Every Amphibia Episode RANKED, Worst to Best

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[Music] i love amphibious so much i talk about it constantly i make tons of memes and videos of it i make plenty of friends from inside the community i just have a lot of fun with the show it almost seemed like the fun would never end until it did i was really sad that the show that i have had my eyes on ever since the sneak peek was released is over i mean sure the amphibian community is still pretty much alive the creator matt brawley tries his best to keep the fans fed during the eternal hiatus also we still have marcy's journal coming our way this november and there will undoubtedly be some real truth bombs to be revealed there that i surely can wait for but the core shows production is over it hurts it does hurt but i have thought of a video idea like this just before the show ended i decided to rewatch the show before season 3b started and when the entire show is over i rewatched the entire show again and as a result i have a better grip on how these episodes flow to each other and how each episode plays a part for the show because if there's one thing that this show doesn't have it's a filler episode amphibia is just such a good show and i can get into why in a lot of different ways that's why this won't be just a standard ranking list where i isolate each episode and talk about them individually and that's it i will also try to get into the larger themes of the show and my experiences with the show's community that make this show a whole lot more interesting at least for me and remember these are all my personal opinions there will certainly be hot takes here and there so prepare yourself there are a total of 106 episodes to go through and without further ado let's heart stomp our way through this list [Music] [Applause] so there are really only four episodes that i think are not good no i'm not gonna spend every second of this video praising amphibia nothing is perfect even my favorite animated show and let's start with what i think is my least favorite amphibia episode number 106 cracking mrs crooker if i can describe this episode in a word it's contradictory in the beginning we see sprig as this popular figure within the world with people he's likable he's being greeted by a lot of people except sadie croaker but this contradicts best fronts where we know that not many people get sprig they don't hang out with him often but the former is the timeline that this episode exists in so sprig really tries to impress mrs coker and he does that by breaking into her house messing with all of her stuff and invites her long time enemy to hunt her down i wish i could make that stuff up you know to be fair i feel it when a person just straight up doesn't like me for some unknown reason although i don't relate to the part where everybody in town likes me i have that frustration sometimes and i think this message could be worked into a much more effective episode i feel like this episode has its heart in the right place but the execution leaves a lot to be desired do we really need a plot this exaggerated not really don't worry about it dude it's okay if one person doesn't like you you know what anne you're right this is not okay that's literally the opposite of what i just said honestly i find this seems to be ironically hilarious keep in mind that as we move along this list there's an occurring trend where sprig really tries his hardest to achieve his own goal without reflecting on what he's done until nearing the end so we're gonna need a label on this kind of episodes i'm gonna call it spigerated one good scene in this episode though is when it's revealed that hop up likes to yodle himself to sleep every night don't you hear hop-hop yodle himself to sleep every night oh i thought it was a stray animal or something nope just our hotpot being a freak you're a freak number 105 mother of alms this episode is the definition of so dumb that it's enjoyable the plot is really gross but it's so out there that i kind of appreciate it especially with sasha whining every minute or so sasha but it's gross and i don't wanna however it doesn't change the fact that this episode is disgustingly pointless if it weren't for the prophecy stated at the end of the episode that we've been dying to hear number 104 breakout star i feel like this episode's plot is not really all that significant in the grander scheme of things and getting pimples and all of a sudden receiving a lot of love and with the episode ending with all of that reset for future episodes is really predictable also this episode doesn't have a strong climax it has to climaxes but none of them are complementary so i think this episode is overall just a bit of a mess number 103 contagion i feel like this is a jarring shift in anne's character because in the previous episode she was really willing to challenge herself to get herself in a lot of tough situations because she fears that she's being treated like a soft person and she wants to prove that she's just like the rest of the planters but in this episode she slacks off she doesn't want to help the planters in this extreme task so she pretends to have an illness sprig said that the task would be much easier if and were involved that is a pretty weird detour from the character path that anne has taken up until this episode especially when ann's not putting away her facade as the episode goes while i do appreciate that anne puts in the work to redeem her mistakes of not helping them on the rainy day again it's something that i don't expect and to act on especially after an episode that makes us realize that she's indeed a part of the plant or family you can argue that it's a character flaw and it's okay for a 13 year old person to be imperfect but it doesn't make this episode more enjoyable plus the reveal that the planter's sickness is not harmful after all it's just a really weak pull at the end of the episode it makes the emotional climax at the end seem so manufactured some of you might put this episode a lot higher but i'm sorry i just cannot enjoy it as much as i want to this episode has potential but i think it could have been done a lot better and that's pretty much it for this user section of the list many of the episodes after this are just average i'm working on time number 102 girl time i appreciate an episode about ann and polly hanging out but i think this episode is missing something perhaps is the part where polly actually wants to hang out with anne and yeah i know that's the entire conflict of the episode but the entire thing is resolved by a freaking spitting contest of all things it was a bit underwhelming in my opinion number 101 family fishing trip this one is kind of whatever another sprig rated episode on the list i'm never really into hot pop and sylvia's relationship either so i can't say i'm too invested although we do see poliwog's prick for the first time and it was like the most adorable thing ever number 100 total redemption it's an okay episode that gives spotlight to toadstool for once but nothing much outside of that number 99 nudes and tides while i do like tortonia's return to the series i don't find this episode all that special even compared to the other season 3 episodes i don't know with it being one of the last fun episodes before the finale i expected something more grand in scale also i loved this boy so much my god can someone kick him thank you number 98 grub hog day more average amphibio affair nothing much to note here because the grub hug event is not pivotal to anything happening afterwards number 97 sprig vs hop up i like the feud between sprig and hop up but in the end hop up just referred it back to the way he acted in the beginning of the episode ignoring suggestions perhaps that's a critique on how the government doesn't really care about our own aspirations but that might be too far-fetched number 96 hop up and lock again not really crazy about hop-up and sylvia's dynamic all that much i love how this blue frog is said to be hop-up's long rival but only appears in one episode okay not really but you know what i mean also can we have more british bali i have this dance madam number 95 the big bug ball game this is a pretty okay episode i like the theme of trust and teamwork here also this episode introduces the most hilarious character in the show period i grow tulips good to know number 94 little frog down not one of the more standout episodes in season 2 for me i feel like the detective trope is just played to death at this point however i do like the subplot of anne just losing her mind while queueing oh yeah like you're really gonna take the kiss number 93 and theft auto this episode is mostly average amphibious stuff i like the part where spriggs says that well we shouldn't have done that just as the episode starts and this episode also has this iconic hilarious ending scene i don't feel safe number 92 children of the spore i really like the spooky concept of the episode but it feels so misplaced because it's put side by side with the other light-hearted episodes if this were a side story in the shot in i would like it more also this episode is responsible for dozens of spore fan arts across the board which are so creepy that they're like up there with darcy fan arts number 91 the ballad of hapadaya planter this is a nice breeder that let us know for the first time what a town outside of workwood looks like hop up trying to stand up for once is also cool to see number 90 the domino effect this place is higher than some of the episodes here because it has a cat i love cats they're fluffy elegant and the rulers of the multiverse although i have no idea why that creature looked like domino in the first place is this just a coincidence or is the world of amphibia really connected to earth in this way it is pretty interesting to think about number 89 crook and punishment it's cute how sprig is really into the bad cop role in this episode in order to retrieve his gift to ivy but i think this is another case of a sprig rated episode don't get me wrong i usually love sprig and not to say a sprig rated episode is automatically bad i understand that sprig is just a child and all but i think he should at least reflect on the things he has done or will do number 88 hop block i don't really