Katara, Amon, & Hama's Best Bloodbending Moments! 🩸 | Avatar

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Who are you? You don't remember her? You will soon, trust me! What's… [grunting] happening to me? [grunting] Think back. Think back to your last raid on the Southern Water tribe. I don't know what you're talking about. Please, I don’t know. Don’t lie! You look her the eye and you tell me you don’t remember what you did! It’s not him. [grunting] He's not the man. What I'm about to show you, I discovered in that wretched fire nation prison. The guards were always careful to keep any water away from us. They piped in dry air and had us suspended away from the ground. Before giving us any water, they would bind our hands and feet so we couldn't bend. Any sign of trouble was met with cruel retribution. And yet each month I felt the full moon enriching me with its energy. There had to be something I could do to escape. Then, I realized that where there is life, there is water. The rats that scurried across the floor of my cage were nothing more than skins filled with liquid. And I passed years developing the skill that would lead to my escape, bloodbending. Controlling the water in another body, enforcing your own will over theirs. Once I had mastered the rats, I was ready for the men. [grunting] Ah ah. And during the next full moon, I walked free for the first time in decades. My cell unlocked by the very guards assigned to keep me in. It’s you. You’re the one who’s making people disappear during the full moons! They threw me in prison to rot! Along with my brothers and sisters. They deserve the same. You must carry on my work. I won't. I won't use bloodbending and I won’t allow you to keep terrorizing the town! [grunting] You should have learned the technique before you turned against me! It's impossible to fight your way out of my grip. I control every muscle, every vein in your body. [groaning] [groaning] Stop… please. [laughing] You’re not the only one who draws power from the moon. My bending is more powerful than yours, Hama. Your technique is useless on me. [screaming] We know what you've been doing, Hama! Give up! You're outnumbered. No! You've have numbered yourselves. Huh? [screaming] Katara, look out! [grunting] It’s like my brain has a mind of its own! Stop it, arms! Stop it! [grunting] This feels weird! [grunting] I’m sorry, Aang! It’s okay. [grunting] [screaming] [grunting] Don’t hurt your friends, Katara. And don’t let them hurt each other. [screaming] No! [grunting] [groaning] You’re going to be locked away forever. My work is done. Congratulations, Katara. You’re a bloodbender. [grunting] What are you going to do now? You're all out of water, pal. [panting] [screaming] [grunting] [grunting] You’re in my way, Avatar, and you need to be removed [grunting] You’re… you’re a… Bloodbender? Very observant. [grunting] It’s… not a full moon. How… how are you doing this? There are a lot of things you don't know about me. [grunting] Tarrlok is a Bloodbender! He bloodbent Avatar Korra! [gasping] Don’t make this worse for yourself. Tell us where you have Korra. [groaning] We find Yakone guilty of all charges and sentence him to life in prison. Hmm hmm! Ahh! [groaning] [groaning] [laughing] [grunting] [grunting] [groaning] [grunting] Yakone, you won't get away with this. [laughing] Republic City’s mine, Avatar. I'll be back one day to claim it. [grunting] [gasping] [gasping] [grunting] [grunting] This time I’m gonna put you to sleep, for good! [grunting] Ahh! Ahh! [groaning] [groaning] I’m taking away your bending, for good. Ahh! [sighing] And you’re coming as my hostage. You’ll never get away with this! [banging] Amon. [gasping] It is time for you to be equalized. You fool! You’ve never faced bending like mine. [gasping] [grunting] What? What are you? I am the solution. [grunting] [screaming] [grunting] Every full moon, our father took us on another supposed hunting trip. Where he secretly trained us in bloodbending. We kept the truth from our mother. [growling] Stop! You’re hurting it! Toughen up Tarrlok! You'll need a thicker skin for this. [growling] Very good, son. Very good. A few years later, my father taught us to bloodbend anytime, without the need of the full moon. We practiced constantly and I hated every minute of it. [barking] [squealing] [whimpering] I had no stomach for manipulating helpless animals. My brother, however, seemed to revel in his newfound power. [whimpering] He was a prodigy, mastering my father’s psychic bloodbending technique by time he was 14. [whimpering] [gasping] [whimpering] Our father pushed us to extremes. And one day, he made us bloodbend each other. Noatak, go! [groaning] [groaning] Excellent. [groaning] [gasping] Tarrlok! Your turn. No, I won't do it. Bloodbend your brother, Tarrlok! That felt awful! I don’t want to do that to anyone! I never want to bloodbend again! You’re a disgrace, a weakling. I’ll teach you a lesson, you insubordinates! [groaning] Stay away from him. How dare you bloodbend me?! What are you going to do about it? You’re the weak one. [groaning] You always say bloodbending is the most powerful thing in the world. But it isn’t. The Avatar is. He took your bending away. What could be more powerful than that? [sighing] [screaming] [groaning] Let her go! [groaning] [groaning] - No! - Korra! [gasping] Finally… you are powerless. [groaning] [groaning] Amon! Everything the Avatar said is true, isn't it? I just saw you bloodbend her. You traitor! I dedicated my life to you! [grunting] [groaning] You served me well, lieutenant. [grunting] [grunting] [grunting] Ahh! [grunting] [grunting] [grunting] [gasping] Mako, my bending. Everything will be alright! We just need to get out of here! [grunting] [grunting] [grunting] I'm impressed. No one has ever gotten the better of me like that. [groaning] It is almost a shame to take the bending of someone so talented. Almost. [gasping] No! [grunting] Impossible! I… I can airbend? I can airbend! [grunting] [grunting] [grunting] [grunting] [groaning] No… you… don’t! [gasping] Did you see what happened? No! Can you see him? [gasping]
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Views: 3,766,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar the last airbender, the last airbender, avatar, aang, katara, toph, zuko, azula, four nations, iroh, avatar full episodes, atla, team avatar, avatar fight, nickelodeon, appa, avatar the last Airbender full episodes, waterbending, firebending, airbending, avatar the last airbender scenes, avatar the last airbender intro, avatar video game, anime, legend of korra, aang vs yakone, korra, amon bloodbending, katara bloodbending, korra vs tarrlok, korra vs amon, katara vs hama, bloodbending
Id: ygf9cukqHW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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