Bambu labs P1P & X1 after 90 days | Print Farm Real World Use

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alrighty it's been over 90 days since I got my first p1p from bamboo Labs how's the experience been and did I buy any more printers and have I had any problems we're going to be talking about all of that in today's video let's get started [Music] what's good everybody Ken here you're watching original dobo and today let's talk about my experience having used bamboo labs for over 90 days so I run a 3D print store which requires me to fulfill orders and to ship things just about as quick as I possibly can now previous to using the bamboo Labs printers I used artillery machines because they had the best build volume they were pretty consistent and they were easy to set up I've since started to migrate most of my print Farm over to Bamboo Labs now I started out with one p1p which is this right here ended up buying a second one then I bought a third p1p and then yes I even bought a bamboo Labs X1 so far the experience with all of these machines have been pretty fantastic four out of four machines I have had no issues or haven't had to do any repairs on any of these machines which is pretty awesome I want to go ahead and knock on wood because hopefully I don't have those issues now at 699 dollars this is an absolute steal it's even more of a steal because I've been able to print things so quickly one of the most common questions I have been asked on my previous bamboo Labs video is how does the p1p do for TPU well right here I am printing TPU I am doing six of my strap-its and I am printing this out of what we call hatchbox TPU this is sort of like a purplish blue color it's a really nice color and so far printing six of these it's going to take roughly about seven hours for six now for contacts when I used to print these with my artillery machine it would take roughly two hours for one of these because that's just how slow you had to go now something to consider when you are printing TPU is that you do need to print things a little bit hotter in order to make things go A bit faster so right now we're printing at a build plate sample 45 Celsius and anywhere from 239 to 245 is the temperature now that's going to allow us to move faster it's also going to prevent stringing and we have the retraction set for this particular TPU at 2.8 so that really helps with removing any sort of stringing so again TPU is going to vary depending on your settings but overall it's printing absolutely fantastic let's go over to this machine where we have the AMS now the AMS I bought this because we thought we wanted to do a lot more multi-color Prints but I really don't do a lot of multi-color prints most of my prints that I do make are very utilitarian they serve a purpose and most of them are a solid color however there are a select number of prints that I do offer that do need some multi-colored parts this being one of them so this is sort of a unique thing here what we have here is our slick stick Mount and essentially it's printed in two pieces we have our inlay which is going to go inside of the Slick stick Mount which is going to be for the logo we have a little cutout that that will just sort of pop into and it's going to do it with a nice firm snap now I could have printed these with one single print basically embedding the logo into the print using the AMS but because of the angle it's on I don't think it would have printed as clean so we ended up opting to go two pieces not only is this going to be faster but it allows us to change up the logo color if we need to change that logo color but because of that I just really don't think I need another AMS I think one AMS has been more than sufficient for the type of prints that I have been doing the other thing that's a bit of a bummer when it comes to the AMS is the fact that it doesn't allow you to do multi-colored TPU which I think is probably one of the biggest drawbacks to the AMS because a lot of people love multi-color TPU prints in the Drone industry and I'm just not able to deliver them to them with the AMS so that would be my only reservation if you want to do softer materials then the AMS may not be for you but if you're going to do like harder pet G ASA pla prints than an AMS is absolutely fantastic now I've been running the hell out of this AMS and I haven't had any issues with this either I've had one minor Jam but I was able to get it cleaned out without having to take the whole thing apart now I I have had some problems with my partners AMS and he did have to go ahead and take it apart but luckily enough it's pretty easy to operate on and most people shouldn't have too many problems fixing that from a mechanical standpoint but both of these original p1ps are doing absolutely awesome no issues let's go over to the new p1p so this is the latest p1p and um yeah no problems I bought this one about a month and a half ago and I've been running it pretty much every single day haven't had any problems this one as well is also printing TPU right now we're printing some Avada Ducks uh printing out of a new material this is a flat black TPU from duramic it prints super clean and you can see there is no stringing happening anywhere on this build plate so Prince going down nice and smooth basically when it comes to TPU we're printing as fast as we possibly can again Bill played at 45 degrees Celsius printing