to location yeah who cares uh they should get a robot dropped down from somewhere yep here we go through the temple oh that lifter seriously right well we'll repair that real quick oh I was sending these two out on a caravan and the and let's see Victor openly insulted Pet's mother's shooting skills let's show well yeah okay fair enough and that will teach you not to mess with pret assuming yet you still got your legs woo just barely and yeah let's uh let's cancel the forming of that Caravan shall we yeah I don't think that caravan's going anywhere not unless everyone heals up problem is it's get later into the winter months movement diffic difficulty is going up I was hoping to get one more of these done before the Winter caught up with us but on the bright side prette can stay behind and knockout basic Mech Tech uh we we're going to need that anyway and I think I can speed up our movement over there right basic mechtech I totally remember what this whole thing was about first up we're going to throw together a recharge station this will allow us to recharge our current Mech the little cleaner bot which is around here somewhere I don't know it's it's or sry the hauler but it's hauling something it's probably there no never mind that's soon it's been a long long time since we had a raid I'm having a feeling this is not going to be good in fact how long has it been it's been a long time long long time all right what do we got we got Mech transport pods prepare for a while then attack prepare defense or attack preemptively or well gone nuts thing is i' I kept that insect jelly I'm trying to sell it on to some people but uh yeah that hasn't happened yet adaption Factor one threat scale yeah 500% and Randy random Factor 1.22 that's pretty high up on the roll oh it's going to suck this is going to suck hard okay maximum size of raid is 10,000 points so we're pretty close to it let's jump uh let's see what we're dealing with oh well it's not all scers if it was all scers there'd be more of them that makes me believe yeah it's going to be problems right centipedes with blasters we got lancers and we have three three centurions right H plans and things plans and things how are we going to do these things the plan very very very very simple taking on that many centipedes with this many people is suicide it's just you can't take on seven centipedes at with three centurions good luck actually what's the range on those weapons yeah I couldn't find it on here but it turns out it's 44.9 that's a lot uh what's our sniper rifles range I think I have an idea of how we're going to take care of these but it's going to be like a lot of mixing and matching and sniper rifle excellent 45 right so sniping those things down from a distance not a not a choice we have that's okay it's okay all we got to do is kill the chaff we kill the Lancers we kill the Scyther we kill the Pikeman that's all we got to do and then we got to split things uh we've got everything set up here and no you're going nowhere okay Victor yeah you're coming along lifter what are you doing no no NOP you can leave that assault rifle exactly where it it is people we are going to need those shortly no no no don't fire don't fire I hate it every time the charge Lancer winds up I okay okay that grenade is going to do good damage oh yeah [Music] perfect what the hell let me make sure the kids are safe anyway what I got to pay more attention kids kids hide in the hospital I I've assigned you all where to The Home Zone you shouldn't be able to get out of where we oh yeah okay so the Home Zone includes the killbox fine fine my bad but you're you two are going to wait in the hospital until this is all over got a Scyther and a milter up front we got two grenades about to oh yeah yep that's no no no no yeah that one there that one there that one's the money one took his arm clean off okay okay sudum you're bleeding out in8 hours well your timing is just bad I really was hoping you would not get hit and why did I put you in the middle because I'm a moreon okay 4.29 okay who's the next fastest we got bashet it's got to be bashet yep it's bashet all right right I need you I need you over here faster faster faster faster f faster faster faster run run run run run run run run run run okay uh pret I need you to equip up and I need you to head this direction immediately you got to take over from pudum here before they bleed out everyone else take care of the mess up here we should only have yeah we got minimal stuff left we got two pikemen and no guns because everything kept stealing the guns from them cuz I'm an idiot okay it's fine it's fine okay done done and done now where is that other gun gone you know what it's fine it's fine they can drop them over here uh you can actually you know what keep firing there it's fine uh you two should probably go for why can no one go to the spots no what is fine those are all slaughtering each other over there Pet's on the way down here that's good good good good good come on there's only one left come on into the kill box join us you know you want to okay perfect uh pit nice suum