Ever Increasing Faith Network Prosperity Its Place and Purpose in the Life of a Christian July 29st

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ever increasing faith remember these words  from the book of Romans chapter 10 verse   17 so then faith comes by hearing and hearing  by the Word of God praise God for another day   and for another privilege and opportunity to  share with you the Living Word of God I need   your continued faithful financial support if  ever increasing paid television is to remain   on the air in your area on the screen is an  address where you can mail your tithe offering   or gift of love let me take this opportunity  to thank you so very much for your past your   present and whatever future support your  live did you remember you are helping to   make it happen alright turn in your Bible to  2nd Corinthians chapter 6 and John chapter 5 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 in John chapter  5 and we will read again our foundation   scriptures and then we'll move on  to our lesson for today y'all ready   okay okay outstanding John chapter 5  and second Corinthians chapter 6 now again for the benefit of the fact that we always  have visitors in the congregation physically   and then also those ultimately that will see the  television ministry may not have seen it before so   there's always a need for a degree of repetition  now those of you that are here every single week   and never miss obviously you may say well I heard  that before yet but you're not the only person   listening least I hope not because we've so we're  in big trouble now I'm joking but seriously and   so because you have new people all the time they  need to be brought into the mix so that they can   attach themselves to what we've been already been  doing and go from there so you gotta don't don't   be selfish you know it's not just all about you  Amen there are some other people and they need   to know there's like you need to know all right  second Corinthians chapter 6 verse 1 it says we   then as workers together with him also plead with  you not to receive the grace of God in vain the   part of that verse I want to emphasize it says  we then as workers workers not vacationers but   workers together with him so it's the together  thing and it doesn't say for him but with him so   that says to us that him is doing something and  giving and is giving us the privilege to assist   him so it is working then there are things that  need to be done in terms of that work alright John   chapter fifth if you please John chapter five and  Jesus is speaking here in verse 17 John 5 if you   have a say I have it verse 17 but jesus answered  them my father has been working past tense been   working until now which takes us back 2,000 years  ago to when he walked the earth he says my father   has been working until now and I have been working  now we know from what we've already studied that   that work was not the work of creation because we  covered that in Genesis and he rested and finished   it emphasizes that word finish his work so if his  father had been working up till now meaning up to   when Jesus walked the earth and Jesus was working  it must be another project other than the creation   project which it was and it was the redemption  or retrieving of the family God's family that   was lost to Adams disobedience so God has been  working to restore the family and Jesus came   to cinch it up and give us all of the nets very  ingredients to accomplish that but remember we   just read it we're workers together with you so  he has a part which was to provide salvation we   have a part to be his hands and his feet in this  earth realm to accomplish the task of bringing   back his family okay now in order to do that it  costs money so we're talking about the purpose of   prosperity in the life of the Christian it's not  about gimmicks and gadgets and things all those   all go those things are in the mix but that's not  the emphasis the emphases I believe is that God   wants his family back and we are part of it where  the spiritual part now but we have an obligation   and a privilege to assist him in doing this work  but he's not physically here but we are so we're   the only hands that God has in the earth realm  we're the only feet that God has in the earth   realm because he's not here so if we're workers  together with him as I've already for stated in   other time and even now we need to be equipped  to do it and primarily it is to get the good   news out that God so loved the world that He gave  His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him   should not perish but have everlasting life and  in order to get that word out it cost money so   we're talking about prosperity not about every  aspect of prosperity but about that part that   brings up into the loop and provides us with the  opportunity to truly be workers together with him   I could talk about gynecology but that's not the  only medicine practice or medical practice that   there is there's ear nose and throat specialist  there's heart specialist there's brain specialist   and back specialist is podiatrist dentists all  those things are all a part of the so-called   medical profession and they're all important they  all have their part to play and then the place of   the other so prosperity that we're talking about  now is the financial in the material part it's   not all there is to it about prosperity but it's a  very vital part and we need to be clued into it so   that we can cooperate within and truly be workers  together with God ok so again to reinforce eyes   we're the only feet that God have were the only  hands that God has if I have an empty hand I can   only extend to this man and empty hand that's all  he's going to get but I got ten thousand dollars   I could give him a dollar and a half at least that  I think we could work