vibe with the ending of the episode it seems like they're trying to nail down the moral of the episode in an unsatisfactory way but it holds a special place in my heart because prior to watching this episode for the first time i was more of a casual watcher of the show the essence of the show still didn't quite click with me yet but then this scene happened oh oh maybe we should put pineapple on it seems like a natural fish ever this scene makes me chuckle every time i see it it is so random and this is why i like amphibian humor a lot it's as wild as the show gets so congratulations hoplop for hooking me into the show you've made my life a lot better and that concludes the alright section of the list now we're getting into the episodes that i think are number 87 gain crazy is this the best episode in season one absolutely not but it's always nostalgic to watch one of the earlier episodes that also strengthened anne's relationship with the planters we met loggles for the first time as well also anne engaging in nfds no way click or you could do that number 86 taking charge i love the concept of them re-enacting the show that they watched for the episode's conflict it's cute and no i'm not making an among us joke nope nope nope not gonna do it number 85 adventures in cat sitting i love how anne looks much more traumatized after the trip to the dentist than she was from amphibia but my favorite scene is this one everybody up there's a fire but i'm still waiting for my order this shwarm is good but is it worth your life karen my name's emily but point taken oh and also that massive foreshadowing in the end that is probably one of the most clever foreshadowings in the entire show number 84 civil war i find the premise of the episode hilarious and it's basically the show making fun of ship wars that you can find often in pretty much big fandoms and this episode is also basically a massive flex because many amphibio fans are so respectful of the most popular ships in the fandom number 83 the rip to the archives i like the majority of the episode especially the part where anne got stuck in that hole as well as brick diving his way through the drainage system sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry but i feel like this episode is a missed opportunity to explore more plot elements about the show maybe something about medical creatures the history of amphibia or something else that will be significant later on number 82 truckstop bali at first i wasn't hot into this episode but i've grown to realize how vulnerable poly is here it's a rare instance where the other planter members are sick of polly causing trouble for them throughout the trip i love her chat with the truck guys it gives room for her to reflect on things she's done i think this is one of the most effective examples in writing poly other than just a simple comic relief number 81 quarrelers pass this episode was mostly remembered by the seed so do you have a boyfriend back home although my favorite scene has to be where anne gives bigger phone only to realize she can't call him back i also love sprig and paulie's conflict and how they managed to reconcile but this wouldn't be an important episode to the plot if it weren't for the alms first appearance number 80 and hunter let's be honest the dance scene is what gets this episode this high what a masterpiece number 79 olmtown road this is a world building episode that i was really dying for on this part of the show i just love the alm designs maybe it's my favorite amphibian design in the entire show but i think the best part of the episode is the parallels between the two alm siblings and sasha the compassion she has for them reminds me of her era with percy and braddock so happy i could see the day sasha said this hey i know what it's like to make a huge mistake you regret i'm still fighting to make up for it and i hope you won't give up either however this episode suffers from a severe lack of humor which on one hand could work with a higher stake but i think it's a missed opportunity to not lighten the mood especially with some of the brand new characters being introduced this makes this episode slightly less memorable and it's weird because humor has been an integral part of the show really my biggest disappointment with this episode is that they didn't actually include the song old town road here such shame number 78 a night at the end i don't know why but i always feel cozy whenever i watch this episode yeah it is supposed to be scary but it makes me want to stay at a small end on a rainy night minus the cannibalism part also this episode has one of my favorite lines from anne [Music] number 77 hop popular i think this is a nice little encounter between hop up and toadstool i know how pop's not gonna replace him but it's so cool to see him stand up okay that's enough number 76 mr x i love mr x's character here he just has so much charisma but i think the climax of the episode is cut really abruptly and feels rushed even though it's cute that ann's parents are the heroes of the day for once it does feel that way but it also does set the tone for mr x as the threat of the season's first half number 75 fight or flight just like nudes and tides there isn't a whole lot to this episode i guess this episode is cute while it's on i didn't expect domino 2 to return at this point in the series and also the cat invasion on the townies i also like the additional touch of the music spring played on fiddle me dis in one of the action scenes here as well that was nice stuff number 74 planters last stand the spotlight of this episode is the message on how we should put honesty above all else when it comes to marketing no matter how desperate you are for the profits it's a very endearing message even though the result of it doesn't end well for the planters number 73 hollywood hop up i think this is a pretty cool ribbon to tie up the entire hop-up getting into a play narrative also mr x is here as well so i guess this bumps this episode up a few places number 72 handy anne i love how ann is really willing to guard the planters house because they have done so much for her it really effectively teases the whole super saiyan thing later on in the show as well also hell yeah more chalk screen time aggro tulips number 71 friend or frobo i like polly's story here of learning to be responsible to frobo i think finding a companion to talk to makes for a much deserved arc for polly polly is acting more caring than usual and it's such a turn from her usual blood thirsty attitude i really like it number 70 thai feud another example of a sprig rated episode i feel like sprig goes at an unnecessary length to be accepted in the wintry family and him trying to destroy ned's food truck without thinking about the havoc it will wreck is a little overboard but i still respect his motivation to do all of those i see this episode as spriggs version of ant vs wild and i like that parallel number 69 after the rain i was pretty underwhelmed by this episode when i first watched it and i think i still am part of me thinks that this episode really slows down in the middle and the start they don't do the pacing any favors plus and goes from being really upset to forgiving in such a short time that i almost didn't buy it i did find hop up still tragic even though this climax could have been constructed better luckily this episode has grown on me a little bit because apparently that wasn't the end of the calamity box conflict between ann and hop up it is still debatable in the very next episode and i like that it would be very awkward if it just ended here number 68 spider sprig oh boy some of you are not gonna like this placement of this episode here if amphibia adopted a kid cosmic episode this would be it this episode also has grown on me a bit for how fun it is as a standalone episode and as an homage to the spider-man franchise i also love molly joe's design it reminds me of rika from wandereck priority but as an episode that airs right before olivia and yoonan yeah it may feel a bit out of place even though i get the entire point of balancing the more lighthearted stuff and the heavier stuff and that's the end of the decent section now we're getting into the good stuff [Music] number 67 bessie and microangelo i like the two snails story well enough it's cute but i think the highlight goes to the scene where anne admits she's already happy with her look after all this time she doesn't want to be anything she's not and considering her past with sasha i'd say that's a really nice progression good key for us to not skip this episode matt number 66 lillypad thai i really enjoyed the thai representation here also it shows how dedicated anne is to help someone in need this is a pretty important stepping stone in anne's character progression throughout the season number 65 a caravan named desire this is yet another pleasant episode to watch i like how hotpop's acting here is being used for a larger part in true colors that to play flashback is probably the funniest flashback in the series as well number 64 and versus wild i like that anne feels like she's left out from the planters so she decides to push herself outside the comfort zone and as a result and reveals the calamity box the ending scene was really unsettling for the first time i watched it because i knew there was some mystery being shrouded somewhere else behind the light-hearted tone that the show has offered thus far number 63 snow day this is an episode that doesn't get enough rep for being another mark on anne's character development of proving herself as a helpful protector even if she's not perfect at doing it also watching this episode made me wonder does everyone in a phibia like the nudes and toads freeze as well when the temperature drops i mean there's the weasel that is able to snatch the word with people from underground so if there are more weasels or creatures like that spread throughout amphibia that would have been some afk type of stuff so i don't know this is fiction why am i acting like a mr novital i'm not a net picker number 62 sprig get schooled this is a nice continuation from fiddle me this with sprig finally getting accepted to utopia university this is one of the examples that even though an episode might seem like an individual piece it actually connects in