Every Cozy Glow Scene In Order (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 8 and 9 + Extras)

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great idea scootaloo we haven't tried crying yet yeah it always works for rarity i wasn't crying i think it's coming from outside [Laughter] uh she looks so sad we better go see what's wrong [Music] hey are you okay oh thank you for asking but no i'm having real trouble with the school of friendship twilight won't let you go either huh oh no it's not that i'm in her class but it's too hard really i just moved here to go to school but everything's so new and different i don't know any pony well now you do i'm apple bloom this is sweetie balance scootaloo we're the cutie mark crusaders i'm cozy glow it's very nice to meet you but i don't know if i'll stay long i'll probably flunk out i'm having so much trouble with my friendship lessons oh we can help with those we know all about friendship and studying with you would be almost as good as being in class well why would you help me what's in it for you that's how friendship works when you get from your heart you don't expect anything back well golly if you really mean it um i could use some help with my homework i have to do something nice for each of these ponies but i don't know anything about them and it's so hard to talk to ponies you've never met well you're in luck cause we know all those ponies get ready for a friendship a plus [Music] that's bonbon if you want to do something nice for her first you gotta figure out what she needs well how am i supposed to do that just pay attention friendship is about listening to others oh that cactus keeps pricking her every step she takes hmm if only there was something to protect her from those spines [Music] it looks like you need help carrying your cactus so here's a safe way to take it home thank you that's so thoughtful [Music] i did it good job but uh next time maybe don't give away my helmet oopsie green purple yellow and one more purple sorting all those took longer than i thought [Music] you really think mrs cake will like these new sprinkle shakers now she won't have to use rainbow sprinkles all the time she can just pick the color she wants oh i'm sorry i was out to lunch were you phillies waiting for me long no um these are for you oh well what a lovely surprise i can't wait to try them out look i made rainbow sprinkles aren't they wonderful but she i at least she likes her present [Music] golly how'd you know that would make him so happy friendship means pitching in to help other chores go faster especially when there's special some ponies waiting for him [Music] guess what i got an a on my homework and i never could have done it without your help no problem we just wish we could have done more actually you can head mayor twilight is giving us a big test at the end of the week and i couldn't really use your help studying we wanted to go to twilight school more than anything but helping you has been even more fun you can count on us [Music] so [Music] um intelligence [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey laughter yes is it control [Music] [Music] kindness loyalty honesty generosity [Music] [Applause] [Music] were there essay questions did you remember what we taught you i [Music] but how could cozy glow fail her friendship test [Music] oh no is them in reverse order oh not much need for a guidance counselor at a school of friendship how much of that did you hear never mind welcome can i get you a comfort pillow security blanket empathy coco i just need some advice oh well i have plenty of that anecdotes insight midnight confessions i'm babbling um go ahead i'm listening i think i got my friends in trouble they helped me study for my friendship test and i failed it on purpose why would you do that uh sorry listening well the cutie mark crusaders wanted to go to this school more than anything so i thought if i showed head mere twilight they're bad at friendship should let them come here with me that's devious i mean i see i guess i still have a lot to learn about friendship actually i think you're doing all right sure that was a really really bad way to try to help your friends but what matters is you wanted to the reason the cutie mark crusaders don't go to the school is that they'd make better teachers than students so you do have a place for them here hmm wait so we're not in trouble just the opposite cozy glow is there something you'd like to say this is all my fault i messed up my test on purpose so we could all go to school together i'm sorry come on cozy and that's why this school needs you as our guidance counselor [Music] who can tell me what these are [Music] treasure nope they're all legendary magical artifacts princess celestia gifted these to our school since they each represent one of the cultures our students come from [Music] learning and fun doesn't get any better than that you've been underwater a long time haven't you gallison silver stream sounds like you're our first pair some field trip where's my iced tea you call yourselves friends [Music] is this seat taken shh really that's so inconsiderate magic is the most important element of friendship [Music] for this afternoon spelvinger hunt left i'll pass out the shields come on we can use twilight's observatory to watch the teams happy holidays and we'll see you after the break and for those of you professor sparkle the mail pony just came with uh a few things [Music] the sewing machines i ordered for my class these came too i wasn't sure what to make of them [Music] these