Bricky's Every single Warhammer 40k action Explained Part 1 REACTION

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they drop churches from low orbit as many drop pods onto battles they draw churches okay so i've got to admit something to you i suck at animating okay let me show you what i'm talking about here for a moment so this is me in blender i finally decided to just stick to it well that is when i would try to do some animations i tried to do some keyframes before it absolutely sucked the way that i had created the amateur essentially just the armor that envelops this the skeleton here or it's the skeleton itself uh was very bad so i went with uh one that blender itself provides which is just a stand yeah just a standard bipedal armature that allows you to do the zemo dance no no no anyways um yeah i've been doing a little bit of rigging here and there to see if i could create something that would just uh move well you know as an actual human being would with the right rigidity and everything but the thing is that i find it to be kind of difficult uh if i stick with cinema 4d i can do some nice renders but do that mainly still pictures because oh not enough blessings from the emperor can actually allow my pc to render full-on frames with this one model i successfully managed to recreate not just that but also a ultramarine like this name a more iconic duo i know i know there is more out there but anyways uh yeah i mean it looks great and i will be posting some of that uh a bit later but the thing is that as i'm looking at this and doing the different designs i come upon one that i thought actually looked pretty damn cool that i would like to paint in substance painter and that is the lamentous boy now visually they are striking i like the design i know that perhaps some people may not be too fond of the gold uh at least the yellow look that they have but i i quite like them uh it looks pretty dope i like to check a thing that they have on the pauldron as well as the bleeding heart like a bit of a teardrop like some other hip-hop artist going about his business like we live in a society but um that was kind of like my initial thought i i really liked them except that the more that i started reading up on them on the wiki and i realized that they are essentially less of a joker and more of the jack napier before he got thrown into the vat of acid or whatever chemical it was that affected the joker anyways they are dark jesus and i thought that sasuke uchiha was emo but without with that said though um today's video is one that has been requested by quite a lot of you and uh we are going to be checking that out it is by bricky let me switch screen here for a moment this is called every single warhammer 40k faction explained yes this is long overdue and i am going to lower whatever uh knowledge that i have of 40k because the master himself is going to explain it i've i've been told also that he's the one who makes the adaptive ridiculous podcast one that i may be checking also as soon as i start doing my commute again back to university anyways without further ado let's jump into this as someone who doesn't necessarily serve beyond messiah but someone who can appreciate them you will not be getting my legs today as i will be replacing them with various things depending on which faction we are currently talking about hey what's that remember me context and possible comedy to oh no that was clear so hello everybody my name is bricky and this is going to be a long video and a large project that has been going on for quite some time this is i need two hands for this this is every single warhammer 40k race in kind of a nutshell explained a little bit of explanation a little bit of lore a little bit of talking about the tabletop mostly lore what they're all about and also a little bit of background for those of you who just have no clue what warhammer 40 000 is my guy now you see warhammer 40 000 is a universe people hear plenty of but don't know a whole lot about they see oh there's these dudes in big power armor with chainsaw swords and they've got these big old green orcs and there's some bugs over there and everyone calls these guys weebs and then there's [ __ ] over here and i i don't get it i don't understand where do i start well this video is particularly for you or for those of you who have a little bit of knowledge but you're kind of curious about each of the different races and factions in warhammer so overall the warhammer universe is vast when it comes to lore and background and each different faction is so different with the things that they believe in and some are human some are trans human like but they all have all these crazy ass electronics on them you've got aliens the chaos factions and there's so much to entail that i decide to embark on this project to tell you what each and every single one of them is about and what the warhammer universe is about as well to give at least a little bit of an intro to this extremely bloated but very very enjoyable world that i and many others partake in so i will be explaining every single faction in the warhammer 40k universe at least all the factions you can play as and some smaller factions here and there i will not be discussing absolutely everything because that is a little bit much and i'm not going to go too mega deep into the lore i'm going to give you a pretty solid overview of each of the different factions and have you learned a little bit about them and we'll discuss a little bit of the tabletop as well in case you were curious about that before i guess i'd like to know more about that we are discussing the imperium of man because that takes up a fat chunk of warhammer lore [Music] what is warhammer 40 000 well the 40 000 starts off is the year 40 000. the 41st millennium that's where it takes place is in the year 40 041 000 a.d blame we're done we're already more knowledgeable first of many quotes in this video it is the 41st millennium for more than a hundred years the emperor has sat a mobile on the golden throne of earth he is the master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies he is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the dark age of technology he is the carrion lord of the imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that he may never truly die to be a man in such times is to be amongst untold billions it is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable these are the tales of those times forget the power of technology and science for so much has been forgotten never to be relearned forget the promise of progress and understanding there is only war there is no peace amongst the stars only an eternity of carnage and slaughter and the laughter of thirsting gods awesome