you should probably get to the hospital like immediately uhit we're going to need you to wander over there real far away and done they're good they're good Yep they're all dead excellent now I need one person to immediately tend to suum damn it why'd you have to get shot what hit you charge LS to the Head okay okay considering you were wearing a dread leather tail cap it's kind of lucky that you're still alive that thing only has a tiny amount of sh protection yeah you should be dead um I need to get these guys some helmets maybe that might be an idea all right we've gotten over the hump of clearing out the chaff now we got to get rid of these guys and for that it's time to call on our old friend the shamblers they should at least be able to weaken them now normally I would have used pette because she has the highest psychic sensitivity however she's currently busy running rings around the rosie uh but War Machine psychic sensitivity of 180% that means they should get a bonus I don't know if it's gives them a negative because they're a child for example smirk what would you get smirk only gets 45 so war machine with their psychic sensitivity for the win all right then then we'll put in Burke as well actually the two kids involved in this is okay A bit suspect but it is what it is there we go ritual quality 73% H duration 2 hours cool down five days requires 20 bar bof forite higher quality gets more shamblers okay uh go for it great we've got an occult ritual being led by an underage Child Called War Machine this can only go well now we just got to stay away from the edge of the map this actually works out having pet out here uh pret can jump away from the shamblers when they show up she is of course a little bit hungry that's going to affect her mood but as long as we can keep her mood high enough it'll be fine oh great more rare Stakes okay I need to mod the game so it doesn't see rare thrumbos anymore and just say rare Stakes um how are you guys doing good job good job keep up the good work yeah war machine is uh oh my God raved Darkly about the irrelevance of morality raved about the cold Embrace of solitude spluttered Darkly about dreams deceptive truth whispered about The Madness of the cosmos right um nice kitty nice kitty all right perfect let's see what you guys are doing actually huh the centurions don't have a an Aiming thing doesn't work on those kind of annoying not the end of the world not the end of the world okay you need to get over there hey draw shamblers complete excellent everyone get back to work now we might need actually I've got everyone on Recreation at the moment the reason being I want everyone in TP tiptop mood once the shamers come out it might give us a window of opportunity to hit these guys from behind and help kill them shamblers we can kill in droves mechanoids they're what are you never mind there it's fine everyone just stay inside and how is our patient doing it's fine their head's growing back just grant there they are shamblers approach right then huh well let's get everyone together oh Quest immense structure probably should not be getting distracted seven honor I mean we might actually have the time to do something like that no no no we're going to get our mechat stuff on okay there we go there we go there we go there's not enough of these guys though 49 shamblers versus this amount of Firepower it's not enough okay we'll use the rocks to try and shield us from the mechs so the mechs will Target hopefully the sh yeah that's good good good good good good good good good good good then we're going to do a hop skip and a jump away real far and then another quick jump away still manag to nope did not get clipped I could have SW and we got hitoo good job okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no wait she did get right leg that's not great uh again that kind of splits them up it does allow us hopefully to get in an attack from the rear on these guys is that going to be a good plan though you know what let's get rid of the rainbow for a minute H it might be our best plan brette here will have to stay out of that she's going to need some medical attention quite shortly fine grab a meal grab some medical attention I think we're going to be taking everyone else except for maybe sudum only in the head what the ODS that get shot in the head again probably pretty good knowing Randy um maybe we should isolate these two and take them while they're busy fighting these if we can kill these two in fact if we can get rid of the centurions we can snipe down the rest centurions are the only problem here their shielding makes us that sniping from a distance is a a no no so far these guys are staying out of it over here there's like 19 shamblers doing nothing which means there's only a few of these attacking over this section I mean they've hurt them they they've H them hard like this is going to spread them out at least is that a dead one down there you know what doesn't matter doesn't matter this guy has went off over here to attack a door uh that might be a problem but if he only hits once and then leaves what