Every Ride at Walt Disney World RANKED!

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in this video we're going to be ranking every single ride at Walt Disney World from worst to best of course this is all my opinion so be sure to leave your personal favorite rides in the comments below with 58 of them throughout the four Florida Parks this was a difficult list to put together so without further Ado let's get this list started with number 58 Triceratops spin I know placing a ride like this all the way at the bottom may seem a bit silly However I truly think this ride is deserving of this bottom spot this is the epitome of the worst Disney has to offer a Bare Bones clone of a better ride stuffed into the single worst Land Disney has ever created dinoland USA has been falling apart for a while now and will likely be replaced with a Moana themed land in the near future regardless the few remnants of this land that live on stand as a reminder of what this land could have been and what it ended up being just a cheap parking lot Fairground with nothing left to offer number 57 Lightning McQueen's Racing Academy I'll be honest I didn't even know this existed until recently Lightning McQueen's race Academy is a short kid show featuring characters from the Cars franchise more specifically the first and third movie most of the show takes place on a large screen with the exception of the Lightning McQueen animatronic in the center well it's pretty neat to look at it doesn't distract from what is otherwise a pretty boring show don't get me wrong it's perfectly harmless and probably entertaining enough for the kids compared to other attractions at the resort though including those for kids this one just doesn't do much of anything to impress even if you're just looking for a show that lets you kick back a bit there's so many better options that Hollywood Studios alone taking all that into consideration this show has to place pretty low on this list also before we move on I just want to clarify that I'll only be discussing the pre-recorded shows at Walt Disney World I'll be skipping live shows like Fantasmic basic video shows like awesome planet and improv shows like Monsters Inc laugh lore the rest however are completely fair game that said let's move on to our next attraction number 56 the magic carpets of Aladdin this like Triceratops spin as he had another clone of Dumbo which means there's not a whole lot to say regarding the ride experience the reason it stands above that ride is the theming surrounding it which makes it slightly more enjoyable to hop on overall still though there's no real reason for this ride to exist and with how badly it blocks the paths in Adventure Land I kind of wish Disney would just remove it that's never going to happen but I Can Dream number 55 Prince Charming Regal Carousel despite being a park Classic this is yet another attraction I rarely go on because of how basic it is it does make sense to give a theme park this big a Carousel and while it is nice to look at it should also be self-explanatory why it's so low on this list number 54 alien swirling saucers located in the center of Toy Story Land alien swirling sausage is a flat ride that's unlike anything else found in the resort I mean it isn't too different in the end it's just another type of spinning flat ride however at the very least it's not another clone of Dumbo or the Mad tea party its unique ride system paired with its colorful theming makes it one of the better Flash rides in Walt Disney World it still doesn't get too high on this list don't get me wrong but it's not awful either number 53 the Hall of Presidents I'll admit I feel a bit bad putting the show all the way down here but I have to be honest with myself at the end of the day this is just a 15 minute video on American history followed by five minutes of laboriously naming all 56 U.S presidents if it weren't for a far superior america-based show coming later on this list maybe I would appreciate this attraction a little more however apart from all the animatronics this show doesn't have a whole lot going for it number 52 mission space green mission space is a ride that consists of two different missions the green Mission and the orange mission that was a lot of missions anyways as the orange mission is pretty much a completely different ride I'll be splitting this attraction into its two halves for the sake of this video the first and less intense of those two halves is a green Mission which I found to be a perfectly decent little Simulator the visuals are all right although the frame rate feels weirdly choppy at times I also appreciated the added interactivity although it isn't nearly as exciting as its orange counterpart unfortunately I feel as though making this ride less intense kind of ruins the whole purpose of it I don't want to spoil my thoughts on orange Mission too much but the g-forces pulled on that ride make it truly feel like a trip to outer space here it just feels like you're stuck in a claustrophobic box that moves up and down a little bit I understand his purpose considering just how intense the orange mission is but I also can't justify putting this ride any higher up on my rankings number 51 Dumbo the flying elephant I mean it's Dumbo I know I've already talked about two of its clones but this ride places higher purely because it's the original also it's out of the way has some nice theming and has a capacity machine with two identical sides maybe putting it even this high on the list is a little silly but I do think the iconic nature of this ride makes it one of the better Disney flat rides overall number 50 Tomorrowland Speedway when I was a kid this seemed so much more exciting than it actually is having these cars go so slow and be restrained to a railing makes it much less exciting than a traditional go-kart track however for a kid who's too young to realize those things I just know this ride is a great tie personally I can't say I enjoy it but I understand its appeal for the younger guests number 49 journey into imagination with figment okay I know there's some huge figment fans out there but I think the majority of people would agree that this ride needs some major work done I've heard good things about the previous iterations of this ride but unfortunately I've never experienced any of them myself nowadays this ride is more annoying than Charming despite some unique theming near the end nearly everything else about this ride just doesn't hold up that's