that out but seriously we're   all that God has so we need to be included in and  clued in on how does this thing work because as I   said before I have been how do I want to say it  not unhappy but but it bothers me to see so many   be exposed to the word for such a long period of  time and make no progress you know that that you   know and you can we can tell it by by well just  like using the offering system we have to under   law under federal law we have to provide people  who give financial gifts to nonprofit corporations   like churches we have to give them a statement of  their involvement financially in order for them   to legally be able to claim a deduction on their  income tax and so we have to tabulate your giving   that's why we use the offering envelope system we  have to have a paper trail you can't just say well   I gave $10,000 well maybe you did but we have to  be able to prove it if we're every challenge so   the offering envelope is a paper trail that gives  us the option to be able to track your giving and   so we can tell that if a person's been giving  $1,000 a year let's say and suddenly all of it   all of a sudden now they're offering a drop down  to three hundred dollars a year something happened I mean something happened there's a difference and  so right away it alerts you well for something's   change well if you multiply that one person by a  thousand people or nine thousand people it makes   a big hit and the only thing we have that we  can do and provide the ministry for people is   money and I haven't I have spent I don't know how  many letters to the Godfather I have email Kosta   Nostra and I get no response that nobody ever  you know they don't email me back they don't   answer the emails so I'm convinced I can't count  on them to help I've got to go to the people of   God well how can they participate if they don't  know what they're supposed to do so we're talking   about prosperity in the life of the Christian  we are the channel that God had the only wallet   the only purse the only checkbook God had his  mind and yours and ours think about it that's   all he can't write cheques from heaven and drop  them down here he'd be arrested as a counterfeit   err no I don't say that to be facetious and I've  said it before and it's not funny but it's true   if you think I'm not telling the truth you try to  write you some make prints you some money and see   how long you last I have you in federal prison in  the federal penitentiary so I don't just say that   to be crafter or funny but it's the truth the only  legitimate money God had is the money in the body   of Christ well I've got to get to a point where I  am in position to be able to share I got a family   to take care of that's the first priority is to  take care of the family but I got to take care   of the church too as a part of all those that are  involved in working with the church well I can't   give what I don't have and the system the world  system as I've said so often is not designed for   you to get ahead designed for you to just to make  enough keep the fat cat in the ivory towers rich   making the big salaries in the big dividends and  I'm not I'm not mad at them but still we got to   do our part okay we have to do our part so is what  we're talking about now we were talking last time   or rather we were talking about go to Deuteronomy  chapter 8 let's look at this because material and   financial prosperity is a part of God's Word I  didn't invent it I didn't invent it and so all   I'm doing is taking what the word says and and I'm  going to come in in just a moment on repetition   about some things and I think that you're wise  enough you will be wise enough to see what I'm   talking about I'll broach it momentarily but right  now I want to go to this Deuteronomy chapter 8 if   you have a see I have it father God speaking to  the children of Israel prior to them going into   the Promised Land and ultimately speaking to the  body of Christ in our time he says in verse 18   and you shall remember the Lord your God for it  is he who gives you power to get wealth that he   may establish his covenant which he swore to  your father's as it is this day and you shall   remember the Lord your God for it is he who gives  you power to get wealth it's not he who gives you   PI gives you well but power to get it and that  word is ability the ability to get it okay and   you shall remember the Lord your God for it is  he who gives you power to get wealth that he may   establish his covenant which he swore to swore  to your father's as it is this day now many of   you that have been a part of this ministry for  years and years and years know that that I end   up doing a whole lot of repetition and in going  back over some of the same things that I said 99   time but here's why one of the reasons I do it  because I'm led to do it but the other reason   I do it is because it's constantly and I've used  this expression before that God's Word is forever   pregnant meaning it constantly gives birth to  new facets of Revelation if you're wise enough   to receive it now I've read just Deuteronomy  8:18 99 thousand times as it were and just   now as I read it I saw something I said my god I  never saw that before look at this he said then   you should remember the Lord your God for it is  he who gives you power to get well that he may   establish his covenant question from biblical  records how did planet earth and humanity come   about how did it get here huh I mean where did  it come from best buy huh I said um based on   biblical principle we won't argue anything  else but how did it get here well the Bible   says in the beginning God well look at this this  is incredible look at this and you shall remember   the Lord your God for it is he who gives you  power to get well why does he have to give us   power to get well he created all the