Fail Proof Living part 10

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welcome to ever-increasing in godliness welcome to ever-increasing faith remember these  words from the book of Romans chapter 10 verse   17 so then faith comes by hearing and hearing  by the Word of God praise God for another day   and for another privilege and opportunity to  share with you the Living Word of God I need   your continued faithful financial support if every  piece of faith television history main on the air   in your area on the screen is an address where  you can mail your tithes offering or gift of   love let me take this opportunity to thank you so  very much for your past your present and whatever   if you to support you're led to give remember  you are helping to make it happen alright let's   turn to 2nd Peter chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter 1  awesome awesome awesome God's Word is awesome I I have a peculiar interest my interest is is in my  brothers and sisters in Christ living a victorious   overcoming life that's that's my emphasis to  see Christians live a victorious life I really   believe that two things are accomplished by that  first of all they themselves are blessed as a   result of it in every area of life but then most  importantly I think is to be an example a signpost   along the road of life that others can look at  and see you know that stuff really works and so   our lives are a testimony even when we don't say  anything with our mouths but just our victorious   lifestyle can be and should be an awesome awesome  example an inspiration to others now second Peter   we're going to continue with our study 2nd Peter  chapter if you have it say I have it Simon Peter   verse one Simon Peter a bondservant an apostle  of Jesus Christ to those who have obtained like   precious faith with us by the righteousness of  our God and Savior Jesus Christ grace and peace   be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and  of Jesus our Lord as his divine power has given   to us all things say all things that pertain to  life and godliness through the knowledge of him   who called us by glory and virtue by which have  been given to us exceedingly great and precious   promises that through these exceedingly great and  precious promises you may permission granted you   may be partakers of the divine nature having  a scuf escaped the corruption that is in the   world through lust but also for this very reason  giving all diligence add to your faith stop right   there add to your faith that sounds like the  responsibility is in me in us add to your faith   so the assumption is and we know this from other  scripture that as born-again believers we come   into the world of Christ with the measure of faith  but then he tells us to add to it but he says in   verse 5 but also for this very reason giving  all diligence add to your faith virtue moral   excellence to virtue knowledge to knowledge  self-control to self-control perseverance   to perseverance godliness to godliness brotherly  kindness and to brotherly kindness love for if say   if little word great meaning for if these things  the previously mentioned additions we are to add   to our faith if these things are yours and abound  you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the   knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ for oh because  he who lacks these things is short-sighted even to   blindness and has forgotten that he was cleansed  from his old sins therefore brethren be even more   diligent make your call and election sure for  if there's that word again say if he says for   if you do well if you do this thing not limited to  just if you know these things unfortunately many   Christians know a lot of things but they don't  do much with it and the the blessing comes from   doing not simply from knowing he says if you do  these things you will never stumble I never can   I'm really so glad that I would the Lord led  me to develop and teach this particular series   fail-proof living that's what we're going to be  talking about because every time I do and get to   ministry I get to I get to see this and this word  to me is just it's it's an all awesome inspiring   word to me look at this he says he says for for  if for if you do hear that do for if you do these   things there's not a 64 chance that you may not  stumble he says if you do these thing he says   you will never that word just wow wipes me out  never never did that that's a that's an awesome   word never oh my all mine he says you will never  stumble for verse 11 for so and inches will be   supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting  kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so   I believe in never stumbling and that word  actually carries the idea fall down or fail   will never fall down you never fail never fail and  he applies this to our Christian life if you eat   to do these things now notice it was more than  one thing to do so it's a combination of things   but the responsibility is all ours to do notice  what's conspicuous in its absence he doesn't   say no these things the operative word is due and  that seems to be seems to be where most Christians   unfortunately it is where it all breaks down for  them they they don't do they did constantly here   they constantly know they're exposed to but they  don't do and so if you don't do then you will   stumble fail or fall down so I mean I don't know  about you but I've been down and now I'm up being   up for a long time and up is better it just you  know it is better and so he tells me I'll never   fail so I look for never failing never falling  never stumbling because that's what he told me   and since he's not a liar