EVERY DIFFERENCE in My Hero Academia Season 4 Anime vs Manga! [PART 1]

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

I can never forgive they left out the reason why the Eight Bullets wear the masks, it'll only take 1 minutes for Chrono to say it, that's one of most important trait of Overhaul as a person and the bullets as characters

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/canadakeroro 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Lol not really every change missed so many changes on the highway

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HouseOfCardisty 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right so season four of the my hero academia anime just wrapped up a couple weeks ago and what a memorable season it was we had so many highlights going from Kirishima to re to overhaul Deku Mayor yo endeavour everybody had their moment this season and I think it's safe to say we all enjoyed it now if you read the manga you've of course seen this content a while ago however you might have forgotten some details that actually ended up being different in the anime these details range from cutting content a change in order of events minor changes that you just have you scratching your head and just honestly complete mistakes at some point very interesting stuff it's gonna be a long video but if you're a real my hero academia fan you're gonna want to see this one again it's gonna be a long video we have a lot of stuff to cover so let's get right into it for starters episode 1 of the anime is original content that was not in the manga the episode was a recap essentially of the whole series but it was done in a very interesting way at least to me usually I don't watch the recap episodes or you know I don't pay too much attention to them but this one for some reason it was interesting I guess the way they went about it direction was very fascinating it featured our reporter basically looking for the successor of all might and he pinned it down to you a specifically midoriya and through talking the midoriya interview essentially trying to find details and secrets we get a recap of the story while I enjoyed it personally it's not worth spending too much time on in this video but yes that episode itself was not in the manga while I enjoyed that episode moving on from there we get into the fire overhaul arc featuring the madman himself chisaki starting with the death of Magni the death of magnae of course in both versions was very graphic I mean anytime you show a character exploding it's gonna be graphic they show every detail of her demise compared to the manga which shows the start of it and then the finish where she finally explodes literally in both versions the scene was executed well and it was shocking to us as the viewer when we saw it but the anime like I said before was more detailed and graphic the second difference that we have in this encounter is that in the manga after overhauls backup arrived twice was quick the question where the hell they came from which was followed by Toma explaining that it was likely someone's quirk in the anime the order of these events get changed a bit starting salt is the same but the order of events changed which is what happens a lot you'll see throughout this video this next changed instead of all this happening in the manga the manga just says who cares and jumps to the next scene the anime does a good job here because it shows basically the the league's emotions post chisaki the manga opts to not include that type of content here after this initial chisaki meeting in both the manga and the anime we jumped to where is time for midoriya to meet sir night eye before meeting sir night eye in the manga muriel warned that Midori needed to make her smile in the anime he warned midoriya that he needs to make sir laugh not a big difference but I think it's easier to make somebody smile than it is to make them laugh so the anime version it was a bit of a harder task although if you think about it smiling is brand with all might so your preference in the words really just comes down to how you choose to look at it but either way our boy midoriya was not able to do either of those things so the end result is the same continuing on with our differences after midoriya failed to make sir laugh or smile sir toyed with and stretched his face this happened in both the manga and anime however in the anime we get a really good shot where we see Midori as reflection in sarah's glasses and the manga the same thing happened but the shot was very different less dramatic I'm just taking this moment to appreciate the difference that the anime made in this scene the shot in the anime was very drastic very memorable and the manga instead kind of chose to brush past that scene now let's talk about that iconic face that midoriya made in an attempt to make her laugh it's worth noting that while he didn't makes her laugh it made me laugh and I'm sure a lot of you also laughed or smiled but I guess not I has higher standards but anyway when describing the incident that led to the face midoriya created because you know he didn't make the typical Almighty expression he chose a more specific one in the anime we literally see the whole scene of the kid drowning and all might saving him we see that story that Midori is telling visually in the manga we don't get that instead the story's told to us with only words there are a few examples like this throughout the season as you'll see in this video but this one in particular I appreciate it because it's just a nice touches a great change in the viewing experience now at this part things will get a little bit weird from here continuing off that scene the dialogue has changed a bit between the manga and the anime