Ever Increasing Faith Prosperity : Its Place and Purpose in the Life of a Christian July 15st

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then team so then faith comes by hearing  and hearing by the Word of God praise God   for another day and for another privilege and  opportunity to share with you the Living Word   of God I need your continued faithful financial  support if ever-increasing they television is to   remain on the air in your area on the screen is  an address where you can mail your tag offering   or gift of look let me take this opportunity to  thank you so very much for your present path and   whatever future supports your led to give remember  you are helping to make it happen alright turn in   your Bibles to two openings Genesis chapter  two and second Corinthians chapter 6 now my   wife myself been discussing how would I make this  first entree back into the thick of things you're   going to sit down in a chair and teach you're  going to stand behind the podium and teach or   are you going to walk like you normally do so  there was a debate going on as to you know what   I was going to do and like I told her I said I  don't know because I haven't been here before so I believe that I can do what I've done in the  past and then we all find out all right Genesis   chapter chapter 2 if you have a see I have it now  I'll tell you momentarily what we're going to be   talking about nothing really new as new is new  but perhaps a new insight a new view so in the   second chapter of Genesis verse 1 says thus the  heavens and the earth and all the host of them   were finished can we get a consensus of opinion  as to what in the English language finished means   over completed done finished so could we say over  it's over okay now whacked it it says that's the   heavens and the earth and all the host of em were  finished and on the seventh day God ended his work   so ended his work what does that connote what does  that say could we agree that it is done I mean it   says and on the seventh day God ended his work so  if he ended his work then his work must have been   ended so if it ended there is no more work to do  I mean would that be a safe assessment okay watch   this now verse two and on the seventh day God  ended his work which he had done and he rested   on the seventh day from all his works which all  his work which he had done verse three then God   blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because  in it he rested from all his work which God had   created and made so it said that his work was  what finished done over so I would think that   there's no more work to do because it was  finished can you agree with that okay now   second Corinthians chapter 6 if you have us out  have it now keep in mind what we just read Thank   You Corinthians chapter 6 verse 1 then rather we  been as workers together with him also plead with   you not to receive the grace of God in vain he  said Paul says we've in as workers together with   him so if we are workers together with him that  seems to imply that he's working on something and when he says workers together with him then  he has brought us into the mix to help him   do whatever this work is did he do it so I would  think it's safe to say that this work is not the   work that we read about in Genesis chapter 2 when  it said God had finished his work this has to be   some other kind of work and he's brought us into  the loop because we were not there in the Genesis   finished but we are in this one so I submit to  you that this work that we're reading about here   in 2nd Corinthians is not the work of creation but  rather the work of restoration because we're very   familiar with the story we don't have to read it  or go through it but Adam and Eve messed up they   blew it so the creation of God was thrown into  disarray as a result of their disobedience I   submit to you that when God created in the very  beginning Adam and Eve that God was creating a   family and family blew it messed up but because  God created the family or the man and the woman   with what's called free will he had to allow  them to play their hand even though it was a   bad hand because if he had interfered with them  then he would have circumvented their free will   which then would not have made them responsible  creatures but would have made them like animal   kingdom they do what they're programmed to  do so I believe that God intent was that man   obey God and enjoy all of the privileges of the  family relationship but since man didn't follow   the protocol the whole thing got screwed up now  God has been I believe since Genesis 2 in the   process of bringing his family back together but  in order for that to occur the family has to know   that they are family and the family has to know  what it takes to get back into the place that   man had with God before man messed it up okay so  he says weaving his workers together with him so   that means that him is doing something and giving  us the privilege to a 50 so I think that we need   to know what our part in the program and how do  we achieve whatever it is God is doing because   he would not employ would not have employed us to  be a part of what he's doing if he didn't have the   idea that that program or protocol would come  to pass so we've got to look at that now some   time back pastor pride and myself conferred with  one another about a particular subject now since   he was up at bat first before me he already has  talked about it the prosperity message that he   just the series that he just taught what was  the name of n I thought I remember something   about prosperity imbalance anybody remember  that well actually there is no imbalance with   prosperity from a biblical point of view but  rather because some have misconstrued it and some have been given the assignment to deal with  it in a particular way it can appear if you look   at one individual that the person is over balanced  in that area because they have not or do not deal   with other aspects of prosperity and so he and I  decided that we would both teach on the subject   but approach it from somewhat different vantage  points he did a masterful job from the standpoint   of historical scientific and other aspect of it  to deal with and bring out a lot of different   things that personally I have never dealt with  per se