Every Bambu Lab 3D Printer Compared | Which is right for you?

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alrighty so in today's video I thought it'd be fun to talk about the value comparison from the p1p all the way to the x1c bamboo currently offers four different printers so which one is right for you if you're somebody that is looking to purchase a bamboo printer in this video we're going to be talking about just that let's get started what's good everybody can't hear you're watching original dobo and Welcome to My ultimate bamboo lab printer comparison today we're going to be going through these each and talking about the pros and cons of them and which one might be right for you depending on what type of printing you are looking at doing with that being said let's just start off right out of the gate with the budget option which is the bamboo lab p1p now when it comes to Value the p1p is the king of value when it comes to Bamboo recently reduced in price 599 dollars this printer has a lot to offer while being super minimalistic now from the outside this printer looks incomplete but don't let looks fool you it prints just as well as the rest of the printers in Bamboo's lineup so let's talk about what this printer comes with and what it doesn't so on the outside it looks unfinished it does not have an enclosure you can however print one or purchase something after market has the standard extruder no auxiliary fan I did go ahead and add an auxiliary fan in for a period of time they were offering it as a bonus kit and you can purchase this when you buy the bamboo lab p1p you can purchase this as an add-on which I highly recommend you do if you plan on printing TPU there is no carbon filter basically LCD screen and other than that you are basically Ready Set good to start printing as soon as you get this out of the box very minimal setup time comes with the Pei build plate and like I said I've been using this one for about eight months and I've had no problems with it where the p1p excels if you're somebody who's going to print pla or even TPU this does fantastic even without having the extra auxiliary fan you just have to ramp up your cooling on the extruder and it does awesome I've had like I said no problems I've printed the vast majority of my TPU on this we use sane smart TPU and with sane smart TPU I have found that the standard profiles that bamboo has built in only require minimal tweaks to get it working to be absolutely flawless so like I said at 599 it's really hard to beat this printer for everything that it does offer all right let's take a look at the upgraded version of this which is the p1s all right so this is the p1s it was newly released this is a little bit more complete version of the p1p still on the budget side coming in at 699 dollars it offers a front door top lid fully enclosed you can purchase this with the AMS ready to go on this for 950 dollars or like I said you could buy it by itself for 6.99 which again I think is an absolute steal has the same LCD screen as the p1p inside of the printer you already have the auxiliary fan ready to go also has a brand new upgraded build plate this is that gold Pei build plate that I talked about in my review supposedly this is better for printing on ABS ASA or ABS so if you're somebody that prints those more volatile materials you'll be happy to know that they went ahead and upgraded that build plate here there's also a charcoal filter inside so again it can absorb some of those vocs if that's something you are going to be printing but overall this has been upgraded in almost every way with the exception of the extruder the extruder is exactly the same as the p1p so you're not going to find that hardened stainless steel nozzle or the hardened stainless steel gears that help with some of the more abrasive materials like carbon fiber Peggy and Pla they did go ahead and install the drag link on there which I think is a nice touch and overall this is a great value at 6.99 so this is the p1s now let's take a look at when things get a little bit more complicated and let's take a look at the bamboo lab X1 alrighty so this is the bamboo lab X1 and I think this is one of the hardest to recommend printers from bamboo this is coming in at 1199 dollars all right hey there Ken from the future here and I just wanted to go ahead and point out that the bamboo lab X1 like the original X1 looks to be discontinued now they only sell the bamboo lab x1c and the x1c with the AMS so the x1c by itself no AMS is the 1199 this version doesn't look like it's on the website anymore however I still think it's a valid comparison only because sometimes you can buy these second hand or you can buy these from a distributor so you don't want to end up buying the wrong one thinking you're buying an x1c for 11.99 and then find out it's the X1 all right back to the video so almost double the price of the bamboo lab p1p and just a little bit more than the bamboo lab p1s so what does this printer have that the p1s doesn't have well for starters we do have that touch screen a lot of people really like this makes it easy to navigate and start your prints directly from the printer once again we have a fully enclosed unit top lid front door there is an area for a carbon filter however this does not ship with a carbon filter like the p1s you also