every Minecraft Seed has a "Shadow"... ?!

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today we are going to break minecraft again or if i'm being honest matthew bolin and captain wutox broke minecraft both of whom are linked in the description down below and i'm just the messenger here to explain what happened again now if you've been subscribed to this channel for a while now you would know that i love covering any subject that involves breaking minecraft that's what this playlist is all about and when it comes to breaking minecraft seeds usually things go a little something like this take some number plug it into one of minecraft's many decorator algorithms and the result is malformed in a way that's not intentional causing things like this to happen where caves repeat along one cardinal direction or where various elements of the minecraft world repeat diagonally again check out the playlist if you're interested but today's video is different today's video doesn't break anything well it does but in this case it breaks our traditional understanding of what it means to even break minecraft yeah let's get into it this video is brought to you by whirlwind fx whirlwind fx is hosting a raffle giveaway and a build contest for their one-of-a-kind cyberpunk skinned element rgb keyboards to enter either the build contest or the raffle and you can do both check out the links in the description down below so every minecraft seed has a shadow that's what the title of the video is but what is a shadow in this case anyways well i could go on a long wooded rant about how minecraft generates its terrain by generating a biome map followed by a height map and then populating the terrain with blocks foliage and then structures but i already did most of that in a video from nearly three years ago no i'm just gonna get right to the point when minecraft generates its terrain first loosely speaking anyways it starts with a two-dimensional biomap that governs where every single biome throughout your world will be if you've ever used tools like chunk basis biome finder to look at your world seed from a top-down perspective that's effectively what the biomap is after this step is taken everything that i mentioned in that older video from three years ago happens the height map is finalized the world is populated with blocks and then foliage and then structures but what if i told you that there exists a shadow of sorts to every single world seed in minecraft a shadow world where the biomap is the same as the seed before it but everything else is different hills trees caves everything every single seed in minecraft has a shadow like this and there's only one for any given seed so now let me loosely explain why so here's where the math comes in but don't worry it's not all that complex and i'm simplifying the majority of the actual math minecraft is doing here the formula that calculates the biomap is a quadratic equation and a quadratic equation when written in the standard form looks a little something like this pretty immediately i'm going to state that a b and c are fixed values that we do not have to care about so i'll make them as simple as possible a is 1 b is negative 8 and c is negative 9. those aren't the real numbers that minecraft uses but again i'm making things easy here now let's simplify the formula as much as possible in this case x is equal to the world seed which is being used to seed this equation and the output is equal to the biomap well in order to solve this equation we have to know what x is or what the world seed is in this case though because it's a quadratic equation there are two world seeds that will cause the solution to equal zero in this case both positive nine and negative one will do the trick to cause this equation to equal zero which means there are two world seeds that will generate the exact same biomap but where everything else is different because x the world seed can be one of two different values to make this equation equal zero while captain wutox was messing around with this phenomenon matthew bolen actually discovered that in order to find any seeds shadow you just have to take this number and subtract the numerical seed and that's it that's how you find any seeds shadow the fact that this even works at all is awesome mojang could have easily added variables into the equation to prevent this kind of behavior but they didn't and it allows this really interesting behavior to happen all thanks to the power of math if you want to try this out for yourselves i'll have a link to captain wutox's original reddit thread on the matter and i want to thank both captain wutox and matt for helping me properly understand just what in the heck is going on here whirlwind effects's keyboards and lighting strips provide lighting integration for just about every game out there including minecraft when you take damage suffer from hunger gain experience and more they're also providing integration for cyberpunk 2077 and they're doing both a raffle giveaway and a build contest to celebrate cyberpunk 2077 wherein you can win one of their skinned element rgb keyboards or you can win both if you somehow win both the raffle and the build contest that'd be pretty insane though so yeah that just about explains how the minecraft shadow seed phenomenon works in a nutshell if you enjoyed this video then please consider leaving a like on it because it would really help out myself the channel and the video quite a lot so i hope you all enjoyed my name is ant venom and i bid you all farewell thanks so much for watching you
Channel: AntVenom
Views: 617,844
Rating: 4.9373231 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, antvenom, breaking minecraft, minecraft seed, minecraft glitch, minecraft bug, minecraft shadow seed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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