Power of Positive Confession part 7

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mama used to say watch your mouth and she was  right your words can do more damage than you   know you are trapped by your words by the words  of your mouth I can speak death to my life or   I can speak life to my life the power of positive  confession order this powerful Bible study series   on CD or DVD welcome to ever-increasing  in godliness we walk by faith not by sight hi everyone its dr. Betty and I have a real  treat for you a pasta price teaches Tuesday Bible   studies here at Crenshaw Christian Center and  we decided to share some of these awesome lesson   series with you we need your faithful financial  support to keep every increasing faith on the air   and online and we stand in agreement with you for  the return on your good seed sown into this good   ground and now let's join apostle price all right  all right all right proverbs chapter 80 and we'll   look again at our foundational scripture probably  eight proverbs 18 if you have it say I have   it alright verse 21 there it is again death and  life are in the power of the tongue and those who   love it will eat its fruit so speaking word does  produce some kind of fruit in your life positive   or negative and the good news is the exciting news  is we control it because we should have control of   our tone we should be in control of what we say  and so consequently based upon the premise or the   principles that God is enunciated in his word it  says that death and life are in the power of the   tongue not in the power of God not in the power  of the Holy Spirit not in the part of chance but   in the power of the tongue so we can as I have  been saying we can speak like to our life or we   can speak death to our life and I always like to  emphasize this aspect and that is that what we say   has a cumulative effect meaning it's not just one  for instance negative statements that's going to   change your destiny necessarily but it's a pattern  it's a lifestyle it's what we find ourselves doing   over time that builds up a deficit or a profit so  we were talking last time about the things that   we have we need to confess we've been looking at  what we are in Christ where we are in Christ what   we possess in what we can do in Christ and all of  these things are a part of our covenant benefit   and though benefits have been provided for us we  will never personally experienced them until first   of all we know them and then make application  of them in our lives again then we we control   them so we were talking last time about what we  possess in Christ this has to do with with what   could be called our inheritance we have actually  inherited something as a result of what Jesus did   at Calvary and then of course the resurrection and  the Ascension to the Father so we need to know our   inheritance and then we need to begin to confess  our inheritance I don't know how it works I mean I   don't know how it works I don't know why it works  why is it necessary to say anything why can't   I just think it but apparently it says death and  life from the power of the turned out in the power   of the mind not in the power of the thoughts so I  figure it's best to go with the flow since that's   what he enunciated in his word so we're talking  about our inheritance Satan keeps most Christians   in bondage to some degree at least because they do  not know or claim what belongs to them as a result   of their inheritance in Christ as a consequence  they have allowed the enemy to usurp their rights   and privileges and to rob them of their healy  health joy and peace I know it did me for 17   years my wife and I we didn't know the churches  we went to didn't tell us anything about that we   had inherited anything everything was about miss  hell when you die go to heaven be with the Lord I   mean that was it thank God we'll walk through  the pearly gates and talk to Peter James and   John about how we got over but in this life it was  like catch as catch can you know just just do the   best you can but that's not Bible truth okay they  think as I just pointed out that every blessing is   coming in the future but nothing for now I think  we looked at this before but I want to briefly   go over them again first Corinthians chapter 3  first Corinthians chapter 3 our inheritance we   have an inheritance but if you don't know you  have it you can't take advantage of it and if   you don't know the procedures to take advantage of  it you can still legally have been blessed with an   inheritance but can't get any benefit out of it  chapter three first Corinthians chapter three if   you haven't say a heavy okay bear is 21 therefore  let no one boasted men for all things are yours   whether Paul or Apollo's or Cephas Peter or the  world or life or death or things present or things   to come some are yours a few are yours all are  yours and you are Christ in Christ as gods look at   psalm 115 I know we looked at these before I just  want to briefly go over them to read emphasize   them psalm 115 Psalm 150 through King here we go  here we go here we go psalm 115 if you have it   say I have it right look at verse 16 it says the  