how okay where's the kids okay safe and safe right in that case changing plan lifter lifter no Burke m no it's like to have this little sick sense it's like hey there's danger over there let's go have a look see and War Machine going to do some radio talking good kid those things cost shards oh I am going to you too immediately get him there don't wait any longer the expense of that the expense of that is so painful riddle him riddle him until there's nothing left uh structure give me a wall biof ferite yep that will do smirk where are you buddy H you're attacking the Centurion no you're not you are going to make that wall quickly quickly quickly all right everyone else back here I figure once they've dealt with this they'll aggro that oh still two of these guys left eh irritating little buggers all right Woll that in real quick excellent excellent excellent oh that was so expensive we just lost two shards that H they're not that easy to come by it's fine it's fine pette is currently waiting for a medical tent we will send someone in there immediately let's go suit him here come on let's go go go go go go go go go God what I wouldn't give for it to have access to oh watch is a low Shield Pack can you throw from there are you what are you doing there we go perfect perfect perfect uh right don't trust me you didn't bring a gun didn't didn't think youd need one of those or something or uh maybe getting a little bit ahead of myself tiny bit uh OV excited so to speak the moment this stun wears off so does our presence okay there's how many of these left what we'd like to do is Target the lowest Health ones and kill those there's not any low Health ones uh you guys will go up front this is not too bad the stuns though is going to nice oh they've just turned around ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow let's go well that's a problem run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run you know what this is fine bu time for these guys if they could turn around and kill those centurions it would save us a whole bunch of effort if not we do have an insanity Lance and a psychic shock Lance that we can use and we do have a kill box we might have to actually Open up The Kill box okay okay uh don't trust me stay right there H I think pette is just spending the last of our shards no no any shards drop out of you guys actually that mean we summon shamblers right oh just 20 bof faret so far these guys are pretty weak salce but given enough of them they're actually doing a pretty good job I mean they're not wonderful or anything but enough that it's softening these guys up a lot we're down to four centipedes and two centurions centurions are the big problem though I wonder if we could turn that manh Hunter and then run away and what a man hunting thrumbo go after a centurion well it's been a day for bad ideas so let's try oh wow these guys over here are doing work now can't we annoy that thrumbo enough oh he might be just outside of range go on go on go [Music] on Trumbo Revenge oh get wrecked okay okay uh uh no there's no way to get the rest of them perfect uh everyone else back to work that should buy us even more time how are these things looking you guys are pretty beat up worst Cas are you're going to be super slow yeah that man under yep he's not going to make it he's getting shot up from the rear so it's not exactly a fair fight but hell yeah I think we'll just have a double check make sure everyone's good we might go and uh I would like to actually bite off a piece of that if at all possible all right pret Let's uh see if we can't stir this up pot a little bit more Madden Manhunter Madden Manhunter Madden Manhunter unfortunately not a Madden Manhunter uh right run now if this guy starts taking a bead down here either of those start taking a bead you're jumping oh attacking pette I'm a afraid we gone attacking thrombo oh eat it eat it eat Trumbo all right I should probably go open those doors again I locked these doors so that the thrumbos wouldn't come after us but that leaves uh yeah these thrumbos are turning out to be a wonderful remote weapon yeah kill him kill him kill him I want him dead if he he dies that frees you up to attack the rest of them and if it's just these two guys I don't care either we can take them into the killbox EMP grenades the usual they'll be dead in no time they are not nearly as tough as the centurions and their damage output is absolutely pathetic in comparison or I think it is I've never really had to fight lots of them on their own all right there's still three three trombos left there is two centipedes and two centurions that look like they should be legging it uh they do not want to be messing with those boils H all right you get over here and uh crack open that door oh my God no no that's that's death buddy oh yeah that's right you you guys running why you running away it's only a couple of animals I think o now I know the trumbl are badly injured but every time they hit one of these and are these guys getting back up every time they hit one of these guys it's just their odds go up the damage I put