2 Hours of the Ghoul Squad! | Monster High

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the school squad is on it we're gonna find our friends rescuing lost monsters that's where we come in come on [Music] [Music] squad [Music] webby all good draculaura i think i finally got it down ready [Music] told you i get it claudine you are probably the only werewolf in the world that can do a vampire handshake come on goal we're gonna be late for monster history draculaura claudine over here we saved you a spot all right students i trust you did the reading assignment on prominent vampire families throughout history yes um mr dracula i couldn't do the reading because i accidentally took deuces history book by mistake oh yeah uh cause i took wraith's book those of you who did do the reading should be all up to speed about the history of the royal van bhatt family i can't imagine what it must have been like to be part of such a powerful family speaking as a royal heiress myself i can tell you it's pretty great people do whatever you want they give you presents i highly recommend it dad um mr dracula vampires lived for thousands of years wouldn't that mean members of the van batt family might still be out there somewhere a good question draculaura but the van batt family all but vanished when humans arrived in transylvania hmm what about these rumors about the secret vampire princess i believe they were just that rumors if there was a van that princess living in transylvania i'm sure we would know about it but what if the rumor is true what if she's out there all alone maybe we could use the monster mappilog to go find her the monster what a what the monster mapalog it can locate any monster in the world just say the name of the monster you're looking for and zap the mapalog will teleport you right to them it's what draculaura used to find me and cleo and basically most of the students here if there is a vanbot princess out there she deserves to know that she's welcome here at monster high i appreciate your concern draculaura but even if there is a princess we don't know her first name and without the full name of a monster the mapalog won't be able to find her now let's move on to notable ghosts and phantoms in the late 16th century [Music] that's it van batt lost princess extro monster where do you think you're teleporting to at this time of night to uh that creepeteria for a glass of water teleporting is so much faster than walking all those stairs draculaura i was going to look for the van bat princess and how did you expect to find her you know the mapalog won't work without her first name not true i figured out that if you know a few things about the monster like that she's a vampire and a princess the mapalog will teleport me someplace that's close to the princess someplace close close-ish so in other words you have no idea where you were going but yeah not a clue no draculaura you are my daughter the fright of my life and i simply cannot allow you to go out teleporting to mystery locations all by yourself then i won't go by myself oh what is this what are the smiles you said i couldn't go look for the van bat princess alone well as you can see i'm not alone anymore do the smiles again draculaura dad this is a team of the most talented special ghouls i know frankie's got the brains laguna's amazingly athletic and claudine is fierce and determined and i'm all those things and well me dad do you remember what unlife was like before we created monster high i was alone cooped up in my room with no other monsters to turn to but now we have a place to call our own if there is a vampire princess then she's probably just like i used to be they deserve to be told there's a whole school of monsters waiting to welcome her home she's good do you ghouls promise to look out for each other yes and do you promise to wear helmets and life jackets and sunscreen when appropriate yes okay you can go can go but first we do research oh hey i just said you can go be excited about the research huh yay i have assembled everything we know about the royal van batt family where they lived family history last known thereabouts so organized and it's got that new binder smell van bats lived in transylvania for centuries so that's probably where the mapalog will take you but remember you could find yourselves anywhere so stay alert any questions yes does rescuing a lost vampire princess count as extra credit because my average and mad science class could really use a little love uh you're in charge of this [Music] lost princess extro we made it that means there must be a vampire princess hello princess van batt wait a minute this castle definitely belonged to the van batts look uh what are we looking at they're on the door that's the van bat family crest or part of it it was in mr dracula's research didn't you ghouls read it i skimmed it [Music] oh thanks dad oh look at this place it's like going back in time to a different century i don't know draculaura it doesn't look like anyone's lived here for years but the vambats lived here at some point spread out and look around maybe we'll find a clue about where they've gone hey ghouls take a look at this that bag totally goes cleo but is now really the time to be accessorizing this bag is from last season i know i have five which means somebody does live here leo we have to figure out where it goes it goes outside it's a slide that sent me back outside of the castle keep your eyes peeled for more trap doors okay that's enough of that they're everywhere let's get to the door mates [Music] someone clearly does not want us to be here that makes no sense i'm welcome everywhere i go hmm wonder if that's the goal we're looking for draculaura let's do that vampire handshake one more time right now trust me [Music] [Applause] [Music] vampires know that handshake how do you know how to do that because my best school friend is a vampire wait you're friends with a werewolf how is that possible well that's how things are at monster high monster high yup imagine a place where all different kinds of monsters and ghouls are together under one roof everyone is welcome at monster high and we have a pretty decent taco tuesday in the creepeteria i've been hiding here all by myself for so long i know how you feel but monster high sounds like a place i would very much like to go to oh sorry about the trap door thing oh don't worry no biggie all right ghouls my name is angelica and i'm ready to go to monster high monster high extra monstrum hey webby [Music] looks like things are going great for the new ghoul she's been smiling from fang to fang all week i can't thank you ghoulis enough for helping me find her i couldn't have done it without you hey anytime you know you can always count on us do you really mean that because finding fangelica got me thinking there must be thousands of lost monsters in hiding out there just waiting to be found and if i'm going to find them all i'm going to need all the help i can get well you've got to admit we make a pretty creeperific team we're like professional monster finders oh we should have a name and a theme song oh and cool action poses maybe we should just start with the name any ideas how about the ghoul squad oh ghoul squad seriously though