everything blows and it blows [ __ ] hard uh warhammer is probably the most dark and depressing universes ever in fiction or at least like like top three everybody's so absurdly horrible destructive or overpowered that it all kind of ends up canceling its and what makes it even more funnier is the fact that a lot of the dark things that happen there is not even relegated to necessarily the lovecraftian aspect of it like you have the the age of uh at the age of apostasy i it was mainly just people you know just essentially just the empirium of man you had no chaos involved yeah itself out it's like it gets dark dota war rages across the galaxy interstellar travel is only possible due to sacrificing a thousand souls a day to a rotting carcass of a man who you believe to be your god demonic gods humans tear open the fabric of reality on a whim other zenos or even other humans end up killing each other in untold billions across the galaxy it is a time of unending war slaughter and a bloodbath amongst everybody planets are deemed unrecoverable and are completely destroyed everything sucks but that's like the charm of it see everything in warhammer is evil but being evil is kind of fun like humanity in its own right is a xenophobic prejudice and religious zealot group that kill each other just as much as they kill all of their enemies but and they're like mid mid evil on the evil scale of warhammer nobody is good no matter who you are everyone is a wow flavor some color of evil whoever you pick you are going to be the bad guy but that's the fun of it because being the bad guy is badass villains are cool they look cool they got cool outfits they got cool weapons they got cool armies villains are cool man and when everyone is a villain everyone is pretty cool that's what makes this so charming is that everyone can be the bad guy so i don't think that's how it works okay the main bad guy quote unquote the imperium of man the imperium of man is the main empire of the human race all of humanity is under this one flag called the imperium about 10 000 years ago there was a man he was the emperor the emperor of mankind a future fabulous psychic demi god who led humanity across the stars to colonize tons and tons of worlds create superhuman soldiers and really bring humanity into a new age this man the emperor of mankind was a psycher and a psycher is like a magician of sorts in the world of 40k there is the warp the immaterium kind of like hell but sort of like a purgatory dimension of hell and a psycher is someone who can take that power and manifest it through their mind to use it to do stuff like witchcraft stuff magician stuff spells and lots of other things but we don't get too into that the emperor big boy psycher top tier a plus maybe even s now the emperor created a bunch of sons yes created a bunch of sons known as the primarks he created 20. no 18 eight yeah to have them lead all of the different leaders humanity to the different stars and plants to help colonize and bring it out these primarks are basically like little versions of the emperor all of them are cyclists but a lot of them are very very powerful and they lead his special space marine legions then this big cluster [ __ ] happened called the horus heresy where the emperor's favorite son the primark horus ended up joining chaos and leading nine other well i guess eight nine of the 18 half half of his primarks directly to earth to fight down the emperor himself now if you want to know what chaos is remember what i mentioned earlier the warp that immaterium the hellish place in there relies the four chaos gods imagine like satan and three others being kind of evil those chaos gods that's the reason and so those chaos gods manipulated horus and then horus helped manipulate all eight other primarks to lead this giant coup directly on the emperor on earth and they and some were saying that well some did nothing wrong after this huge civil war horus died but not before brutally wounding the emperor and right at the end of his life quick thing horus ah now that started rereading again that were there like some uh the sequences that mentioned how it is that horus was such a sweet talk like he was kind he it's not it's not like he was inherently evil just like most of them there was always just a big misunderstanding that never got cleared up and they just went about it since the dad wouldn't let them know any better but um the way he died oof i mean the emperor could have done a bit more but it was brutal he got unlived control of the lead man they put the emperor on this large golden throne on earth in which he is now alive just barely but slowly rotting away powering something called the astronomicon so long as he stays alive and is fed a thousand people a day the astronomicon is like the north star if you want to do interstellar travel in 40k you need to pass through that demonic warp i mentioned earlier but how do you know where you're going well the emperor is there putting a nice little navigator right there that's the intro to the mechanics to know where you're going if you want to go from earth to some crazy solar system across the way you need to go through that warp and then you need to know where you're going go through there and pop your way out it's like uh doing nether travel in minecraft so you can shorten the distance between going to areas so long as the emperor is alive and being fed a thousand people a day to stay alive you can do that the moment he dies interstellar travel's gone for all of humanity you're so boned now since the horus heresy 10 000 years ago the imperium has fallen from grace substantially all technology has started to dwindle and die there is now giant fundamental religious extremists that now believe the emperor of mankind was assisted living god which is probably the last thing the emperor would have wanted to be remembered for so now you have this thing called the ecclesiarchy which is this giant church entirely devoted to spreading the good of the emperor he is now the holy emperor god the god emperor of mankind and all of the imperium has taken up worshipping him to the fullest extent and killing anything that isn't humanity in his name the imperium has this futuristic and a gothic religious zealotry to them if you think anything against the emperor that's heresy and you deserve to god damn here being a heretic heretics dying there is no such thing as freedom of religion there is no such thing as freedom of speech so long as you are against the emperor there is no such thing as any kind of tolerance everyone is a religious zealot some more than others but no matter what you're preaching that good word so right now isn't there like a uh who was it like the leader of the ecclesiarchy who wants if i'm not