especially clear when you exit with a play area that seems right out of the 2000s in the future I hope Disney does more with figment than just another popcorn bucket however as time goes on that reality seems less and less likely number 48 Cali River Rapids the more I think about this ride the worse it gets despite having a great drop near the middle everything else about this ride is incredibly mediocre it's weirdly short with barely anything happening before or after that aforementioned dropped the titular Rapids don't get you wet or offer any thrill which leads to a ride that's more boring than fun even the theming is vapid not even coming close to what should be expected for a Disney park especially compared to Popeyes at Islands of Adventure this ride is honestly just bad I think it had a lot of potential but in its current state it has to be one of the most Bland and disappointing rides found at Walt Disney World the drop is the only thing saving it from an even lower spot on this list number 47 Astro Orbiter this is the fourth and final Dumbo clone on this list and for me it is by far the best getting that elevated look above Tomorrowland is such unique experience and the ride itself has a really cool aesthetic to it beyond that it's exactly what you'd expect from a dumbo clone but I still really appreciate its more unique aspects number 46 The Barnstormer it's very likely that this was the first roller coaster I'd ever ridden for that I'm forever grateful to this ride for introducing me to A Whole New World of insane and intense experiences having gone on more thrilling rides since then though this ride doesn't have too much to offer in terms of thrill it's a cost rainbow young kid so there's only so much you can expect there however even in terms of theming it just feels a little light maybe it's just Nostalgia talking but I prefer the old Toontown theming where you literally storm through a barn either way though The Barnstormer doesn't have much to offer as either a roller coaster or a themed attraction as a kid's first coaster it's a solid ride but nowadays it's one I rarely revisit number 45 mad tea party after thinking about it a bit I believe the Mad tea party may just be the best flat ride at Walt Disney World the ability to spin your own teacup allows the ride to be as basic or as intense as you want it to be the theming is also pretty solid with a look inspired by the style of Alice in Wonderland it's not a masterpiece or anything but it's still a pretty great flat ride that I'm glad is at the parks number 44 it's tough to be a bug this show used to freak me out as a kid as soon as the villain Hopper years things start to get straight up scary bug spray spiders and some unique 40 effects all combined to create this very odd yet interesting experience even so I feel like this show has some weaknesses that left me a little disappointed this show relies so much on its gimmicks that it forgets it has to be a good show too the effects themselves range from good to straight up broken which makes the weaker parts of the show stand out even more just as an example on my most recent visit the flick animatronic was in a really rough State and the hopper animatronic was completely down that made the second half of the show incredibly awkward as flick just stared into nothing and talked to a disembodied voice an easy fix would be to add a backup mode like rise the resistance and have Hopper appear on screen instead that and a few more updates could have pushed the show a little higher on the list even so the core of the show itself just doesn't really click with me which leaves it in a bit of a rough spot overall the queue is pretty cool as well as the theming and effects but otherwise it's mostly mad number 43 Country Bear Jamboree I know for many people this show freaks them out and honestly I kind of get it generally this is an attraction I try to avoid when visiting the Magic Kingdom however whenever I do check out the show I'm always more entertained than I'd expect there's a lot of cool animatronics here and it has a really fun energy once you get into it still I can't deny the character designs are a bit creepy and I understand why many people can't get behind this one at all kind of fun but not great either number 42 the American Adventure in my opinion this is a much better America focused show than the Hall of Presidents is there's just a lot more going on with plenty of animatronics and practical set pieces it's still mostly screen based and not something I do every visit to Epcot but it's certainly one of the more interesting shows found at Walt Disney World number 41 the Seas with Nemo and Friends has a ride Nemo and friends is just okay with this building being an aquarium and all I suspect there wasn't a ton of room to build a full-on dark ride instead this is more of a small attraction meant to push guests into the full exhibit again the ride itself is just okay but I want to commend the queue really quick for being much cooler than I remember the way the lighting emulates being under the sea is incredibly well done unfortunately everything else seems way too short and simple for a Disney ride number 40 Frozen ever after this has a very similar problem to Nemo and that the ride they fit into this area is just way too small that's mainly due to it being a re-them of maelstrom which in my opinion uses area of land much better just as an example the old ride you stabbed the boat peer out from a waterfall outside which was entirely removed in this version of the ride right after that is the drop which is still present and Frozen Ever After but feels completely unarmed in terms of the ride story like there's no real reason why we dropped down it just kind of happens the drop is still fun and the theming is pretty good but I can't help but feel like there will be better iterations of this ride at other Disney parks in the future we've already seen the far superior Elsa animatronic coming soon to Hong Kong Disneyland and the fact that Tokyo disneysea's ride building seems to be much bigger suggests that edcott's version was merely a prototype for a better ride elsewhere it's still a perfectly fine ride but to me it feels like a good ride got shoved into a smaller space than it actually needed number 39 Mickey's philhar Magic for a 3D show philhar magic is pretty fun it's full of great songs from classic Disney movies and the interactions that Donald has with these characters are pretty Charming still it is a screen based