then it must be true  say it's not true because we're experiencing it   is it's we should be experiencing it because  it's true but we'll never experience it if we   don't do you know my favorite do do de de W no  justification oh you don't understand do good   what did that mean oh you got it okay now we're  talking about fail-proof living he told us to   add certain things to our faith so we have paper  we have to add things to them and knowledge we   were talking about but we need both spiritual  knowledge and material now is because we live   in a three-dimensional physical world so we need  to have knowledge about it but we also need a lot   of knowledge about spiritual things we talked  about temperance self control control self and   that's another part of why many Christians don't  experience that not failing life is because they   don't do what the word says so we started talking  last time as we close about patience and that word   patience means perseverance and it it literally  means literally means endurance the the ability   to stand and having done all to stand it's the  easiest thing in the world a lie down I mean most   of us do that everything that we go to bed right  well how many of you sleep standing up probably   later so you you know but the ability to stand  we're talking now about our Christian lives as   we live them in this thin cursed world with the  dominance of Satan everywhere coming against us   so we started talking about this patience he  said add that so it's not automatic apparently   it doesn't just automatically have I got a have to  overtly do something IDI patience or endurance or   the ability to stand let's go to Luke chapter 21 I  think we looked at this last time just as we close   but let's look at it again all of these things are  so so important in order to live this not failing   no fall down life and I'd like I said I've been  down before in life even when I was a Christian   because I didn't know I had no knowledge nobody  told me anything they just told me to hold on to   God's unchanging hand and that and that sounded  really good but nobody ever told me where his   hand was see I could reach out I got that hand  like there it is no problem but they just simply   said hold on to God's unchanging hand that's  great it sounds wonderful but nobody ever told   me where his hand was so I could never hold on  to it so life beat me up turn me every way but   loose and I really didn't like it it didn't feel  good and so when I found out that I didn't have   to live that way I made a personal choice and  decision that I would no longer fall down pale   in life but I had to do some things and they were  challenging things to do I had to add some things   to my faith first of all I had to found out I had  faith then I had to find out how to add to it and   it's been an awesome awesome life since 1970  huh the exact in 1970 and and they'll bill the   charter members have been here from the start of  Crenshaw Center no I haven't changed and I know   people want you to change because that's the  part of our society every always something new   different different different but you know it's  all right to change I'm not opposed to changing   but I don't see why change what's not broke you  know I mean I I believe in changing defeat change   you know that into victory but just to change for  the sake of change in to keep up with the society   forget it no value in it as far as I'm concerned  so I I I remain the same and I'm enjoying life   to the fullest I mean I'm not to had challenges  because we have an enemy but to be able to enjoy   life man is awesome awesome ok I told you to  turn to what Luke we got to you turn to John   maybe Matthew you sure it's Lou what's happening  alright if you insist 21 watch this we looked at   this last time but I want to elaborate on a little  more verse 19 says by your patience or endurance   possess your souls now God's Word is not directed  to your intellect it's directed to the real you   that lives on the inside of this physical  body the part of you that's been born again   your spirit by your patience or endurance possess  your soul so your and souls are separate entities your is not the soul in the soul is not your  look at it he said by your patience or endurance   possess your soul well what is what can we get up  in MO agreement on what what does just the word   take it out of the Bible right and send it out  here by itself pulls this what does it mean to   possess something or whatever what what what does  that mean ownership what does it mean yours yours   it's in your control okay look at this by your  patience your endurance possess your souls so I   want to say it again your and souls are separate  your is the spirit part of your threefold nature   the real you that looks out through these windows  because that's your sold your souls continued   desire your will emotion and your human intellect  and isn't it the real challenge that we have when   you stop and think about it get your head screwed  on right thinking right giving proper direction to   your physical body instead of letting your body  give direction to your mind so this possess take   charge of your soul that is what we are challenged  to do in order to have fail-proof living living   without failing never stomach never falling by  your patient by your by your not God notice that   not by God's not by Jesus not by the Holy Spirit  by your your patience by your patience you got   to do this we have to do this by your patience  possess take charge up take control of your soul   your intellect your mind and all this involved  in it by your endurance by your patience pull   this not by somebody else's it doesn't even say  by praying