mistaken was it either him or was it the inquisition it might be the inquisition who said uh in latin that innocence means nothing right i think there's something like that i i need to recall that correctly but i think there's a quote like that by some inquisitor who said that innocence means nothing i mean that's like well yeah sure we fight for justice in our own way now everyone in humanity is trying to expand their empire across the stars if you are a heretic someone who doesn't believe in the emperor you are deserving of death if you believe in the chaos gods you are also a heretic and you deserve death if you are an alien race of any kind you are a filthy xenos and you deserve death as well so long as the murder continues and humanity expands the imperium of man is very very well except if you are the largest fighting force of this imperium is my personal favorite faction and the first faction we will discuss the astra militarum or also known as the guard man oh yeah the imperial guard is the main fighter oh oh my god oh the track that he put that in the back oh i know that scene the guy goes like that's just freaking great force of the imperium and in a world of horrifying creatures galactic monstrosities the literal demons themselves breaking through the fabric of time to kill you the imperial guard are untold billions of regular men and women wearing modern day like flak armor with a laser rifle this is the humble last gun the main weapon of the imperial guard it fires superheated plasma lasers at an extremely fast fire rate it is reliable never jams it can blow off limbs giants concrete it is overall an extremely devastating weapon in modern day it is one of the weakest in the 40k universe yeah a laser rifle that never jams it could blow off limbs one of the weakest weapons that's the world we're in right now who cares because the imperial guard has in each battle 500 000 of these men and women 30 000 large armored tanks 10 000 artillery batteries the imperial guard wins through sheer numbers and firepower they kind of have this world war one world war ii style aesthetic with legions of guardsmen as well as high company commanders and generals on the field along with them and multiple kinds of troops a normal imperial guard battle starts off with artillery long lines of artillery cracking the crust of the planet underneath the enemy's feet and as this barrage continues hundreds of thousands of guardsmen see a sea of guardsmen surges firing and charging at everything possible while the planet rumbles as tanks roll up behind them gunshots block out the sun and tanks block out the dirt with the steps and hood prints of millions of guardsmen it is through numbers and sheer sundering firepower they are the first and last line of defense for the imperium and make up a huge bulk of the battles the imperial guard is also made up of tons of different kinds of regiments the katachin jungle fighters these are the rambos that's more hospitable than almost any firefight they'll ever get into so they just have this steroid-looking giant knife rambo predator looking sons of [ __ ] where nothing is anywhere near as scary as a simple night on their home planet you have the vol holland winter soldiers who haven't felt their toes in 300 years the morty and iron guard who are more interested in making their shoes shine than actually fighting a battle and then of course the big one the canadians from oh yeah katy kadia the biggest export of guardsmen in the entirety of the imperium you will fire your first gun at five you will disassemble and reassemble it at ten you will have pounding artillery drills day in and day out at fifteen and you'll fight your first swarm lord at sixteen and everyone mentioned kda you will burst into an unrelenting amount of tears and sadness like i do daily to quote i have in my command an entire battle group of the imperial guard 50 regiments including specialized drop troops stealthers mechanized formations armored companies combat engineers and mobile artillery over half a million fighting men in 30 000 tanks and artillery pieces are mine to command emperor show mercy to the fool that stands against me for i shall not the imperial guard are my personal favorite faction in 40k they're the army i collect the most the ones i enjoy playing the most and the one i enjoy in the lore there's something about just a regular man with a laser rifle being told to charge the horrors of this universe is definitely completely doing so for his god emperor it's just poetic they actually represent the main imperial guard tactics pretty well large amounts of artillery that doesn't require a line of sight lots of tanks tons of infantry drop troops and gun ships overall they're pretty similar to how they sound though a little bit expensive to collect unfortunately and they don't hit a lot they have a bit of a bad aim but you don't really care because you're just drowning them in shots however if you want more accurate fire and specialization we can move on to talk about specimens angels the angels of death are up next space marines are genetically engineered super soldiers and super humans they're given extra organs their skin tissue is toughened their bones are stronger they're taller than the average person they're pretty massive people and these are these specialized super soldiers that carry out a lot of the more specific tasks for the imperium and there's tons of legions of them in fact there's one per primark each primark the emperor's son as i mentioned before oversees their legion of space marines the genetic upgrade they get is based on the genes of said primark something called a gene seed that's what brings them up to this like super human level as stated each primark has their own legion robot girly man oh no [Music] robot girly man okay just a moment i'll be right back i need to grab some water mega tai con has the white scars a rogueldorn has the imperial fists corvus corax has the raven guard there's a whole bunch of other side sections that are also extremely interesting and have a little bit more of a twist on the average space marines which we'll discuss in a bit humorously enough i don't have a whole lot to say about space marines they're super humanly fast and in fact it's been said that nothing that large should move that quick these men in power are moving at blazing fast speeds their reflexes are faster their skin is tougher they are overall just extremely powerful soldiers in fact where they differ comes down to which space marine legion we're talking about for instance the ultramarines done by robot german gilliam and gila are the main boys strong in almost every way the jack-of-all-trades kind of group that are a little bit different strong and that's the lore problem