heavens even the heavens out of the Lord that the   earth he has given to the children of men so this  earth belongs to us our Genesis 1:26 well we know   this is the one you didn't have to go there God  spoke it into existence let us make man in our   image give them dominion so we have some dominion  alright in this earth realm not not in heaven but   in this earth realm alright Philippians 4:19 I  think you probably already know that one my god Philippians 4:19 but my God shall supply all  your need according to his riches in glory by   Christ Jesus but he doesn't he doesn't do that  apart from our first of all cooperating with the   principles the assent that he has set in motion  that's legally a truth but it doesn't happen   without our cooperation because if that were true  then there would be no Christians on planet earth   that would go with their needs unmet but they do  I went I went to buy something in a store just   the other day and this lady walked up to me in the  parking lot Christian knew me knew my daughter one   of my daughters called it our name but she had a  need to ask me for money I said why you need money   she said what I'm hungry so I gave her money but  I'm just saying she's a Christian which I didn't   ask her for money how come because of knowing the  things I'm telling you and operating in them over   the years there was a time I needed to ask them  I give me some money Cuddy quick I'm serious all   right Ephesians 1:3 let's look at that quickly  and then we'll move on to fresh material here   we go here we go here we go a patient's 1 and 3  if you have a seat I have it alright blessed be   the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who  has not thinking about little fees who has means   it's already done who has blessed us with not  cursed us but blessed us with every spiritual   blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus  I never thought about this before because we   looked at it when we went through this last time  together but in over the years I've looked at it   but that's why I always tell you just keep reading  the word even you even though you go over the same   thing the same thing the same thing God's Word is  forever pregnant and it constantly gives birth to   new facets of Revelation things that you didn't  see before all the years I've been reading is 14   foot 3 three years about forty three years I don't  never saw this before it's amazing he says verse 3   blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus  Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual   blessing and they have many places in Christ Jesus  well we're not in heaven we're here on earth so   if you think about it why is he blessing us with  spiritual blessing my rent is not spiritual it's   physical taxes are not spiritual they're physical  who has not who is blessing but who has blessed   us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly  places in Christ I need some physical blessings   but we have to understand that everything physical  was first of all spiritual in the mind of God   because based upon what we found out in the book  of Genesis a certain God said let there be before   God said let there be be wasn't it wasn't there  so since God is a spirit then it all started out   in the spirit world and was transferred into the  physical 3-dimensional world so everything we need   excuse me that's physical was first of all in the  mind of God spiritual and as to our faith and our   confession of the word speaking life to our life  instead of death to our life somehow I don't know   I'm just glad it work it converts that spiritual  into physical ok so blessed to be the God and   father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed  us with every spiritual not not with some not with   the major ones every Wow spiritual blessing in  the heavenly places in Christ because again that's   the point of origin but it's manifested in the  3-dimensional physical world by our obedience to   act on his word and that word is voice-activated  we speak it into existence all right all of these   provisions that we just looked at and blessings  are available to the extent that we are willing   to press do by faith and confess that they are  ours now appointed is our before theif try to   take something from us is to stick the gun in your  mouth you know you at least resisting you wouldn't   just oh yeah here I've been waiting for you all  day take my car take my purse take my money take   my wallet I don't think so and yet Christians have  let Satan do that to them out of ignorance and see   things don't work because you know they're working  they are working because you perhaps have gotten   in line with a principle and that principle is  gonna work whether you know it's working or not   Jesus told us that in John 10:10 he said the thief  only comes to steal kill and destroy so the people   take what's yours he has no right to it legally  but by virtue of us not knowing how the principles   work he will take advantage of our ignorance  and steal from us kill us if he can that's his   ultimate goal take us out all right until you  confess and faith in all those things which the   word clearly