Every Space Marine a Conversion! | My Sons of Horus Army

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the past year I've been building a sons of Horus Army and it's finally at a point where I feel like I can show it to you guys I'm really proud of it I think it's really cool and in this video I'm going to show you all the progress I've made so far I'm also going to tell you about why I think they're so cool and why 10 000 years later their legacy still makes the Galaxy tremble you're watching Eric's hobby workshop and this is my sons of Horus Army so last summer the new edition of Horus heresy came out and Games Workshop was cool enough to send me the new box set I decided to make one Marine from each Legion to help me choose my Army now believe it or not I actually used up a lot of the Mark 6 Marines in that box while doing that so I wanted to do something different for this Army and we'll get into that but before we do let's have a quick word from our sponsor brother have you heard of raid Shadow Legends what of course not right well check this out it's an RPG combat simulator from before old night oh really yeah it totally rocks I've been playing the challenging Doom Tower where the Arbiter has locked all the enemies too tough to defeat searoff is leaking back into the world and the Arbiter can't contain them anymore a lot of the enemies ignore block debuffs so you need some seriously powerful Champions to Prevail I don't understand what a lot of that means that's okay I'm mostly talking at you for expository purposes oh okay Carry on this spring rage is going on an egg hunt just download raid Shadow Legends using the links below copy your in-game player ID and then head on over to egg hunt.pillarium.com before May 15th if you find the hidden egg you'll be in for a chance to win an amazing in-game items and even real life prizes from raid Champions Amazon gift cards uh word use my link or scan the QR code right here and get a free starter pack with this cool in-game loot the link is in the description box below so before starting this Army I'd never played Horus heresy before and I had no idea where to start a lot of people said oh it's really simple it's just the same as 7th edition 40K which means absolutely nothing to me because I wasn't a 40K player back in 7th edition so I had a little look at the rule book and I'm not gonna lie guys reading the rule book for a game that I've never played is a lot like reading software terms and conditions for me my eyes glaze over and I absorbed very little and it's extremely difficult for me to learn a game system that way and I think this is probably a catch-22 that a lot of people go through when they're starting a new game you don't know the rules because you haven't played you haven't played because you don't have an army and you haven't built an army because you don't know the rules yet so when in doubt I just start making minis I knew that for a Space Marine Army there was a pretty good chance that I'd need a whole bunch of Space Marines so let's just start there any and every Army needs a core of troops so I started by making a unit of 10 to spoilers using games workshops mark IV armor kit as a starting point the spoilers are basic Space Marines but equipped for close combat typically with a bolt pistol and a chainsort now there is no official plastic kit for disc spoilers and I wanted them to be unique to my Army and also in Dynamic running poses similar to the way the assault intercessors are for Warhammer 40K so I swapped out their bodies for some running poses from Tortuga Bay Miniatures the heads I swapped out for some 3D printed heads that are somewhat inspired by the mark foreheads but have a few extra chaos details like spikes and studs since making these models Games Workshop is released an upgrade sprue to make displayers but because that didn't exist at the time I had to raid my bits box using bits from chaos Space Marines salt Marines salt intercessors and death company to equip them all with chain swords power axes and bolt pistols since I had no idea what I was doing I relied on this useful blog that I found called warp Stone flux and that's where I got the loadout from so that's how I ended up with 10 Marines with one vexilla one power fist on the sergeant and two axes I used an old tactical Squad flag for the vexilla using a bit of brass Rod to extend the banner pull I'm really happy with how that ended up looking yeah I know it's still an Imperial Eagle on there and these are Traders I'll swap that out at some point but for now I'm just going to say that he's rocking that ironically I was so happy with this squad that I made a second Squad this time just regular tactical Marines but in much the same style using Tortuga bodies but with the arms shoulders backpacks and weapons coming from the official mark IV kit to round out my troops I made a third unit using an old unit of metal Scouts that I had lying around these models are Classics and I think they painted up really nicely in the sons of horror skiing I don't think they're going to be very effective on the table but I'm not actually super concerned about that I didn't actually feel like painting up 10 more Marines at this stage so I went with a small unit of Scouts sometimes you got to do stuff like this [Music] my favorite units in all of Warhammer 30k and 40K are dreadnoughts so I knew I had to have a couple dreadnoughts in this Army this contemptor here was converted by my friend Saul Vince over on Instagram and I'm really thrilled to have it in my Army he used bits from a ton of Forge World kits and added all these gruesome trophies and I think it looks really great contemptors are also so much fun to paint because they're a bit larger than regular Marines they're easier to paint than a volumetric style it accentuates the light hitting the big blocky shapes that they're made up of I started by painting my