but the white scars by jacket icon are all about speed freaks go fast we're talking attack bikes you want to go quick you want to hit them hard you want them to be swarming around like buzz flies buzz buzz buzz saws buzzflow it's the speed of buzz saws bro [ __ ] you pale king salamanders love fighting fire the forge fire in battle flamers melted guns multi-meltas just so long as something can be burning that's big and they're also actually some of the nicest of the space marines a lot of space marines have this kind of like holier than val thing because of their genetic strength however the salamanders tend to put human lives above the lives of themselves which is actually rather rare they're also all black but not like the commercial black like like 2am line at a white castle wow like they have a charcoal dark ashy exterior and blazing red eyes apparently something about liverpool dark side which oh could you imagine if solomon just had the ability to shoot laser like omega beams out of their eyes i guess they would be sued by the ultramarines so perhaps not i don't know if that makes much sense but who cares this is like fantasy land anyway overall salamanders are actually my personal favorite legions because they're just really cool they're fun to play as because of all their flamer weapons and they have a nice like more heartwarming lore as opposed to definitely like everyone else's oh my god we're not even a quarter of the way through the space marine legions uh imperial fists believe in the power of the siege and defensive positions uh raven guards master of stealth and sabotage while having bird helmets iron hands masters of machines and vehicles while being really goddamn good at being sold on ebay after one nerf space wolves of vikings and wolves and tons of wolves and and axes battle axes fur everything space wolves so angry big teeth blood angels the genetic defect to make them want to drink blood and go crazy called the red thirst are you a heretic me no never oh yeah um i love the betrayals going on there yeah we'll figure out some things about azrael especially death watch fancy pants the auntie xenos group that nobody plays because death watch and look cool though but no no one plays them i don't know about that they're there though black templars for the people who if you haven't prayed at least three times a day you're gonna start praying out that airlock and i'm sure there's some other chapters i may have missed as well like crimson fists and stuff but those are the main ones right here here here quote from the emperor himself they shall be my finest warriors these men who give of themselves to me like clay i shall mold them and in the furnace of war i shall forge them they shall be of iron will and steely sinu in great armor i shall clad them and with the mightiest weapons shall they be armed they will be untouched by plague or disease no sickness shall blight them they shall have such tactics strategies and machines that no foe will best them in battle they are my bulwark against the terror they are my defenders of humanity they are my space marines and they shall know no fear and on the tabletop they [ __ ] oh they [ __ ] hard as of making this video space marines are laughably strong that might change at some point but overall space marines just have the it's like a tool for anything you need except it's like a gold-plated swiss army knife it is extremely strong if you are actually getting into the tabletop of warhammer space marines are a great start also whatever gameplay style you have whether you want to be sit back with long range and heavy weaponry go fast and run in or even just full melee all of these options are totally there for you space marines are super badass but unfortunately it's time we start praying to our new god the 2011 honda civic i wonder people are afraid of technology technology oh i love that commercials the dentists mechanicus are a technophile cult on mars now these people are a little bit weird because they don't actually really believe in the emperor of mankind and you might think oh whoa whoa whoa berkey that sounds like some heresy um yeah a little bit they believe in the emperor they believe in his power but they don't pray to him they pray to something called the omnisia and the omnisia is this kind of machine god they believe permeates in all machines and if you think well wait a minute they believe in a different god as well that sounds like super harrison well yes but they also make all your guns yeah and they make all your tanks what you're gonna say and they make everything that you have so you can't really tell them to [ __ ] off because you're not gonna win nothing if you don't got stuff to shoot people with see they're on messiah at least makes sense from their standpoint they believe it to be a deity that permeates through all machines your honda civic your standard gum your dune strider walker your giant mechs your huge ships the omniscience present through all and the only reason your stuff works is because the machine's spirit in it says it works if you want your gun to work your tank to run you must pray to it and i mean full stop you need to start chanting in high gothic you need to burn incense you need to sit on your knees and pray to that well you know instance actually it's just a parable for prayer your prayers are the instance the smokes that rise from it is goes to heaven yeah that's a bible they are very bizarre and they actually have a bit of a point because it's obviously working and if you look at them i don't know how that works so they obviously know something about what they're doing the most notable member of the adidas mechanicus is arch megos majos whatever magazine is called look at that look at this dude look at this dude he's been even that this is the group we're talking about i mean they don't like to be called humans anymore the omniscient creed the the credo credo on messiah there is no truth in flesh only betrayal there is no strength in flesh only weakness there is no constancy in flesh only decay there is no certainty in flesh but death flesh flesh is death the omnisiah is the god of the machines and if you wish to be whole if you wish to be holy if you wish to give unto him you must saw down your limbs and remember it does these dream parts mechanical parts because that is what he wants and that is how you will become enlightened hard technophiles religious i'm just kind of trying to imagine you know how like um love writers who want to write something that is either in high gothics um yeah you i mean like if you played bloodborne or dark souls for that matter uh you will always see like similarities with any lovecraftian works it's there it's undeniable you will always see it similarly with here