Every Rare Pokemon in Crimson Mirelands - Pokemon Legends Arceus

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what's going on everyone austin john  place here and today i'm going to be   going over all the rare pokemon of the  crimson marlins in pokemon legends rcs uh it's a beautiful morning me and my character  match were red with white on it looking dapper   look at dapper i i need to see if there's there's  new clothes you know what we'll change clothes for   uh for the next region the crimson marlins  doesn't have as many pokemon that are like   very rare chances to show up like the chimchar was  in the first area there's actually just some rare   pokemon in general and the area is big and with  all the dips and valleys it's kind of easy to miss   some of these things i'm going to be going over  the rear pokemon pokemon you need to look out for   and also the rarest pokemon spawn in the entire  game is here first pokemon we are going to be   doing turtwig who's going to be located  down here and there's going to be turtwig   and grotel so if you're not familiar about the  epic jump then you can make from the west side   to the east side that's where we ride over here  to the droning meadow you can just come over here   hop off and then we're going to hit plus because  i already have basket legion and i just want to   show that you can make it and then we're over  here no problem i've also made it my video on   all of the alpha pokemon so i definitely recommend  comparing and contrasting that we're going to make   our way to the southernmost point down here this  tiny little pond this area could be such a pain   with all the dips and dives and also you can get  a space-time dimension spawn here and it's just   it's just the worst one because like you have all  these peaks and valleys my face is covering part   of the screen but even with that like uh until you  get braviary this place is a mess to navigate and   then all the way down here there's going to  be two specific pokemon that spawn and that   spawn table is going to include paris parasect  turtwig and grotel who do we have we have turtwig   now the weird part is it says that turtwig is very  rare to spawn here like 13 i don't think i've ever   come here and he wasn't here alright for turtwig  if you catch it without being seen that's three   you need to feed it four times and catch it once  without being seen or just catch it at that point   so bring some berries throw some berries over  there let him see it it may be a good idea in   case you have a paris here to um what's  the word i'm looking for get rid of it i'm so happy i'm gonna i'm gonna respect you with  a gigaton ball sir most expensive ball i can make   right now there we go great we got a turquoise  and he didn't see us yep neat now the turd wig   you just caught is probably just a couple levels  away from evolving it's your option if you want   to evolve it and raise a tart wig to a grottle  let you know i don't know if this is pronounced   grotel or grottle but just evolving it you don't  really get a lot of points it's more about raising   it and feeding it food five times can kind of help  i'm just gonna go catch one because we're doing   a living dex anyways and you know me i like to  show that it can be done throttle or grottle grow spawns at about five percent so for one to one  odds you may need to zone over here 10 times   and clear out both the parasect and the tert  wake i should also mention that doing this   during the day does produce slightly higher  results as the night time table is shared with   spooky boys yeah haunter and gastly oh ho all right wasn't expecting that but as you can  see we have a grottle what's the chance of an   alpha grottle 0.53 chance about 1 in 200 chance  for an alpha grotel i'm excited because now i   have another pokemon from my alpha living decks  oh and there's a turtwig it's like a baby and the   adult i'm dropped down to save here i don't want  to mess this up i think i need to feed this thing   five times once again i want to remind everyone  the only way to get random alphas to spawn is to   help quell the local frenzy noble of the area  turtwig does not need to be fed and he's just   gonna get in the way because i think he's faster  brutal you want some more food not you tertwig you   already ate yours gordon are you having trouble  path finding to that food body block the tert   wig i just want you to turn around and then i'm  going to gigatonya from the back yes yes please   thank you sir wait we need to get we need to  encounter it for the for the thumbnail don't we it was in the grass yeah that's thumbnail  worthy wow what a way to start the video right   nice i want to mention that while adventuring  through this area the shaking trees have a chance   to have burme however these burmese can be the  sand burmese i don't know if only some of them   or oh i guess all of them all of them can be  the sand burme and you need to have one of each   the grass sand and trash burmese for a future  quest so when you see this burn me and you're like   well i'm already level 10 on burme make sure to  catch this burme as well you want to get all three   of them from your epic jump over on the west side  of the map if you head south toward the droning   meadow and you keep your eye on the river there's  a chance you could find barboche there as well   there's a barboach and a very slim chance to  find wishcash now up there he is there's wishcash   but every time you come across this  wish cash make sure you bring a grass   move with you because if you defeat it with  a grass move that's three points every time   doing it twice that's six points and then you  catch two of them that's that's your perfect ten   that's all you really need for the barboaches give  it food you feed it ten you feed it seven times   catch it once that's dex completion nice and easy  next up on the docket is going to be together kiss   and toga p all right so both of them are located  right here at the cotton edge prairie right   toga kiss is going to always 100 be flying around  in the sky as you can see right ahead of you i'm   pretty sure you almost pretty much need a feather  ball in order to do togekiss by the way you're   going to see a wisp here i am going to be doing  a full wisp guide i'm pretty sure i'm going to be   doing the wisp