Every Power-Up We Need In Super Mario Bros Wonder

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Super Mario Bros Wonder looks awesome I can't wait to get my hands on this game and one of the main reasons is because of the power-ups sure we see stuff like the fire flower return but also Mario can turn into an elephant and this rolling spiked ball is this even a power-up or just a Wonder mode feature I have no idea regardless the fact is this is a new era for 2D Mario and that means a bunch of new power-ups will probably be added so in this video I want to talk about 50 that I'd love to see some of these are completely new ideas and some of them are power-ups from older games but all of them are awesome in my opinion so let's start it off with the wind cap in this shot in the trailer we see that you're able to use your hat to Glide in certain sections what if you get a Wing Cap power up like from Super Mario 64 and then when you take your hat off to Glide you're able to press a button and flap the wings to kind of get a little boost upwards honestly it could control kind of exactly like Flappy Bird which would be hilarious next we have bull Mario this shot of Mario as a rolling ball looks awesome but I doubt you can change directions or anything turning into a bull and being able to Stampede shoot out forward at super fast speeds breaking bricks and enemies but also being able to slow down and change directions could be super fun for number three we see a Goomba power-up this might actually be in the game we see blue Toad kind of as a goomba in the key art I'm still not sure what this is but maybe you turn into a Goomba and then can jump on other Goombas and make a Goomba stack kinda like in Super Mario Odyssey for number four we have caterpillar Mario this green little caterpillar guy looks like your buddy throughout the adventure and seems like a pretty important piece of the puzzle so what if you could turn into a caterpillar now this power up is actually really cool because well it's not that great you could be small and fit into smaller things and also maybe stretchy but you'd probably die in one hit and it wouldn't be that great for Mobility but the reason it's super cool is that it's a two-stage power-up it could lead into number five on this list butterfly Mario maybe the whole point of even getting the caterpillar power up because obviously it wouldn't be a great power up it would be more like a power down but if you last a certain amount of time as caterpillar Mario then you transform into butterfly Mario and can fly all around that would be awesome for number six we have spider Mario if there were webs in the background of levels you could climb on on them kind of like those greats you see in the castle levels from the new Super Mario Bros game climbing on webs and just seeing a spider version of Mario would be ridiculous but then for number seven we also have spider Mario but this one behaves less like a spider and more like well Spider-Man this would allow you to climb on walls and the ceiling and then when you're on the ceiling you press a button and Mario would drop down making a web though you would then be able to swing on said Webb like a Vine and it would basically be like a 2d version of Spider-Man which would be so so cool for number eight sticking with The Animal theme we have Firefly Mario this would basically just make Mario glow a ton and make super dark levels a little bit more bearable maybe you could even shoot out orbs of light and then coming in at number nine we have the Ice Flower we see the fire flower maker return the Ice Flower has to be back as well however now I want to get into some other flowers that we've never seen number 10 would be a water flower maybe this is super effective against fire-based enemies or maybe since you're in the flower Kingdom there are some wilted flowers that you have to water in order to maybe get rewarded with a Wonder Siege or something it just feels weird we have a Fire and Ice Flower but never a water flower and then continuing on the flower train with number 11 we have the electric flower this would shock enemies leaving them open to be hit but I don't think the electricity itself would kill the enemies I like the idea of having an elemental spin on this game so maybe like how the water flower could water certain plants the electric flower if you shoot it at like a machine or something the machine would power up and then maybe start moving a platform that you have to jump on for number 12 we have plain Mario I imagine this just like the plane in Super Mario Land or more recently the plane levels in cuphead where you can fly around and shoot it's kind of an on-rail section flying a plane as Mario or just Mario becoming a plane would be a great callback to Super Mario Land where he does that exact thing for number 13 we have the boot this technically I guess isn't a power up but it's been another 2D Mario's most recently Mario Maker Goombas jump around in this boot but if you take over you get to move around in this boot you can jump around bounce around it it's pretty cool but speaking of boots why don't you kick that subscribe button because only five percent of our viewers are actually