some way later on in the series whether you realize it or not number 61 the planters check-in the first time we meet king andreas and every second of it is gold oh and the rest of the episode is pretty cool i guess i wish we could have had more screen time for bella because she's really cute but oh well the short time she lasts on the show is worth it number 60 fight at the museum i love the inclusion of dr jan in the season not only is she reminding me of marcy with its quirkiness but also she's pretty caring and gentle to end as well as she advises ant to sleep once in this episode also i think i've lost all respect to hop up wait your people think the world is round number 59 knight drivers this episode mostly functions as a bridge to return to wordwood but it stands out as one of the creepiest looking amphibia episodes i would say this is even scarier than the shot in like damn i've never seen shots this intentionally creepy and shivering in the rest of the show i mess with it number 58 family shrub it has some unexpectedly fluid animation probably one of the most well animated episodes in the bunch and also i like that each of the planters are able to solve separate riddles in the underground passage it gives an impression that every planter and included inherits a special skill from the planters preceding them that means so much more when we get to know the story behind leaf 2. number 57 hop till you drop this one is so chaotic it's really what you expect from amphibia up until this point but in a much different and refreshing setting also i can't believe we live in a timeline where green hop hop is canon the only sensible theory is that matt actually saw salty dk dance past tweets and said yep we need to include this fella before the show ends number 56 sasha's angels this is a cool little episode that brings the focus back on the townies toady's transition to a madman is pretty fun to watch and just shows how much this invasion has impacted many of the characters in the land we also get some character moments from sasha and anne a nice throwback to some season 1 stuff and also a reinforcement of the apocalyptic setting in this stage of the show number 55 the root of evil this is one of those amphibious episodes that i just love purely because it continues the story from season one in this case it's the spores really this is why many season 1 episodes are not worthless and skippable the soundtrack to this episode is also killer this is a regular enjoyable amphibia episode that i like no more no less also people have been saying that this episode referenced mitsumar i can't really comment because i haven't seen that movie yet number 54 if you give a frog a cookie i really like terry's debut here and it's interesting to know more about the effects that earth people felt when ann opened the calamity box i don't really have issues with this episode it's just a bit milder compared to my faves in season 3. number 53 fixing frobo i'm surprisingly kind into this one i really like seeing polly doing everything she can for someone who she loves it's kind of new for her i'm very much rooting for their friendship now jess and ally are also cool additions to the series glad to see them getting nominated for an award i also like this little detail on how delete zoom connections can be in the scene number 52 bizarre bizarre this is pretty high on the list not only because it's one of the most plot relevant episodes in season 1 with valeriana and the calamity boss being buried but also it's pretty interesting to see a concept of a secret night market in this world we haven't known much about also there are some memorable lines here tongue him i hardly know him have you killed a man hop up number 51 flood sweat and tears this is the first real fight between ann and sprig and i like how it describes how one friendship that's too close can bring negative effects they need to learn to respect each other's boundaries and the combo moves in the end hell yeah that that's amazing that's amazing number 50 turning point as an episode about sasha's character this is a great and pivotal one i just really love seeing sasha finally realizing how she has messed up and has broken her friendship with anne so she tries to make up for that by creating a resistance against andreas unfortunately the fight in this episode comes way too late they beat the robots like it's nothing while the fight doesn't leave too much impact for me this episode still succeeds at convincing the audience to root for sasha number 49 swamp and sensibility even i did not expect wally to be a part of a rich family that is probably the most gut-busting twist in the series and you know it's just charming to see ant interacting with wally once again there's also this commentating frog who sounds and looks just like kermit oh wait a minute number 48 cursed this is one of the plenty episodes in this list that i have a frog girl bias with in this case it's maddie who really steals this episode before this i didn't think too much of her besides hmm is she basically this shows panini and chowder but a god well cursed proved my dumb assumptions wrong because she absolutely kicks ass honestly i'm happy that she and sprig ended up as just friends instead of her being completely obsessed over him potentially losing personalities in the process there are also the cursed forms of ann and sprig which are pretty funny number 47 lost in utopia i just love it when anderson random hijinks and this episode really nails the newtopia world building very well the street markets the tail stores the parades it's so fun and i see this just like the girl time episode but in a much different location and a lot crazier number 46 dating season this episode shouldn't be this high but man i'd be lying if i said that i didn't have a massive truckload of iv bias here i mean this is the first episode she's in the debut of the one and only frog that makes my day every time i think of her she is the definition of a being that should be protected at all cost and man this episode straight away sold me on the relationship between sprig and ivy i'm absolutely glad that they insisted they were just friends at first but of course anne being a shipper herself trying to make the love blossom between those two and of course that didn't go well at all in fact the formal dance is really awkward for both of them the pawn scene is maybe the pivotal moment where sprig finally has feelings for ivy no pressure from everyone else it's just natural between the two of them oh man oh man oh man i love sprithy so much i can't even explain why i just love them number 45 the new normal i adore how anne introduces the planters to her parents and how they explore the earth environment by going to the supermarket and just experienced the usual amphibious craziness in it it's gratifying to see ann proving that she's responsible to the planters if there's one thing i'd knock this episode down for it's the first leg most if not all of it is spoiled by the trailers promos and sneak peeks but other than that as a first taste of what an amphibian episode on earth feels like it's not bad number 44 combat camp i pictured this episode as an important moment where anne finally learns how to wield the sword and has her first actual proper battle with someone else no the battle against the toots doesn't count because she used the freaking racket i like how this episode is aired alongside bug ball on bug ball and learns about trusting another but in this episode they took the big writing on journal 3. i like that contrast also i love that her encounter against tortonio mirrors the entire and sasha conflict in season 2. both of them used ant to achieve their goals and anne beats them in the end with a sword fight number 43 grimes people grime and sprig working their differences is a really entertaining and cute thing to enjoy in this episode and i'm just gonna say it now their dynamic and characters in this episode are parallels to sonic and knuckles in the sonic 2 movie think about it not only because sprig is usually the optimistic and childish one and grimes the grumpy and tough one but also sprig is very agile on his attacks while grime's through power lies in physical strength considering matt is a big fan of the sonic franchise these similarities aren't surprising at all and that wraps up this chapter of the list now before i move on since we're halfway done i want to clarify something yes i might have put a lot of season 1 episodes at the bottom half of the list and look they're mostly enjoyable the magic about amphibious first season is that whether you only pick a random episode or you binge watch through all of them in order you can still be entertained it's just a matter of taste because often new watchers will tune out a few episodes in because they feel bored and i don't blame them it's a slow season it's intended that way i firmly believe that before we know more about the plot elements we have to be invested in the characters when we were first introduced to the show that is the priority at least with a show of this type and by characters i don't mean only ann and the planters or just sasha and marcy but also the townspeople and the other minor characters too they give the world of amphibia so much more spirit and charm it makes the show livelier if you are looking for more plot than the characters you are missing a part of what makes this show special sure some of the carefree episodes maybe are just okay but again they are important for hooking us into the show it may not work for some people but it does work for me and trust me if you're patient enough to get through the first season you will be rewarded well now that's done let's continue shall we number 42 ivy on the run ivy being the main character of an amphibious episode is just everything i was really anticipating and lo and behold i got it and it's pretty fun i like that we get bits of character moments from her mom as well who apparently has traveled far and wide this entire time it's just a pretty cool duality between the rebellious daughter and the tidy looking mother number 41 the three armies this is a pleasant episode about anne and sasha trying to get the three factions of amphibia to get along together i guess you can call this the last fun episode of the show since everything