just take charge possess that's our   responsibility now that's if you want fail-proof  living now if you don't mind failing go for it   like the old saying goes I've been there done  that an idiot way wasn't good good and when I   found out there was another way to live I said oh  my god also I'm taking advantage of this and it's   a job it's a challenge because your mind is going  450 thousand different directions at the same time   and everything in our society is geared towards  getting the capturing of your mind your attention   in other words and if we had as much confidence  in the system if we had that much confidence in   the Word of God and in the directive that he  gives us boy what a awesome life we could live   but the world just it tells us everything I mean  I'm just using this don't take it personally I'm   just using this it just comes to mind it wasn't  part of my previous thinking but it amazes me how   Christian now it wouldn't be so bad sinners when  we say sinners non-christian you expect that but   Christian are just as gullible as unsaved people  I know women I'm just using this now I know women   in the minute I know women they they they they buy  into anything that comes down the line they have   these shoes now that's got heels on them above  it but the watching I know about what about that   high platform that big and here I know I know  personally women that will wear those they aware   those out in public and as soon as they get a  chance they take the kid they have these great big   I couldn't figure out at first why they had the  pocket of a person but I find out what they take   soon as they get out of sight of other people they  take those shoes off and put them in their bed killing over but because Society says this is it  their souls are out of control they're strictly   giving in to what to them the directing of  the system tells us and there even though   they know it's hurting them and it's just  going to be amazing to see how many years   later pastor is you the pastor how many people  you go ahead how many women you have to pray   for try to get their legs their thighs and  their calves and their feet together after   wearing those stupid shoes now just using that  is one illustration and and I mean I'll ask for   I don't think I'll do this I ask for a show of  hands now how many hope I mean you wouldn't get   them shoes on right number we won't go there  we went with it they killing your feet but the   world says that's the standard of beauty the  world says that that means you are really in   you you you up to what's going on it's so  a lot of control standard doing something   that's beneficial to you do something is  hurting you well a daddy I hope they don't   wear too high shoes like that let me know min  where no house you not showing aware enough you say what well wait what tell me what  I can pick on you your woman so you would   be observant about these things what can I deal  with did you know me I don't have a problem talk   to me she can't she can't think of anything  yeah that's the fleshing out of control CNET   possessing her soul okay alright now alright  I just I just used that as one illustration   all kinds of things all kind of thing I mean  just like something you've got five cell phones that's death both male and female that's equal  opportunity thing okay five cellphones and then   when they just even suggest that they're gonna  put out another model Christians along with the   rest of the fools standing in line waiting for  that it's a it's really it's amazing now I'm   not knocking that per se but it seems unfair to  me that Christians would buy into that with that   kind of devotion and commitment and dedication  but won't do that about being on time to church   once a week and or reading your word I'm gonna  move on yes I'm moving on I just moving on but   possess your soul because that's your soul  patience endurance all right let's pick you   something else Romans chapter 5 we get we have  to add these things to our lives Romans chapter   5 Wow Romans chapter 5 remember now it is our  responsibility to add these things to our lives   they don't occur by osmosis it's something you  have to overtly deliberately do you've got to   add I mean most Christians don't have a problem  adding you know how to add weight on just keep keeps definitely in there all right now Roman chapter Romans chapter  five if I don't speak to choose just simply   say apostle you're not speaking the truth and  see I didn't go I don't ever call anybody name   so you can't you you you you can't you don't have  to Amen sister hallelujah mm-hmm okay what's just   now Roma chapter five if you ever say I have it  alright verse 1 therefore having been justified   or declared righteous by faith we have peace  with God through our Lord Jesus Christ through   whom also we have access by faith into this grace  in which we stand and rejoice in the hope of the   glory of God and not only that but we also glory  in tribulation this is exactly where we left off   less than we glory in tribulations knowing  that tribulation produces perseverance and   perseverance character and character hope now hope  does not disappoint because the love of God has   been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit  who was given to us now notice verse 3 and 4 and   not only that but we also glory in tribulation  knowing that tribulation produces perseverance   the ability to stand patience in other words  the only way you have the only way you learn   patience is to be patient I had at my early days  of being a Christian I learned it the hard way   I wanted patience that I wanted it right now no  I prayed and I asked I'm serious I prayed and I   said