in the manga surtax the deck who attempted to recreate the incident which led to Deku revealing that the kid was at one time at his school but he was too nervous to bring it up leading tonight I mentioning that the boy's home life was to blame for the incident which was new information to midoriya in the manga key point there pay attention to that part in the anime after the face was replicated night I instead asked if he was being tested which was denied by midoriya who then instead of what he said in the manga said that because all might is a teacher at his school it's hard to talk about him so much leading tonight I mentioning again that the boy's home life was to blame the big difference is here because in the anime midoriya was aware of this information in the manga he wasn't I suppose the anime version makes more sense because midoriya is basically supposed to be the biggest all-night fan so he in theory should know little random information like this so the enemy version is more on character fast-forwarding to the part where night I just go straight savage and violates midoriya when it was time to stamp the document allowing the work-study in the anime the paper was placed on night eyes desk sooner and stayed there until he went through the details of what working together would mean after which he would intentionally miss the paper with his stamp now in the manga midoriya holds onto the paper longer holding it while night I explains the details and then finally at the very end placing it on the desk to have night I miss it with his stamp which I guess feels a little bit more violating you just put the paper on a desk and the guy just plays you like that but eh I guess the anime didn't want to violate midoriya as much as the manga did here and speaking of violation the face midoriya makes after night I missus with the stamp in the anime was way more dramatic and a look of shock the manga one was more minimal and more so just looked confused from here we move on to one that you can just sum up to translation differences because to me the difference in wording is important but to you it might just be and whatever after leaving with Bobo girl in the anime mario thinks to himself that dec whose future looks to be full of darkness where the manga says that the future doesn't look especially bright again you could say it's the same thing but to me saying something looks full of darkness is way more blunt and you know it's more straightforward basically saying hey there's no hope for you my guy no hope from there we move on to let's just be honest that goes big l of an attempt to impress night I I mean I guess he didn't end but you know I mean everything before that was just hmm pretty sad before the action starts in the anime deck who thinks to himself more considering night eyes quirk and encourages himself in the manga the pause is small if you don't get any thoughts instead Deku just charges in like basically everything else in this video it's up to you to decide whether you think this changed nana me is good or unnecessary continuing on in the manga during a pause in the fight where night i explains that myrio should have been the successor of one for all Deku still has full call activated in the anime it's turned off minor change but noteworthy that they decided to make that change from there we move on tonight I continuing his savagery and roasting the life out of midoriya in both anime and manga mentioning that midoriya is like an inferior version of Gran Torino however in the manga he asked that burn saying that you're so slow it's pointless the dramatic shot of Deku at this spot in the anime is very noteworthy though although I appreciate the additional burn in the manga but it doesn't stop there night I continues in the manga when things get more tense in the fight midoriya says that all might said he could do it it being become the greatest hero in this version night I interject with to a nobody like you and he had he said something more like who said you could do it one of the riffraff I'm ashamed to say but it was only through making this video that I realized how much of a goddamn Savage sir tonight I was resting piece of that man truly shortly after that last change after failing in the anime Deku hits the wall left of the poster of all might in the manga he hits the wall above it minor change but again noteworthy that they decided to change something like that from there we get another one of those change in sequence of events at the end in the manga we see Deku thank my eye for the stamp followed by the paper being stamped and the anime it gets stamped then Midori says thank you either way a boy's respectful and the paper gets stamped but again not worthy that the anime decided to make this change following this whole ordeal in the manga we head straight to the next day or patrol started in the anime we get an in-between scene at the dormitory where all the classmates find out and congratulate midoriya on his work-study plus info on the status of other students work studies including the announcement that toka Yami is working with Hawks and the enemy will continue to do this essentially adding more in between scenes and making the story more continuous adding more flow to it but again it's up to you if you think this content is worth adding in the first place hey let me know in the comments onward to the patrol though the anime includes details of it including conversations between Deku and Merial prior to running into Airy whereas the manga skips this and his steps includes it later in a flashback from there Indiana may we only see Aries feet when she's running out to the street in panic there's no sign of someone in pursuit although you could just assume that hey somebody's running