Universal Orlando Resort ULTIMATE RIDE GUIDE | Everything to Know 2024!

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in this video we're going to take a tour of the Universal Orlando resort to determine which rides are worth going on I'll be giving you a general overview of each attraction where it's located in the Parks the intensity of the ride its average weight time and whether or not you should do it with all that said let's start out in the first park at the resort Universal Studios shortly after entering the park you'll be walking straight into minionland on the left you'll see our first attraction Despicable Me minion Mayhem on this ride you'll be turned into a minion and have to go through several trun to determine if you're fit to serve Brew this is a fairly basic simulator ride taking place in a small Theater which makes it perfect for the family the movement can be a bit jarring but overall I'd give this a two out of five on the intensity scale on average this ride can get some very long wait times especially at the beginning of the day personally I'd recommend coming back to this ride later in the evening as it should be less busy by then as for whether or not you should go on this ride I'd say it's up to you it isn't anything special but for families and kids especially it is a solid enough ride however if you want an even better Despicable Me attraction with less of a weight the next ride on this list is for you villan conon minion blast is the newest ride at Universal Studios located right across from Minion Mayhem in this attraction you'll be trying to become the newest member of the vicious 6 using your blaster to shoot at various objects along your path this is a very unique shooting Dark Ride with guest having to stand up on a moving walkway similar to those found in the universe IAL parking garage that also means you'll have to carry your own Blaster which you'll pick up at the end of the ride's queue while the accessibility of this ride is a bit complicated the ride as a whole is very mild placing it at a 1 out of five on the intensity scale as for the weight time this ride rarely gets very busy usually hovering around a 30 minute weight it can get longer depending on the time you visit but overall I'd say the weights are about medium when it comes to my own recommendation I'd say you may as well try it out this ride isn't everyone's cup of tea but for a 20-minute wait I see no reason not to see for yourself now let's head over to a much more intense ride down the street and behind Despicable Me minion Mayhem is the imposing Hollywood Rip Ride rocket on this insane roller coaster you'll be riding along to a song of your choice which you can choose on a screen once you get on the ride speaking of once you see that screen be sure to tap and hold the ride logo to unlock a secret menu of songs from there you can enter a three-digit code to get a unique song not available in the main menu my personal favorite is 902 anyways on the intensity scale I'd rank this an easy five out of five this is the most intense ride at the park because of that the line can get pretty long especially with how often this ride goes down still if you're really committed to riding it I'd say go for it it's not an amazing roller coaster in my opinion but it's certainly the most intense at Universal Studios otherwise though I'd say skip it this ride is pretty mixed among Park gas with many complaining about how bumpy it is the time you might waste in line for this takes away from the time you could be waiting for far better rides it's a decent roller coaster don't get me wrong but not necessarily worth the hassle next up we'll be heading over to New York for another fairly basic simulator race through New York starring Jimmy Fallon is an attraction where guests race against jimy Fallon through the streets of New York pretty self-explanatory I know like Minion Mayhem this isn't a very intense ride with a two out of five rating on the intensity scale however unlike Minion Mayhem the line for Jimmy Fallon is often pretty short I've rarely seen this ride with a wait over 20 minutes although it can happen on occasion it's a really unique queue as well rather than waiting in line like a traditional ride queue each party gets their own colored card from there you just have to wait for the lights to shine your color and then you can head into the ride itself there are plenty of games and entertainment offered on the second floor to make your weight more interesting that unique queue is pretty cool but the ride itself isn't anything special although I personally don't think this attraction is very good I've gotten a lot of comments from people that do enjoy it if it's a short way you may as well try it out yourself for anything more than 30 minutes though I'd recommend skipping it heading deeper into New York is my personal favorite ride at the park Revenge of the Mummy here you'll enter the set of the Mummy films where a real life curse has taken over the production the story is a little convoluted and cheesy but the ride itself really makes up for it it is another roller coaster but it's not quite as intense as Rip Ride rocket so I'd put it at a four out of five in terms of intensity as for the weight times typically it can have some of the longest weights in the park luckily if you're willing to split your party there is a single Rider line that's worth a shot whatever way you get on it I'd highly recommend riding this ride for me it's the absolute best attraction at Universal Studios and one of my favorite rides in the entire world if you don't like roller coasters I'd understand skipping it but otherwise it's a must do now let's head down the streets of New York towards the massive Gray Building where Transformers the ride 3D sit this is a thrilling Dark Ride where you'll fight to protect the all spark from the evil Decepticons if you've been on Spider-Man at Islands of Adventure this is very similar despite it being a dark ride it is surprisingly intense really shaking you around throughout the ride I'd still put it at a three out of five but it is leaning on four when it comes to wait times they can typically be pretty long for this attraction it also has a single Rider line that you could take advantage of but again be sure to note your party will be separated while my thoughts on this ride