we should totally think about getting our own theme song hey ghoul squad [Music] what are we doing oh sorry cleo the ghouls and i were just poking around online for monsters and hiding you know monster sightings rumors legends anything to get the ghoul squad back out there and bring another lost monster back to the school hmm i see you know ghouls i am all for finding more lost monsters out there but we just got back from our first adventure doesn't the ghoul squad deserve a little break between missions ah beauty here's one mates it says here there's some kind of monster living on this tropical island tropical island like beaches and palm trees tropical island what are we waiting for ghouls let's move move we have a monster to save ah draculaura ghouls come quick i have something to show you since i'm going to be helping you ghouls with monster research i said to myself dracula you have been reading the same old dusty books for a millennia isn't it about time for an upgrade wow with this bad boy i can track your locations look up thousands of years of monster history and have total access to the internet uh you do know you can do all of that with just an eye coffin oh how can they be of assistance look mr dracula the cool squad has found their next mission um the island of gunung barapi can you tell us anything about it mr dracula specifically where are the best beaches are there private cabanas let's see wait a second hold on oh is this it oh how do i no ah that's not right you know what here gunung barapi volcanic island the volcano is inactive so it's not dangerous oh stay away from any wildlife you may encounter okay let's go find our monster yes please i'm sorry cleo but you will be sitting this one out what but sand and sand you failed to turn in your humanology assignment no homework no ghoul squad the rest of you are free to go be careful out there but sand sorry girlfriend ganon barapi exto monster look at those waves once we find our monster we might have to squeeze in a little surfing before we go might be sooner than you think look those footprints sure look monstery to me [Music] oh my ghoul how cute is that it's a spider monkey i'm gonna call you dr monkenstein careful draculaura your dad said we should stay away from the wildlife on this island oh this isn't wild live this is dr frankenstein [Music] we need that to get back to monster high that's a bad monkenstein bad you ghouls keep looking for our monster draculaura and i will go get the maplog back come on oh i would be really mad right now if that monkey weren't so frustratingly adorable [Music] god found oh all i think i finally figured this thing out it's possessed by some vampire curse mr dracula they're just touch screens look just tap here swipe here and there see okay tap swipe i can do that [Music] okay maybe it is cursed look at that i found a couple of scales hmm combine that with the webbed footprints and i'd say we're looking for a water monster like me do you think we should go back to the beach start checking the ocean nah only a saltwater monster would be able to live in that ocean these are freshwater scales which means our monster has to be somewhere on this island well where would you go if you lived here somewhere where i could see the ocean oh bet the view from up there is glossier i thought mr dracula said that volcano wasn't active huh who would have guessed his collection of bazillion-year-old books might be out of date let's hope those ghouls aren't having any trouble getting their mapalog back that's it little guys stay nice and still no no no no no no no [Music] that monkey is really trying my patience i know but do you think my dad will let me keep him [Music] um you're not just going to throw all of those away sure i am here i'll do it again feels good mr dracula you've got to keep trying once you get with the times you'll be able to do so much more for the ghoul squad cleo i have been getting along just fine for thousands of years with the books in this library what could those screens possibly do that these books can't uh you can watch where kitten videos on them oh oh delightful absolutely delightful or what you could say fantastic right you have to come see this one but my report forget the report this where kitten thinks he's able to make the big jump onto the couch but no i don't want to spoil it for you he doesn't make the job ah just look at that view can you believe cleo and the other girls are missing all this yeah poor them remember mate don't look down and hold on tight this volcano could start shaking at any second oh god give me your claw oh god we did it we found the lost monster oh i'm just as excited as you ghoul but could you pull me up right you were right laguna this is a pretty creeperific place to make a home yeah but believe it or not i'm actually just now thinking it might be time for a move then you're in luck gil gill i'm laguna that's claudine we're here to tell you about a place where everybody's welcome called monster high doctor to teleport teleport i got it cloudiness [Music] oh good they brought the monkey ghouls kill kill bulls hello hello now that we got that out of the way i think we can map log ourselves away from the big angry volcano all right here we go cleo extol monstrum it must be out of power because somebody used it over and over again can't frankie zap it or something it doesn't use electricity it's got some kind of monster energy it recharges on its own so we just need a few minutes we don't have a few minutes we have to get away from this volcano hey you guys know how to use those yeah we do you said you wanted to go surfing laguna so [Music] wow that was fun what i mean if you're going to flee an erupting volcano you might as well do it on a surfboard am i right oh awesome timing maple log cleo [Music] you ghouls are just in time my assignment is done and i'm free to go on an island adventure i'll get my sunscreen and floppy hat yeah that island is kind of sort of about to get destroyed by a volcano i just wrote a 13-page essay volcano or not i'm going to that beach please don't be silly just wrap them up go i have to go have you guys ever seen a well kitten sneeze because i have [Music] so you're saying that humans don't like dirt it's strange to us monsters but no they do not like dirt that's weird do they like mud nope dust no that fuzzy stuff that comes out of your belly button uh no deuce but nobody likes that the important takeaway here is that humans do not like to be dirty just one of the many facts you'll be quizzed on during tomorrow's big humanology test what don't oh me as long as you've been reading your humanology textbook you'll be fine gee we sure covered a lot about humans this semester you think the ghoul squad is up for this mission bring it on test bring on everything you've got okay easy on the electrodes ghoulfriend we talked about this any idea what's eating gob i think the more appropriate question is what is gob eating oh yeah uh gob hasn't read a single page of the humanology book this semester poor guy is so not ready for the big test tomorrow does someone need to show him that's not how books work okay angelica are you ready for your very first school's night it's going to be thing horrific you mean fantastic i