get that lidar calibration sensor directly on the extruder which is fantastic if you're flip-flopping between materials like myself I go from Peggy to TPU to PLA and this does the auto calibration for the K values already for me essentially what this does is calibrates the flow for each of those filaments because the filaments are so different you'll get different quality different results if you are not calibrating each time you start changing out filaments so essentially it just takes out some of that leg work so there's really two major differences between this and the p1s this does not have a hardened stainless steel nozzle and this does not have the hardened stainless steel gears this has the normal gears same gears they're on the p1p essentially making it a little bit cheaper than the x1c which has some upgraded components which we'll take a look at here in a moment I think for a value perspective this is the hardest one for me to recommend at 11.99 I think it's just better to purchase the p1s if you're looking at the X1 and you're not wanting to jump to the x1c if you're hell-bent on having the touch screen I think you should skip the X1 and go right for the x1c which is what we're going to take a look at right now alrighty so here it is the x1c the mac daddy print from bamboo lab so this one is fully enclosed just like the X1 and the p1s however you'll notice that these side panels are made out of aluminum super high quality beautiful touch it just it just looks super high end we have the front door top panel touch screen just like we had on the X1 this one does ship with the AMS it's 1449 has the lidar calibration sensor on the extruder but unlike the X1 this has hardened steel gears and a hardened steel nozzle as well so you can print those much more abrasive materials like carbon fiber Pat G and Pla this also has the carbon filter already installed so if you're going to print ASA or abs and you're concerned about vocs this can help mitigate some of that risk thanks to part of a chamber fan and it has that carbon filter so it can take care of some of that smell like I said this is probably like if you're going to spend the money on the X1 you should probably just go another 250 dollars and go with this model I don't feel like the X1 has as much value as the x1c and it's obviously not as premium Now I want to talk about my two recommendations if you're considering buying a bamboo lab printer right now I'm going to give you my final recommendation on these as a whole so if you were considering purchasing a bamboo lab printer right now in 2023 you have four options out of the four options this is my recommendation for the budget printer which would be the p1s and not only because it's the newest printer but because it gives you the most value for only a hundred dollars more fully ink closed draggling chain light camera already ready to go upgraded build plate fully complete you can handle ASA you can handle ABS it can do most of the things that the x1c can do but at a half of the cost that 6.99 you're about four to five hundred dollars cheaper than the x1c but again if you were doing this as a hobby and you just want to have the best of the best you're not going to find any better than the x1c has that lidar calibration sensor ships with an AMS so you can do multi-filaments you have the touch screen you have a fully enclosed beautiful aluminum chassis and it's just a really nice looking printer and it works incredibly well with minimal Foss these are my two recommendations right now we'll have to see what bamboo does later on in the year if they put out any other printers but as of right now their lineup is looking pretty complete however I do think they could drop the X1 and just leave these two as their Starlight features because I mean honestly the value of the X1 doesn't add up to the x1c I don't know where that's actually filling as far as voids go however I do think the p1s definitely filled a good void and it's something that a lot of people will like I would like to see the p1p drop like another fifty dollars to make it even more tangible I know we're asking for a lot it was recently reduced by a hundred dollars but I think if you drop the p1p by another 50 dollars you'll still have some room for margin and I think it will be almost Untouchable by any other brand and you'll gain a lot of interest from people that are new to 3D printing that would be interested in buying something that isn't so complete yes it's going to piss off a lot of people that purchase the p1p but I think it's something you have to do if you're trying to establish your brand and like brand dominance in such a saturated market like 3D printing but anyways if this video was helpful in helping you decide which bamboo printer to purchase let me know in the comments section down below let me know if you've purchased the bamboo printer or if you've been considering it I'll see you in the next video as always stay original [Music]
Channel: OriginaldoBo
Views: 16,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stayoriginal, originaldobo, bambu labs, bambu lab printer, x1c, x1, bambu lab ams, bambu lab 3d printers, bambu lab new printer, bambu lab p1s, which bambu printer is best
Id: NPk7BtFOwzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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