Everyone Hates League's New Skins

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leak's Community is kind of known for being toxic everyone is constantly going for each other's throats everyone met each other's mother dozens of times and if there is something the community absolutely excels at it is threatening riters over skins especially if your main doesn't get a legendary skin in fact Skins are generally a massive source of leagues drama because it spans from complaining about the quality to Leakes to a bad between the individual Mains and so it should be of no surprise that yet again a new drama regarding skins has arrived though this time it is slightly different because this time the community did something Unthinkable not only were there no threats at least just yet but also the entire Community United and in what feels like Millennium everyone stands together behind the argument that the newest Skins are doooo now really I have never seen people agree this much and right now it really feels like what they are showcasing on PBE might be the worst skins in the history of League of Legends and while normally beauty is a subjective thing this time it's not even subjective because finnally enough Riot also knows it's bad and that's a funny story so let's have a look at what happened together with the latest PBE build which showcased all the new icons and the emotes which also uh leaked the newest Champion that is a whole separate drama there was also an icon for infernal nasus which teased new entries into the infernal skin line not to mention before that there was a teaser in the shape of a bird now over the many years The Infernal skin line was quite a wild ride if you go way back to season 2 the infernal skins were actually quite popular with infernal Zyra and Diana generally leading the charge people simply LED these two but you have to keep in mind that was within the quality context of the skins that were coming out back then I mean just look at what stood besides these you'll understand why the infernal skins were so good but since then the quality of leak skins has moved forward a light year and what would be seen as a good skin back in the today would only be a m red chroma these days so with the new quality standard being higher should ride come back to the infernal skins one would expect them to be a bit more creative right it will not be just another wave of Champions who are on fire it will totally have new creative Pieces Just Like infernal Nas yeah this doesn't look good in fact it doesn't look good so much that no matter where you look be it YouTube or Reddit people are flaming it to dust all puns intended with the only bright side being that thankfully we only got three of these skins but don't worry this drama got slightly Beyond just flaming the appearance but before we get to that fun part let's have a look at these skins the first thing we have to point out is that all of these skins do technically have new visual effects new spells new sound effects and a unique recall therefore as we behold the spectacle remember these are still 1350 RP skins not the 975 which people would expect no these are premium and you're going to like it so the first one to take a hit here is Ash the one who was teed with the image who did get a cool recall but that's kind of all she got anything that was Ice before is fire now to be fair I don't think this skin is that horrible it is definitely subpar if five out of 10 is an average skin this would be about three out of 10 and that's because the context just really goes against what they are trying to achieve here you see Ash is a frosty champion who has a lot of line about true ice and when she says some of these lines it is weird to see her shooting fire but that that's not that big of a deal even though the visual Clarity of fire slowing you is not great what's worse is that this skin doesn't even check off the unique aesthetic box if you want a fiery Ash she already has a skin with a similar theme sure High Noon Ash might be a bit more of a holy fire but still it doesn't really stand out that much now if there is anything at all that I like about this skin it is that they desperately tried to avoid her being just pure Orange fire which is why they gave her some smidget of purple around the edges so whoever is the artist who tried to save this I noticed the last saving graze here could be the chroma skins though because the pure skin is just one color the chroma skins look nice but again that's not something other skins couldn't also achieve if you ask me there are things R could have done about these skins I mean look at infernal nasas they could have easily given an ash a demonic skull instead of her head I mean it is Inferno which is literal hell a flaming elk skull would have been awesome and at least it would have felt different but no it is literally just ash but on fire but you know why should I be the only one giving constructive criticism let's have a look at what the comments have to say High Noon Ash but burnt feel winter sting shoots fire arrows not even with a roll I would want this 2012 975 RP skin this is worse than filler slop I think I just woke up in 2014 League Ash with red chroma I can't believe it took them 13 years to do something like this um this doesn't look too good so let's have a look at the home turf of Ash Ms garbage skin line I mean there is really just zero creativity going into the skin line I'mma die for this what the so yeah besides the very rare