Every Ship in the New Republic Navy

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[Music] my friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is Alan as one of the major factions in the new trilogy we know awfully little about the New Republic Navy and now that there is a much length of it who knows if we'll ever get any information at all usually these kind of things take a long time and the new trilogy still won't relatively new and doesn't have nearly enough expanded universe content to fill out the leaner parts of their lore but we'll fill in what we have so far before we start though the New Republic Navy is not to be confused with the resistance Navy what we see in the new trilogy films is the resistance Navy which was a paramilitary organization that wasn't really officially sanctioned by the New Republic but it did receive generous support from the citizens and politicians within the New Republic along with occasional tips and even personnel from the Republic Navy it's kind of like the border militias we have in the United States for instance a lot of these organizations wear fatigues and even carry civilian versions of military weapons but are not sanctioned by the US government or the military in any way in fact some and the government might view some of these organizations as dangerous vigilante groups and call for their disbanding but there also will be other politicians that support their presence then we have the militias themselves they believe what they're doing is right and also protecting the rest of the country and of course because they're essentially an untrained armed force existing outside the purview of the US government that targets refugees and illegal immigrants trying to cross the border they're also seen as a very controversial group the resistance was actually seen in a very similar way believe it or not legally like the militias they operate in a great area of federal laws and their detractors claimed that the resistance was trying to provoke war of the first order whereas others accused general Princess Leia of being an alarmist and a war Hawk who was seeking to gain political power by exaggerating the threat of the first order the first order labeled the resistance a terrorist organization and ultimately used the New Republic's connections to the resistance as a reason or some might say excuse for their attack on hosnian prime now even though the resistance uses a lot of the same ships as the New Republic and Rebel Alliance for the most part the resistance Navy fielded much older ships that were mainly Gerard rescues and galactic civil war in some case Clone Wars relics the new republic as you'll see towards the end of the Galactic Civil War had upgraded the majority of their fighters and capital ships but military research and funding abruptly dropped after the Galactic concordance treaty where an idealist like Mon Mothma sought to demilitarize the federal military what remained was a small token Defense Force that was located around hosnian prime so let's start with the biggest ships in the Republic Navy the capital ships and at the end of the Galactic Civil War the New Republic needed a dedicated capital ship that could go up against an imperial class Star Destroyer that still controlled pockets of the galaxy of course you still had the Mon Calamari cruisers but these ships were converted from deep ocean habitants and merchant vessels and not really designed for combat during the transmission from the rebellions of the New Republic the MCAD star cruisers saw some internal upgrades in the NC 85 class that included a much more powerful propulsion system this is what allows the Radice to outrun the first-order fleet for such a long time the MC 85 also improved on the MC 80 shield system unlike other ships of its class the Mon Cala Cruiser had smaller weaker redundant shield generators dispersed across the ship these shields had a much quicker recharge time and were far more durable than your average shield system the MC 85 still lacked heavy weapons like the MC 80 and relied mainly on speed and protection to survive encounters after the battle vendor the Empire was in complete chaos even though the rebellion was completely outnumbered by the Empire once the Empire's complicated logistic system broke apart the Imperial Navy had an extremely difficult time staying in operation a lot of fleet commanders had to take over entire planets and systems just to keep their men from starving many large pockets of Imperial forces simply gave up and surrendered all their war materiel and ships to the new republic the rebels also seized several imperial shipyards and gained access to massive imperial stockpiles of weapons and building material along with huge amounts of Star Destroyers and dreadnaughts in various stages of construction with all these half built ships and supplies lying around the Nadira dock guards were contracted by the republic to take these Imperial class star destroyers and turn them into NuStar hawk class battleships now we originally didn't have any pictures of them but now artists have rendered what they look like as you can see the imperial class Star Destroyer structure is almost unrecognizable because the Nadira ship designers have returned to the classic hammerhead Old Republic design with a massive wedge in the front of the battleship these ships are the heaviest Tsar New Republic capital ships and specially designed to go head-to-head with an imperial client Star Destroyer three of the Starhawk class battleships fought at jakku one was able to use their special magnet crystal para tractor beam to bring an entire executive class star dreadnought crashing to the surface of the planet the New Republic defense fleet also repurposed several Imperial client star destroyers along with three captured star dreadknots of the executive class they also had access to one