are a bit mixed I do think it's worth a shot if you're willing if it's over an hour wait I'd come back when it's a little less busy otherwise though I'd try it out up ahead we'll reach San Francisco where one of the most controversial rides in the park sits Fast and Furious supercharge is a simulator style attraction where guests take a ride on the party bus and rush through the streets of California as for the plot I honestly couldn't tell you there's a lot of exposition but none of it makes sense it's not the most intense ride out there but sudden movements and Loud Noises put it out of two for me the line for this ride can also get pretty long but often hovers somewhere in the middle as for my personal recommendation just don't ride it it's the worst ride at the park and a huge disappointment all around if you're morbidly curious and the line is short I can't blame you for wanting to try it otherwise though this is a ride you absolutely must skip when you go to Universal Studios now let's head straight into Dion alley for one of the most iconic rides at the park Harry Potter and The Escape from Green gots takes guest right into the depths of green got's Bank riding on a mine cart as Harry and Friends attempt to break out it's a thrilling combination of roller coaster and Dark Ride putting it at a four out of five on the intensity scale since this is a Harry Potter ride the lines can often get quite long but it does have a single Rider line if you're willing to skip out on most of the incredible queue however you get there this is a must do at Universal Studios Universal's Harry Potter attractions tend to be the most expensive and well themed rides at their parks and and this is no exception I don't prefer it over Revenge of the Mummy but it's up there in the top three of this park if you're able to you have to do this ride leaving The Wizarding World we'll turn left and head right on over to Men In Black alien attack aliens have been let loose across the city and it's up to you to take them down and save the day this is a great shooting Dark Ride with some solid theming and really unique moments here's a tip to improve your score be sure to hit the red button when you're prompted to right under the giant alien monster it will give you a huge bonus at time just right anyway since this is a shooting Dark Ride it's not extremely intense with the exception of a few powerful spins with that I put it at a two out of five on the intensity scale as for the weight times the lines don't get extremely long for this attraction most of the time it's hovering between 30 to 45 minutes finally for my personal recommendation I'd say go for it this is a very fun and engaging ride and while it may not be my favorite it grows on me each time I revisit it it's a great place to stop by at the park close by is the one and only Simpsons Ride right in the heart of Springfield USA this is an intense simulator attraction Where You Follow The Simpsons family as they attempt to evade the evil Sid so Bob the reason I say intense is because this ride is often known for causing motion sickness in gas because of that I'd put it at a three out of five on the intensity scale so keep that in mind when you visit lines can get pretty long for this ride but most of the time I'd say they're about average if it's around the 30 Mark I'd say give it a shot if you know your pro to motion sickness maybe skip this one but otherwise it's a really comedic and fun ride however if it's nearing an hour waight I'd say you should pass it's a decent ride but not up there with the best of the best at this Resort worth a shot but only if you want to right across the street is Kang and Cotto's twirl and hurl a simple spinning flat ride this is an easy one out of five on the intensity scale which makes it perfect for younger guests it also usually has a pretty short weight so it's worth a shot if you want to try it being a flat ride it's nothing special but it's a nice small offering for the people with younger kids last but not least let's head to the edge of Kid Zone to discuss ET Adventure this is the only opening day attraction that's still operating at Universal Studios so some may argue it's a little dated however this dark ride is really charming and has a solid group of fans that absolutely adore it on this Dark Ride you'll be returning ET to his home planet so he can save the day with his healing touch the ride gets really weird in the second half but I think that's part of the charm with this attraction in terms of intensity I'd put it all the way down at a 1 out of five there's not a whole lot of spinning or shaking going on just a straightforward Dark Ride with some solid theming the line is usually pretty short for this ride but on busy days it can Peak at around 40 minutes if it's short though this is a ride you have to do you might not love it as much as it's biggest fans but this is one of the few rides at Universal Studios with physical theming throughout the entire attraction it's not anything crazy but it's a really cute ride that's worth a shot if you're able before we go it's worth noting that a new DreamWorks land will be opening in the park in 2024 based on current construction the only additional ride that should be here is a wreth version of Woody Woodpecker's Nut House coaster now themed of trolls this troller coaster should be fairly low on the intensity scale making it a great ride for the kids there hasn't been an exact date announce but I'd expect this to open by early summer 2024 that's all for Universal Studios now let's head over to Island of Adventure starting with the port of entry from here we'll take a right turn straight into Seuss Landing where our first ride sits The Cat in the Hat is a kid-friendly Dark Ride based on the iconic book by Dr Seuss since it's meant to be a ride for children it gets a very low 1 out of five on the intensity scale the weight times are pretty low as well almost never getting over a 30-minute waight if it is over 30 minutes I'd recommend skipping this one in fact I'd recommend skipping this one no matter matter what the weight is the ride is kind of a mess right now with poor visual effects and broken animatronics it can still be a fun ride and good enough for the kids but it's nowhere near the best attraction at the park it's not even the best attraction at Seuss Landing but we'll