Ever Increasing Faith Network Six Principles to Obtaining Strong Faith 26st

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don't ever increasing sight remember these words  on the book of Romans chapter 10 verse 17 so   then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the  Word of God praise God for another day and for   another privilege and opportunity to share with  you the Living Word of God I need your continued   faithful financial support if ever increasing paid  television is to remain on the air in your area on   the screen is an address where you can mail your  tithe offering or gift of love let me take this   opportunity to thank you so very much for your  past your present and whatever future support   you are led to give remember you are helping to  make it happen alright let's turn in our Bibles   to two openings Romans the fourth chapter and  Ephesians the sixth chapter the last time we were   together that was about three years ago we were  talking about a particular subject that I want   to continue on with today and hopefully I can do a  very very very very very very brief review because   y'all have supernatural memory recall so I know  y'all can remember where we left off last time and   what we were talking about right and share praise  the Lord so but I want to move on because we got   a lot of information to cover but I believe that  it's important all right Romans the fourth chapter   and a vision chapters if you have it say I have it  alright let's begin reading again for the benefit   of first-time visitors I'm teaching from reading  from the New King James Version of the Bible   you may be using the traditional King James or  another translation which is perfectly all right   I only mention it because some of the words are  different so if I say some words you don't have   because of the translation let's begin reading  at verse 17 it says as it is written I have made   you a father of many nations in the presence of  him whom he believed God who gives life to the   dead and called those things which do not exist as  though they did who contrary to hope natural human   hope in hope supernatural hope believes so that  he became the father of many nations according to   what was spoken so shall your defendants or feed  be and not being weakened what he did not consider   his own body already did since he was about a  hundred years old and the deadness of Sarah's   womb he did not waver or stagger at the promise  of God through unbelief but was strengthened or   literally strong in what giving glory to God  and being fully convinced or persuaded that   what he that is God had promised he God was also  able to perform notice verses 19 and 20 because   there is a statement there that is a contrast  it says in verse 19 and not being weak in what   they weaken faith is a weak in faith he was not  weak in faith but then in verse 20 says he did   not waver at the promise of God through unbelief  but was strengthened or literally strong where in   faith giving glory to God weak and strong are  obviously opposite so it says that he was not   weak but he was strong notice it didn't say God  made him strong that he was strong so that says   to me that it was a matter of choice and that weak  was available but he chose to be strong both words   are applied to faith strong faith weak faith all  right Ephesians chapter 6 one more verse event   I'll broach our subject all right if you have a  figure of 60 I have it alright verse 10 finally   my brethren be be underlined the word market  someway be be so that's really and remember   that Paul the Apostle is writing this under the  inspiration of the holy spirit so I personally   believe that this must be the will of God okay  it says signing my brother be something now if   if God tells us to be something that means we  can be that or if anyone in the universe would   know we are incapable of being that it would be  God so why would he tell me to be something that   he would very well know by his omniscience that  I'm incapable of being so if he tells me to be   that two things number one he wants me to be that  and number two I'm able to be there so again it's   about joy all right he says Fanny my brother be  strong in the Lord and in the power or literally   the strength of skin might be strong in the Lord  the only way we can be strong in the Lord is by   being strong in faith only because God the Father  is a faith gun Hebrews 11:6 tells us without it   you can't believe God so he must he must be you  know he must like peg because it says without it   you came pleasing okay so we're talking about if  he tells me to be that it means I can I'm capable   I'm able secondly again it means he must want me  to be that because that he could have just said   BB but he said be strong in faith so that means  it's my responsibility to be that and that means I   can so our subject is six principles to obtaining  strong faith time you get there how to get strong   how do you get strong physically how do you get  strong mentally you don't just lie in bed all   day eight days a week twenty nine hours a day you  got to do something to be strong physically to be   strong mentally academically right something you  have to do it just doesn't happen you don't slide   out of your mother's womb completely educated  you got you got to do something so it's the same   thing spiritually speaking so we're talking about  fixed principle to obtaining strong faith I don't   know about you there was a time when I was weak  and I got my backside kicked