base coat over black primer then with the airbrush I started adding highlights from above once you've done that you just add blacks metals and pick out some details and it's already starting to look really decent it's really really satisfying this is one of two contemptors that I have in my Army so far I'm told that they're really good in this Edition but maybe too good apparently it's a rule of thumb that you shouldn't take more than one contemporter per a thousand points because they're so good that it's unsportsmanlike so I'll have to wait to make that third one another unit type that I really love is Terminators so I added this unit here which I call my tartafrac determinators AKA Mark I had no idea what I was doing when I made them armor because basically they're true scale tartaros bodies I had left over from my black Templars project mixed with cataphracti arms and weapons it turned out as a happy little accident because I think the poses and silhouettes of the model are actually really nice the unique to my Army and I'm really happy with them to round out my Elites I wanted some even more Elite Elites I'm getting worse at writing scripts so far all the models I've shown have the iconic sea green armor of the sons of Horus but first company the most elite division of the sons of Horus actually wore black armor this is a great excuse to change up the paint Scheme a little bit and add some variation and it's here that I busted out some new Forge World sons of Horus heads they just look so badass each one of these guys looks like the Black Panther or something it's absolutely awesome I gave him these huge double turbine jump packs from Max Mini to make them into Reaver aggressors but to be honest I might switch those out in the future I'm not super happy with those I gave this guy some flaps of skin on his shoulder pads though I think that looks pretty sweet thank you [Music] to support my Army in the heavy support slot I took a whole bunch of Tanks I'm not going to go too into depth into these tanks in this video because I made a whole video on how I paint tanks and I'll link that here but I will say if there's one thing horse heresy has a lot of it's cool new tank designs my favorite is probably this one here the Sakara invented her tank Hunter aka the compensator it's got this huge laser that's awesome for hunting other tanks on the battlefield it has this really cool rule that even if it doesn't damage the other tank the shock of the laser is still a mobilized system for a turn so that's pretty sweet to lead my Army I originally converted one of the praitters from the age of Darkness box those prayers are really great minis but I did a simple weapon in head swap so that it wouldn't look the same as everyone else's who got that box I thought this guy was looking pretty sweet but then I started reading the siege of Terror books and I realized that what I really needed was the greatest villain this galaxy has ever known I'm talking of course about no not Horus Abaddon Abaddon yes that's right Abaddon the displayer ten thousand years before he was discouraged of the 40K Universe he was the first captain of the sons of Horus I remember being 10 years old and my friend showing me the old metal Abaddon model that he had I remember thinking wow wow what's up with his hair which is a fair question over the years that top-notch style has actually really grown on me and if I had long enough hair I'd probably do a little top knot of my own it's a joke honey it's not a joke anyways I decided to convert myself a true scale Abaddon that reflects him before the influence of chaos a formidable Warrior but still a mortal man mostly unmessed with by the forces of the warp I gave him the iconic claw and Power sword but I also gave him the old tactical Rock classic edition any model to give them some extra stature on the table nice now as the leader of first company he needed some of his Elite bodyguard as well the Justinian Terminators again as members of first company these guys wear black and as you may know after the defeat of Horus Abaddon went on to found the black Legion I think it's cool that these guys armor kind of foreshadows that with the black and gold trim finally I gave these guys a land Raider to roll into battle with the land Raider Proteus is something that you see recurring over and over again in Horus heresy it's quite an old design from the 90s that they've spruced up and made new again and then sort of retconned it in as old technology which I think is really fun I added some transfers to this land reader from the Forge World transfer sheet and ended up with something that I think is really awesome looking and that's my Army so far I've been able to get them out on the table and I think that they look incredible I'm really proud of them a lot of individual effort has gone into this Army it's been a labor of love in between other projects over the last couple months I've had two battles so far and I'm one in one which is not the worst thing in the world so it seems like by any experience before building the Army hasn't bit me too badly this Army is something I hope to keep building in the future and I'm sure it's not the last time you'll see it on this channel subscribe to make sure you don't miss anything a massive thank you to all of my patreon supporters if you want to join I'll put a link in the description thanks for tuning in guys and we'll see you next time on Eric's hobby Workshop
Channel: Eric's Hobby Workshop
Views: 115,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horus heresy, warhammer 40k, games workshop, warhammer 30k, warhammer 40000, sons of horus, warhammer 30k lore, warhammer 30k battle report, warhammer 30k horus heresy, warhammer 40000 lore, sons of horus horus heresy, horus heresy lore
Id: yvR_DD43vUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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