machines were costly why waste your time at a friendship school that's just a school learn everything they teach and more at friendship universe [Music] uh i finished straightening up in the library professor rarity i just wanted to make sure you're definitely keeping these but of course darling if there's one thing i learned at friendship university it is not to give up when you know what's right and i know teaching friendship through sewing is right i just need to figure out how [Music] i should probably get somepony to cover my student counseling duties while we're gone so join me in welcoming professor raku to our faculty [Applause] from a rushing river of hot lava every creature dismissed we'll see you in class a tree of harmony remains one of the most powerful sources of magic known to ponydom and though it has been at the root of magic and friendship from the moment it was planted its ways are mysterious almost as if it has a mind of its own mind it's a tree a tree that grew a castle [Music] was that before or after discord made chocolate rain after i'm never gonna learn pony history you can all show me what you've learned on tomorrow's test friendships effect on the course of equestrian history [Music] hey cozy what are you doing here i volunteered to help professor sparkle organize these books so experts on friendship history yet i think i'd be better off studying the plumbing book this stuff is impossible oh come on galas with good friends and solid study habits anything is possible how about you just tell us what's on tomorrow's test professor now hold on a sec i can't give y'all a sneak peek that bear wouldn't be honest [Laughter] [Music] him golly it's so inspiring how relaxed you all are about studying friendship considering your disadvantage what couponing mean just consider where you all came from if sandbar hadn't sacrificed so much of his time to get you up to speed who knows how behind you'd be that's not what i mean growing up as a love story of changeling or hiding under water from an evil king all those years trusting any creature must be so hard for you and griffins never want to be around any creature even other griffins and dragons are so fierce compared to us there must be days you can't wait to get away from all us cute ponies everybody knows yax thinks yaks are best making friends with any other creature must seem like a step down it's just so impressive how you keep trying to understand friendship even though it isn't in your nature oh i'll let you borrow my notes it's what friends do i'll be right back you're all right i came back with my notes and saw this and didn't know what to think we're better than all right we just got tested by the tree of harmony and we totally passed the tree of harmony here yeah well below here under the school we found this and went down and met the tree and dallas was all friendship is not in our nature and the tree was like what and it tested us long story short friendship is in our nature the tree said so i guess we should tell somepony there's a giant magical hole in the library or not we have to tell our professors about this they won't believe that you can't why no because it's my fault you were all getting along so well when i felt left out i was jealous and it upset you so much the tree of harmony had to test you oh i'm gonna get expelled for sure please don't tell anybody about this especially the professors okay i'm actually too tired to do anything right now yeah but we can't go to sleep we'll miss the test the test i almost forgot we're all gonna fail [Music] what if i tell professor sparkle i needed help organizing these books and you were all kind enough to pitch in i'll get you an extension oh thanks cozy that's nice of you i'm just so sorry i caused all of this you're such good friends i'm sorry i ever doubted you no problem friendship is you get some rest don't give any of this another thought just let cozy take care of everything [Music] thank you for the mail delivery have a wonderful day [Music] you're new here right i'm cozy glow professor sparkles friendship assistant welcome to our school your first class is just down that hall [Music] a seven-letter word for teamwork have you tried synergy that's it thanks cozy what are friends for [Music] good morning professor sparkle the male's here already what time is it i'm late for my classes field trip to cloudsdale don't worry i have professor rainbow dash to cover for you and she said yes uh-huh i told her how busy you are and how much her loyalty meant to you i also color coded your teaching schedule by friendship element and catalogued all the magical artifacts in the school i hope that's okay okay cozy that's amazing you're like my right hoof pony i don't know what i do without you it's like you taught me helping is what friendship's all about exactly and hopefully my class is learning that on their field trip right now i heard they might do some sightseeing first we have an emergency the students dropped out of the sky slow down what happened i cast a spell for our field trip to cloudsdale but my magic just failed we barely caught everypony in time i'm glad you're all okay but i'm sure it's nothing to worry about starlight maybe you did your spell wrong let's take a look i didn't drop that book maybe you did your spell wrong oh still think there's nothing to worry about this doesn't make any sense magic can't just disappear something has to be causing this um didn't we learn in class about a creature that eats magic tear he turns something oh t-rex isn't he trapped in tartarus spike what's