show apart from the one animatronic that appears at the very act that animatronic is pretty good but there's still not a whole lot going on Beyond what's happening on screen these pre-recorded shows have a lot more potential in that regard as an entry later on this list will prove number 38 Carousel of Progress on the technical level this is a very impressive show having all the seeds circle around the theater is very unique and something you can only experience at a Disney park despite that the show does seem a little out of date especially by the end I think the rest of the show is pretty good if not a little boring but the final scene is by far my least favorite part I'm still very happy the show's at the Magic Kingdom but it's not something I stopped by on every visit number 37 Slinky Dog Dash this ride is one of the least intense roller coasters in the entire Resort which already puts it at a bit of a disadvantage however while other rides like Big Thunder Mountain make up for their lack of thrill with some fantastic theming the theming of Slinky Dog Dash is unfortunately pretty Barren apart from the Jenga Tower centerpiece and a few loose Parts thrown about the theming of this ride pales in comparison to most other Disney coasters however I will say the lighting package at night is honestly just stunning it brings this area to life in a whole new way and watching the terrain go around the track is so fun to see still I feel like this ride is heavily overrated by Park guest with it nearly always boasting an hour long wait at least it's a perfectly decent ride but nothing deserving of all that number 36 Grand Fiesta tour the the part about this ride is the location it takes place the Mexico Pavilion is such a pretty area and putting a ride inside this building was a genius idea all the physical theming is incredibly immersive from beginning to end but unfortunately a lot of this ride is relying on screen based elements it works as a good way to make jokes and show off iconic landmarks but it does feel a little cheap overall luckily the finale of this ride replaced the huge screen at the end with some fantastic animatronics which makes for a much more satisfying conclusion it has its flaws but it's a nice little dark ride that I really appreciate number 35 It's a Small World this is one of the most iconic dark rides ever made the unique style of its theming really makes it stand out but most of all the thing that makes this ride so iconic is the song for some the song is nice and fun while for others it's incredibly annoying personally it never bothered me too much but with it playing on repeat in the background of the entire ride I can understand how it becomes a little grating apart from that I do think this is a cute little ride it's nothing special in my book and I do feel as though the Disneyland version is better but I can't disrespect a ride that's so recognizable across the globe It's a Small World After All number 34 Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin for as fun as the shooting dark rides can be I have to admit I kind of suck at that the small targets combined with the low visibility of the laser can make it a bit tricky to perfect still I know a ton of people who have mastered this ride even if I'm not one of them so I won't say it impacts the quality too much what does impact the qualities is somewhat out of date theming on this ride despite being just about 25 years old this feels like one of the older and less capable attractions in the park it still has its charm and the interactivity does a lot to boost it in the rankings but it does feel like a bit of a letdown overall number 33 soaring around the world this may just be the hottest take of this entire video for years I've considered Soren and test track the two best attractions at Epcot I don't think I've been alone in saying that either as especially for a park that's a bit light on rides however on my most recent visit I discovered something that kind of shocked me Soarin isn't really that good I mean it's a unique ride system for a simulator with your feet dangling off the edge of the glider but in the end it is just a simulator I appreciate the concept with the visuals taking you from location to location but there's a whole lot of flaws with the ride that are hard to ignore first off the queue is just bad the architecture is somewhat unique but there's not a whole lot to do or see when you're in line there is a trivia game that pops up on some screens but it feels kind of cheap and not all too fun which doesn't pair well with the broken air conditioning in some parts of the queue then the ride itself has its own set of issues the most egregious of those issues is the curvature of the screen which I guess is meant to match the motion of the ride vehicles but in the end just looks a bit awkward that's especially the case depending on where you sit with the outer edges of the screen looking extremely off pair that with the feet of other Riders blocking your view on the bottom Rose and it seems as though the person's ride system are met with just as many flaws I know that was a lot of negative but I want to reiterate that I don't think this is a bad ride if you're one of those people who love it I'm really glad you do personally though I have to be honest with myself and put it here on my rankings there's a lot to enjoy from the sights sounds and smells but in terms of simulators I feel like Disney and many others have topped this ride tenfold number 32 mission space orange Mission this is why I decided to split up mission space the green mission is perfectly fine for those looking to experience this ride without the intensity but it's really that intensity that makes the ride what it is it genuinely feels like you're launching into space with the g-force pushing down on your entire body it simultaneously scary and extremely fun along with being such a unique sensation it's also totally understandable why this is the only Disney ride with built-in barf bags it's very claustrophobic in your little space pod which probably doesn't help with the forceful nature of the attraction regardless I do enjoy this experience there are some flaws like the choppy and outdated visuals but it truly is a Dark Ride Like No Other I understand why I rank slow for some but in my opinion mission space is a strange one-of-a-kind experience that you can only find at Epcot number 31 Millennium Falcon Smugglers Run there's a lot about this ride I appreciate but at the