get to that later right next door to the Cat in the Hat is One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish a simple spinning flat ride this ride has the gimmick of spraying water at guess although you can avoid it as long as you follow the instructions apart from that the intensity is a very low one out of five weight times are usually pretty short as well if you have small kids this is a great attraction to stop by otherwise you can probably skip it unless you have nothing better to do now let's head across the pathway over to the centerpiece of this land the kosu cell this is a basic Carousel Ride with some nice Dr Sue theming like oneish two fish this is a fairly basic flat ride that gets a one out of five on the intensity scale the line is usually pretty short as well rarely getting much higher than 20 minutes this is another another ride that might be fun if you have kids but otherwise it's a pretty easy skip finally let's talk about the high in the sky Seuss trolley train ride this is a simple train ride that takes you around Seuss Landing offering a unique Viewpoint from high off the regular Pathways there are two different tracks that take you to two different places so it's worth a rde if you have the time like all the attractions in Seuss Landing I'd put this at a one out of five on the intensity scale however this attraction tends to get the longest lines of the bunch sometimes ending up in the 40 the 50-minute range I wouldn't say it's long on average but it can get long depending on the day still if it's around the 30 minute point I'd recommend giving this a shot it's a really Charming ride with some great views and by far my favorite in this area of the park even if you're an adult it's a fun time although it's obviously not a five-star ride or anything it's just a cute little ride that's worth your time if you're able next up let's head on through the Lost Continent to get to one of the most iconic theme park lands in the World Hogs me this is home home to three of the most popular attractions at the park but also three of the best let's start off with Hagrid's magical creatures motorbike Adventure one of the newest rides at the park this is a family roller coaster taking you on a journey throughout the Forbidden Forest encountering several magical creatures along the way despite it being a roller coaster I don't think this ride is extremely intense it has its moments but compared to some of the other coasters at the park I would probably place it at a four out of five on the intensity scale as for the average weight time as you might expect it is very very long this is typically the longest wait time in the entire resort with an average range of 1 to 3 hours if you see it at around an hour i' take your chances and get in line no matter how long you have to wait though you have to do this ride it's one of the best attractions in the entire resort with fantastic theming and some great surprises although the weight may seem a bit rough it's entirely worth your time if you've never experience this attraction it's truly something special close by is yet another Harry Potter themed Ro roller coaster Flight of the hippogriff this is a much less intense Kitty coaster with some nice scenery but not much in terms of theming I'd place it at a two out of five on the intensity scale making it perfect for younger guests when it comes to the weight times like hagrids this see some of the longest weights at the park it typically hovers around the 60-minute mark although it can get both shorter or longer it's worth a shot if you have the time but otherwise this is my least favorite of the three Harry Potter attractions here it's fine enough if you have kids but too short of an experience to justify its enormous waight time last but not least we'll enter the halls of Hogwarts Castle to experience Harry Potter in the Forbidden Journey this is one of the most Innovative dark rides ever made taking you to several iconic locations throughout the Wizarding World it can be a bit scary and intense with some near inverting moments and face-to-face encounters with several creatures because of that I'd put it at a three out of five on the intensity scale although it is leaning on a four as for wait time shockingly enough this is is by far the least busy of the three attractions in the land it can get long around 60 minutes but ever since Hagrid's open I've often seen it around the 20 to 30 minute Mark if you see it at around that length this is an absolute no-brainer to do it's one of the star attractions of the park and one of the best dark rides ever made even if it's around an hour away it's definitely worth it although perhaps try waiting until the wait time goes down a little bit right outside the Wizarding World stands the gates leading into Jurassic Park where our next three attractions can sit first up is the newest ride at the Park Jurassic world velocci coaster this is an intense roller coaster where you'll be sent through a raptor padic and burst out the other end this may be the most intense ride in the resort so it gets an easy five out of five on the intensity scale because of how new and crazy it is this ride also tends to get some very long weights not quite as long as hagrids but still hovering around an hour at least as for my personal recommendation if you're not afraid of roller coasters you have to ride this this this is my favorite roller coaster I've ever been on and I doubt there's anything out there that could top it it's an insane ride and my personal favorite at the park a little ways down is our second dinosaur themed attraction Jurassic Park River Adventure this water ride is a well themed Journey Through the rivers of Jurassic Park with an intense and terrifying drop to top it all off while most of the ride is pretty Serene that final drop alone is enough to raise this to a three out of five on the intensity scale the line for this ride depends on when you're visiting since it's it's a water ride lines will usually be longer around the summertime and dip in the wintertime along with that lines will also get longer later into the day when the sun is at its brightest overall though I'd say the we times are about average if it's not too cold out and the line isn't too long I'd highly recommend this ride all of the water rides at Universal are fantastic and this one