wrong pretty sure i know what it's about [Music] okay cozy packed us all up for a trip to bad guy central don't forget the sandwiches i might use to do just in case starlight can't stand mustard that's so sweet of you cozy but twilight has asked me to stay here to run the school oh i thought that after what happened last time she survived discord anything else is a piece of cake plus she'll have you to help her oh golly yes i promise i'll be the best assistant ever come on we can start working on your substitute head bear plans right now if you like wow uh okay good morning friendship students i know we're all sad professor sparkle is away but don't worry because she left me in charge to do things just the way she would uh i thought starlight glimmer was gonna be temporary head mayor she was but she left me this note i have to go twilight needs my help i know the school is in good hooves with you cozy isn't that sweet we won't let starlight down will we it's just kind of weird isn't it i don't know what you mean like why'd you change your mind why did starlight write a note instead of say goodbye to us herself doesn't make any sense oh smolder you forget we're not scheming dragons we're ponies sounds like some creature needs to do a little extra friendship homework what loyalty professor rainbow dash would be so proud you are such good friends you all are and i'm grateful because it will be awfully hard running a whole school alone can i count on each of you to help me yeah thank you so much it's just like our professors taught us together we can [Music] where is princess twilight oh golly she's away at a quest i'm watching the school for her magic is failing across our land and she left a foal in charge of this facility yes sir is there anything i can do for you that won't be necessary twilight's folly stops here as of now i am head stallion and i have quite a few changes to make [Music] what are you doing those are twilight student files these aren't not anymore with equestria under attack ponies must stand together twilight has endangered us all by skipping off on friendship trips while these dangerous creatures run loose you don't think they're the reason magic is disappearing do you yes and i came to warn twilight but since she is gone it falls to me to protect you foes from these monsters did you hear something it sounded like it came from over there you again as i suspected it seems my little protege's plan worked after all ah which little protege oh you've never met what pen pals each letter had so many questions about draining matches and you answered them well i was born so i simply pointed my pen pal in the right direction can't you just tell us your pen pals name i mean since we're stuck here anyway oh why not the irony is too perfect her name is cozy glow i i could have sworn i saw her come down this way when she left her office enjoying yourself in there starlight i'm sorry i had to push you in but what else could i do you were going to ruin all my plans [Music] you might get some company soon if i can't make that annoying naysay back off all this magic needs time to drain from equestria before my vortex sucks it to another realm three days can sure seem like forever huh you know you ponies got it all wrong friendship isn't magic friendship is power with twilight and her lackeys out of my way all of equestria will bow to me the future empress of friendship [Music] [Laughter] [Music] magic is disappearing all across equestria didn't we learn about a creature that eats magic somepony should investigate we'll go i thought starlight glimmer was gonna be temporary head mayor with equestria under attack ponies must stand together i need the cutie mark crusaders my friends are in trouble it seems my little proteges plan worked after all the future empress of friendship [Applause] [Music] uh excuse me um chancellor naysay you might as well get used to calling me head stallion they say i plan to be here for quite some time gee it sure is a relief to have somepony in charge what with the magical crisis going on and we're all so grateful to you for taking care of those non-ponies but doesn't the eea need you what the eea needs is some pony to protect this school from the threats at equestria's borders instead of galavanting off on adventures beyond them twilight didn't just run off willy-nilly she left me in charge i'm her right hoof mayor another in a long list of mistakes the princess of friendship has made rest assured from now on this school shall be run according to strict eea guidelines the way it always should have been well that sounds just peachy head stallion may say was i want to assure you that this institution is safe despite the absence of your head mayor as your new head stallion let me be the first to say that the reign of princess twilight is over from now on this school will adhere to eea doctrine as it should have from the start thank you chancellor naysay for that rousing speech i know you're a stallion who truly believes what you say and when you say the school will be run according to eea doctrine i know you mean it and when you say there won't be any more lessons from the princess of friendship at the school of friendship i guess you mean that too that's not exact but do i like decided to run her school outside of the eea guidelines and even though you tried to stop her princesses celestia and luna trusted her enough to support her well i wouldn't say since i know you mean what you say my question is really for the students are we going to give the pony who already tried to wreck twilight