outlier who seems to be a bot even Ash Mains are not excited so you can't even argue that this skin was made to please the mains of the champion so next let's have a look at infernal Olaf immediately the first thing you might notice is that the mountain range in the recall is the exact same mountain range as the one that Ash had in her recall so already these Skins are sharing some of the assets despite the still high 1350 RP price and besides that it is exactly what you would expect Olaf on fire his axes are fire his lightning is fire his ultimate gives him more fire it is just a blob of orange fire and it just happens to be that I remember a fiery Olaf in dftd so how are they able to achieve that oh yeah Olaf already has the fiery dragon slayer skin so again this one is not too unique either and and you bet the comments notice this too I swear this is a skin that already exists at this point they should rework the whole skin line cuz this is not 2024 acceptable not to be mean but this just looks like a discount version of the Dragon Slayer skin and his face looks like or it looks like this skin line was created 5 years ago poor Olaf Mains waited so long for this speaking of which why don't we have a look at the Olaf Mains what is that thing on his right eye a batch a batch looks like I see they still have PTSD from Sentinel Olaf but now it's time to have a look at the last skin which was crowned as one of the worst if not the worst skin in League's history given the context of the skins that are coming out right now infernal Karma at the slightest Glimpse you can see things are not going to be great the first thing to point out here is that the recall is kind of cool and it's not even reusing the Mountains from the other skins but after that things just enter the me category it's just Karma Throwing Fire no real flavor nothing too unique it's just fire all around with the model also being incredibly close to just Karma and here the comments are hilarious so how much budget do we have no this looks like a 975 RP skin such a filler concept her Mantra queue is just brand such a soulless skin line see the YouTube comments are already cooking but then the karma Mains came in and they pointed out something funny someone compared the spell effect of Base Karma The Infernal skin and the dawnbringer skin and here it is clear that the infernal skin is just reusing some of the spells from the base version because in comparison it is obvious that dawnbringer has just entirely new spells so of course then even the mains got cooking holy hell worst Karma skin just dropped holy even the VFX look cheap AF they took everything that was wrong with the past skins and put them all into this one they are so creative I am so sorry babe so this is the current situation simply said everyone hates these skins but what's worse some salt was poured into this injury because people quickly pointed out that in the past Ry had some other skins which they didn't think would be up to par and so they just never release them even though people actually like those skins that's right remember SE chaos blitzcrank and amumu these two skins were essentially finished and R just never released them the thing is compared to the infernal skins these are amazing and with some new spell effects they could have cleared the infernals by a mile that's what's weird about this entire situation by their own metric riot should not release these three skins but I doubt they will actually do it which is where we have to point out one more really funny thing as I mentioned earlier in this video while everyone thinks that these Skins are not great Riot knows it too and I'm surprised I didn't see anyone else point this out see if we go back to years to the point where people voted on scarner getting the next vgu some of you may remember that that wasn't the only thing people voted on besides voting on a new skin line which turned out to be debonaire as well as the crime city and then even the the the the Pokémon one people were also able to vote on what skin line would get a rework and after the gothic skin line won we got some of the best skins of that year the thing is people were also able to vote on The Infernal skins because as Riot mentioned themselves this skin line had great potential but it wasn't up to par which means that RI knows that the original idea of The Inferno skin line is bad because during this vote they already wanted to do something better with it and even on this poll as an example they showed infernal aali who is just aali on fire with horns just to show the point so what did they do when the skin line get more skins just more Champions on fire right after a post where they mentioned that these skins were not great so now I just don't know how this happened how is it possible that only two years ago RI said that this skin line is flawed only for them to make more of these flawed skins 2 years later it's like someone at right forgot that people already didn't like where the skin line was going so now given what kind of skins these are all I can do is add in one more burn maybe they forgot because the r who remembered it were fired get it
Channel: Necrit
Views: 331,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Story, Necrit, Necrit94, Narrated, Explained, League of Legends, LOL, TFT, Teamfight tactics, legends of runeterra, Karma, Olaf, Ashe, Infernal
Id: n7cAGWcfvBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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