Evelyn Driven Nuts By Rose's Dad | Two and a Half Men

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well as you know I have been seeing Rosa's father uhhuh and uh how's that going at first it was wonderful he was handsome charming A Raging Bull in the sack no mental pictures push him out don't give them to me but what I didn't realize is the man has the emotional stability of a bag of rats in a burning meth laugh what did he do it's what he didn't do okay what didn't he do leave now couple of days of Viagra enhanced boinking and he suddenly thinks he lives with me he's moving my furniture around he's getting his mail forwarded he had a satellite dish installed did he get the NFL package Charlie please this is not funny this man is obsessed with me he will not let me out of his sight wherever I go there he is with a stupid lovmi look on his face you just want to hit him with a shovel well what do you want us to do come over to my house and hit him with a shovel wouldn't it be easier to keep feeding him Viagra until he Strokes out Charlie don't be ridiculous that could take months come on now guys think how can I get this Lon out of my house I say we bring in some expert help way ahead of you Rose yes Charlie road trip oh goody I'll meet you in the garage daddy oh Rose good you got my change of address card daddy we need to talk yes right away honey hey fellas are you ready for some football EBY why don't you get our guest some cold drinks yes of course dear garden shed shovel bag of lime daddy listen to me very closely okay don't live here yes I do look at me we've been through this before remember the pretty receptionist at your psychiatrist office oh yeah Cheryl she had a mean lawyer but this is different Evelyn and I are in love and we're going to get married isn't that right Pudding Pop not if you were the last crazy man on Earth guys feel free to call me dad I no thank you Daddy pay attention Okay I know what it feels like to be so in love with someone you want to crawl inside them so that you're wearing their skin like a leotard with nipples but what I've learned is that not everyone is ready for that kind of intimacy Take Me and Charlie for example we slept together two years ago realized how much better we we were as friends and we haven't done it again since we haven't you were too drunk I was going to tell you eventually then why' you let me think we did because it doesn't make any difference I'm in this for the Long Hall you know sweetheart when Evie and I get married Charlie will be your stepbrother oh I didn't think of that oh Trey kinky Rose stick with the plan okay Daddy I didn't want to have to do this but I brought someone else here to talk to you who come on in Grandma you brought mother Harvey how many times have I told you not to leave the estate without telling me a mom play time's over get in the car we're going home but Mom we're getting married to this trash I don't think so excuse me roll with it Mom I'm counting to three Harvey one two I'm going I'm keep the robe thanks I'm not wearing pants Harvey do you want me to put you over my knee all right I'm going he's really a good boy but these things happen when you marry a first cousin I'd say they're lucky to have [Music] thumbs
Channel: Two and a Half Men
Views: 179,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoandahalfmen, tv, funny
Id: YGrceRrledo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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