states belong to you are actually  yours now then the enemy will continue to keep   you in spiritual physical and temporal bondage by  robbing you of your inheritance and usurping your   rights and authority and in the tragic thing about  that is there is nothing father God can do about   it on your behalf simply because he's already  done it through his word but if I don't know   the word and I don't take advantage of the word  then I'm destroyed for lack of knowledge not a   lack of devotion lack of knowledge so that tells  me that nobody can stand between me and defeat so that that's how the Lord led me forty  years ago in starting this ministry   emphasize knowledge rather than feelings and  emotions I like feelings in that like emotion   I'm not opposed to them I'm not against them  but when you set them up beside knowledge I   take the knowledge rather than the emotions  because the emotion that I haven't figured   out how yet and all the years in art this  ministry has been in operation I haven't   figured out how yet to pay any bills with  emotions every time that people want money   I mean I get stuff in the mail and they say  hey there's no mountain they don't say have   some feelings what so I like to capitalize on  that all right let's see let's see let's see hi I tell you what I want to do all right  let's look at the fourth one of the things   that we need to confess and that is what you  or what we can do in Christ so often we've   been laying over the years to you know to think  that God does everything but it's up to us it's   up to us so what we can do in Christ this has  to do with your empowering or your ability it   has to do with your empowering God has empowered  us in certain areas but I can't take advantage   of that if I don't know it and then if I don't  do it you can know something you're not doing   and still get no benefit out of it personally  speaking remember again we can do say this we   can do everything the Word of God says we can  do most of the time Christians will always end   up confessing with the candy fact it can  become a habit I can't do I can't do this   I can't do that I can't do the other instead  of saying what I can do because too often we   couch our concessions in our feelings so if I  feel like I can't do that then I end up saying   I can't do that so I end up speaking debt to my  life instead of life to my life and cut myself   off from the benefit of the results of doing what  God said to do all right everything the work says   we can do we can do one thing is to certain you  will never ever be able to do more than you are   willing to confess that you can do in Christ  now what is that so proverbs chapter 6 please proverbs chapter 6 now this verse actually goes right along with  proverbs 18:21 really in terms of in terms of   its impact let me say it again one thing is  certain you will never ever be able to do   more than you are willing to confess that  you can do in Christ did you get that now   why is that so proverb chapter six if you have  a say I have it verse two says you are snared   by the words of your mouth you are taken by  the words of your mouth that goes right along   with problems 18 proverbs 18:21 death in life in  the power of the tongue snare snare a snare is a   small trap usually designed to catch animals  small animals but it says your snare by the   words of your mouth now here here here's what's  astounding about this I always like to take the   position of reading what the word doesn't say  I call it the flip flop method I flip it over   on the flip side and I'll read what it doesn't  say many times for me it seems to magnify what   it does say notice what this does not say says  you're not it says you were snared by Satan no   says you're snared by the words of your mouth  not somebody else's now yours so it seems to   me like that that means I ought to be careful in  over the long haul of what I'm saying because I   could be wrapping the rope of the trap around  my own neck and not realizing it didn't try   to blame Satan or even God well the Willetton  Lord be done what no look at this says you are you are snared by the words of you about that  dad is a principal you are taken by the words   of your mouth just just think did you just  think about it any but anyone here has been   married for ten years or longer ten years ago  you got snared you said I do I will or will you   marry me I'm glad idea that's a good trap I got  a great chef we should confess what the word says   go to Philippians chapter 4 and we we do this  we just take things for granted because it's   always been that way never really think about  it well that is a principle yeah I wouldn't be   here today and you wouldn't be here today if  she had said no when I asked her to marry me   words I didn't I think I didn't get a rope and  last to her like you would wrestle a steer rest   of this dear I asked her words and she said  yes and tonight I mean today is a result of   61 years ago the end of this week if she had  said no I no telling where I would be you'll   tell me where you would be though I mean we  we take these things for granted and it's not   like that's wrong but but we don't really think  