you will always see like other philosophical things taken from like ancient greece uh biblical as well for example um in the book of paul there's a mention of killing your limbs in servitude of christ it's a parable of course it doesn't mean that you should literally castrate yourself or whatever but they're taking you to the literal aspect so i love that i i love seeing these similarities here now for their army side of things they are with the stakitari the skittari operate with very bizarre weaponry and lots of different kinds of vehicles tanks and different people in between they're very weird uh but they have experience by the way it's not like a book of pole is i think in chronicles so so actually no it's not the book of paul it's in the letters of paul he sent letters uh i think uh corinthians yeah key and enjoyable and in fact quite effective both in the real game and in the lore weaponry overall as an army on the tabletop they're very weird and have a whole bunch of different shenanigans but if you like kind of that quirky wacky technology yeah that's it's my next program help they're so paranoid they're so paranoid and crazy these dune strikers you see right here one guy was able to make them work one guy and he died and they're so scared they'll never work again that they keep them on and they never turn them off and they run around circle the whole time until they're just doing the fast and furious thing and they go to battle mechanicus now if you want to talk about faith though let's talk about the sisters of battle hell yeah the sisters okay i i admit it i'll sing powerful if that's how i pronounce it correctly is an all-female group of battle sisters going through the ecclesiarchy section of the imperium this is imagine a private army of the church which is scary and it is the sisters are an extremely zealous force and they take this to a full extreme they believe in three main things faith moderdum and fire through the bolter the flamer and the melta the sisters of battle are extremely potent at taking out chaos and heretics mainly heretics because as they are a fighting section of the ecclesiarchy church that's the big thing they want to kill any form of heretic will face the emperor's justice through those three main weapons the bolter the flamer and the melter and they will do so with it with their brothers prejudice but literally they are the closest things we have to nuns in space and i'm talking hardcore nuns they carry holy fire on their backs they have holy like books and sigils all across their armor their main battle tank is a [ __ ] pipe organ missile launcher what small babies have like removed their brain capacity to make them little servant jobs the cherubs is no no forget about anything ah that is disgusting and [ __ ] they drop churches from low orbit as many drop pods onto battles they draw in low atmosphere and shower holy water across the battlefield i didn't realize that you are dealing with and they're [ __ ] awesome they can literally stave off demons on the table top because their faith is that strong remember the warp the demons from the warp well the warp also manifests in your mind all of your emotions negative and positive go through the warp it's the immaterium the place of all things so if you are that mentally fortified that mentally strong you can stave off horrifying demons and all these girls oh crack not a crack in that mental armor now as much as a meme as they are and as much as their models look a lot like ongo oh yeah which i can't unsee anymore i gotta say i love their design i think they're extremely cool they're another army that i'm currently collecting okay badass beyonce wonderful everything from celestine the living literally undying saint francis yeah the pacification of catherine which is literally a funeral per session those organ tanks i mentioned earlier this [ __ ] is the most over-the-top badassery in a lot of the warhammer universe and god damn it isn't over the top but sisters of battle are so cool while i'm a guardsman at heart oh this is such a cool faction by bolter shell flamer burst and melta blast the mutant the heretic and the traitor alike are cleansed of their sin of existence so it has been for five millennia so shall it be until the end of the time and speaking of burning demons oh yeah the great ice the grey knights are the first army i actually collected back in seventh edition the grenades are a super secretive and much more old-school look at power armored knights except they are all psychers all of them have that crazy space magic magician [ __ ] for every 100 000 guardsmen there's one gray knight for every ten thousand sisters of battle there's one gray night for every thousand space marines there's one great night grey knights are the strongest of the strong both in mental will and absolute mental fortitude these are space marines that are all high levels that like look at this thing right here what is that oh my like you already so i'm thinking you are getting augmented you already have the uh maximum armor suit on you then you get on your gray night suit which is well first and foremost already massive way bigger than the the normal space marine one some women go so fast wearing a terminator armor and then you jump into this thing what is that geez like i've seen the dreadnoughts like they're fine but this one is definitely taller menacing yes strikers all of them able to specifically do one goal and that is kill demons the emperor believed that the demons of chaos were the number one threat to the imperium and he probably is right however this group is entirely based on doing that through a myriad of tactics coming from the planet or i guess the moon of titan in the soul system the gray knights are thrown through extremely rigorous training and are as clear of the mind and soul as they possibly can be since the demons of the wharf are the warp and your mind projects to the warp people can go insane very fast especially lower level psychers these great ideas can be able to harness the warp in the presence of demons and stay perfectly same one of their characters one of my favorite characters is named castlin crow he has a demon blade the black blade of mahama hama and he has to have it on him because everyone nearby constantly beckoning them use my power use my strength suck my penis whatever the possibility and so he has to keep it on him all the time as this thing whispers to him consistently and he has to stave it off forever being alone in his chambers or on the battlefield because anyone who gets too close to it might be tempted a little too hard he isn't that pure of heart and mind and all the characters are basically like that i don't know if she's a badass if they're fighting demons demons corrupt