onwards is just different shades of dyer i don't have much else to say about this episode other than this amazing promo art for the episode by ferocia speaking of that i feel like it's the right time to talk about the promo arts that the crew make every time a new episode drops they're just so good and also versatile ranging from a silly deep fried meme to an actual animatic not gonna lie i'm gonna miss the time when the crew will just tease a new episode with promo arts good times number 40 commander anne hey guys wanna hear a funny joke nah i'm just here for the ranking but sure i guess did you guys know that in this episode sasha is revealed to be attracted to woman nah but seriously this episode works really well as a sasha n reunion after all the mess happened in true colors just like turning point the pacing of this episode is all over the place but thankfully it's easily made up by just anne and sasha having a satisfying dynamic that i expect you really have to admire how sasha has changed a lot since we last saw her not only behavior-wise but physically as well she's been working really hard to protect the world with people and creating this banner she realized her consequences and she doesn't lie when she says she wants to be better i just love this development so much number 39 ants terminator this one is basically an elongated chase and fight scene i like how tense it is it's also sad how ann has to finally tell the truth by going through the hard way even though she has good intentions poor mrs boonchuy i can't imagine how she must have felt during those dreadful 5 months i guess making ant clones is the most ideal way to minute number 38 ford in the road it's really cool to explore some ancient artifacts that are never touched before in the show this is pretty much the first expanded world building in the show with computers and robot factories and stuff many times this episode makes me chuckle a lot that wasn't so bad number 37 the shot in this is a really fun halloween special that is apparently not canon which is not surprising because having anne living in a world with the frogs as their fictional human counterparts being animated sounds like it's coming from a wattpad fanfic that wants to ship anne and sprick together ugh that's not a dis on the segment though it's actually a really funny take on how negativity can really affect people especially on the internet toffee from star vs also made a cool comeback by cutting hop-hop's uncharacteristically shiny hair off but holy hell i'm addressing another sprivy plot perhaps this is why i group these ivy episodes together in a bunch so i can express my love and admiration of her in a short period of time so that i can free my mind off of her in future episodes in the list my genius it's sometimes frightening anyways another sprivey moment another moment of me screeching in my pillow because of how adorable ivy with her hair down is number 36 newart wood this is a really fun episode i just wish people would actually watch the rest of it instead of just obsessing over the scene ah i'm just joking but you know there is a truth to it but i do appreciate the scene more since it shows that ann does listen to marcy's rambling more than she did back on earth and yeah have i said that i love marcy's quirk in the show well this episode showcases that in its fullest hello you know as messed up as her actions can be i will always adore marcy's soft side a lot the lord will always have marcy on our souls and then i will definitely burn in hell for this next pick number 25 sprivy yeah the episode title speaks for itself sprig and ivy are just so in love and supportive to one another they are the definition of cringe and while many of you guys are turned off by it i don't care i love them so much what will i do without you this is one of the last purely light-hearted episodes we're ever gonna get here and what better way to do it than focusing on the cutest couple in the show part of me was bummed that we didn't have an episode centered around ivy and sasha this season but as someone who has rooted for sprivy since dating season it's just really fun to see them having their last dance literally number 34 a day at the aquarium this is such a fun and charming tribute to season 1 whether it be explicit mentions or just call backs in the form of action scenes in the end marcy's decision to let anne go with the planters is a really sad turning point for marcy's character arc as she wants anne to have fun with the family she makes in this world unlike herself who ran away from her family to escape here and pause here i personally think this is one of the best shots in the series like the shadow the sun sinking down i feel like it'll be better if mars escape wishes a bit slower but it's still a really pretty shot number 23 return toward wood what a return it is as someone who generally enjoys season 1 consider myself invoked with nostalgia having all the wartwood people to get involved in the fight against a monster is just the best way to go back to basics the fact that they have to call on a dangerous monster to bring them their gifts is just downright ridiculous also i get to talk about ivy for the third time in the space of six episodes in this list hell yeah i'm on a roll i think the ending scene is the funniest part like they can condense so much of these into these 10 golden seconds [Music] [Music] number 32 and or beast ah yes where it all began when i watched the plot a few days after it premiered just like many others i was less of a fan and more like an intrigued person the one who goes like hmm okay this is interesting i need to watch more episodes so that i might know more about the plot fast forward to 2022 watching this again as a big fan everything feels so ancient all this stuff about sprig meeting anne for the first time and fighting her first monster her eyes going blue in the supremely subtle way it's just an amazing nostalgia to have i wish i could go back to a time where the fandom wasn't that huge and i could enjoy this show with just a small group of people but at the same time i'm glad that i can enjoy amphibia with all of you it's the sense of companionship that makes this show more compelling number 31 best france just like n or beast this episode feels really nostalgic and was still trying to adjust with sprig hop up and polly were still skeptical of anne we got a first glimpse of sasha man good old times seeing anne hanging out with sprig for the first time is a wonderful moment because this sets the foundation for the friendship these two are gonna sustain for the remainder of the show and it is a really good introduction to the main themes of the show with the episode touching down on what anne initially thought what healthy friendships looked like number 30 froggy little christmas this christmas special almost feels like a recap of season 3 with many of the earth characters coming back once again before we're treated to the final leg of the show i love that the planters are constantly asking questions about the true meaning of christmas but all in all it's really nice to see anne giving her mom an entire parade that she has dreamt of i think this is my favorite scene in this episode because of how dumb it is [Applause] [Music] and that's a fact so yeah in a nutshell it's fun and it makes me want to sip a glass of hot chocolate every night number 29 stakeout i cannot emphasize how important this episode is for the planters anne and hop-up has such different views on things and it's nice to see both of them get along together for once the best part is of course the fight scene where anne and hop-up went through hallucination and had all the super powers and stuff also shout out to the crew for taking anne's design in this episode and the better design if you can call it that in making the super saiyan i should have known that this ant is foreshadowing something big later in the show number 28 wax museum what a wonderful gravity falls tribute it's always a treat to have more grunkle stan even in the form of a frog since many of us have fond memories of the classic disney show it's always amazing to have cameo episodes like this in your show and bonus points we're also connecting the episode to a larger narrative as well as we get hints of earth objects getting thrown into this world as well i don't have much else to say this is just a good solid crossover episode number 27 maddie and marcy both of them starring in an episode together is a match made in heaven i really enjoy watching maddie having to take care of her sisters and the struggles that come with it she just wants someone that is interested in her own hobbies and that's when she finds marcy they just have great chemistry with each other that i can't get enough of power duel episodes are always my personal favorites in the show also i find maddie's sister's deep auto-tuned voices to be hilarious hey uh guys how much big are we supposed to get travis scott eat your heart out number 26 temple frogs i really love the incorporation of thai culture in this episode it's just fun to see them adjusting to the culture so well and how kind they're portrayed here i mean the thai people there supported the boon chewy family when their daughter was gone it's kind of moving also this episode has the best frame in the entire season 3. guys your disguises they've fallen off number 25 scavenger hunt not to sound like a marcan shipper but and trying her best to outsmart marcy in this episode is just so cute to me the utopian people are also really kind and i really want to meet them i love the message of being proud of who you are and your strengths also you gotta accept that everyone has their own flaws trust me in a university where other students get so competitive academically i relate heavily to that message number 24 spriggs birthday as someone who has been really invested in the n sprig dynamics since the show started i'll call this episode a victory lap seeing anne willing to risk it all to give her best bud a fantastic birthday is adorable i love the action scene and the hot air balloon and how it affects random people on the ground no tyler i will not clown face you number 23 escape to phibia if froggy little christmas is the recap of season 3a escape to amphibia is the final adventure i'm saying that