my head whipped and   life just used me as a target relentlessly but  I found out once I found this out and I started   applying this to my life I began to say to life  back off you know cool out this is the kid you   know and paint change but now the Bible tells us  that the Lord Himself said I am the Lord I change   not which means he doesn't change therefore  if there's any legitimate change to be made   in your life it's got to be on your side of the  ledger cuz it doesn't change so six principle   to obtain your own way I want to be strong that  can found out in life in every area of life no   matter whether it's spiritual or just regular life  usually usually the strong come out on top strong   in whatever way we people get walked on spit on  taking advantage of mistreated misuse etcetera   etcetera etcetera the strong usually fare very  well so I found that you know what if I can be   that that my goal to be strong now there's six  principle all of the principles start out we   must know the reality of all six of them will  say that we must know the reality of say that again one more time all right then I'll add to  what we must know I'll put that in there but all   of them will start out like that so you're already  ahead of the game we must know the reality of now   notice it didn't say we might we must hope we  must suppose we must think we must feel that   we must know we must know so if we must know then  whatever it is we must know must be available for   us to know it right that's what we're going  to talk about now we've already talked about   several things we just got started actually when  we started talking about this but we found out you   don't you can write the scripture down but I won't  turn to it second Timothy 3:16 and 17 you remember   it says all Scripture is given by inspiration  of God is profitable for doctrine reproof for   correction for instruction in righteousness that  the man of God may be perfect meaning but or fully   developed for every good work we found that out  then we looked at John chapter 6 let's go there   I'm going to look at that because that's actually  where we left off John chapter 6 we must know the   reality of the Word of God this is God speaking  to us now right away I said this before but right   away because there's always the the naysayers that  want to say well how do you know that the Bible is   really the Word of God how do you really know that  well how do you know it's not you know six that   one happened dozen of the other so what well one  thing for sure argumentation is not going to prove   anything you know you know I argued all day long  you end up right where you started with nothing   I have a philosophy at any time but I figured  this way okay I don't I've never seen God maybe   you have but I have I haven't really seen him all  I know about God is you know basically from this   book so I decided a long time ago okay I found out  by looking at other people in life that life on   this planet is short-lived you know 100 years 20  of that it's really nothing it's not even a comma   at the end of the sentence or in the middle of a  sentence not a period at the end of the sentence   it's very short relatively speaking so I have a  limited time as far as I know a limited time here   on planet earth so I want to maximize my time I  want to enjoy my time I want to to get out of my   time every ounce that I can get out of it that's  going to be beneficial to me so I figured this I   said okay I don't know for sure I wasn't there  in the beginning I got a book it says this this   I don't know so I figured this way simple real  simple took a lot of astute thinking for me to   come up with this but I cogitated on this for  many days finally I came up with this okay why   don't I just do what it says and let it fail oh  you didn't get that I kept wide because again   arguing about it's not going to change anything  a debate won't change anything but I'll tell   you what's the simplest quickest way to find out  if this is really true just do what it says and   let it fail because if it's not Chewie will work  yes real simple real simple so that's what I did   personally because I wanted to know folk told me  all kind of stuff folk over on this side they're   destined soap folk over there they're destined so  and because they're what they said was conflicting   us today a lot I think they don't know because  if they really do that I'll be saying the same   thing but so I did that and so when we get into  what we're getting ready to get into right now   you can argue all you want but best thing to do  just take it put it this where am I gonna put it   I think I can find a spot for now yeah you know  what if it right an area thank you my brother I   believe I received it all right John chapter six  did he ever say I have it all right we just where   we left off last time verse 63 Jesus himself  is speaking he said it is the spirit who gives   life the flesh profits nothing the word say words  the word that I speak to you are spirit and they   are life now they are like they refers to words  that he speaks right would you agree with that   he says right in the middle of the verse the  words that I speak to you our spirit and they   they what they words the words are life now I  pointed this out before we briefly touch on and   we'll move on notice it if you're reading from  the New King James Version of the Bible the word   spirit there in that 53rd verse is capitalized  traditionally that implies that that's referring   to the Holy Spirit but