mean fantastic since angelica spent all those years alone in her family's castle she's never had a proper ghouls night before so tonight the vacuum is going to show me how it's done well you're in good course angelica nobody throws a ghouls night like draculaura some monsters paint others make music i encourage cool friends to stay up past their bedtime i can't wait see you tonight okay let's see popcorn is popping playlist is playlisting uh how are those favors coming webby draculaura how can you possibly study with that music so loud what is all this i was uh kind of sort of maybe possibly going to have fangelica over for a gold night maybe oh well i was kinda sorta maybe possibly going to tell you that you have a big test tomorrow so no friends over tonight but dad i studied all day i'm ready for the test and this ghouls night is really important to angelica i don't want to cancel as your father and your teacher i cannot allow you to stay up late with friends tonight what if angelica and i study together then can she come over please all right but only for study no movies no music and no whatever that is webby's making remember study study study [Music] [Music] oh okay cool time what do we do first we check our eye coffins to see if any of our favorite celebs have posted in the last eight minutes draculaura god ran away from school and we don't know where he went are you sure yeah i'm sure we need the monster mapalop to find him and bring him back oh sorry frangelica looks like we're going to have to cut tonight a little short no no no we've got this draculaura there's no way we're letting you cancel your ghouls night you mean our study night in which we study right anyway don't worry about us the ghoul squad is on the case yeah it's just gob how much trouble could he possibly cause gob exto monstro oh my ghoul we're in a store for humans oh my god look at the sale prices what somebody has to be the positive one looks like the store is closed so there won't be any humans to worry about for a few hours all right cool squad let's spread out and look for clues i found the clue hey gob everything's going to be okay i know you're stressed but we're going to teleport you back to monster high and help you study for the human test so are we good did we save the day and all that wow that's got to be some kind of a record now you try hi dad hi dad this is come huh well at least i got the maple log back crikey look at all this mess the humans are not gonna like this remember what mr dracula said humans hate dirt oh what was that i just had a really good idea well next time how about having a so-so idea the really good ones hurt [Music] all right gob it's okay that you're not ready for the test tomorrow because the ghoul squad is going to give you a crash course on humanology this is a back scratcher because humans are itchy and have no claws this is a phone it's kind of like an eye coffin but not nearly as cool and this hideous thing is called a neckerchief [Music] i know i find them equally terrifying god isn't afraid of the humanology test it was the mannequin he's afraid of humans that's why he hasn't done any of the reading or homework there has to be some way to help god get over his fear hmm you're sure it's not the necro chief look at this thing it's just awful okay truth you are not studying you are playing draculaura i thought i made myself clear tomorrow's test is very important i know dad it is but this is important too hilarious hats no i mean we're spending time with other monsters this is the one place in the whole entire world where i can stay up late with a girlfriend that's just like me dad are you okay what yes i'm fine it's nothing he did truth or scare truth or scare you want me to pick huh i'm not sure i never played before i guess i'll take scared [Music] you're going to blend right in with the humans gob the best way to get over a fear is to face it head on so you're gonna get out there and do something with the humans go buy some socks hmm now that wasn't so bad was it all right now all you got to do is read the book [Music] the ooze no longer has the blues you ready for this human test gob you're kidding gob has been a human he can handle a little test no problem good morning students and goodbye humanology tests i had so much fun last night i'm just not in a test-giving mood [Music] this is the main hall at monster high you'll be spending a lot of time here between classes and this is your new locker complete with welcome to your new school care package and this is a classroom full of monster students that cannot wait to meet you everyone say hello to our newest classmate gil hey the girls and i just rescued gil from a tropical island with an active volcano i want to go to a tropical island i want to go to an active volcano huh it was a pretty creeperific island surfing in the morning walks on the beach in the afternoon sand between your webbed toes but monster high seems really close em so far bet you're going to miss your island huh it's just well i had a lot of good times there i guess i hate to think about that volcano making such a beautiful place disappear what if there was a way to save your island yes let's save that island i didn't get to go there yet [Music] also the cheer up gill thing the satellite shows the volcano has not yet erupted but there's not much time left to save the island oh and let's see it says here that you've all gone completely bathy and what makes you think i'm letting you go on volcano adventures oh come on give us a chance mr dracula you ghouls have any idea how we pulled this off why don't you freeze the volcano that's ridiculous where did you guys come from oh uh we just show up wherever volcanoes are being discussed wait a minute believe it or not wraith may actually be onto something we could freeze the volcano with ice maybe there's a monster with ice powers out there somewhere i can't believe i'm going to do this there are rumors that the abominable snow monster had a daughter a ghoul who harnesses the powers of ice that's it we have our next mission save the snow monster save the island and save my weekend don't worry gail the ghoul squad is on the case abominable extol monstrum i've been looking all over for you guys sorry ari volcanoes were being discussed well youtube promised you'd help me with my dance the fight-away music video i have five million die hard fans expecting to see it tonight i heard most of what you just said but then i started thinking about volcanoes oh which gives me an idea for the hottest music video ever [Music] sure you ghouls go on a mission and you get to go to the beach i come along and i'm freezing my bandages off anyone good at looking for snow clothes i'm more of a beach ghoul well the mappilog teleported us directly in between these two towering mountains i'm betting our law school is up on one of those frankie you and cleo take that mountain claudine laguna and i will explore this one wait a sec there's only two of us we should take icy mountain and you take the snowy one it works for me wait i changed my mind we should go with the original plan all right wait pick a mountain okay i want that one [Music] uh what is that a volcano yeah you're gonna need these what does a volcano have to do with