over the years because that was not my   assignment the same information is available to  anyone who wants to ferret it out but I've always   felt a responsibility to stay true to my calling  no matter what anybody else does about the same   subject matter because really all subjects have  many facets you know what I mean many many many   sides to them and you have to find out the side  that your assignment is geared to and stay with   it and I've been very diligent in my own mind to  do that so my methodology has been very how should   I say very simplistic not dealing with so many  of the issues that could be dealt with but just   simply dealing with that which is simple I think  a better word that I could use is practical what   is it what does that mean practical I think  practical means simple what else easy would   easier so I've always dealt with very practical  aspects of the word of God because that's the way   that I believe the Spirit of God led me I'm a very  just in the natural and I guess you could say it's   in the genes or in the DNA I have never I haven't  I've never personally attempted to be the way I be but it seems like it it just has come naturally  to me about certain aspects of life in general   and then taking that and applying it to the  things of God case in point what I say practical   and simplistic I don't I don't sit down and  premeditate now how can I do this in a more   simple way in other words I'm standing right here  and I'm looking over there how can I physically   get over there well there your multitude of ways  I could actually turn around and walk over to that   Iowa walk-up that I'll walk across the freeway  all the way around there come down that aisle   and I'll be over there that's a legitimate way  to get there there's no law that I know of this   is that that's the way I have to go I could  go up this aisle and go that way I actually   could go up this aisle and I could walk around the  freeway that way come down one of those I'll walk   over and be back where I set a little while ago  all those are legitimate ways to do things what   happens with me just using that analogy is that  my computer always think of what is the simplest   easiest most direct and practical way to get over  there and it seems like it just comes naturally   I don't have to sit down and think about it it  just I see things that many people don't see as   a way to do something in a simplistic way okay  so that's the way I'm dealt with the with the   teaching of the word like I say I see things  that most people don't see the easiest way to   do it the way that grading the least frustration  etcetera etcetera etcetera and so that's the way   I have been with my teaching so so in teaching  it's always been a simple simplistic practical   approach to how do I get from point A to point  Z the fastest simplest quickest way with less   frustration that's always been my goal so in  teaching the word it's been the same thing I mean   I could do a lot of research and find out a lot  of things all those things are good to know but   I'm on hand every day simple practical person and  I always see the simplest way to do something and   actually it can be frustrating because you wonder  how come everybody up there and see it that way it's not a matter of right wrong it's simply a  matter of simple quick effortless etc etc etc ad   infinitum so that's the way I have I have dealt  with the teaching assignment that the Lord has   given me so we're going to talk about prosperity  and before you say well I know all of that best   to just smile keep looking straight ahead nobody  I know you're the biggest liar in the auditorium   today okay now I want you to go to second Peter  after having said all of that because we'll deal   we will be talking about some things from from a  little different standpoint even than what I've   taught in the past on the subject of prosperity  but we'll be looking at it from a little different   angle some of the things will be the same but I  got my license to do it this way from God's Word   2nd Peter chapter what did I say I didn't okay how  about chapter 1 second Peter chapter 1 if you have   a say I have it alright look at verse 10 Peter  says therefore brethren be even more diligent   to make your call and election sure for if you do  these things you will never stumble he says verse   11 for so an interest will be supplied to you  abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our   Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for this reason  say for this reason he said for this reason   say that again could we said like this for this  purpose okay he says for this reason I will not be   negligent to remind you always how often - to do  what - what remind you okay guess what you can't   be reminded of something you don't already know  you can be informed about something you don't know   but you could only be reminded about something you  previously have known would you agree all right   he says verse 12 for this reason I will not be  negligent to remind you always not sometimes but   always of these things though you know and are  established in the present truth yes I think it   is right as long as I am in this tent or physical  body to stir you up by what reminding you so we're   going to do that because as the pastor said in  his teaching and I will reiterate that we have a   gigantic concern about the body of Christ we have  an assignment in terms of our ministries but but   we have a concern that more of the body of Christ  is not either taking advantage of what they've   been exposed to because you see it and hear it  in their conversations and in their lifestyles I don't know about you but in all of the years  that I have been studying the Word of God and   coming into somewhat of a knowledge about  certain things it had been my passion - one   on you to gain from what I have found out not  that that's all there is but it has a part it   plays the part in it and I think what's good for  the goose is good for the gander and so I've been   I've been concerned pastor's been concerned that  more of our congregation is not walking in the   fullness of their covenant privileges and right  the only thing we can do to help that is to feed   information to you hopefully that you will take  and apply like we have okay now having said that   we're