wealth in  the first place why didn't he just do the job think about him he created goal I didn't invent  goal did you I didn't invent oil did you I didn't   invent precious metal did you what he did why  didn't he just do it he's the one who so loved   the world I didn't we didn't y'all didn't I  didn't I have no idea when you find out email   me the answer but that's the way he designed the  system to work and so in order for it to produce   what he created it to produce we got to cooperate  with it now we need to know how does he give us   the power to get well because I don't know about  you but since I've been on planet Earth God has   not dropped anything out of the sky on me rain  and bird droppings is about all I've seen okay   so we need to know how that works and as I pointed  out before and again at the risk of thinking I'm   coming against somebody which I'm not I pointed  out the fact that over the years has passed   through this church for many many years there have  been people like as I announced a while ago about   the anniversary our birthdays anniversaries never  asked anybody to give us anything on those dates   but we appreciate the gifts and the love and the  concern and I do know how to receive okay and and   and you are the channel people are the channel  by which God does these things and so over all   of the years that we've been involved in this  thing and and people have given to us we enjoy   it we receive it and we always stand in agreement  with those it shared for the return to them on   their discs is because they are sowing into good  ground okay now we have to figure out and find   out how does God get the power to get the wealth  now he doesn't give us wealth but it gives us the   ability to get the well so there's got to be a  format a protocol that can be followed that will   produce what he wants which is to give us power to  get well because I have to have surplus in order   to give I can't give my rent money I can't give my  you know my insurance money I can't then I'd be in   need just using that as an illustration so so we  have to have over we have to have an abundance and   Jesus said that himself out of his own mount in  John 10:10 he said the thief only comes to steal   kill and destroy he said I've come that you might  have life and have it life more life abundantly   and in some lessons back we discovered and found  out that abundance means more than enough in other   words more than survival issues you know if I if I  paid all my bills and the gas bill the light bill   and all those kinds of things then then all  the bills would be paid and I wouldn't know   anybody anything but I wouldn't have anything  either anything left over for me to do anything   particularly to so feed into the kingdom because  it has to come to us but I've got to get into   position whereby I can be a channel and because  the world system economically and financially   is presided over by Satan God is not running the  world system he runs the church when we let him instances on when we let him but but Satan  runs the economic system that's why it's so   atrociously unequal I mean and I've used this  illustration before but you know what Betty and   I just celebrated 59 years of marriage 59 years  ago to think about this now and just use your   brain for something else other than storing fan  59 years ago when we got Mary watch the stuff I   bought gasoline for my car for 16 cents a gallon  now think of what you make now and if all you   had to pay with 16 cents for your gas you'd be in  clover the system's not going to let that happen so most what five dollars a gallon now 16  cents and five dollars is a big difference   if all you had to pay with 16th in making what  you make now don't tell me that would not make   a difference financially in your financial  statement but Satan's not going to let that   happen you're going to keep jacking up  everything in every area of economic so   that you stay strapped and not be freed up  to sow into the kingdom $10 for groceries I'm serious $10 for grouchy if you spent 12 you  had gone berserk in the store they were going to   arrest you for lunacy you need to be locked up  somewhere $10 if that's all you had to pay for   groceries and 16 cents for gasoline don't tell me  you wouldn't be in good financial condition but   the system not going to let that happen because  Satan needs to keep us chained to the wheels of   Industry so that we are not freed up to be able  to give but there's a place in God where you can   get to that point where you can be a channel we've  done it Betty and I've done it over these 15 years   and it didn't take 15 years to do it I'm 59 didn't  take 59 years to do it it's just that we found out   about it very late better late than never okay  all right now I was I was meditating that's why I   would like to do I don't like to do all this other  stuff on now since it's up you could compromise   that might render thought again I get kid if you  have no idea if you're not called to do this and   you don't have a clue as to what is involved on  the inside of a person to get it done and then   all these other extraneous things it just rocks  the boat and I don't like boat rocking I like   smooth sailing anyway so I was thinking because  I mentioned before starting to see it over there   mentioned before about these people that have  given us gifts over the years and and I've watched   it not not trying to find fault but you can't you  can't help but see a name that you recognize that   you've been seeing for 10 years and every year  at your birthday or anniversary or something like   that person gives you a gift and the gift never  changes no no I don't say that facetiously but I'm   just simply saying it is a barometer it does tell  you something about the person giving the gift you   give the same 10 dollars over 15 no I don't say  that