my video don't you want this to be the most hottest rockinest video ever and there's nothing hotter or rockier than a volcano music science [Music] i knew we should have picked the other mountain we've got to focus on finding that snow goal we're racing a ticking volcano clock here um volcano sounds warm oh you know what would help me focus a little warm-up sparky spark you want me to zap you with electricity well don't zap me but yes zap in my general area okay one spot [Music] oh yeah [Music] oh my hands are so cold if our mountain is this much trouble i can only imagine how rough the other pools happen [Music] okey-dokey we're at the top of the mountain but still no clues to find out a ghoul weird right how about that clue that's a pretty good clue uh she does visitors i never get visitors please come [Music] may i offer you an ice cream a snow cone frozen pizza i am abby abominable by the way actually abby we're here to invite you to a clawsome place called monster high but first we kind of sort of we need your ice powers to freeze a volcano that's about to erupt and destroy our friends island you ghouls are making with joke i like this now i will laugh at your joke huh oh you are not making joke no you need ice powers i am your ghoul now let's make that volcano chill out you do not laugh at my joke welcome let's go stop the volcano oh but first we need to meet up with our girlfriends on that other mountain you have friends on that mountain [Music] uh you say that like it's a bad thing oh we definitely should have picked the other mountain [Music] is this going to be safe uh we're wearing safety goggles i've got to be honest i was picturing something a little simpler like i don't know just dancing and singing with some ghoul friends right right that could work but i'm not hearing a lot of volcano in that idea okay let's shoot this thing cue the hot rock ready set and action oh no maybe we use too much fake lava do you think we're alive wait where's ari ari ari oh no we volcanoed ari escaping effect lava is one of the best things about being a ghost [Music] whatever you do don't step on that crack oh come on mountain i didn't even step on the crack [Music] what just happened there's no time to lose let's get back to the island and stop that volcano wait doesn't there have to be a monster on the island for the map log to teleport us there no problem i remember one little monster that's still there [Music] thank you dr monkenstein did we get here in time to stop the eruption yeah we might want to hurry abby let's slide [Music] okay now i kind of miss the ice cold mountain hey you know what i think this calls for a little island celebration now this is a party this is how we do things at monster high am i right girls [Music] thank you for saving my home ghouls and for showing me monster high and for saving my weekend hey good work guys i get a video at the girlfriend party and we got our volcano monken [Music] oh sorry mr dracula i've been practicing my meditating so you are here i'm here physically yes but ask yourself are any of us really here from now on how about doing that somewhere that's not here hey venus are you still good to come over for a golf night it sure am draculaura it's gonna be so much fun mate we've got snacks and music and we're going to stay up all night long oh cleo you always say you're going to stay up all night and you're always the first one to fall asleep well this time is going to be different just you wait cleo denial is going to see the sunrise [Music] this might actually be a new record [Laughter] [Music] hello can anyone hear me theresa oh my ghoul is that you oh thank mother earth the pollen worked it's good to see you venus theresa is everything okay no it's thorna i i'm calling because i need help from your friends you told me about what are they called theresa lives in a beautiful garden with her sister thorna they're the gardens protectors and defenders no no you can have the first piece of cake first one to fall asleep at ghouls night every time cleo what what happened this is theresa she says she needs help from the ghoul squad oh she knows about the ghoul squad that means we're famous finally so what does she want an autograph or something i need you to stop my sister from destroying the garden oh it doesn't make sense thorna has helped me take care of the garden for hundreds of years but then a few days ago she just uprooted herself and took off said something about making our garden disappear crikey that's awful i hate to ask but venus can you and the ghoul squad find my sister and figure out what she's up to oh don't worry theresa we're going to find your sister and get to the bottom of this there she is yes i've done it red pollen at long last i can finally make my plan blossom red pollen she's making red pollen no not red pollen anything but red pollen what's red pollen it disintegrates any plant life it touches [Music] do you think she sees us hello you must be sorna venus thorna when theresa finds out you're messing around with red pollen theresa isn't going to find out because you're not going anywhere we'll see about that oh yeah we're not going anywhere [Music] what is this oh hey abby welcome to my zen garden what is zen garden dislike turnip garden no you just sit and meditate watch like this [Music] what do you think think you look weak and vulnerable to your enemies shh just give it a try i promise you'll like it [Music] i am sitting i am closing eyes i am skeptical wait wait a minute i'm getting something yes i think i'm doing it you are right fish boy your burden is most relaxing hey ghouls i think i have an idea that can get us out of this cage [Music] she knows the rest of us can't do that right okay it's a long way down so let's take it nice and slow before donald notices she noticed no plan go really fast [Music] hello you must be theresa okay so the good news is we found your sister thorna and then she locked us in the cage but other than that i'd say it was a very productive first meeting thorn has figured out how to make red pollen oh thorner no she's making enough of the stuff to wipe out the entire garden ghoul squad i think it's time to fight pollen with pollen [Music] i don't know how this helps us hmm sorry creating the right pollen is hard to control try this one this is incredible hang on venus because here come the garden ghouls i'm trying to meditate i know it looks tremendously boring but i try and discover it's only little bit boring all right um how does it work you just sit and do whatever you can to empty your mind not a oh you were right kill this meditating chunk is closem boom boom boom you are quite good at this you don't have to do this lorna there isn't any other way besides the plan is already in motion nothing can stop it except for the garden ghoul squad that's right we can fly and how riffic did these wings look i mean seriously stop them [Music] now tracer gotcha thanks girlfriend [Music] i'm going to show you one of my favorite moves back here hey claudine what am i a bug zapper good one well i still have enough red pollen to destroy this garden ten times over [Music] why did you do it thorna why try and destroy our beautiful garden because all these years with my roots planted in the same