because every earth character is here fairy jazz ally dr jen humphrey even molly joe i just love their chemistry with each other like how jan and terry really take their time to steal a generator from a freaking fbi headquarter speaking of the fbi this episode is where mr x shines the most he is genuinely threatening but also still fun to watch i also find the story of anne not being able to let go of her parents pretty heartfelt she's just reuniting with them and part of her doesn't want to leave them again also i cannot talk about this episode without mentioning the reference to the darth vader scene in rogue one they absolutely blew me away when i first watched it they recreated the scene masterfully from the beginning till the end hands down one of the best scenes in the show i'm not even exaggerating number 22 toad catcher oh boy do i enjoy sasha and grime's contrasting perspectives after the events of reunion i don't think i will ever hate grime as sasha's closest companion that always gives her advice he is kind of like the master of his student in this episode also the most entertaining character of the show is also introduced here see you have decided to submit to the great general yunnan and we finally reached the end of this section of the list before we continue i'd like to go on another little detour so it's not a surprise that sasha really likes to take control of people right she likes to be their leader regardless of how they think of her but reunion has given sasha food for thought that her behavior is only going to crumble her friendship with anne so given the events on the third tower you'd expect her to let go of her past toxic behavior right but in toadcatcher she decides that she wants to rule the entire amphibia her temptation to rule over people just got worse she won't accept the fact that she can't have control over things all the time now we know that the three girls ann sasha and marcy go through their own personal arcs in amphibia right each of them has a distinct problem of their own but there's something that ties all of their issues together they won't accept change and this is why change itself becomes the central theme for the show changing someone isn't as simple as singing them a song about change or something like that that is not a relatable angle if you ask me going through a change is complicated because we need to accept things that might seem hard to swallow the girls are not transported to amphibia just for fun but for changing who they really are they need to improve upon themselves before perfecting their friendship with others i'm calling this method frog conversion each of the girls go through this conversion in again different ways and that is no more apparent than most of the episodes yet to come out on this list so here we go number 21 the core and the king i really like how serious the tone of this flashback episode is it's pretty unnatural that you see a lack of jokes in an amphibian episode before but this works since this episode's purpose is to give us more background on how the heck the show's conflict even started reading from andrew's words about his past and true colors the pacing is well balanced unlike a handful of episodes in season 3 i can digest the story told in the flashback and quickly make connections to other episodes fairly easily god i just love the parallels between the divorce trio as the fandom likes to call it and the calamity trio also the scene where leaf has a vision after opening the calamity box stunning the exchange between darcy and andreas is really fun but also shivering considering the episode's central theme of letting go of someone's past both of them are attempting to let go of the demons of their past and i like that commonality a lot number 20 the sleepover to end all sleepovers this episode is so fun marcy and anne are the best together here we also get a peek on the activities the girls usually do back on earth with sasha always dominating the sleepover challenge i like the little things that artists in future episodes like the ghost creators the moss man and this frame of the divorce trio number 19 the beginning of the end the flashback at the start of this episode tells a lot about how one-sided a friendship group can be i think this is the true villain origin story of darcy then it may seem surprising to a lot of people including me that ann and sasha didn't mention marcy very often after true colors but it turns out that they have been constantly thinking about those mistakes marcy has made they just didn't really know how to express them since it was a massive step in the back and when they finally do and thinks that they should still try to forgive marcy but sasha still dubs it which is reasonable you know sasha is still a child that is still improving on her past behavior also it's not like sasha doesn't deserve to be angry i agree with what sasha says that marcy's action is messed up this is a complicated process in reconciliation but i like that ann is confident that they should try to repair their friendship as a symbol of heart it's her job to make sure to fix a broken friendship and then there's this cool dance battle sequence that no i'm not gonna reference that again and finally the girls confront darcy for the first time i don't have a super deep character analysis on the scene it's just so eerie both visually and tonally darcy is just an unmitigated sickle villain like i expected i love it even though they didn't get too much screen time in the series so yeah this episode is just a good way to kick start the series finale number 18 the second temple okay so the next few episodes will basically be the temple episodes i bunch them all together because all of them are great in their own way in the case of the second temple i still vividly remember how frustrated i was with the ending but then i realized oh what do you know that is probably the best mistake ants ever made other than that this is a well-written and genius concept of the second temple to execute an important phase in anne's frog conversion and is the heart of the trio and she has to hone it to keep the bond of their friendship alive it's safe to say that anne's character journey throughout the show thus far has paid off at this point in time number 17 the first temple this 22-minute long episode has the most character moments for marcy before she went through a metamorph and what a way to truly boost the second half of season 2 which i still think has some of the show's best episodes bunched up together the episode is able to use its long runtime to have two main conflicts marcy being in her zone a bit too much and anne and hop up working out their differences and i enjoy both of them we learn more about the problems marcy has that can really endanger others as she puts her own efforts into priority marcy is the wit of the trio and she has to hone it to solve every problem that comes in their way meanwhile hop up still feels guilty after the events of after the raid things get pretty heated between him and anne as they continue to reconcile it was pretty heartfelt in the end number 16 the third temple i still remember how the fanbase went a bit unhinged when these three girls met for the first time again after being transported to amphibia and what a reunion it was this episode means we really want to see more interactions between sasha and marcy guess you can say i'm in the sasha sequel now and while it's only done within an episode it's cute to see sasha and anne finally giving each other a second chance even though only temporarily yikes that's a part of sasha's character that she still can't let go of sasha is the strength of the trio and she has to hone it to invigorate the resolve to face every obstacle that comes in their way number 15 fiddle me this it was only natural for someone's parents to want their children to succeed they urged their kids to work harder and be a little misperfect this eventually results in their child feeling stressed out and drained unfortunately there are times where the parents just want to squeeze every last bit of our strength to the point where it's less because of the children's dreams and more of their parents wants that's pretty much what happened with hop-up and sprig in this episode as someone who likes making videos on this channel sometimes i feel the pressure for myself to upload more videos but there are times where i'm just burnt out i don't want to make these videos because they're long there is a point where some of us may feel like the hobbies we like to do become more of a chore but at the end of the day you should just do things that you like because you like doing them this episode brilliantly sends this message home specifically for me sprig likes playing violin because he thinks it's fun not because he wants to win a talent show and i think this episode also has one of the most emotional episode resolutions in the series number 14 end of the year and we didn't vote for you because you're flawless far from it we voted for you because of how far you've come you've grown so much in your time here and this town just wouldn't be the same without you yeah what a satisfying conclusion to anne's character arc of proving that she's accepted in wartwood and what an episode to go out on and looks so good in that suit i wonder if they'll hold the party episode with that outfit with the other girls spoiler alert they don't the sprig and ivy confession is too cute for words there's a dabbing and statue and that cliffhanger sets the tone for a thrilling season finale number 13 barrel's warhammer i always love it when sasha is being worried and soft-spoken it shows that she is indeed a kind person but she still has some ways to go to improve herself that is shown with the tough bill for her to swallow in the end with her two-toed friends abandoning her this is also a part of sasha's frog conversion it's such a disaster that both of them don't even reappear again in the show this episode speaks so much about sasha's tendency to lead a friendship that often doesn't go down well she does that with her two girlfriends and she does that with the toad couple as well that's the ongoing character flaw with sasha she keeps pushing others to the limits until that boundary is broken she finally faces the horror of the consequences