they're probably being chased but hey the manga makes it more clear showing overhauls feet walking behind arey then we get into the first encounter with overhaul and the heroes and the manga when putting back on deck who's hood an attempt to hide his expression Miriah asked if Deku forgot to wear it then mentioning that maybe it's the wrong size in the anime he acts if it fell off then again mentioning the possible wrong size the end events is the same but the way we get to it is a little bit different after the meeting with chi sake and the manga we caught directly to overall arriving in his headquarters where he then kills the guard that led area escape followed by bubble girl being informed of their meeting which she sake and then with nothing in between we caught two deku and Marriott meeting up with them in the enemy after the meeting with chisaki we cut two bubble girl answer on their stakeout and then we then see Miriah letting them know that they met chisaki which is then followed by the shot of G Saki killing the guard and then finally bubble girl and Sur meeting up with Deku and Mario again this is one of those change of sequence of events following that the season doesn't chill there are we of course get the emotional scene between Deku and all mite when talking to Deku about night I in the manga all my describes night eyes physical abilities as not all that impressive the anime skipped that line just saying night I was the brain of his operations and this is where I have to inject my opinion because I can't believe that all might would even describe now I is not physically impressive do you see how rip this man is below that suit and those weights he be throwing if that's not physically impressive man I don't know and I gather this is a super-powered world and everybody's crazy strong and impressive but yeah I agree with the enemy's decision to cut that line and this is where we learned that all might is a very disrespectful man at least in the manga during the whole talk in the anime almighty had stopped running it was just talking to me Daria in the manga this man just kept running the whole time whole conversation this man is jogging like I'm hearing you but I'm not hearing you at least in the anime he shows some respect you stopped running and he listened to his pupil shoutout to anime all might mongaul might is disrespect we don't like that man no more in the anime though at one point all my did start running again and leave midoriya in shock after what he just said leading to a dramatic chase where Deku was of course yelling all white very all dramatic and stuff like that in the manga that did not happen and I guess if I'm gonna give a more accurate replication of Deku said it's more like all of my tall but yeah at the end of the conversation in the manga all my sister Deku to try and not mess up his hand anymore or trying to prevent his death in the anime all my just says I'll do my best not to cause you trouble basically in one version saying hey be careful though and in the other version saying I'll try to get you away from there we move on to cure Shima's patrol with fat gum and Tamaki sun-eater when fighting the Velma blades at one point in the manga Kirishima gets blown back when taken by surprise in the anime though it doesn't send him flying instead saving that big moment of push back for when the villain uses trigger this next one is very weird and I can't even attempt to explain what happened here but at the end of the fight in the anime the civilian acts Kirishima his hero name when thanking him and the manga this does not happen we don't get that red Riot moment and now we're at the point in the season where the meeting happens between night I the pro heroes and some students at the meeting where the classmates and pro heroes get together and get the whole rundown on the situation upon arriving deck who points out Izawa gran torino ryu q fat gum and all the other pro heroes there that was in the anime and the manga he only points out Izawa and gran torino this next one happened at the same meeting and it's honestly one of my favorite or at least I think it's the funniest change hmm top 5 after the realization of what Ares been going through Deku and me Rio announced that the next time they see her they'll save arey however in response in the manga Rock Locke says if she's even alive we're in the anime he says something more like she might be well hidden tell me why in the manga everybody is such a goddamn savage I think horikoshi ought to realize through the season that horikoshi is just a savage writer the anime just tries to tone him down because this man is crazy if she's even alive this man said that the kids rock Lok savage moving on to something more toned down in the anime after announcing that he won't use his quirk we get shots of uneasiness in only a few characters in the manga we get more characters that were in the room reacting to this including Kirishima and acai of course if you've watched the season or read the contents of the manga you know that soon after this Aries location was discovered in both versions the manga and the anime we saw the reactions of all students involved however in the anime after we get this we see a shot of all the other students in the dorm talking about weird behavior their classmates have been showing recently the manga does not include this content and again the reason is most likely just to fill out space in the story and basically give us a better picture of what's going on with everybody in the story the next two differences and the stories are very small so we'll get through them very quickly in the anime version the toy box and I eye shows everyone is different from the one in the manga that was involved in him finding out Ares