place i wanted to go explore see the world find out what else is out there beyond the garden oh it's fantastic you really should see milan this time of year i'm probably not helping am i if you want to go see the world go see the world [Music] i can't just leave you here to protect the garden all by yourself you can't do it alone i won't be alone if i need any help i can always call the garden goal squad and if we ever need help studying for a botany test we can call teresa thank you sister thank you ghouls venus was right you're all fangtastic see you again monster high exo um you think we could have one more go at those butterfly wings that was claws and fun i'm sure [Music] why wouldn't i be okay i'm in my zen garden [Music] i think he's about to bomb hey gil your zen garden sounds nice but we just came back from a place that you might find a little more peaceful [Music] [Music] good morning monsters it's great to see everyone so active busy and quiet too quiet what is going on we're playing crowley's oh yes of course crawlies what's a crawly only the hottest most clawsome game in the digital domain yeah you use your eye coffin to find little goblins and snap pictures to capture them and i'm gonna be the first to collect them all really should give bonus points for sticking the landing [Music] this crawlies does not seem safe uh it's just a phone game what could go wrong don't worry [Music] there's some crawlies in here come here oh i don't know which of mine is the most adorbs floop seat plugins are burgle boots i just love them all so much show me your favorite i haven't even gotten one yet what not sure if it's my aim or my camera or my oh oh here's one so you think you're funny for a ball how about you laugh at this ow sorry not playing for all these frankie no time i'm running a scan on the map log to see if i can discover more of its abilities plus i've already racked up a voltage score of 5 000 anyway that's clawsome cleo's got zero let's go claudine i've got some crawly catching catching up to do since the maplog has the power to teleport the ghoul squad to lost monsters i wonder if i can reverse its polarity to bring those monsters to us ah who am i kidding crawlies here i come hello ghouls how's your crawlies [Music] oh no the crawlies got me get them off help get them they are crawling on me that's it we vampires are taking a day off from phones oh but i promise we're going to have fun we are going to do what i did as a little bitty bat we are gonna be junior vampire neals i'm taking you away from technology and into an outdoorsy camping adventure we get to be vampires what a fantastic idea dad [Music] admiral tickles the rarest of all crawlies and now you're all mine oh no no battery wait right wherever it is you are little guy i'll be right back once i get a jumbo phone to hold even more crawlies admiral tickles you're all mine [Music] crikey [Music] triple crikey [Music] ah welcome to the great outdoors no noise no screens no internet actually i've got four bars yep me too yeah well that's great but we van pioneers have no use for technology because we know that nature is the only thing we need to find shelter food and fire ah shelter stakes perfect to build an all-natural nature palace um dad i don't think you should draculaura we don't need our phones in the woods right but you might not want to please relax ghouls i know what i am doing good to [Music] right know i started to think i was never going to catch one of you [Music] okay i am really bad at this oh this game just got real i think that's the last one there's more of them a lot more and i need to find a way to get rid of them before anyone finds out your weird secret is safe with me oh look at these widow guys can i keep them oh aren't their love bites the cutest we have to get rid of them like now oh we will once we figure out how to stop that recovering from face lumpies has made me hungry who wants to help me forage for food i can look up what's yummiest no thank you i'm going to use everything i think i remember from my vampire near days no poisonous then we'll eat this no poisonous and also gross [Music] not food there's got to be something out here in nature that is actual food oh honey it's nature's candy we don't really have to tell you not to do that do we don't worry about me getting stung i bite back oh so many strings all right cool squad we have our mission get rid of all the crawlies before mr dracula expels us from monster high for destroying monster high you know what's funny usually our mission is to bring monsters to the school not the other way around what you don't think that's funny you hear that crawlies you're coming with us they're listening to us come on crawly oh they're biting me it's kissing me let me guess you downloaded crawlies onto the mapalog i don't think i oh yep i totally did do that this should close portal now what might now i upload a new code to everyone's eye coffins and we take this game to the next level [Music] we're down to the last crawly mates i'd like to do the honors goodbye world's cutest infestation wait can't we just keep this one last love biting crawly he's so cute and huggable and lovable and what's the worst that can happen quick everyone aim and snap it ain't all our batteries whatever we do we have to keep it away from electricity [Music] okay i guess that is the worst that can happen sure we've got no food and no shelter but i'm going to get us fired no matter what dad you uh need any help thank you but all a true vampire near needs are these two sticks [Music] two sticks just these two sticks two sticks [Music] oh no my stinks they're gone no how long has he been at this long enough dad we appreciate the time and effort you put in today so you'll get me more sticks but what's really important isn't necessarily nature time or screen time it's the time we spend together like now and especially during your silly b missions so silly and so painful which gives me an idea of how to make a campfire what's that oh i used your phones to order some dinner i love drone food well dad you figured out food on fire how about shelter you ghouls actually want to sleep out here ah no me neither then let's head back to monster high and safety what's going to happen when mr dracula sees this disaster huh i finally caught one i finally caught one mission accomplished good work ghoul squad hello we're back now break out your phones let's try and catch me a crawly sorry we're taking an eye coffin break yeah screens are like so five seconds ago oh i see then who's ready to become a vampire [Music] [Applause] let's add it to the playlist i can't thank you ghouls enough for helping frankie and me with our mad science project venus and i are finally gonna discover once and for all if monster plants respond to different kinds of music and i'm finally going to discover whether my good side is on the left or the right science huh this is interesting my selfie science no i mean i was searching for some music and found this story about some kind of musical ghost the phantom of the kevins if i didn't know any better i'd say we just found our next lost monster good luck ghouls venus and i have some science thing to do see you when you get back oh um you're standing in our way oh well