and make people crazy so if i'm a guardsman and i'm fighting demons and the gray knights arrive and they can is a man of culture well if i'm a guardsman and i'm fighting demons i'm going to ask how was that thing ever allowed as an anime how we have fallen so far every day we straight further from god and the grey knights arrive and they kill all the demons i'm a risk and so guess who's not making it out of there you better they very strike fast strike hard kind of people they teleport all around the place there are fast strike groups small amounts of models because they're so dang strong you only have so many characters but with it you get in there you're very tough very tanky you hit really hard and you try to bounce around the battlefield quickly but you don't have numbers and so every dead gray night hits really damn hard they're fun though if you like that kind of space marine scenes like jim bros oh and also mr olympia where i even get into cal door drago no that is uh oh my god mr hacks i am the hammer i am the male about his fist i am the spear in his hand though we are lost i am the shield on his arm i am the flight of his arrows i am the hammer i am the sword i am the shield i am a soldier at the battle at the end of time it was so nice seeing him in the war actually being insane if you like space marines and you want to you know they're holy enough you want to be holier great nights now you want to be holier and big let's talk imperial knights do you like gigantic walkers the size of homes or medium-sized buildings do you want to kill heretics but you want to kill like 40 of them per turn do you want a gigantic old-school night noble house style of walkers with giant chainsaw arms getting the goddamn robot [ __ ] it's not a hard to talk about them because they're just gigantic walkers but they have this old school like house feel to them like literally like there are houses each imperial night comes from a house and each of them act in their own special way these behemoth of walkers also destroy almost everything in their path killing full swaths of squads in a couple shots stepping on legions of troops like these things do not mess around and they look so cool imperial nights and chaos nights actually for that matter don't have a whole lot to discuss they're just super big heavy walkers and they look different depending on your house or chaos god you currently believe in and overall these things are just really cool if you want to murder everything in your path with a big scary big unit of warhammer and if you want to collect them go to town they make for a great painting project too gamer back down to earth look awesome let's talk something about a little bit a little bit different a little more gold soldiers space marines are super soldiers grey knights are super super soldiers the adeptus custodies the device custodies are the third major army i own i i know three armies i know i i got carried away okay but that's all i only have three okay they are our final brand of space marines but these ones are super special okay if a guardsman is six foot a space marine is seven feet a custodian is eight feet these are the giant defenders of holy terror which is also earth earth is terra earth terra themselves these are the people that literally guard the emperor's throne room hence custodies these boys protect the emperor's throne room at all times and are literally like handcrafted people they're not humans brought up by a jeans seriously and these are all handcrafted super soldiers i think from a tube these behemoths of men are like eight feet eight and a half feet tall and functionally immortal they stand still spear in hand for hundreds of years yeah i remember reading that somewhere barely even the need to eat watching over the throne room and every other area of holy town hey that's kidding for their entire purpose in life and oh my lord are they terrifying these custodians put space marines to shame if you liked your super soldiers these are your super mega soldiers one of these men can take on probably three space marines and most likely win there are many different groups of custodians as well the solar watch or there's also one of my personal favorite the shield the equivalent shield go out to seemingly unimportant individuals you may not know these guys but i have a i'm a soccer for a combination of colors black and gold red and gold and purple and gold i don't know where it stems from i just like that a lot and protect them because they believe that they are going to be doing something very important in their lives for instance let's say a regular guardsman gets the protection of this giant eight and a half foot tall golden god because that guardsman will end up becoming a general one day or something of that nature the custodians work in mysterious ways and are almost always outnumbered but never outmatched these people are terminated both on the table top as well as in the world wow there are very few of them however and there's actually extremely small amount of them but that's kind of the point there's only so many of these people that can have war gear this strong i have never wanted so much to paint a mini jesus christ it's beautiful weapons this powerful and training this good and the custodians have all three of it for 100 years i stood my watch amidst the somber shadows of the sanctum imperialis i was still as a statue but always ready always attuned to dangers unseen days months years passed by in a frenzied blur beyond those walls yet within little moved and nothing changed for 100 years i did not but wait yet had any threat appeared i would have struck it down in a heartbeat for 100 years i stood my watch and as it ends i can tell you this patience is a weapon the custodians are the top dogs of the imperium and they hurt just that same way though i do want to discuss a little bit about the sisters of silence before we get out of here because the sisters of silence i also have a few of them they're psycho they're no they're not psychos but they don't get enough attention what are they um what did i read about them somewhere like they are like sidekicking nullifiers these kind of bald plume ladies are a whole group of pariahs are also known as blanks we'll be referring to them as blanks from now on so as every mind is somewhat connected to the warp these blanks are a genetic mutation that is has it suppressed heavily because of that mind suppression normal people feel this weird like uncomfortable nature when around them when a sister of silence walks past them you feel ill you feel just uncomfortable and strained so most of them don't actually live past childhood because once they are birthed they're well you know killed or something at a very young age just because