about the importance of the words that we have   other than that we do utter that they have  an impact on us and the impact is not always   instantaneous it can be futuristic in the future  and it can have a cumulative accumulative effect   if we keep saying it I mean if you keep putting a  spoon of sugar in your coffee or tea or whatever   just keep doing it's gonna get sweeter and  sweeter and sweeter and sweeter right same   thing with words okay Philippians four if you  ever see I have it okay now verse 13 it says I   can do all things through Christ who strengthens  me now I have to I have to qualify that statement because right off I can prove that that the  statement by itself without qualification is   not right I would I have a lot of things  in life that I want to do both personally   and for the kingdom and every single thing  cost mega bucks money honey so just for a   one time deal I would love to be able to  get pregnant and have a baby no we could   sell tickets people will come from all over the  world to see the only man to ever give birth to   a baby well look at this verse I could do  all things - cries I can't I get pregnant so I use that when it's comical but if you take  take that principle out and apply it to other   areas I can only do those things God says I can do  I can't just come up with something a fantasy in   my mind and do it and say well I can do all things  through Christ who spends with me I can't go over   it and apply for a license to fly for American  Airlines next week and be flying one of them   big jets no way but he says I can do all things I  can do all things if the Covenant says I can do it   has to be qualified that way I can do all things  that the Covenant says I can do or else father God   lied to me when he told me that I could do Dustin  so are you following me so so you have to look at   what the word says and then qualify that well I  can do all things through Christ when you can't   do all thing you know it'd be great if you could  think of how much in we've been married we'll be   married sixty-one years think about all the money  we could have saved that we didn't have to buy   any groceries for 61 years we didn't have to eat  man talk about rich my rich would be really Irish   would be rich well you can't do that you can't  survive without eating so that's something you   can't do are you following me so so the principle  is that if we search the covenant we will find out   what father God says we can do and those things  that he says we can do I can do all things all   those things through Christ who strengthens me  are you following me so but you can't just glibly   say I can do all there you can't you can't get  pregnant if you're a man a lot of stuff you can't   do like how do you see a little shading about  flying the airplane I just I can't just walk   over there and say I want to fly a plane oh okay  here I don't think so everybody's dead me included now watch this it is a sin it's a sin to limit  by confessing doubt as to your ability and power   in Christ to me let me say that again it is  a sin to limit by a confession of doubt as to   your ability and power in Christ when the Word  of God tells you otherwise yeah that's a sin alright mark 16 Mark's Gospel 16 chapter look  at this verse 17 this is the words these are   the words of Jesus to Christ speaking he says  that these signs will follow those who believe   in my name they will cast out demons they  will speak with new tongues they will take   up serpents accidentally and if they drink  anything deadly accidentally it will by no   means hurt them they will lay hands on the sick  and they will recover I was in a I was in four   different denominations over a 17 year period we  never laid hands on anybody that was sick and we   had a whole lot of folk they were sick and many  died from their sicknesses and what I didn't we   didn't know about demons you know I mean from  a biblical perspective but but the key the   Lord gave me this years ago the key to this is  what is it it says and these signs will follow   those who believe and most of the time in our  minds the transition of the thought stops there   we don't necessarily consciously stop but it  stops there and these signs will follow those   who believe okay I'm a believer so the signs  will follow no no it says and these signs will   follow those who believe these signs will follow  that's what the Lord showed me yea these signs   will follow those who believe these signs this  long if you don't believe it sign there's some   churches they don't believe the signs they don't  believe in being filled with the spirit they   don't believe in speaking with other tongue you  know healing for us today they don't believe in   prosperity financial material prosperity they  don't believe it that's why it won't follow   him that's why I didn't follow us for 17 years  we didn't believe it I read it quoted it got   no benefit out of it at all cuz I didn't believe  this thing I didn't know I should listen believe   that the signs would follow but their deeds in  the book hard copy in read in my Bible if that   doesn't grab your attention that on the world will  ya these signs will follow