if it isn't the cool squad that's cool squad wait that's what you said isn't it never mind tara can we just get by please not if you're here for another one of those rescue missions quit bringing you monsters to the school we already have a me we don't need any more what are you doing in the library anyway what i happen to love books can't wear captain or curious mind i released a zombie hamster in the creepy terrier and mr dracula gave me a week of library duty don't lie yes mr dracula oh dad did you get my text about the phantom i did and it's a fascinating ghost story it started when some humans investigating ancient ruins began to hear mysterious music coming from a nearby cave system at the door line what oh follow the music and you'll find your phantom thanks dad oh my gosh so much ah look at me i'm mr dracula hey what's this phantom cavernous musicalist extol wait a second i want to go with you on that mission thingy okay torlai has completely lost it tara put your arms above your head and take deep breaths i'm serious i've been doing some soul searching and realize that maybe you girls are onto something helping lost monsters really you told us not to go looking for lost monsters like seven minutes ago i'm a fast soul searcher i say she can come with us you sure about that cool friend seeing the ghoul squad in action might tutorialize some good besides everyone's entitled to a second chance or you know a 481st chance come on you're in class [Music] [Music] is it moving no it's not moving are you sure it looks like it's moving oh it's not moving we're almost out of music come on buddy give us something is my head moving nope is mine no oh which means that planet is rocking out this is fantastic oh let's see what other music it like oh okay okay or we could listen to this a little longer hey i can hear music it's this one definitely follow the music and we find our phantom [Music] which way do we go claudine it's hard to pinpoint the sound i think the music is coming from that way great you goals go that way i'll go check out this other tunnel but claudine says she hears music coming from that way um i actually hear music coming from this tunnel you ghouls don't hear it listen [Music] come on torily the gold squad is sticking together fine [Music] [Music] i don't get it this is where the music is the loudest but it's a dead end now what do we do [Music] wow [Music] operetta [Music] [Music] [Music] this is harder than i expected maybe there's still time to partner up with cleo sophie science is starting to sound pretty good [Music] this is so exciting the stories about the phantom of the caverns turned out to be true yeah i do believe i had a hand in those ghost stories when i heard some humans poking around out there i started playing my music extra loud to give them a little fright that's pretty clever operetta well i had to do something to keep them out of these caverns on account of all the diamonds wait diamonds where where diamonds you're telling me you made it all the way through these caverns without looking down we've been walking on diamonds this whole time these caves used to belong to an ancient civilization and stored all their treasures in here the diamonds don't mean much to me but listen to those acoustics oh i always wanted to make a diamond angel dreams do come true well help yourselves take a few diamonds for the road if you like but whatever you do do not touch the great diamond the great diamond who took the great diamond oh what i didn't take it okay i took those diamonds but i didn't take the great okay i took the great diamond you knew these caves were filled with diamonds that's why you wanted to come with us i may have seen something about something on the computer thing we've got to get to getting out of here while we have the chance there are dire consequences for anybody that takes that diamond what kind of dire consequences consequences draculaura quick we can teleport with the metal log monster high extra monster it's not extro mustard mean maybe we're too far underground for it to work don't know much about teleporting but i do know every nook and cranny of these campers like the back of my banjo follow me [Music] almost there just oh what can we go through here i'm not sure that's one nook and or cranny i don't know well we can't go back that way so oh i know how much you ghouls love a wild adventure and you definitely got one so you're welcome okay how about i split some of the diamonds with you no okay more diamonds for me then well ghouls looks like i'm in need of a new place to call home then it's a good thing we're here to tell you about a place called monster high uh not complaining but is it always this noisy in here he really likes this song i can change [Music] it uh wants you to keep playing [Music] it's going to take a lot more than a leaky roof to stop the first monster high art show what do you girls think i love it it's the most voltageous sculpture i ever saw what is it i call it the fang fairy you're painting is creeperific laguna thanks i love that you can surf on oh cleo this is cool where's yours claudine uh yes where's this masterpiece i keep hearing about oh it'll be worth the wait mom i've got two words to describe it claw some well i hope it's waterproof you've got nothing huh nope are you freaking out what me no totally who knows all around ghouls your artwork is inspiring dad when are you going to fix this roof a few drips never hurt anybody there is absolutely nothing wrong with it [Music] we might need a few more buckets maybe a new room this school needs a gargoyle but don't gargoyles just sit around and do nothing actually if they have a sore throat they gargoyle really but seriously that's what it looks like to the human eye but gargoyles are not only protectors they are some of the hardest working monsters in the world and they happen to be expert roof fixers when no one is looking they fix the roofs they're sitting on where do we find a gargoyle usually in old cities like budapest bucharest but the best gargoyles are in paris because paris has the best of everything the best perfume the best shopping the best fries and how is any of this going to help you find the gargoyle oh it's not but it's going to help us have an amazing time in paris while we're looking for a gargoyle good luck cool squad remember don't let the human see you gargoyle x2 monster in paris paris we are going to have so much fun here you know we're here to find a gargoyle of course but that could take hours days weeks and until we find the gargoyle there's no reason we can't hear fun come on [Music] you girls take the stairs while i take a shortcut forgive me mom petite bats but i cannot allow you to perch on my pristine rooftop that's a fine how do you add you i am so sorry monami i did not know you were a fellow monster my name is rochelle laguna frankie cleo and i'm draculaura we've got a terrible leaky roof problem at our school you guys attend school with humans no it's a school just for monsters you'd love it maybe i would but i must fix this roof first and that is proving to be quite difficult so how's your art project coming sweet pup oh almost done i'm just taking a break and trying to stop this monster flood uh wait till tomorrow with