Every Best Picture Winner. Ever. (1927-2019 Oscars)

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[Music] gentle my only object in being here is to try and get out the truth but I want to be you know that isn't true you don't want to be alone you were in despair just now all honeymoons like this exactly what are you thinking about a strange coincidence that was the e of you I should Amanda court of inquiry in England mutinous dog oh you're sort of a lady's man yourself answer I think with you as the lady I could make Ziegfeld look like an amateur oh my friends have told me that it was insane for a single person to oppose the immense machinery of the law she's still standing frankly my dear I don't give a damn I shall always love you no no she hasn't won prayer is only another name for good clean direct thing the war won't last forever no he's looking at you kid how would you like to swing on a star can I move over the job Time magazine Oh Time magazine then perhaps you can do something for me yes could you help me become man of the year [Music] you don't accept juice say so don't raise your voice to me mr. green you speak a little more quietly please do you or don't you to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune but something came to him on the way how I could do nothing for himself without the help of the people that's what came to him fasten your seatbelts it's going to be a bumpy night [Music] but under the big top one performers just like another to me I could have been a contender I could have been somebody see dogs like us we had such dogs as we think we have [Applause] what have I done I'd rather be miserable with you than without you you couldn't help yourself I mean when you having a drink with one man you can't suddenly walk out on him because you're having another date with another man you did the only decent thing I'm gonna be too sure just because I wear a uniform that doesn't make me a Girl Scout not hurt at all they can only kill me with a golden bullet and your name is Tom John indeed it is Sir and you're having with me wife after all with this for younger wrestlers and if you don't give me satisfaction for that flaw I'll give you another will it made you think the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain but in Hartford Hereford and Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen when I want you this is what you will hear I could never answer to a whistle whistles if it dogs and cats and other animals but not for children and definitely not for me well you this much trouble at the end Oh much more sir hmm this court must construe according to the law okay what did they call you up there they call me mr. Tibbs sir I want some more all real Americans love the sting of battle [Music] I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse I give him the breakdown just like you said and it's good you threaten to kill me how could they don't do that you know you're not getting to him you can have my answer now if you like my offer is this nothing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I love it is is too weak a word for I love you you know I love you I love you I love you [Applause] yeah it is it's my fault don't do that don't do that to yourself it's nobody's fault things happen in this world people don't always have the answers for him you know we will make them see their injustice and it will hurt as all fighting hurts did you bring out the devil listen it's for you [Music] this is dance this is dancing no not you I'm starting to feel innocent I have to tell you about the first time I leave state of Georgia few minutes back I can't this is too much yeah it's good trade this is this is a good trade I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti I ain't gonna kill you you're the only friend I got the list isn't absolutely good the list is life my mom always said you got to put the past behind you before you can move on and I think that's what my running was all about [Music] don't you know you drove everybody mad Shh don't talk it's been so many bloody languages and you never want to talk [Music] what joy is joy if Silvia be not by unless it be to think that she is by and feed upon the shadow of perfection smile you mr. smileys would you like to try our new beef and cheese pot pie on a stick just a dollar ninety-nine for a limited time only we were just at a seminar buddy this is my her husband we've met before but something tells me you're going to remember me this time I need to look through find a truly original idea that's the only way I'll ever distinguish myself it's the only way that I'll ever master [Music] [Applause] you bow to no one [Music] it's his joy all you need to know and then you go off and you make a million dollars I don't care you get your teeth knocked out I don't care I don't want to hear about it either way that's just the way it's gonna be it's the only way I'll do it I think we missed that touch so much we crash into each other just so we can feel something you met my friend mr. French the other night his real name mr. French [Music] now what's the most you ever lost on a coin toss sir the most you ever lost the coin toss are you nervous what am i knows it's you who's in the hot seat my friend yes why should I waste my time listening because I have a right to me I have a voice yes you do there are only bad options it's about finding the best one you don't have a better bad idea than this this is the best bad idea we have sir by far [Music] and the next time you screech it'll explode into millions of eardrums you glimmer on thousands of screens around the globe we need the full scope that's the only thing that will put an end of this let's take out the bend let him decide we'll take it tube and when I say it's time it's time Robby it's time [Music] right then your little world [Music] [Music] Danka what's up I never use it as you can see I am NOT that what I do for it well since you asked I hate blacks I hate Jews Mexicans and Irish Italians and Chinese and anyone else really that doesn't have pure white Aryan blood running through their veins I'm happy to be talking about true white American god bless white America I don't have time to be their victim their AIDS poster boy that ocean retail no I decide who I am I'm going to be what I was born to be a performer who gives the people what they want so my secrets are safe with you all of them good even your biggest secret Abigail if you forget to load the pallet the gun fires makes the sound but releases no shot does a great Jake do you agree yes la de Leon dear Dolores sometimes you remind me of a house you know this is pathetic right but this time the distance between us is breaking my spirit falling in love with you was the easiest thing I have ever done PS kissy kids that's like clinging a cowbell at the end of Shostakovich is 7 that's good it's perfect [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] gotta tell you a secret I think you might be a songwriter don't worry I won't tell anybody but I'm not very good at keeping secrets now maybe I can handle some of more mundane jobs overseeing bureaucracy managing military energy foreign policy yeah right I like that [Music] you
Channel: Burger Fiction
Views: 3,190,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the oscars, oscars, academy awards, best picture, winner, black panther, bohemian rhapsody, roma, blackkklansman, vice, green book
Id: 48M0L7yaus8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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