guide for this area after this  video because i don't think you need basket   legion for it but for the first area you do need  basket legion so your take away from this whole   little rant here is after this video and that  subsequent video you may want to go get basket   legion day if you're following along actually a  bunch of people have told me that they're just   kind of following along with how i'm progressing  through these videos which pretty cool that way   i mean i definitely like filling up the decks one  area at a time it's just gonna make a figure eight   and you just need to wait until it goes into  your crosshairs just like the toga tick was in   the first area and boop way off oop there's a  weird little stutter it did there tertiary boop   nice always prepare your second ball and it broke  out that's why you always prepare that second ball   nice now you can get togeth very easily just  like that and if you catch three of them in the   air that's a done page 100 you're done good to go  right together has a supposedly 25 percent chance   to spawn down here it's only gonna be spawning in  the three places that you're going to be seeing   pacharisu you want to sleep until morning if  it's raining you want to sleep again and then   we're going to run up here and we're going to do  our epic jump over to the west side if you don't   have basket legion upon coming back to the area  feel free to catch yourself another toga piss i know it's gonna happen feel free to catch yourself another toga kiss i'm  gonna make my way down here and we're gonna see if   we have togepi show up and there's something  weird going on here that it's not spawning   correctly for me i don't know what's going on  with these spawns man this is the first ever   pokemon that just hasn't spawned regularly for me  man i don't know what's going on i'm not gonna lie   i've actually done this nine times i'm just  gonna start zoning in and out and of course by   rezone i mean i'm gonna go back to the village  and then back to the map nope three pachurisus   okay let's rezone again this is try number three  from rezoning togepi great i'm saving the game   here oh this is such a mess togepi if you give it  food four times and catch it once that's pokedex   completion however it has a very long range so i'm  gonna recommend coming over here to the flowers   while in the flowers do do just the longest throw  you could possibly do that isn't a very long throw   and also these pacharisu's seem to be faster  than togepi don't hit it oh thank thank   almighty sinnoh it didn't hit it if it gets too  suspicious it might just attack you and then flee   so let's just make it happy again with food after  you've fed togepi the maximum amount of times   make sure it is busy eating if you want to  go and try to take it out one nice dinner want to dodge that you want to get away from  him in case he breaks out and he did break out   are you gonna flee please don't flee so  bright out it's hard to see if it's still here   okay it's still here that's good i'm just  gonna use zr locking right now and zl locking   because i don't know why but it's so bright out  these flowers are so blown out great we got it oh   that took actually 25 minutes that's the  reason you want to save beforehand feed it food   pokedex entry complete feed it four times catch  it once you're good that's only my second one   i've ever caught the next pokemon we're going to  be going after is sudow wudo and bonsley fly to   the diamond settlement we're going to be going  to the marker on my map that's this little flag   right about there the spawn table that we're going  to be coming up on only contains sudowoodo and   bonsai and there's only two spaces so you can find  two pseudo wudos two bonsleys or a combination the   sudobudo is about 81 percent we could already  see that we have two pseudo budos here and then   the bonzi is 16 if it's foggy bonsley's chance is  a little bit higher and sudoburos is a little bit   lower and during the night time they share it  with ghosts so it's your option now if you just   want to walk up to the pseudo budo they do not  resist you at all great time to burn off those   old heavy balls if you have lying around if you're  already on better balls does an aggro just go to   his back hit him in the back clear out both of  them get back on your pony return back to camp   sleep again till morning and we're gonna go  re-encounter them oh that's an alpha comb   all right it looks like i have one suit oh wudo  and did the second one not spawn or is there a   bonsley hiding in that grass bonzi is very short  compared to sudo wudo i know i don't think there's   a bonsai anywhere all right let's just go back  to camp and do the whole thing again it only took   two sleeps and i was able to get bonsley to show  up you see him over there off in the distance   right bonsley luckily we could feed it food five  times and catching it that gives us seven points   catching it without being spotted that's eight  points catching a second one will perfect the page   you're also going to see number  you've seen leap out of ore deposits   that's going to be when bonsley is able to be in  ore deposits in the mount cornet region i forgot   the name of it because i haven't progressed that  far in this save but you can finish this later   and it's just going to be in ore deposits  that are shaking although i'm not going   to lie i kind of avoid those in the end game  oh there's some grass over here that dude is   very astute for being a baby okay yeah yeah he'll  eat a berry cool i think everything eats berries   especially these orenberries unless they're an  alpha and they have trouble with their pathing   does the check mark mean i can't do that  anymore it does mean i can't do that anymore   we just catch you in a heavy ball like we did for  your p-paw eat really dramatic last ditch attempt okay great i need him for the thumbnail tonight is that a sleeping pseudo wudo  dude if you're gonna be a tree   you can't be laying down sleeping like that i mean  i guess he could be like a fallen log or something   i've just never seen a pseudo woodo  sleep where's his back this is back   sure is all right now we are coming up on not  really a rare pokemon but one that you should   definitely grab and you know maybe maybe  grab a few of especially if you're