school once another chance to do it i guess things will have to stay the way twilight wants them which includes leaving me in charge [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh not too tight we don't want to hurt the chancellor i'm sure twilight will know what to do with him when she gets back [Music] now back to class everyone we let the eea disrupt our friendship studies long enough why are you doing this i thought you wanted to have some pony in charge of the school oh i do you just aren't the pony i had in mind i can't very well have the eea running the school if i want to run it myself of course that's just the beginning you see if there's one thing i've learned here it's that friendship is the most powerful thing there is and as head mayor of the school of friendship no pony will have more friends than me making me the most powerful pony in equestria [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey cozy glow what's so funny are you just happy to be running the school oh i'm just keeping twilight's feet warm still it's pretty impressive is there anything we can do to help we can hang out with you all day if you want you know there is something i need help with it's just so exciting to have a full our age running things we should have an ice cream social every day that's a splendid idea apple bloom but to tell you the truth the thing i need help with most is cleaning say no more just take us around the school and show us everything you want cleaned well actually you can start right in here it looks pretty clean already do you three think you can fool me i know a diversion when i see it destroy the school of friendship oh dear chancellor may say was wrong about a lot of things but i guess he was right about all of you after everything twilight's done for you why would you want to destroy her school we don't you're the one using these artifacts to drain magic from equestria me we all just saw you with your claws all over them make sense these creatures want magic gone from equestria because it's the only thing ponies have that they don't technically there's a magical component with silver stream and i transform and jonas friends friendship is magic twilight said and you repaid her by sending her to tartarus at a wild ghost chase so you can destroy everything he filmed oh they've even dropped starlight in that thing we have to defend the school no no don't look [Music] they've just sacrificed themselves trying to save their friends professor dash always says there's nothing more loyal than that shouldn't we try to save them they brought this on themselves there's nothing we can do that doesn't seem very generous or crime yeah yeah the elements of harmony are very important they're just not applicable in every circumstance and with magic gone from equestria i'm not even sure the tree of harmony will be as helpful as it once was guess our friendship is pretty magical after all [Music] you've ruined everything now twilight and her ridiculous friends can escape from turtles i mean yay all my friends are safe you can drop the act cozy glow your pen pal t-rex told us all about how he helped you suck up all that magic but i still don't understand why why because friendship is power you might be the princess of friendship but as head mayor of this school i can collect even more french than you [Music] you're the one who doesn't get it cozy friendship is powerful but power isn't why you make friends i'm sorry i couldn't teach you that well you taught us you can't let one bad apple make you think you failed honesty loyalty generosity blah blah blah i can make more friends without using any of them and if i can't do it here i'll do it somewhere else yeah i don't think so [Music] hey neighbor wanna be friends t-rex it is lord t-rex and what is it now i just want to make sure you can see my best friend's rock sculpture from over there [Music] [Music] [Music] see she gets it chrysalis queen of the changelings or at least i will be when i'm restored to my rightful place why did you summon me what you want oh golly we didn't bring you i thought you freed us from tartarus tartarus whoever pulled you from there must have been somepony very powerful indeed [Laughter] king sombra you have returned why did you bring us here he didn't it was i you may call me grogar the grogar i thought you were a legend i've heard of you i assure you i am very real and you have all been brought here as part of my plan to rid equestria of twilight sparkle and her friends once and for all i am so sorry but the name grow far it just doesn't ring any bell rogar i have been away too long if my name no longer strikes fear into the heart of one so tiny perhaps a demonstration of power is in order [Music] grogar is ancient and extremely powerful the land that would become equestria was a mere collection of farms and pastures until he declared himself emperor of all he saw i remember hearing tales of his tyranny when i was young i have also heard of the first emperor of equestria the father of monsters i gave life to the foulest of creatures and allowed them to run wild taking what they wanted and destroying the rest my reign was a glorious fear-soaked epoch of darkness in equestria [Music] until gusty the great rose up and banished you that fool believed taking my bell would defeat me but she only weakened me temporarily um t-rex is really old no offense you look great but if he knew about you when he was young we have super different ideas about what temporarily means silence i've spent millennia gathering power biting my time waiting for