going to be talking about prosperity  its place and purpose in the life of the   Christian now pastor gave excellent information  about prosperity but again from an assignment   point of view there are certain things that the  Spirit of God will have us to stress you know   what I mean to to to magnify if you would and  so my assignment is then to in the find out the   simplest easiest most direct plain practical  simple way to give information to you about   different things and in this case we're talking  about prosperity now in reference to prosperity   I have and I want to again deal with the side  or the issue of material prosperity obviously   as pastor very clearly delineated that's not  all there is to prosperity but it is a part   it's a big part and it seems to be a part  that has not been fully taken advantage of   from the standpoint of the body of Christ even  in this particular congregation and that's not   a judgment call it's just simply an observation  because you know we in ministry we get feedback   we get letters we get telephone calls we get  counseling appointments with people and so we   hear the pulse of the congregation or certainly  we hear the pulse of Christians and there are many   who are challenged in reference to prosperity  the the material aspect of prosperity and that   is an important aspect as I have often said  tomorrow morning most working Christians that   are gainfully employed will get up and go to  work and the only reason you're going to work   is because of the paycheck that's not a bad  thing that that's not a criticism but it is an   observation you are going to go to work tomorrow  because you are getting paid for some service that   you are enduring if they cut off that pay and  don't pay you guess who's not going to dinner that's not a bad thing it's not a bad thing and  so that has become a very important aspect of   what society is like on planet earth if you will  remember the only thing God told Adam and Eve to   do with take care of the garden didn't say punch  a clock didn't say go to work none of those things   were involved just take care of the garden see  to it that it's taken care of taken care of now   over all the years that we've been on planet  Earth things have turned out to be a different   story and so everything now is about selling our  services which is not bad but what I'm saying is   our services mean our expertise our knowledge  or whatever it might be we usually both people   work for someone else and that's not bad and we  work for compensation that we take and use in   our lives to provide our selves and our families  with the necessary ingredients that make up what   we call life in this particular society let's say  in America both other places also but we work for   wages because those wages provide us with tools to  secure life liberty and the pursuit of happiness   amen and that's not bad that's good and so in  the process of doing that we also as children   of God are also involved with our Heavenly Father  in the work that he's doing it's not creation we   read that in chapter 2 of Genesis that's over  that gun at the done deal but the restoration   of the family bringing his family back together  God started on that at the expulsion of Adam and   Eve from the Garden of Eden so he says we read  it 2nd Corinthians where workers together with   him well if I'm a worker together with him and I  want to emphasize this go back to 2nd corinthians   momentarily let me add this in because i want to  be sure that you get this i know you know it but   i want to be sure that you get it because many  people have the wrong idea and when you have   the wrong idea it's not going to come out right  okay now in second corinthians if you have it   to have a chapter 6 okay notice it it says  remember we read in 2nd Peter Peter said I   am going to re mind you so again you can't be  reminded about something you have never known   okay so he says here in verse 1 we've in his  works together with him you see the word WI th   okay underlying market circle it do something  highlighted he says we're workers together with him notice what is conspicuous in its absence  that it doesn't say workers for him say I want to   do something total orde what will it be bring his  paper in in the afternoon at one of his the end   of one of his hard days in the universe going  to bring his paper in for him no it says we're   workers with him so with him means he's doing  something and he's giving us the privilege and   opportunity to share in what he's doing so then  we have to be informed about what's my assignment   and then we have to know what's available to us  to help us to do what we're supposed to do as   workers together with him now because of the way  the world system operates it's all about resources   and the primary resource that I alluded to a  few moments ago is material and financial gain   money in other words take money to do everything  take money to do everything and we as workers   together with him need to be equipped financially  to help him do what he's doing in the earth realm   because he's not down here doing it he does it  through the vehicle of the body of Christ and to   the extent that the vehicle the body of Christ  is equipped to that extent will he be able to   get his job done his work in other words so we  have a very important part in that program and   it boiled down to this word prosperity using it  from the standpoint of the financial aspect of him   again that's what it takes to get the job done to  provide a facility like this building to provide   all of the other things that go with it it all  boiled down to money and for those that seem to   have a problem with so-called material prosperity  they need to read the book of Revelation because   if they have the idea that there's something  intrinsically wrong with prospering materially and   financially then God Himself would be the biggest  law breaker of law no I mean think about it if you   read the book of Revelation I mean God could have  created the city with asphalt streets but he made   a city that got streets made out of gold you know  knowing you when you really think about it was   what's up with that was your brother so he's made  it given us the privilege to be workers together   with him so we have to be equipped but then at the  same time think