Every Time You Score, the Defender Gets Upgraded

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every time we score today we replace the defender with a superior one to make the challenge harder working our way up the tears of football and finishing dribbling against a premier league and finally Champions League footballer first up however we begin at level one with a man who has never even tackled eye contact with a female let's getal what is your footballing philosophy oh i' say it's similar to my immigration policy if in doubt kick it out go what right first up we are joined by a true Rolls-Royce of a Defender emphasis on the roll all that has to happen today is me and Danny aens one of us has to get past and score in all of today's challenges the defender will start in the D and close us down as soon as we touch the ball we cannot shoot before dribbling past or at least suitably round them Chris you got a player can do a [ __ ] elastico and [ __ ] on his face oh good idea [ __ ] he did me as well oh that's bad get your hands down AR Diego maradon has been reborn okay where is he you're looking at him maradon turns like a little eel and comes away from troubl Little squat man comes inside but you can't be wearing that color of boots and being this [ __ ] at [Music] football [ __ ] another rule that applies throughout is if the defender gets a touch the ball comes dead so stubborn frigid Harry's legs weren't quite open enough here [ __ ] sake he hasn't contributed anything to this challenge oh my God why fantastic S I reckon i' do you the next three attempts Harry I can feel it Brewing as well like the perfect cup of tea Two Sugars I've actually got one of those kettles you can put up to 90° kutut maradon little squat man Le for dead I from dead away why the greatest player in the world and it looked to me like he didn't want to defend I think his defending is bad oh damn it come here brother it's done it's done come on man oh yeah oh yeah Morgan which professional Defender would you say your sty is most like people have compared me to Maldini vidit Ferdinand I say Ben me for brenford brexit means brexit okay for the Sunday League section I'm joined by my good friend Morgan I'm hoping that he doesn't Harve me today cuz that would make me a quarter of a man best of luck my friend oh did that get one or both of them gol free going to burn him for Pace here do it he's used to getting burnt silly Ginger [ __ ] isn't he even more [Music] beautiful J there's no need for that go cry to the referee mate you want to hurt my friend I'm not his friend I'll hurt you in a minute and all your [ __ ] out what's you going to do here go on daddy ever ever try and [ __ ] run past me like that again please try and be a Target man back up onto me I beg oh no I think he's the best center half of all time can someone get his car he shouldn't be on his own him I don't know what's happening here sorry this isn't my jurisdiction anymore step in the thing like a good boy no step in the a put your glasses on four eyes and [ __ ] off go on Daddy get out come on come on Chris yes please shoot shoot no he did me fair play I'll sh you on the mag absolutely fluffed that finish one heavy touch round Danny I think I'm under something just keep up the pace and then heavy touch around him right now I'm going to do it and afterwards yeah I'm going to kiss you yeah didn't agree to that when he started talking on your mark [Music] set oh he got him [Music] D yes knew he could do it that's my voice big achievement celebration just slightly over the top the wor thing is you fluff the [Music] shot what would you say your footballing weakness is just hate losing noted would you have recommended that we wear shim pads today I want to say no but let's see what happens right today we're joined by four eyes and fingo and we're going to be doing the semi section of this video respect my friend respect why do I feel like it's a match day Chris Chris is finished Chris is absolutely he's good he's good you're good you're good you're good you're good Sak up don't be shy you're [Music] good MD [Music] oh you almost have me though tried to get past him but it was snow [Music] use oh no getting warmed up is [Music] it if I don't rainbow F him I will kill my [Music] dog I'm so sorry I failed you have I got to get past him thank you Danny that is going to be Danny out of breath for the next half an hour I'd say I know you want to go on your right Chris it's coming I can feel it do you think that's enough screen time for yeah yes come on wo I was G for that right foot the whole time man you know what it's not as easy as it looks I'll be honest I underestimated you what about [Music] me how would you feel if you got nutmeg today pissed off it's we are at the national league section of this video and we are joined by Aiden Francis Clark who plays called dagnam Red Bridge you're unknown from Luton watch the space watch us score I can't lie I've been a little bit nervous I'm used to playing against flipping Dei this is a different ball game ready aen my fck God man come on guys this joke's feeling pretty tired now also feeling pretty tired is our horribly understaffed editing team and that is why we are hiring we are looking to expand our growing editing team with two new full-time positions a main Channel editor and a second Channel editor you must be efficient across the Adobe suites with a passion for creativity from highlighting YouTubers insecurities unnecessary he's a very small man to bullying Danny aons first off we're going to start off with making our proe to adding friends into my life time to take your seat ideally you are London based or live within a commutable distance from our office have Good knowledge of the channel and have a fierce passion and enthusiasm for creating high quality content full details of the job descriptions and application process can be found using links in the description below I'm kind of the same height as you actually no you're not ph's got little step over and St [ __ ] hell he's quick m not silky look that's not okay yeah he's see see Aiden committed there though and scared him know they're silky though yeah they're decent man said yeah they're decent he's trying