lord give me more paste you would have know  I was the most my impatience was impatient and I   prayed to God to give me patience but I found out  the only way you have it and develop it is to be   patient so that simply means to wait whatever it  is you're waiting for he's got to wait you can't   you can't pray it on if you have to develop it  by waiting that's how you develop patience is by   being patient which means to be patient and that  means to be patient when you're you know waiting   okay look at this now he says and not only that  but we also glory in tribulations knowing that   tribulation produces perseverance now when we  say glory and tribulation you know nobody likes   bad stuff do you know what I'm saying but when you  understand the good that can come out of it then   you can appreciate it not for its sake but for the  value that comes as a result of it because that's   how that's how to learn how to be patient was by  being patient I just had to do it just it took   time didn't want to wait I didn't want to wait I  want everything yesterday right now I gotta have   it now I had to learn how to wait and I'm so glad  that I did because it makes life so smooth and   easy because then you can know that you know that  you know that the end result you already have the   victory it's just a matter of manifestation but  when you're impatient non-developed is frustrating   now so he says verse 3 again and not only that but  we also glory in tribulations knowing see you you   can't glory in the tribulation if you don't know  something see you got it you got to pick up on it   because there's nothing intrinsically valuable  valuable about tribulation but it can be if you   know this what is it knowing that tribulation  produces perseverance the ability to stand the   ability to wait have patience and perseverance  produces character and character hope now hope   does not disappoint because has been poured out  in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to   us alright look at this now look at this Hebrews  chapter 6 he said it tells us to add this to add   this to us we have to do this and it can produce  awesome results now again is it's it's hard to   know what's going on in someone else's life from  the spiritual perspective are you following me you   can know what's going on in your life spiritually  but you really can't difficult to share that with   somebody else because everybody's experience  level is different but but you can you can   gain some knowledge insights by other people's  experiences I got off and said that experience   is not the best teachers it is a teacher the best  teacher learned from somebody else's foolishness   you know why bump your head when you can learn  somebody else he did that I don't need to do with   it I don't need to go there no forget that you  know but you can't learn from others and we use   illustrations to help people to see the value of  learning how possession so develop your patience   your endurance your ability to stand because the  end result is so far that more valuable than the   time or the effort that it took you to get to  that point now having said that let's go again   or let's go rather I should say Hebrews chapter  6 okay look at this verse 10 Hebrews 6 and 10 for   God is not unjust to forget your work and labor  of love which you have shown toward his name in   that you have ministered to the Saints and do  minister we decide that each one of you show   the same diligence to the full assurance aful  until the end that you do not become sluggish   but imitate those who through faith and patience  inherit the promises plural look at it that you do   not become sluggish that means lazy and shiftless  that's the modern interpretation of that reason   we're okay that you do not become so it's not  automatic it doesn't just automatically fall   on your like rain you have to become that look at  this that you do not become so you got to work on   becoming sluggish you got to work on it and some  of you are past masters at it the idea mission in   your name so just keep smiling looking straight  ahead nobody will know I'm talking about you if   an omission a name but but look at it it is that  you do not become so that means I don't have to   become sluggish but I can and I will if I don't  take some steps to protect myself look at this now   that you do not become sluggish but imitators can  we get a agreement on the definition of imitate   copy ape act like copy but but but but but but  but but but but how how can you copy something   that's not there I mean you can't put nothing into  a copy machine to get a copy of nothing you have   to put something in there in order to make a copy  right so imitate or copy so he says that you do   not become sluggish but imitators who through  faith and patience or endurance inherit the   promises so how do you know what to imitate or who  to imitate you have to find somebody that's gone   ahead of you and has overcome by pace patience  and then copy them so howhow are you gonna know   who that is unless they tell you because we're not  with each other all the time you can't just look   at somebody and tell that they're prosperous or  they're winning in life or that they're standing   and not falling you can't do that just like I  mean just like think about it today did not take   it personal now personally but but just a glad  today you look at people that you don't know   is that they're here or what man it's probably  theirs because they bought it but still I mean   you know it did it come out of their mamas move  on that's what I'm talking about these days you   don't know nothin man these are bought and paid  for these are bought and paid for you don't know   