those of you that have the  traditional King James Bible you'll notice that   that same word is small cases so something's  amiss here it can't be both got to be one of   the other so so so which one is right well here  again the Bible itself will prove it felt if you   know how to ferret out the information so the  New King James Version says spirit capitalized   which means we could read it really read it like  it it is the holy spirit who gives life the flesh   profits nothing the word that I speak to you are  now then it goes to small cases look at the same   verb the words I picked you are spirit and they  are life and again they refers to the words so   how do we know which one is right well just ask  for it it's real simple hahaha hey goose that's   right okay now here's how you can know what this  carefully it says it is the spirit who gives life   the flesh profits nothing so what he's saying  is that the spirit whether it's a small case   or or holy spirit which is really not it's it's  small case it's referring to man's spirit and   I can show you this briefly in a moment so it  is the spirit who gives life the flesh profits   nothing the words that I speak you are spirit  and they are life all right if the spirit gives   life what is that what does that actually mean it  is the spirit that gives life so it's saying life   comes from the spirit would you agree with that  in terms of what it's saying but what does it   mean does it mean that the Holy Spirit gives life  to the flesh no what gives life to the flesh is   our spirits remember we mostly you know this from  years gone by man is the spirit he has the soul he   lives in a body based on the Bible Paul says in  Thessalonians 5:23 I pray God your whole spirit   and soul and body be preserved blameless until the  coming of the Lord so it's your spirit that gives   life to your flesh for the simple reason that your  spirit is the real you all right let's keep your   finger on John go to Genesis chapter to chapter  do you got it verse 7 now listen God listen and   read this very and the Lord God formed man formed  man of the dust of the ground and breathed into   his nostrils the breath of life and man became and  what man became man became say that man became man   became so before man became man must not have  been because this man already was he wouldn't   have to become what he already was in fact he  couldn't become what he already was because he   already was if you in fact he already would okay  look at this is very important the Lord he said in   the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground  breathed into his nostrils that's a very euphoric   term the breath of life and man became he didn't  became or become until after God breathed into him   the breath of life I believe the breath of life  yes God breathed into man the spirit of man okay   have you ever seen a statue or a sculpture has  no life in it could be very beautiful made out   of porcelain made out of bronze whatever it might  be there's no life in it well when God made man   out of the dust of the ground he said he made  man out of the dust of the ground so after he   said he made man out of the dust of the ground  man was man but he was like a statue he had no   life in until God breathed into him the breath  of life that breath of life I believe of the   spirit of man then man became now watch this go  back to John is that it is the spirit who gives   life so it's got to be small K s referring to  the spirit of man because it's the spirit of   the man inside this clay dust dirt frame that  gives it life now right away filling with the   yams brother price but doesn't the Bible say  that the life of the flesh is in the blood anybody ever heard that before read it okay  what does that mean let me just what it said   all right let's look at this Leviticus chapter  17 ladies do you think it's impossible to live   a godly life and have fun too are you feeling  lonely would you like a good relationship dr.   Betty Price is here to help you live in victory  as God's woman of power her two CD series will   help you make it through tough times an affair  with a married man the verge of depression from   loneliness or a lost loved one though you  didn't plan on these things happen sometimes   they do in holy living for godly women dr. Betty  speaks frankly about how to come out of hard   circumstances she wants you to know God loves  you and wants you to enjoy his best he created   women to be treasured and loved get this two CD  set today call 1-800 nine two seven three four   three six or go to face donut Oregon purchase  your set today for your mug gift of sixteen   dollars or more let this teaching transform your  life from loneliness to peace and security call and that sounds like what you've been hearing  about on the news we've heard about the trouble   that our economy is in this recession is there  a famine in the land salmon in the land or no   famine in the land the blessing is still on you  it's available on CD and DVD call 800 927 3 4 36   or you may log on to face film org learn how to  obtain the blessings available to you God never   intended for his children to suffer get your CD  or DVD set today Leviticus chapter 17 you find   that on page 170 in the ever-increasing face  study Bible in the new version your ranks okay   now if you remember we're talking about how I get  strong in faith I get strong in faith by feeding   my faith by understanding the Word of God it's  it's I have to know the reality of God's Word so   when God says something