those who believe these   signs will follow those who believe these signs  will follow these signs will follow those who   believe these signs will follow but if you don't  believe that signs will follow they won't follow you can read it 12 times a day 9 days a week  still I don't sound not gonna follow it sad   that song that's awesome in these signs will he  didn't say these signs it's a 60-40 possibility   that it might work if it's leap year and Groundhog  Day no since then these signs will follow those   who believe these signs will follow those who  believe these signs will follow now it doesn't   in terms of the text it doesn't say those words  but that's I believe that that's the principle   that's there and these signs will follow those who  believe the signs will fall if you don't believe   in the sign that I know so and and and and this  is what's astoundingly important God already said   it wouldn't have to wait for God to do something  about it it starts with us so so just like here   the latter part of the eighteenth verse says they  will lay hands on the sick and they will recover   but in 17 years and four different denominations  we never laid hands on the sick never 17 years four different churches you would think  you would stumble over some truth in 17 years we   never laid hands on the sick we have 26 votes  love the Lord came to church regularly but we   never laid hands on the sick and nobody ever  got healed because it's not up to Father God   it's up to us the key is these signs will follow  those who believe the signs will follow so if   you believe the signs will follow then you'll lay  hands on the sick in fact the opposite in most of   those churches was was the principle that will the  Lord know just how much you can bear the Lord is   testing you Lord has a purpose in that everything  is blamed on God I mean we need me here but we   didn't even hear about Satan I'm not a criticism  it's just an observation so so we'll never be able   to do more than we're willing to confess that we  can do in Christ all right look at John 14 Wow   again we're now we're again reading read stuff  this is my Bible is read so we're reading about   something Jesus in so our acceptance or rejection  of it is based on accepting or rejecting what   Jesus is but I disagree with brother price  how about disagreeing with brother Christ all I'm doing is reading what brother Christ said  if you would all right look at this now look at   this now John 14 verse 12 Jesus speaks he says  most assuredly I say to you he who believes in   Me does that believe in me again the work that I  do he will do also and greater works than these he   will do because I go to my father so just sent her  down on the work that he did you stop and think   about what does the work that he did now I don't  believe it I don't believe and I wouldn't argue   about it but I won't I don't believe this has  to do with the quality of the work but how much   of the work will get done if you stop and think  about it from the best information I have in the   four Gospels Jesus to Christ when they walked the  earth had two feet and two hands so it wouldn't be   greater in quality certainly greater in quantity  is because there's more others all right look at   Matthew 17 all right Matthew 17 if you ever see  I have it okay verse 20 this Jesus had going up   to the mountain with with Peter John and when he  came back down from the mountain there was a group   a crowd gathered because there was a man that had  a son that was demon-possessed and the man brought   the son to the disciples and they didn't cast  the demon out and so when Jesus came down then he   did it after the crowd had perhaps dispersed the  disciples came to him and said why look at verse   19 17 19 then the disciples came to Jesus proudly  and said why could we not cast it out that's like   me saying to Jesus Laura how come I can't get  pregnant because I know I don't have that kind   of authority ability or authority Y said this is  a key the disciples knew they could but for some   reason they didn't in this case if they could  not do it if they did not have the ability or   the authority to do it don't you think they would  have known that that would have been just like in   saying Laura how come we can't get pregnant to  raise a lot of money get this show on the road   quick folk would come from near and far to see it  is know he said watch this now then the disciples   came to Jesus probably yourself why can't we not  cast it out watch this now verse 20 so jesus said   of him because of your unbelief for shortly I say  to you if you have faith as the mustard seed you   will say to this mountain move from here to there  and it will move and nothing would be impossible   for you now notice again actually they asked  a simple question Jesus gave a simple answer   then the disciples verse 19 then the disciples  came to Jesus probably and said why could we   not cast it out so jesus said to them because  of your unbelief that answered their question   didn't it I said didn't it okay now verse 21 now  see you didn't write the Bible I didn't write   the Bible I didn't put this together from the  original languages Aramaic