what you're looking at anymore amen I'm serious  I don't mean to be funny but that is the truth   now you just can't look at somebody and tell what  I did that may not be that may not be their teeth you don't know what you're looking at anymore  so unless somebody tells you and it has to be   and should be someone that you have some degree of  competence in that they're telling you the truth   then you can imitate or copy now patience  or endurance or the ability to wait I use   material illustration because that's something  everybody can relate to you can't relate to the   spiritual thing because you don't know per  se what's going on in someone else's life   spiritually but all of this that I'm telling  you it works and it brings you to a place of   Awesome victory in your life because think  about this if you don't do anything for the   next 15 years guess what's going to happen  the 15 years is gonna pass it's gonna pass   anyway so you might as well be doing something  constructive something that's adding to you not   taking away from you or just marking time  man 15 years there's a lot of telling when   you think about it you know when you're young  you know that 15 year what is that you find out   these keep on keepin on you find out but 15  years is a lot of telling so we've got to   learn how to do this so I want to share just  a couple of things that I went through that I   learned from this why I can say it or tell you  about it with conviction and without hesitation one day I said I believe out of my heart out  of my spirit I said somebody is going to give   me not the church I believe in for the church  but I was talking about Fred of course Betty   included I said somebody's going to give me  1 million dollars and I said it I said it for   so that Satan could hear it and his demons  could hear a million dollars a lot of money and guess what it took 13 years for that  million dollars to come but some one day   somebody handed me a check for me and  those I have a friend on my wall at home now you might say okay you're supposed to be a  great man of faith in power how come it took 15   how come how come it took 13 years well here's  and I want to use this principle not just in   terms of money but also in terms of the mate you  may be looking for a husband you may be looking   for a wife and you've been praying you've been  claiming had to come to pass yet but there are   reasons why it takes time for things to happen  13 years I believed that I had received a million   dollars personal money of me 1 million dollars  and one day somebody gave it to me ok why did   it take so long what was your faith week okay  what did week or something not necessarily but   what happens is everything that all of us need  need and in or and any or everything that we   would ever desire that is consistent with the  godly life is not going to drop out of heaven actually if you stop and think about it from the  material point of view any and everything you ever   would want or desire that they've already come up  with it you already know about it like unlike the   hell it's already here in the earth realm you  just don't have it but it's already here the   house you want to carve you more mmm whatever  it might be it's already here but it's in the   hands of others whether it's a car dealership  or just an individual person well God will work   through the circumstances to bring you what it  is you desire because it's got to come through   Cuban hands it was the human hand it wrote that  check out for 1 million dollars got that right   yeah but now what here's what happened very  important information and it works on every   other level of your Christian life first of all  God has to find someone and when I say finding   he knows who it is but God has to find someone  number one that has a million dollars disposable   income everybody doesn't have a million dollars  so God came fine look at all the people that are   here today I well I'll just ask the question no  no I just to show you if you if you could look   around and see how many people in this auditorium  right now and perhaps how many are watching or   will be watching by television how many of you  have a million dollars disposable income that   you could get up off of and it might affect your  lifestyle not by faith you have a million dollars okay okay so number one God has to find somebody  with a million dollars disposable income secondly   God's got to find someone who is listening to  his voice when he says go give Fred price 1   million dollars so that takes time for God to  find that person and when I say fine it's not   that he doesn't know where the person is but that  person themselves has to come into a point where   they know what's going on and if God speaks to  them they will see a great view cute devil in   Jesus sounds comical but it's not God had to  find somebody took that long for some Bobby   because they had to get or accumulate or come  into that kind of money that they could afford   to give away and still survive economically and  financially a million dollars is a lot of money   and there they kept on living well that's that's  just on a personal basis but ok let's look at   it again from a biblical point of you I won't go  to the scripture I don't need to because most of   you probably are familiar with the story but there  was a man in the Bible that became a friend of God   his name was Abraham and God came to him in the  twilight of his years he and his wife at 75 years   old God said you're gonna have a son up to that  time his wife had been barren unable to conceive   seed and all those years that they were married  they couldn't the neighbor could have a son God   can be 75 years old said