gets you the least wet of the three it still gets you pretty wet don't get me wrong but the other two are just insane we'll get to them later in the video for now let's head on into Camp Jurassic for the final ride here at Jurassic Park torontoon Flyers is a kid-friendly ride in the skies on your very own dinosaur in fact this ride is so kid-friendly that you can only go on it if you have a kid with you because of that I've actually never been on this ride so I couldn't give you an accurate rating of the intensity or my personal recommendation regardless from what I've seen the line for this ride can get very long sometimes it Peaks all the way up at 60 minutes which doesn't seem worth it from what I've heard regardless if you have a kid with you it may be worth a shot not a lot of people have been on this ride because of the kid's only restrictions so it's a unique experience to have at the parks if you have been on this ride be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments down below anyways that's all for Jurassic Park now let's head right into the home of King Kong himself Skull Island Skull Island reign of Kong is a simulated Dark Ride similar to Fast and Furious at Universal Studios here you'll journey into Kong's home and escape the many creatures found on Skull Island being a simulator ride I'd put this at a 2 out of five on the intensity scale although the jerking motions and Loud Noises put it close to a three when it comes to wait times however this ride has insanely long lines I often see this ride with at least a 45-minute waight and often even longer than that for that absurdly long wait time I don't think this ride is worth it if you catch it at around 20 to 30 minutes I'd give it a shot but admittedly the ride itself is okay at best I like it just fine but I know plenty of people that straight up hate it again you may as well try if it's around 30 minutes but I'd skip it if it's any longer than that now let's head out of the dark Skull Island and into the bright and colorful ton Lagoon the first ride we'll see in this land is Dudley do rid's ripsaw Falls a log Bloom water ride that gets guest absolutely soaked with its three intense drops I have to put this at a three out of five on the intensity scale as for the weight time like Jurassic Park River Adventure it really depends what time of the year you're going this one can get all the way up to 2 hours hours long but also all the way down to 20 minutes in terms of my personal recommendation I'd say you should give it a shot if it's an insanely long way you should probably skip it but otherwise it is one of my favorite water rides I've ever been on Popeye and Bluto build drat barges is known for getting people drenched from head to toe it's not any more intense than those other two water rides probably around a three out of five but it's much more random and unkind to those wanting to stay dry again the wait time depends on when you go but this generally has the least insane wait times of the three water rides here if you're willing to get trenched I'd highly recommend this ride especially if you're with a group of people watching people's reactions as they get hit by the waterfall is one of the great joys of Life Next up let's jump straight into Marvel Superhero Island to talk about the Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man this high-tech dark ride takes guest into Spider-Man's New York city where the Sinister Six is trying to steal the Statue of Liberty while it does throw you around a bit I wouldn't give this ride any higher than a three out of five on the intend scale it can get bumpy but nothing too extreme as for the weight time I'd say it's about average well I've seen it Peak at around 60 Minutes most of the time it's somewhere between 20 and 40 no matter how long you have to wait this is an essential ride each time I re-ride it I become more and more tempted to call it my favorite at the park while I'm unsure it quite takes that Crown it's certainly high up there you have to do this when you go to the park around the corner from Spider-Man sits Dr Doom's fearfall a fairly simple drop tower ride despite its short length it is fairly intense with the drop from 185 ft in the air that puts it at 4 out of five on the intensity scale as for the lines I don't usually see this much higher than 30 minutes it can get long on certain days but most of the time it's pretty short for my personal recommendation I'd say it depends to me this ride is nothing special although the queue is kind of fun to look through it's just to short of an experience to justify any more than a 20-minute waight so as long as it's less than that you may as well give it a shot shot next up is the penultimate attraction on our list storm Force accelatron this is a simple spinning flat ride located right next to the Incredible Hulk coaster it can get intense depending on how much you spend but nothing more than a three out of five the lines also don't get very long for this one usually somewhere in the 30 minute area this is another one that can go either way for me if you want to try it you may as well but for me it's one I always skip when I'm at the park it's not bad but nothing special either finally let's end this with the incredible hole coaster this huge B&M Looper stands 110 ft tall with seven intense inversions this is tied with velos gaster for the most intense ride at the resort making it an easy five out of five on the intensity scale it can also get some very long lines typically at the beginning of the day since it's at the front of the park other times however it can get as short as 15 minutes so be sure to wait it out if you can if you're a roller coaster fan this is a must do at the park it's incredibly intense but in a totally different way than veloc coaster which makes it a really fun ride in comparison I understand skipping it if roller coasters aren't your thing but otherwise this is a great ride to hop on and that's every ride at the Universal Orlando resort for more on the Orlando Parks check out this video ranking every park at Walt Disney World thanks so much for watching and I'll see you all next time
Channel: hellomerio
Views: 5,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: loNngRprQlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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