and so she finally learns her lesson i haven't said this before but in commander anne i like that sasha straight away hands over the resistance leadership to anne that's how much she regrets her past actions number 12 toe tax i think this is the first amphibious episode that really truly wowed me from the first watch and was still despised by pretty much everyone on workwood and she wished she could be given some sort of respect by them that's when we got introduced by the toads and actually got along well with them she finally felt accepted for once this shows a lot about anne's strong dependency on others i really love that this hints at the negative relationship that ann and sasha have later on in the season finale even after being stranded for a month she still can grow into her own self so she decides to always follow the much superior force no matter what world she lives in and no matter what the side effects are but once she found out those wrongdoings and that they were about to confiscate bessie and realized she'd been so desperate for respect that she was walking on the wrong path this episode made me really rude for anne and made me realize that she is and always has been a compelling character in the end she's cheered by the word wood people it's what she'd always wanted it's just a very satisfying episode overall number 11 olivia and yunnan if i'm being honest i wish they didn't spoil darcy's reveal at the end of the season 3 trailer because if so i would not be able to sleep the day i watched that episode for the first time still though it's painful to see the sweet innocent marcy getting possessed into someone she shouldn't be that implanting scene is going down as one of the most haunting scenes in the entire show and i think this episode does a brilliant job of reeling us into the dramatic ending of the episode you kind of saw it coming before this episode aired but it's still really tough to see andreas officially turning his back against the girl that he uses for his own sake also i gotta give it up to the voice actors here what are you doing andreas stop it you maniac that's not to dismiss the rest of the episode which balances humor and the high stakes of the plot very well it's not too serious but it doesn't waste its time playing around either the prime example of this is the fear projector scene it may tackle each one of the characters fears but it's not too dark that it'll freak you out well except when sasha and anne fused into a corrupted gem that was creepy but seriously i find it devastating that marcy is the most lovable character in the show but is also the one that gets the most terrifying consequences she purposefully sends her friends to a fantasy world that she wants to live forever in again it is super messed up but simultaneously i feel really bad for her because even on earth she often gets third wheeled by anne and sasha this is why among the trio i relate to marcy the most because i get the feeling that making friends is hard and you will do anything to keep them forever guys guys stop fighting this is crazy we're supposed to be friends for life we don't split up she just can't accept that she can't stay forever with her friends in this world or any other world and boy does she go through one hell of a frog conversion especially when she is possessed by the collection of amphibious greatest minds and speaking of that we have at last arrived at the final part of this long list thank you guys so much for still sticking with me up until this point these are the centerpieces of the show that impress me every time i watch it here is the collection of amphibious greatest episodes number 10 the dinner this is one of the very few amphibious episodes that has the entirety of the calamity trio in it huh that was pretty surprising considering people are really obsessed with the three of them and episodes like this made me understand exactly why their interactions are so fun especially when you realize that these three have such distinct personalities from one another it's always interesting to see neighboring worlds collide and create such a compelling friendship honestly if i were to propose an idea for an amphibious spin-off series i would definitely pick a slice of life type of show with sasha and and marcy just hanging out with each other skipping school going through sleepovers and all that anyways this episode is mainly about sasha still trying to get along with the planters i feel bad for her whenever she gets herself in an awkward conversation or every time the planters especially sprig intentionally make her upset while sasha herself has made an effort to throw out her weapons to make her less intimidating but i also like how she admits that she hasn't changed even though it starts the wildfire that is the true colors conflict it plays into the theme of change that i mentioned earlier sasha still can't pass the frog conversion yet and that's why their friendship still has cracks in them last but not least grime was the true underdog in this episode he just comes out with good lines in every scene he's in oh but beware they're stingers calls number nine wally and anne this episode is a fantastic character work for anne and wally is a perfect partner for her considering he's the first frog that encountered her and throughout the season up until that point and hasn't been that fond of wally what the heck dude you ditched me and now i find you rubbing elbows with a local deadbeat that hurt myself and the pairing from both of them really fits because they are outcasts from many people in wartwood but we get to see different points of view from each one of them about being a weirdo wally doesn't care about what others think of him and he tells anne that she can be whoever she wants that is the main reason why i love this episode it's message for most of her life ann can decide her own move she's doubtful of herself she doesn't want to change who she is and as a result she just does whatever sasha and marcy tell her to do but this episode teaches her a lesson that it's okay to be whoever she wants she can't stay in her comfort zone forever and she has to eventually grow into her own self remember this clip from bessie and michelangelo i pointed out earlier i think the reason i don't want a new look is because i'm finally happy with who i see in the mirror right now this is the point where anne is finally happy with who she is wally plays a really significant role in forming anne's character and i feel like he doesn't deserve enough credit for that just like how the word would people shrug him off every day i'm worried for people that prefer to skip season 1 just because it doesn't have major plot points because they will miss gems like this number 8 battle of the bands this is such a fun episode to conclude season 2 besides you know the actual finale sasha still can't relinquish her urge to take full control over the band just like back home i like that sasha finally learns from today's advice to just support your friends whenever possible and just have fun she still does her job on taking over the amphibio throne later on but she doesn't feel all too glorious about it she feels bad that she won't be able to retrieve all that good time spent with her friends again also the songs themselves are so good i'm tired of picking the best one but heart stomper and no big deal are slappers don't mind me jamming this out in the middle of my 100 gex playlist while i'm driving unfortunately this is the last episode before everything about the show really shifts into a new gear and completely shocks us but my advice just enjoy every bit of fun moment while it lasts we do get the girls performing all together on the stage which is fun and that's really what i can say about this episode again it's fun not only the episode itself but my experience with the amphibious fandom as well i still remembered all of us really thriving back then i hung out with plenty of people that just made my time in this community worth spending some people wanted amphibia to get more serious than usual but for me what's most important is the fun that we all had while watching the show and being active in the fanbase as well because what is amphibia if it's not fun [Music] [Applause] number seven reunion i don't think this episode needs a thorough explanation it's just a stellar climax in ann's character arc throughout the first season she has changed from the very first time we met her she doesn't want to be pushed around by sasha anymore in fact if only she was strong enough back then to refuse sasha's order this entire mess would not have happened at all the conflict between these two is probably the longest running conflict in the entire series it literally spans all the way till near the series finale and this episode does a great job on selling us on their long-term dispute the moment where anne defeats sasha is a really gratifying scene and the moment where bill withers lean on me plays well do i need to say more i think this is just a super solid season finale there's no reason for this show to not end on a high note for its first outing number six prison break this is the most fun episode in season one i really enjoyed seeing sasha for the first time this episode is a perfect introduction to her character straight away you can't see the difference between her and anne you can't see her special ability of convincing others to do what she says and i always chuckle when percy speaks and acts or when grime is being really sinister to these dudes you know what would lighten this atmosphere a little bit a joke how many herons does it take to storm a castle it is also charming to see how sasha and grime are able to work with each other for the first time this results in a very cute scene where grime complements his army for once there is nothing more satisfying than seeing the toads being on grime's side here and him being proud of his squad it is an excellent episode all around and it sets up what would be a very interesting character arc for sasha number 5 marcy at the gates just like prison break this episode introduces us to a fan favorite and my personal favorite character you know who it is i still remember when people thought marcy would be a really menacing girl to deal with looking at some teaser arts but it turns out she