Everest Base Camp Trek Information Guide | Budget, itinerary, tips and FAQs | Tanya Khanijow

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hi guys and welcome to the ultimate everest base camp trek information guide i don't know how many of you already know this but my pitch lisa everest base camp check in the month of may video series in case so it is already live and you're bumping into this video much later i would have linked it in the description box or agar abhitak knight publisher of course in future i will link it in this video as well um but before i get started i want to tell you what all is this video going to contain so that particular you can jump to the timestamp which is going to be mentioned in the description box below so to get started the first thing is going to be the budget of this trip because everest base camp is a very expensive trek the second thing is going to be what to pack because packing properly for a longer trek is very important so you should also know what to pack for your trek the third thing that i'm going to talk about is the itinerary of the trek yay trek and it's going to be almost 10 to 15 days and you have to have that kind of time on your hands to be able to complete the trek so obviously you can follow the itinerary that i followed and it's going to be super easy for you in case you're planning it for yourself or going with another company the fourth thing that i'm going to talk about is uh all the things that you need to know and also the frequently asked questions so to start off with the tentative budget of this trip but explain kaneki under what circumstances did i opt in for the trip and i think this will make for a very interesting now when you're opting in for this trek with a company it's definitely going to be on a more expensive site company so merely because that adds on to [Laughter] which is also an added cost to your enough weight so you don't have to worry about that to start off with the list that i have made over here the first thing that you need is a sleeping bag the sleeping bag that you purchase you have to make sure that it's certified for at least minus eight degrees celsius otherwise conditions so at least minus eight degree celsius it should be able to sustain in the next very important aspect of a trek is that you should have some sturdy trekking shoes on you and without these shoes uh trekking is going to be a very miserable experience so please make sure that you have good trekking shoes i've been using these trekking shoes for over i think six years now i'm not kidding i bought this these six years back after everest base cam trekkie in case trekking shoes besides trekking shoes i think you should also keep running shoes on you for your normal day-to-day job normal running shoes because these get very heavy and also sweaty from the inside so to give your feet some rest you can also have normal running shoes on you and you should also keep slippers on you so that you can go to the bathroom or you can walk around while you're not checking besides that you should have at least one pair of a fleece jacket you can even have two of these but this is a basic fleece jacket which i got from decathlon what i'll do is i'll try and link as many of these products in the description box below which i find online if i don't find them online i'll try and link products which are similar to these products and of course you also need a full down jacket here down jacket with me bohot sorry videos with penchaku so you may have seen this on me before but this is my favorite down jacket which again i've been using for a lot of time almost four years i guess and additionally to feel warm please also carry thermals with you and enough pairs of thermals both both top and bottom to last you for the entire duration of the trek so maybe at least three pairs or four pairs should be should be a good number of thermals that you carry with you on some days of this trek it may also rain so you can have something like this on you which is a rain jacket and if not a rain jacket you can also go for a cheaper alternative which is a poncho so a poncho can be wrapped all around you and also over your head it's going to have a hood along with it so kind of looks like the invisibility cloak in from harry potter but you should have a poncho on you if you're going for any trek not just everest base camp trek among some of the clothing items that you need you should have at least five to six you know those full sleeves dry fit t-shirts or dry fit because you're going to be sweaty of course even if it's cold so those dry t-shirts are going to be very useful because they'll dry easily and even though the first few days of the trek are going to be sunny you should still have full sleep t-shirts so that you don't uh burn from the sun easily on higher altitudes it's very easy to burn which is why even when you go for these trekking pants go for full trekking pants and if you feel too hot some trekking pants have this option that you can convert them into shorts like these checking pens that i have on me which makes zipper hair and zipper cooling by the shorts um but have these light trekking pants on you so that so that they're not very heavy and also the material is sort of waterproof i got these pants from nepal only and from a trekking company called sonam and please don't forget to take a woolen cap and these waterproof gloves with you besides these waterproof gloves waterproof and warm gloves i always carry extra woolen gloves also to wear underneath these gloves because i feel extra cold so something like this is going to be very helpful and waterproof gloves are absolutely a must and among the other few things that you should have on you is clean socks for all days of the trek so even if you're going to be trekking for 10 days please carry 10 clean pair of socks at least and at least three to four pair of woolen socks so that you don't freeze and it goes without saying nobody is going to say it allowed for you please have clean pair of undergarments for yourself on all days of the trek that is extremely important because you