and Greek but even   the people that did made allowances and right  by verse 21 when it says however this kind does   not come out except by prayer and fasting then  there's a number one by my word however and if   you look in the margin it says that the in you  the original Oh missed verse 21 because if if   if it's by prayer and fasting then the reason  they didn't cast that that was not because of   their unbelief does that mean that's doesn't  make sense and that's confusing and look like   just common sense would tell you something well  that that depth that couldn't be true because if   you got to cast out a demon because of prayer  and fasting then you'd have to have some kind   of log or book or list to tell you how many days  you need to faster cast out what kind of demon and   why are you trying to fast most of you can't miss  one meal and I didn't call any names don't take it   personally unless I'm talking about you but people  are people people duh you can't even miss a meal   so help me how long do I have to fast why are you  trying to fast for 40 days that demon could kill   the person no Jesus said because of your unbelief  they they had the authority Jesus gave it to them   for some reason that we are not privy to for the  in this scape they didn't do it but they obviously   had the authority to do it and the ability to do  it because if it were not so then instead of Jesus   say because of your unbelief he was there because  you don't have the authority you don't have the   ability you should have known then shouldn't even  have tried to cast out the demon that's both - are   you following me so you could do something by  deductive reasoning and figure out why that didn't   work or why a certain thing didn't compute alright  go to 1st John First Epistle of John chapter 4 remember I'm saying again one thing is certain  you will never be able to do more than you are   willing to confess that you can do in Christ it  doesn't work automatically we have to activate   the system by the words of our mouth based upon  the written word we have to put God's Word in   our mouth and let God's Word out of our mouth why  it works that way I don't have a clue that's what   it says so my best shot is do it because think  about it the worst case scenario the very worst   thing that could happen it won't work that's the  worst that can happen it won't work you don't   have the organ that's about it okay John first  you're on chapter 4 if you haven't see I have   it verse 4 it says you are of God little children  and I have overcome them because he who is in you   is greater than he who is in the world now notice  how the word how that verse is structured it says   you are of God little and have overcome them the  context reveals are talking about Satan and his   kingdom and the amendment and all the things  that are negative from a judicial standpoint   in terms of the codified covenant of God God  already sees us as overcoming the enemy he   doesn't wait till we actually experientially  overcome it's a done deal in the mind of God   because the principle of the word of God is  God calls those things which be not as though   they were and actually that's why and what  causes them to come to be so we we're winners the only person that doesn't want us to know that  is Satan all right look at 2nd Timothy chapter 1 we have to say it we have to confess it 2nd Timothy chapter 1 all right second Timothy chapter one if you ever  see I have it look at verse seven it says for God   has not given us a spirit of fear but of power  and of love and of a sound mind so if there's   any fear you didn't come from God you listening  to the devil doesn't iike Satan for God has not   given us a spirit of fear that that did not come  in your salvation package there is no fear in   what God has given us through Christ Jesus fear  comes from out there comes from the kingdom of   darkness it doesn't come from father God now I  always like to qualify that word fear because   we don't have the spirit of fear but we ought  to have respect for things things that can hurt   you I'm not afraid of fire but through personal  experience over years I don't put my hand in the   stove turn that sucker up to 450 degrees and set  the timer for an hour I'm gonna pull back a nub   but I'm not afraid if I got fire in the house  but I respect it so I don't I don't play with   it but to be afraid of knowing I'll have no fire  in the house so we don't have the spirit of fear   if you give in to fear not we're not talking  about respect now look fear then you're you're   listening to and being influenced by Satan and  of course we know who he is the father of lies so   it's what he's lying to us if we allow it to all  right first John that's the First Epistle of John chapter five first John chapter five Eva one thing is certain you will  never be able to do more than   you are willing to confess  that you can do in Christ God you got a thing you got to say and you can school  yourself into it by repetition because the concept   goes against our natural human experience and  right away we said we can't do that I can't do   that you will be able to if you start confessing  you start saying you can