subscribed so if you're not subscribed and do enjoy the content it really means a lot it helps out the channel more than you could know for number 14 we got the same sort of the thing is the boot the Koopa car this was a Mario Maker 2 exclusive in the 3D World style but if you killed the Koopa that's within the car you can take that thing and just start riding around seeing that in a 2d Mario game with levels designed by Nintendo they could definitely get crazy with this I remember in the Mario Maker 2 campaign there were actually some fun levels with this but letting Nintendo do it in its own 2D Mario game this would be so much fun all right number 15 this is probably my favorite thing I would absolutely turn into such a fanboy if this happened I would love to see a retro flower this would be like an 8-bit power up that reverts Mario's tile set and moveset back into the Super Mario Bros style so no wall jumps maybe the screen won't let you scroll back or something like that but to compensate maybe he jumps super high or can interact with other 8-bit objects or something like that just seeing Mario kind of referenced in 8-bit would be so cool I remember when I got the Super Mario 64 costume for the first time in Mario Odyssey that was one of the coolest parts of playing that game I love when Nintendo does this sort of thing so yeah this would definitely be my favorite Power up even if it's not actually that powerful of a power up but let me know down in the the comments below what would be your retro flower what would be like the power up you want to see more than anything else there are so many ideas here the creativity is endless so drop a comment let us know speaking of Mario Odyssey though let's talk about a couple of captures from that game number 16 we have the uproot this is probably the most unlikely in this list because we already see Mario stretch really long in this shot right here and that's kind of what the uproot does except a little bit different the cool thing with the upper route though is that it's controlled I don't think you can control What's Happening Here It just seems to kind of be happening to everyone Mario the Goombas and everything else but if you were able to use an uproot in 2D and actually there were 2D uproot sections in Mario Odyssey there was one in the wooded Kingdom and there was a sub area so we know it works well already it's super fun for number 17 we have the gushing one of the most underrated captures in Mario Odyssey these little guys have spheres of water that you can use as kind of a jet pack or an attack and refill when you land in water seeing this in 2D would be super fun it would make water levels a lot more bearable number 18 last Mario Odyssey capture for now we have the lava bubbles honestly I don't love this power up but there was one really cool use of it in the darker side of the moon at the start of darker side you have to use the lava bubble to platform from lava to Lava which is actually really unique because normally you're trying to avoid the lava it was a really weird switch up from what we're used to but I thought it was super cool and I'd love to see this in 2D alright we know that elephant Mario's already in the game but let's talk some other animals kind of in the same vein giraffe Mario would be hilarious you could get real tall and maybe you could press a button to make the neck kind of like lean all the way down and then pop back up allowing you to gain some extra height for number 20 we have chameleon Mario of course this could be used as a stealth power you press a button blend in with the background and then enemies won't attack you but it could also be almost prop hunt-esque where if you go over to like a question block and then activate the chameleon's power-up while you're standing on top of it maybe you turn into a question block and start moving around as a question block that would be hilarious for number 21 we have kangaroo Mario Mac actually came up with this idea on our podcast Nintendo tonight our podcast will be linked in the description and at the end of this video definitely make sure you go check it out there's some awesome stuff over there but this power up was is really cool Mac's idea is that not only can you hop around like a kangaroo but you can also get another power up and put it in your pouch now granted you can already store power-ups in this game and get them back with the a button so maybe it would have to be something like a key or a bob-omb but being able to store some sort of item and then retrieve it at a later date whether it's a power up or just like an item itself that would be super cool for number 22 we have buff Mario it's clear that pushing things is gonna be somewhat of a new feature in this game we see Daisy trying to push this pipe here buff Mario or Hulk Mario is just Mario who's been hitting the gym way too much he'll be able to push big big objects that normal Mario Just is unfortunately too weak to do sorry Mario all right now we're at number 23 and the next 10 power-ups are other Mario power ups from either 2D or 3D games that I think have to be added at some point not necessarily have to as in they will but have to as in I would really love to see I'm starting