every SILVER can relate to these CS:GO moments

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your voice actually turns me on do it it's kugo okay how old are you because I might have to stop talking what's up hi how are you Osama yo mama all right let me guess Joe lover 69 as our Carrie Sasi is gonna be the one with the jokes yes your voice actually turns me on okay how old are you because I might have to stop talking and then you took a break which like understandable like hold on a second what is the mental boxing's math wait can you guys wait one second all right there we go welcome back to the Conn chronicles where we solo Q & R into random groups in the looking for group finder I'd see us go and just swim in the greatness the pool of sweat ease we like to call Silver's and Noah's my home all right sorry about that I had some business I did take care of let's have a splendid fun game of counter-strike yeah I'm actually a rouse my session today approached I didn't understand any of that but I'm glad you guys are happy to poppy this community yet it's so good welcome thank you alright revolver let's go I don't have to all right who the [ __ ] has the RA I do more time take one more time yeah yeah I told you Joe is gonna be our carry this game nice oh [ __ ] this is gonna face it says he doesn't give a [ __ ] behind the car spray the car Osama so how rough is it for you guys with this whole [ __ ] quarantine stuff is it rough 39 what's your dream he's gonna try to shoot me again he's not gonna do it fast he's gone each other on the back it is okay some of them going what has he done to you what's going on at silver to rape God's simple these the glutes will [ __ ] all right that sounds good brother every lobby I get into everybody's high so it's fine I'm just trying to chill is that okay you're fine cabbage man chill dude can we get a discord cuz three of us are here already I mean I'll I'll do need this court fine all right how you guys holding up with the quarantine you guys in school out of school working what's going on what are you getting a degree in engineering physics and materials why are the smartest people so dumb cannot be a youtuber oh my god I'm trying to figure out how someone can be so by that enthusiastic what degree are you getting good can we can we calm it down on the n-word mister is that it looks like those [ __ ] guys from oz about to say the n-word but I respect you to say I appreciate that's more than you know amazing no actually we'll talk about Star Wars later I gotta say something else here I feel like you're the type of guy that just has so many friends you're like at the center of attention at the party I'm dead well are you good at parties though what's your miners Brandmeier now so don't tell me it's a big [ __ ] it's huge by GC I'm are you compatible with the be a degenerate though like go on the amount of sex and drugs that I four taken into that class was too much I'm a deplorable like Hillary was talking about me what she's talking about Trump supporters even though I don't like Trump [ __ ] him I wasn't expecting it to go political but they're all good okay or maybe they're all equally bad nah bro we're all operon platform I am stuck storm what are you gonna do about it help me I got you I should have left this position when I have the chance we are turning this game around though I like it absolutely daddy I call you daddy sure my groceries down at the school alright cuz I'm all straight asleep white dude you sleep next to your mom after college cabbage man your break I'm gonna settle down find nice plot next to a vegetable that hates kids military but come on now you're killing your home come on Brian I'm shooting straight and you're strafing in front of me dude you're providing some great cover for me though to be honest just gonna shoot over your shoulder bro don't worry about it and then what's playing after grad school become a wage slave for people richer than me who exploit my scientific labor well you got a [ __ ] cabbage plan you ever just think that everything is just gonna be alright and gonna be happy and things will just happen also there's like way more drugs and sex is another thing that I'm like looking forward to I think that you dumped the drugs I think that you add in some exercise sex and drugs real yeah of course that's alright dripping charisma you have like I'm like fattest [ __ ] that why why cabbage man why'd you name yourself that okay I'm honest I think people think there's some sort of like hidden thing about it I literally just thought one day like yo like hi that's like a cabbage there I'll be there long to help it those are very conflicting cause guys her Opie yeah it go back long store this is perfect position let him play this isn't like a strategy game this isn't chess you can't just you can't simply move a storm the storm does with the watch what if I write storm a poem that's very moving and he moves a little good for all years roses are red violets are blue you're the storm warrior and I hate Jews could we revise the poem a little bit Jews Jay hose that that better I know the spelling isn't the problem like okay what if I can we can we say that instead yes there's a rhyme in the room the poems like this what about this how about that red violets are blue I hate redacted and redacted to it doesn't hit like the first one does okay but they'll they take B site and we are complete fights well we did our best guys but we have fun doing it oh I had fun doing it I can't even good game what's fun play with you guys cabbage man good luck on your host grad good luck with their streaming are you Christians I bet you're Christian minecraft good guess happy to make sense party too much okay thanks that go easy for absolutely a party and everyone down no oh why are people so weird ah but at least we get to chronicle these adventures and you guys get to enjoy it thanks for watching another csgo video I hope you enjoyed it I'll see you around the corner for another soul cube video perhaps something else that's mildly entertaining that will make you smile during this difficult time in the world we're all gonna be okay as long as you take deep breaths smile stay inside and stay white [Music]
Channel: Kugo the Mighty
Views: 61,920
Rating: 4.9785104 out of 5
Keywords: how to solo queue, enjoy csgo, csgo solo queue, cs go solo, csgo solo, csgo kind chronicles, csgo kugo, cs go montage, cs go knife, cs go kugo, cs go kind, csgo kind, cs go funny moments, cs go competitive, counter strike global offensive, csgo funny, csgo funny montage, csgo funny moments, cs:go funny moments, kugothemighty, cs go funny, cs go comp, csgo comp, csgo competitive, csgo competitive funny, kugo csgo
Id: x0yDPrPwufI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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