to him you gonna have  a child gonna have a son 25 years later when he   was 100 years old when it's probably unrealistic  to think you going to get a pregnant at 100 years   old his wife was 90 years old they're not very  many 90 year old women giving birth to children   yes don't happen every week 25 years 75 to 125  years why'd it take that lump I know I don't   have a clue then 25 years later after God taught  him you're gonna have a son angels appeared to   he and his wife and they said next year this time  he's gonna have a baby his wife couldn't even hit   she couldn't take it she couldn't leave it he said  well I wish you wish she laughed it was like yeah   right right yeah hey that happens all the time you  know why'd it take that long but he he patiently   endured he kept he kept with the promise of God  said God made the promise but he didn't say it's   gonna happen three hours from now that's where you  need that patience that endurance that ability to   stand and not waver during that time Mia knows it  came to pass that's why when I talked to you about   it I'm talking out of experience the word first  but out of experience it works and that's just   one facet of it there's all kinds of other areas  but everybody can relate to money that's only   reason I used thing about money because everybody  I don't think anybody in didn't know what money   is guess what if you don't know you don't need  to know it's forgive it don't even worry about   okay let's look at something else did I tell you  to turn to Hebrews chapter 6 did we ever read that did we read it what were the verses that gave you  what is it verse 10 to 12 hebrews chapter what 6   really how many verses that I read ok let's look  at it again I want you to get this Hebrews chapter   6 if you have to say I have it verse 10 for God is  not unjust to forget your work and labor of love   which you have shown toward his name and that  you have minister to the Saints and do minister   and we desired that each one of you should each  one of you show the same the same diligence to   the full assurance of hope until the end what's  the end the end this way to manifest that's the   end at the end when the benefits whatever it  is verse 12 that you do not become sluggish   shiftless and lazy but imitate that's what we were  talking about imitate I gave you the illustration   about the million dollars but imitate those who  through faith and patience inherit the promises   what promises whatever promises that you base  your desire on my God shall supply all your need   Jesus simple things wherever you desire I desired  a million dollars so I went for it okay watch this   now verse 12 that you do not become sluggish  but imitators who through faith and patience   inherit the promises watch this now verse 14 for  when God made a promise to Abraham I just talked   about Abraham 75 years old 100 years old came  up with a child for when God made a promise to   Abraham because he could swear by no one greater  he swore by himself saying surely blessing I will   bless you and multiplying I will multiply you and  so after Oh God underlined the word highlight the   word you got a highlighter highlighted if you  don't have a highlighter and spit on it some   kind of way to see you can when you go back you'll  always win oh that's my spit okay I'm serious now   watch his tongue he says he says and so verse  50 and so after say after oh you gotta get the   actors the this is critical after not before after  and so after he had patiently endured he obtained   the promise didn't get the promise till after so  if you don't develop your patience or endurance   then they'll know there won't be any after and  and notice this this is this is very critical to   get notice it doesn't say and so after God made  him patient he did look and so after he had say   he had say he had after he had patiently endured  he obtained the promise because again we're in   warfare you you have opposition and your biggest  challenge to the manifestation of anything that   you desire the biggest challenge you're going  to have is with your soul your mind that's where   Satan's gonna attack he's not gonna attack you in  your big toe on your left foot no I'm not trying   to be funny he's gonna attack you being play so  now how can that come to pass who in the world   gonna give you a million dollars I never even gave  it a thought I'm serious I didn't care who it came   from I mean a collie dog who come down the street  with a brown paper bag in his mouth with the   million dollars inside the bag I'm a happy camper  I won't try to figure out not know who could do   that see do I know anybody got a man that I never  even gave you out of that that's not my problem I   pray my problem is to stand on the word patiently  endure God take care of whoever has it are you   following me so your biggest challenge will be  through the mind gate Satan will come against   you to say now how in the world is that gonna come  to pass see that's what Sarah was laughing about   yeah right ninety years old always been barren  never I was never able to have a child and I'm   gonna have I will be ninety my nap sir a hundred  and we don't have a child right seeing that in the   natural realm it's inconceivable now let me inject  another little thought here about this patiently   waiting in this enjoyment now I don't mean this  unkindly I'm not shooting at anybody or any gender   it simply appears over all the years that I was  the pastor of this church most of the issues came   in women looking for husbands not wrong I'm just  simply saying we have more experience with that   and some have found in the so called an or the so  called wife and it didn't work because they didn't   