is actually a cinnamon roll she is a fiction obsessed nerd that really likes to talk about her interest now i get why a lot of people kin her i can't emphasize how important this episode is it effectively made us love marcy and root for her this of course leads to the twist at the end of the season that would not work as well if people weren't into her character in the first place also what would the show become without the many memorable interactions between ann and marcy i feel like it would be missing something truly cute about it yeah yeah this episode also spawns the soon emerging mark hanshippers but again the fanbase will never be the same without them it's just an amusing episode with a whole load of marcy that i can't get enough of i love how protective anne is to marcy just because she doesn't want to lose her again it's understandable because back home marcy is really accident prone and in this wild world anything bad can happen but sending the girls to another world without their concept aside marcy has been putting some effort to put her clumsiness behind her i've really grown out here anne coming to my own leveled up no more clumsy klutzy marcy can you believe it your cloak's on fire what yeah she is still uncoordinated plenty of times but she records her mistakes in her journal to remind herself next time another reason why i'm looking forward to that journal it's a change from her that is kind of underrated by many people honestly i also like how sprig doesn't trust marcy at first only to be saved by her in the end which also happens once again in true colors parallels like that are one of the many reasons why re-watching the show and examining the little details in each episodes are so exciting to do overall a very lovely episode episodes like this display how fun amphibia can be but a few others show how emotional this show can get with how relatable it is [Music] this episode probably has the most heartfelt sentiment in the series besides the finale of course and wants to give her mom a gift from another world as not only something to preserve and remember but also a reminder that anne does learn a lot in this other world and a sign that she misses her parents after all this time i mean let's face it how could you not be touched by it i like that we have two characters fighting for the exact same goal to give something precious to their parents smash bros style and giving up the prize to her rival is just a very sweet act to do and you know it sometimes doesn't matter if what you give isn't perfect what matters is whether or not those gifts you bring home will be remembered or neglected after like a couple of months or so but obviously it's all about the ending scene it speaks volumes about how important it is to love your moms she annoyed me sometimes too like in the kitchen she'd always sing these goofy thai love songs and man was her singing bad wolf that woman was beyond tone deaf that trivial detail that anne says makes this conversation between her and sprig really natural and it shows us how much she misses her mom this scene also makes me really really sad for sprig who doesn't know how it feels to have a real biological parent and yeah you can miss someone you don't really know much about i'm just out of words because the beauty and the emotion of this entire balcony scene speaks for itself in some ways i think this episode hits a lot harder now since i moved away from my family to another city i sometimes wonder how they feel about me there were times where i was happy that i was all freed from them but there were times where i really missed their voices to support me or scold me or love me okay matt i get it i'm going to call my parents don't tinker with my feelings like that let's rumble girlfriend [Music] this is a 48 minute monster of a penultimate episode it might not seem fair for me to put this entire thing on number three of the list since it's basically four times longer than the majority of episodes here but it feels like a really holistic movie so i can't really split it into two parts or more and yeah i can already tell by the length itself that this is the most effort that the crew has put into an episode of the show this is an action-packed blockbuster with tight pacing and the show extracting every bit of its best aspects i won't spend too much time analyzing this special because it'll take me all day so here are 12 reasons why all in is so good one ann's story in this episode is really compelling as she is finally coming into terms with who she really is this isn't the first time it's brought up in the series but i feel like her entire character arc is almost wrapped up her time in amphibia changed her perspective from just living the easy life to finally standing on her own and becoming the hero of the world 2. marcy's tale of living her fantasy life inside the chorus illusion is also worth pointing out yeah the whole i want to return to the old world even though it sucks unlike this fictional world trope is a little cliche but come on that's the reason why this show started in the first place and seeing marcy realizing her mistake is really sweet she finally completes her frog conversion taste the power of photography you big nude boomer three every time darcy spits out a voice line it reeks cartoonishly evil villain energy that it either makes me wheeze or shiver we miss this it's incredible how halle ju can portray two very different characters with the same voice would it be much better if they had more screen time in the series yes definitely but as it stands darcy is still a really entertaining evil force to be reckoned with 4. the sasha and darcy fight is incredibly raw that's the best way i can describe it the brutality of darcy wielding a skype brings some huge spinel vibes 5. the ann and andrews fight is long yes but it undergoes plenty of really smooth animation scenes that you can't take your eyes off of it's interesting how andreas always has the higher ground over ann during this fight but it is anne's persistence that keeps her in it 6. the planter's encounter with the herons often goes under-appreciated when people discuss this episode it is just an unforeseen revenge on those creatures who have killed spriggan paulie's parents and i love that iconic panther dance in the end told you guys it's a masterpiece 7. andreas is as charismatic as he's ever been but there is a hint of vulnerability to him that we haven't seen before especially when it comes to his loyalty towards the core and it hits hard when he eventually breaks apart emotionally and literally 8. leaves leather is absolutely heart-wrenching her soft delivery makes things just i can barely describe it the flashes of the divorce trio and marcy smiling are necessary touches too and what an important moment it is for andreas character 9. the addition of the blackpink song into the episode is yes unexpected but somehow amazing i'm just stunned that the crew have the balls to put licensed music in their finale let alone a k-pop song only a show like amphibia can pull such a boss move like this then speaking of music the soundtrack to this episode is stellar 2. you can't check the full piece in tj hill's soundcloud account 11. when the girls finally managed to reunite once again it feels like the conflict between the three of them has reached a fulfilling conclusion marcy regrets her actions and all and they can fight alongside each other again it takes a long way but i'm so happy we finally got to this point 12. the cliffhanger in the end i mean it is such an eerie ending with the moon inching ever closer to destroy the entire world it is so majora's mask so yeah this episode is the definition of the complete package it is the main event of the finale the big boss battle of the show and it also sets up the things happening in the next episode [Music] as a person i have a lot of flaws that i'm aware of and the one thing i really suck at is trying to change i can't bring myself to be more serious in socializing with other people even though i want to i can't make myself behave better when i'm faced with a serious problem that comes out of the blue and in this case i don't think i can move on from a cartoon show about a human hanging out with frogs i've been waking up to a new day for the past 3 years or so knowing that i will still have a new amphibian episode to look forward to whether it be in a day or months but as days grow closer before the release of the hardest thing the final episode of the show i realized that nothing lasts forever people do need to change sooner or later whether on a life-changing or trivial scale the theme of change runs really deep in the show and it's what every character here is going through whether they like it or not it is so heartfelt to see the trio said goodbye one more time to their closest companions yoonan and olivia adore each other because of marcy will never be not cute to me and then there's andreas whose arc was concluded with him finally standing up to his father nice reunion parallel by the way i was worried that the show didn't know what to do with him next but i like that he wasn't used as a sacrifice merely for us to feel sympathy for him or being redeemed or forgiven by anyone he is just a castaway now marcy's last words to him is just her saying goodbye and that's fine because things between them have been really rocky and complicated sasha and grimes farewell might look comical on the surface but sasha wouldn't be the person she is now without grime so i also feel sad for them but really the icing on this teary-eyed cake is and sparting with the planters i will really miss all those fun and humorous adventures they have had together especially with sprig in this episode my emotions are just uncontained when spring sees anne lose her life temporarily and when they have to say goodbye to each other these two are and always have been the true icons of the show and their friendship just means so much to me really i just don't want to see sprit cry because it shatters my heart into a million pieces this entire goodbye scene is really hard to watch but hey it's the hardest thing that they must do the hardest thing is to realize that nothing lasts forever the hardest thing is to say goodbye the show doesn't only carry this message to its own characters but to the audience