location following that in the anime and bubble girl announces that they already have the warrant to invade the premises in the manga is gran torino who instead speaks saying that they still need to get the warrant minor change not sure of the reason for words but it exists all right let's get to the real action in this arc when at the entrance to the Yakuza headquarters in response to police orders in the anime rock lock response that we get it you don't trust us again reminding reminding you guys that this man is a savage the dialogue is similar in both versions but in the manga not only does phat come tell him to chill well so does another hero on the front lines making it clear that everybody can tailgate this man needs to chill everybody can see that now on to the raid as the doorbell was about to be wrong in both versions an enemy bust down the door sending police flying in the manga Eraserhead says to help them prompting Deku to grab a police officer that went flying in the anime no dialogue is spoken and Eraserhead and Deku just react to what has happened showing maturity on the part of midoriya in this version again in the manga the police officer says more than thank you instead telling Deku to get back in the action quickly and deco also tells the officer not to move again in the manga once everyone starts running into the entrance Deku says to the others staying outside the hill catch them later in the anime this exchange does not happen instead they just run inside the anime episode ends at that point but at the start of the next episode the anime chooses to show a flashback of Muriel and Tamaki as kids and in stayed with the heroes as they made their way into the entrance the manga at this point did not have a flashback instead flipping touches sakis point of view at this time showing him working on his escape when we see night I enter the right combination to open the secret passageway in the anime we get to see the future he saw with his foresight earlier and the manga has just mentioned that his quirk is how he knows the combination after that scene they get attacked in the entranceway and in the manga Eraserhead erases the cork of those that they're fighting in the anime this does not happen in the anime prior to the ground beginning to move violently we see area naka using trigger and the manga we don't actually see him use trigger and instead only get a visual shot of his disguise to show that he had broken out of it after using the drug after the heroes get dropped into a hole by arena ko we get the sun-eater and Mariel flashback that the animation shown earlier and that's about all the differences we have between the anime and manga for the sun-eater fight let's move on to Kirishima and phat gum after they both end up trapped while trying to save Eraserhead cure Shima lands under phat gum in both versions in the manga though phat gum says what the heck is that a baby chick a very random line that's not in the anime but yeah yeah okay phat gum called Kirishima a baby chick but that didn't take away from obviously what would become her chimas second hyper moment of the season throughout the fight there weren't many differences actually the biggest difference happens at the end in the anime we get care she must childhood backstory before his big moment against roppa in the manga we get that after the big moment the big moment being obviously care Shima's unbreakable form where he's holding off the punches allowing fat gum to deal the finishing blow right after the fight in the manga we cut to the room where fat gum was treating Kirishima in the anime we cut the chisaki telling toga and twice to get to work both things obviously end up happening in the story but again the order of things was switched in the manga we get that scene of chisaki talking to toga and twice after roppa explains his backstory with chi sake then we go back to Deku of course in the anime while fighting off the movements in the walls Deku has a moment of hype where he remembers everyone sacrificed for them to get this far in the anime he fights off one last attack after his big breakthrough and then an entrance opens up in the wall in the manga he just has his moment of excitement and then the attack stopped and were met with momentary silence that last hit was not included in the manga a little bit after this in both versions of course toga appears and after appearing she stabs rock lock and in the anime we get an iconic shot of toga that anime shot was mmm good in the Hmong that this moment was cool but nowhere near as memorable that face we see in the anime was just greatly done amazing job there shortly after this of course toga does her acrobatics and gets out of there in the anime after toga left the scene of the attack as I were pretty quickly after told me Daria to stop rock Hawks bleeding and to grab the knife toga used in the manga we jump to a flashback of Shakur Aki and she Saki talking and then - twice versus night I the anime this happens after I saw his message to Midori Oh from there we of course move on to twice and his rapid clone in the manga when we first see twice and his clone they hit some dope poses in the anime only twice comes in with a cool pose though and roppa stands still not as entertaining not as cool not as flashy but again the outcome is the same the manga cuts from this fight for a moment to show Aizawa telling materia to stop rock locks bleeding before continuing with this fight again the anime had already shown as I was telling midoriya to stop the bleeding this was now the manga having that moment because the anime already had that moment of midoriya stopping the bleeding it simply continues with the twice fight and it's very quick it's a very quick fight the encounter between