at 240 degrees Celsius for TPU now just let that sink in for a moment TPU printed at 240 degrees Celsius is pretty damn nuts but that's something you have to consider when you're thinking about buying a bamboo you have to change your mindset of how you would print materials that you used to print on the older Legacy printers now for the artilleries I would never dream of printing at 240 degrees Celsius it's just not moving fast enough in order to print that high of a temperature and that's part of the reason why we're migrating away from these printers over to Bamboo all right so X1 let's talk about the X1 this is probably one of my better purchases I thought the p1p was fantastic but I honestly really underestimated having a built-in touch screen on the printer having this built-in really makes the overall experience a lot more enjoyable it's easy to navigate it's easy to tell the printer to unload the filament load the filament print directly from an SD card it's easy to navigate your files if you want to push files directly to the printer itself it's really convenient and I wish the p1p had an upgrade for a touch screen maybe later on in the future I would totally opt to buy one of those I feel like this is just absolutely worth it in itself overall another convenience factor of having the X1 is because it does have that automatic flow compensation due to the lidar you don't have to manually calibrate your K values for different materials so if you want to print Pat G on the p1p you have to calibrate your K value on the X1 you don't have to do that it automatically does that for you and so far every time I've done a print with different materials it has gotten it right thus far so it's been pretty much hands-free other than slicer file choose the correct settings send it to the printer it does absolutely awesome something else I notice is I can send a TPU file from the p1p to the X1 without having to tell it it's going to the X1 and it does seem the print okay I don't have any problems so you can use the different files from the p1p on the X1 without incident but it is always best to allow this to automatically calibrate but thus far it has been doing just exceptional I have no problems one thing that you want to keep in mind though on this printer is that you do need to do a little bit of Maintenance it is recommended if you're going to be printing ASA or even ABS that you clean those rails down with some like 70 percent alcohol they do pick up some of the debris from the vocs from those materials but just wiping them down once a week has really stopped them from sticking I did have some situations where you can see it like the rail would like stick it wasn't as smooth and then you'll get some build up here on the actual glass so you just wipe that down and everything will be fine but the X1 has been fantastic I haven't had any problems having broken any nozzles no belt issues no crazy noises no fan problems I mean overall all these printers have been doing exceptionally well I haven't had really any problems the only big issue still that I have with these printers is one I'm doing a really tall print and when I mean tall I'm talking about my mic mounts when I'm doing these prints when I do these prints here they it tends to go all the way to the bottom of the print bed and then it'll grind against the gears now some people have said set something in your g code to prevent it from doing that unfortunately it doesn't work like that on this I haven't been able to get it to retract or go up so I just have to remind myself to raise the build plate before I start printing hopefully this is something that bamboo Labs can do is before a print starts check where the build plate is actually located and either raise it up or raise it down so it doesn't grind against those rails other than that that is the only problem I had I did have a problem with the firmware where I was unloading on the p1p and it didn't know it unload it and it just sort of like wigged out as far as temperature goes it seems like bamboo Labs did correct that in a firmware update so that's good to see but overall I have no complaints from any of these printers I did order a fourth p1p I think the p1p is the best value on 3D printing as of right now at 699 dollars it's really hard to compete with the value that this printer is providing but there you go that's my 90 day update I'll be sure to go ahead and update this video again once I get the other p1p and when we're in the other studio and I phase out the remaining artillery printers but so far I really don't see too many drawbacks with these printers if you're okay with the 256 by 256 by 256 build volume I'll see you in the next video Stay original [Music] foreign
Channel: OriginaldoBo
Views: 58,304
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Keywords: stayoriginal, originaldobo, bambu lab, 3d printer, bambu lab p1p, bambu lab x1 carbon, bambu lab x1, bambu labs, x1 carbon, bambu lab 3d printer, fastest 3d printer, x1 3d printer, fast 3d printer, bambu lab x1 carbon review, speed benchy, bambu lab x1 carbon kickstarter, bambu p1p, p1p review, bambu labs x1, bambu lab ams, x1 carbon 3d printer, bambu lab x1 series, bambu x1 carbon, best 3d printer for beginners, bambu labs x1 carbon, best 3d printer 2023
Id: 55El6rmSmZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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