Everest Base Camp Trek in June!

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foreign [Music] thank you [Music] all right here we are day one and Kathmandu we're up here at 4 45 meeting our dad here in about 15 minutes gonna take the flight to lukla um that flight's often delayed so we've got most of the day to do it because once we get to leuclid we've only got a three hour walk to the village that we're going to stay at tonight so should be a good day should be an easy day um starting out at Luke wood is seems to be mostly downhill so should be an easy day these bags right here are the ones that supporters are going to carry our Porter I should say um and then we've each got a day pack and this one's staying here in Kathmandu basically got some job clothes for the way home decided it was unnecessary to carry on our backs for 10 days so here we go [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] all right we made it to Luca got the airport back here behind me um it's probably gonna be another plane landing here soon so I'll try to capture that but uh it's just beautiful in the middle of these mountains everywhere around us so we're waiting on that plane that's coming it's got one of our pieces of luggage on it um then we're gonna start hiking to park ding thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] not for people that are afraid of heights because that is a ways down [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this is the dookoshi river in English it's milky River and there's our first well second suspension bridge but first River Crossing it's beautiful up here [Music] 's our first day for the night Hotel Pine Forest in pakdin our guide said it's a new one and we got a faux stone finish here I thought it looked a little different there it is home sweet home for night one there's our first room for the night got a shower Western toilet open windows for a nice cool breeze there's our room sweet little setup I don't mind this up on the trail good views and some donkeys there it is Travis first day hiking the trail what do you think it's a lot different than in Colorado that's for sure it is a lot different it's a lot different the mountains are straight up just vertical and we're in this Valley it's really pretty it's very pretty definitely more humid and I don't know if I can say hot or not but definitely more humid yeah so here in parking elevation is about 90 sorry 8 500 feet we started out in lukulu which was about 9 300. uh tomorrow I think we're gonna have a bit of elevation gain because we're going to namche Bazaar the elevation there is eleven thousand 290 I believe it was um so we've got 27 2800 feet of elevation tomorrow um and then after that is it's just gonna get weird we're used to hiking at around 11 000 up to 14 000 feet but hanging out at Villages at 14 000 feet and seeing these giant mountains still towering over us that's I think that's when it's going to be surreal for me so we took a little nap this afternoon ended up being a four hour nap and uh that was after lunch and now it's dinner time not super hungry if I'm honest um we'll get those calories in for tomorrow should be a good day here's our little View again place we're staying tonight and it's kind of Cloudy and overcast makes it pretty cool looking [Music] [Music] here we are at the beginning of day two on the trail another hotel again that we're getting ready to leave after breakfast the clouds are just pretty pretty cool they gives mystery and then give us a reveal to what's back there I don't know how well this will focus right now but uh got the sun sun raised over that Peak up there and over here we've got straight up mountains everywhere so quite beautiful one photo from here we have to see Tom Circle Mountain six thousand six hundred zero eight meter 79 degrees up 79 degrees that is steep that's also a very famous mountain yeah yeah all right [Music] then and repeat Mount Everest and looks um we have to sit in a very nice big articles 7 200 meters and then left inside we have to see Changi from the color butter we will see very nice here foreign [Music] I think it was just the last option to stop for lunch and I think it's probably pretty close to halfway to namche from pakding where we slept last night so I feel like we're doing pretty good on time we think we left at about eight and it's 10 20 right now so we'll have plenty of time to hang out in namche and maybe explore a little bit um but yeah [Music] can I hike up this Trail right here and cross the upper suspension bridge over the dukkoshi river [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] uphill uphill uphill I don't know how well you can tell in the video but it's just a steady uphill it's great got a little bit of cloud cover right now say welcomed change of temperature this is namche bizarre great views I'm sure even with the clouds I think it's a great View it'd be really cool to see it without the clouds too [Music] thank you here's our room in namche Bazaar I think we're gonna be here for two nights pretty dark but got a full-on toilet a little shower head and a couple twin beds so I think we're gonna get cleaned up and hang out play some cards enjoy the views speaking of which see what we've got out our window can't wait to see that morning when the clouds are all cleared up should be beautiful [Applause] [Applause] all right [Music] this is day three second day hanging out namches and acclimization day we did do a short little hike to two and a half miles something like that hoping to get a glimpse of Everest but it's just been overcast cloudy all day actually right now it's about as good as the views been a little Glimpse right through there and just clouds moving in and out um I think we're gonna there's like a little Bakery we're gonna go check out and uh hanging out for the rest of the day head on to uh tangboche tomorrow we're here at the namche bakery and cafe add some chocolate carrot cake now some apple strudel here on our off day uh you know I really thought I was going to come on this trip maybe lose some weight from hiking a bunch but yeah I don't know if that's gonna happen I think I'm gonna come home a little a little thicker but uh looks delicious the cake was delicious recommend it so far it is day four we're starting our Trek out of namche to ting bushe we're about eleven thousand three