the perfect opportunity to seize control of equestria and watching all of you i've seen each of your humiliating defeats at the hooves of six puny ponies and you know why they've always bested you because they cheat because they are annoyingly lucky i'm just a kid so it is because they work together where one is weak another is strong and thus unified they are a formidable force but we shall use their own strategy to defeat them what are you suggesting i suggest nothing i demand that you join me and together equestria will be ours i don't do ours i only do mine i will take back the crystal empire on my own and i will destroy any pony who gets in my way such confidence go try to take back your kingdom i shall send you there myself if you prevail you may keep it but when you fail you will submit to me and if i refuse this deal then i shall return you to the darkness from which you were summoned fine but this is a waste of time as i will crush those who defy me i will defeat all who get in my way i i advise the rest of you to prepare to work together well working together sounds an awful lot like making friends so you two are in luck because i know all about that [Music] now i'll see something nice about centaurs t-rex you say something nice about changelings and chrysalis you say something nice about ponies never let us hope the three of you will be enough for my plans and what if king sombra did he succeed [Music] i'd say he gambled and lost but at least he can serve as a warning to those who doubt continuing with my plans unless any of you have doubts no i'm good then we shall join forces and work together to bring equestria to its knees [Laughter] [Music] on my good friend carrick but you might like to know he left food out again i'll deal with it when i'm done don't trust anything that nosy little pegasus says i don't trust anything any of you say i'm leaving since it's impossible to accomplish the work i need to do here i suggest the three of you come to some kind of i don't care how but you must learn to work together only then can we accomplish what you so greatly desire the defeat of twilight sparkle and her friends [Music] nothing says teamwork like an inspirational banner when grogar sees this he'll realize there's no way he could survive without me [Music] you're gonna have to exercise a lot to get as big as you were when you observe the life force of all those ponies anyhoo grover wants us all to work together so i've scheduled the team meeting doesn't that sound fun and since rogar left me in charge no you didn't someone's a real grumpy door today if we aren't meeting i guess i could just stay and offer positive and inspiring i'll join your meeting just leave see you soon [Music] it's been weeks and grogar has done nothing it's not healthy to hold on to all of this rage i could lash out at any moment and how are you doing this fun how do you think i'm doing i'm ready to exact my revenge see what i mean being cooped up with nothing to do is the worst you know what you need a team meeting i don't do grow girl left me in charge no he didn't and even if he did chrysalis obeys no one they'll be cupcakes roger wants us to work together to defeat our enemies which means we need to trust each other if we are to trust one another perhaps inform lord t-rex to stop trying to absorb my essence i wasn't doing anything of the sort how dare you how dare i do you know to whom you are speaking how could i not tell your log every five minutes this is why grogar left me in charge no he didn't [Music] i think i know a way that we can grow time to try something new something better no more so low trust is the way to go and all we need to do is work together ah please no thanks no way i feel the need to say i'm smarter stronger and i don't need you too stronger okay i guess we'll downplay how bad you got your rear and hand it to you it's time to try a better way to be back do we really need a better way to be bad united as one team was pleased what a bad combine all our strength we'll go to any length once we have a better way to be bad [Music] let's go begin this time we're gonna win the ice you're on is thin so watch what you say i know you're in i think i see a grin for all this pain and torture i swear you'll pay [Music] if we say okay would you just go away so let's increase our chances by working [Music] i think i see a better way to be bad just put me in charge make me queen you'll be glad [Music] [Applause] you shall do as i command i will rule this triad [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i hope by now you would have resolved your differences but apparently not perhaps if we knew what the plan was we would be better able to prepare assuming you even have a plan of course i have a plan i have located an object of power and it occurs to me this is the perfect test the three of you will work together to retrieve it against this item those ponies won't stand a chance i have come close to ruling equestria several times perhaps i should be the one to lead us i nearly drained all the magic from equestria that was good i absorbed all the magic of the equestria i could feel it flowing through my body as i grew up each of you failed to defeat twilight sparkle and her friends my power is greater than all of yours combined this is but a fraction of it understood [Music] the bell has remained until now scale mount everhoof bring me back my bell the ease of this task is laughable [Music] well it sounded easy [Music] scale of the mountain retrieve grogar's bell together i drew up a detailed plan with several visual