should a shaman tank dual wield in SOD?

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hello guys so I've been having quite a lot of fun with the shaman spec in season of Discovery and I wanted to make a little quick video going over something that I've seen a lot of and that is Shield Shaman being the only tank that a lot of people recommend I kind of got this whole play style that I got figured out for the shaman spec with dual wielding now and you could do it too with f one it's quite simple it is going to take wow heads build and tweak it a bit though so right now if we go to my build this is my dude ruffi and I got some of the best it's Hubert's helmet some tough and lover gloves my Twilight Elementalist robe seal saan is like strength stamina you name it 478 power we got two very good weapons we got jaged star of the bear with a plus two to stamina plus two to strength and plus four to strength and plus two to Spirit sorry I choked on my energy drink a few minutes ago okay now what I'm running for runes is waterers Shield cu the main issue that a lot of people have been running into is that you need Shield Mastery for Mana you do not if you just run two we oras so water shield and rock biter on both your weapons you can get a good amount of threat from way of Earth dual wielding and Water Shield will give you back your Mana so what you want to do is kind of keep waterers Shield activated at all times if you don't have waterers shield on you are pretty much yourself same goes for um The Way of the earth Rune pretty much the way of the earth rune for those who don't know um let me go back here dealing 50% increased threat now that is good for a tank that is good for a main tank whenever you're main handing but for an off tank you need more threat you need something that will grab ad's attention and that's what dual wielding will do cuz not only are you getting 50% increased threat you're getting 100% increased threat when you dual wield way of Earth so you get 60% increased Health Earth shock taunts targets attack you as well and 10% reduced damage taken is now 20% red 6% reduced chance to be critically hit by melee Texas now 12% you see where I'm going with this so if you stack that with your water Shield you're pretty much giving yourself a huge favor cuz your Mana Almost Is Never out and as long as you have your way of earth going you are a great tank now a lot of people recommend torent I beg to differ I recommend troll if you go with the troll race you'll get the berserk which will allow your casting and attack speed to be increase from 10 to 30% now if you stack that with the talent flurry you can do some crazy damage like in a second I was doing 642 one second um it went over to 45 because like I missed and it went up it kind of reset but whatever the main thing that I'm going with this is if you have your flurry stacked up with your berserk stack up with your fast off hand and your slow main hand you can do some crazy amounts of damage fast with just your main Attack Just Auto attacking hence what a power so like let me when these uh wear off let me do this we off if I do those s no okay well power before that goes on is about 300 and then you add the pretty much the way of Earth Rune and it goes up to about 478 dualing so if you have a main hand so like say boom it went down to 333 478 your attack power goes up tremendously mix that with the dual wield specialization on your chest piece and you are a formidable tank make sure you got some good armor make sure your strength agility and stamina are your top priorities and you'll have a good ass health bar about, 1469 Health make sure your Dodge um anticipation is five out of five make sure you got your thundering strikes for more Critical Strike what else is there other runes to use now say you are not doing good in a dungeon you need some more some more damage is needing to be ticken so way of Earth is not what you need you can use sham shamanistic rage I have not used it too much but I have had good times with it so I do have to recommend this as well I have to experiment with it more molten blast is good but I found it very not effective people recommend it a lot on this B but that's why it's highly relying on blocking for Mana because you need to have Shield Mastery paired up with it so that's for Shields if you have a shield yes I do recommend having that on but if you don't have a shield I recommend Water Shield that is going to help tremendously more and you can Parry in phase one I believe yeah with the Dual wi spec you'll be able to Parry sometimes what else is there what else is there oh I recommend tremendously get to the PVP in ashenvale get your amulet and get your helmet I got Hubert's helmet very good drop I recommend going and getting it it's in hillsbrad Foothills and you can get it from the dun gck Rifleman right here here let me zoom in more so it'll be right here it took me about 30 minutes tops to get it it's a very good item but you're going to have to go to enemy territory it's in the Eastern continent so you would have to go across on a Zepplin from oramar and derar as soon as you can as soon as you can I recommend getting at least one of the Twilight Elementalist robe set or the leather set I forgot what it's called it's that's escaping me at the moment but there's two different sets that can drop from the black fathoms deep raid so please get into one as soon as possible if your Shaman it'll help tremendously the Rune helps also just pretty much do what you normally do for any other class but the main three things if you want to dual building is get the Water Shield you'll be able to get this from the centaurs so the Centaur drop it from a chess and you'll get the chess key from the barrons so they'll be kind of around the crossroads in various locations you'll be able to find a centaur chest key that'll drop from centaurs and then in their areas you'll be able to find that chest then you have to I believe attack 10 different enemies with three different nature damages way of Earth you get that that's Escape at the moment but the dualing spec you'd get that from doing a very long quest line in Ratchet from getting good reputation you meet the inke keeper and you got to give him 16 turbo charges you got to give him 20 dark iron ordinances and you got to give them something else that's a different guide all together what we're talking together here is how to be a good op tank damage DPS so basically just get those three runes and you'll be very effective get your whole armor setup it's mandatory for a shaman tank phase one we are not treated too kindly with the lack of Thunderclap however dual building specialization is mandatory I'll probably put a link of it in the description down below go check out that link uh I forgot who his name is but I'll give him a shout out in the description and that's pretty much it just um give more love to your dual wielding Shaman tank but make sure he has at least Water Shield on if he's going to tank and he has way of Earth make sure he has water shield and that's all guys I've great there
Views: 5,391
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Id: _y6nfax35DI
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Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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