of that discomfort horrifying aura these ladies however are guardians of the throne as well for more psychic threats see none of the custodians are psychers so they have a difficult time dealing with major demons and other kinds of psychic phenomena these sisters are extremely specialized in it all of them taking a vow of silence as they don't speak hence the term such as the silence but they communicate through hand gestures and things like that but if there's a demon issue if there's any kind of warp-based problem the sisters are extremely adept at dealing with them thanks to their blank gene they normally work a lot of time with the custodians because they have to deal with both kinds of threats but they're not represented that way on the table top in fact they only have like one real model for them which is very unfortunate i hope they'll get something new soon because i think they should really be working together as it is that way in the lore but hopefully we'll get there soon but if we're talking about blanks let's talk assassins it's been a long video we're about to round it out we got this and one more human thing and then we're done the assassins yeah oh boy these people are deadly yeah they're called assassins they should be but oh man these people will mess you up so these are from the officio assassinorum a very special organization and they are hand-picked by the grand master of the officio assassinorum from the [ __ ] what was it called scola progenium it's basically an orphan school your parents got murdered by demons or something you get sent to this and you get trained to be whatever uh tempest is drop troop an inquisitor maybe even uh maybe you get a blank gene and you get thrown into the sister's silence or sometimes you just disappear when you are taken however you go to one of four temples because okay assassinorum works in the temple style of things these temples are these vindicare collexus caledus and eversour temples let's start with the vindicare i'm far away i've been sitting here for three weeks the vindicare temple is the main sniper based temple gigantic sniper rifles for all these assassins their whole point is to be able to be in a spot and sit there i in scope for weeks waiting for their perfect target taking people out from literal miles away he's taking the assassination thing to the extreme but i get it the vindicator temple is about precise perfect aim there have been reports of vindicaires being able to single out particular body parts from over two three miles away temples in the head the jugular for instance and been sitting there after weeks and when they're ready take that shot time is done packs them up the caledus temple however is a lot more about shape-shifting and deviant art it's mostly yeah i can imagine water loose it seems to be and this allows a lot of body augmentation themselves infiltrate areas that are problems these assassins will end up taking missions that take them years two three years to infiltrate a heretical group and slowly work their way up just to get enough time to put a bullet into the main target's head and then escape unharmed or become the main target and sabotage it from within really about deception mind tricks polymorphing and everything in between and lots of drawings lots of drawings the eversore temple just kind of disturbing one the eversor temple is about when you don't want anything to come back alive friend or foe you want it all dead and ever sore is psychogenically conditioned with just psychotherapy and psychological torture to only feel violence hatred and anger it does the clockwork orange style of just making you forced to watch never-ending pain and misery and and did these guys exist before anger's betrayal well i mean he was already angry when the emperor found him but like his hush kick was that he removed all the synapses in his brain that affected anything but anger so that he only could feel that one emotion psycho conditioning i guess is the term and then they pump you full of tons of psychedelic drugs and they cryo-freeze you and then they drop you in an area where they just want to make sure everything is dead oh wait i that's i mean i was thinking it sounds very much like the the uh does the tactic doubles done in cyberpunk um 2020 where they will send assassins uh psycho assassins in the similar manner uh but yeah oh geez oh that's dark just having your whole humanity stripped from you so that you can just jump into the fray like unknowingly like having no emotions whatsoever the only thing that you know is kill you defrost full of this insane mind-boggling psychotherapy and psychedelic drugs and you just go to town yeah if you you don't care if anyone comes back alive you're like all right lost cause send a mim finally there's the most bizarre temple the calexus temple the clexus assassins are feared they have even among the other examples so that blank gene the people will go to the calux's temple with this as well and this is where they can harness that to be massively anti-psycho or even just anti-regular people they're seen with extreme fear and distrust among many many people they're described by the eldar by quote as being pure evil imagine that uncomfortable feelings gene i mentioned and then imagine them being taught and given equipment to amplify it by a hundred if normally regular people feel uncomfortable now they are basically akin to being a siren wailing directly in your ear and if you're a psycher oh no the sheer presence of a clutched assassin is enough for you to tear your skin off you will rather gouge your eyes out and rip your nails off than even being near this person oh closest assassin is when you want psychers to literally lose their minds and they will go on their knees and ask you to gun them down because it is a suitable choice over being anywhere near you the motto of that temple is that which is unknown and unseen commands the greatest fear now for the tabletop assassins aren't that special you can call them in no matter what imperium faction you are okay and they do a lot of work for themselves but at the same time they're very specialized and require a lot of finesse and they work the way you generally want them to though you want to cause some distortion and weird stuff you take a cow this you want to just murder suas of infantry and then blow up eversor you want to kill that one guy vindicaire and if you have a lot of psychers colluxis it's a nice little like jack-of-all-trades if you have a specific thing you want to google and you get to choose which which is really fun but now let's talk about the last human faction we can round this video out before we do part two the inquisition oh no we have a lot to talk about with them the worst of them all oh boy