EVERY Image Effect in Unity Explained - Post Processing v2 Tutorial

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post-processing is a huge part of making a good looking game to those who are unfamiliar with the term post-processing basically means image effects that we can apply to change the look of our game usually you add post-processing as a nice last touch to your game but sometimes it can even be used to create a completely different look we've created a video on post-processing before but since then it's been completely revamped and it's now easier than ever so in this video we'll have a look at how you can add post-processing to your game and we'll also go over each individual effect to give you a good idea of what you can do with it but first this video is sponsored by ambience V our ambience we are are the creators of the amazing unity plugin 80 explore this plugin is designed to allow artists and architects to create interactive environments without worrying about coding it provides you with the series of visual tools to manage cameras and interactions with a few clicks you are able to create interactive environments for Android iOS PC oculus CO and quest and open VR devices the plugin also comes with prepackaged interactions like material switching working doors windows and drawers and a visual scripting system the team is made up of architects and computer engineers who are always ready to help so if this sounds interesting to you simply click the link in the description to get started now before we get into it we have to mention that post-processing is a little bit different depending on if you're using qrp or HDR P the workflow is pretty much the same but HTTP does offer some more advanced effects in this video we'll focus on your P since that's the most commonly used and most of what you learn here should just apply to HDR P as well and with that said let's jump into it and play around with some colors so as you can see we are here in unity 2000 19.3 and the demoscene we are using here is the RPG poly pack light which is free on the asset store will of course have a link for that in the description now to add post-processing we first have to create a volume to do this we right click in the hierarchy go on to volume and select global volume this object is responsible for adding post-processing to our camera but first we have to create a profile we do this by simply clicking new as you can see this creates a profile object that we can add effects to in unity effects are called overrides if we click add override we get a list of effects to from let's just add a vignette as you can see all that the effect properties are blurred out this is because we can choose what settings we want to influence if for example we want to adjust the intensity we simply check the box next to intensity and adjust the slider to whatever we want now at this point you might be confused as to why nothing is happening at least I was until I found this secret magic button hidden in the camera under rendering settings you won't believe how long it took me to find this setting well moving on another thing to enable is HDR which you can find under your render pipeline settings HDR stands for high dynamic range and it's a way of packing more color data into your image this gives us greater control over the look of the scene when we start applying image effects and helps us avoid clipping where you lose color information in very bright or dark spots and that's it for setup of course the new post-processing stack is using a volume system this allows us to blend between different profiles on the fly depending on the cameras position this is great when you want different effects in different areas such as when going underwater or inside a cave instead of unity we can choose between either global where the camera is always affected or local which allows you to select a Collider to use as the area for the volume this means that the camera is only affected while inside the area now with that explanation out of the way let's make things pretty there are a lot of effects supported in U or P so we'll split them into a few categories to make things a bit easier to grasp color correction lens stuff camera and there of course times times for all the effects in the description if you're looking for something in particular now let's start with color correction the tone map your maps colors from HDR color space to something the monitor can display here you have two options neutral which has minimal impact on the colors it is a great starting point if you want more control when colour correcting or aces which is an industry standard tone map reef achieving a more cinematic look I'll throw a link in the description if you want to know more about how aces works just remember that you should always use some kind of tone maverick when you have HDR enabled white balance allows you to adjust the color temperature to shift the colors to a blue cold or yellow warm you can use tint to do the same thing but between green and purple fun fact it's actually called the white balance because on real cameras you adjust this until the white parts of your image actually look white and not weirdly colored under different lighting conditions color adjustment is used to tweak the overall color brightness and contrast of the image this one is pretty self-explanatory but it will give you a quick tip I find that using the ASIS tone mapper while also increasing the post exposure a bit often gives a really nice and bright appearance the channel mixer allows you to tint the red green and blue color channel you can adjust the influence of red green and blue for each channel to be honest I don't find this one very intuitive so I don't use it a lot but it's there if you need it now color curves is a very versatile tool the most common use case is to adjust the luminance of the image if you've ever used the curves adjustment in Photoshop you already know what this does the x axis of the graph represents input luminance and the y axis represents output luminance in other words you can remap the luminance at different intensities at the lower left side the input luminance is 0 so completely dark and top right is 1 aka max brightness if we lift the key up the dark parts of the image will become brighter with this we can create curves that remap luminosity just the way we want and this applies for each Channel as well if you want less red in the highlights we can simply go to the red Channel and turn it down now that's the basic use case but unity has more tricks of its leaves you might have noticed that there are four additional curves to select in the drop down these that you control brightness and color in completely different ways I won't go into detail with all of them but I will show you a couple of cool use cases I stumbled across for example I think the sky in this scene could use a bit more color so I'll select the hue versus saturation curve here we can adjust the saturation at a specific hue in my case that is light blue so let's turn that up a bit that's better now I don't really like the color of the sky either I would like it to