to dumb down my step over chis MD Chris MD he done him he's done him Chris runs like Jack w Sho why do you little man run like that so size six yeah got what the [ __ ] man so look what you want to do I'm going to talk you through beating a Defender what you want I like that I I don't think he'll have come up against people that will be commentating themselves as they're dribbling so yeah where where I went wrong last time is I didn't yeah he stepped on but we can't let him on can we give shots for penalty remember I'm South American div's in my jeans oh my yeah oh oh no clumsy it's just emotional damage water break cuz it is M you want more Aiden yeah [ __ ] it might as well can we have one for Aiden as well no none for Aiden two for us please oh my God it work what no that's a that is a pen you didn't touch the ball once you know Aiden he know look at he knows that was a pen oh no and that's the one the footballers the professionals hate you don't do that that's a penalty for me yeah that's a penalty it so no penalties no spocking i' got a little bit ahead of him man he just went [ __ ] off me it's experience though is it he's 19 yes go on go on hit it okay we're getting there we're getting there based on the quality You' seen from me and Chris today could we get into Lut I doubt it to be honest let's bring you some breaking transfer news as well though concerning Lut yeah love it yeah Y come [Music] on on there's no doubt about it the biggest sh of the summer is this player here they'll bring paace they'll bring power they'll bring goals it could happen I still F to you [ __ ] me man you're a b at [Music] football what do you think our best chance of su successes today speed no one can defend speed speed mesmerizing defenses I'm a powerful Defender if you slow down then I'm laughing at you well even of speed you might be laughing at us as well unfortunately during a trip to Ireland I pulled my groin it was either filming golf or at some point in the night out afterwards so we'll be relying on Manny and Arthur to score the goal in this section I got injured clapping not too far from the truth um right we're moving on to League two level in the video we are joined here today by Paul by we have Arthur and Manny dribbling against him today instead of me because I'm injured not just because he said that his defending style was powerful and I got scared what's your weak foot I don't have one it's going to be so cringe when you get done on the first turn oh my God when he when he gets wimble done he might die here right oh my God you shot yourself there don't be scared no slow down too much man he keeps going too slow right Manny no Man actually got him there oh my days he's starting to get nervous you're looking a bit shaking oh which way are they going to go I'll make you go where I want you to go no hey I lost the ball I think for got the ball M I think we should swap I think I score straight away what have you got for us here big boy don't call me that so mascula in front of this guy as well what what on what is this guy's 95 kg you know you're looking lean still 8% body fight that's why what are you on half that what happens if we don't beat him across that bridge when we come to it it's got to be all on nothing all on nothing [Music] oh wait come on oh that is delightful come [Music] on okay W done sir well done he said he had places to be don't worry next one everybody from the front back up who's the best player you've ever played against I'd probably say Kevin De bruy deceptively rapid powerful what would you say is your best footballing attribute probably my Pace I'm only joking I'm only joking you saw my face there it's got to be my heading and unfortunately there's not going to be any heading today for the leag one section I'm joined here by Ryan tavasoli your job today is to stop me from getting past you and scoring a goal bless of luck all right ready run everybody from the front to the back [Music] door he's caugh me off guard he's caught me off guard wow I can't believe I hit the post this is not the Chris MD I saw against eong he's improved this is not the same guy we have the S pad get out of here Chris John's just made a fair point there that I could actually just try and run under his [Music] legs ooh love close your damn legs the more it goes on the less pace you're coming up with yeah yeah oh come on yes wait Ron did you get a touch on it oh yeah I did no no no get V get V stay in your box Jamie no no no did rewatch the clip he is right technically he's right I heard him get the touch as well could just pull a dictatorship and say no do you know what I'm trying to avoid when you catch me me square and I'm like I've got a gamble is he going right or left he I I need to get in my head cuz currently we're on like royaltyfree music I need to put on like like put on a track yes Johnny not now Johnny oh I could have got to that Big John was there your body FS are deceptively [Music] good I feel sick that's how I feel I feel sick give me something we are wasting out of time I don't think he's going to get bored of this I'm not [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I think through the legs Let's It [Music] Go killing [Music] spe C the GoPro come on another chapter and the incredible St story of this little man thank you so much for that man man outrageous it was clean as well yeah no don't look at the replay there was a t there wasn't Ryan also runs his own YouTube channel so please do check that out it was a pleasure to film with and I think he's uploading some behind the scenes content from the day [Music] two so Jack do you think we have any chance of dribbling past you today do you know what I've seen some of the highlights on YouTube and some of the goals you scored and I think I've got my work cut out today moving on to the championship level Defender we are joined here by Jack Stacy I am injured today so I've had to draft in ARA late notice we've got Manny as well here YouTube's biggest try hard I think will be absolutely fine I do think he's got a good chance of stopping us cuz the sun's in our eyes Bros defended against Salah and son why don't you do this for your son you're so funny oh he started slow he's out to so quickly