same time there's a lot I feel doesn't quite work in terms of what does work the theming of this ride is absolutely immaculate it may be yet another simulator but from the queue to the ride vehicle every small touch they've added to this thing truly makes it feel right out of the movies The Ride system is also deceptively complicated with a full-on interactive video game being controlled by six different guests unfortunately that's where the problems start to arise while I appreciate all the engineering that went into making this ride what it is I feel as though it ended up unnecessarily over complicated unlike the other Star Wars simulator in the park there's only one mission to go on here and it's one that I feel is relatively boring in terms of its story that's partially because of the strict and universe nature of Galaxy's Edge but also because this ride system is so complex that adding another storyline would be a whole lot of trouble apart from that while the pirate role leads to a lot of interactivity the other two roles are straight up boring next to nothing happens Beyond pressing buttons and it barely feels like you're affecting anything whatsoever for that reason this is a ride I rarely go on by myself with a group it's a perfectly fun time but only really once or twice beyond that the rewrite ability isn't really there which hurts an otherwise fairly enjoyable ride number 30 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh this is a cute little dark ride that I can't help but enjoy there's a lot of cool physical theming going on here in some scenes that I'd consider absolute Classics I can't put it too high with it being a kid's ride and all but I think it's a solid one not one of the best in the park by any means but one that I stopped by every once in a while number 29 Navi River Journey I'm very mixed on this ride the way it combines physical set pieces and screens is utterly breathtaking and the smoothness of the animatronic at the end is unreal still while the theming is astounding the ride experience itself doesn't have a lot going on it's just very short and simple with an extra minute and a drop this very well could have been one of the best dark rides at Walt Disney World regardless even if it didn't reach its full potential I can't help but admire the immaculate work done on the theming number 28 Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room this is one of my favorite shows that Disney World there's so many animatronics packed into one small space with more and more being revealed as the show goes on it's incredible how well they're hidden too just when you think they're all up and singing the show will reveal a whole new set of characters in an entirely different area still with how little I actually go and watch this show I feel like I can't justify putting it much higher than this I'd recommend everyone experience it at least once if they can but I'll admit it's not quite a must do at the Magic Kingdom number 27 Seven Dwarfs Mine Train this is a very good yet very flawed Ride The Rock work and Landscaping are pretty great along with most of the theming however there are a few nitpicks I have which prevent it from getting any higher on this list first off the screen faces they're just awful it's a real shame since the animatronics themselves are pretty impressive but the screen faces make them look so off-putting it's not quite as bad as Frozen Ever After but it still is just so strange the second flaw is the actual roller coaster itself again with it being Disney and all I know I have to put my expectations in check when it comes to intensity even so it feels especially tame even when compared to the other roller coasters at the Magic Kingdom if the rocking cart gimmick actually did anything that lack of intensity could be more easily excused overall though while it's a solid ride I feel like there's much better coasters to be found at Walt Disney World the queue is good and there's some fun scenes but it's not a favorite of mine especially with its unusually long way number 26 test track until recently I absolutely love this ride I think the concept is extremely cool and the speed you feel at the end is simply unmatched however the reason why it's Fallen this far down is the theming up until 2012 test track had a very unique Car testing theme I'll admit it was a little outdated but I think the new theme just completely ruined it the boring futuristic aesthetic does nothing to stand out especially compared to the old theme which was so unique not to mention the advertising in the queue of this ride is just obnoxious most of the time I'm fine with the sponsored ride as songs it doesn't take away from the attraction here the entire cue is a shrine to Chevrolet along with literal sales floor you pass on your way out it's kind of insulting to the gas and in my opinion a total waste of what this ride used to be even so the cord the ride is still there and it's still very good each of the tasks are uniquely thrilling even if I don't quite love them as much as before it may have some new found weaknesses but it's still something I always love to ride when I'm at Epcot number 25 living with the land I swear I'm not joking living with the land is genuinely one of my favorite places to stop by at Epcot from the Fantastic theme scenes in the first half to the extremely cool Garden in the second half there's just so much to see throughout the surprisingly long ride it doesn't do too much outside of that but there's something about The Vibes of this ride that really appeals to me I'm no Epcot Enthusiast or anything but this ride really helps me see the appeal of the park I get why it can be boring for some but for me it's a really nice and relaxing ride number 24 Star Tours the Adventures Continue while this ride at its core is a pretty basic simulator there's so much about it that really elevates it well beyond that most obviously it's themed to Star Wars that means it could use so many iconic characters and locations in order to tell its story and unlike Smuggler's run this ride doesn't have to adhere to a specific timeline which means it can go wherever and whenever it wants to before that used to annoy me a bit as you would see a character like Darth Vader immediately followed by kylo Ren who couldn't exist at the same time now though I think the pure amount of scenarios on this ride really helps make it unique and Incredibly rewritable there are 66 different combinations of scenarios to experience