don't want to be freezing while washing them in between the trek after this we come to a few accessories which are also very important one is a buff it's like a mouth covering so that the dust from the trek or the sun does not bother you too much you should also have a sun hat on you a full brim sun hat so that your neck and your face everything is protected from the sun and one of the other very underrated accessories but very important for a trek is a headlamp so a headlamp is going to fit around your head and in case it's nighttime or if you're going for a nighttime trek it's going to be very useful these are some of the important other accessories one is a trekking pole or two of these is always a good idea the more you gain altitude the more you'll realize that you need these checking poles and something like this is a must have believe me some of the people in my group did not have a camel back hydration system so this basically goes in your day bag and you can drink water while checking with this nozzle over here and it's a very useful item to have because every day of this trek you have to drink at least one to two liters two liters of water minimum and the more the merrier honestly because you're going to be climbing and gaining altitude if you want to drink clean water you can also keep a lifestraw filter bottle with you but honestly the maximum capacity of this bottle is two less than a bottle's jada capacity which is kind of a drawback but ideally you should have a one liter bottle on you which is a bigger bottle i know this adds to the weight but having a lot of water on you is going to be very important during the trek you know some of you may not think too much of these products but having a good moisturizer good facial moisturizer body lotion sunscreen and lip balm are going to be extremely important on the trek because your skin is going to dry off really fast because the sun is very extreme and the moisture levels in the in the environment are going to be low so your skin is going to dry off really fast and start crackling your lips are going to get uncomfortable so you need to have these things on you and last but not the least in your day packs and also in a surplus quantity in your other duffel bag you should have a lot of these bars and you know energy bars and protein bars so that you get energy during the trek because you're going to start feeling very hungry so full rakingy and you'll also want to munch on something while trekking so a couple of these in your day bag and keep them in excess in your other duffel bag the ones that i'm showing in this video are from my protein and these are not bars this is actually a lean brownie you and this over here is a protein flapjack i love this product because it has 20 grams of protein in this one single product and it's also very delicious and lean brownie on the other hand over here is also extremely delicious and has 14 grams of protein so you can consider buying these in case you're going for any trek but because uh my protein also has this huge sale on 15th of august i would like to recommend some products to you which you should absolutely get your hands on i've been working with my protein very closely over the last couple months and if you follow me on instagram i keep recommending these products very liberally because i absolutely love these products so one of the these other products is the clearway isolate i tried this lately and believe me my mind was blown do you do you know those drinks joe powder for me hoti and once you mix them into water they taste really good so this is also similar but it's a protein product one serving of this is going to be equivalent to 20 grams of protein but unlike most shakes your heavy bulk it dissolves into water completely and turns into like this orange drink uh which you can drink over the summers it's my ice mix kake peel and once you taste this i believe me you're going to be blown and you'd want to buy more and more of this mako already or kharidnka mankar because my bottle is going to end very soon so i love this and i want to recommend this to you please get your hands on this on the 15th august sale and another thing that i tried lately and i loved although this is not related to a trek is the protein dosa mix and it's a premix batter basically so you mix this in water and then you cook dosa normally jessica kota over a tava and it turns into a really nice and crispy dosa and you can eat it with either chutney or the dosa masala or even sambar and it's going to be a nice meal so these products are definitely something you should get your hands on and these of course if you're going on a trek or even in general products after lifestyle may don't forget to catch the sale on the 15th of august and use my coupon code tanya kh for an extra discount uh and in sub chisoko trek miragne finally the last item that you need is this bag this is a trekking bag um and yeah you can even go for a smaller size mere pasta coffee 65 liter bag you can even go for a 50 liter bag in case you know that you're going to be opting in for a porter during your everest base camp trek if not you can also use a bigger bag much bigger bag like a 70 liter bag and carry all the items with you throughout the duration of the trek which honestly i won't recommend too much because it's it's slightly difficult and challenging but go for a bag which you think is appropriate for you now we come to the itinerary of the trek and maya sorry okay now mentioned karungi obviously you'll get a better idea of what these places are altitude but i will mention all the places over here with the height of those locations also also disclaimer this is the trek itinerary that i followed for my trek because of the company that i was traveling with but agar apko ye follow based off of some other itinerary recommendation on the internet or because of some other company that you're going with that is completely fine so the first day you arrive in kathmandu and you also spend the night over there and second day you fly to a place called jahaki flights up to ideally advancement in because by the way is also