there as well oh wow that would have been everywhere that would little bit naughty that man if he scored down our career's [Music] done oh no oh on on oh good tackle you played down halfer way too much this my [Music] boy just gone to SS Bree quick who's the most difficult one to defend against they they're both difficult for different reasons I was do a heavy touch around him honestly big heavy touch around him I meant go around the same way talk us through that first touch yeah not good get some speed no you've lost it no Arthur you got to stop slowing down when you get to him when you get to the defender don't slow down speed up scary just do it Manny you need Pace telling you yeah get got some more speed up yeah there you go there you go got it come on come on yes good work come [Music] on how was that it was good it was a good test to be fair I mean I'm not going to question my keer but we could come what's the best moment of your career so far after today obviously winning the Euros at the summer just gone and my V would be captain in Chelsea something I've worked for my whole life pretty good answers for the Premier League section we are joined today by a man with defending literally in his jeans Levi cwell we're going to be trying to dribble past you and catch you with your trousers down uh we're going to be uh alternating attempts now I will describe it in terms that Levi will understand more it's going to be Me denim right that's me done I'm sorry as soon as we score you can go home so just remember that one this opportunity has been made possible due to elevate football today a state-ofthe-art football training hour it's a great time to download it and have a go at the Jack reist challenge that just launched in the app in the coming weeks you'll find Levi courses on the app too so make sure to check it out with the link in description below Tom you're very used to facing stubborn opposition but it's uh Levi Co instead of Theo Baker today oh God you're just being [ __ ] stupid rude and annoying actually I'll go slow to start off yeah give him a chance I'm just going to give up that attemp right there I'm going to go for what they what they Whispering the double step over to the right what are they whispering to each other nobody likes to see an act of simulation should have had them beers last night oh that was really que your dad used to push off and he was like five he he's he's too close to the goal now surely obiously like you could keep just jockeying back to the goal basically everything you've ever learned about defending just like Scrap [Music] It Go Away now you've made him angry so I feel like I'm I'm going to get snapped now I'm going to make an angle for this going where he going oh that's myy have you a shot on Target yet I've got no tricks left I've got nothing left I really don't I think I underestimated he'll get bored he'll get bored he have to go where you going I can hear him giggling while I'm I'm running at him oh oh you should have scored that that was a terrible finish no more flip fats it's not bad you know I'm going to try and scoop it over this is bold no it's just dumb oh my D it's not the worst idea well when he's probably double my speed it probably was yeah and [Music] hype my what if we never ever score what happens then all right come on Tom let's finish this now oh bad I think we take that Defender to follow him on Facebook and he comes out on Twitter that's how aversive he is what percentage of wanting to go home and what percentage of being SP a 40% then now you beat me for S gave me the legs too I was lost when you cut me I mean he as [ __ ] so finally we arrive at the highest level in this video we flown to Austria to take on a man who started every Red Bull Saltsburg Champions League game this year who's the best dribbler you've ever played against I have to either go with Di Maria what a player and then I have to say Berard Sil as well so good on the ball and like one moment you think you have him and one moment he's he's just gone again how many attempts do you think it will take us to dribble past you today just laugh maybe eight times 18 maybe we are joined here today by mads bitop at the F that's always one we are joined here today by mads bitop at the FC Red Bull salsburg training ground thank you so much to them for inviting us along this is the Champions League Defender come on let's do it how hard can it be I'm excited to see this you know okay ready [Music] go I'm going to go 0% skill 100% unpredictability I mean if I don't know what I'm going to do how the hell is he going to [Music] know he's falling for about 5 Seconds there you just done about 300 Grand worth of damage to the pitch as well I asked for YouTube's best dribbler unfortunately I didn't specify football-wise [Music] I can get like a little half step away but I just don't have the acceleration to get any further ahead of him like I'm slowing down in front of him too much I need to go faster 0% dribbling 100% Pace I believe in speed power and speed solves many [Music] things speed and power doesn't work you're Fe for Pace is deceptive what is my Pace I think your acceleration is only 66 that's [ __ ] crazy as well yes you know we're getting closer to Di Maria level you know is he though oh come on oh wait that was good that was very good feels like a 6'6 rugby player shoving me off the ball it's like playing Seven as hard with me though wait if your man boobs is hard to throw off the ball oh my God this physical stuff [Music] all [Music] [Applause] good tell me if you're ready come on baby keep on dancing oh what a hero we have a video it's a [ __ ] ankle break well can we get him panting get his mic make sure we pick that up oh thank you so much again man really appreciate it thank you as well to FC Red Bull salsburg thank you man that was brilliant well done well doneys how does he compare to Legendary Brazilian Strikers ah he's so good he is so unbelievably good I'm I'm you're satisfied yeah I'm satisfied smiling which looks good yeah
Channel: ChrisMD
Views: 6,313,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dmHf03gk8qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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