hundred feet um another thousand feet or so to Tango [Music] still getting my lungs warmed up it's not a easy warm-up because it's straight uphill out of the gate [Music] [Music] so it's about 58 60 degrees Fahrenheit outside and I am just not used to this humidity usually it'd be a nice comfortable walk but man I am just I start sweating in no time we live in such a drier climate that uh my body's not used to this everything just feels wet this uh wool clothing I highly recommend for this climate [Music] [Music] super hazy our guide says you can normally see Everest from this point but all we can see are clouds but enjoying the hike nonetheless this section is just easy really fairly flat fairly gradual get to enjoy the pine trees flowers are beautiful enjoying it nonetheless but it would be awesome to see Everest right now but this fog just gives its own unique beauty thank you [Music] foreign [Music] so this is about the most we've seen today Sun just started to slightly come out hopefully burn out burn off some of these clouds [Music] thank you so we've just dropped about 14 1500 feet uh it's this little village here I can't remember the name of it but it's mid-morning so we just had a little snack some Oreos and uh some Coca-Cola it's kind of been the trained and we're about to take our trick back up it's another 2000 feet up into the clouds across there not sure how well it shows up in the camera there but uh the tough part of the trail is still ahead of us but there's there's not much distance left it's just all uphill from here now we'll spend the night and neither Ting boshe since it's the off season there might not be a village or a little spot open to stay so we'll go to the next one which is denboshe and then day after that will be dingboshe um so yeah and keep going all right I'm getting some of the views some nice pieces of Trail here's the ugly uphill lots of uphill out of breath sweating but loving it loving it [Applause] so we've made it here to Teng Boucher a lot of construction going on that seems to be the main source of work during the off season which we are in here now [Music] here we are in tengoje finally woke up and had some views clouds cleared out a little bit just all the way around us all the way around [Music] starting our Trek from Ting Bose where we stayed for the night we've used the clouds a little bit of downhill and then back up tonight will be at 14 400 and something feet it's about to tell us that Travis and I have ever been just from hiking 14ers in Colorado so this will be a new experience [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] and headed to the next Little Village right up there and I don't know if you can see it in the video or not but there's just a tiny glimpse of Everest behind the clouds there but nonetheless beautiful Valley beautiful place all right [Music] looks like we've made it to tree line at about 13 000 feet [Music] behind clouds well we've been there for a while but we're there again [Music] and there's our Trail up to ding boce through the clouds up this Valley All Above tree line which we are thoroughly enjoying since we get a nice cool breeze [Music] thank you so we're coming up on our hotel hotel good luck here in uh I gotta say the hike today was refreshing getting above tree line and getting a cool breeze didn't sweat near as much even though I'm breathing just as hard we're at about 13 000 feet I think that's somewhere close to 4 000 meters we have made it to our hotel Good Luck Hotel good luck Travis how you feeling about it I'm doing pretty good I had a little blister but it's not bad there was a good hike I like to be above tree line more breweries quite refreshing yeah just beautiful hotel hard to imagine that this place is up here 13 000 plus feet 13 600 feet according to Travis's watch it's just it's beautiful mountains around us are still so tall nothing like this in Colorado that's for sure [Music] so we're actually a little over 14 000 feet my watch is in 14 156. the map that I've got says this this little village is at 14 300. so we are approaching the highest that I've ever been and to be in a place like this doing it is just amazing so today is the start of day six we're in timboche uh this would normally be a rest day on the Trek that we've got but we're pushing on to lobouche um the reason for that is we're hoping for good weather to take a longer route back home uh it's through gokyo and Dole so uh if we can get the weather to look a little different than this I think we'll be in good shape but otherwise um maybe we'll just spend another day in gorkshop or lobouche and see if we can get some better views um so yeah here we go so this morning while we were getting ready we had a small glimpse of some mountains right through there and then it clouded right back up but what's amazing to me and just being in this place is even though we're at 14 000 feet there's so much life and uh just a way of life Village I mean they're out here working every day doing stuff so it's very cool to see nonetheless so I'm recording complaining about the fog we look way up and there's a mountain poking through the clouds much higher than I would have expected starting our ascent from fourteen thousand to sixteen thousand here's a little village of dingboche as we're making our way out and it is overshadowed by ABBA tablam [Music] thank you foreign so this is a new record for me tallest mountain I've hiked is Mount massive in Colorado at 14 429 I'm at about 14. 