with even more coming into the near future that paired with this ride's excellent sense of humor puts it far above Smuggler's run for me even if the theming isn't quite as good Star Tours excels as the best simulator in Hollywood Studios number 23 Remy's Ratatouille Adventure I was surprised at just how much I enjoyed this ride from the povs rammies look to be way too heavy reliant on screens and not as much on its physical theming however what the povs don't quite capture is the pure scale of everything as you shrunk down to the size of a rat everything around you looks huge and that's captured perfectly with the physical theming of everything there's some pretty great scenes here because of that which really elevated the experience for me still the screens were definitely the worst part especially since the dialogue was untranslated from the original version in Disneyland Paris it's just strange to have half the dialogue spoken in French and it feels a bit lazy of Disney to not patch it up here regardless I did enjoy this ride a fair amount it might be because my expectations were so low or that I only got one ride on it but even so I do think it's a solid addition to the park number 22 dinosaur this is a very good yet very forgettable ride tucked behind dinoland USA this ride is a re-themed clone of the popular Indiana Jones Adventure at Disneyland in California having been on that ride myself it is far superior to this clone however that does doesn't make dinosaur a bad ride the theming is a little out of date sure but the dinosaur animatronics paired with the dark nature of the ride really put you right in this prehistoric World along with the violent movements of the ride vehicle this is a surprisingly intense ride for a Disney park if the animatronics worked a bit more consistently this may have placed even higher on this list still it's a solid ride even if it doesn't quite match the superior Indiana Jones Adventure number 21 Muppet Vision 3D alright look I'm a huge fan of the Muppet their humor really appeals to me and all the characters are just so memorable and Charming even putting that aside though I do think this is the best show at Walt Disney World while many other 3D shows feel a bit cheap in their gimmicks Muppet Vision leans into that perception by fully embracing it the 3D effects are just as cheesy as the Jokes which really works for me as a big Muppets fan apart from that there's so much the show does that goes beyond a simple 3D screen show there's plenty of animatronics all around the theater and even a live performer who goes out right in the middle of the show not to mention the effects near the end are all incredibly well done I'll admit there are some moments that don't quite work as well as others and in the end this is just a screen based show but personally I can't rank this any lower as the last Muppet project that Jim Hansen ever worked on this is an important attraction for myself and many others this is a fantastic show that stands as one of my favorites at Walt Disney World here's hoping that it keeps entertaining guests for years to come number 20 Peter Pan's flight I'll be honest and say I haven't been on this ride in years I've watched a POV to recap before this video but the line for this ride is just so extremely long that I haven't gone on it ever since I was a kid from that POV and my own memory this is a great classic Dark Ride the way that height is simulated through shrinking the sets below you is such a cool effect in the scenes on this ride remain iconic to this day I understand why it's beloved but I don't think I'll ever understand its popularity it might just be capacity issues but waiting over an hour for this ride is just just absurd it's good and everything but like yeesh number 19 Under the Sea journey of The Little Mermaid this is a ride I usually skip but having Revisited it recently I was surprised with just how much I enjoyed it the queue is one of the best in the Magic Kingdom with some insane Rock work and detailing throughout the ride itself is great too with a ton of animatronics and nice colorful theming I do think the ride's pacing is a bit of a weak spot with it rushing through everything on land but everything else is pretty gray surprisingly one of the best dark rides in the Disney parks number 18 Rock and roller coaster in terms of theming I'll admit this ride is a little mediocre the queue is just alright and while the neon signs help a bit theming is not the strong suit of this ride what is the strong suit though is the thrill this is easily the most intense roller coaster at Walt Disney World being the only ride that goes upside down not once but three times pairing that with a great launch in the thrill alone elevates this into the top spot the layout does meander a bit by the end but I still feel this is a pretty solid ride all around number 17 spaceship earth never in a million years would I have expected putting this above test track and soaring however this ride is just so much better the theming is astounding especially considering it's built into the icon of the park I also think the story is just fascinating taking you through the history of human communication even the weakest part of this ride on your way down has he surrounded by some intriguing and Abstract theming that I find to be really engaging the main thing that doesn't click with me is the whole future creation thing at the end it can be fun on your first time but past that it feels a little weird all around though this is a fantastic achievement and another example of why Epcot is such a unique and interesting Park number 16 the Tomorrowland Transit Authority people mover this is secretly one of the best rides in the Magic Kingdom something about taking this aerial tour of Tomorrowland is so relaxing and enjoyable with a great view of Space Mountain and even Cinderella Castle what really does it for me me though is going Beyond normal guest areas heading into the shops and restaurants is cool enough as is but literally getting to go inside Space Mountain is incredible especially if you get the chance to see it with the lights on I think having gone on this ride so many times in my life really made me grow to appreciate it there's just something about how perfect and intricate it is that really does it for me I know there's plenty of others who feel this way too so for all of us I'm glad to represent it by putting it this high on the list hopefully Disneyland gets their version back in the near