20 Hacks To Keep Noobs Out Of Your Minecraft Base

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are you tired of people getting into your base whether it's creepers friends family or even your brother well I have a solution for you I'm going to show you 20 of the best ways to defend your base and make it Unstoppable or should I say unspeakable let's begin Snow Golem moat our first trick of the evening is ice cold baby the snow golems just as loyal as Iron Golems but a little less sturdy and a whole lot snowier these bad boys make up for their weakness by being easy to build which means you don't have to just have one or two defending your base you can have tons of them I'm talking big numbers okay make your PC work if your game ain't lagging you ain't trying and you don't have enough snow golems guarding you now you can't just have a ton of Golems just roaming about so for this defense strategy we're gonna dig a moat to trap The would-be Intruders and our snow golems are gonna swarm them [Music] huh look at that our little Invaders have to chill out I'll try to cool it with the puns I'll stop now get it chill out because it's snow okay fire trap doors this next trick is pretty handy dandy for mobs they aren't exactly Geniuses of warfare and I won't be able to see the little trap doors I'm digging for them in time and for good measure we're gonna fill them with fire [Music] look at him burn toasty oh dude burning zombie is not a nice smell to have near your house yeah fake entrance gag let's say you can't keep pesky Intruders away from your base well then just let them in right through the door the fake door that is being a master of psychology I thought to myself I'll just make a fake door with a freaking Lava Moat to teach people to stay away from my loot later I'll dig a secret actual entrance into the base obviously see Works literally every time people don't learn turrets from Mod security with uh yeah with extra pepperoni yeah yeah awesome thanks oh I didn't see you there now this next one is one of my favorites if you ever want to just get a big shootie thing that takes out Intruders well I got just the thing for you the security mod adds turrets to the game but what you really really need are enhanced furries these baddies have a longer range than your average turret variant which means you don't gotta worry about traffic Intruders or mobs you can just mow them down from the comfort of your home and you can even use them with a remote oh the convenience of Technology gotta love it now where's my pizza oh oh whoops I guess I gotta work on targeting the algorithm barrier blocks our next pointer is gonna need some console command the barrier block is mainly used to build an impenetrable barrier that cannot be broken in standard survival mode but it can be placed in survival these blocks don't generate naturally and are almost invisible so most noobs and mobs won't even be able to understand what the flip is happening look at him the fools nobody outsmarts what they cannot see Iron Golems sometimes you can't beat the classics the trusty Iron Golem packs a wallop has a bunch of resistance and will guard its Master's base with their life they're the best and simplest night time defense you could have for your base these big boys spell trouble for any would-be Intruders step on them Iron Man Cactus walls gardening is not about planting pretty flowers in Minecraft some of these green boys have to bite like the sturdy Cactus you plant enough of those around your face like so when you got yourself a nice biodegradable security wall that hurts it slows down your foes and it looks good now I just got to figure out if it's Cactus or cacti or cat Jack die or Cactus cactuses yeah that can't be right explosion proof walls check this out this next build is amazing look closely and I'm going to show you how to make an explosion proof wall using nothing but stairs and water you just have to put down the stairs like so fill them in with water and now you got a thick wall that can't be broken by TNT all right you got that water inside the wall let's see if it works hmm maybe some extra TNT three days later yeah that should do it might as well go all out fire in the hole [Music] no way it actually worked no flipping way now you bet I'm covering the entire perimeter in this bad boy I'd like to see the creepers blast their way in here now May's entrance you're very likely to get spotted and followed by any number of sneaky players back to your base but nobody said the front entrance had to be a straight line right building a maze is a perfect way to confuse any sucker trying to break in and some added traps are never a bad idea either thank you like a rat in a what was the word I was thinking of uh that I lost it um had it on the tip of my tongue though real perimeter but let's say you don't want to let all the traps get all the fun and the experience from killing the zombies trying to get into your property no problem check out this neat little trick mobs can't tell the difference between Railways and blocks so place them down around your base as such and they'll get stuck trying to move through what a bunch of dummies hickings like shooting up fish and uh rail shaped barrel-like yes oh oh no dude Don't Go Near them they're gonna oh there goes another pizza man I'm getting hungry the kitty cat Brigade here's a tip most don't know creepers are terrified of cats that's right the ambassadors of boom and doom can't even spot a kitty without turning tail so most Pros keep one or two cats in their base to not get blindsided by them I uh I might have uh too many caps it's not my fault I love them and they love me puffer fish moat next up I'm building myself an aquarium sort of anyways if you dig a big moat around your face fill it with water and then put in as many puffer fish as you can get you got yourself a pretty good barrier you'll see puffer fish get all riled up when they feel scared and they hurt whoever is near them foreign pool's closed my guys man I'm hungry I wonder if there's someone who can make sushi out of these Puff Boys fire arrow turrets if the first turret block wasn't quiet enough Firepower or you just want to go with an all-time classic then why don't you try this on for size a couple of dispenser blocks here and fire arrows there and Bam now that is a security measure security craft eye scanning door if you don't like to fight and just want to be left alone you'll love this next one I got there's a mod called security craft and you already know it's gonna be like Fort Knox up in here starting up with an eye scanner door that's right it's some futuristic stuff out here this door won't open for anyone but you retina blocked look at him he's not getting in what's worse is I do like to fight [Music] security cameras now even the best defense has flaws so if anyone does happen to know how to get inside your base and try to steal your stuff you won't have to wonder who it was with the security cameras you'll see exactly what Thief went into your stuff so you can get it back later and you know get some sweet sweet revenge electric fence all right I've seen this trick Bill a bunch of times but want to try it with a really extensive length this is the electric fence you just need a dispenser full of Splash damage potions some cobwebs iron bars tripwire hook and string simple right this thing will damage whoever gets near it and as you can see I'm surrounding the entire base with it all right it's set let's light her up oh it works perfectly I uh I think I forgot to put a gate how do I walk back into the um oh dude I'm so dumb Tower Defense mod they say the best defense is a good offense so another cool security mod is called Tower Defense mod it's got the options for a bunch of different new turrets and even I can't believe my own eyes either on catapult look at this baby oh they're so cool bombs away yes it's kind of hard to aim but it is so satisfying to see it go extra Golems mod if you're kind of getting bored of just making snow and iron golems do I got the mod pack for you it's called extra golems and it's just that more Golems baby my personal favorite is the TNT golem look at big red going oh oh man he's gonna blow he's not the cleanest security measure out there Mr Crayfish guns mod listen all of these security measures are fine and good but eventually you'll find yourself surrounded by a mob or a player that can't be kept off of your property and that's when we get all John Wick on them come on and get some [Music] oh no you don't now that's what I call security finally oh thanks a lot bro yeah things are looking up
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 562,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft, minecraft hacks, minecraft secrets, minecraft but, minecraft hardcore, minecraft tips, minecraft rare, Minecraft hidden, Minecraft defenses
Id: fJFkTo9OU7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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