off with the cat suit of course this originated in Super Mario 3D World one of my favorite games of all time but it was also in the 3D World style for Mario Maker 2 so it already exists in a 2d format not only that it works works really well I would absolutely love to see it followed up by the propeller the propeller mushroom is probably the most iconic new Super Mario Bros exclusive power up and I just love everything about it I would love to see this return number 25 we have the Tanuki leaf and number 26 we have the frog suit both of those are pretty self-explanatory but then number 27 we have the Super Ball flower you could get this in Mario Maker too it basically turned you into like a grayscale version of yourself and then you could shoot these balls that would bounce all around there were some custom levels where you had to line up some pretty tricky shots with these bouncing off a wall then maybe off a question block to hit a Target or something this would be super neat to see added for number 28 we have the penguin the penguin is a little weird because it's literally just the Ice Flower but better I'm not a huge fan of that because it kind of makes the Ice Flower just completely obsolete but being able to do your little penguin slide is still so much fun that it's just worth it we gotta get this in number 29 we have the acorn from new Super Mario Bros U and number 30 we have the Hammer Bros suit which you can get in Mario Maker which allows you to shoot hammers just like Hammer Bros for number 21 we have the Bullet Bill mask which was added into an update for Mario Maker 2. this basically turns Mario into a bit of a Bullet Bill you can just fly straight forward like a Billet bill can and then number 32 the last of the old Mario power-ups we have the mega mushroom I'm not entirely sure how much purpose this will have because it seems like the elephant can kind of do what the mega mushroom can given that we see it just demolish a Goomba at the end of the trailer but the mega mushroom is Iconic enough at this point I mean it's been in other Mario games such as Mario Kart Wii and I guess Mario Tennis Ultra smash okay maybe it shouldn't be in the game for number 33 we have tank Mario this could definitely just be a Sherm from Super Mario odyssey's New Dawn Kingdom but if they wanted to get really crazy maybe this isn't even a power up but it's just a vehicle you can get in and when playing multiplayer one person gets into like the side of the tank to drive it and one person gets into the top and can control the gun that would be great for multiplayer and couch Co-op I can already imagine being like no no go forward no no shoot that trying to work together it would be a blast for the next two number 34 and 35 we have two versions of flood one being the hover nozzle and one being the spray nozzle I didn't include the jet nozzle here because I just don't really know how much it would be used in a 2d Mario game but the hover nozzle basically gives you a jet pack that can get refilled come to think of it it's kind of like the gushing but the spray nozzle lets you shoot out water in any direction it would definitely just be a better version of the water flower I mentioned before but you would have to refill it within water occasionally because flood eventually just Runs Out of Water number 36 we have demolition Mario what if there was a version of Mario that could randomly pluck up Bob bombs from the ground or like form Bobs maybe pull them out of his bag or something being able to summon ball bombs at any time kind of like how you can just like throw fire as fire Mario that would be super neat and then for number 37 we have the Yoshi fruit again this isn't technically I guess a power up like you wouldn't get it from a question mark box but in New Super Mario Bros if you make Yoshi eat like eight of these apples he just poops out a power up it's not that exciting there's so much more potential here what if there's like a fire fruit and then you have to eat it and then Yoshi can spit fire or a flight fruit and then Yoshi eats that and gets Wings there's so much potential for creativity here with like stuff that Yoshi can eat and then changes his moveset so I'd love to see them add that in number 38 this is actually probably my favorite Odyssey capture the pokeo I would love to see a pokeo in 2D there's two different ways they could go about this maybe there could be a wall kind of in the background and you fling yourself off of that or there's nothing in the background but if there's a massive wall in front of you that you can't jump over you stick your nose into it with the pokeo and keep flinging yourself up that would be super neat too for number 39 we have the moai this is the capture you get in sand Kingdom that allows you to see invisible blocks maybe you would get a moai power up and then have to memorize exactly where the invisible floating platforms are then you get out of the moai power up jump around and hopefully remember where they are or else maybe you fall to your death or something all right for number 40 this is the final Odyssey power up but it's just too cool to not add give me T-rex we have elephant Mario being able to become a dinosaur in 2D this