one of the scariest airports to land at because airport elevation or also to runway here with the elevation so it's also very scary airport more of that coming in the video so please stay tuned the next day after fagdon you go to a place called namchi bazaar which is by far i think one of my favorite places to be at day fourth was acclimatization day at namche bazaar because after gaining a certain altitude you also have to spend a rest day taking up acclimatize high altitudes make the important activity because if you don't rest and if you don't acclimatize you can get sick and kiss and you can't complete the trek if you're going on a trek you obviously want to enjoy it so acclimatization is also very very important after spending day four in acclimatization day five you go to a place called dibuchi and the bochi is a one day trek you spend the night over there and next day immediately after the buchi you leave for a place called bingbuchi after the two days of trekking one day of dhingbuchi is going to be a rest day and once you get to dhingbuchi you'll realize that that rest is so important and you absolutely needed it high altitude trekking karna kebad it gets extremely extremely exhausting after the rest day in dhingbuchi the next day is a trek day to libuchi and the next two days of the trek are generally on the more difficult side because one day of trek to libuchi restaurants day and the next day directly you leave for a place called gorak ship and gorak shape say usidin as soon as you reach korakshev the same day you reach everest base camp also so it's a very long day of trekking all the way to gorak ship and then from there to everest base camp and after reaching everest base camp and feeling extremely happy that you finally reached to the destination that you had signed up for which is also very exhausting part of the trip a high altitude up highest altitude pace and this is probably one of the longest and most exhausting days but after everest base camp chandler garner so the next day at least in the itinerary that i was following or the company that i was traveling with was following according to this itinerary the next day after average base camp you have an optional trek to uh kalapathir or kalapataki your height is at 19 000 feet which is even higher than everest base camp altitude so kalapathir is entirely optional and you have to wake up super early in the morning for doing that you have to wake up and start off on the trek at three am so that you reach the top of kalapatha by 5 am and you can see the rising sun behind the whole uh kombu region and behind the everest peak and the site but obviously it's optional entirely depends on your endurance i personally did it and it was the best moment of my life whenever rising sunday it was absolutely worth it but kalapathika trek is a very short one and usually watching it sunrise you have to leave for the next destination and the next destination is going at least for our tech itinerary was very cheap and then we stayed at fairichi for the rest of the day after fairichi the next destination was foreign but there are so many days and so many steps involved but after debut you finally reached namche bazaar where you can almost celebrate officially the end of the trek yuki namcha bazaar by the trek gets a little more easy and you trek all the way back from namche bazaar to lukla at least for my trek italy that's what happened we trekked all the way back uh it was a very long descent day but yeah and also i wanted to get back to lukla and get back finally after such a long trek it's reckoning obviously so you're also excited about getting back to normalcy and getting back to life so lukla say you have to take a flight back to kathmandu but let me be honest look at kaiba flights name is here because the weather is very dicey over there and sometimes flights get cancelled sometimes you don't get a flight at all for me i had to stay one extra day at lakeland because the weather was really bad and i couldn't get a flight back but once you finally fly back you come back to kathmandu and coming back to kathmandu is a breath of fresh air the whole world looks different to you and once you get back to kathmandu you can fly back to your country or if you're from nepal you can come back to your regular destination on the same day or you can stay for one extra night in kathmandu and just get the general vibe of the vibe of the place kathmandu for me personally i stayed one extra night in kathmandu and the area that i was staying in was tamil area which is one of the best areas of kathmandu for travelers especially so you can book your accommodation accordingly whether you want to come back on the same day or you want to stay in kathmandu so this was the complete iterary that at least i followed you can get multiple lighteners off of the internet but if you're planning your trek yourself this can be a good start point for you and accommodations next in the course of this video i am going to tell you of some of the things that you should keep in mind before planning this trip and these are some extremely important tips that will probably save you both money time and effort so i've accumulated all the important pointers that i could find over here or i could remember off of the top of my head agar apko because pointers but i have please mention them in the comment section below and so far if you're enjoying the video please hit the like button because that is going to be really important for this video to reach more and more people so first thing that you should do before you even get on this trek is please get travel insurance and especially uh world nomads travel insurance i will link it below and that travel insurance is also going to cover evacuation and helicopter evacuation if required kyukyapic trek pajaro joe high altitude so if required and if you fall sick and if it's absolutely essential you should have travel insurance on you another coincidental injury so travel insurance is going to be really important the next thing that you should do is get a sim card at the airport airport when i recommend is going to