like me   and you're trying to complete the decks as you  go through you have alpha licky licky chilling   up here right next to the top of the ruins and  right here you're going to be finding four ralts   and between these rolls there's a slim chance  that one of them is going to be a curlier about   22 percent chance in addition to down here you can  have up to three pokemon spawn and again i think   22 percent chance that it's going to be a curlier  during the night time it becomes a little bit   more rare because you also get some ghost pokemon  spawning here i'm not even i'm not even gonna be   going over this because i'm i'm about to get into  something real spicy and i've seen curly way too   many times uh before we get into the spiciest  stuff are we done with everything honorable   mention here in the space-time riffs that pop up  there is a chance that you're gonna be finding   porygon porygon 2 and a chance at porygon z but my  first ever spawn of the three rare spawns i'm sure   you saw my whole guide on time space distortions  and if you didn't it's probably right there   if i remember to put the card in keep in mind in  the post game you're also going to be finding the   cyndaquil line so there's that too time to get  into the rarest pokemon in the entire game so   of all of the pokemon evolution families i think  every single one of them has at least two percent   between all the different forms all the  different areas except for one pokemon and i   did this for five hours i knew i could i knew i  couldn't do it this morning i knew it was gonna   be rare and i knew it was gonna be very difficult  for me to actually do between last night and today   for five hours i tested this after you get  every single wisp with the old keystone   you get a spirit tomb encounter and the spirit  tomb encounter is a staged encounter you just   turn around he's chilling there future austin  show that footage now however you can encounter a   less than one percent chance to find spirit  tomb again see right here number caught one   and this is a wild spirit tomb took me  five hours to get this thing to show up   it only can be one of the pokemon directly here in  front of this old keystone there's ralts curlier   gastly and haunter as well as all of their alpha  variants while doing this for five hours i do   want to mention i found three full odd shinies  one of them being that murkrow this haunter   over here at the top left also when i was  getting all of the wisps i was able to find   this drift loom over here at the bottom left  there is a 0.87 chance that spirit tomb is   going to be showing up i believe that's about  1 out of 115 about 1 in 250 chance that you're   going to be finding an alpha spirit tomb but  ready that's not the rarest alpha in the game after you complete all of the unknowns which by  the way before you have basket legion before you   go to the final areas you can't do these things  i'm just mentioning this for future proofing   and just because these numbers are insane after  you find all of the unknowns after you catch   all 28 of the unknowns throughout the entire world  you can make your way back to the salacion ruins   you know the part of the story with the thing  on the wall and inside of the celestion ruins   you're going to be finding all 28 characters of  unknown all of the characters have the exact same   chance to spawn and they are the entire pool here  i've seen between four and six spawn every single   time i've come here they're not gonna aggro  you or anything else you can get in here you   can find the exact letter that you want every  single letter of unknown has a zero point zero   chance to be an alpha that means if you're hunting  for say for example an alpha unknown of the   letter a for austin there is a one in 500 chance  that one of these is going to be your specific   letter of alpha cringe and if you combine all the  letters together and compound that number then yes   you are going to have a much higher chance at  finding an unknown alpha and last night i found   one of the unknowns in an alpha unfortunately i  don't have the beginning of the clip of it just   being there it does look very ominous i will tell  you that and it's the only one that will aggro you   and it will do the whole exclamation mark  knock you down thing and he is right here so that's the size comparison between the big  ones and the little ones it's actually not   that different it's also weird seeing them you  know just just hanging out next to each other   what do i have is this q i think i have q yeah 1  in 2 500 chance to find this one pokemon which i'm   pretty sure mathematically is the rarest alpha in  the entire game non-shiny now that i've explained   it thoroughly and told you exactly how to  do it it's not clickbait but i definitely   need a picture of me fighting an unknown for  the thumbnail which one are we going to do   l i like l let's go for l there we go that's a  nice thumbnail well there you go guys that is   all of the rare pokemon of the crimson marlins  next video we're going to be starting to knock   out these willow wisps i am saving the unknowns  until after i unlock the last area and after i do   the willow wisps of this area we are knocking  out the willowists of the next area because   we're going to get basket legion and we're going  to take it from there great well guys if you found   this video helpful do me a favor hit the thumbs  up button down below if you're new to the channel   be sure to subscribe as we're very close to  hitting our goal of 2 million subscribers   by the end of february and thank you so much  for being here until next time austin john out you
Channel: Austin John Plays
Views: 939,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: austin john plays, austin john, zelda, pokemon, rare pokemon, pokemon legends arceus rare pokemon, legends arceus rare pokemon, pokemon legends arceus crimson mirelands rare pokemon, legends arceus crimson mirelands rare pokemon, crimson mirelands rare pokemon, Every rare pokemon, How to get rare pokemon, Where to get rare pokemon, pokemon legends arceus, Tips for pokemon legends arceus, how to get spiritomb, spiritomb legends arceus, spiritomb, unown legends arceus, alpha unown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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