school yourself into it   not chicken yourself you're just changing your  environment your mental environment physical   environment you're setting up a new standard okay  watch this first John chapter five if you have a   see I have it okay look at this verse four and  five for whatever literally whosoever is born of   God overcomes the world and this is the victory  that has overcome the world our faith who is he   who overcomes the world but he who believes that  Jesus is the Son of God so if you believe that   Jesus is the Son of God you should be a world  overcomer instead of overcome by the world and you you you have to read this and say this and  make it a part of your life before it's going to   really have impact on your life because it goes  against the grain of human experience see it says   for whatever or literally whosoever is born of  God overcomes the world but in you when you stop   and think about it most Christians are so many  Christian are overcome by the world you're not   overcoming the world the world is overcoming  them the system the system and says the world   mean it means the system and the influence of the  system and and it's little things but but I always   like to I always like to encounter that in things  that we can really understand just think about how   little you and I were before we became us an egg  and a sperm that could not be seen with the human   eye you had to have a microscope to see it and  look at his now are you following me so so so so   Fame can have as I've often said cumulative effect  it says for whatever I was whosoever born of God   overcomes to where most of the time we allow the  world to overcome us we say what the world says   about us we limit what we can do through Christ by  virtue of what the world says we cannot do so the   system impacts us to such an extent so many time  that we're defeated by the rejection of what God   says in his word about us forgetting the fact God  can't lie so I don't care what's going on that's   not me I am a winner I'm an overcomer I will not  let the world the system tell me when what they   tell me contradicts what God tells me but look  at what a disadvantage we're at if we don't know   what got us that's why Satan has cleverly over the  years of human church history kept the Word of God   out of the church so I praise and worship that's  great jump shout dance do i oh that's great feel   good no knowledge anything as such I won't pay  any bills not wrong but if you let that be your   major thing and not the Word of God you'd be in  trouble Wow for whatever or whosoever is born of   God overcomes the world and this is the victory  is present tense this is the victory that has   past tense overcome the world because again as  I've said often father God sees the end at the   beginning he doesn't wait till the race is over  to find out who's gonna stand on the high level   of the victory stand he sees us there already  we answer start seeing ourselves there and we   have to start saying ourselves there if you would  okay now in as much as the scripture declared that   you can be snared by the words of your mouth  you just read that in Proverbs 62 and that by   your words you will be justified and by your  words you will be condemned Matthew chapter 12   if you please Matthew 12 again we're reading read  stuff I mean meaning Jesus edges this is not Fred   price and this is Jesus this is not Christians  crenshaw Christian Center to Jesus and again to   magnify the importance of snared by your words or  death and life is in the power of the tongue look   at this Matthew 12 verse 37 Jesus is speaking he  says for by your words you will be justified or   declared righteous and by your words you will  be condemned not by your dancing shouting or   whatever oh that's good but he's by your words Wow  that again emphasizes the importance of words he   says for by your words you will be justified not  by your lifestyle and yet we knew our lifestyle   certainly ought to be a certain way based based on  the word but this is awesome for by your words you   will be justified or declared righteous by your  words and by your words you'll be condemned so   it's important actually it's imperative that we  got our lips from giving expressions to anything   negative which is an open invitation to the  enemy to oppress or overcome us we win if we win to win isn't over act on our part by taking  advantage of these things that we've been looking   at listening to none of it will do any good if you  don't implement it knowledge not acted upon will   not change your circumstances well it won't impact  you one way or the other you can have knowledge   but if you don't do something with the knowledge  can't help you and and just having knowledge by and of itself is not going to change your  circumstances you have to be a doer of the   word and the astounding thing is Father has  given us his working battle plan right here   in the Word of God it's just a matter of doing it  and and you have to be you have to be committed   to consistency you have to make this a part of  your life and then stay with it until it starts   producing the results and if it's amazing how  we can see this principle