to be funny but it that tells something about   you whether you like it or not it tells something  about you I mean don't tell me your wages have not   increased in 15 years some way certainly your  expenses have what about your giving have you   ever thought about that and I was thinking about  this and I believe the Holy Spirit I've never used   this expression or this illustration but can't  you can't you now I'm not talking about giving   to me now how am I giving to the ministry or  giving to the proclamation of the gospel why   can't you increase your giving by a dollar you  don't have to give $50 you sitting around waiting   til you get a windfall and then you're going  to give $50 when I get it how about the dollar you get 50 people giving a dollar you got $50  you don't have to wait for user gives $50 so   just that's how you do it you increase it a little  bit more planning more remember about the hundred   acres remember the 200 acre illustration that I  use last time well why not just raise increase   you would be surprised usually a dollar is not  going to usually break you and so if you add   that dollar on to the two dollars you're given  that it'll be three dollars no if it's not about   how much per se but it's about how you can get in  position to receive a greater harvest on what you   saw because the harvesting is based on the sowing  seed time and harvest I gave you illustrate if   all you plan is 100 acres you're not going to get  300 acres worth of harvest you've got to increase   your acreage you've got to increase your sowing  your seating in order to get more so I'm simply   thinking why not do that so that you get in a  position if it's investing and investors have to   increase their investment opportunities and take  advantage of them to get in increase then you add   you just keep adding just keep adding okay now  having said all of that go to Joshua chapter one   panel let's look at some of the things and again  most of you know all of these things but knowing   and doing is two different things and and benefits  accrue from doing not from knowing if all you do   is know and you never do then what you know is not  going to really do your much personal good you can   crow about I know this and I know that and I know  the other but your circumstances are not going to   change amen so it's about it's about doing what  you think you know not just knowing and not doing   so we want to look at again some of the things  that the Word of God tells us in terms of how   God gets the power to get the wealth to me how did  he get because it certainly doesn't drop it out of   the sky that's for sure I don't think we'd argue  that point so there's got to be a methodology a   way that it works and I need to know how it does  so I can work it so that I can get past instant   gratification because we are bombarded 24/7 365  by those who want our allegiance financially   you've seen you've watched television how many  times have you watching a program and you're all   engrossed in it and then they break in with this  little green creature that comes walking them whether you can say 15 cents or how many times  have you seen that commercial but you know you   don't say oh you know what I'm not going to  watch KNBC anymore I'm not going to watch ABC   anymore because we always have this commercial  no you don't do that so what I'm saying to you   you don't do that and I mean they keep bombarding  us all the time it's either it's either Geico or   Allstate or let's get progressive Red Lobster  Olive Garden what are they doing they're trying   to entice you to come into their establishment  and spend your money with them that's not wrong   but they do it over and over again what if  they do that over and over a week in week   out I don't know how many commercials I've seen  with a little green animal I mean I don't know   how many times I've seen enough lobsters and  then in turn green now there used to be riddle   outfit but partially green naima seen so many  lobsters and and yet they do that so and then   you get upset and bent out of shape because  I talked about the same thing over and over   again why don't you tell the television people  then why don't you call up a Direct TV and tell   them I'm canceling my subscription with you  because every time I watch channel so-and-so   I'm seeing a little green thing talking  to me about insurance you don't do that   know what you get upset with because even said  that before still gives a little green animal alright let's find out how God does it Joshua  chapter one if you ever see I have it ok let's   begin reading at verse one says after a chapter  one Joshua first one after the death of Moses   the servant of the Lord it came to pass that  the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of nun Moses   assistant saying Moses my servant is dead now  therefore arise go over this Jordan you and   all this people to the land which I am giving to  them the children of Israel every place that the   sole of your foot will tread upon I have given  you as I said to Moses from the wilderness and   this Lebanon as far as the great river the  river Euphrates all the land of the hittite   and the Great Sea toward the going down to  the Sun shall be your territory no man shall   be able to stand before you all the days of your  life as I was with Moses so I will be with you I   will not leave you nor forsake you be strong  and of a good courage for to these people you   shall divide as an inheritance the land which  I swore to their fathers to give them only be   strong and very courageous that you may observe  to do their do again not do you deal ok ok only   be strong and very courageous verse 7 that you  may observe to do according to all the law now   that word law does not mean the Ten Commandment  and it does not mean the law of Moses as such it   really means