I have to believe that  that's true okay now you got Leviticus 17 okay   let me read you stay there John 6 to 60 3 again  it is the spirit who gives life okay he says the   flesh profits nothing because what what does he  mean the flesh profit is nice profit got a profit   something you know but he's relating to things we  talking about the real reason that man is alive   that he is a living creature is by virtue of the  spirit that's in the man now I can I can prove   this medically speaking if the life of man is in  the blood then that means if you drain all the   blood out of a physical body then the body would  be what dead so if the life is in the blood as   long as there's blood in the body the man ought to  be alive when that make sense but the doctor can   attest to this your people that have had coronary  and heart attack drop dead on the spot body   full of blood so if the blood was the thing that  kept them alive how come they're not still alive knock knock anybody home okay now let's look  at live it occurs 17 verse 11 for the life of   the flesh is in the blood I just want to read  that part the life God is speaking the life of   the flesh is in the blood but notice what is  conspicuous in its absence notice what it does   not say it does not say the life of man is in the  blood does the life of the flesh is in the blood   that's a big difference yeah that's right you  need blood for the flesh to remain active and   alive but the life of the man is in his spirit  and when his spirit leaves his body he no longer   is alive even though his body is full of blood  okay you didn't get that oh yeah for the life   of the flesh is in the blood it didn't say the  life of man is in the blood there's the life   of the flesh the life of the flesh it takes blood  to keep the plant running you know like it should   but this the spirit of the man is what keeps the  whole that's you the whole sculpture moving mobile   what we call alive so in a man's spirit and soul  because they go together like they're like the   wet with the water we can we can discuss them  to understand their function but they actually   just like you can't shave off the wet from the  water stated to the waiter waitress please bring   a glass of water and hold the width you can't do  that you could say bring me a hamburger and hold   the onions but you can't say give me a glass of  water hold a web you get to audio and get the   wet cuz it's the characteristic of the water so  is the spirit in the man the characteristic of   this flesh meaning the flesh will be animated  if I should be alive because of the spirit of   inside of the man our spirits our spirit in our  body is like your foot in the sock in the shoe   your shoe is the body your sock is the soul but is  the real you you take this flesh out of the shoe   and set that sucker on the Shelf it'll sit there  until Kingdom Come it will move and no life in it   until I put my foot in so the soul is close to  the leg or the flesh so you put the sock in the   shoe so the shoe is like the body the sock and  the leg is like the soul and the spirit that's   inside of a man okay okay that are you got that  all right will it'll chew on it meditate on it   and it'll come clear before all right let's move  on we're talking about we must know the reality   of the word of God John chapter 8 John chapter  8 we must know not hope not think we must know okay John chapter 83 either say I  have it verse 31 and 32 then jesus   said to those Jews who believed him  if you abide in my word you are my   disciples indeed and you shall know the  truth and the truth shall make you free make you free it didn't say it'll lead you  to freedom cut it a little downright make you   free just like jumping in the water will make  you win right jumping the one it's gonna make   you win well he says watch there's nothing  Jesus said to those Jews who believed him   if circle that word or underline the word  that's the fine print in the contract yep   okay it says if you abide in my word now  in the traditional which I like actually   better than this because we don't use the word  abide well where does that abide oh I abide on   64th and Hoover we don't say that you know  that's Old English 1611 English it's nothing   wrong with it but it's just we don't use that  anymore so the word in the traditional says   continue anybody has a traditional King James  what is it faith he said if you continue so   if you continue implies you started but just  because you started doesn't mean you continue and there are many who start but they don't  continue and that's why I didn't work just   like going to you going so we're on a journey in  a car or whatever you can start out know where   you're going exactly how many miles are GPS tell  you how many miles and you can get halfway through   the journey and stop and you won't get there you  didn't continue starting won't get you to your   destination it's continuing in the start to get  you to the destination right so so he said if you   continue or abide in my word you are my disciples  indeed now notice the word indeed that's that's   a real interesting revelation it's it's really  non-essential to the statement that Jesus made   unless it has another meaning to it in other  words we could read it like this and you tell   me whether this would be grammatically correct  if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall know the truth and the truth will  make you free is that a grammatically correct   statement no yes you're not sure if you abide  in my word you are