where do i even begin with the english was that dominique take every secret police you can think of uh the kgb the gesture the cia fbi any of these kinds of people and then mark it up by about 10 and give them the most power in the entire imperium yeah no you know what how about this unrestricted yes this right here it's not just a quote this is the imperial motto the motto of the inquisition i apologize for my bad pronunciation innocentia there it is robot there it is innocence proves nothing yeah yeah oh the inquisition i love i love them they are so damn evil innocence proves nothing the most powerful organization in the imperium the secret police their number one motto is innocence proves nothing the inquisition goes around like the secret police or like detectives to find issues in the imperium and they had different orders depending on which one we're talking about the ordo hereticus the ordos xenos for instance and a whole bunch of other ones hereticus is obvious they deal with heretics xenos tries to find alien threats and malleus demons demons they all have different specializations in what they're trying to go for as this inquisitor and that's what they're called the inquisitors each of them as an acquisitor has their own free reign to do as they wish they may have a ship one crew and they go out to find whatever that thing is in the back does not look human they are above the law in every department potentially space marines now the space marines might argue against them and stuff and there might be a lot of blow back but technically they are above them as inquisitors they are looking to investigate and figure out coups and cults and demonic incursions and possible xenos issues like gene steelers or a new threat coming into an area they're about learning that stuff and actually do detective work and memes aside they're pretty good at it the inquisition having all of this power does make them a little bit power hungry and frantic sometimes and yes it is still a bad thing but most of them are pretty good at their job and they spend a lot of time oh and they're very diligent to make sure that all of this is just to show how are properly correct they're basically space detectives with just enormous power and sometimes a bit of a power complex and we haven't even talked about exterminatus yet exterminatus exterminatus is deeming a planet unfit to be saved i deem that this planet is demon infested and taking it back will cost too many resources and is not worth it oh maybe just if somebody is just looking at heresy i will now sign the death warrant of an entire imperium planet as it is unfit to take and better to be destroyed than allow the enemy to hold it this can mean saturation bombardment this can mean cracking the planet's core and breaking it apart doesn't matter render this planet inhospitable to all life yes the innocence proves nothing people are the only people who can choose this planet must die in its entirety damn yeah you're playing the villain now it is memed a lot but most inquisitors are very rare to do exterminatus exterminas is a very crazy thing there's only so many worlds that you don't want to destroy all of them now naturally with the memes aside there are some people who are a little bit rough on this one by the scriptman the inquisitor of the oldest xenos also knows as tyrannical tyrannic wars okay yeah whatever i need to see something about that fighter script man but most inquisitors generally don't like to do exterminatum but it is an option they have and it's a crazy option when you think about it secret police inquisition are unfortunately not represented on the tabletop very much you generally kind of put one in your army if you feel like it you have a couple special options there and some side contents but they're not really fleshed out very well and personally they need a lot more stuff put in there and they they really need a lot more effort put into them they're not quite where i want them to be overall the inquisition makes for a lot of the best storytelling as well because it's a little bit hard to talk about a big story of a whole bunch of space marines killing something right it's just a big battle story it's not as interesting having that intrigue and that moral dilemma that an inquisitor has makes for a lot better media and honestly the more people do it i think it's better because then it adds a little more humanity to the warhammer horrible horrible grim darkness and wow we just finished the humans all right come back chaos because we got long ass video guys and all the chaos marine legions and the tau and the necrons and the orcs and oh boy we got a lot i'll see you in part two oh jeez that was a long video but quite informative i'm looking i'm looking to the second part yo again it just goes to confirm like how insane the inquisition is and this is why i think that the whole warhammer 40k could never be truly fleshed out into like an mmo that's like a that's like an idea that i was thinking about because i've been um staring at uh some videos on upcoming mmos this year you have such thing as well maybe not this year but perhaps 2022 you have like action of creation oh geez what the hell is going on here something like action of creation for example was which was hyped quite a lot but unfortunately um i think it's okay that the hype is going down it's a game should not be like pushed by hype alone but yeah i mean it is so vast such a vast lore an endless flow of books that are hard enough to go through before you actually start talking about the table stop and different mechanics so how could somebody ever attempt to to create that but yeah i mean one good dream um but until now i i think like such thing like vermintide is good enough but it's like more of the fantasy aspect of warhammer but i think that they're doing good enough i mean it's not like we're ever going to lack content for warhammer that's that's a no but yeah that's pretty damn awesome awesome of ricky for allowing me to react to this and uh yeah i'm looking forward to episode or part two so guys thanks a lot for watching and uh if you like this video and if you stuck around for this almost an hour of video i may shorten it a bit um yeah thanks a lot for sticking around and uh if you like the video give it a like and if you want to see more of course subscribe to see more and have a very good day and i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: The Chill Zone
Views: 59,796
Rating: 4.9410076 out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40K, Bricky, Every 40K, Faction, Explained
Id: kmmVwIap3EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 47sec (3947 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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