aids to show how we can ditch each other and do it alone maybe when i'm waiting for them at the top then they'll appreciate me [Music] oh who goes there a pony there ain't been ponies around here and i don't know how many moons [Music] oh golly good sir i'm just a poor lost pony looking for help oh don't fret little filly oh rusty bucket here at your service i'm so glad i found you i need help getting to the top of the mountain no can do ma'am why not shh not so loud this year's avalanche territory i'm the guardian of this here mountain it's my job to keep ponies from heading up nothing at the top but dangerous snow dangerous ice and dangerous wind basically it's dangerous it must get lonely all by yourself maybe i could be your friend oh i'd love a friend so now that we are friends you could help me up the mountain a real friend wouldn't ask me to do something i'm not supposed to do say so right here in the journal of friendship written by twilight sparkle and her friends [Music] i didn't want to be friends anyway [Music] no not that way neither [Music] [Music] now just calm down there philly you calm down ponies are supposed to do what i ask them to do it's like my thing okay it's not funny t-rex didn't make it to the top surprise surprise you didn't make it to the top either i didn't try to what it took about five minutes to deduce that grogar was right none of us could make it up alone so rather than subject myself to the elements i decided to let you to face the danger take what you learned and use it to my advantage i put up with your i'm smarter than you attitude and tartarus but i'm over it i got enough of you trying to manipulate me with that insincere syrupy sweetness at least now we can see the real you this is not the real me i'm cute and lovable no you're not you're annoying and you snore at least i don't talk to my gram gram in my sleep don't you dare bring groundwater into this this is yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] quick it's distracted let's go wait [Applause] um so much love i haven't eaten this well in ages so gross just so we're clear i didn't save you because i like you i did it because because i need us yes clearly i was right to wait now tell me everything you learned today leave nothing out [Music] why are you doing that didn't you already drain it of love i always save a little for the next day you cocoon all of your meals of course so when you pony nap twilight and the others you cocooned them yes until that foul starlight glimmer freed them corrupted my subjects and stole my hive those ponies have weaknesses i use that turncoat discord tricked him into helping me capture his so-called friends discord was really something until friendship ruined him you should have seen twilight's face when her friends appeared in bubbles around me she was all no [Laughter] she's so stressed out all the time when i posed as her former foal sitter i thought she was going to implode i wish i could have seen her face when i nearly erased all the magic from equestria oh magic was a little excessive don't you think yeah i think big besides it would have been worth it just to see twilight and her friends bow down to me indeed it would who wouldn't love to see those prissy ponies realize they lost everything i'm a pathetic pony princess i made a detailed list of all the ways i'm a failure you know working with youtube may not be the worst thing perhaps as long as it results in the complete destruction of our enemies i wouldn't have it any other way do the pathetic princess thing again [Music] i'm okay [Music] [Music] can you absorb it and make it go away i can only absorb magic from living beings like her betrayal not betrayal teamwork if t-rex absorbs your energy he might be strong enough to break through and then then he gives it back i do [Music] how do i know you won't take my magic and leave me would we do that to you [Music] okay normally yes we would i'll give you your magic bag do it [Music] so much power [Music] welcome back baby it's not big enough for me maybe not you keep it open or i'll be trapped forever would that be so terrible can't hold much longer [Music] my magic [Music] i i wasn't sure you were going to give it back neither was i but working together seemed smarter than to continue fighting when we helped each other it felt better somehow i haven't felt like this since before i lost my hive having others who will be there for you is pleasing all these years taking power from ponies when you use your power to help others yes it feels no the magic of friendship is like a disease an infection that spreads to those around you i watched it infect my hive i will not let it get me same obviously but kroger said we have to work together grogar is too powerful something must be done about that let grogar think we're his loyal servants in the meantime we'll hatch our own plan i love a good backstabbing after that we can go back to trying to destroy each other in the meantime what do we do with this [Music] you failed to retrieve the bell we're sorry almighty kroger we work together as you asked we just aren't as powerful as you ah [Music] obviously at least you finally did as you were told and worked together of course whatever you command forget about that old bell you were right we're so much more powerful when we work as a team cozy glow some say you have anger management issues i bet it was that dopey twilight who gave you that footage you wait and see when my pals and i take over equestria it'll be the end for those goody for hooves i'm gonna make them regret what they did