Every Time I Crash, The Steering Gets More Sensitive

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welcome back to BeamNG drive but every time I crash the steering gets more sensitive [Music] but what exactly does that mean well basically what it means is that at the beginning of the video I'll have to turn my wheel quite a bit to get this boy around corners as you can see and at the end of the video This is Gonna result in hospitalization I know just for fun I've also made a graph which shows you exactly the amount of pain I have to go through during this video as you can see at the beginning of the video it is pretty nasty but halfway through you know I'll be doing quite alright but towards the end yeah it's not gonna be good but let's focus on the present where we have 2 560 degrees of rotation my God also as usual we do have what the [ __ ] is that what not a crush as usual we do have ai driving around Dear God yeah but if you listen very closely you may hear suspicious gearbox sounds you already know what I did to this poor car what is the AI doing oh my god oh no why did I even think starting on a mountain would have been a good idea with almost 3 000 degrees of steering oh I am not gonna have hands anymore look at that look at that I can feel the wind from that holy [ __ ] and it continues yeah worth it so the goal now is to get down as quickly as possible Madonna okay this is actually very good for us very good so now we are down to [Music] 2160 degrees of rotation I have no idea what is wrong with AI today this is so scary if one of these hits me I am legit going to have to hospital but yeah this car is gonna be quite the challenge to tame when we get to the not the crash right yeah of course of course well now we are down to 1620 degrees of rotation which is much better especially with all these hairpins and yes soon we'll be in the easiest part of the graph which is kind of reassuring but also kind of scary knowing what is to come [Applause] after that yeah as I was saying earlier this car is going to be really hard to tame towards the end of the video check this out three wheels baby and it has around a hundred more horsepower than it should have [Music] oh incredibly I did not crash it that Gap there is from the factory but this thing pulls man [Music] okay let's not do that just yet but yes we are rocking 150 horsepower with an 8 500 RPM Redline yeah it is quick not anymore that is right people we are already down to 1080 degrees of rotation which is actually the default steering angle of the pigeon as you can see the wheel movements in game and in real life are matched one to one which now makes this the easiest part for me on the video [Music] guys I am so skilled it's insane okay I'm 20 years old I should not be laughing at this [ __ ] now I am gonna try and drink while driving not alcohol on the channel here we only drink H2O okay that went surprisingly well precisely 10 seconds later that was not a crash he crashed in fact I legit have no idea what the AI is doing here I guess it's that thing that still doesn't know how to drive itself I don't know devs please fix [Music] don't well people what do I say 900 Degrees of rotation which by the way if you yourself have a steering wheel which I probably assume is a G29 or some other [ __ ] like that not that they're bad I mean you get it all those Wheels max out at 900 Degrees of rotation we're going that way which makes this the most common that was close before the pigeon it is not the best because since it has well three wheels you need a bit more control and with 900 Degrees you can actually feel it even though it's not that big of a difference we are already ascending the Curve the witch shakes you know what I'm gonna launch it now because it's so funny guys hear me out this isn't a crash come on but you know since I believe in democracy I'm gonna ask the discords [Music] [Music] well people the council has decided we are down to 720P oh so I mean degrees of rotation sorry about that that was the unfunniest joke I could do mud on no save that save that saved it haha what the [ __ ] well people we live in a world where that counts as a crash I mean honestly guys we gotta thank the channel members because I would not be able to afford this many ebishu pigeons per video especially the absolute boys who are on that wall and yeah if you want to help me afford all these ebishu pigeons for my videos consider becoming a member you will regret it I can assure you that so 540 wasn't that bad to be honest now though we're at 360. let me stop here to explain better so now to fully lock my wheel I just have to do what the [ __ ] it's making some really bad sounds this is basically what most formula cars use I think something like that I actually don't know please let me know in the comments I have absolutely no idea grind it majestically I keep forgetting that it's so sensitive what the [ __ ] also maybe wondering what amount of force feedback not a crash we're still up very nice because I have already made a video in which every time I crash the force feedback gets stronger in which at the end as you may imagine I arrive at 100 which is 8 Newton meters on this bad boy and now we are running 100 force feedback but I now have like proper settings dialed in before that I was running like constant Peak power so this 100 basically it's not as strong now although I am starting to realize that as the steering angle gets tighter this gets stronger come on quick pull clutch dump oh okay break break 270 degrees of rotation we are almost at the point where I just do this and the car fully locks and as you can see that was not fully locked and it instantly flipped Jesus not a crash come on why is it rattling oh my God [Music] well people it is official we are at 180 degrees of rotation which is not optimal for a road going car look this is a pretty sharp corner just a slight turn of the wheel I do not like the way it's rattling and I think my neighbors would agree since it's 1am it's really scared me and we're not done the goal is to try to get to like single digits Six Degrees of rotation can we do that it's gonna be interesting I'm gonna try to drive a little bit quick now just to see if I can handle it I have an idea how we avoided that I say we I am the skilled driver here [Music] [Applause] you know the Lads we have 90 degrees of rotation look at the wheel this is how much range we have okay no I need to lower the force feedback yes guys I am pushing out I cannot do this okay I cannot get another noise complaint the wind swerves around I think we'll get to a point in which like the wheel keeps doing this so it's gonna be like continuous understeer and lack of grip and it's gonna be perfectly stable I'm sure that is what's gonna happen we are now entering a civilized area we are now entering a civilized area with 90 degrees of rotation still that is because this is the lowest amount and the wheel will let me go to but as always I have a solution so let's stop for a second right over here we have the same idea you absolute idiot but if I open the force feedback panel here you can see how much I can move the wheel right well this is where Dead Zone end comes in and if we increase this we are further limiting the amount of rotation we have so now technically this is 100 you know what I'll give it that doing like three point turns parking all that [ __ ] super easy I mean not easy it's convenient easy as an overused term but look at that with minimal effort I can do this hairpin I got distracted for one second luckily this is not a crack but then you're gonna be constantly monitoring what the car is doing which is a lot easier said than done wait my theory was partially right though we can and nowads this is the moment you've all been waiting for that is right we have 9 degrees of rotation and this is unusable this is [ __ ] unusable I'm keeping it straight and look at that guys if this video gets 50 000 likes me and the boys are gonna do a questionable race with this oh that would be okay so I'm gonna try to do a pull now it does not like that like I can pretend I have any control over this but the reality of it is I don't what why how what happens if I set the force feedback to 100 percent
Channel: MuYe
Views: 4,395,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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