about at the same time that we are   workers together with him not for him but with  him at the same time we got to take care of us so there's a double situation here both to be  able to be a worker with him and then to take   care of ourselves now we know the other aspect of  the word of God that God has created the family   institution family usually comprises a husband or  father a wife a mother and at least one child we   could say that that's a family you know and it  takes the wherewithal of prosperity to provide   for the family but then to have a surplus that can  be incorporated into what God is doing in terms of   redeeming his family that was lost in the Garden  of Eden it takes money I mean you can't get around   it it takes money and we have when I say we now  Chris we have a responsibility I believe to take   advantage of what God has built into the system  - first of all provides for us and then be in   position to be a work together with him to provide  for the work that he's doing in the earth realm   to reach mankind with a message of salvation takes  money I don't I don't care how you cut it it takes   money and it's going to take the money that come  from the hands of the children of God to be able   to finance this work that we're working together  with God to get accomplished so we have a I think   a tremendous responsibility to take advantage of  what God has built into the system so that we can   be adequately prepared and supplied with whatever  is needed to get the work done because we got to   do two things at the same time I got to take care  of mama and the kids and I got to take care of the   kingdom in terms of its physical manifestation  in the earth realm I and I need to know how to   do that and I still am hearing and seeing too many  Christians that are exposed to the information but   not taking advantage of it fully still struggling  and their struggle is not because the resources   are not available they're just not cashing in  on their part of it to get a slice of the pie   that they should have so we're going to look  at that remind you that just we're just going   to remind you I already know that yeah I knew  it but why you still you know why are you still alright now to give you another scripture that  you already know go to Deuteronomy chapter 8   prosperity is placed and purpose in the life  of the Christian now Satan our adversary has   so corrupted I believe the principles simple  principle of prosperity and his purpose and   he's reduced it down to things things and most  Christians like most non-christians have bought   into the program on a wholesale basis they  bought into it and the Christians are going   down the tubes just like the rest of the world  all because of not understanding the practical   simple purpose that father God has initiated put  into operation for our benefit which again is   called prosperity in other words having enough but  because the world system which is presided over by   Satan has focused on things to the exclusion of  principles Christian along with the world buying   into instant gratification and so they end up  mortgaging their future before it ever comes can't wait got to have it now and you got to  be strong you've got you have to be strong to   fight the temptation to go with what's new they  got more new stuff and 99% of it is superfluous   in other words you don't need it you don't  need it you don't need it I mean you don't   need it but if you're not the master of your  own destiny they will con you into thinking   that if I don't get one of these I'm not going  to be in on the end and Christians just like   the rest of the world have bought into that and  so it goes beyond being a worker together with   God it goes beyond just their families but  then they got a third thing going once and   desires and they usually end up ruling in the  threefold arena of family God and things it's   not like it's wrong or sinful but if the  diversion to catch your attention capture   your attention capture your wherewithal and  diverted into channels that have nothing to   do with the kingdom and so many Christians have  bought into it and they get to the point where   they think well if I don't do this I'm not going  to have things I will be able to have the things   and and they I'm so glad that in the process of  all of this teaching over the years that I got   to the point where I found out their their their  game plan so I don't let them structure my life I mean I want to I want to call the  church office or I want to call   one of my children for some strange reason  the g3 phone works just as good as the g9 I mean I don't die left doesn't work any faster   I don't get them any quicker but how  am I going to survive without the g9 and we buy into that to the exclusion of what the  word says okay Deuteronomy chapter 8 if you have   a feel I have it verse 18 it says and you shall  remember this is the Lord God speaking to the   children of Israel and ultimately to his family  and you shall remember the Lord your God for it is   he who gives you power that word literally means  ability to get well oh yes hallelujah get well   I'm going to be wealthy well that's that that's  true but not true like you think and it's not the   end of the thought okay look at this and you shall  remember the Lord your God for it is he who gives   you power to get wealth that he may establish his  covenant which he swore to your father that it is   this day now this is a word that God was giving to  the children of Israel back in the beginning but   it's a word for all seasons you know whenever you  say something it's now when you say it but because   this now when you say it is that limited to now in  terms of its function in reality whatever someone   says has to be said within the context of time  not eternity but time so you've got to be wide   enough to pick out from whatever is being said or  done or whatever that may be now to not relegate   it to now for now forever now but now is when  it's broached when it comes forth when the egg   bursts and the chicken comes out but it can have  application for the future so he's giving them a   principle here said and you should remember the  Lord your God for it is he who gives you power   or the ability to get well that he may establish  his covenant so the wealth is not for the sake   