EVERY Shaman Rune and How to Get Them! - Season of Discovery - World of Warcraft Classic

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hey what's up guys I wanted to make a video talking about where you can find all of the shaman runes um you notice I'm 9 out of 12 right now I know where to get the other two and there's one that hasn't been located yet so um right now I'll tell you about basically how I found all of these most of them are pretty simple there's no crazy Quest chains for the for the most part but um just going down the list we'll talk about the the order that you'll get them so I got overload first and that was over here in mulgore so to start out right in the starting area I had to come over here you it's like the first Quest that you get this one's not going to be too you just come over here you take some nature damage and then you get it the next two are going to be Shield Mastery and molten blast I got those in this region right here so I had to kill some dwarves and then you loot a chest off of them and then it drops there um there's the other one where you like loot the totem and then you have to like shoot lightning bolts or something like that so it's pretty simple in this area in the region durar I didn't level Shaman in that area but a good resource right here that I would recommend is go to Warcraft Tavern and you can kind of see where all these things are at so for example we go to Shield Mastery and I'll tell us where to get these few trolls so um trolls and Orcs And there earlier is a durar glowing totem can spawn indicated by the sound of thunder so this is the totem one for the Earth Shield it looks like and then um for the other one um sorry Shield Mastery and then the other one was the molten blast so I'm assuming this is probably on the island or something um no it's from this dude so I guess you just uh kill this guy and then you get the Rune it looks like um Frozen fortunately this requires fire damage the more play do okay so yeah you can just hit this guy with like flame shock it looks like and you'll probably be fine um so that's pretty cool right there um I I recommend using this resource it's a really good guide and this is how I found a lot of this stuff so going back to this um an ancestral guidance so this one's kind of funky I ended up getting this actually in durar because I that's where I heard about it first but there's a Dude down here you just need a channel on him you're like try to resur resurrect him he's like a dead dude behind a tree you resurrect him you get somebody else to come and help you and you're able to do that in mulgore it's over here in the Venture coine you have to go all the way up top it's kind of a pain in the butt to me entirely honest but once you get up there there's a dude up there and you can do the same channel thing and you can get it there so that one's pretty simple all right moving on now we got the way of the earth so that one's up here actually near ratchet you're going to get two runes in this ratchet area um that's going to be from a mob over here I'll just see if I can find him real fast uh basically you just got to purge him so a reason to buy your Purge ability I didn't have mine at the time because it's a lot of silver to ask for level level like 10 or whatever you to spell but if you come over here you purge this guy you'll get a tonem from him and then you can use that totem to go and get this ability so let me just see if I can see him here if I don't see him I'm just going to dip out real fast but um he's normally around this area he's just like hanging out um and yeah I don't see him right now but you'll find him in this region um I think he was spotted around here at some points but um here I'll try to run around real fast okay this is this guy right here um the Desert Mirage he'll have a debuff on him that you can Purge you'll see it pretty clearly he's just like a little ghost dude that walks around and you'll see him I don't know if he aggros or anything but um basically yeah once you purge him he'll just die instantly and you can get it um so going back to our little list right here we have shamanistic rage and lava burst so these ones are going to be a little bit more complicated um but they're both um really good and you're going to want both of them um so lava burst seems exceptionally good for PVP that's what I've been kind of running with for fun and then um obviously shamanistic rage is just good for like it's good for enhance it's good for Elemental so shamanistic Rao get in the Char Veil there's going to be some Elementals that you got to fight here um they just kind of patrol around and they're pretty simple actually I was a lot more worried about it but um I didn't have any trouble with it at all I just needed to get a rogue to help me out a little bit and he kind of just honestly they didn't hit that hard and they were pretty pretty easy to kill patrolling around the CH Veil and stone tal Ms so yeah you'll find it there and then for the lava burst one that one's going to be over here in Hills Brad um when you go to Hills what in the world am I looking at okay um yeah right here this little farm you just got to run down here there's going to be Shaman there um you kill the shaman and then they're going to drop the lava burst glyph um or the uh totem and then you can get that and then you basically just need to go stand on lava to do this one so you just go to RFC and you can just hang out in here and you just stay in the lava there and you can get it pretty easily um those Shaman are level 28 so just be really careful when you there that you're not just going to go die to them um it took me a while I Sol loaded a few level 27s when I was at level 22 and I had to call for help but uh basically I just call I messaged a couple shamans in the area who didn't have it and we were able to get it together um so let's talk about dual wield Mastery now next dual wielding is a it's a base talent that you can get or base uh passive I suppose you just come over here to Thunder Bluff and I think it's in this region right here there's a little stealth dude behind one of these tents and you just go and you talk to him uh don't take my word for this it's it's around somewhere here when you take the first lift he'll be up there um I'm pretty sure that's right here but um basically you'll talk to him he'll send you on a bunch of different quests there's like a trifecta of quests that you got to do around the area once you finish them you will get the lava lash um Rune as well as dual wielding um now there's also a dual wield specialization Rune so that is different and you will get that one from this dude over here um or rather it'll be a while before you get this one because this Quest is uh horrible so you got to do these three quests you have to do fish oil uh my rested XP screws up this thing but there's fish oil and you got to get these like Dwarven things and you got to get a bunch of like Shredder um Parts um and in total on the auction house right now this is you're looking at like 70 80 gold it's it's really expensive right now so um it's going to be a lot of work but basically you got to do it uh from this guy um he won't talk to you apparently if you don't have enough gold so apparently if you don't have enough goal to just say hey like go get more money before you talk to me and um I guess appropriately you're going to need a lot of money to do this it looks like so um that's probably part of the reason why but so that's one of the things that I'm missing right now I haven't done this myself but I've confirmed that this is how you do it so um beyond that there's The Healing Rain glyph or Rune and you get that from turning in those um those crates so you can turn those crates into your dudes in oramar um he's like right here uh the little um dude you turn those into him and then you can get the healing rain it's just you need to be honored so you need to turn in a lot of them um notice how right now I am only friendly um at max level I've turned in quite a few of these but it takes a while to get that rep so once I get this to honored I'll be able to get Healing Rain and that'll be pretty good and then we have I think that's all of them except for water Shield so Water Shield is going to come from the cool car dudes here um you just get it from one of the co car booty chests so you loot Keys here and you can open the chest and you can get it um so that one pretty simple finally did I go through all of them I went through all of them okay finally the last one is Earth Shield um Earth Shield we don't know where it is yet I haven't been able to find any information I've been kind of looking like every single day but basically um my assumption is I think it's somewhere down here there's a new there's a new mob with an earth Elemental here um I haven't found about what this guy is for um he's probably for something he's right next to the water totem uh person um Quest Giver here um but basically um I have a hunch that I think that he might be for something related to this my other hunch is maybe it's in like R razor F crawl or something like that U or maybe in like the Thousand needles but uh we'll see when that ends up happening if you wanted to look that's why I was just kind of pitching it but for the most part it'll probably be confirmed in a little bit if you guys know you can let me know in the comments below but uh other than that yep that's all the runes in the game for Shaman so far at level 25 um if this was helpful for you feel free to subscribe to the channel let me know other than that I will see you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: Bigolbktofwtr
Views: 20,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shaman, Runes, Season of Discovery, Shaman Runes, Lava Burst, Shamanistic Rage, Earth Shield, Healing Rain, Dual Wield Specialization, Way of the Earth, Molten Blast, Shield Mastery, Ancestral Guidance
Id: WM3uBtaNJf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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