would be hilarious all right now we're at 41 and from 41 to 50 the final 10 power-ups these are all from other Nintendo games not necessarily from the Mario franchise but some of these definitely could be added I could see them being added maybe in like a special world or something but regardless if they're at it or not they're just too cool not to bring up starting off with the master sword this was actually in Mario Maker so it's at least feasible being able to swing the legendary sword itself the sword that seals the darkness that would be unbelievably neat maybe you could get the Hylian Shield as well to defend against oncoming enemies if like Hammer Bros or fire Bros are shooting stuff at you from 42 we have samus's morph ball from any Metroid game this could kind of act as the blue shell power from new Super Mario Bros DS allowing you to kind of get into a shell and maybe break blocks but you could also drop bombs with the Press of a button they could make a cave level that honestly feels like a Metroid level with this for number 43 we have the splatter shot being able to ink out the level in front of you and then swim through it as an inkling would be insane you could even ink and then swim up a wall this would make traversal ridiculous and then for number 44 we have the Poltergust from Luigi's Mansion out of all these like Nintendo themed power-ups this is probably the one I want the most I would just love to see Mario using the Poltergeist or maybe you could get it as like a Luigi exclusive upgrade if upgrades are in this game we don't know and then number 45 the super pickaxe from Captain Toad in Captain Toad the super super pickaxe just turns you into an absolute demon I believe you get a bit of a speed boost and you just destroy everything in your path it would fit perfectly into 2D Mario and then 46 something that wouldn't fit perfectly into 2D Mario but it's too cute not to add I would love to see the fishing rod from Animal Crossing you could actually just straight up fish in like the Hub world for Kirby and the Forgotten land being able to just randomly fish in this game and then maybe if you catch some cheap Jeep you could sell them for purple coins and use those purple coins for new costumes or upgrades or whatever you spend them on it obviously doesn't have to be an animal crossing specific fishing rod that's just what came to mind number 47 is Pikmin being able to pick up Pikmin from the ground say that five times fast Not only would this be a great mechanic but it would cross promote Pikmin 4 which comes out a couple months before this game for number 48 we have robot Mario this could basically just turn them into what looks like Metal Mario maybe with like red eyes and this would basically just give him Rob's moveset from Super Smash Bros you would have a jet pack laser eyes Terminator Mario would be disgusting and now coming up at 49 these two final ones are not gonna happen but I gotta give shout outs to two of my favorite 2D Platformers of all time first up we have shovel Mario give Mario is shovel and maybe a helmet and then boom Shovel Knight level in this game Pogo around on your shovel kill enemies by jumping on them with the shovel or digging them with the shovel dig up treasure I love Shovel Knight this would be so cool and then number 50. imagine you get the chaos emeralds and then Mario suddenly turns into the Blue Blur himself what if there was like a Sonic style level in this game that would be the coolest like that would be every everyone's gaming nerd dreams would come true that would be like it's impossible but this would be ridiculously cool imagine running Loops through like a green hill zone-esque level as Mario it's kind of funny because Sonic Superstars and Mario Wonder are both kind of completely Innovative 2D Mario and Sonic games respectively both coming out pretty similar to each other I guess if it ever were to happen this would probably be the time right anyway those are 50 new power ups I'd love to see in Super Mario Bros Wonder but let me know down in the comments below like please go down there right now and comment either what your favorite was from this video or something I didn't say that you think would be even cooler I'm gonna be reading all the comments and Harding what you guys leave down there and after you drop a comment click the button on screen right now to see what would happen if we gave every single character in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe new costumes also click the Nintendo tonight icon to get sent over to our podcast Channel and drop us up there alright see you guys foreign [Music]
Channel: Switch Stop
Views: 68,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Direct, Switch News, Super smash bros ultimate, Switch Stop, nintendo switch games, Nintendo switch review, best nintendo switch games, mario odyssey, switch games sale, animal crossing switch, animal crossing new horizons, super mario 3d world deluxe, super mario bros wonder power ups, super mario bros wonder, super mario wonder power ups, super mario wonder, mario wonder power ups, mario wonder
Id: G2dtRAJORuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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