twice and night I of course did not go the way twice expected and it led to him having a breakdown woman with toga shortly after where he felt like he was splitting and toka comforted him you all know that very cute moment in the anime twice in togas moment together it was way more dramatic way more flashy and has no shame no diss to the manga it's just that the power of animation was able to make this moment much more grand shortly after that we get the flashback of overall talking with toga and twice in the anime on overhaul refers to magnate as a he toga and twice both interrupt him right there this includes additional dialogue from toga who says don't make that mistake again standing up for her girl overall then continued talking and the manga overall finishes his whole point he says everything he wanted to say and then he was corrected by the two so basically the anime made it more abrupt more quick more serious to them so much so that they interrupted his talking to make it clear magnae was a she minor detail but in the manga during this meeting also after twice showed his usual split personality the three villains that sun-eater were later in the fighting in the background said was the deal with him this didn't happen in the anime instead overall just continued talking these next two differences are small so we'll get through them quickly like we did some earlier when toga and twice explained their quirks in the anime we got cute visuals to go with it and the manga we get nothing except the explanation this time there of course times where the visuals match up in both but this was not one of those cases after arena ko was defeated by sir in the manga sir says that arena ko was simply used in the anime though he says that they were used to bring him down to very different points again not very sure why did me the difference but they did in both the anime and manga after this week cut to me ryo who finally caught up with overall the difference here is that the manga tells us that it only took two minutes for mario to catch up once he set off alone during the engagement in the anime will get the explanation of both the quirk confession and sloshed at the same time in the manga they're told as separate points in the action well yeah continuing with the action in the manga after me Rio dodges overhauls first attempt at attacking him by reshaping the ground we hear overhauls say that there's more to me Rio than his quark foreshadowing the enemy skips that part and instead continues with the fight from there again foreshadowing or I guess I mean if you can call this foreshadowing just because of how obvious it is in the manga before mentioning how precisely Miriah uses his quark coronal stasis says that he'll steal off Mario's quark once he shoots him again pretty blunt not sure if it's foreshadowing but the anime chooses to skip that dialogue probably making it more shocking when Muriel gets shot all right then it was Mario's turn in the manga when Mario gets an opportunity to land a surprise hit on Coronel it's clear how close he was to landing a hit and it's more clear that he's the reason the gun went flying in the anime it looks like chisaki was more quick in his reaction and the sudden jolt seemed to be why Corona dropped the gun not sure of the reason of the change as usual I'm not a director for the anime I don't know what I'm talking about but there was a difference let's keep chugging along in the manga after the overhaul flashback we get more build up as to how nematode managed to come back in the fight and the anime he just kind of appears suddenly the manga makes it more clear that his loyalty to chisaki gave him the strength to come back and fight despite muriel beaten his you know and finally we get into the controversial part of the season in the enemy after mario lost his cork heartbreaking by the way we were treated to a slide show showing how he fought off chisaki without his quirk a slide show we all knew this moment was it yo this was it Mero was the goat after this art it established him as that man that guy you know and for us to see a slide show was disappointing disappointing I felt disappointed too however in the manga there weren't any pictures at all only text explaining that Mireille fought off chisaki for X amount of time without his quirk so while I of course wanted this expanded on more than a slide show we get stuff we didn't have before so if we try to look at an optimistic in a positive way glass half-full we got something new we should be happy or we can rage you know I'm cool with that Tula I can get down with that after night I Deku and eraser had arrived in the manga eraser had told night I to get Airy in the enemy however he says to secure those who need treatment I like that I saw I like that think about the whole group very dad like thinking if you know what I mean wink wink again we continue with the savage horikoshi being censored by the goddamn anime when coronal came back into the fight stopping Eraserhead and Deku during Chuseok ease inner thoughts we find out that she sake healed the damage that was done by me ryo in the manga when thinking about this chisaki adds that the fool didn't even know this goddamn I love me some savagery alright anyway continuing in the anime as how it disappears and then we get a shot of I Sawa being held by chrono in the manga we get that scene way later instead only seeing Dec who noticed that I thought what was missing moving on in the manga while fighting night I through his movements chisaki realized that night I is muirios mentor nice detail he realized because they're similar fighting styles and movements and now here comes the sadness again sorry but it has to be done in the manga me Rio first noticed night eyes injury