to me wait wait breathe in breathe out next question tarek where do you see yourself in five years i would love to open my own yoga studio no one knows this about me but when i'm not trying to conquer equestria i love to help others find their [Music] since you three were unable to retrieve my bewitching bell we need another source of great magical power to defeat twilight and her friends he's gone i don't trust him none of us do which is why double-crossing him with his own bell will be so satisfying if we can figure out how to use it hmm twilight sparkle may be the worst but she does know stuff she once said the archives in canterlot has a restricted area celestia and luna love to hoard information for themselves if there's an answer it's there my triumphant return to canterlot i like the sound of that oh my gosh round trip [Music] why are so many ponies up in the middle of the night it's that silly sun holiday how many holidays do you ponies have no matter getting into the castle won't be a problem are you sure about that [Music] oh those are new but even so they've increased security into the castle this is going to be more challenging than i thought [Music] could you not go popping us all over the place please increased security on a crowded holiday with twilight and their friends bumbling around this is impossible oh no this is perfect we need a distraction and those ridiculous ponies just gave it to us now do exactly as i tell you i'm not built for high pressure situations golly sounds like you need some help who are you somepony who's organized enough to handle the small stuff so you can focus on the big picture the big yes that sounds right this kind of weather has to be handled delicately good thing i'm here i'll take care of everything [Music] best road trip [Music] not here the archives are in a different part of the castle [Music] so [Music] so did you find what you're looking for once again i found success where you all find failure i have located what i sought and tomorrow i will set out to retrieve it when i return equestria will finally be hours for the taking oh stop pouting you knew you couldn't stay that buff you had to return all the life force to those earth ponies so kroger doesn't suspect anything i don't have to like it well i don't like that we work so hard to destroy their party and they still pulled it off but you don't see me complaining our goal wasn't to destroy it was to distract and now we have exactly what we need and no time to waste we have to master the bell before grow girl returns we've managed to stay one step ahead of everypony so far you know it really was super easy to get all those earth ponies and pegasi and unicorns to turn on each other it was wasn't it now that is something to think about ah christmas another successful field trip i presume spreading distrust among the unicorns and earth ponies is almost too easy we could take down twilight and her friends a hundred times but as long as they have the love of equestria behind them they'd crawl back to defeat us not anymore no friendship no magic it's so obvious when you think about it i did my part freaking out the pegasi and gloga's long absence has given me time to prepare the next part of our plan [Music] this artifact can steal any creatures magic it holds that magic until it is released by this spell which means all the power inside is ours for the taking you're drooling on the bell let's try the spell before grogar gets back i'm sick of waiting for that old goat master plan take my hands so we can all be part of the spell unless you'd prefer i take all the magic myself our pact stands what we do we do together once we defeat the protectors of equestria we can claim this land and rule our kingdoms alone once more [Music] wow [Music] the well you had it all this time why didn't you tell me we're villains duh [Music] [Music] that was unexpected wait discord was grogar like the whole time should we follow him without magic he's no threat besides we have plans let the fool go without magic he's no threat besides we have plans lame sticks are so busy being perfect they haven't even noticed what we've been up to have i mentioned how great revenge is oh i hope you got a name picked out for your future kingdom because it's time to destroy equestria we're not going anywhere until you two stop arguing chrysalis say something nice about t-rex no he's red t-rex she's not as annoying as i expected good now we were talking about grogar's bell we should take the magic inside it you know how powerful discord was that much chaos magic in our veins but taking it all would be madness it's impossible for any other creature to control i guess if you need a guinea pig to find out if any pony can use chaos magic i'll volunteer [Music] fools now i have more power than all of you neo before my fight [Music] i still think chaos magic is a good idea leave it in the bell we've got a kingdom to conquer so where should we strike first everywhere [Music] no pony could ever bring us down [Music] oh come on where'd you get that a daily affirmations calendar yes cozy glow you're about to wipe the floor with you wow it's true alicorns really do have more [Music] [Laughter] stand down cozy glow gee i guess i could but i'm having too much fun ready sister wait what are you [Music] no that's the problem with you magic types you're so reliant on all your special power you forget to use your brains keep telling yourself that now surprised [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you think your pathetic shield can stop us the pillars have been