Second Cut - Individual Women Event 2 - 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games

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[Music] thirty seconds [Music] [Music] ten seconds [Applause] standby [Music] all right Kiki here we go saw some exciting finishes on the men's side it's now time for the women to handle that second cut heading to the rowers bus concept to starting to fly these 800 meters on the concept to from there they move on to those kettlebell push press that's dip-drive press 22 at each of those stations before they finish it off with a hand stand walk now this handstand walk is paired up in three sections if they do not get booked those hands across that white line and they fall they got to come all the way back this event was a 10-minute time cap this is event to heat one of the women's individual competition Brenda Castro hitting 230 Julie hoga coming up on three hundred Brook Haas past 300 got our yoga I'm seeing a lot of athletes hanging out around 340 right now 340 meters who else you got down there Darren for yoga 425 but yeah you're calling it their all pacing it about the same as a lot of work to do have two feet off the rower Lindsey Vonn hitting 423 for Harry beaver McKenzie Riley for 15 Sheryl naso at 470 Anna Carlsen late number 17 past 500 Kiki sara sigmundsdottir at 5:40 whoo Sola Monson Hellman is at 560 right now Larry actually no there's a lot at stake for these athletes another 25 athletes are going to be cut all of them buying it to make it in today number two at the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games but they got to do the work before they can get there into that coveted day - Brenda cash are now at 650 got a couple of hands up Kiki letting us know they are almost there - 800 meters Bri OVA at 800 and she'll depart the rower we are three minutes in as our first athlete grabs those kettlebells and begins on her first set of 22 that as the kettlebell push breasts that are looking for dip-drive press we got sara sigmundsdottir joining in and here comes the rest of field of play nearly ho go on to her kettlebells as well along with Vanessa Wagner and the rest of the field that leave in those concepts to rowers behind move it on to the kettlebells shoulders and warned up real nice before those hands Sam walks sara sigmundsdottir first to advance excuse me second to advance and a few more athletes you got a three-way tie for third right now as they dig into that next set of 22 we are coming up on four minutes on this side of the field in late number nine Karen free yoga leading the way we'll see if she can hang on to that lead as we get deeper tadeasi kettlebell push presses sara sigmundsdottir ladies and gentlemen i believe she is the first athlete to advance her last set of 22 she's gonna put him down make sense right shake out those arms before you hit that final set and then kick it upside down four and a half minutes and a few more athletes joining at that final marker that signifies the last 22 reps of those kettlebell push press Bri over also advancing in lane number nine but that competition getting tight there through the middle Sara put those kettlebells down coming up on five minutes you know what the fellas we definitely saw some upsets right where the guys just had a couple inches before they could get those hands across the line and then the fatigue or the balance you know just didn't go their way and they had to start all the way back nobody wants to have to happen so sara sigmundsdottir making smart choices breaking up that last set and now she is upside down and now moving forward give it up for sara sigmundsdottir Sara's got some company though five and a half minutes in Sullivan Sun helmet not far away matter of fact I it it up Sara up and moving through that second stretch of the handstand walk Salah Monson a helmet shaking it out and Kiki Sara making it through the second stretch just past the six-minute mark several athletes look at a close the distance on her but she's upside down they're absolutely one more stretch to go keep those heads together let her hear us sara sigmundsdottir continues down the line Oh salawats and he'll that's still up moving into teal we're the number one three one just feet away from the finish okay let's sell them on side Hill and we'll spread it across the line static the victory in heat number one two athletes aren't through make it three we have a couple more sara sigmundsdottir able to get across that line now just past 7:25 on the clock cluster of athletes making her across the line well under that cap everybody ten-minute cap in place another finisher all smiles rightfully so she knows that there are at least 25 athletes behind her this event with that 10-minute time cap two more athletes getting to the finish line coming up all I'd done two minutes a plate stupid it's eight but it's a two minutes remaining Rachel Garibay across the finish line Brenda Castro gets across the finish line as well and you heard Larry less than two minutes ago Brook Hoss I valla the last stretch Erin gets across the line 90 seconds to go athletes and Taylor stride getting in the last stretch as well there right now Brooke Haas up and moving on this side geeky we've got a couple more athletes oh so close it's a matter of inches right there she's gonna have to go back one minute remaining athletes one minute remaining Brooke Haas into the blue and across the line she goes across the finish line about human situating Mayan able to cross that finish line athletes you have 30 seconds to go 30 seconds stride hang it on almost there Kristin Lim nice work on the final stretch stride hitting across the line Lim finishing out 10 seconds gonna count it out for you folks 3 2 1 that's a big round of applause for all your athletes on the floor there we have our last and final heat of the day coming up next that is Heat number 2 of the women's individual just one heat remains of competition here on the opening day of the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games is event number two for the women it is second cut thanks for being with us everybody I'm Sean woodland with Annie Sakamoto and chase Ingram event number two is three movements and it kind of reminds me a little bit of Jackie in the way that it's put together definitely it starts with that row which I like again like like I was saying earlier you can't win this event on the road but you definitely can lose at this event on the row and