be a pretty good utility for you to make calls and for also getting internet for as long as signal i got track way although signaling and you will have to further pay for internet if required although on a track i don't recommend that you should get internet but in case you require it mahapay internet facility here at least internet emails even though i'm traveling and my work involves travel vlogging i do have a lot of work that is ongoing even while traveling so i had to in fact i had to get on a very important call during my trek for at least two hours on two days of the trek so two different days of the trek so internet for me is a very important utility so internet music but sim card so once you get started on the trek one thing you should keep in mind is that do not climb more than 400 to 500 meters in a single day because that can make you prone to ams which is acute mountain sickness so if you don't want to fall sick please make sure that you do not climb more than this amount if you're going without a guide although i would recommend that you get a guide and a porter both for ease of trekking although that will increase the cost of the trek but i would say that it's still better if you go with a guide but although the itinerary that i've already mentioned before is according to these standards so you're going to be sorted if you're following that itinerary besides that also you should have a rest day after every 600 to 900 meters like i'd mentioned in the item day also there were a few days in the in between which are rest days so you need to rest on those days so that you can acclimatize and again don't get prone to ams all the places where you stay at so all the places that you finally reach a proper accommodation which are lodges you don't have any concept of staying in tents during this trek uh i think i looked it's probably rare because it's quite cold and the weather conditions are very extreme so more often than not you stay at these lodges at all of these different places and these lodges have really good facilities they have internet facilities they have hot water facility you can practically bathe in some of these lodges although after a certain altitude you will also have to pay for bathing and i i would say it's probably going to be a little difficult also for you to get out of the comfort of your warm clothes and bathe but at least for the beginning five six days you will be able to bathe also and if you haven't booked out these places in advance on the internet you can also request the person who is at a particular lodge at a certain height to book a place for you at the next destination because they have a way of coordinating with each other so in case your itinerary is very flexible and if you haven't planned out too much in advance you can also get on a kind of a trip accordingly the next place is going to get booked out for you in advance so when it comes to the food on this trek uh more often than not i think dal bath is the best option and you have to eat a lot of food so that you stay full and also you don't fall sick so apko at least a pura full meal lunch or a full meal dinner here besides breakfast this is obviously going to add to the cost of the trek but please don't cheap out on the food that you eat and you'll have to eat really good nutritious food so dal bhat is mostly the best option but most lodges also have other varieties of food jessica pasta good loaded cheese pizzas these are going to be more expensive but you will have the option of this kind of food also which is which completely blows my mind that even on such high altitudes these kind of things are available because painstakingly owners say say if they can afford it they get all these ingredients and stock it up so that you can eat this kind of food also so they will have a large variety of the food that is available to you but if i'm being completely honest i think the the quality of food is probably the best in namche bazaar after that even though the meals will be pretty uh heavy you will get a lot of other options also after namche bazaar the food may not be the best quality or the best tasting but please make do with it and understand that it's a high altitude trek and don't have too many expectations of the taste of the food at least like i've already mentioned before you should be drinking at least two liters of water per day minimum to not fall sick again along with water take administered courses of diamox also diamoxic medicine high altitude sickness say uh prevent safeguardia and diamox is available even off the counters at most medicine shops but how much you should be eating is something that you can consult a doctor i was taking half a tablet of diamox in the morning and half a tablet in the evening and this was administered to me by the trek coordinator only only who was with us because he had already done a course in medical medicine in sports medicine and also a course in trekking and hiking in general so he was basically making sure that we took that amount of dry mix and he started administering the diamox to us after namche bazaar sleeping bags are extremely important you should have a sleeping bag on you because even though you're staying at lodges which have beds and linen available to you and you have rooms and four walls that are completely covering you uh high altitude which is a temperature come here and beyond the point you will definitely need a sleeping bag which can save you from that kind of you know cold temperatures so having a sleeping bag on you is absolutely important and if you don't want to buy a sleeping bag you can also rent it out from kathmandu itself avoid drinking alcohol and smoking at all costs while you're climbing on the track but please don't indulge yourself because when you're climbing your body is anyway losing a lot of water and you require you need to retain as much water in your body as is possible and alcohol is generally dehydrating so please refrain from consuming alcohol even though if it's even if it's at night or even if it's on your res days do not consume it and also refrain from smoking if possible