future probably not though number 15 jungle cruise this is another ride I've been on countless times but unlike the People Mover I actually feel as though it's made me like it a bit less as time goes on don't get me wrong this is still a fantastic ride I love the theming throughout the entire interaction from the dense jungle to the dark and Moody Temple that goes for the animatronics as well which have aged pretty well considering how old this ride is however what really sells this ride for me is the cheesiness and sense of humor the jokes are really lame but simultaneously really great which makes it a joy to experience every now and again the reason it's Fallen a bit behind in my rankings though is just how repetitive those jokes can get the skipper does throw in their own stuff from time to time but for the most part the script remains unchanged it's still very funny and memorable but it does make this ride a little less rewritable overall like I said though I still adore this ride which is why it ranks so highly on this list it's just one little flaw and an overall great attraction number 14 Toy Story Mania on its face this ride should be nowhere near the top 15. it's a heavily screen-based attraction with next to no physical theming whatsoever even so I can't help but have a blast on this ride it's addictively fun being a score based shooting Dark Ride with infinite re-ride ability pulling on that string is so satisfying especially paired with the colorful visuals and targets throughout even though it's screen based I honestly much prefer this ride system to the style found on Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin while I feel it's a bit hard to aim there here it's fairly easy to know who you are and what you're shooting at that makes it extremely rewritable with a constant urge to beat your score and the score of those in your party overall despite how simple it may be there's something about this ride that makes it a standout of Walt Disney World objectively it might not be fantastic but personally I just love it number 13. Mickey and Minnie's runaway Railway this is a great Dark Ride while I do have a soft spot for The Great Movie Ride especially as as a film major I think this ride overall is just a tiny bit better the projection mapping is expertly done and makes for an incredibly fun trackless Dark Ride throughout there's so many great effects and moments here that truly make it something special the one major flaw with this ride though is the queue being a re-theme of The Great Movie Ride the outside facade and Q remain themed to the iconic Chinese Theater which doesn't work out well for a Mickey and Minnie attraction especially compared to the queue over at Disneyland in California it's not even close despite that this is still a great ride and gives the titular Mouse an attraction worthy of his name number 12 Splash Mountain as you may already know this ride is no longer operating but my audience decided on a poll that I should include it here anyways since it isn't at the park anymore I don't want to dwell on this ride too much but I'll quickly give my opinion on it before we move on Splash Mountain had some fantastic theming and some great drops for water ride while I do feel the universal water rides are more thrilling there was something about Splash Mountain that really stood out primarily with the animatronics Rock work and music as time went by though it felt more and more like this ride needed some serious work done the rough stated the attraction by the end of its life is what made it fall out of the top 10 for me along with it not feeling quite as thrilling the older I became still I do think this was a very good ride and I'm hopeful that whatever Disney does next will be just as good if not better number 11 Tron light cycle Rod has the newest attraction at Walt Disney World there may be a bit of bias putting it this high on the list however despite how long it was under construction Tron surprised me in both good and bad ways starting with the exterior the distinct wavy cover surrounding this attraction is very unique it leaves space for a huge Hub area before you enter the attraction which is something I can't say I've ever really seen on any other Disney ride I've heard this area is especially pretty at night but unfortunately I've only ever seen it during the day even so it's a unique entry point into the futuristic world this ride puts you in once you enter the ride building and head into the queue proper the theming starts to get really good the pre-show is so cool time perfectly to sync with the launch track of the ride itself then after putting your belongings in a locker you're ready to board the light cycles and get on your way the rumor your board is huge with a sense of scale rarely seen at the Disney parks boarding the ride itself though is less magical the restraints for this ride are incredibly having you lay down on your stomach before having a clamp on your back it was a little uncomfortable for me but for others it meant they literally could not board the attraction without getting in a specialized car on the back of the train I'm glad Disney had the foresight to put these here but it's still a bummer that these ride vehicles are as uncomfortable and unaccommodating as they are after that though the ride itself is a thrill the standout is obviously that initial launch out of the ride building before heading back to complete the Rays while the rest of the ride is still very good that first part is unmatched by nearly any other coaster at Walt Disney World by the time you reach the brake run your heart will still be pumping from that adrenaline rush to sum it all up Tron is a fantastic experience with a few minor flaws with a few tweaks this could have been the perfect addition to Magic Kingdom even so Tron is a great experience that I'm happy to see finally open now just get rid of the virtual cue and we're all good number 10 Kilimanjaro safaris on the surface Kilimanjaro safaris is a fairly simple drive-through zoo showcasing a wide variety of different animals however I think that's a huge part of the draw when it comes to this attraction every time you ride you might see something completely different not only that but I think the theming of this attraction is hugely understated despite it obviously being a safe experience for both the guests and the Animals it's incredible how seamless the barriers are between them it's expertly crafted to make it seem as open and natural