my disciples and you shall   know the truth and the two should make you  free there okay the clear so the word indeed   is superfluous you don't really need it for the  point he's trying to get across but he's also   making a secondary point that I believe it's  critical he says if you abide in my word you   are my disciples well if I abide in his word then  I am his disciple then he says and something else   you shall know the truth and the truth shall  make you free so don't really need the word   indeed in there to be viewed at the disciple if  I continue in his word now what did he say you   get that I want you to get that because the word  indeed is it's critical he says if you abide in my   word or continue in my word you are my disciples  indeed what is he saying he's saying you are a   real disciple you what you what I'm talking  about you you're the real thing see people   start out in the word but they don't continue  you have Christians by the multitude they got   legitimately say they accepted Jesus as Savior  Lord they went to church for a while then they   got wrapped up in the world system and they live  like the world live they smoke they drink they lie   they cheat they fornicate they commit adultery  well are they safe yeah they say that they did   what the Bible says to get saved salvation is not  based on your works your work should be based on   your salvation as it should be you don't do work  to get saved but if you are FA God hasn't worked hallelujah right okay so he said he said if  you if you abide or continue in my word you   are my disciple well if that's all it takes to  be a disciple is to continue in his word then   you don't need the word indeed in it indeed these  that emphasize the fact he's saying if you abide   or continue in my word you are though you know  what I'm talking about when I say defect are you   following me you got spoke to the Christian but  they're you know they're they're not consistent   in it they don't continue they do their thing they  got just enough salvation to miss hell when they   die and go to heaven that's all they want you know  they think that's all Christianity is about this   hell when a doubt oh I'm not going to the lake  of fire hallelujah you've got to go to him but   they live their lives here if you watch their  lies you can't tell whether the Christians are   not smoke the same brand of cigarette drink the  same booze you know they do the lie cheat curse   all the rest of the negative stuff just looking  at their life you can't tell anything but Jesus   is saying here if you continue in my word you  are my disciples indeed this is what I'm talking   about you are the real thing you're a legitimate  disciple the others are disciple but they're not   disciples indeed you get the difference in that  your disciple but you're not a disciple indeed   I want to be a disciple indeed not just a disciple  but a disciple indeed so he said if you continue   in my word or vitamin where you're my disciples  indeed and all Jesus it's only the oh it's only   those who continue in the word that the truth  will make free so you didn't get that he says if   you abide in my word continue in my word you are  my disciple indeed and you that are my disciples   indeed not just disciples but in the disciples  indeed they both saved don't misunderstand me   now because salvation based on Romans 10:9 that  if you will confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord   and believe in your heart that God raised him  from the dead you will be saved but that's not   salvation not just about this in hell when you die  thank God that gives the equation but that's all   you got going you ought to die now then you know  there's a life that you live okay so he says and   you shall know the truth and the truth shall  it won't lead you to freedom it won't suggest   freedom it will downright make you free meaning  not against your will but because you continue   in the word and you learn the truth you don't want  anything else but that you won't be satisfied with   anything but that that's what he said you get  that oh thank God and you shall know the truth   and the two should make you free I did this I  know this works I did it I did this in 1917 I   started on this journey really started on I was a  Christian but seventeen years before that but life   was kicking my backside the posterior portion  of my anatomy had bumps all over it from life   beating up on me I was afraid of water I was  afraid of flying on airplanes I mean I was a   mess going somewhere Staffan until I got a hold  of this I tried everything I knew in my little   game bag but it was empty right away is it because  what much in there and I'm sorry it fears all kind   of stuff hang-ups all any but when I when I got  ahold of this and I started in this I dropped it   that's why I don't have much patient if you don't  tell me reunited case I just can't help myself it   you can't stop smoking yes you can yes you can I  bet you how much trouble would you have stopped   smoking at the doctor you got 15 minutes suck  up either going to stop that now you're going   to die 50 minutes I bet you would have a problem  stopping tell me that don't play the kid amen   so I took this and it worked but you have to  continue continue means no stopping now some   of you could be as diligent about the word as you  are about continuing your vehicle journey through   the sto peace sign without ever really stopping  you knew now that California self of that rule   is that's not the misnomer that bestop needs