on these is so small in comparison I'm not sure they can kill the trombos the trombos will bleed out in fact all three of those trombos will be dead so we don't even have to leave the place uh maybe I should close the door again no no no I don't want these things smashing on our walls if the mechanoids win we could be in trouble I don't think so oh one of the trombos is down and this is where your endurance training really pays off you got to make sure you can Go the Distance in fights that last this long it's those who can still blindly Pudge people in the face that are going to win ooh there's still three mechs if one of the mechs had have gone down I would call this even oh Ernesto sir Ernesto was like come on I I may have no legs I may have no arms I may be just a torso but I'm going to naw your legs off and yeah he's he's dead sir child dead okay whoa whoa whoa no no that's bad oh that's this guy's getting to shoot which is just terrible for us uhoh this does not look good and a valiant effort by Jude Hoover at the rear yep it's not enough well then let's go mop up the scraps shall we time for a bit of a classic pincer move first we're going to send out the dumb shits and then once they're on their way [ __ ] here I would like you to deconstruct that wall please excellent everyone through once they're engaged in close combat we open fire nice you two run it down we've wasted enough time today now this thing has an auto gun as far as I'm aware right so the moment someone comes in range it should start yep is it going to Target our people or it's definitely going after the boys right these guys are great for tanking it's just their damage is a little bit weak they've got hands well problem solved I mean that was messy as all hell but uh thrumbos for the win oh that reminds me we should kill this other thrumbo while we're here I mean the fridge is looking a bit bare and there's Trumbo just going for free we're doing quite well in fact we have far too many thrumbos in the fridge it's driving our wealth through the roof I should do something about that and I will I will uh however there's a bigger problem and that is a psychic drone High male uh there's only two males in the colony so smirk here is not liking this actually don't trust me is another male oh they're actually psychically hyp sensitive another male or yep psychically hyper sensitive meale let's uh do a little something here now where did I put those vials ah mind num sering serum so don't trust me and smirk are a problem uh yeah we're going to okay we'll wait until don't trust me has actually used it that'll free it up and the reason we want to use the Mind num Serum is it stops them from having any mental breaks for two days which is good because that's about as long as that thing's going to last or the psychic drone so right now their needs should be well gone obliviated they just it's a all zero so done uh smirk what are you doing oh yeah you're building those walls this has finally expanded it far enough that we can start Walling this in and making it a little bit more Square looking uh smirk here is going to grab their own mind num serum and that should take care of the psychic drone by the time psychic drone wears off so we'll the Mind num serum and they'll both be good to go one thing we also took care of is we put ourselves together a transport podt so now we can go grab this actually Drop in Center we don't need to worry about dropping near the edges because these things well it doesn't actually matter zoom in where are we Landing I yeah here we go they've been sent in with only a small amount of supplies you pick up fine meal give us two right you're both ready to go let's do this uh where's the door let's not use it all right I'm going to start exploring and let's see what we got here yes yes yes yes yes yes seven luciferium oh wow I thought this was a bust that's literally the last one I found uh so far it's been pretty weak sauce what we found here we got our hands on six medicine 46 silver seven luciferium that's the good stuff 48 silver 23 plas steel 46 biof ferite and 118 uranium which we're not bringing home because that's stff is too heavy there's also this down here and I don't want it I think we are just leaving in fact what's the fastest way out of here that doesn't require us to pass to a bunch of robots uh we're going to go out the front door I know I feel dirty too but it it just it is what it is right uh going home is going to be a little bit slow though problem is we're pretty far from home it's we're pretty far from home it's a reasonable distance from home and it's movement speed of 2.6 so this is going should probably take a day maybe more they're going to morale is going to get hit a bit that's why I maybe put them on a all diet of lots of knots of recreation before they left it's going to take him 1.3 days oh yeah 1.3 days right to two of them it'll be fine and Burke is almost of age ah defoliator ship excellent uh and we finished our Research into Xeno genetics another thing we definitely need to research xenogenic I want to get because well we want to