and the anime Deku did in the manga we get an explanation of how night I had been using his quirk and why he realized he can't change the future in the anime this information is relayed through a passionate conversation with gran torino a flashback from earlier point also in the manga we don't get to see what night I saw at the end of his foresight it's a black panel in the anime we see a bloody Deku which we later see in the actual fight when dec who gets injured by chisaki interesting choice that the manga didn't show us anything more ambiguous the situation got pretty ugly at this point in both the anime and the manga with night eyes injury Deku struggling and of course Merial on his last legs when he was on his last legs though with Airy we hear more thoughts of how he's feeling in the mom a blurry vision and that he's lost too much blood the anime instead just shows us how he's feeling with blurriness added to the images and him struggling to move we're at the manga like I said before literally just told us his inner thoughts of things are blurry lost too much blood before a big turning point when things were looking bad in the anime Decker reflects on what night I had said to him remembering that he said they can't save era in the manga we get that but also we see him reflect on night eyes saying that one for all should have gone to Miri oh yeah I have to interject here again good choice by the anime to cut that out because I don't really think it makes sense for Deku to be remembering that at this moment when the main focus should be on Harry and saving night I also but that's my opinion you're entitled to your own don't forget it we then move on to outside with Riku in the manga after the villain again began rampaging we hear real cute giving Erica and suit instructions to both make him float and also to then throw him in the anime no instructions are given to them by Riku Dame's that just do it I guess that shows more maturity more thinking on the part of soo and Erica to make that decision himself that coordination moving on back to Deku versus G sake in a flashback discussing Ares origin with their parents the boss of the Yakuza family acts she sake if he remembered his daughter in the anime to sake doesn't interrupt with a response but in the manga he does respond saying that the boss had a falling-out with her over her marriage causing her to leave the family and this is one of those where I have no idea why the change was made but it was if you have a guess as to why it was changed let me know in the anime from here before labeling her clerk as rewind reseach sake cutting into Airy over and over again with bandages than being placed the manga does not do this here from here we get the big moment in the anime re jumping down with mario's cape looks far more dramatic and scary the manga does not show just how far she fell before being caught this could just be the power of perspective but yeah the anime makes it look far more dramatic cool moving on after accidentally using it 100% one for all in the manga deck who literally checks to see if his letters are broken in the anime he considers his legs but doesn't check them and we don't see them until later when he lands with arey now the climax after overhaul fuses with his final comrade Indiana may we get a shot of him quickly after that which is coated in blood in the manga we don't really see him again until the giant form he ends up taking now for the real big moment I know I said that earlier but this is the real one in the manga after Deku began using one two percent one for all infinity 100 smash we get a shot of tea sake as a child making the conclusion that quirks are a sickness the enemy has visuals to go with his ramblings but not this specific shot then in the manga before deck who sends chisaki flying into air we got a couple shot of civilians nearby screaming and panic from all the impacts and rumblings the anime does not show civilians here but very interesting very interesting actually that the manga does and the enemy does not if you've watched season 4 or read the manga this arc you know that compress had a clone made by twice that went down to where Riku was in the manga compress his clone that went down to her Riku was was actually speaking before being destroyed by her in the anime when we cut to seeing him it's just him being destroyed he doesn't say anything and now with another flashback this one being about how things went south with the boss of the gang the enemy makes it clear what happened between chisaki and him we see chisaki take off the glove and start approaching him then a shot of the old man in his coma the manga does not show nearly as much now again with some savage horikoshi in the manga when sue finds Tamaki and miryo she says that Tamaki is a sight for sore eyes not the nicest thing to say to somebody that fought off three villains but hey now back to the main fight in the manga after throwing chisaki in epic fashion basically ending the fight Deku asked Airy if she's okay and apologize for not doing a very good job crazy I know but the anime did cut that dialogue which means I guess they can set it crazy - and then Muraki finally comes in at the end of this fight of course to wrap up chisaki in a nice little bow in the and grabbing overall maraca says nothing in the anime she shouts out to the gun head martial arts from there we'll caught on over to the league of villains attack on overhaul and the police in both versions when driving spinner was criticized by dobby and in response in the manga spinner says what's wrong with his driving he picked it up from video games in the anime though spinner just corrects toffee on his name I'll admit this one bummed me out a little bit cuz they added some personality