no  movement you just continued on your journey you   never stopped yeah you slowed down but you  didn't really stop the scientist spop which   means stopped which means no motion if you would  be that diligent in the Word of God look at where   you would be better that messed up married you  heaven and kids running completely Wow and all   the rest of that negative stuff you'd be somewhere  having a good time enjoying life enjoying your   family hallelujah so he said you're my disciple  indeed if you continue or abide in my word Oh all right let's look at something else we must  know the reality of the Word of God do want to   be strong in fact they give you the get it help  you be strong okay Acts chapter 16 actually used   to hear all right ask after sixteen I don't  know why are you are we talking about faith   do you know anything else well why don't you  stop talking about money hard-hit often do you   talk about money I heard you say something  about money before forget it don't ever   say anything else I don't think those are you  talking you're sleepy honey ah money honey ask   your judges they act as if indeed rigidity what  did I say 16 you mean you actually listening oh   my god pray to the Lord I'd like to check  up on everyone's when our tax chapter 16   if you don't get ugly about it uh what did  I say after 16 okay okay okay oh-oh combine   oats next step you need the perfect one wait a  minute let me look at that again next 16 X 16 huh that must have missed a letter on  the keyboard that's not what I want hmm 17 what a cake 16 alright K what we're gonna  do you sit here when at first you don't succeed   then forget it how about he how about Hebrews  chapter both Hebrews chapter fo I don't know   what I wrote down there Ebru chapter 4 talking  about we must know the reality of the Word of God   yeah and doubtedly I got the wrong number there  that's not what I wanted you know what I can't   pass that because I know that that verse in act  as a good one I'll ask the pastor to help me out what are you all saying 1711 7-eleven at the  store alright let's see with this you see let's   see 17:11 that's what I said with y'all listen ok  not a problem then I don't get violent we don't   get violent never matter ok actually after 17  live that's what I want I don't know how attacked   those other words in there alright sorry don't  get every time I think I'm perfect screw it up   jury disregard that last statement alright acts 17  it had to say have it alright verse 11 these were   more fair-minded the tradition says noble these  were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica   in that they received the word with all readiness  and searched the scriptures now invent on Mother's   Day Father's Day Easter Sunday Christmas oh no  it doesn't say that I'm sorry and search the   scriptures search the scripture search daily to  find out whether those things are so I like that   these were more fair-minded or noble than those in  Thessalonica in that they received the word a lot   of folk receive the word but they don't search  the scripture to find out if is so they receive   the word with already auditioning as written  it's a mind doesn't it they receive the word so   you can't examine something under a microscope  unless you have it in hand ordinarily you put   it on a slide and then you can you can check it  out so you got to get what you want to check out   first in order to check it out would that be fair  okay it said they received the word so you got to   receive it so that you have something to check  out and you should check it out so that you know   that you know that you know don't take anyone's  word as the final authority because whatever the   word that they say is should be validated by this  one to check it out look at that perfectly good   intentions I don't even know how I did it I got  the wrong scripture not intentionally but you're   like to go down the tubes because of somebody's  unintentional act like in the hospitals where they   kept the guys left leg off when in fact you should  have cut the right one off that happened that has   happened it took out the wrong thing so what  they're humans so that's why you need to check   it out and validate it check and double-check so  you'll be sure you got it why your life engines on   it release minders so I told you Hebrews chapter  what both Hebrews both Hebrews chapter form for   the more erudite in scholarly for Hebrew chapter 4  if you have it they have it alright we're talking   about we must know the reality of the Word of  God alright verse 12 that's what the Word of   God is living and powerful and sharper than any  two-edged sword piercing even to the division   of soul and spirit wait a minute there must be a  soul in spirit it could be divided right so they   must not be the same thing okay for the word of  god is living or literally alive and powerful and   sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to  the division of soul and spirit and of the joints   and marrow and is a discerner oh my goodness of  the thoughts and intents of the heart this verse   also speaks to the threefold nature of man soul  spirit Morrow is talking about bones which are   talking about skeleton which is talking about  the framework on which all your flesh is home   right I mean well I guess it'd just be a big  blob up load of protoplasm if we took all the   bones out of somebody's body there would be no  structure right so Mauro speaking about Mauro   is speaking about the bones of the skeleton the  framework of a