479 so officially the highest I've ever been surrounded by clouds and surrounded by mountains that are way taller I don't know if the camera can pick it up but uh there's one right through there some others hiding by the clouds over there so pretty pretty cool moment here for me highest I've ever been [Music] yeah periche right down there in the kumja river [Music] foreign [Music] about to start climbing here shortly just make out the trail there starting right here and working our way up I think we've only got about 1100 feet of elevation and maybe a couple miles to get to lobouche where we're spending the night [Music] so this place is a memorial to all the people that have died on Everest as you can see there are quite a few quite a few [Music] so we made it to lobuche about 12 30 or yeah 12 45 something like that had some lunch got a sweet room it's the first time that there is a full-size bed instead of just two twins and we've even got our own little Western toilet wasn't expecting that in lobouche seems we got the fancy Suite with hopefully in the morning some fancy views I have bad but Noob says hiding behind the clouds there we'd love to get a peek until then there's our Hangout [Music] this is the kumbu glacier and you can see the ice way off in the distance there and that's where every space camp is yes [Music] so because of the clouds are not catching the full glimpse of these mountains but these clouds give a mystery to them still so cool nonetheless [Music] I'm singing favorite trekking song Pretty foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so today's day seven I am out of breath I've walked up this tiny little Hill and the altitude is just I'm feeling it we'll say we'll put it that way I am feeling the altitude but uh it is a clear beautiful day it's first day that we've been here where there is not a cloud in this guy maybe some little Whispers back over there but uh beautiful day I hope it stays like this we got some good views today is the Trek to base camp so all the more reason for these Jesus to stay we haven't seen it a real glimpse of Everest yet so hoping they open to make that happen today [Music] on the hike from lobouche except beautiful day beautiful views [Music] taking a little break surrounded by giant mountains inward is over 16 000 feet [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this is the one hiding back there the white Peak hiding um so we're getting ready to cross this Glacier right through here the trail if you can make it out in the distance there it goes up to calipitar and then every space camp right through there so we're definitely getting close this is the kumu glacier so sounds like water running through it really really cool to see and the clouds are creeping up on us [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is our stay for tonight and of course yep elevation sixteen thousand nine hundred just surrounded by beautiful Peaks Everest is right behind noopsy right here just on the other side and uh no please trying to border kind of follows the top of these mountains here it is pumori with a little bit of cloud cover and if you can see this Trail ahead of us that's where we're gonna hike up it's a little black Peak called kalapatar and get some views there's Noob say and just a little peak of Everest back there and hopefully get some real good views and pray that these clouds don't continue to form before we get up there it's about 1200 feet so normally no big deal but sixteen thousand feet I'm breathing hard walking on flat ground so here we go [Music] thank you highest elevation I've ever been calabatar and the Himalayas glacier [Music] laughs [Music] taking a little shortcut down through the glacier to Everest Base Camp foreign Space Camp somewhere around the corner [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so we've made it here to base camp eating some chocolate there it is a little bit of cloud cover but not terrible and sitting on top of a glacier we did it we did it [Music] [Music] all right foreign [Music] we're leaving work shut it down to periche hopefully our views stay this good it's a beautiful day [Music] like [Music] so this is a view we did not have hiking to Robert from dingbuche right now we're hiking from Gore trip to ceriche [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] just passed a group of guys working on the trail and this is what it looks like when they're done wish I had captured what it looked like back there it's a lot of work it's impressive so on the way back down we thought we were gonna stay in periche but with it being the off season there weren't really too many options so we're continuing our Trek to ferriche or apparently it just shy of 11 miles from gorks Up that's just right around the corner up here so maybe just tear over 11 miles overall today only about a thousand feet in elevation and a few thousand feet and descent we started at 16 9 and Gore except and we'll be at about 13. oh [Music] foreign so down here it feels more like jungle than mountains got the Moss and just a more humid climate but the Moss is really cool hanging down from the trees [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] we're just now getting back into a little uphill some humidity sweating like a pig and as you can see it's cloudy I don't have the views that we had when we stayed here on our way up [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so today is day nine we're hiking down from namche down the parking where they had a schedule otherwise it would be namche De Luca so we're just splitting the mileage two shorter days versus a longer day if the weather was nicer we probably would have stayed here in namche gone up to the hotel Everest viewpoint but uh still clouds so we got our best views going up and not as many views going down so thankful for the ones we did get and if I ever do this again hopefully we'll plan it outside the monsoon season [Music] take a little break in George Saleh again and now we're headed on to pot Bean Back Down in the Valley foreign [Music] [Music] to a little bit uphill and there were actually some flights out of blue clear this morning so that's a good sign hoping we can catch a flight tomorrow [Music] [Music] I'm ready to go [Music] there it is our home yeah [Music] last room on our Trek here in lukla we have a sweet set up relative I'm gonna sit I don't have to Travis is known to have a swamp butt sweaty butt so here it is with our awesome views of the clouds so we are still here in Lupa we arrived on Tuesday planning to take a flight out on Wednesday well it is Friday and we are still here so we are waiting on a helicopter now take us back to Kathmandu and do a little extra money but uh or flight leaves tomorrow this is how we're gonna get there [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Weston's Wanderings
Views: 51,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Everest Base Camp, EBC, June, Himilayas, Nepal, Everest, Namche, Phakding, Lukla, Airport, Gorakshep, Lobuche, Dingboche, Tengboche, Sagarmatha, Trek
Id: xRlHuEmj4Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 34sec (3574 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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