to spinner but hey can't complain you know I'm not I don't know why they made the decision continuing on with the action in the manga snatch misses with his sand when attacking shigaraki and then manages to land it on him in the enemy he was more precise and got shigaraki easily we then have another interesting difference being that snatch says that you can't grab a sandstorm in the manga he says that but in the anime he says that chick Araki won't be able to use his quirk on sand I'm no expert on sand or sandstorms so I'll leave it up to you guys in the comments but yeah you can't grab sand versus you can't grab a sandstorm basically as what he's saying but let's carry on in the manga compressed says here comes the floating car before using his quirk and in the anime instead he just throws the marble and activates his quirk surprising us and the police causing the car to fly into air I guess the biggest difference in this is that with one version were more surprised and the other we know what's about to happen now this part I love in the manga after this spinner swerves the truck and says GTA fortunately the anime chickens this and that did not happen random mire detail before we get into the conclusion of this part of the arc before we get a shot of overhaul we get a shot of a police vehicle in both versions but in the anime there is a body in that vehicle in the manga there is no body in that police vehicle not sure the reason but noticeable we then move on to our final shots of overhaul in this arc when agreeing with shigaraki on his hatred for overall after they violate him in the manga compressed Winx and the anime he does not in both versions shigaraki waves the quirk destroying bullets in front of joy sake but the anime he acts which box contains the finished version he doesn't ask that in the manga at the end of this scene when the league is walking away from the damage in the manga Dobby and compressed have interesting poses Dobby folding his arms behind his back from pressed waving back at overall chisaki adjusting the hand on his face in the anime they just walk away no drip no confidence nothing but I guess maybe it's more badass to just walk away from a crime scene I'll let you guys decide let me know that do you prefer the poses you know the personality being shown there or do you think it's more cool to just straight-up walk away from it like nothing happened now at the hospital when the doctor is talking about dec whose arms being so damaged in the manga Deku is already putting on his clothes he doesn't give a damn what this man is talking about I mean all he gives a damn in either version but in the manga straight-up disrespectful the manga as you've seen throughout his video there's a trend of being disrespectful yeah in the anime we don't see him getting dressed instead we get a cut to him walking away with as our costume fully on again you know the drill rapid fire on these two because they're very minor when is our amador you'll find all might the anime changes the position of the characters same result but different presentation in the manga when we first see Knight I in the hospital there's a panel above him showing a weak heart rate in the anime it's not as clear instead we see a heart mightor behind all might either way is visible but one is more in-your-face the others like hey look over there you know like check that out now in the manga after all mike tells Knight I to live now allow him to atone for what he's done we get a shot of hospital slippers and an injured leg rushing in the animate this is replaced by a shot of someone quickly going past a nurse now our final one when mario was crying and asking her to stay thanking him for all the teachings in the manga we see Deku behind him crying also in the anime we don't see midoriya in this scene instead just focusing solely on Mario and his relationship with sir now that is all the differences between the manga and the anime up to this point in the story if you want more show some support let us know that you guys want to see all the differences in season four and we'll have coming for you guys soon in a part two there's a lot to cover and you know unfortunately we can't put it all in this one video it'd be like a movie so yes in the comments let us know what you guys think so far and we'll have more coming for you guys soon hope you enjoyed the video let me know you guys think I really want your opinion on this all these changes do you think it's necessary do you care about it do you watch both versions because of this change we want to know we want to know and to be clear this video is not made for the purpose of making either version look bad it's not made to be fuel for your hatred of one version or the other or justify your reasons for watching one and not reading the other or whatever this is just entertaining it's interesting worth seeing and that's all there is to it until next time I'm KJ this is plot armor subscribe for more great content we pull off effort in this hope you enjoyed the video until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Plot Armor
Views: 227,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my hero academia, my hero academia season 4, my hero academia anime vs manga, my hero academia season 4 changes, my hero academia season 4 differences, my hero academia changes, my hero academia differences, my hero academia differences between manga and anime, anime vs manga my hero academia, my hero academia anime and manga differences, my hero academia anime and manga, anime and manga my hero academia, plot armor, plot armor my hero academia, anime, manga, anime vs manga
Id: SbLLiar4zes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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