then we go over to a deceivingly light movement and overhead movement now the only difference here with the handstand walk is that it's such a technical movement and having to complete it in those 44 foot increments means a no rep is a very costly loss of time and chase you were saying earlier without 800 meters it's a weird distance it is a weird distance and part of Jackie which you mentioned for it it is very similar terms of this kind of triplet format but the thousand meter row and Jackie used to be a buy-in now it's part of the race because everybody can go unbroken on the thrusters in the pull-ups people are not gonna have any problem with the push press and that 800 is a unique distance that most people don't train so it'll trick them up a little bit if the athletes in the second and final Heat are taking the field and they are trying to chase down Camillus elements in the Hellmann's at top time of 650 4.50 seconds the only woman in that first heat to go sub seven it looked like sara sigmundsdottir was gonna get there but she suffered the same fate as brent fikowski falling at the last second but the look on her face was much different than it was that we saw in event number one when she didn't have the result that she wanted it was really encouraging to see Sarah smiling after that event obviously that was a very costly error but to see that that reaction versus the rope climb reaction I'll say that reaction after the first heat exactly you know if I got fifth in my heat I want to be too mad either if it was the second heat we still have the another heat to go so it might be a different reaction after we see what happens here and she came in in 40th place overall that woman Tia to me first place overall after one event after she locked up another event win here at the CrossFit Games number two former champions are in this heat as well Annie Thorisdottir on the left former two-time CrossFit Games champion from 2011 and 2012 and Samantha Briggs and it's Kerry Pierce in second place overall trying to hang on to that here after event number 2 another athlete that'll be fun to watch is Dani Spiegel in this event she has commented in her questionnaire that she loves anything on her hands handstand walking handstand obstacle walking so it'll be interesting to see how she does in this event and so much of it comes down to that handstand walk SIA to me will be right in the middle of the field she'd be wearing the white overall leaders top 70 career event wins for her coming into this final event we're underway we start with that 800 meter row once again the time to beat Camilla solvents in helmand six minutes fifty four point five zero seconds I think the big thing here at the start when you're talking about the eight hinder me in a row we said and leaned up it's a weird distance it's not a distance it's a distance that I would never program because I have OCD mom right we're either doing 500 or allow that yes and so with that 800 meter row it's shorter than the thousand and when you're talking about Jackie that's now part of the race is that now that the distance is shorter it's even more important to actually have a good split but auntie to like you said not blow yourself up right Annie Thorisdottir and Sam Briggs two former champions next to them Haley Adams Carrie Pierce and the headband and now finally your leader Tia to me Matt Fraser earlier in the day became the first man to ever first person to ever win the opening two events of the CrossFit Games and Tia to me is trying to match that you know that I'm sure something may have been said between the two of them prior to this event you know it's you know you're good at the sport you're playing when you're keeping your own score between the other person right in the competition not even in yours approaching the 90 second mark and hey we're on this Elena meter row right once we move from the row we're going upper body push upper body press in that handstand position is that this is your opportunity to really kind of only use the lakes in the hips as part of the pool so you you really want to just power through the heels drive the hips back and I used to say it kind of lay back a little bit more into that pole it's it's surprising to feels like you can actually push the rope pretty hard and even with a strong pull and it will not affect your press that much even if your shoulders feel smoked right because you're just using two different sides of the body Tia to me is on the lead pace on this opening row along with Katherine Davis outer Dani Spiegel is there and Bethany shad burn as well but we'll wait to see whose judges hands go up so that will be the indication that their athlete has just 100 meters remaining in this 800 meter row and I'm sure it'll be similar to the men where most of the ladies come off within about five to ten seconds of each other and then it's how they handle those kettle bells that's going to start to separate them katrin davidsdottir judges hand is in the air a lot of hands starting to go up in the air Caroline recentiy bow on the left of that Canadian flag now Danny Spiegel is off spiegel getting right to work you don't got to tell her to row with her legs no speaking one of the more powerful athletes in the field this is her first appearance at the CrossFit Games she's the United States national champion and she I think competed in every single sanctioned event uun talk about a seasoned athlete that has a lot of competitive experience just in one offseason how many events that she went to ended well in was the perfect setup now barring burning herself out a little bit but a very good setup for the CrossFit Games it's nice to see how fast these the kids are going through these push press we were talking earlier about some of the male athletes that were kind of pausing a little bit more worried about a no rep and and versus the handstand walk a no rep on these kettlebells doesn't cost you very much it's worth it in my opinion to kind of push the face they'll advance every 22 reps is Katherine Davis daughter is on to her third and final set she gets hit with a no rep and you know if she gets on the handstand walk anywhere towards the front she's a threat to win this thing and that's a weapon that not many athletes get to have is that you can catch and could actually blow herself out on push press and still walk the entire distance on her hands that is a massive tool to have in your tool belt Annie Thorisdottir she's in the white