of the wealth it's so that God can establish his  covenant and personally I believe that covenant   is to restore man back to the place that man  had with God before Adam and Eve messed up okay   it noticed not not he doesn't give us power to  get things but power to get wealth that he made   not that I may not that we may but that he may so  the power or ability that God gives us to get the   wealth is for a purpose that he has in mind now  right away you got to be careful that you don't   cheat yourself out of a blessing by thinking  that you're left out of the equation so if God   is doing this so that he may do something it's  kind of like saying that maybe I won't be able   to do something no you're you're in the picture  you're included in it big time so you don't have   to be concerned but it's its power to get wealth  he doesn't give you wealth but the power to get   it so that he may establish his covenant which  is the restoration of his family God wants his   family back and apparently because the way society  or the world system is structured under Satan it   takes money to do it takes resources financial  wherewithal and you got to get past the system   you have to learn how to operate outside  the system by virtue of the principles that   God has set in motion in his kingdom because  the system is only going to let you go so far you're only going to go so far and that's  it because it's not designed for you to get   ahead you can't get off this treadmill you're  going to yet you get on it you're going to be   on it unless you understand and figure out  how to operate it'll keep you running on it   all the time I was looking I think I saw this  just a few days ago but the gas prices up now see how they play games with her just when you thought it was safe to go back  into the water here come John's again to take   over what little you did thought you gained and  there is a place in the kingdom where you can get   past that that you're going to have to learn how  to get fasted or you become a victim instead of   a victor okay so he said and you shall remember  the Lord your God for if he who gives you power   to get wealth that he may establish his covenant  which is sort of your father's as it is this day   now how does father get the power to you to get  the wealth how did how did he do that how does   that come to pass I need to know that so that  I can cooperate with the plan and receive the   benefit of it so since God doesn't give us the  wealth but the ability to get it then I need   to know how does that ability work what can I  do what should I do what ought I to do to be   able to take advantage of that ability so that I  can get in position to be a worker together with   him think about this you have never seen God come  down here on planet earth and give a handout meal   to somebody that was starving when the last time  you seen any help available to any other humans   come through the hands of a man in other words the  human is the channel but if the channel is empty   it can't do anything for anyone else and like I  say the system is not designed for you ordinarily   to get ahead so if you don't understand  how to operate outside the system legally legally then you'll end up being a  victim and not a victory even with   your good intentions so let's look at a few  things find out what our place in all of this   the purpose or rather prosperity is place  and purpose in the life of the Christian   now in order to prosper again I want to be  very clear I am definitely talking about   prosperity from a material and financial  point of view I have said it and I'll say   it again that not all that prosperity is  about but that's what I'm talking about ok that's not all there is to it but  that's what we're talking about now   ok so that you understand that I  won't ever go to a gynecologist well what's the doctor did case here  babies get better you know what is   that pediatrician that he takes care of the  babies when they get here don't he doesn't he   what about the doctor that takes care of  the women that are pregnant gynecologist obstetrician okay well I didn't say that to  be funny but simply because I don't plan to   have a baby I don't need a gynecologist or an  obstetrician but that doesn't mean that they're   not that they don't have a purpose right so  prosperity that I'm talking about is right   now it's about material and financial prosperity  that's not the only doctor in the city that's not   the only doctor in the hospital but but he's the  one delivering this baby and so that's why we're   talking about so don't throw a rock if you're  not interested in it in the subject matter is   not for you anyway I mean I don't ever get mad  when I have to go somewhere and see a sign that   said gynecologist or whatever I'm not mad I'm  not going to put up banners and stuff like that   to do away with the oncologist I don't plan to  have a baby I don't need an obstetrician but   I'm not going to vote to have them put out  of business so if you're not interested in   you don't want to be prosperous materially and  financially fine you'd be the poor part of the   family and I'll be the rich part you know so we  have to fall out about it alright so with that   in mind let's find out what is our place in the  Joshua chapter one because I have a sense that   some Christians think that simply because we  talk about material and financial prosperity   that it's just going to happen just because  they say it oh my goodness amount of time oh   my goodness isn't that amazing Wow just a right  gray architect he's been the deputy denounced   okay so very important information about how  you may obtain a CD or DVD of the metric which   you just heard for your own spirit amusement and  edification remember again that these telecast   and radio broadcasts made possible either  continued people opting to view the viewers   and listeners remember also these word from second  Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 but we walk by sail you
Channel: Fred Price Jr
Views: 2,445
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Ever Increasing Faith, Prosperity, Place, Purpose, Life, Christian
Id: WuE_A7g_1iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 57sec (3117 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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