God's Word because God's Word in  whatever setting is his law you don't find it   thank God's Word is a suggestion ok alright  verse 7 again I want to be strong and very   courageous that you may observe to do according  to all the law which Moses my servant commanded   you you'll not turn from it to the right hand  or to the left that you may prosper oh I like   that I think you can buy into Venna that you  may prosper wherever you go not some places   that you go wherever you go suburbs city desert  island ocean star moons planet whatever look at   that that's incredible look at that that you may  prosper so that tells me God wants me to prosper because he could have said it this way verse  seven he could have said it like it only be   strong and very courageous that you may observe to  do according to all the law which Moses my servant   commanded you do not turn from it to the right  hand or to the left period we still would have   known what was supposed to do he didn't have to  put the rest of it in there but he did apparently   he wants us to be aware of that that you may  prosper wherever you go this book of the law   or Word of God shall not depart from your mouth  shall not depart from your mouth besides feeding   your faith with your mouth we usually talk with  our mouths okay that's what he's talking about so   this book of the law shall not depart from your  mouth meaning I should not stop speaking God's   Word now I uh I said this once before I don't  say it often but my name birth certificate name   is Frederick Casey price and the K is for Kenneth  and the fee is for thirsty the ERC ie my father   was his father was a full-blooded Frenchman  married african-american and that's where that   word Circe came from and I used to be so adept  at profanity that I could curse you out in rhyme   I'm serious and I did it so often and so  astutely that they gave me the moniker of   sassy Circe knotted all of that to get to this  tell it personal business I said all that to get   to this this book of the law shall not depart  from your mouth that law departed from my mouth   when I came in contact with Jesus I don't do that  anymore I know how if I think of it for a moment   or two the words come back and don't sit there  playing me like you don't know what I'm talking   about suddenly all of a sudden you have selective  amnesia your words is he talking about you know   exactly what I'm talking about so that word has  departed from my mouth I don't use those anymore   okay that's what he's talking that's what he's  talking this book of the law shall not depart from   your mouth but you shall meditate in a day and  night which means and implies a lifestyle that's   always talking about you do have to do some other  things during the course of the day and the night   otherwise you're going to be dead though so he's  not telling you that all you do is this but he's   simply saying that it should be a way of life  not an anniversary thing not Groundhog Day but   it should be something you do as a part of your  daily regimen now I don't know about you again   a little more a little more personal business  I don't know about you but I bathed every day   I take a shower every day and believe it or not  I use deodorant every day I brush my teeth got   my own toothbrush fact I have two toothbrush that  one for the daytime and one for the night now I'm   just attempting to emphasize daily that's all  I trying to be funny daily and really believe   it or not I mostly on every days occasion I  put clothes on I never leave the house naked no I'm just trying to emphasize daily this is  what he said I didn't write it look at this did   he said this book of the law shall not depart  from your mouth but you shall meditate in it   day and night in day and night daily okay then  he said that you may observe to do there's that   do again doo doo doo doo doo that you may observe  to do according to all that is written in it for   then after you have done the preceding thing  for then you will make your way prosperous and   then you will have good success God is telling  us this is one of the methods by which he gets   the wealth to us is by us obeying the word  seed time and harvest if there's no planting   of seed there will be no harvest God built the  system that way so to the degree that I plan   or so to that degree I can reap or harvest and  the point the part that I like about this is   it takes away that old cobweb thing about  well if it's the will of God this is the   will of God we're reading the will of God and  in order for the will of God to be manifested   experientially in our life we have to obey it  in other words do do do it and it's real simple   we do everything else everybody else tells  us to do and we don't have a problem with it basically we do whatever people tell us to do  those particularly they're an authority over us   we don't question it without no problem with it  we don't always like all the decisions that they   make but we do it why can't we do with gun food I  mean I'm just asking you a question ok so he says   for then you will make your way prosperous so  that statement for then you will not God will   not Jesus will not the Holy Spirit will you will  make your way prosperous I said it a hundred times   I'll say it some more till I don't have any more  breath left my prosperity is based on me not on   God God has already provided all of the necessary  ingredients but I gotta do do something with them   and or about them to get to benefit God has  already put all of the necessary ingredients   materially speaking into the earth realm now  how do I get those things in my personal life   here's one way right here this is one of the  way that he does this book of the law shall   not depart from your mouth so I need to speak  God's Word but I have to do something else he   says this book of the law shall not