patiently and do it they didn't wait for God they  just find it find what kind of car does he drive how big is your boobs see not me things would come  on don't be play be oh and that's what that's and   stuff we we look at the exterior and trust me  after 30 years Mount Everest will no longer be   Mount Everest could be Death Valley hallelujah the  truth is he hid don't look at you you nap how you   look when you got out of high school be honest  about it so what happens is but this is really   really a serious sensitive issue you wonder  why you've been believing God other than a one   husband I want a husband and and I know some that  have been a part of this ministry over the years   and they can't understand why they haven't had a  husband yet why that man has your shoulder or that   woman has showed up but have you ever stopped  to think about it marriage is a partnership biblical marriage is a partnership with a  male and a female biblical marriage is all   I'm talking about baby come here by box don't  move okay are you going to wear else that's   okay this Bible that's all okay my sister  you want the perfect husband the perfect   male you want the perfect female but have you  ever thought about the fact that you may want   the perfect male but are you suited as  a female for the perfect male doesn't   the perfect male also have a desire and a  right to have the proper wife you got all   these things you want in the husband but are  you all those things that the husband wants so if God's gonna make a match he's got to find  out the male and the female that have the kind of   intrinsic values in them that the other person  needs and so it may take some time because you   looking for the wrong stuff instead of looking  for the inside what's on the inside you looking   at the exterior and like I say without trying  to be crass recruited you you don't know what   you're looking at anymore that's just at  you you don't know what you're looking at I mean it's a scary proposition either myoma  I told my I told my wife you take care of   yourself and I'm gonna take care of her and  do everything I can to keep this lady here   as long as no because I was never created to  be single I'm not I'm not a sayin I ain't no   ain't no single nothin no no no no no I told  you I'm telling here and I'm taking this good   care of her as I can treating her with respect  and dignity over all of these year I wanted to   last a long time hopefully we go out of here  together because I told you you know you   play the fool and get out and leave me ain't  gonna stay single I'm gonna marry something hey hey no no saying go down no no no no no  no no no no take care yes the abnormal and   I'm gonna take care of me for Mama yeah  that's scripture talking priests on bro   treats ah it is not good for man to be  alone in if you look at that scripture   very carefully you'll see Fred prices name  in there not good for Fred price to be alone   amen but think about it you want mr. fine  and you want sister fine but are you ready   for her is she ready for you it's so it takes  some time to get that right match because you   knew even God got a look past to find out  what's really what is he really looking at serious you don't know what I mean man  you can I mean that is you can go from   the top of the head all the way down  to the toes and it all be make-believe sounds funny but it's - you know I'm telling you  you think you see in what you see in but but if   got guys got to find out just that right person  you want the right person but are you the right   person for the one you want there's got to be  an amalgamation of and some time in the process   of time it takes time to get into that position  to where you're ready for that person but what   are you doing in the meantime with the Word of  God are you equipping and preparing yourself so   that when mr. fine or sister fine comes along  you're the perfect match for them no point in   God putting two people together that's not gonna  work amen and and we're you know we're really   we're creatures of we're visual and everything  in our society is geared towards visualization   and and like I said you don't know what you're  looking at the best thing let God bring to that   person but it may take some time because you are  also in the process of being prepared for him and   or her and that's why sometimes it may take some  time may take some years it takes time to develop and I'm out of time the same way where you're  it's just messy it's been a blessing to you the   NASPA tears and airport information about  how you may obtain an audio CD and or DVD   of the message which you just heard for your  own spiritual rich richmond and edification   remember again that these telecasts and  radio broadcasts are made possible by   the continued free will offerings of you  the viewers and listeners remember also   these words the second Corinthians chapter  five verse what seven but we walk by faith   not by this program is now available to you on  CD or dvd to share with your family and friends   CD copies are available for your love gift of  any amount DVD copies are available for your   love gift of $15 or more for the ongoing support  of this ministry call the number on your screen   or write to apostle Frederick Casey price box  90,000 Los Angeles California 9z rosy rosy rosy   indicate the number 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Channel: Fred Price Jr
Views: 5,867
Rating: 4.9223299 out of 5
Keywords: fred price jr, Fail, Proof Living, Apostle Price
Id: pKPq64A7bXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 37sec (3217 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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