Ranking ULTRAKILL levels by Habitability

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ranking Ultra kill Levels by how much I would want to be in them no this isn't anything sex so first off 01 it seems pretty dangerous you know uh glass floors would not recommend so uh yeah I don't think it's very livable to be honest especially with all the uh Bottomless Pits I'll give this a b tier this 02 is worse because there are even more Grinders and fans and Crushers I mean it's literally called the meat grinder for a reason D tier 03 seems a little bit more livable I mean sure there's still plenty of enemies but there's very few Crushers or things that can kill you easily so I'll give it an a 04 has uh quite a few spinny McGuffin and a giant fan at the end it also seems I I would say it would probably get boring to live in after a while so uh C tier 05 uh excluding the cber ey uh the lava is a major Hazard and um also the obstacle course have to get to the Boss Arena I'm going give this a d tier it's really bad Zer s d tier I I don't want to live in horror and fear constantly one one well you might think that this is all nice and dandy but uh everything's fake and uh the water's fake also and uh there's a bunch of things that want to kill you towards the end parts I mean I could technically live within like the five rooms that you're given at the beginning before you see any enemies but it doesn't seem like it's that great of a choice I'll give it low be tier one two uh considering everything is on fire and uh there are flamethrower wielding machines yeah I'll pass C tier 13 uh yeah I don't think I want to live in a castle that's guarded by a scorpion meat thing and also I don't think I could survive in the entrance room D tier one 14 is uh quite nice everything's still fake but I feel like if the guy if Hank could have survived here for a while then so can I pettier 1 s i I don't really want to do puzzles for the rest of my life C tier 2 one wait what did why did you P back there is if there's a condition this if this condition I is meant V2 is shut up 21 uh I mean it's pretty high up I don't want to fall off the edge there's no guard rails so uh yeah I'm going say probably C tier high C tier though 22 seems like it could be an actually pretty livable City I mean you'd have to take up residence of a a for a dead person but that's a price I'm willing to pay take take P tier 13 has actual water which means that you can survive long term uh only problem is that there are Crushers and grinders everywhere and there are mind players though that can be considered a good thing depending on how you see it I'll give this P tier also two4 I'm not a real big fan of subways anyway and uh knowing that there's a big guy who's searching the Subways yeah no thanks D tier a 2s 2s is actually the most livable out of um literally all of the levels your only real concern is humiliation amongst your fellow PE which is not a real bad thing so P tier three one um yeah I'm not a real big fan into acid or flesh for that matter C tier 32 is worse because it's just an obstacle course before you get to an angel D tier P1 well I mean it's dark and there's nothing good that comes out of the other side so yeah I'mma give this D tier 41 I mean it is a desert but at least they're not on the sand and the structures seem habitable enough hey a tier 4 two you are closer to the sand you'll have to do a couple of jumps but I mean you're overall pretty fine B tier 4 three it's dark and there are a lot of enemies I don't yeah no C tier 4 four you're inside of a pyramid facing off against V2 and there's not that much real space seems kind of cramped I'm going to give this also C tier 4S D tier no F tier I I will I will I will not suffice for living in 4S 51 Now 51 might seem habitable Until you realize that you're going going to drown unless you get to the uh airlocks but knowing how long the average human is able to hold their breath I don't see a very high likelihood that I would be able to survive D tier 52 I mean there's water in the form of rain and uh the bodies of the river or like whatever ocean of sticks seems kind of habitable a tier 53 I feel I imagine this is like living on the Titanic before it sank so it doesn't seem like it would be that horrible P tier 54 same problem as 51 except now there's a giant water snake D tier 5S P tier because well it's amazing you get to fish you have a sustainable food food source you have sustainable water source it's even more habitable actually no it's about it's like around the same habitability as 2s 61 I don't really know what to say about 61 you're basically trespassing through through a uh evil church and there's uh skeletons and corpses everywhere so uh I'm going to give this overall a B on the habitability scale 62 uh yeah there's a bunch of Bottomless Pits and also Gabriel C tier P2 I mean maybe if you find your way into one of the windows you could survive but other than that I don't think there's much chance of surviving P2 yeah also there's garage doors in P2 yeah that's true if you can open those I guess you could survive I guess I'll give that up high see for that 71 yeah I don't want to live in constant fear of the mannequins waking uh I'll give this a d tier 72 is also D tier because while I like the level itself I don't want to live in an active war zone the 73 I don't really have any blood to spare and I don't consider myself that good of a fighter so high D tier 74 if I was able to scramble my way up the legs of of the earth mover I could potentially find Residence inside of one of the buildings so I'll give this overall a low be on the scale it's unlikely but there is a chance of survival and uh yeah comment down below if you think you would be able to survive in some of these circumstances cuz I don't have high hopes for myself and uh see you later I guess [Music]
Channel: JuanC4
Views: 12,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, meme, memes, funny, comedy, habitability, tier list, ranking, Ultrakill, brainrot
Id: CGdgRapUmT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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