depart from  your mouth but you shall meditate in a day and   night that you may observe to do see a lot of  you talk to talk but you don't walk to walk in   other you talk but you don't do and wonder  why step doesn't work but I've been saying   that for the last ten year you know I believe  all my needs are met and your needs are not met because you're not doing and no point looking at me like that either   because either I have two choices  either believe you or believe God somebody lying or somebody telling the truth he  says for then you will make your way prosperous   so you're responsible for your prosperity and  this is one of the methods by which God gets   the wealth to us is by setting up this system  of us obeying acting on the Word of God and   sowing and reaping and and it works like it  just it's incredible the way that it works your attitude is really bad it is that I'm  a move on I'm going to move on y'all you've   got your bad attitude it's okay though it's  alright now go to job chapter 36 I have to I   need to know how does God give me power or the  ability to get the wealth how well he set up a   system if I work the system then it will work  on my behalf and and and unlike everything in   life you have to stay with something until it  maximizes itself and and the system has a so   clued into instant gratification that we want  everything yesterday and we're not willing to   pay the price to wait for something to germinate  and come to pass if we don't get it in 15 minutes   well that didn't work you know you got to  sit you have to stay with it and I wanna I   want to encourage you if you ever own God if  you ever get a hold of this and get a victory if that doesn't heat up your water need to turn   the faucet off nothing like  a victory okay look up job 36 chapter alright verse 5 says behold God is  mighty but despised as no one he is mighty in   strength of understanding he does not preserve  the life of the wicked but gives justice to the   oppressed he does not withdraw his eyes from  the righteous but they are on the throne with   Kings for he has seated them forever and they are  exalted and if they are bound in fetters held in   the cords of affliction then he tells them their  work and their transgressions that they have acted   defiantly he also opens their ear to instruction  and command that they turn from iniquity if say if   if sale that's a qualifier if they obey and serve  Him they shall spend their days in prosperity and   their years in pleasure but if they do not obey  they shall perish by the sword and they shall die   without knowledge boy that's heavy heavy heavy  but if look wow if if that that boy you got to   get to that fine print in the contract if they  obey and serve Him and and some of some of you   you do God's Word just like you do the contract  when you got bought that car they give you four   thousand sheets of paper with print on it that  you need a microscope to read and they tell you   to read it you know you just sign you want that  car come hell or high water low water no water   I want that vehicle I'm crossing over today amen  you know yeah we don't read that stuff we do sign   it though and that's the way we do the Bible  we don't read it we don't read the fine print okay look at this because here's what here's what  God is saying Wow if they obey and serve Him they   shall spend their days not some days their days  in prosperity Wow and their years in pleasure   but if they do not obey they shall perish with  the sword and they shall die without knowledge   now when it said look at this when it says they  shall perish with the sword that's not God going   to do anything to you the system would take  care of you because when you renege on that   payment they'll come and pick it up and take it  from you it's not God but it's just a natural   sequence of events when you don't follow through  on the protocols that have been assigned to that   contract in terms of whatever it is you bought and  paid for or bought in and paying for but look at   this this tells me again God wants me to prosper  this is how he gets the wealth to me the power to   get the will if they obey in serve him again if  and that simply means to be a doer of the word   you can't you can't get around it you got you have  to do the word and it produces result but it won't   until and unless we do something on our part it's  the way the system is run you see like I said over   there and I've used this expression before and  sounds flippant but it's really not intended to   be that but I you may be the remark about okay  if you don't think that that that Counterfeiters   won't be arrested will you print a few some money  and start circulating and see how long you land   well I decided to be funny but that's the way the  system great if you're not authorized to print   the currency you can't legally do it neither  can God so if we don't do what His Word says   from a legal standpoint we can't get the benefit  of it it's kind of like it's not it's not God as   it were that just reaches down and Vanessa's him  and passes him and blesses her if that he set the   system up and when we cooperate with the system it  automatically produces a result all things being   equal good ground good seed given t IM e take care  of weeding and watering you will get are the oak   tree is in the oak seat the corn is in the seed  but you won't get the benefit of the court until   you plant to see so it's not like suddenly god  decided he likes you and is going to make your   corn come in if we do what the principal tell us  to do it's automatic in the sense it all things   being equal will produce what it's designed to  produce but you're going if i don't do my part   the seed can't plant itself i got a plan to see  i've got a water to see i've got to take care of   the sea and then it will produce what it says  corn