man so this the word of God is   what can divide between the spirit and the soul  and the flesh I need to know that all right let's   look at Ephesians chapter 6 and Matthew chapter  4 we'll look at Ephesians 6 first then we'll go   to Matthew 4 because they they go together they  have a connection I think that's very important   for our study Matthew chapter 4 and ephesians  chapter 6 alright Ephesians the sixth chapter   if you have it say I have it all right we'll  look at verse number 17 Ephesians 4:6 leather   and 17 all right Paul is speaking here it gives  the panoply of of armor he uses a take off from   the Roman gladiator who were prominent in  the Roman Empire at that time used it as an   object lesson and so in verse 17 he says then  take the helmet of salvation and the sword of   the Spirit which is the word of God now here we  have another instance of wrong translation all   right look at the verse if you're reading from  the traditional King James it says and take the   helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit  now sword is quite a weapon would you agree with   that okay so he says takes a sort of spirits so  if it's if the F is supposed to be capitalized   indicating the Holy Spirit then they're  telling us to take the sword of the Holy Spirit he doesn't need a sword he'd be bad by himself  no I'm serious I'm not sound funny but I'm not   trying to be funny here's the sword of the Spirit  no all of this armor is for the physical or the   spirit of our threefold nature for us is not for  the Holy Spirit it's us okay go back to that same   chapter verse 11 it says put on the whole armour  of God who who who do you think Paul was writing   this letter to robot Martians or humans unsaved  or save Christian or non-christian I think we're   all agree that that's what we was writing to all  right distant so what he's saying you Christians   I'm going to add that verse 11 you Christian  put on the whole armour of God that you may be   able to stand against the wiles of the devil so  apparently we must have opposition we must have   an enemy we must have someone that wants to take  us out so he's telling us what to do so we won't   be taken out seems reasonable to me all right  so you Christians put on the whole armor of   God why say hole unless the implication is you  could play the fool and only have part of your   armor on if you're disarmed 'yes they put on  the armor of god that the whole armor so that   implies the armor must be in parts then he goes  and describes the part he said put on the whole   armour of God that you may be able to stand it  didn't say you would stand but it said you'll   be able to if you put on the whole armor it's  because you have the armor won't make you stand   but if you put the armor on you can stand what  the standing is your responsibility okay put on   the whole armor of God that you may be able to  stand against the wiles of the devil well we do   not wrestle against flesh and blood up oh well  what is flesh and blood or know who is flesh   and blood but yeah Williams Evans would you agree  with that in other words humans not spirits like   demon like demon but but talking this is writing  a letter to Christians Christians or humans are   supposed to be on some occasions okay anyway all  right watch this now he says but we do not wrestle   or contend against flesh and blood so if we don't  fight against flesh and blood just from my limited   knowledge of the Bible that's far I haven't found  anybody else around except spirits you know like   demons evil spirits you know Bible talks about  God believes them even if humans don't so if I   don't fight against flesh and blood it must be  fighting against somebody else and they must   be real because if they were not real I wouldn't  eat any armor to protect myself against them you   stay here raise your right hand make a finger say  I'm still here okay I want because some of y'all   good okay I just want to be sure I don't want  to wait my time or yours okay verse 12 but we   do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against  principalities against powers against the rulers   of the darkness of this age against spiritual Oh  underline that word right there spiritual again   spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly  place the wicked spirits in heavenly places so   we know then that our enemy is not flesh and blood  you're not my enemy I'm not your enemy humans are   not our enemy it's spirit its spirit okay watch  this now verse 13 therefore take up the whole   armour of God this must be important because  twice now he tells this whole armour not Armour   whole armour therefore take up the whole armour  of God that you may be able there to begin to   withstand in the evil day and having done all to  stand too many Christians are going down it's the   sad thing we pastors and ministers we have always  counseling with folk that are down Christians all   we've got problems never they don't stand very  long there's not a criticism just an observation now don't take this wrong the don't miss don't  misunderstand me I have never since 1970 when I   found out about the truth the whole truth nothing  but the truth I have never gone in for counseling   session with my pastor this is my counseling  manner right here this is it right here so I   was diligent to start out and then continue in  it and I found the answer to all of my hang-ups   and problems and fears and I just started making  application of this so I've never needed to go   in I'm not I'm not that I'm not