shirt or white shorts and black top she's now in the middle ear screen she's on her final side here comes Sam Briggs she's there as well Jamie green Tia to me is getting left behind she is now just advancing to her final set of 22 Sam Briggs in the green shorts and salmon top she's on the right next to hers Annie Thorisdottir hailey Adams Kerry Pierce and Tia tui and now Catrin David's daughter is on to the handstand walk oh she has to complete these sections unbroken yet to come down between the lines you have to retreat to the line from which she started I have never in my life watching her compete struggle that much on a handstand and I think that that goes back to that the push press were were somewhat of a trap for these athletes and what it was going to do to their shoulders before they kicked up to that handstand so I knew something was circle back and say don't blow yourself out of the push even if you're good at the handstand watch Danny Spiegel is on to the handstand walk as well she's on the left were three she's shaking out of urns David's out urgent enough to get across that line to where she didn't have to restart and we have a new leader as Tia - me and Kerri Pierce Amanda Barnhart Amanda fought hard if that is her is someone who you mentioned as far as a conversation white up on the podium for an American she is in that very much so and it's Brandon Danielle Brandon is gonna win this event now Brooke Wells is in very Pierce Carrie Pierce coming across and he's Laura's daughter and Barnhart Barnhart came across in fourth place in the heat fourth in the event Thorisdottir is gonna get fit Kristin Holt does come across the line Kristin hole to also win and Tia to me is not going to be your overall leader after two events it looks like unofficially right now that honor is gonna belong to carry Pierce Danny Spiegel Laurel Horvath Katherine Davis daughter and Caroline reason Tebow are across so Spiegel takes seventh Horvath will take eighth in the heat but now knife in the event David's daughter tenth in the event reason Tebow 11th to me 12 Courtney Haley 13th and then Haley Antonelli 18th in the event so now some of the times from the prior heats are starting to factor in here alessandra pucelli Cheree hell of a daughter and colleen fox are in we've yet to see Sam Briggs come across the line oh you think back to handstand walking and Sam Briggs history with that we talked earlier with about about the rope climbs and Katherine Davis out there keeping it around of the games it was a handstand walk one year that kept Samantha Briggs out again 2014 as well yeah I'm gonna talk about a foot shy of finishing just like the Kowski did but we saw that happen to Briggs in 2015 when we had the pig flips and rope climb again this is trouble for Samantha Briggs because she came into this event an 86 place overall I'm sorry 8 I'm looking at the points pardon me excuse my friend he's a little slow she's still moving kind of slow on this last section saw the handful of athletes out on the floor Sam Briggs is one of them she's in no danger of getting cut she's very much in danger of getting knocked out of the top 10 after two events and Shaun as we said before it with fikowski is that it's better that this event comes out for Sam Bray right this is your handstand walk event right this is the one you're worried about it's out of the way the points are small and now we have an opportunity to get better as a weekend goes on and earlier she had to deal with a relatively heavy barbell snatch something that she doesn't like either so things might be shaping up pretty well for Sam Briggs to make a charge back up the leaderboard here 20 seconds to go before we hit the time cap just to athletes remain on the floor a guilty daughter and Sunita kessman that's kessman from tantum CrossFit and hey Gilford daughter is gonna run into the time cap as well the Kerrie Pierce has never been the overall leader at the CrossFit Games and looking like that's gonna change after two events here as she takes third place in the event that's going to be good for 96 points the only trail to me by two and TIA to me finished in 12th to me earns 78 points Harry Pearce can be your new overall leader but the woman who won the event was Danielle Brandon who finished in the open in the top 20 to get herself into the CrossFit Games and she has her first career event victory we were just watching the screen and we just see this handstand walk speed was incredible she is with Nicky brazier Danielle congratulations on your first event we're here at the CrossFit Games what about this particular event put it sort of right in your wheelhouse and got you across the finish line first my shoulder stamina especially being able to go right into handstand walks no matter what my shoulders felt destroyed but I knew I could well moving forward here obviously we're going through cuts for the very first time at the CrossFit Games how does that shape how you approach a weekend full of events that's my first year here so it was amazing to make it past the first cut anything in particular that you're looking forward to we got a lot of mystery surrounding what's to come what would you like to see we already did snatches I really like heavy snatches and I love ham Jen walks bring on the hand stands congratulations give Danielle Brandon as she comes out of nowhere and earns 100 points Brook Wells will take second Carey Pierce looks like she's put herself on top of the overall leaderboard with that result a man to Barnard she's back in the top five as it is an all-american affair here in heat number two in the top four ante Thorisdottir that Kristen Volta Dani Spiegel with her best results so far Camilla solvents and Hellmann's the top time from heat one is good enough for eight Laura Horvath a top ten finish for her and finally katrin davidsdottir in ten the day one a competition is done here in Madison Wisconsin but please stay with us we're gonna wrap up the entire day the teams with three events and the individuals with two events each stick around we'll have all the highlights and all the reaction from day number one of the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games on the rogue iron a show
Channel: Rogue Fitness
Views: 911,244
Rating: 4.771987 out of 5
Keywords: Rogue Fitness, crossfit, rogue, made in the usa, american made, fitness
Id: azrCedN7gs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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