Every BROKEN move on 1 Character

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I took all of the best and most broken moves in Smash I'm talking Falcon knee giant punch rest Cheerio can Luigi down through all the broken stuff and put them on one character it's the most broken character in the game and who better to try it out against than someone who's won many many matches against me in the past thinks he's hot [ __ ] do I not get to play it no oh and which character better to put it on than Falco because you know I'm the world's best Falcon and today that statement might actually be true yeah how much experience do you have what if I just win okay I don't think that'll be a problem 10. nice combo into knee man let me see if I can do that okay give me one kill please is kind of just a true combo oh I buffed for Falco's down here because I know him like so down here that doesn't Spike check this out no worries oh my God what was that um they look like a demon oh my God that's so scary that is a troll okay oh yeah there you go we fit jab put you in the dirt oh no it's powered up help oh my God I have no job help me Lord oh thank you oh God you're a freaking the station came out after I was saved every now and then Falcon just gets possessed it's fun yeah and if you're thinking that I copied this idea off of TC Nick I actually sent this idea to my model before he uploaded his video except my mother vicera's YouTube channel got hacked and I'm not saying that it was TC Nick that hacked him but it seems pretty convenient that he got his idea out before this video so I reckon he's got some mic set up in there yeah you might think you have a broken character yeah this is the truth I haven't seen this bad boy hey look oh kind of broken these characters oh you thought you made a broken character you're just no magic right no [Applause] oh Jordan you forgot it was closer it was close it was close you can just get that [Music] no wait wait wait oh yeah we'll go through that I can beat you I better catch up first step inside you've got here yeah maybe look at this this is sucks oh you hate getting combo dude yeah getting comboed wait what are you down smash I'll give you the demonstration [Music] why have you not been using all that's true you have not been using smash attacks yeah [Applause] help me my counter your strong moves all right I'm going Lucina man good idea you might need to buff this thing even more good idea I might need to no no I have so many recovering options why didn't I give this thing villagers balloons oh is he dead no I tried to do another giant punch man wow oh you find that funny dude I'm thinking of a joke yesterday sir please please oh that's a good skill confirmed right there doesn't even if you slow more on that none of your body parts hit me but the hitbox is just oh Bowser it's strong and it combos into wool flash Best of Both Worlds man oh no he's getting more cheesy yeah I was reading by so much but I have the skillful down to regret that's hard to hit that's hard to hear beautiful yeah that's hard to hear man yeah I'll give me a shot there's one there's one little man who can save me yeah the little 2D I think I think he's still in trouble yeah I got my downside I can't do it like The Game and Watch means I can't spam down smash as good as that yeah see you didn't kill me with that that's how it works okay what oh you can't do it like me you can't do it and another one you don't have the experience just be my dad and smash with yours okay how the hell are you still alive oh okay okay scared sorry at least today you can't complain that my character's broken I don't know about that that's nuts that is broken that's broken now to top it off to top it off to top it off hit the nine you put a hack into I can't get nine I bet what that almost killed me no way oh what the [ __ ] that why doesn't somebody snap talking my character so I want you to play Falco oh happily yeah yeah no worries I'm gonna get a big combo Target for you too DK OH Close oh it's been a good oh okay okay I can't grab anything oh what is that oh you can bad it's pretty good actually let's do another one yeah that's pretty good [Music] what did you just rest I did have done that all I needed like one no yes no he's pretty he's pretty hard one of the most high skill ceiling characters in the game how did I lose I start spamming giant bunny I think giant bungee might just be the best thing about the characters he collected 35. why bother with the cool combos I put in when you can deal with that much damage oh that combos are pretty nice as well oh that would have been good man you're kind of getting walloped out here pretty fair my taxes yeah [ __ ] the knees kind of good too it's Time come on it's time to punch no charge it up oh you got a charge absolute idiot no one oh [Applause] man they're gone for it I shouldn't have gone for the disrespect oh yes I should you can't beat it okay surely now we need to do Falco ditto okay let's do it guys leave your suggestions for what this Falco should be called in the comments below and the true comment will be the name I vote for Stefan oh I forgot about that I forgot about that that's pretty nuts yeah see I've played this character a lot more than you I got the experience all of it like no okay okay oh yeah you're you're cool [ __ ] that I'm trying to think of my line in it Excuse me while I was close recovery I'm learning I'm learning hey John Zach wait wait that moves you forward not a combo that's kind of nuts how do we not find out about that until now that's pretty good let me out no it's not it sucks it sucks please stop it I think my problem is I keep trying to grab stuff and it's just not possible you just gotta Mash your own moves yeah just gonna insert dominance with your owner get boxes and they get worse and worse what am I doing game five yeah yeah game five yeah another video you definitely dead check this out no I didn't come on wake up wake up all right that won't kill you okay this is actually oh it's intense oh my god oh it is very intense what oh you could have killed confirmed I was too scared I was scared I gotta kill confirmed just there too I was too scared as well come on oh my God oh my game what do I do I don't know what do I do what is it confirmed oh I forgot oh you can't backwards jab say my ass no yes well all played well played Jordan ah glad we could finally settle it instead of you playing all your top tiers against my Donkey Kong now we know who's the better player yeah for sure it's not like yeah
Channel: Little Z
Views: 303,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smash, Bros., Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo, Switch, Little Z, OP, Elite Smash
Id: lf8xHks_cX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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