Charlie Is a Pud for Letting Rose Go | Two and a Half Men

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what's going on she's helping yurtle the turtle study for his test why didn't he ask me name three contributions the Roman Empire made to civilization orgy's wine in bulimia go ahead ask me about the Greeks then who did invit aroma therapy not the Romans but you see my logic you know I never did understand why you didn't give her more of a chance she's pretty smart and amazingly patient with dumb guys are you talking about Jake or me a smart guy wouldn't have to ask that question excuse me but let's not forget this is a woman who stalked me who spied on me who snuck into my house to write her name and address in my underwear oh boohoo somebody cares about Charlie nobody ever wrote their name in my underwear wait once the Department of Corrections morning morning hey oh hey guys how's the homework coming the three major buildings in ancient Rome were the Coliseum The Forum and Circus Circus Circus we need a little more time carry on I know it's not Caesar's Palace why don't you get him a real tutor are you kidding she has advanced degrees in like three subjects she loves him he worships her and the only thing she asks in return is to sit naked in your laundry hamper every once in a while and that's not a red flag for you you could do a lot worse than Rose Charlie I have done a lot worse but that's not really a recommendation now is it hey fera you want to hear something cool the ancient Romans had a place called a vomitorium where people could eat as much as they wanted puke and then eat some more no just like the sizler hey morning buddy you suck whoa has The Little Prince not taken his morning poop yet it's your fault that Rose is moving away did she tell you that Jake she's not going anywhere this is just one of her games to mess with my head Berna tell him Jake honey your uncle Charlie sucks Come on B if you weren't such a self-centered PUD you'd realize what an angel she is and you never let her go okay first of all she's not an angel second of all she's not leaving and third and perhaps most important PUD I cleaned it up for the kid love is Lovelier the ninth or 10th time around morning everybody what's going on Rose is moving to London she is why cuz Uncle Charlie's a PUD a PUD I cleaned it up for myself heia can we go to Sizzler Rose you're a terrific woman I'm an idiot for not seeing it and I really don't want you to leave really yeah here look wow see oh yeah well that's my cab goodbye wait wait wait what the hell are you doing oh I'm leaving don't you understand you can drop the Act I give up I Surrender you win Rose I'm Yours oh Charlie that's so sweet but I know you and you're just having a little panic attack because you're getting old and nobody loves you SD you get me I do which is why I have to leave goodbye Charlie oh I almost forgot I thought you should have this it's our first restraining order look how shaky your signature was you were so spooked oh got a plane to catch oh come on Rose stop [Music] it
Channel: Two and a Half Men
Views: 118,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoandahalfmen, tv, funny
Id: 2cOThDHqCqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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