as possible which I think no other Park can do quite as well as Animal Kingdom Six Flags Great Adventure had a similar experience to this and while it was still very cool it doesn't quite match what Disney was able to do here considering the space and money required for a project like this it's incredible that it was even made in the first place regardless Kilimanjaro safaris is a great attraction that's a must do in Animal Kingdom number nine Haunted Mansion many would argue that this is Disney's magnum opus and I can't say I fully disagree The Haunted Mansion is simply unmatched in terms of its spooky atmosphere with the single most iconic pre-show at any Disney park this ride starts off Strong by putting guests right into this strange and surreal Manji from there the ride is filled with some great effects and plenty of animatronics all of which really add to the atmosphere of the ride compared to the other attractions that use the Omni move ride system I do think this one is easily the best however that ride system has some flaws that I feel takes away a bit from the ride experience since some guests need an extra bit of help to get on and off their ride vehicle it's not uncommon for the entire system to come to a stop to give them time to get on of course that's not the fault of any gas instead it's the fault of a ride system that prioritizes capacity over everything else not to mention the Turning motion on this ride is incredibly jerky which seems to have developed as the attraction is aged a park for my Omni mover nitpicks though I have to agree that this is a fantastic Dark Ride The Ride system may have some flaws but everything else about it makes it one of the best dark rides in the Magic Kingdom number 8 Expedition Everest located all the way in the back of Animal Kingdom Acts Expedition Everest is widely regarded by most as the best roller coaster Disney has ever made I don't quite share that same opinion as you'll soon see but there's obviously a reason it ranks so highly on this list the rock work and scale of this ride is simply extraordinary as long as there's no train on the bridge the mountain looks staggering which makes the Expedition itself that much more exciting there is this little warm-up before heading into the ride proper which is an overlooked aspect that I think was a bit unnecessary regardless it's a nice little appetizer before heading into the full course meal that meal is pretty great from the fake out track at the edge of the mountain to the backward section immediately following from there you get some thrilling turns and hints of the Yeti's existence in the mountain while the yeti animatronic has been famously broken for years now it's still a nice touch before finishing off this intense Adventure there are some weak points sure but overall Expedition Everest remains one of the best roller coasters you can find in Orlando it has some steep competition from both Disney and other Parks but it's still remains a standout attraction within that crowd number seven Pirates of the Caribbean out of all the classic Disney dark rides Pirates of the Caribbean is surprisingly my favorite up until my most recent visit I thought this ride was very good but nowhere near the top 10. now though I fully understand the praise this attraction gets while many other Disney dark rides have fantastic theming the skill of this ride is simply unmatched as soon as you head down that drop you're met by a massive ship battling against those on land past that you have some iconic scenes taking place around a local town which are both comedic and perfectly detailed all of the animatronics are great too bringing each scene to life through their dialogue and movement the only flaw I can point out with this ride is that everything before the drop is done much better over at Disneyland there's just so much more detail to the cave scenes and floating by a restaurant is such a cool experience only matched by the grand Fiesta tour at Epcot while California's version is superior the one here in Florida is no slouch either Pirates of the Caribbean is a fantastic ride that's more than worthy of a spot on this list number six Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic rewind this is yet another recent addition to the Disney parks and in my opinion one of the absolute best while many people have called this a modern Space Mountain I almost feel like it's more comparable to rock and roller coaster like that ride every time you hop on Cosmic rewind a completely different song will be playing that makes this coaster an absolute joy to re-ride as every experience will be slightly different than the last the other clear comparison is the launch which has the distinct difference of starting off backwards while overall I think the launch on rock and roller coaster is a bit more Punchy Cosmic rewinds launch almost feels disorienting the seats turn around right at the end of the launch track putting gas face first into a bunch of flashing lights for some that may seem kind of awful but personally this was an extremely awesome start to an awesome roller coaster compared to Tron this ride feels extremely long taking the track places you had no idea could go more importantly though the theming is a huge improvement over the aforementioned Rock and roller coaster the screen elements aren't the best sure but the star projections and other space themed props really Elevate this ride Beyond just a good go poster the effect at the end especially impressed me being such a cool Showcase of projection mapping technology while the queue feels a little squished into the old Universe of energy building the pre-shows following it are pretty solid some of the dialogue is a bit painful sure but the effects used throughout are really understated yet very well done as a whole I enjoyed this ride way more than I was expecting while it has some unique imperfections it also excels in ways that no other ride at Epcot can achieve number five Avatar flight of Passage kicking off this Elite top fives is a ride that I consider the best simulator ever created despite being themed to a franchise I don't care much about flight of Passage stands out by being a breathtaking combination of technology and theming the cue of this ride is in my opinion the best in the entirety of Walt Disney World the way it dynamically switches from location to location each having its own distinct look while moving you further into the caverns is simply genius everything about this Hue is