Microphone for MC - Microphone Tips and Tricks

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have you ever watched someone using a microphone and everything seems to go wrong don't be that person in this short video I'm gonna give you five essential tips on using a microphone hi it's timothy Hyde here from expert MC the channel dedicated to helping you become a better MC and if you like to grow an MC business hey unless you're working with the tiniest of audiences you're going to have to learn how to use a microphone so here are five tips to make you look like an expert tip number five do not ever ever tap on a microphone or blow into it to see if it's turned on microphones have a fairly sensitive diaphragm inside that collects up the sound and then converts it into electrical signals in different ways now most mics like this one a fairly robust they'll stand up to some pretty rough treatment but as they get more expensive and more sensitive the diaphragm inside can be damaged if you blow into it or you go tap tap tap so don't ever do it an alternative is to snap your fingers just in front or you can even run your fingernail lightly across the top which will tell you if it's on or not okay tip number four and this is a big one always do a sound check never assume it's all set up and ready to go and even if it is all set up and ready to go there's an advantage here of doing the sound check it's quite hard for a sound person to set up the set to sound correctly doing it themselves they might be standing at the back of the room or in the corner and adjusting the mics and the sound levels but if you're there on the stage at the lectern at the microphone they can adjust the sound for your voice rather than their voice so walk around the stage check if there's any points of feedback or dead spots yeah if you have to leave the stage into the audience check that as well feedback is caused by the microphone being too close to a loudspeaker so make sure you know where those floods because I'll also check you can get the mic in and out of a microphone stand and also how to adjust the height of the microphone stand and lastly you should always know how to turn on and off the microphone sometimes it's obvious sometimes it's a little bit more complicated there's a funny thing when you hand a microphone to somebody else to speak into they often assume it's off and they will look at the button and turn it the other way and sometimes in reality they turn it off and then they wonder why it's not working if you can spot that and quickly turn it back on again it will really speed things up tip number three distance from the microphone it's another big mistake that people make the microphone is either far too close or it's too far away now if it's too close you start getting noises mouth noises and goat legs and burps and swallows and things like that or that popping noise that some people make and if it's too far away the sound guy's gonna have to turn up the volume to hear what you're saying and this increases the extraneous noise around and also increases the danger of feedback so if you've got time for a sound check always ask what's the best distance from this particular mic and if you don't have that here's the tip that I always use throw a Hawaiian Shaka yep the hang loose cymbal and that distance from those are there from your chin to the microphone is a pretty safe bet to be a good distance to use so hang loose and you'll be alright now another thing as the emcee if your speaker the guest speaker or the VIP is talking far too close or too far away from the microphone signal to them to get a bit closer or a bit further away your speaker will appreciate that so will your audience and so will the sound person hey here's a bonus tip if you tend to wave your arms around quite a lot it's quite hard for the sound guy to keep a constant a level for you so once you've found a good position for the microphone lock that elbow against your side and this will keep the microphone there in front of your face even if you turn around like that and you'll see quite a few stand-up comedians use this very technique now before I tell you tip number two we do have a full article on the website all about microphones the different types the pros and cons of each lecterns and headsets and lapel mics etc I'll put a link to that in the description below or you can click the banner that what appear above tip number two don't hold the microphone in a death grip what you're hauling in a large rope or something for one thing with cheaper microphones it creates extraneous noise your your hand around the barrel of the microphone and also don't do that wrapper thing where they covering up half of the capsule unless of course you are a rapper and you know what you're doing so hold the microphone a little bit more delicately the ends of your fingers like that it's a much better look it creates a better sound and it allows you to do a couple of things that I'll share with you in tip number one but before I share those if you've got any value out of this video would you please help us out by clicking the like button it really encourages us to make more and why don't you subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on future episodes okay tip number one I really think that a handheld radio microphone is the very best choice for an MC far better than a lapel mic a headset mic or even the lectern microphone I always ask for one and if they don't have one or they don't have a good one I just pop back down to my car and bring back my own one now here are some of the reasons and it's not just the fact that you can move around the stage these give you a far superior sound you can shout you can whisper you can add emotion to your voice and you can add surprise and the sound can be boosted a lot higher so if you're working in a noisy big challenging room you've got more control with one of these and you can interview people try doing that with your lapel mic and you can point at things because it amplifies the shape of your body you can also encourage your better reactions louder reactions from the audience applause etc just by pointing in the microphone at them and lastly it's a wand of power it's like a tribal talking stick if they see you holding the microphone they know that you're the one in control and that you should be listened to it really helps you do a better job as an MC and that's what this channel is all about hey why don't you check out that article on the website or stick around because [Music]
Channel: Timothy Hyde
Views: 5,219
Rating: 4.96 out of 5
Keywords: Microphone for MC, Microphone Tips and Tricks, how to hold a microphone, how to use a lavalier microphone, lapel microphone, microphone technique, how to hold a microphone when speaking, how to properly hold a microphone, how to use a wireless lavalier microphone, lapel microphone wireless, emcee sample script, emcee script, how to mc an event, master of ceremonies (profession), master of ceremonies script, master of ceremony quotes, microphone for emcee, microphone for mc
Id: REpHhzQ13dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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