the rest of the art lovers okay oh abby claudine you aren't lying no i'm not now you are lying about lying okay i may have been bending the truth a little bit i'm trying to think of an awesome art project but it's tough with all this dripping water perhaps abby can help wow nice fix but is only temporary like life soon it will melt and the dripping will begin again gee the ice is gold and hard like life you're a regular ray of sunshine i was going to say the ice is pretty it's almost like art would you help me with something else this sound more fun than full of cold beet soup um everything is more fun than a bowl of cold beet soup [Music] okay well the big question is what time does that perfume shop open i was going to say why is rexpear destroying this roof that's also a good question girls are born and fixing hoops is a big part of that but this luxe pierre is foo foo that's his friends for crazy scary and here comes that crazy food now i think it's time we have a talk with rox pierre come on [Music] mercy that's it next time rox pierre decides to dive on this roof we'll be ready for him with an amazing plan to trap him now does anyone have an amazing plan i know i'm going to go for a walk to clear my head and think of a great plan to catch rocks pierre and go window shopping do you mind have fun but watch out for humans [Music] ah even the glass smells good rocks pierre [Music] now how did rochelle do it again place the wood down position the oh so he's not a bad gargoyle he's just really bad at fixing roofs i think he keeps making holes in your roof so he can watch how you fix them over and over because he's too embarrassed to ask for help ridiculous i would have been glad to help him wow really good work cleo thank you now let's all enjoy a nice celebratory spritz that burning sensation means we smell classy [Music] i thought i heard you sneaking around out here i wasn't sneaking i was just uh walking as quietly as i could so you wouldn't hear me so you were sneaking maybe a little so how's it going in there great see you at the art show i hope this works we'll find out incoming [Music] are you mad you look mad let's just say i'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget [Music] okay now this is how you fix it roof [Music] i did it so no more making holes only fixing holes right right like a good gargoyle because i am a good gargoyle who knows how to fix roofs thanks rochelle ghouls you are all the best i'm going to fix that i think we'd better get back to monster high before it floats away wanna come rockspear missy but i have many many roofs to fix most of which i have damaged myself bon voyage now let's see what we can do about your leaky roof great job with the roof it looks perfect let's see claudine can we finally see your art project here it is [Music] i dyed the water different colors and then abby froze it for me and then i sculpted it it is gold you mean cool no i mean gold ice is gold so mom worth the weight definitely worth the wait this school is magnifique i would love to stay here longer but i must be going going going where such is the unlife of a gargoyle i fix roofs and this roof is perfect so it is time for me to leave and find another roof to fix wait um you know it rains here a lot and this roof could spring a leak at any minute right ghouls right this place is practically falling down around us in fact i think i see a crack in the ceiling already where there hmm well if the roof is needing more repairs i guess i'll just have to stick around and help [Music] don't forget to sign up for the talent show i can't wait to see how talented that and safe you all will be oh man who knew monster high had so much creeperific talent i heard operetta was thinking about playing her own version of a cathy noir song on her banjo oh i love catty noir it's too bad she doesn't perform in public anymore wait why doesn't katie noir perform anymore you're kidding right how can you not know what happened at our last show cleo i know what happened i was asking for draculaura in case she doesn't know oh i know what happened okay just tell me just watch [Applause] [Music] you know as members of the ghoul squad it's our job to rescue monsters that are missing that's a great idea let's do it oh sure when i want to use a map log to go hang out with rich and famous celebrities you tell me no now all of a sudden it's a great idea [Music] one day to go and i've still got no talent to show mate i haven't figured out mine either laguna maybe if i add my half talent to your half talent we could make up one great talent hmm your talent math checks out i can hear her that's definitely catty noir's voice but where are we i can't see a thing [Music] it's her well don't stop singing on account of us go on ghoul friend you sounded fantastic where did you come from a place we like to call monster high that's cleo claudine and i'm draculaura nice to meet you ghouls i'm caddy noir we know well congratulations you're the only monsters that have heard me sing since well i'm sure you've seen the video what video video no idea what you're talking about oh who cares about that video your fans want to see you back on that stage yes you can't let one eensy weensy little accident keep you from performing you saw the size of that star right that's a pretty big star i think about getting on stage and performing every single day the thought of facing a big crowd full of monsters what about a smallish crowd of monsters huh what do you mean you should come sing in the monster high talent show oh i don't know i'm not really ready to put on a big show oh it won't be big just a small little teeny tiny warm-up concert a way to get back on your paws teeny tiny huh well that sounds okay then it's settled you'll come to monster high sing in the talent show and i'll be your new manager in exchange for 10 of your ticket sales oh wait what was that last one monster high exo we're good to go now we just need to find a place to put our talent show trophy [Music] oh crikey that's a good act we've got work to do okie dokie catty we have this stage all day for you to rehearse before the talent show so feel free to sing whenever you're ready here i'll play a little shooting stars on my eye coffin to get you started wrong video i'm just not sure i'm ready to look like that on stage again oh you're not going to look like that again because we're going to give you a new look with a little pop star makeover i'll bet the new look would help you get back on stage yeah fantastic idea a new look i guess we could give it a try [Music] now that we found caddy's new look we've got to work on some new moves that's why i brought you to operetta not only does she sing she can groove you ready to dance darling i call this the phantom two step i'll just follow along and try to keep up i'm not sure this dance is me keep going caddy these pics are gonna make a creeperific album cover uh-huh oh well we won't be using that one behold our talent show winning talent contraption is complete it's so beautiful time to get it to the stage [Music] it's too big without this thing we've got no talent to show at the talent show we're doomed kathy's new look check new moves check now it's time to add some spectacle i put in a call to the