expertly crafted from the bioluminescence of the plant to the underwater animatronic in the lab then you have the ride itself which is the single most immersive simulator I have ever been on the seat breathes to mimic the breath of the Banshee you're riding on a small fan blows air and water to simulate a sense of speed even small details like the 3D glasses having peripheral vision all add up to make for an incredible experience the only thing I can think to complain about is this somewhat boring pre-show but even that I can understand altogether flight of Passage is an astounding achievement and one of the best rides Disney has ever made number four Big Thunder Mountain Railroad for a long time I consider this to be my favorite roller coaster in all of Walt Disney World everything about this ride is just great in terms of theming this is up there as one of the best themed coasters in the world the rock work is so intricate and the little details gathered throughout really add a lot to the experience not only that but this is a surprisingly fun coaster too it's not quite as intense as Cosmic rewind or Expedition Everest but I feel as though the balance between theming and Thrill is even better here than on those two rides apart from that the queue is pretty solid the indoor section is a nice introduction to the ride and the rickety lift up the Third Hill is a unique element that has even more to an already fantastic ride overall while it's no longer my favorite Disney coaster it remains one of my favorite rides in the entire Resort without question Number Three Star Wars rise of the resistance this ride seems unreal from beginning to end everything about rise of the resistance is just staggering the seemingly endless pre-shows the pure scale of the ship you bore the non-stop action of the ride itself is undeniably an incredible achievement the ride starts out with the first pre-show number two where you're instructed to board a transport ship on your way to another planet the following pre-show has guests packed onto this transport ship which itself has its own little ride system that simulates motion throughout eventually you're captured by a star destroyer in LED down a hallway into an interrogation room that's where the third pre-show takes place where guests find themselves face to face with the villain kylo Ren after that you go through secret door and into the rod proper which uses a trackless ride vehicle to keep the ride both Dynamic and engaging combined with the incredible theming all around this fast spaceship and it's no wonder why many would call this the best ride at Walt Disney World as a theme park fan I completely understand that praise the amount of ride systems animatronics and visual effects that went into making this ride work is kind of absurd the downside of all that is how unreliable this ride is one of the most common examples of this is the kylo ren animatronic which often breaks down and sends the ride into B mode there's plenty of other issues too both Technical and fundamental but they're hardly worth dwelling on considering how much this ride does right apart from the technical issues lackluster cue and ugliness of the floor there really isn't much I can complain about when it comes to rise of the resistance this is one of the most incredible dark rides you can find at any theme park in the world and undoubtedly one of the best things that Disney has ever created number 2 Space Mountain between this and Big Thunder Mountain I had a tough time picking my favorite ride in the Magic Kingdom however there's just something about Space Mountain that makes it completely Untouchable despite how old this ride is it's amazing how well it holds up today the Q and ride itself flawlessly immerse you in the Dark Void of space while also having a certain aesthetic that differentiates itself from the more modern idea of what the future may look like even just as a roller coaster it's surprisingly thrilling sure the track is a bit janky but for me the Jank is part of what makes this ride so much fun despite its lackluster stats the ride itself is great with guests soaring through the stars in their own little spaceships honestly I can't even think of a flaw with this ride from beginning to end it's such a perfectly crafted experience that still stands the test of time today not only is it the best ride in the Magic Kingdom but it may just be the most iconic ride ever made number one The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror this is the best ride in all of Walt Disney World Tower of Terror is the perfect combination of theming thrill and rewrite ability all culminating in experience that is unmatched nearly anywhere else from the Erie Q leading you deeper inside the hotel to the iconic pre-show with plenty of memorable lines everything before the ride begins is astounding in its own right every inch of the hotel is immaculately themed giving off an unsettling feeling to any guests whose stepped through its doors beyond that you have the ride itself which is filled with so many fantastic and Innovative effects that keep guests on their toes the whole way through the first scene as you are sending the lift is such a strange yet creepy star and everything after that continues to emulate that unique Vibe there's an extremely cool scene that's only present in this version of the ride where the elevator moves through a room in a way you never expect C then you get the drop tower itself which is easily the best that's ever been created the drops are incredibly thrilling yet completely randomized occasionally giving you a peek down at the park below you the sequence is very long too with the randomized aspect giving plenty of reason for guests to hop on again and again overall considering everything this Rod excels at I have to give it the honor of being the single best ride at Walt Disney World it's a Flawless experience from beginning to end and one that I can't wait to get back on whenever I next visit the Disney parks if you made it to the end of this video thanks so much for joining me on this journey this video took months to make so if you enjoyed it please be sure to support the channel by leaving a like and subscribing for more again thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all next time
Channel: hellomerio
Views: 327,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 24sec (2784 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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