usually doesn't turn out to be tomatoes tomatoes don't usually turn into carrots  everything produces after its kind people   don't usually have little gorillas as their  children they they give birth to others that   look like them amen so this is one of the ways  that God gets the wealth to us or the ability to   get to wealth and man this this is this verse 11  is an incredible promise look at this if if they   obey and serve Him they shall spend their days  in prosperity it tells me God wants me to prosper now now I know it I don't know what kind of Bible  you have but actually verse 11 says this if they   obey and serve Him then Fred will spend his days  in prosperity you don't see that in there what me   to turn your Bibles on you need to get another  you need to get another button and their years   in pleasure so I'm supposed to be living a life  of pleasure now that doesn't discount the other   things that are possible but right now we're  dealing with this because there are so many   that don't have a clue about this and they think  that if some kind of a John this idea some some   kind of ungodly idea I didn't write this this is  we're reading from the book of Job and if they   obey and serve Him they shall spend their days  in prosperity and their years in pleasure but if   they do not obey the issue perish by the sword the  sword of repossession the sort of cancel contracts   the sword of termination of your jaw all kinds of  things it could be it's not God reaching down to   anything - because he doesn't have to the system  will take care of you you don't make the payments   on it people will pick it up I've had mine picked  up before and they didn't ask me diddly squat   about if he just came in with a tow truck and that  sucker put them chains on that car and Jack that   baby up and took it away I didn't sign no papers  or nothing they took it away cuz I didn't pay for   so they got they'll get theirs God doesn't have  to do a thing about it so this is another method   by which God gives this wealth to us the ability  to get this wealth but in each case I have to I   have to do something I initiated we initiated all  right let's look at something else some one first   song see all these things in the Bible it's not  just window dressings or window dressing these   are principles and like I have often said you  make you know you may get want to remonstrate   with me and say well I heard that I heard that  I heard that yeah right but when is it going   to change your life when you're going to get up  off that 50 cent offering you've been given for   the last 15 years you heard it but you didn't  hear it because you really didn't hear it if   you're not doing it I mean Jesus said it another  way said if you love me keep my Commandments I   mean oh you don't have to talk to talk about  live live look just do what the man said and   to him that demonstrates that you're loving  anybody can say I love you what does that mean it means I want you I want to take you the bid  that's what I want to do what did I love you   what does that mean stick with somebody for 59  years I'd let you know what you love them okay   alright Psalm number one if you have it say  I have it blessed verse 1 blessed is the man   who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor  stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the   seat of the scornful but his delight is in the  law there that word Login meaning the word the   Word of God but his delight delight is in the law  of the Lord and in his law or word he meditates   day and night again look at this look at this  in the mouth of two or three witnesses and in   his law he meditates day and night he shall  be like a tree planted by the rivers of water   that brings forth its fruit in its season whose  leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does   shall fail I'm sorry say well oh you know what  look at that it look at PR PR OSP no PR Oh SPE   spells fail y'all need to go back to school that's  what it's what that's okay okay now now look at   this underline or mark the word whatever because  that's an alert now not something but whatever he   does shall prosper because if he meditates in that  word he's going to know the kinds of things that   he can legitimately do we're in it we'll put God  in operation in his circumstance see he'll know   I can't do that because if I do that the Lord not  going to be in that if I do that but if I do that   then God is in it so I know I got a guaranteed  return let's read that again blessed is the man or   woman who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly  nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the   seat of the scornful but his delight is in the  law or word of the Lord and in his law or word   he meditates day and night lifestyle it see real  simple lifestyle lifestyle he shall be like a   tree planted by the rivers of water that brings  forth its fruit in its season see time in her old   my time is gone oh my goodness so much but goes a  little bit more but stay right where your office   mentions been a blessing to you the announcer  with Tara some very important information about   how you may obtain a CD and or DVD of the  message which you've just heard for your   own spiritual enrichment and edification remember  again that these telecast and radio broadcast are   made possible by the continued people offerings  of you the viewers or listeners remember also   these words from second Corinthians chapter  5 verse 7 but we walk by faith not by sight
Channel: Fred Price Jr
Views: 3,239
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: Ever Increasing Faith, Prosperity, Place, Purpose, Life, Christian
Id: wqXo0u3vILk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 14sec (3134 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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