I'm too good  that I can't go in I'm just too smart Bible   smart covenant smart understanding Who I am in  Christ smart you understand that I have a need   counseling I needed a whole lot in fact the  counselors couldn't help me before I got hold   it is not I'm serious I was in bad shape I've been  benching you know look fairly good on the outside   but inside who was a mess okay watch this now he  said verse 14 stand therefore having girded your   waist with truth having put on the breastplate  of righteousness teacher implements that the   Roman soldier would use he's making it take off  from that verse 15 and having shod your feet with   the preparation of the gospel of peace above all  taking the shield of faith with which you will be   able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked  one didn't say you wouldn't that you'll be able to   if you take it 17 is what I wanted to get to and  take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the   Spirit which is the word of God so if we found  out that this is a spiritual warfare is writing   the letter to Christians who are humans then this  word spirit there couldn't be the Holy Spirit it   has to be the sword of our recreated human spirit  the weapon read that in us by virtue of us being   in Christ because the Holy Spirit doesn't need a  sword he'd be the sword you know what I mean but   we do we have a weapon and what is it did that's  that's why it's so important and that's why in the   average church you will never get what you're  getting here no you won't get this you'll get   some whooping and hollering some emotion you'll  feel good emotionally after you've left but you   don't have any weaponry to defeat the issues that  come against your life that's not a criticism it's   an observation because I've been there I was in  four different denominations for 17 years you   would think that in 17 years you would stumble  up on some truth just stumble over it fall down   in it or something 17 years for different one  major one and I didn't learn any of this that   I'm telling you and life was kicking my butt did  I make that plain enough for you educated money   I could have said something else I thought I had  a pretty clean statement there when can I get an   amen I didn't who we are is a no and yes indeed  okay watch it now take the helmet of salvation   and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of  God God's Word is our weapon now go to Matthew   chapter four and we'll see how it was used by the  master soldier of all times the master gladiator   if you would of all time the Lord Jesus Christ  he never told us anything in this word that he   did not and does not use himself okay sword of  the Spirit now because the spiritual is not a   it's not a I have a somebody gave me one time I  have a feminized sword at home it's a real sword   yes suck they're so sharp it'll cut sharp I'm  sure is it that you hold that blade out there   it's got a pearl handle on who it's beautiful and  you use that it has a stand that it sits in you   set it in the stand but it don't move by itself  it doesn't do any I've been watching this for   years it did he'll do nothing just sit there look  I mean it doesn't but I can take it in my hand and   your head is mine well here's my point swords are  weapons that have to be used to do you any good   just having it will not protect you you got to  use it alright we're going to see how the sword   of the spirit of your recreated human spirit not  to sort of the Holy Spirit but if the weapon that   God has given up and it is the greatest weapon  in the universe you really don't need anything   else other than this and if you learn how to  use this just like you got to learn how to use   a samurai sword and the ninja sword the guy you  ever seen they know what they're doing because   if you don't know it and then but really the thing  always gets me is when you've spread it when they   take this off and put it back in the sheath or if  you miss it you in you can't be without a hand you   don't pull up a nerve takes years of practice not  even look you don't even look and you better look   what you're doing you will come up with a hand  no hand no fingers something right okay here's   how you use the sword of the Spirit nasty for to  have a say I had it first for then Jesus will led   up by the spirit and here isn't it here's another  place with rum I'm doing a Bible I'm going to do a   Bible anyway you know what anyway yes then Jesus  was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to   be tempted by the devil so the devil is a tempter  not God now when the tempter came to him he said   was the safety he did was good he said you quit  because you're out of time stay right where you   are Chris methods have been a blessing to the  United States and very important information   about how you may obtain a CD and or DVD of the  message which you've just heard for your own   spirits and enrichment and edification remember  again that he's telecast and radio broadcasts are   made possible by the continued people offerings  of you the viewers in this room remember also he's   word from thank you Rick the chapter 10 verse 17  so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by were
Channel: Fred Price Jr
Views: 5,378
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Ever Increasing Faith, Six Principles
Id: VqY6EWDgs4o
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Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2017
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