be a bit more deep blue so let's fix that as well the hue versus hue curve works the same way but instead of increasing saturation we instead adjust a hue at a specific you a color so let's isolate blue again and adjust it perfect another cool effect you can make is a color splash effect in other words the image is completely grayscale except for one color we can do this by going into the hue versus saturation curve and turning everything down as you can see the image is now grayscale now we isolate the color we want and turn that all the way up so I'll select green to make the grass and trees stand out you can even go ahead and hue shift it as well to get even crazier as you can see these sky's the limit with this one get it because we can adjust the color of the anyways shadows mid-tones and highlights allows you to separately control the tint and brightness of the shadows mid-tones and highlights of the image you can also define the ranges of each this is just a very intuitive tool for color grading lifts gamma and gain works just like shadows mid-tones and highlights but instead of letting you define the ranges it instead uses the ASC CDL color grading standard that's right PhD in acronyms over here I find that the colour grading from this produces more natural results than shadows mid-tones and highlights now that could really use an acronym split toning works by teaming the shadows and highlights two specific colors this often produces a very stylized effect however a cool thing here is that you can adjust the balance between the two tints using a slider what if I told you that everything we just went over can be accomplished with a single effect that is the color lookup table a lot for short here unity looks at every pixel and changes its color based on the supplied LUT file so here's how to do it number one take a screenshot of a scene from your game number two import the screenshot into the photo editor of your choice I'm using Photoshop here you do all the color adjustments that you need number three apply the same adjustments to a neutral lot and save it as a PNG this is now your Lud file and number four assign the load file inside of unity and voila you see now looks like the edited photo alright that's it for color settings now let's look at some bloom let's bright areas bleed into the surrounding pixels or in other words it makes bright areas glow the threshold determines how bright an area should be for bloom to be applied without HDR a a threshold of one would mean that only completely white areas would have bloom applied but now that we are working with HDR areas can have values greater than one which is very useful because it gives us full control over how much something should glow we can control the overall intensity of the bloom using the intensity property and the spread of the glow by adjusting this scatter the bloom effect also has a lens third option this overlays a texture on the bloom simulating stuff like smudges or scratches on the camera lens we'll have a link to some free lens toy textures in the description that you can use chromatic aberration splits the colours around edges of the game view into their red green and blue channels this is normally seen in low quality camera lenses but is now often used to create a cool distorted look film grain overlays classic film noise onto the image for a cinematic feel you RP comes with a bunch of different grain types but you can also supply your own vignette targets the edges of the game view this is also often seen in low quality camera lenses but it is now being used for a dramatic effect a lot here you can control intensity color smoothness and yeah it's pretty self-explanatory now onto some camera lens effects depth of field simulates focus this means that everything that isn't at a certain distance from the camera gets blurred out here you can choose between Gaussian which uses a common image blur technique to create a pretty cheap and quick depth of field effect or bouquet which much more accurately simulates the way light behaves when entering a real-life camera lens here you can adjust real camera properties such as focal length and aperture to get the look you're going for motion blur simulates deployed that occurs when a real camera is moving what the shutter is open this essentially stretches the light in the direction of the movement which makes it feel more natural and smooth lens distortion distorts or curves the image this allows you to create effects such as fisheye and what I've personally named the hyper speed effect panini projection corrects perspective cameras with high fov this helps reduce stretching in the corners of the screen as well as keeps vertical lines strict this one gets a bit wonky when used with moving cameras might be great for a drunk character though finally we have a few more settings to look at these however are located on the camera itself feathering applies noise to the image to prevent larger patterns when encountering quantization errors even though modern screens can produce some million colors that's not always enough especially in dark areas so did the ring helps eliminate some of the artifacts anti aliasing helps to reduce jagged edges it adds interpolation to smooth out stairs stupid lines at the moment there are two options FXAA and SMA a FXAA is more performant while SMA has better quality some of you might have noticed that there's also another setting with the name anti-aliasing this one is located under the rendering pipeline settings this is a third type of anti-aliasing called msaa and it can be applied on top of the other anti-aliasing methods to really make sure that those lines stays smooth let's pretty much it for this video if you liked it make sure to subscribe and bring that notification Belzer don't miss the next one and hopefully that gave you a good base to start using these effects in your game well of course have some links in the description to where you can learn more also don't forget to check out ambience VR and the plugin ATX for start creating interactive environments for your projects now by simply clicking the link in the description on that thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video thanks to all of the awesome patreon supporters who donated in May and especially thanks to face Samara fire lost to violence love forever replica studios na'vi ninja SRT Mike Jason Narita SKU Leela set pianos satin black Donna team Cascone tansy Sam Jacobs alpha no kirisaki bug on 20 rod Gregory Pierce Michael Cobb of the mighty Zeus Owen Cooper has in the Pierce Erasmus and serious mode you guys Rock
Channel: Brackeys
Views: 456,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brackeys, unity, unity3d, beginner, easy, how, to, learn, tutorial, tip, game, development, develop, games, post, processing, effect, effects, cc, color, correction, hue, ambience, tonemapper, white balance, LUT, bloom, vignette, anti, aliasing, channel mixer, Color lookup table, blur, film grain, distortion, camera, lens, image, every, explained
Id: 9tjYz6Ab0oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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