Everyone Forgot How Good Eddie Murphy is at Impressions

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I moonwalk all up and down your ass mother you mind your mother business I hear some more [ __ ] I'mma put this glove up welcome to impressionable today we will be counting down our top 10 all-time favorite Eddie Murphy Impressions considered one of the greatest standups of all time comedian Eddie Murphy has released countless Hollywood Blockbusters for over 30 years Murphy got a start from starring and rolls such as Trading Places and coming to America but made billions from voicing Donkey from dreamworks' Shrek recently Murphy starred in Dolomite is my name as Rudy May Moore his portrayal of the movie Legend went on to win 30 awards for our number 10 impression we have Eddie Murphy doing a respectful impression of Tracy Morgan on the Jimmy Kimmel show he said I went over there he made me Franks boy PA Franks yeah that's it that's why I'mma always be cool with Eddie CU he may be them Franks when I was young they used to call me fat Murphy that's what he told me that at number nine we have Murphy doing a hilarious impression of Mr T who is known for his role on the a team as well as his catchphrase I pity the fool Mr T walk up go I heard you did some jokes about me no you didn't maybe I didn't I'mma go beat up the fool and told me them L counting down to number eight Eddie Murphy does an iconic impression of Mike Tyson is regarded as one of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all time yo man why you get on the TV and say you know I punch you in the arm and I hurt your arm and stuff man why you want to say that don't I sound just like him it might give an interview like this y you know when I'm inside the ring what I'm trying to do basically what I'm trying to do when I'm inside the ring is I'm trying to um in the before I get inside the ring before I get inside the ring I'm you know I'm I'm your friend but in the ring basically what I'm trying to do is punch the bone into the brain and kill the person for our number seven impression we have have Eddie Murphy doing accurate impression of Barack Obama on The Late Show he talked about uh my my hair he was like how come your hair how he said what kind of rinse you using what said you don't have any gray hairs cuz I'm like I said I'm I'm about two three months older than Obama yes and he was like that doesn't make me feel any better so it's such a great picture I have of me talking him in the white house and we're like talking and it looks like we're having this thing and he's act at that moment he's going so what kind of ren do you at number six Murphy is doing a funny impression of Richard PRI one of the greatest comedians of all time you ever like sometime right you get on that toilet and when you [ __ ] that water splash up on your ass don't that make you mad right you know what really make me mad is when [ __ ] come halfway out your ass then go back up in that [ __ ] right why do [ __ ] be teasing your ass right just get the [ __ ] out sitting at number five we have Eddie Murphy doing an impression of Stevie Wonder at 13 years old Stevie Ste single fingertips top the charts in 1963 making him the youngest artist ever to accomplish that Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder You are apply named like I said many times you are truly a Wonder thanks a lot Frank let me ask you something do you do your own hair no I don't then you got no excuse little joke Stevie looks great come on over here to the piano it's right in front of you my friend you all right there there you go fine you know Frank I feel it is a tremendous honor to be recording with you for her number four impression Eddie Murphy does a witty impression of Elvis king of rock and roll in an old interview what he say like if Elvis was alive now he said man you wouldn't even hang out with Elvis I said yes so w man Elvis be in the lobby of your house like s in there and I'll be in room what's going on man told me to come over I know going on all right at number three we have Eddie Murphy doing a hilarious impression of Michael Jackson one of three artists to sell over 500 million records worldwide and i' be at a party and have Michael walk up to me one day and be like this can I talk to you for a minute yeah uh what's your [ __ ] problem man well how come you keep [ __ ] with me then huh what's all the [ __ ] jokes you don't like my clothes what what's your [ __ ] problem you know that Michael [ __ ] Jackson I will bust your ass [ __ ] out my [ __ ] moon walk all up and down your ass counting down to number two we have Eddie Murphy doing an iconic impression of Bill Cosby during his acceptance speech Eddie Murphy's first live set in over 20 years I would like to talk to some of the people who fail that I should give back my to just because you may have heard recently that I allegedly put the PE in people's chocolate I wish somebody would come up to my house talking about give up the trophy CU you put the p in the peep of chocolate you get so which Eddie Murphy impression was your favorite so far let us know in the comments below and for our favorite Eddie Murphy impression we have Eddie doing ridiculous impressions of James Brown one of the first 10 inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame uh thank you for being with us tonight Mr Brown ah I think look at [Applause] him uh Mr Brown your career has spanned almost three decades and yet your style has remained intact and constant that's because I'm a man SP man M did you enjoy these Eddie Murphy Impressions if so check out our other top impression [Music] videos
Channel: Impressionable
Views: 204,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IrgUz2o50hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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