defeated your school is abandoned face it twilight you've lost you can attack us and we may fall but equestria will still stand united in friendship and we won't stop until we defeat you no matter how many ponies you take down [Laughter] didn't you all notice something was wrong in equestria we've been busy a whisper here a rumor there destroy some crops cause some damage turn pony against pony until your whole kingdom is on edge waiting for just one tiny thing to push them over the break there's no becca friends or rainbow magic to save you now going i think it's time for some redecorating [Applause] [Music] you know what's stronger than friendship twilight [Music] because when you have to protect yourself you don't have time for any pony else too bad you never talk back in school [Music] and now for your complete destruction won't that be fun patience cozy destruction is so permanent we need to show the rest of equestria that we've broken their heroes first besides we should have fun with our guests no we careful too close and the shards cancel even our powers but on this side of the cavern we are the most powerful beings in equestria thanks to grogar's bell isn't that right grogar [Music] are you doing you saw what happened when you tried to take this quartz chaos magic yeah but there's alicorn princess magic in there now too i could be so much more powerful if i just could what do you mean you could be um hello i'm the best one out of all of us nobody sees what are you talking about best at what [Applause] none of us can use the alicorns magic until we figure out how to handle that fool's ridiculous chaos magic i could always tell you how it would give you power over all reality but you'd have to ask nicely and spare my friends no discord this isn't the way to help discord could you please threats are more my speed speak he's lying he won't tell us i certainly won't tell you after the way you lied to me last time we teamed up you muscle-bound this crescent could destroy you before you blink so choose your words carefully he's dear old dad king vorack [Music] you missed did he [Music] returned and destroyed the tree of harmony chrysalis t-rex cozy glow returned and more powerful than ever every prisoner is safely on their cells now we can hark down the rest of the windigos i'm not i don't think we should this could work out quite well for me you mean us the harsh weather is the final blow to break the ponies spirits once equestria is a frozen wasteland we'll use our magic to destroy those windy beasts ponies will be so grateful they'll do whatever i want the windigos are ancient magic it would be unwise to leave them unchecked best we deal with them now we probably should deal with twilight and her friends before anything else i thought it was too cold for you to hunt any pony down we don't need to they're right there you think they know we're here [Music] i'd say they have an idea [Music] that bell has discord celestia and luna's magic inside if they use it against us discord's magic is so chaotic he's the only one who can use it you just can't accept that you were beaten before you even realized there was a fight can you you can't beat us if we never give up as long as i have my friends by my side i'll put my faith in friends can we get on with this please [Music] you need to get that bell and get just come out come out wherever you are [Music] [Music] not [Music] please don't hurt him don't worry about me just say no turns out that the magic of friendship is your biggest weakness a fitting end to your pathetic story no matter what we face it together [Music] [Applause] what happened can i open my eyes you sure can way to go twilight don't let them escape which one wow [Music] enough there will always be darkness in the world but there will also always be those who find the light now i truly understand the elements were just symbols the real magic has always been right here this is bad isn't it [Music] oh you think friendship will save you we will always return nothing will ever stop [Music] there isn't a punishment worthy of all you've done oh that does seem fitting may i help please [Music] together forever i can't think of anything that they would want less [Music] [Applause] they can be complicated they can be messy and they never go the way you plan friendship is a hard thing to navigate when you're all fighting to save equestria from t-rex chrysalis and cozy glow i was too busy to think about it [Music] hello everybody [Applause] a lot has happened here in equestria king soft then we defeated queen chrysalis and lord t-rex and cozy glow and grogar but technically we didn't defeat grogar because he was discord never saw that coming oh and do you know what the best part was [Music] [Music] moment number five for enemies sure they were not the nicest but they started to find friendship in each other i just love how cozy glow lord t-rec and queen chrysalis all work together they even sang a song together the ff's in the making wish they could have made it work oh well
Channel: JW
Views: 3,400,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my little pony, my little pony friendship is magic, mlp, mlp fim, cozy, cozy glow, marks for effort, what lies beneath, school raze, the beginning of the end, frenemies, the summer sun setback, the ending of the end, the last problem, pegasus, alicorn, empress of friendship, compilation
Id: R9CcidkjGx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 53sec (4853 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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