immobilizer 418 Cruiser which is fitted with gravity wall generators for hyperspace interdiction you can probably see your Trident here the New Republic ships really lack any major innovation it seems like they're mainly relying on nostalgic designs from the original trilogy the New Republic defense fleet still heavily used the CR 90 blockade runner Corvettes along with at least one former imperial Raider 2 class Corvettes the Corvette classes were generally used as picket ships to screen larger ships from enemy fighter attacks they were also used to transport diplomats or agents of the Republic on special missions then there was the larger EF 76 Navy 1b escort frigate originally designed for Imperial forces as a cheaper alternative to the costly imperial class Star Destroyers they're mainly used to patrol the outer rim of the galaxy the rebellion captured many of these ships and repurposed them as mobile hospitals during the Republic era they were once again used as escort frigates the Nebulon sea escort frigate was a successor to the B class commissioned by the New Republic Navy in the latter years of the Galactic Civil War these ships were all decommissioned during the demilitarization of the new republic and at least one was bought by the resistance and destroyed after the evacuation of dakar the new republic also used clone wars erriuc Lemaitre class assault ships these ships were used as mobile bases for several fighter wings and infantry units although they lacked much defense or armor the acclimated class had a huge carrying capacity for a ship of its class during the Clone Wars the acclimatise were used to ferry around and house up to 10,000 clones at a time surprisingly enough one of the most common shuttles used by New Republic officers was the lambda class t4 h shuttle long seen by the rebellion as a symbol of the Imperial High Command the lambda class was a relatively well appointed in luxurious shuttle capable of defending itself from enemy attack then there's the gr 75 medium transport which was terrible in the Galactic Civil War and still terrible in the first order resistance war then there was the UT 6dd u wing a versatile gunship Starfighter which could also serve as a troop carrier the New Republic Starfighter Corps also featured the advance T 70 X Wing which was later upgraded to the T 85 the rebellion originally had used the t65 be one of the first iterations of the income x-wing the T 70 included the second shield generator increasing the overall survivability of the fighter it also had a better power plant along with a larger payload of proton torpedoes and laser cannons rather than being completely different ships these next generation fighters were basically just another version of the x-wing it's kind of similar to what the British did with the Spitfire during World War 2 in the beginning of the war the Spitfire mark one had 1030 horsepower a max speed of 360 miles per hour and eight 30 caliber machine guns by the end of the war the Spitfire mark 14 had a 2050 horsepower engine a top speed of 443 miles per hour and 20-millimeter autocannon it was actually the first allied plane to bring down a Messerschmitt me-262 which was considered the first operational jet fighter it had the same airframe but everything internally was pretty much replaced with newer and better parts the same thing could be said about the T 70 upgrade of the T 65 and then the later t 85 X when they came out along with improvements of weapons shields and engines some the T 85 s also had cloaking devices on them as well while the new Republican was hesitant to design new battleships and destroyers they saw multi-purpose star fighters as essential to keeping peace within the galaxy filling out the rest of the new republic star fighter corps was the Wars Arab et la for y-wing assault fighter and the more updated BTA and our y-wing the new y wing strangely enough are based off of the original customization that the rebel mechanics made to the Clone Wars era BL tby wings so they were essentially very similar in design to the stripped-down y wings of gold squadron we see at scarf and Yavin 4 but with updated internal systems and engines now I know the lack of innovation in these military designs is truly shocking and alarming but still the Y wing was a far better bomber than the extremely resource-intensive slow and vulnerable mg 100's F 17s star fortress which dropped magnetic bombs which had to be launched extremely close to a target there was also an updated our z2 a wing which also standardized a lot of the field modifications that Robo mechanics made to the our z1 a wing with better cooling systems and materials available to our z2 was able to maintain the same record-breaking sublight speed along with adequate shielding something that old a wing pilots had to just choose in between them so as you can see the New Republic is still not completely fleshed out there are a lot of ships I'm sure that are missing on this list that we just don't know about yet but I'm sure in the future there'll be more books and novels and cartoons and comics that will cover this time period well guys I hope you enjoyed today's episode don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you our generation tank [Music]
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 135,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars, Hosnian Primes, what happened to the new republic, Alderaanian escort frigate, cr90 corvette, mon cala cruiser, mc80, mc85, starhawk battleship, Raddus, imperial class star destroyer, star dreadnought, corvus, ef76 nebulon b escort frigate, Medical frigate, Nebulon C escort frigate, lambda class shuttle, t65b x wing, t70 xwing, t85 x wing, rz-2 a wing, y wing, new republic y wing, mg-100 sf-17s, bta nr2 y wing
Id: JDW8flwuA5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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