in the natural realm   farmer plants on Monday he doesn't go out and  dig the seed up on Tuesday to see if it's growing got to keep that seed in the ground fertilize  it water it we didn't got to keep it there   till he does his job so anyway the power of  positive confession and that is ended a lesson this program is now available to you on CD or  dvd to share with your family and friends CD   copies are available for your love gift of any  amount DVD copies are available for your love   gift of $15 or more for the ongoing support of  this ministry call the number on your screen or   write to apostle Frederick Casey price Vox 90,000  los angeles california 90024 and join us again on   the ever increasing faith network bringing to you  the power of faith to transform your life my girls   can call 809 273 436 or go to faith domergue allow  me to take a moment to talk with you regarding   the ever-increasing paid television broadcast  when the Lord instructed me to go on the air he   specifically said to teach his word I believe he  had you in mind the vision of the ever increasing   paid television ministry is to faithfully teach  the Word of God and proclaim the good news of   Jesus Christ to teach the precepts of faith to  Christ it is God's will for every believer to   prosper and be in health as their soul prosperous  we are moving forward in the transforming power of   faith through the IEF TV when you become a partner  with the if' TV ministry you become a worker   together with us in his good work God's method of  operation is through sowing and reaping to receive   you first have to sew according to his word I  invite you to become a worker together with us in   this ministry today begin to enjoy the privileges  and promises God has for you through Jesus Christ   here are some people to share with you how being a  partner with this ministry has blessed their life   beyond measure I started my walk with dr. price  in the UK watching the TV ministry it's helped   me grow I'm now in the US and I'm in the church  in in in New York and I'm growing there also it's   a it's a world that's - my faith from bottom up  it's very important to really participate in this   ministry in your giving to reach the millions out  there that does not know of Jesus do not know of   the love that's been extended to them so please  join us and give be a faith partner remember   you are helping to make it happen by becoming a  faith partner you are helping us to spread the   uncompromising Word of God around the world you  will receive a faith pack which includes a copy of   walking in God's Word booklet a registration gift  a 12 pack of envelopes if you decide you will send   your gift via US Postal Service and an audio CD  teaching will be sent to you every quarter there   are three options from which to choose gold silver  or bronze make your choice today become a partner   together with us you may log on to WWE IFM partner  org or call one eight hundred nine four three four   three eight eight to register for partnership  today we have thought in every single war we   have been butchered and destroyed and shut up and  come back to this country and couldn't even get a   job just because we were black race religion and  racism expose the lies expose the truth experience   the healing we should as Christians regard  no man after the flesh and what a wonderful   witness we would make as Christian if the Church  of the Lord Jesus Christ did that what an impact   it would make on the world but the world has  looked at the church in the church had been more   divided sectarian racist and prejudiced in any  other institution race religion and racism get   this historic lesson series on CD for your love  gift of three ninety nine ninety five or more or   on videotape for seven forty nine ninety five or  more out of God made every man ordered this said   by calling the number on the screen or write to  dr. Frederick Casey price apostle Frederick Casey   price in his early years always knew something was  missing in his ministry I finished it something   was missing in the book the Holy Spirit the  missing ingredient apostle price takes us on a   journey of how he received the Holy Spirit and why  you need the power of the Holy Spirit manifested   in your everyday walk to live a victorious life  call 800 927 34 36 or go to faith dome org get   your copy today much like road signs warn drivers  of trouble ahead beware the lies of Satan directs   the reader to the clear path God has laid out for  them many Christians simply flow with the traffic   believing in that which is unbiblical mythical or  just plain false as a result they continually veer   off from the way of life in this book apostle  price points out 12 false markers such as hell   as a state of mind produced by ever-increasing  faith ministries and you our faithful friend
Channel: Fred Price Jr
Views: 6,095
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: fred price jr, Ever Increasing Faith Network, Power, Positive Confession
Id: Fhj0v359E3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 26sec (3386 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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