greatest stage fx team in all of showbiz but they were unavailable so we got do some rather instead [Music] and we got caddy all the best stuff fireballs rockets disco floor finger lasers fog machines [Music] all right thank you gil for whatever that was it was a poem in dolphinese sure it was all right now for our next act let's welcome kathy noir um i guess there's no cat in noir come on she has to be around here somewhere happy noir because we all we are a shooting star i am the light in the dark [Music] for every one of you there is a song from outer space above to your hearts i didn't know you girls were here catty you really do have an incredible voice you mean that see for yourself [Music] you know what forget big new looks or moves or crazy rockets the ghoul in that video that's the real caddy noir and that's who everyone wants to hear tonight i really do love my fans but what about the big shooting star incident oh catty when you get up on that stage tonight don't think about that old video no think about this one instead i'll do it [Music] we have no act give it up for bonesy and skelly next up we have laguna blue and frankie stein monsters and ghouls put your claws and flippers together for lagoona blue and hers totally not last-minute rocket foods [Music] is that really safe because it looks not safe don't worry i did the math how does she get back that was not clear when i did the math but there was definitely math all right everyone that was the last act so i guess that's the end of the [Music] whatever happened to laguna [Applause] [Music] thank you monster high [Music] stars [Music] maybe we should stop this is too dangerous we have to try if this works it could change the world with this final scoop of scary cherry crunch this will be the tallest ice cream cone in history okay oh can't you see we're in the middle of something important can you please wait one minute fine hey gob do you like ice cream well i don't want to ruin the surprise by saying the ghouls are making that ice cream cone for you but they're making that ice cream cone for you [Music] oh good you goals are finished i need to borrow your mapalog thingy why do you want the mapalog is there a monster that needs saving yes me i'm bored so can i borrow it no torture lie the mapalog is a serious device for saving monsters in trouble and bringing them to monster high it's not a toy for your amusement if you say so that's right the ghoul squad does important things now back to the ice cream stacking oh what if we made it an ice cream pyramid who's with me hello uh yes i'm a lost monster who's lost can you help me yes of course just tell us your name and the goal squad will be right there my name what's that no no no no um where are you calling from exactly uh something strange about that one either way we should look into all lost monster tips just to be sure but do we know enough for the mapolog to find her only one way to find out exto monsters i don't get it we're at monster high very good frankie i always knew you were the smart one laters okay mappy that means someplace sandy and fun come on hurry before those ghouls catch up no [Music] where to lie give us the mapalog i want my paws in the sand [Music] that's more like it i'm sensing you two are a little angry no we're not a little angry we're a lot angry you broke the mapalog which means we're stuck here with no way of getting back to monster high we'll worry about that later last one to the top of the hill is a stinky stinker well i am furious at torily but i really don't want to be a stinky stinker me neither let's go well what do you think frankie i'm pretty sure i could fix it [Music] i'm maybe pretty sure i could fix it oh i have an idea [Music] bonesy kelly can you bring us every flavor of ice cream from the crepeteria [Music] how is ice cream going to help well it's not gonna hurt this is the biggest beach i've ever seen with this sun blasting down on us it feels like we're in the desert oh um i know desert sand and this is not desert sand maybe we're on an alien planet what makes you think that ask him and you [Music] any ideas uh run i like that idea [Music] [Music] when you break a map log you really break it oh i can see the ghouls they're right over there and they're getting ice cream without hey um do you hear something it's not use they can't hear us we're gonna have to work together as a team if we're gonna get out of here yeah sorry goals i don't do teamwork besides this kitty's got claws [Music] hey you know what who wants to be in a team and solve this with teamwork make like a mummy and follow me there i think that's it so can we go find the girls now only one way to find out lagoona lagona cleo where are we [Music] uh frankie the mapalog is still broken [Music] if we don't find a way out of here with lizard food that's it maybe we can buy ourselves some time if he isn't so hungry do you girls have any food on you i have this candy bar fantastic uh i was kind of saving it for later to rely fine i've got some salt water taffy cleo oh i have cherry flavored lip balm does that count [Music] okay i think i really fixed it this time cleo exto monstro where are we now i don't know but wherever this is we are nowhere near cleo when the ghouls do we have anything else to feed the lizard anything that's not me huh okay well maybe we're closer to the ghouls than we think [Music] do you think you could throw one of your wrappings up there [Music] i could but there's nothing for it to grab on to if i could just get to that ledge with a wrap i could pull you two up with me [Music] oh i think i have an idea but we're going to need some bait why do you two keep looking at me like that this is exactly why i don't do teamwork okay ready laguna no but that's never stopped me before go charlotte hey lizard lizard lizard now finally i did it oh i told you i could fix it in your face maplog good news ghouls we're here to rescue you good timing you would not believe the day we had let's just say it was quite an ordeal uh-huh so where are we anyway all right all right say ghouls uh now that we're a team or whatever can i borrow the mapalog again what oh here it comes you're going to lecture me about breaking the mapalog aren't you well go on ben let's have it what's their problem we should probably go save her [Music] yeah we'll help but bonesy and skelly worked really hard on that ice cream pyramid it'd be rude to not try it first tally would be fine she has lots of running from giant lizard experience hey save some of that for me [Music] [Music]
Channel: Monster High
Views: 3,735,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster high, mattel, monster high mattel, monster high youtube, monster high dolls, monster high toys, official monster high, monster high episodes, draculaura, monster high full episodes, monster high movies, monster high full english episodes, monster high song, monster high full movie, cartoons for kids, girls cartoons, monster high english, monster high videos, cartoons for children, monster high full movies in english, monster high ghoul squad
Id: sVRF1prixm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 15sec (6495 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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