besides this you will also have the option of eating non-veg food on this trek because all the lodge owners will have the have those items on the menu at least but i would still say that please avoid eating non-veg food also because the quality of the non-veg food is not something that you can 100 percent be assured of large owners please bear in mind that all of this food is transported from kathmandu all the way to those higher altitudes on porters on horsebacks and the time that it takes to get shipped all the way from kathmandu to these locations can be quite a lot please read up on ams mountain sickness altitude sickness in general before your trek and do not take any symptoms lightly if you do feel sick consult a physician consult your trek coordinator uh trek coordinators are mostly equipped with a lot of knowledge to be able to help you so don't take any symptoms lightly but huh yeah but a little bit of breathlessness here and there is normal breathlessness her higher altitude feel okay jesse i was feeling breathlessness even at that point of time so it's quite normal to experience breathlessness especially when you're climbing stairs after a trek day or if you're roaming around in your lodge also after a track day after breathlessness feel hoagie as soon as you complete 10 000 feet and above so it's okay but don't take any symptom of at least mountain sickness very lightly so these are all the pointers that i could think of off the top of my head but in case you guys have more recommendations mention them in the comments and also please like this video if you haven't already but with this i'm going to mention frequently asked questions that at least i saw a lot of over the internet and the first question that i saw very repetitively being asked on the internet is is the trek hard so i'm being honest it's not very hard sunny like you have to be like an athlete or a marathoner or you have to be really fit to be able to do it but it is slightly challenging at least it's not super easy but it's not super hard either it's doable but make sure that you can run at least five kilometers before getting on the trek and you do basic leg exercises at least because your hamstrings your glutes and your cords are going to get used very excessively throughout the course and you're walking continuously for days together the next question that is asked often is is it expensive if i'm being honest yes it's expensive and also there's a lot of incremental and hidden costs that you will probably not realize jessica the tips that you give to people or the tips that you will have to give to people apart from that all the charging situations just have a camera battery charge you have to charge your phone anything you will have to pay incremental costs for that also uh incremental costs of food of lodgings plus these charges will only keep increasing with the duration of the trek and also you have to carry cash with you at all times because there's no fixed cost of anything and maybe eighteen to nine years so you have to withdraw cash at kathmandu or lukla and you have to make sure that you have a lot of cash for you at least 35 thousand npr if i'm being honest it not obvious minimum and at all places you will have to pay in cash and cash nahi milega so you have to make sure you have that kind of money on you and yes the trek is expensive even mirko bahati you estimate it's definitely going to be over and above that so it is an expensive trek so be mentally prepared for that next question is that how can you make bookings in advance agar apc travel companies are travel career everything is sorted but if you want to make bookings in advance you can talk to guides you can talk to porters uh try and make as many arrangements in kathmandu itself because you will have some difficulty that you will face once you get on the track so whether it's your equipment whether it's your guide portal everything kathmandu more often than not in fact even booking at different places will be available will you will have an option for it in kathmandu itself but aguero could trek make a hippie difficulty face here you can ask the reception receptionist at the lodge owners of how you can manage further where you can stay at the next destination and more often than not you will find a solution and the last question is that what do you eat on the trek like i've already mentioned before you'll get lots of options of what you can eat you should also carry bars like these with you so that you can eat it during the trek and everywhere when you anywhere when you feel hungry you can stop for lunch because there are quite a lot of places that serve lunch that serve dinner but also is going to be served at the lodge itself the meal portions are large the variety is large the food is not a problem but i would still recommend stay away from non-veg food and alcohol if you can so those were all the questions that i found off of the internet that i uh could cover and i think this is a pretty exhaustive video for everybody who's planning to go on this with them because it took me literally two hours to record this video honestly it's super long but i hope this video answered all of your questions if not hit me a comment and let me know in the comment section below we'll have a discussion over there and maybe even other people will be able to answer your questions but with this i'm going to end this super long video please make sure that you subscribe to this channel for the upcoming series based on everest base camp trek just may my pistol salgarethi i have all the beautiful views all the beautiful places lined up for you so make sure that you subscribe to this channel and also i have a new channel coming up which is called living with tanya please subscribe to that channel as well and with this i'll see you next time on another video hopefully from aerospace camp trek series i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Tanya Khanijow
Views: 644,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3CaTX66y2So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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