as well it is a really bittersweet message to leave out on ok i think i feel a bit better now so what do i think of the series finale well first of all the pacing is very consistent and while not every question can be answered here at least the significant ones are explained explicitly or not one of the main examples is anne's other shoe also hot damn that freaking action scene featuring the girls in their calamity forms and this awesome rendition of no big deal it reeks of powerpuff girls it reeks of anime and i absolutely love it probably a top 3 scene in the entire show i've seen this scene over 50 times and it never gets sold especially marcy's part which is just so adorable the girls have honed their respective abilities and they become such a powerful force the power of friendship the scene where anne wakes up in the afterlife is pretty surreal and trippy for an amphibious episode i love the minor details in the hot she enters like the pictures of her friends and families also anne's other shoot just like i mentioned earlier her encounter with the actual multiverse god is part uncanny part hilarious whether because the god is voiced by the same person who voiced ruby or this scene my true form would make your human brain explode i don't know i've seen some pretty crazy [Music] this feels like a scene out of a show like infinity train if you ask me this is basically anne's final test of her frog conversion in amphibia she already knows who she is she has made a big sacrifice for the greater good and now she is faced with a choice to remain dead or to return to where she belongs but ann still has a lot to live for she still has 78 more years on earth and she can spend all that time to keep growing as a person and it is such an endearing conclusion to anne's character arc then the girls finally say goodbye to each of their amphibian families there's of course this scene that is just too emotional for words as the animation speaks for itself and finally there's the timeskip epilogue which ties the themes of the show up quite perfectly i am so obsessed with the tauni's new design especially paulie sprague and ivy and then there's the adult calamity trio i like that we get insight on what their future jobs are and how it connects to their characters and their past experiences it's also kind of sad that anne and sasha don't hang out too much anymore as years go by but it makes sense when you consider that sasha has finally let go of the temptation to control over people it's just life that friendships don't quite last forever but here they are now living their own lives nothing is more satisfying than seeing the tree of characters you love and sorting their problems out having a good ending the ending scene is wonderful and anne's final words sum up the overall message of the show it can be the hardest thing to realize you can't hold on to something forever sometimes you have to let it go but of the things you let go you'd be surprised what makes its way back to you [Music] i love this finale so much i am so so happy that they managed to stick the landing considering how much of a train wreck the star vs finale was and how much they had to work with after the lighthearted vibes of season 3a i understand why matt thought that this finale was going to be divisive among amphibia fans depending on how you view the story and the characters many people were frustrated because the girls wouldn't be able to return to phibia again but personally this is a good closure to the series i was not at all disappointed other than the fact that i won't be able to watch a new phobia episode again and again it's sad but you know let's take away the positives i am really happy that i managed to watch the show in the first week of release i am also really happy that i can gain online friends new or old that enjoy the show as much as i do but most importantly i'm happy that i can be a fan i'm happy that i relate to the characters find the humor funny and occasionally get emotional because you've been attached to these characters for quite a while and you're not gonna see them again but whoever is watching this and is a big amphibia fan i'm just telling you to cherish those memories about the show for as long as you can don't let the fire die out because memories are the only way to keep a disconnected bond alive [Music] which brings me to my number one spot on this list the episode that i still think is the best in the entire show here we go [Music] i have a lot of memories of being in this fandom and while watching the show good or bad but nothing can top the moment where i watched true colors for the first time it was a weird time because i remember the community wasn't that big and it was released through a messy complication that was stirred with controversy which honestly still upsets me to this day but regardless of that i watched the season 2 finale and it is one of the few episodes i've watched in my life that actually broke me it actively played with my emotions it messed me up so hard probably that had to do with me being a pretty big fan of the show up until that point all i know is when the end credits rolled i felt a lot of emotions frustration sadness shock i know that those might sound pretty negative but if we're being honest truecaller's greatest strength is its emotional potency i feel so bad for anne who has to deal with this incredible amount of tribulations she feels angry because of sasha she feels shocked because of marcy she feels miserable because of sprig sasha feels guilty after throwing her friendship out the window and marcy feels depressed because she feels alone there is just a lot of feels to be had for these characters maybe that's why this episode gets to me the characters are going through a lot of things and as someone who has followed their struggles is just tough to watch another thing that true colors is really good at is its ability to change the trajectory of the entire show it's not really trying to subvert the viewers expectations if you've paid close attention to the show up until this point we did expect sasha to betray n once again and the rematch between them was coming since you know it was teased from the past episodes we also sort of predicted marcy's betrayal too if you've seen the opening scene anne's very subtle showings of her calamity power throughout the show finally came full circle and with a total bang the only real big twist is obviously this one i was absolutely flawed when i watched the scene you have no idea how long i've been worried for marcy during the hiatus the episode's main job is to confirm and connect the little things that have been peppered here and there but it does the job so freaking well that we are still stupefied that those things actually happen on screen as a show that has been really uplifting before true colors just shatters any fantasy euphoria that the girls have had their deepest flaws are all cut open i'll tell you what andrews does a brilliant job on trying to rip their friendship apart even though he doesn't anticipate some of it i wish i could go back to when i watched this episode for the first time i think it's an experience that i don't think i will get in my life ever again i know i've mostly talked from a personal standpoint but i'm not taking away from the episode's quality it is still immaculate the voice acting is on point the overall writing is perfectly executed the soundtrack is incredible the shots and the animation are amazing the pacing is also really smooth i've seen plenty of people take issues with it but i don't know the brisk pace of the entire episode just keeps me at the edge of my seats the entire time the first half is the calm before the storm that is the second half which honestly still blows my mind to this day it's breathtaking and the only amphibious episode that i will genuinely call a masterpiece easily one of the best season finales i have ever watched i'm not overstating nor do i want to explain in detail why because there are tons of videos online that do the job heck i even made my own video about it so yeah there's just so many insane things about the episode and the events surrounding it when looking back in retrospect i hope that when i get older and i've moved on to other things i can still recall faint memories about anne's little journey in a little world called amphibia specifically because of my memories with true colors and that's pretty much it for the list i'm so sorry if it's too long i often got carried away while writing the script because this video isn't just all about ranks it's about the things that i feel about these characters things that impress me about this show and things that made me learn a lesson or two you can partially think of it as a diary of sorts revisiting these episodes made me adore and admire the show even more now that the full story is out and just like i said in the beginning of this video i love that each episode no matter how good or bad plays some sort of role for the show watching this show is such a charming experience because you get to see the characters change in some kind of way and a lot of things have happened ever since i first watched amphibia obviously the pandemic struck the world i got accepted to my dream university i went through a lot more exams i lived on my own we all change over time it can be really tough to do such a thing but don't worry just like the old saying goes it's no big deal thank you so much matt and the entire crew for creating the show i can confidently say that this show will age well down the road take this video as my last big offering for the show as i think i will try to focus on other things in the future but don't worry amphibia will definitely not go anywhere for me it's one of those shows that i will not forget for quite a while so thank you for watching this video thank you for making it this far i really appreciate your support up until this point as my final words if you've ever faced an obstacle you gotta rivet ribbit jump on it [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Sir Breezy
Views: 151,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DiWsd7XzLtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 33sec (5493 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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