start genan splicing a few people uh it gets interesting as we get later later into it but we also want growth fats one thing I remember from uh that generational playthrough was the kids when they turn 13 are technically considered adults but their bodies aren't fully developed yet uh also so we can stick them into the growth Vats and we can take them from 13 to 18 so they're fully developed despite having the brains of teenagers yeah but you know they can still punch as hard as adult so it works uh unfortunately you can't put uh ghouls in them did some testing on the side ghouls cannot be put into growth fat so you can't age up the ghouls that way you can't age them for your rituals I can't figure out a way to age them up just yet and where are you okay you're not one of us ah four centipede blasters you know what we got we should probably hold out and call in a couple of shamblers they could take care of this real quick and we could do another shambler routine in 2.5 days one thing we've been looking forward to doing for a while is Brandon here actually PR is working at that Mech just theer is going to pop at our second lifter that gives us two less of us running around the place more of the lifter just doing the lifting for we're going to put turn out four of them with four lifters that should take care of a lot of the hauling right now you can see uh we've got don't trust me too going down here to why are why is there a a tainted Flack jacket here who who even left that there never mind uh in that case there's no empty space for steel slag chunks wow we've actually been doing pretty good on the steel front even though I've turned these mines off for just a little bit while we caught up with everything we are so close to the end of today and these these guys just want to start social fight H Brandon what what was said ladly insulted Victor's stoff skills this drills Victor stoff into a rage what's wrong with their skills yeah no well you are the backup Constructor crafter medical and yeah we need to still get you up to level eight you're so close though you're really close to it just uh please don't do anything too bad to Brandon or vice versa like could you guys not wow all well no one lost a limb or a toe we're going to call that a victory all right down here we're putting together a little well I'll show you at the end once the quest comes up but Burke is so close just like four more day well not four more days they're at by six time speed so less than a day and Burke will have hit their majority an Exotics Goods Trader has finally come by I've been waiting these for these for ages I've been trying to get rid of this insect jelly since well since we got the insect jelly at this rate we're going to have another infestation before it goes away H we can always get components with it we are kind of running short yeah let me have a quick skim through here and see what they got oh we got to take that Insanity Lance oh low Shield Pack yes please this took me way too long all right we sold off the insect jelly two thrumble horns and one reinforced barrel and what it got us was three Go Juice one side trainer for far skip which we can't use it we don't even have close to that close to necessary level a check print for compact Weaponry the reason I want that is we can start just like implanting elbow blades in people to up their mood uh we also get a low Shield Pack and a psychic Insanity Lance the low Shield Pack and psychic Insanity Lance will Keep Us Alive against well big problems yes please all right uh right where were we oh yeah one thing I am going to do is I'm going to get smirk here to immediately use the fire skip thing they can't actually utilize it and if they start there's a weird thing where when they gain their sigh level to go to that level I think it's level five if they get offered fire skip they basically won't get a power instead they'll just oh you've already got fire skip never mind in fact I think I'm going to do the same with the invisibility one where do you put it yeah yeah use the side invisibility yeah you know what let's do it it's just otherwise that thing's going to be hanging around and it just adds wealth to us that we don't want the last gr Spurt of burk all right and they've yep they literally explode out of their clothes that's the the joy of this uh Brandon I would like you to make them a jacket um Brandon I would like you to stop making components and immediately make them a jacket that's the wrong one isn't it how about now yay there you go hey Burke what did you get come on Roll me a good one Randy quick sleeper oh I'm liking that te total no no no no no that just means they can never take drugs and if you give them drugs to try and improve their mood it makes them even more unhappy great memory has a fantastic memory for detail will lose unused skills at half the rate of other people that's pretty good if you want to turn them into a great crafter did crafting come up no it did not uh they've already got in fact nothing they've got a passion in has shown up at all which is one two 2 three four five six seven they had seven things they don't have a passion in and six of those seven appeared to appear 1 two three four they had five things the odds of that pretty slim so no double passions sparing shooting at least they got melee I suppose so we got quick Sher T toer great memory fast learner oh come on that's awesome they learn stuff really quickly body purist no no that's not going to work what we got a neurotic Global work speed plus eight but they mentally break a little bit quicker I don't think that fits after humming and Hauling on the stats up here I think melee for definite they're going to want some melee skills to go with that shooting intellectual we've already got locked down Artistry we've already got lock down and cooking already done in fact we we're starting to skill up Nomad Gunslinger now well now that we know that they're not trying to kill us all it's we're going to skill them up to do a little bit of cooking that means animals and plants well yeah we need more people on those anyway so getting more animals and plants in why not yeah I'll put this up to a poll I wanted to I want this kid to be entirely raised by the internet just to see how they turned out so a sanguin psychopath quick sleeper or a sanguin psychopath great memory or a sanguin psychopath fast learner I suppose the rationale behind the quick sleeper is with all the horrific things that happened around here they learned to sleep with one eye open they were always ready for something to go down as for the great memory trait they needed to remember everything that happened because you never know when it's going to happen again and they had to be ready willing and waiting to either hide from whatever was coming or know that it wasn't something they needed to be worried about and as a fast learner well obviously with all the stuff they say saw going on around them they had to learn quick you didn't learn quick around here you're dead so they learned where to hide when to hide and how fast they should hide especially when nasty things were coming yeah I like all those either of those three I will actually be happy I'll stick the pole up anyway and we'll see how everyone does however uh for now what we're going to do is well next episode we're going to Chuck them straight into a growth vat and we're going to age them up to about 18 I've already stockpiled some nutrient paste meals we're going to cram this full of nutrient paste and clear all of that and let them age up until they're 18 so they don't have this horrible uh well lack of hit points being a kid and all I think for our next plan what I want to do is summon Mech threat uh summon a Mech threat then summon shamblers uh draw flesh beasts uh activate these and then let them all beat the absolute snot out of each other hopefully the uh the mech threat with someone will be the one that dies the most and then we can mop up whatever is left over and maybe expand out the boom box I think I have a better idea on how to make this boom box a little bit more efficient we're going to need some more grenades for that though this has by far being the most crawling of playthroughs I think I've ever done it just on the grounds that well we need so much steel so much components and we couldn't go above moderate wealth which handicapped us so much and now that we're at moderate wealth we can kind of push forward a bit but labor wise we were massively handicapped as well by not having to hire only Psychopaths and blood lust people we're finally starting to fill in all those gaps though in production Brandon has a crafting of 13 prette is actually still our best Constructor but you know massive level 20 intellectual we we don't even care about research anymore don't trust me is turning out to be a great minor NAD gun singer also turning out to be a pretty good minor I mean takes him a while and smirk also a pretty good minor pretty sure the kids are well Burke might end up becoming a minor as well o and we're going to produce a whole bunch of elbow blades for everyone I think elbow blades for the entire team sounds like a good plan and maybe get those uh vampire teeth as well for them just uh go with a little bit more of a a different flavor to them anyway next up uh lots of mechor stuff I want to basically spam a whole bunch of these mechs to fill in gaps and then uh from there on in it will be lots of genetic enhancements for our Ghouls and a whole bunch of these psychic ritual things what I really want to start getting into is draining people's skills and pouring them into the kids and our people uh that will requir us to capture a whole bunch of people though and do a whole bunch more recruitment I'd like to get up to about 20 people before the end of this play through anyway I'm going to cut this here I uh hope you enjoyed and good luck [Music] sh
Channel: Francis John
Views: 20,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, anomaly, monolith
Id: r1tdvIMmwwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 58sec (3598 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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